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What are Summons?

A summon is a legal document that is issued by a Court on a person involved in a legal
proceeding. When a legal action is taken against a person or when any person is
required to appear in the court as a witness in a proceeding, to call upon such person
and ensure his presence on the given date of the proceeding, summons are served.
A summon is served when a suit has been initiated by the plaintiff against the
defendant, the court directs to issue summons to the defendant as this ensures a fair
trail. If the summons are not duly served then no action can be taken against the
If on serving of the summon and the person against whom it had been issued does not
appear in the court then this will be taken as a Contempt of Court and shall be punished
Relevant Provisions
Relevant provisions regarding the topic of service of summons to defendant Section 27 and order 5 and 1 and 10 to
20 of CPC.
Cross Reference
(i) Order 16 of C.P.C
(ii) Section 64 to 74 of Code of Criminal Procedure
(iii) Section 27 of General Clauses Act, 1897
Meaning of Summons
Summons may be defined as under A written notification issued by a civil courtrequiring that one must appear before
the court in prescribed manner

Various Modes of Summons

Under Civil Procedure Code, following are modes of service of summon have been described;

1. Postal Service
Under order 5 Rule 10-A of CPC, a copy of summons would be sent by registeredpost.

A postal service is deemed to by effect;

(i) When defendant sign acknowledgement, or

(ii) Postal employee endorses, that defendant refuses to take delivery.
2. Personal Service of Summons
Wherever it is practicable, service of summons should be made on defendant in person. This is also called direct
service so far as practicable service should be made on the defendant in person. Service is made by delivering a
copy of the summon to the person concerned or to his agent and by obtaining his signature on the other copy.
(i) Service upon person of defendant
Order 5 Rule 10, when summons is served on person of defendant, it should be signed by judge or officer of court
and should be sealed with seal of court.
(ii) Service on agent of defendant
Summons may be served upon the agent of defendant
(ii-a) Empowered agent
The personal service made to the agent of the defendant, empowered to accept service shall be sufficient.
(ii-b) Business of Defendant
If some person does not reside within jurisdiction of court, but carries on some business or works thorough manager
or agent, and suit is filed against this person and in relation to this business or work, summons can be served on
such manager or agent.

(iii-c) Immoveable Property of Defendant

When suit is filed about immoveable property, and summons cannot be served on defendant or defendant has not
empowered any agent to accept service of summons, summons can be served on that agent of defendant, who is in
charge of such immoveable property.

(iii-d) Service on male member of Defendants Family

If defendant cannot be found or defendant has not empowered any agent to accept service of summons, summons
can be served on any of adult members of defendants family. However, summons can only be served on that
member, who resides with defendant. Here servant is not considered as member of defendants family.

3. Service by Affixation
When personal service is failed to serve to the summons than summons may be served by service by affixation.

(i) Condition Required

Service by affixation can be made when following conditions are fulfilled.

(a) Refusal by defendant to sign acknowledgement

Service by affixation may be served, where the defendant or his agent or such other person to whom the summons
may be served refuses to sign the acknowledgement.

(b) Failure of serving officer to find defendant

Where the serving officer after using all due and reasonable diligence cannot find the defendant, than service by
affixation can be made due and reasonable diligence is depend on the facts of each case.

(ii) Manner of Affixation

The copy of summons should be actually affixed on the outer door or some conspicuous part of the house where
defendant resides, carries on business or personally works for gain.

4. Affixation of Copy of Summons

If personal service of summons is not possible, service of summons can be made through affixation of a copy of
summons on outer door or some other eminent part of that house in which defendant ordinarily resides or carries on
business or works for gain.

(i) When Substituted Service be made

It can be made only in the following cases.
(a) When defendant is keeping out of the way for the purpose of avoiding summons, or
(b) Any other reason for which service of summons is not possible in ordinary way.

(ii) Manner of Substituted Service

Substituted service may be effective by the following ways;

(a) Substituted service can be made by affixing copy of summons at some conspicuous part of that house in which
defendant is known to have last resided or carried on business or personally worked for gain.
(b) Substituted service can be made through any electronic device of communication like telegram, telephone,
phonogram, telex, radio or television.
(c) Substituted service can be made through urgent mail service or public courier services.
(d) Substituted service can be made through beat of drum in that locality where defendant resides.
(e) Substituted service can be made through publication in press.

(f) Substituted service can be made through any other manner or mode, which court thinks fit.

(iii) Effect
The substituted service shall be as effective, as if it had been made on the defendant personally and the court may
pass an ex-parte decree, on non appearance of defendant.

(iv) Time for defendants Appearance

In case of substituted service, it is necessary that court should fix time of appearance of defendant and such time
should not exceed fifteen days.


To conclude, it can be stated that audi alterem partem is one of fundamental principles of natural justice. Audi alterem
partern means hear the other side. Tohear the other side, it is important for court to call defendant after initiation of
suit. For calling of defendant, Civil Procedure Code has provided different modes of service of summons.

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