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Parashah 47: Re'eh (See)

Parashah 47: Re'eh (See) - Deuteronomy 11:26 through 16:17.

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Isaiah 54:11 through 55:5.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): 1 Corinthians 5:9-13; 1 John 4:1-6.

Summary & Overview


Deuteronomy 11:26 | Pagan Shrines to Be Destroyed

Deuteronomy 12:13 | A Prescribed Place of Worship
Deuteronomy 12:29 | Warning against Idolatry
Deuteronomy 14:1 | Pagan Practices Forbidden
Deuteronomy 14:3 | Clean and Unclean Foods
Deuteronomy 14:22 | Regulations concerning Tithes
Deuteronomy 15:1 | Laws concerning the Sabbatical Year
Deuteronomy 15:19 | The Firstborn of Livestock
Deuteronomy 16:1 | The Passover Reviewed
Deuteronomy 16:9 | The Festival of Weeks Reviewed
Deuteronomy 16:13 | The Festival of Booths Reviewed

Last week we looked at the Household or Family of YHVH and how it functions
according to Scripture. We have also touched on the Covenant compared to the
Garden of Eden and looked at the principle of eating from the Commandments
and specifically the one Commandment we must eat from because that is our
motive for doing all the other Commandments of YHVH.
This week we will continue with the theme
of the Family or Household of YHVH but
will look at it from a Creation perspective.
After Adam and Eve had been removed
from the Garden, YHVH had to recreate man in order to restore him back
to the Garden. This is done through the
Work of Messiah and the establishment
of the Covenant, the Spiritual Garden if
you like, and now each one of us needs to be re-created or re-born into this
family, to be allowed back into the Garden. We will look at this re-birth or recreation process in a bit more detail from the insights found in this Torah

See the Word of YHVH

Last week we discussed Deut 7:12 where YHVH said: because you listen to
these judgments, and guard and do them This Torah Portion starts with the
opening words in Deut 11:26 Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a
curse. Before we continue, we just need to understand the difference between
to hearing or listen to something, compared to seeing something. When you
listen to someone speak or enjoy a piece of music, you have to wait until the
person has completed his sentence or story or have to wait until the music
performance is completed, in order to have accessed all the information

Our ears or ability to hear is a slow process, and you

need time and patience to listen, in order to receive
it. This information then needs to be repeated and
even practised, before you will fully understand it.
The Word of YHVH is received and comprehended
in this way, and that is why we need the Torah
Cycle, where YHVHs Word has repeated over and
over again, year after year so that we can listen and
receive all the information, meditate on it and
practice it before we start to understand it. The idea of a God or the Person
of our God is found within these words, and that is why we study it, in order to
know Him. (With the help of His Spirit).
To behold or to see something is entirely different to
hearing something. This is where all the information
can be received in a split second, containing
everything within the picture. This is because our
mind works with images and stores information this
way. Pictures speak the language of our minds. The
challenge with receiving information this way is that
you have to understand all the symbolism to get
what the picture is trying to portray. You have to
have a foundation in hearing the Word before you can understand the imagery
in the Scripture YHVH is revealing to us, to comprehend the full picture, and you
have immediate access to all the information. This is why a documentary or a
presentation with visual aids are more effective in transferring information
compared to someone who only uses words.
In this Torah Portion, and the Book of Deuteronomy, YHVH is placing the focus
on the visual aspect of our learning process because we have already heard
His Word and have some foundational understanding to be able to decipher the
symbolism He is showing us. YHVH asked Israel to behold or see the
blessings and curses that are placed before them. He uses visual aid through
dividing Israel into two camps. Placing some of them, representing the
blessings, on Mount Gerizim, and setting the others, representing the curses,
on Mount Ebal. It is as if YHVH did a presentation that they were able to see
and thinking about the symbolism, understand the message His is showing
them. Conveying information this way is very powerful, and that image of them
on those two mountains was in etched into their minds for the rest of their lives.
The word re-eh is in the singular, and that implies that YHVH dealt with each
person individually, even being assembled in their thousands. This gives us
insight why YHVH uses dreams and visions when He speak to individuals and
why He uses words, talking to the masses.

Blindness Opening of the Eyes

Before you can behold or seeing something, your spiritual eyes have to be
opened. This event here on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal show us that YHVH
is opening the eyes of His people so that they can grasp the Word, which they
already heard, with more depth and understanding. He is opening their eyes so
that they have the ability to differentiate (discern) between light and darkness,
blessings and curses, as well as the different trees or Commandments, in

the context of the garden and the Covenant. This action of opening the eyes
is found in the Book of John where it records the 6th miracle of Yshua:
John 9:1-7 Now as Yshua passed by, He saw a man who was blind
from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, Rabbi, who sinned,
this man or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Yshua
answered, Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of
God should be revealed in him. 4 I must work the works of Him who sent
Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. 5 As long as
I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 6 When He had said these
things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He
anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. 7 And He said to
him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which is translated, Sent). So he
went and washed, and came back seeing.
Verse 13 expands on the Pharisees having issues with Yshua healing the man
on the Sabbath day or the 7th day. In the Hebrew culture, a day starts at twilight,
when the sun sets and this miracle seems to have happened at that time
because Yshua said that the night is coming and the man actually washed his
eyes on the Sabbath day, after sunset, concluding this miracle, that started
before sunset, on the Sabbath.
Prophetic Meaning: The man would not have a problem walking in the
dark to the pool of Siloam because he was used to walking in darkness. The
point to highlight here is the number 6 and the number 7. This was the 6 th
miracle that started on the 6th day and was concluded on the 7th day. In a
prophetic timeline, the 6th day is the day or time preceding the coming of
Messiah, and this is the time YHVH is opening the eyes so that people can
see the Word more precisely, differentiating between blessings and curses
and what cause them. On the Festival timeline, the number 7 coincide with
the 7th Feast, that is the Festival of Booths or Sukkot.
Something that stands out is that Yshua is making
the statement; I am the light of the world. This
statement is made as it became dark, approaching
the 7th day. The light will only be noticed clearly after
the darkness comes where even the smallest spark of
light will be revealed and seen. This is why YHVH is
allowing a time of darkness (Tribulation) in this world
so that our eyes will become more sensitive too light
(Truth). False doctrines and man-made traditions will
blend in with the surrounding darkness, and only Yshuas Word will stand out
and be visible. Have you ever experienced being in a pitch dark room where
your eyes stretch wide open as you search for the slightest evidence of light to
overcome your fear of darkness? Only His interpretation of Scripture will hold
up and be visible, based on the foundation of His Torah.
Back to the miracle, the blind man had to do something in order to have his
eyes opened and for his blindness to be removed. He had to go and wash his
eyes in water of the Pool of Siloam.
Q What does this water represent and why is this place so significant?

Water Pouring Ceremony

The pool of Siloam means sent one
that refers to Messiah Who is the sent
One and that He is the water sent from
the Father to open blind eyes.
This pool is related to the 7th Feast
called Sukkot or Tabernacles. This was
the pool the water was drawn for the
water pouring ceremony that occurred
during the Feast of Sukkot and this
water libation was only performed
during this Feast.

On each of the seven days of Sukkot,

the High Priest took a golden pitcher
and filled it with water drawn from
the Pool of Siloam. It was brought
into the Temple through the Water
Gate (hence the name), and poured
into a bowl at the Altar, alongside
the pouring of the wine, during the
daily burnt-offering.
(Sukkah 4:9).

Everything has built to the final day or 8th

day of Sukkot that concluded with this
ceremony. The renowned men of Israel, every priest, teacher, scribe and leader
was in the Temple to observe this one ceremony. It was a rare moment in the
time of Israel each year.
Water Pouring Ceremony: The sequence of the water ceremony involved a single
priest being dispatched from the temple down to the Pool of Siloam. Siloam means,
"sent." The priest was "sent" from heaven (the temple mount) down to Siloam, the
lowest part of Jerusalem (the earth). This point to Yshua Who was sent from heaven
and died for us. He was sent down with a golden pitcher to draw water from the pool.
This water was called "Yshua" which means salvation. (This is the real Hebrew
name for Jesus). The priest would then ascend back up to the temple with the sound
of a flute and joy. The flute was called the pierced one which points to Yshuas
crucifixion. The prophet Isaiah wrote these words explaining the meaning of Yshuas
Name (YHVH is my salvation) and this water ceremony.

The name of this ceremony

is called the Drawing Out of
Water because of the
pouring out of the Holy
Spirit, according to what is
said: With joy shall ye draw
out of the wells of salvation.
Isa 12:2-3 Behold, Elohim
is my salvation (Yshua), I
will trust and not be afraid;
for YHVH Elohim is my
strength and song, and He
has become my salvation
(Yshua). Therefore you will
joyously draw water From
the springs of salvation

Water Pouring Ceremony (Cont): As the priest with the water entered the court of
Israel, the silver trumpets were sounded to focus everyones attention on the event.
The priest and a companion (priest) walk up the ramp of the altar and position
themselves at the top of the altar at the southwestern corner. The first priest carried
the gold pitcher with the water; the second priest carries a silver pitcher with wine.
Two funnel goblets were set at the edge of the altar with the drain spout letting the
fluid flow down the side of the altar. One funnel was for the water; the other funnel
was for the wine. In synchronous manner, the priests poured out their pitchers into
the corresponding funnels. Beginning low and slow, the priest raised up the pitchers
keeping aim on the funnels. This is done so all may see the "outpouring." Those
witnessing the ceremony observed the parallel streams on the side of the altar of
water and wine.

Pro 30:4 Who has ascended into heaven and

descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who
has wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has
established all the ends of the earth? What is His name
or His Son's name? Surely you know!
The Blind man had to go to this very same Pool to draw the
waters of Salvation and though this miracle, Yshua was
revealed as the Living Water (Word/ Truth) Who is the Light of
the World (blind man see) and He is the Sent One as well as
the Pierced One who came down to this world in order to
give us His living water chaim mayim, to wash our eyes so that our blind eyes
will be opened and that we can see (re-eh) that He is the Messiah and the Light
of this World.
Joh 19:31-35 The Jews therefore, because it was the day of
preparation, so that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the
Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), asked Pilate that their legs
might be broken, and that they might be taken away. The soldiers
therefore came, and broke the legs of the first man, and of the other man
who was crucified with Him; but coming to Yshua, when they saw that
He was already dead, they did not break His legs; but one of the soldiers
pierced His side with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and
water. And he who has seen has borne witness, and his witness is true;
and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you also may believe.
Prophetic Meaning: When Yshua died, water and blood came from His
side, and He fulfilled this prophetic action of the Water Pouring Ceremony
and the symbolism of the Feast of Sukkot that links back to the Feast of
Passover, representing Yshua as the Lamb of YHVH that was slain for us.
When blood and water flowed from the body of Yshua, and it matched the
witness of the water pouring ceremony where water and wine were poured. It
symbolised Elohims redemption (the blood/wine) in parallel with the water
(the outpouring of the Spirit/Word). The water and wine were poured on the
western side of the altar during this ceremony. The blood of animal sacrifices
was always sprinkled on the eastern side of the Ark (for Israel), and the west
side was not used. (West = nations). It is believed when Yshua died, that His
blood fell on the western side of the Ark.

The blood and water that poured from His side fell through a crack in the
rock, onto the West side of the Mercy Seat. This shows that this water
pouring ceremony was prophetically fulfilled by the blood of Messiah that was
poured out for the nations (West).
Blood and water flowed from Yshuas side, and that represent Him as the
Lamb and as the Word (water). Believing in and following Yshua consists of
two choices you have to make; the first option is to choose Him as your
Master and Saviour, and the second choice you have to make is to seek the
Will of the Father, that is contained in His Word. You need both to have
Salvation (Yshua).
Joh 7:37-39 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast (8th
Day of Sukkot), Yshua stood and cried out, saying, "If any man is thirsty,
let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture
said, From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." But this
He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive;
for the Spirit was not yet given, because Yshua was not yet glorified.
YHVHs Spirit was given during the next cycle of the
Festivals, on the Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost. This
is the Feast where Israel celebrates the receiving of
the Will of the Father or the Torah, symbolised
through the receiving of the Commandments at Mount
Sinai (2nd choice). This Feast was preceded by the
three combined Festivals, Passover, Unleavened
Bread and First Fruits, that deals with the Blood, death
and resurrection of Messiah (1st choice). When you
have undergone both these phases in your life, then
and only then will you have the fullness of Yshua.
Through Messiah you will enter into the Covenant,
seeking the Will of the Father, sanctifying yourself with
His Word, then Yshua will call you His Brother, sister
and mother. [Mark 3:31-35, Heb 2:10-12]
To assist you in this process He will give you His Spirit
Who will help you in seeking the Will of the Father, or the Truth (Sprit of Truth)
and help you to live a Holy life (Holy Spirit). His Spirit will open your eyes so that
you will be able to discern truth from a lie, doctrine from deception and
blessings from curses (Spirit of Truth). Remember, there is a counterfeit holy
spirit that will take the place of the real Spirit of YHVH in order to deceive
even the elect. [Read Parashah 44: D'varim for detail on this topic].
Hebrew Poetry Thoughts Rhyme: In regular poetry, we tend to use
words with sounds that rhyme and that is used in songs and it is pleasing
to the ear. In Hebrew, poetry is when thoughts rhyme or link together.
Whenever you get a meaning of a word, that meaning or idea can
connect to another word with a similar meaning and meditation on both
these passages or thoughts, will give you wisdom and insight that is
hidden to the reader if only read at face value. It will give you insight,
opening your spiritual eyes through the help of the Hebrew language.

YHVHs Re-Creation Process

YHVH has given us His Spirit and opens our eyes so that we will
be able to Discern between light and darkness, blessings and
curses. YHVH started his creation using sound through speaking
words, this time, He is completing or re-creating us using light
and sight through revealing images. We will now dig a bit deeper,
looking at the first verse of this Torah Portion, using the aid of the
Hebrew Language to find out how man is re-created or restored
back to the Garden of Eden state, through the revelation of light.
Deut 11:26: Behold, I set before you today a blessing and
a curse.
re-eh natan paniym yowm - berakah qelelah
behold set before day blessing curse
1. Behold is the word har re-eh that means to see, to perceive, to regard,
to look after, to watch, to find out, to give
attention to. Re-eh is first found in Scripture in
Gen 1:4 where Elohim saw (re-eh) that the light
was good and then He divided the light from the
darkness. (1st day of creation) [Numbering of
each section done according to the day of
creation, related to the passage it originates
from in the Book of Genisis].
Personal Application: Behold has to do with your ability to find out or seek
the truth and then to watch against things that come from the darkness,
presenting itself as from the light. As light is revealed to you, you must
give attention to the revealed light after discerning its origin, then walk in
that new light. YHVH is slowly revealing more and more light to every one of
us and the more light you receive from Him, the less darkness will remain in
you and the more will you be re-created into His Image with His Truth / light.
Get exposure to His Light/Truth!
4. Set is the word natan ]tn and is a primitive root that
means, put, give, set up, deliver, bring, appoint, ordain, yield,
utter, slander, suffer. This word is first used in Scripture in
Gen 1:17 where Elohim set (natan) the two greater lights in
the firmament, one to rule the day and the other to rule the
night, in order to divide the light from darkness. (4th day of
Personal Application: The meaning of this word is related
to the authority of two Rulers, one being the light and the
other being a reflector of the light, who has the ability to present the fullness
of light, as well as every phase of grey up to complete darkness. YHVH is
the source of pure light or Truth, and the Serpent is the source of the
reflected light that is ever changing due to mixing light with darkness. Mixing
light with darkness is like mixing truth with lies, and that brings confusion in
the body of Messiah. The key is to learn to discern between the sources of
light and not to submit under the Ruler of reflected light. You will only be a
perfect re-creation if you are subject to the purest form of the Light/Truth.

Phases of grey are created by grey areas that is because of

misinterpretations of Scripture. Phases of grey are also because of mixing;
mixing traditions with truth and lies with truth. Your image will be according
to the source of light you submit under, and you will look like your Father,
that is the Father of Truth (YHVH), or the father of lies (Serpent.) Day 4 has
to do with the mo-edim or Festivals of YHVH, and the father of lies will
expose believers to festivals rooted in darkness. We need YHVHs Feast
Cycle to help us to be re-created as His Bride, having His Lampstand in your
midst, awaiting the cry of the Groom in the midnight hour. Get in sync with
His Cycles of Light and remove yourself out under the authority of
the Ruler of darkness and his phases of darkness.
0. Before is the word paniym ,ynp that means, face, presence, surface. It
was first used in Scripture in Gen 1:2 where it
says that the earth was without form and
void, and the Spirit of YHVH moved upon the
face (paniym) of the waters. (Time before
the 1st day of Creation) Paniyim comes
from the root word panah that means to
turn, decline, look back. It is first found in
Scripture in Gen 18:22 where it says that the
men turned their faces (panah) from there, towards Sodom. This was the three
Messengers that met with Abraham before YHVH destroyed Sodom and
Gomorrah. Lots wife looked back and become part of the judgement. The
people of Sodom were like the waters before creation because of their
declining and turning back or backsliding. This made them without form
and void, that caused YHVHs Judgement to come upon them.
1 Chr 16:9 For the eyes of YHVH run to and fro throughout the whole
earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to
Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore, from now on you shall
have wars.
The Spirit of YHVH moved upon the earth, and His eyes run to and fro to see
(re-eh) if there is someone loyal He can save, just like in the time of Sodom and
Gomorrah, looking for 50, 45, 30, 20, 10 righteous men.
Spiritual Insight: Wars are the judgements that will come upon someone
who is without form (tohuw to lie waste, confusion, vanity, wilderness) and
who is void (bohuw to be empty, ruin, emptiness). This reveals to us the
type of person (believer) who will be judged, someone who knows better but
who has done foolishly and who is confused, full of vanity and who are
empty, without an understanding of YHVHs Ways. Every believer is a vessel,
and if you are more concerned about the appearance or status of your vessel
than the content, then you are empty, vain and worthless (tohuw & bohuw).
YHVH continuously sends His Spirit to move over His
people in order to re-create them. Those who declined
the Spirit of YHVHs prompts, who chose to look back
rather than to have their eyes opened will bring wars
or judgements upon themselves. Dont look back
towards darkness, clinging to worldly ways. Fill your
vessel with YHVHs Truths and be one of the people
YHVH notices. Repent and be someone worth saving.

1. Day is the word yom ,vy that means, to be hot, time, day, year. First
found in Gen 1:5 where it says that Elohim called the light Day (yom) and the
darkness night. (1st day of creation).
Night is the opposite of day and is the word layil lyl that means, protective
shadow, twist away of light, midnight. It comes from the root word lul that
means to fold back, ladder, staircase, winding stair. This word is found in 1
Kings 6:8 where it describes the construction of the First Temple where stairs
(lul) led up to the middle chamber (Holy Place).
Spiritual Insight: Last week we looked at the 5 levels
within the Body of Messiah with Him being the Head. The
Temple is a similar image of the Body of Messiah where
Yshua represents the Head or Holy of Holies. The neck
and shoulders represent the overseers of the mothers.
The Holy place represents the role of the mothers which
deal with tasks concerning the heart (Showbread/Word)
and the release of the Gifts of the Spirit (menorah),
walking in their calling. The porch is the entrance to the
Holy Place the stairs (lul) are found, that leads to the
middle chamber or Holy Place. This is where the young
adults become pregnant with the calling of YHVH on
their lives as they seek Him, burning incense in front of
the veil and Holy of Holies. The arms and legs represent
the Brothers and Sisters who are in the process of
seeking the Will of the Father and sanctifying themselves
with His Word (hands-lavers). The feet represent the new
believers who just came into the Household and is
associated with the Blood Sacrifice and the Brazen Altar.
[Look at last weeks Torah Portion for detail on the 5 levels of

This implies that the day and night has to do with entering
from a place of darkness called night, moving through the
structure of the Temple or Body
of Messiah, that leads to and
give you access to the day where you will find the
source of light, that is Yshua the Messiah. [Act
26:12-18] Seek and submit under the One Who is
the Light. Become part of His Body that will help
you to be transformed into a messenger of light.
5. Blessing is the word berakah hkrb that means gift, prosperity, treaty of
peace. First found in Scripture in Gen 12:2 where YHVH made a promise to
Abraham because of the Covenant between them. He said that Abraham will
become a great nation and will be blessed in order to be a blessing.
Personal Application: This reveals to us the purpose of a blessing; it is
never really yours and needs to flow through you so that others can be
blessed. We discussed the female and male aspect of your walk that is
about receiving the blessing and then be a blessing, giving to others what
you have received. This applies to spiritual and physical blessings. May you
prosper (physically) as your soul prospers. [3 John 1:2]

Blessing comes from the root word barak that means to kneel, breaking down
(self), (cause camels to kneel down to rest and drink), to bless (to cause to
prosper), to praise, be adored, curse (cursing God - treason), blaspheme.
Barak is first used in Scripture in Gen 1:22 where YHVH blessed (barak) the
fish and the birds in order that they should multiply. (5th day of creation) The
next thing YHVH blessed after the fish was man, and commanded them to be
fruitful and multiply. Blessing has to do with multiplication. Multiplication of fish
is found in Luke 5:1-11. Then there is the multiplication of fish and bread
recorded in Matt 14:22-33, feeding 5000, and for a second time in
Matt 15:32-39, feeding 4000. Grow in spiritual maturity and learn
to receive so that you can be a blessing able to give.
6. Multiply is the word rabah hbr that means
increase, abundance, more, exceedingly, great. This
word rabah, could have been used in Gen 15:1 when
YHVH spoke the blessing over Abraham saying, I am your
exceedingly (rabah) great (rabah) reward But YHVH used the words
mehode that means exceedingly. Mehode is first found in Scripture in Gen
1:31 where it states, and Elohim saw that it was very good (mehode), He
said this after completing the 6th day of creation. [used Hebrew poetry technique
connecting rabah with Gen 15:1 mehode].
Spiritual Insight: Blessing and multiplication have different levels:
The first level of being blessed is to multiply with the knowledge of Him,
wisdom interacting with Him, His presence and growing relationship with
Him. This is the ultimate Blessing, to get YHVH, as promised to
The second level of blessing has to do with you, how you multiply in the
application of the truth and increasingly become more like Him.
The third level of blessing is in regards to the truth or talents you received
from Him, to multiply whatever He gave you and to produce a yield from
what He invested in you.
The next level of blessing is to increase in your flesh, to have offspring
and children. This is for spiritual children as well as natural children.
The last level of blessing is the material increase that will follow as a
result of the previous blessings in your life.
If your priorities are in the right order regarding His Blessings, then He will say,
it is very good (mehode) regarding you being re-created as a new man.
To be blessed is not to receive blessings but to become a blessing in all
aspects of your walk with YHVH. Be a tree with fruit that others can enjoy!
Warning: Barak has positive and negative meanings that suggest that if
your emphasis is wrong regarding blessings, that the blessing will turn into a
curse, even cursing and blaspheming YHVH through this way of conduct.
Curse is the word qelela hllq that means curse, to be accursed. First
found in Scripture in Gen 27:12 where Jacob told his mother Rebecca that
Isaac will feel him and know that he is not Esau, bringing a curse upon himself.


This blessing has to do with receiving the birthright, and

the birthright has to do with taking up the authority of the
head of the house after the father dies. This son has to
look after the family with the double portion he received as
well as take up the priestly role within the family, teaching
and preserve the faith, making sure it is taught to the
children and transferred to the next generation.
Spiritual Insight: Esau received a blessing that is actually a curse because
of his attitude towards the birthright he sold to his younger brother. To be
cursed means that you do not receive the birthright. The curse (modified
blessing) Esau received was similar to blessing of the birthright, except for
the following:
Jacob would receive plenty of corn and wine, Esau did not. Corn
represents the Word and wine represents the Spirit of YHVH.
Jacobs family and even nations would bow down and serve him, Esau
was one of them who needed to bow his neck to Jacob, but in Gen
27:40 it states that Esau will break the yoke of Jacob (Israel) from his
neck. This is the curse, because the yoke of Jacob means to be part of
the family or Household of YHVH and removing your neck from this
yoke is removing yourself from this family or Kingdom of YHVH.
Gen 27:29 states that anyone who bless Jacob (Israel) will be blessed
that curse him will be cursed. This implies that the one with the
birthright is like a mirror that will reflect back anything that is directed
towards a family member of YHVH. Esau hated his brother, and that
hatred reflected back on him and became a curse.
Esau will serve the one with the birthright and live by the sword. Sword
is the word chereb that comes from the root word charab that means
dry, dry up, lay waste, slay, decay, destroyer. These words describe
the state before creation where man is tohuw and bohuw. This is an
indication of someone who were once part of the Family of YHVH and
removed himself by looking back or backsliding, becoming vain,
empty, dry (without water/Word). This falling away process is facilitated
with the help of the Destroyer or the Ruler over Darkness, the Serpent.
The curse of Esau will come upon those who rejects the birthright. The
Birthright in todays terms is the opportunity to enter the House of the Father
and to become an adopted child or Bondservant. This will give these new
children access to the inheritance that is given in the form of the Gifts of the
Spirit and a calling on their lives.
Q Why did the Birthright came upon Jacob and not Esau?
This has to do with Isaac, the fathers inability to see and Rebecca, the
mothers ability to see. Isaac is a picture of someone who had the birthright
but havent walked in it. There is not much recorded in Scripture regarding
Isaacs life except for him being the sacrifice and his marriage to Rebecca.
Isaac depicts someone who is spiritually barren. [Seel last weeks study for
detail]. Rebecca, on the other hand, represents believers in Messiah who
received and embraced the birthright, who became pregnant with their
calling and received the gifts of the Spirit that opened their spiritual eyes,
walking in the role of the mother. She has the ability to discern between the
blessing (birthright) and the curse.

Curse or qelelah hllq comes from the root word

qalal that means swifter, to be swift, abated, lighter
(weight), despise, ease, lighten (burden), vile,
Spiritual Insight: To be cursed means to remove
the yoke in order to become lighter, rejecting
the will of the Father. This will transform
believers who do this to become vile and
revolting, opposing the Word and Ways of YHVH (yoke). The subtlest form
of this is when believers reject some parts of the Word of YHVH because of
their liberty in Messiah, believing the doctrine that the yoke of YHVH has
been done away with, replaced by walking in the Spirit. Having this belief
makes them light, free from the burden of the Torah, but they actually
bring a curse upon themselves, just like Esau, removing themselves from the
Household, steering away from the will of the Father.
Our faith in Messiah consists of the Messiah as the Lamb, (blood of
salvation) as well as Messiah as the Torah (the Word Who became flesh).
You need both in order to have the fullness of Messiah and to be called a
brother or sister of Yshua. YHVHs Spirit writes the Torah on our hearts so
that we can love it with all our hearts, soul and strength, walking in it.
Q How can I bring a curse upon myself as a believer in Messiah?
1. The first thing that can bring a curse upon believers is the feeling of
hatred, similar to Esau, caused by jealousy, envy and unforgiveness.
This can come in as a result of your interaction with members of the
Household where people can be hurt by others or their own
insecurities, and deal with it the wrong way.
2. The second for releasing curses into your life is disobedience.
Deut 11:26-28 Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a
curse:27 the blessing, if you obey the Commandments of YHVH
YOUR ELOHIM which I command you today; 28 and the curse, if
you do not obey the Commandments of YHVH YOUR ELOHIM
3. The third reason why people are cursed in the Body of Messiah is
when they reject the birthright, rejecting the process of growing up
into maturity, not fulfilling a mother role in the body of Messiah. This
is basically when you dismiss the work and gifts of the Spirit that will
leave you blind as Isaac. Similar to this is the mistake of rejecting
the truth YHVH revealed to you or taking away some of His Word,
rejecting the yoke. That is similar to burying the talent of truth
YHVH gave you in the ground. Denying part of His Sprit or part of His
Word is the starting point for rejecting the Birthright altogether.
4. The last reason for bringing curses upon yourself is when you look
back or turn back to your old ways, backsliding into your prior fallen
state, binding yourself to sin that holds you back.
May YHVH have mercy upon us and help us to be part of the creation process
He is performing on His Household and may we all keep seeking the will of the
Father. May our eyes be opened so that we can sanctifying ourselves with His
Word, Truth and Light with the conviction of the Greatest Commandment, so
that the curse or Esau will not come upon us.

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