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English 9 Second Quarter

Conditionals sentences that express a condition or possibility. Each consists of an

if clause and a result clause

1. If I finish early, I will watch the film.

2. If I were a millionaire, I would buy a beautiful car.
3. She wouldnt have had an accident, if she had driven carefully.

*CONDITIONAL SENTENCE TYPE 1 used to talk about real and possible situations
*FORM: IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, will + base verb

a. If I have time, I will go shopping on the way home.

b. If it is a nice day tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
c. I will tell her the real score, if she comes.

TASK A. Complete these if- clauses by supplying result clauses:

Example: If you leave me now, I will stop working.
1. If you have a problem, ______________________.
2. If he comes to see me tomorrow, _________________.
3. If you wake up early enough, ______________________.
4. If it rains tonight, _____________________.
5. If Ben comes late today, ________________.
TASK B. Complete each of the following sentences by supplying an if clause:
Example: Ill buy you a bottle of perfume, if you accompany me to the shopping
1. Ill love you forever, if _____________________.
2. My parents will be happy, if ______________.
3. We will dine at Maxs if _________________.
4. I can get a perfect score in English, if ___________________.
5. Grandmother will be very pleased, if ____________________.
TASK C. Work in small groups. Answer these questions:
1. If you receive a love letter from an anonymous admirer, how will you react?
2. If the jeepney strike pushes through tomorrow, how will you come to school?

*CONDITIONALSENTENCE TYPE 2 used to talk about unreal or impossible things.

FORM: IF + SIMPLE PAST, would + base verb

Example: If I saw her, I would tell her to see you.
TASK A. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1. If I (be)

a star, I would help the needy.

2. He (buy)

a house, if he had a job.

3. She (be)

happy, if she married him.

4. If I (win)
5. If you (answer)

a lot of money, I would buy a big house in the country.

the questions correctly, you would get a high grade.

TASK B: Work in pairs to complete the following statements.

1. If I saw my friend cheating, ___________________.
2. If I were the president of our country, _________________.
3. If I had a million pesos, ______________________.
4. If my grandmother were alive, ________________.
5. If I were left alone in an island after a shipwreck, _____________________.

*CONDITIONAL SENTENCE TYPE 3 used to talk about unreal past condition or its
probable result in the past.

FORM: IF + HAD + PAST PART, would + have + past part.

TASK A. Combine each clause in Column A with a clause in Column B to form a
correct sentence:

Column A

Column B

1. If Allan had given the reading report on time

not missed the train

a. if we had

2. If the students had read the story

been working in

b. I would have

3. We would have arrived on time

gotten a

c. He would have

4. Sophia would have gone


d. they would have

the film.

5. I had accepted that promotion

in your

e. if she had been


TASK B. Complete these sentences to express past conditionals.

1. If you had taken your medicine this morning, __________________.
2. If you had only listened to my advice, ___________________.
3. If my eldest brotherhad topped the exams, _______________________.
4. If I had given my teacher a birthday gift, _____________________.
5. If you had come earlier to school today, ______________________.

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