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Levoj_Aizirc T.
I am lying under a tree that day. I can see from here the wide soccer field with
the soccer players running to and fro while dripping from sweat under the blazing
rays of the sun. I pulled out a tiny notebook from my sling bag. This notebook may
be small but it can discover the darkest secrets you have. Yes. I am referring to a
slum book but others also call it autograph. I scanned among the answers from my
friends inside. I laughed while reading their answers. From most embarrassing
moment, define love to whos your crush part. I may own a slum book but there
was no chance Ill fill up on it. I was afraid that they might discover a secret of mine
that was kept inside me long ago.
Minutes later, there was someone who covered my eyes from my back.
Guess who! he said. Oh! Cmon! Would I not recognize you? You always do that
every time! I glanced at him. Ive been looking for you and just as I thought,
youre here, he said. You should be used to me. Im always here whenever I have
free time, I replied. But why are you always here? I mean Theres so many place
in the school like gardens, benches, library or such. So why did you chose this
place? he curiously asked.
Because this is where I met you.
*Flashback* (3 years ago)
I and my friends will be watching soccer games later so we decided to go
early to reserve seats for us. Sports not my favorite but for the sake of my friends
and I also dont have works to do so I decided to go with them. Im bored right now
since we are only here in the bleachers so I decided to wander around. I saw a tree
nearby. It seems like a refreshing and peaceful place so I went there. Only to found
out that theres a sleeping guy there. I couldnt see his face since his arms cover his
eyes. Out of curiosity, I leaned closer to him. You know staring is rude, the guy
said. I was shocked and at the same time, I was embarrassed. I reddened a bit
cause I was guilty. Youre cute when you blush, he said while getting up and
leaned on the tree. My face even reddened upon hearing those words from a total
stranger. By the way, my name is Clifford Clint. And you are? Im Dennise Dwight.
Then, we shook hands. From that day forward, we hang-out often and later, we
became best of friends. Day by day, hes with me and I saw his good qualities that
made me realized I was bewitched by him like I was cast in a spell and no potion
could cure me from this feeling. I decided not to tell him this. You may say that Im a
coward. In a way, yes because I dont want to be rejected and the friendship we have
built for so long will be wasted for unreasonable reason.
Dwight! It feels good hearing out my name spoken by him.
Hey, seems like Im talking to the air here. Then, he pouted.
Dont give me that duck face of yours. Its funny! I teased him.

Its not funny! Its cute! he argued. Then, he moved closer to me. I knew he was
going to tickle me so I moved away from him. Just then, he saw the slum book beside
me and he read it. While hes reading it I had an idea.
Since youre holding that, you should fill up on it. I smiled.
I dont know what happened to him but he did fill up.
Later, I scanned his answers. Just then, I saw questions not filled up. Its on the
whos your love and whos your crush part.
Why didnt you filled up on this? I said while pointing out to the part where he
I dont know if I have a crush on her or Im already in love with her. He simply said.
This was the first time he opened up to me about his admiration for a girl and this
was the first time I was badly hurt but I didnt show it to him. So, I pretended to be
Would you tell me whos the unlucky girl? I joked.
Well, as much as I want to tell you who she is but I think I cant tell you, he showed
his apologetic look.
Hmm. Well, if you dont want to name her then Ill name her. Just describe her for
me and Ill take a guess. I encouraged him.
Well, shes a girl. He said. Obviously, I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.
Shes in your class, He said. Ahuh! Then? asking him to go on.
Well, shes smart, he said. I started remembering names that include in the genius
Well, this includes Nicole, Antoinette, Ashley, Jamie, Hilary, Amethyst and Me. Oh! I
should exclude myself. Its impossible. (Im not assuming.)
Shes awful at sports.
I excluded Jamie since shes the team captain of the womens volleyball.
Shes simple and never a fashion-trend conscious.
I excluded Hilary and Ashley since their branded bags contain kikays-must-have
things and they always wear designers collection clothes and walk like ramp models
in the hallway.
Shes talented.
I excluded Antoinette since shes the consistent bookworm of the class.
So, only Nicole and Amethyst are left.

Shes definitely an e-book addict.

So The lucky girl is Amethyst!
Why? Shes the top 3 of the class, she doesnt play sports, shes simple, she can
play piano and shes the one whom I talk to about e-books! It must be her!
I looked down and think for another girl who matches the definitions of the apple of
his eye.
Youre top 2 in your class, you hate sports, you wear simple clothes, you can play
violin and guitar and you talk a lot about e-books.
I looked at him. Awe was written all over my face.
He smiled.
Yes. Its you Dwight
I was speechless! I never thought that it was me whom he was referring to from the
I cant believe this is happening to me! I mean, after all those years, it never occur
in my mind that you would like me. Who am I compared to other girls? Im just
No, youre not. Yes, youre nothing compared to others but theres in you that made
you special and that made me like you. I mean, love you. He then smiled.
He kneeled and looked right into my eyes.
I was a coward back then but today, I have found enough strength and courage to
express my true feelings. I love you Dennise Dwight Leighton. Will you allow me to
show my love for you and make you my princess?
I was overjoyed. After these years, my feeling had been paid off . I helped him stand
and hugged him. I know through my actions he understood my answer. He hugged
me back. Theres a huge smile forming on my lips.
And I love you too, Mr. Clifford Clint Tyler.
Its really true that this simple slum book could make you spill your darkest secrets
deep within you. And Im thankful for this little notebook for making me very happy
that I never imagined.

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