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Marvel Super Heroes: Alternate Character Creation

Each Hero type receives a specific number of Character Points (cp). These points
are used to buy the characters 7 Primary Ability Ranks and all of their Powers
Ranks. This is done on a one-for-one basis. For the most part, it may be divided up
however the player wishes as long as it is within the limits and reason. All points
must be spent entirely during character creation.
So for Example: If the character had 200cp, they could have...
F: 20 (Exc) A: 20 (Exc) S: 20 (Exc) E: 20 (Exc) R: 20 (Exc) I: 20 (Exc) P: 20 (Exc)
Fire Generation: 20 (Exc), Body Armor: 20 (Exc), Flight: 20 (Exc)
F: 10 (Gd) A: 50 (Amz) S: 6 (Typ) E: 20 (Exc) R: 40 (Inc) I: 6 (Typ) P: 6 (Typ)
Fire Generation: 50 (Amz), Body Armor: 6 (Typ), Flight: 6 (Typ)

Primary Abilities:
This is the characters main stat line (FASERIP). There must be at least 2cp
applied to each one, and the maximum number of points that can be spent on an
individual ability rank is determined by the type of Hero (see its respective
There must be at least 2cp applied to each one, and the maximum number of
points that can be spent on an individual power rank is 75. Please note: There are
several powers that either do not use or do not have a power rank. In these special
cases, the Judge may assign a special cost to these powers.
Each Hero Type lists the number of powers that they start with. The player may
pick whatever powers they want, with the Judges approval. Please note: Some
powers actually take up two power slots or choices. A character may spend 20cp to
purchase one additional power. Alternatively, a character may choose to give up
one power slot. Unless noted otherwise, there is no extra benefit for doing so.
Although, having one less power does mean having less things to spread out their
points on.
Each Hero Type starts with the listed number of Talents of their choice. Any hero
may choose to buy an additional talent for 5cp. They may also choose to buy a
second additional talent for 10cp (so a total of 30cp for two extra talents).
Each Hero type starts with the listed number of Contacts. Any hero may choose
to buy one additional contact for 5cp.
Each Hero type starts with a certain level of resources. Any hero may choose to
increase their starting resource rank number by 5 for a cost of 10cp. Alternatively,

any hero may choose to reduce their starting resources by -1CS (to the default
value of it) and gain an additional 10cp.
Each Hero type starts with a set level of
through playing.
Mutants: 245 cp
Max Primary Ability Rank Number: 50
Powers: 4; A mutant that chooses to
loose a power may add 10cp to one
other Power of their choice.
Talents: 2
Contacts: 1
Resources: Poor (4)
Popularity: 0; All popularity gains &
losses are halved for mutants.
Special: After spending all of their cp,
a mutant may increase the rank
number of their Endurance by 10.

Altered Humans: 225 cp

Max Primary Ability Rank Number: 50
Powers: 3
Talents: 2
Contacts: 1
Resources: Typical (6)
Popularity: 10 (secret I.D.) or 20
(public I.D.)
Special: After spending all of their cp,
an altered human may increase the
rank number of one primary ability
of their choice by 10.

Alien: 225 cp
Max Primary Ability Rank Number: 75
Powers: 2
Talents: 2
Contacts: 1 (an alien that does not
choose its own race as the starting
contact is an outcast.)

Popularity. This can only be altered

Resources: Poor (4)

Popularity: 0

High Tech: 175 cp

Max Primary Ability Rank Number: 30
Powers: 4; A high tech hero that
picks Body Armor may choose to
have all powers combined into a
Battlesuit. See rulebook for details.
Talents: 3 (at least one must be
Scientific or Professional)
Contacts: 2 (must declare one of
them from the start)
Resources: Good (12)
Popularity: 10 (secret I.D.) or 20
(public I.D.)
Special: After spending all of their cp,
a high tech may increase the rank
number of their Reason by 20.

Robot: 245 cp
Max Primary Ability Rank Number: 75
Powers: 3
Talents: 2
Contacts: 1
Resources: Typical (6)
Popularity: 0
Special: Player-Character robots
(only) may heal normally (this
simulates things like internalrepairs). But they still follow the
normal robot rules for dying, being
deactivated, getting reactivated and

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