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[] /(n) civility/courtesy/compliments/sociability/graces/(P)/
[] /(n) relation(ship)/(P)/
[] /(n) interval/(P)/
[] /(adv) dare (to do)/challenge (to do)/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to look up (to)/to respect/to depend on/to ask for/to seek/to revere/to
ink/to take/(P)/
[] /(n) dirt/filth/(P)/
[] /(n) deficit/go in the red/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to pass/spend/to reveal/to divulge/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to become red/to redden/to blush/(P)/
[] /(n,suf) (1) ascent/rise/slope/(2) freshly-drawn green tea (esp. in sushi sho
3) advance income/crop yield/(4) death/spinning/completion/stop/finish/(5) after
(rain)/ex (official, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) resignation/acceptance/consolation/
[] /(n) bad thing/bad person/
/(n) (abbr) accelerator/(P)/
/(adj) (1) gaudy/showy/excessive/(2) vicious/
[] /(n) chin/(P)/
[] /(n) yearning/longing/aspiration/(P)/
[] /(n) flax/linen/hemp/(P)/
/(n) birthmark/blotch/nevus/
/(adj) wretched/miserable/shameful/mean/despicable/abject/
[] /(v5k) to deceive/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) vivid/clear/brilliant/(P)/
/(v5u) (uk) to sneer at/to ridicule/
/(adv) don't take me wrong, but.../I'm sorry/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) flavour/meaning/significance/
[] /(v5r) to be in a hurry/to be impatient/(P)/
[~] /(v1) to fade/to discolor/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) value/price/cost/worth/merit/
[] /(vs-s) to be worth/to deserve/to merit/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) hit/success/reaching the mark/per .../vicinity/neighborhood/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (suffer) deterioration/growing worse/aggravation/degeneration/corruptio
[] /(n,n-suf,vs) treatment/service/
/(adj) not enough/too quick (short, long, etc.)/
/(adv,n) easily/readily/quickly/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) kind offices/mediation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) overwhelm/overpower/overwhelming/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pressure/coercion/oppression/(P)/
/(n) up/(P)/
/(v1) (uk) to give an order/to place an order/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) stress/pressure/(P)/
[] /(n) object/aim/end/hopes/expectations/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) phonetic-equivalent character/substitute character/(P)/
[] /(v1) to address/
[] /(n) heir/successor/(P)/
[] /(n) putting off/postponing/(P)/
[] /(n) oil painting/(P)/
/(n) approach (in golf)/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) contrary/opposite/inverse/(P)/
[] /(v1) to behave like a spoiled child/to fawn on/(P)/
[] /(n) rain gear/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sweet flavour/mildness/flattery/stupidity/
/(n) amateur/(P)/
[] /(n) net/network/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to manipulate/to operate/to pull strings/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to fear/to have misgivings/to be doubtful/to mistrust/

/(adj-na,n) uncertain/vague/ambiguous/(P)/
[] /(n) fault/error/indiscretion/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to make a mistake/(P)/
[] /(n) walking/
[] /(v5m) to walk/to go on foot/(P)/
[] /(adv) beforehand/in advance/previously/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (1) to lay waste/to devastate/to damage/(2) to invade/to break into/(P
[] /(n) dispute/strife/quarrel/dissension/conflict/rivalry/contest/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be renewed/(2) to stand on ceremony/to be formal/(3) to tak
r the worse/(P)/
[] /(adj) rough/rude/(P)/
[] /(n) hail (i.e. falling iceballs)/
[] /(n) state/condition/circumstances/the way things are or should be/truth/
/(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) the truth/fact/as it is/frankly/(P)/

/(n) alkali/(P)/
/(n) alcohol/(P)/
/(n) aluminum (Al)/aluminium/(P)/
/(n) hour/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to join together/to face/to unite/to be opposite/to combine/to connect
dd up/to mix/to match/to overlap/to compare/to check with/(P)/
~ [~]
/(fr:) (n) questionnaire (fr: enquete)/survey/(P)/
/(n) encore/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assassination/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) mental arithmetic/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) hint/suggestion/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be anxious/to ponder/
[] /(adj-na,n) rest/(P)/
/(adv,exp,n) sure enough/as usual/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,exp,n) moderate/right/random/not thorough/vague/irresponsible/halfhea
[] /(n,vs) excuse/explanation/(P)/
[] /(n) doctor's office (surgery)/clinic/dispensary/

[] /(n,vs) running away from home/leaving home/(P)/

[] /(v5s) to revive/to resuscitate/to make use of/(P)/
/(adv,int) how?/in what way?/how much?/however/whatever/(P)/
/(adv,int) (uk) indeed/really/phrase meaning agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) anger/hatred/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) chic/style/purity/essence/(P)/
[] /(n) objection/dissent/protest/(P)/
[] /(n) something one lives for, very important/(P)/
[] /(n) misunderstanding/estrangement/disagreement/crossing without meetin
[] /(v5m) to be enthusiastic about/
[] /(n) rearing/training/nurture/cultivation/promotion/
[] /(adv,n) many/numerous/
[~] /(v1) to arrange (flowers)/(P)/
[] /(n) different opinion/objection/
[] /(n) intention/idea/inclination/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) switching over to/
/(adv,int) now/come (now)/well/crucial moment/
[] /(n) disposition/spirit/willpower/obstinacy/backbone/appetite/(P)/
[] /(n) migration/immigration/(P)/
[] /(n) clothing/costume/outfit/garment/dress/(P)/
/(v5r) to touch/to tamper with/(P)/

[] /(n) the opposite sex/(P)/

[] /(n) historic ruins (remains, relics)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) still/as yet/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) dependence/dependent/reliance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) consign (goods (for sale) to a firm)/entrust (person with something)/co
[~] /(n) (1) crown (of head)/summit (of mountain)/spire/(2) easy win for one
ing received/
/(adv) very much/exceedingly/extremely/
[] /(v1) to damage/to impair/to spoil/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stir-fry/(P)/
/(v5r) to pity/to sympathize with/to console/to care for/to be kind to/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) city/(P)/
[] /(adv) unconditionally/as a rule/(P)/
[] /(adj) remarkable/considerable/(P)/
[] /(n) all present/all concerned/all of us/(P)/
[] /(n) a part/a portion/a section/(P)/
[] /(n) parting/
[] /(adv,n) one side/one phase/front page/the other hand/the whole surface/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) a glance/a look/a glimpse/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) uniformity/evenness/similarity/equality/impartiality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) evenness/uniformity/monotony/equality/
[] /(n) a series/a chain/a ream (of paper)/
[] /(n,vs) all together/batch/one lump/one bundle/summing up/(P)/
[] /(n) (abbr) drink!(said repeatedly as a party cheer)/
[] /(adv) at a stroke/with a single swoop/(P)/
[] /(adv,n,vs) (1) a look/a glimpse/glance/(2) first meeting/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) all/everything/without exception/the whole/entirely/absolutely/(P)
[] /(adv,n) one mind/wholeheartedness/the whole heart/(P)/
/(adv) rather/sooner/might as well/(P)/
[] /(n) a region/a zone/the whole place/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) complete change/about-face/
[] /(n) intention/aim/design/(P)/
[] /(n) a change/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to carry on (e.g. in ceremony)/to run a business/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to challenge/to contend for/to make love to/(P)/
[] /(n) (flash of) lightning/
[] /(n) prayer/supplication/(P)/
/(n) snoring/(P)/
/(adv,n) now/at this late hour/(P)/
[] /(adv) yet/still/more/besides/(P)/
[] /(n) emigration/immigration/emigrant/immigrant/(P)/
/(int) reluctantly/by no means/unwillingly/(P)/
[] /(adj) greedy/vulgar/shabby/humble/base/mean/vile/(P)/
/(adv) awfully/terribly/
/(adj) unpleasant/disgusting/repulsive/indecent/lewd/dirty/lascivious/
[] /(n) will/desire/ambition/(P)/
[] /(n) clothing/(P)/
[] /(n) power/might/authority/influence/
[] /(n) clothes/clothing/garments/(P)/
[] /(n) different opinion/objection/
[] /(n) stamp/seal/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) gloom/melancholy/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) retirement/(2) retired person/(P)/
/(n) interchange/
/(adj-na,n) international/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) egghead/intelligentsia/(P)/
/(n) information/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) inflation/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to pass (examination)/(P)/

[] /(n) receiving/acceptance/
[] /(v1) to accept/to receive/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to inherit/to succeed/to take over/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be accepted/to receive (an application)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to catch/to stop the blow/to react to/to take/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) passive/passive voice/(P)/
[] /(n) charge (of something)/matter in one's charge/
[] /(n) movement/activity/trend/development/change/(P)/
[] /(n) swirl/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bury/to fill up/to fill (a seat, a vacant position)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) (uk) liar (sometimes said with not much seriousness)/fibber/(P)
[] /(n) dozing/napping on the floor (in one's clothes)/
[] /(v1) to be frank/to speak one's mind/to open one's heart/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stop/to abort/to discontinue/to close/
[] /(n) (gram) negation/denial/negative/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to drive in (e.g. nail, stake)/to devote oneself to/to shoot into/
throw into/to cast into/
[] /(n) fan/(P)/
[] /(n) the items/breakdown/classification/
[] /(n) copy/duplicate/facsimile/transcript/
[] /(n) lawsuit/complaint/(P)/
/(oK) (adj) (uk) gloomy/depressing/(P)/
/(v5k) to look downward/to stoop/
[] /(adj-na,n) blank/cavity/hollow/empty (space)/
[] /(n) bowl/vessel/container/(P)/
[] /(n) ability/skill/facility/(P)/
[] /(n) rainy weather/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to urge/to press/to suggest/to demand/to stimulate/to quicken/to incit
invite (attention to)/(P)/
/(n) pretension/conceit/hubris/(P)/
/(adv,n) by nature/by birth/native/
[] /(v5r) to be buried/to be surrounded/to overflow/to be filled/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to give birth/to deliver/to produce/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to bury/
[] /(n) dried plum/(P)/
[] /(n) inside out/upside down/(P)/
[] /(n) (bargain) sale/
[] /(v5s) to put on sale/to market/to become popular/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to be moist/to be damp/to get wet/to profit by/to be watered/to receiv
efits/to favor/to charm/to steepen/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) flighty/fickle/wanton/unfaithful/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to exceed/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be planted/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) management/administration/operation/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) tedious/boring/being fed up with/(P)/
[] /(n) shipping/marine transportation/(P)/
[] /(n) freight rates/shipping expenses/fare/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) and so on/and so forth/comment/
[] /(n,vs) transport/carriage/(P)/
[] /(n) fate/(P)/
[] /(n) transportation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) making use of/application/investment/practical use/(P)/
[] /(n) hilt (of a sword)/haft (of a dagger)/handgrip/
/(n) air mail/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) English letter (character)/
[] /(n) projection/
[] /(n) satellite/(P)/
[] /(n) reflection/image/(P)/

[] /(n) hero/great man/(P)/

[] /(n,n-suf) liquid/fluid/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inspection/reading/(P)/
[] /(n) game/spoils/trophy/(P)/
[] /(n) neck/collar/lapel/neckband/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) elegant/(P)/
[] /(n) a means, e.g. of living/
[] /(ik) (adj-na,n) harmony/smoothness/
[] /(n) veranda/porch/balcony/open corridor/(P)/
[] /(n) coast/shore/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) euphemistic/circumlocution/roundabout/indirect/insinuating/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) production (e.g. play)/direction/(P)/
/(n) engineer/(P)/
[] /(v1) to perform (a play)/to play (a part)/to act (a part)/to commit (a blu
[] /(v5z) to perform/to play/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) along railway line/(P)/
[] /(n) marriage proposal/engagement/(P)/
[] /(n) long way/distant place/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) perfection/harmony/peace/smoothness/completeness/satisfaction/int
[] /(n) tail/ridge/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to herd/to corner/to drive/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to expel/to drive out/(P)/
[] /(uk) at/in/on/
[] /(v1) to age/to grow old/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to bear/to owe/(P)/
[] /(n) emergency/
[] /(adj-no,n) gold/(P)/
[] /(n) doctor's visit/house call/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) subscription/application/(P)/
[] /(n) mantle/cover/shroud/
[] /(n-adv,n) perhaps/almost all/majority/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) large build/large pattern/
/(n) OK/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) grandiose/exaggerated/
[] /(n) outline/summary/
[] /(n) heaven/firmament/the sky/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) automatic/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) open/(P)/
/(adj-na,n,vs) (1) overcoat/(2) over/exceeding/going beyond/exaggeration/(3) ball h
it over the head of an outfielder (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) full width/large scale/drastic/(P)/

[] /(n) flood/(P)/
[] /(n,suf) prince/lord/duke/public/daimyo/companion/subordinate/
[] /(v5s) to commit/to perpetrate/to violate/to rape/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to invade/to raid/to trespass/to violate/to intrude on/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cowardice/timidity/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to retard/to delay/(P)/
[] /(n) delay/lag/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) austere/majestic/dignified/stately/awful/impressive/(P)/
[] /(io) (n) deed/conduct/behavior/action/asceticism/
[~] /(v5r) to give (someone) a treat/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be in one's place/to be installed/to settle into/(2) to be ob
o be settled/to be paid/to be delivered/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be in one's place/to be installed/to settle into/(2) to be ob
o be settled/to be paid/to be delivered/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be at peace/to clamp down/to lessen (storm, terror, anger)/(P)/
[] /(n) (giving) birth/

[] /(n) teachings/precept/lesson/doctrine/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to have one's own way/
[] /(v5m) to push into/to crowd into/
[] /(v5m) to be frugal/to value/to regret/(P)/
[] /(v1) to push aside/to advance on/
[] /(n) male (animal)/(P)/
[] /(n) flattery/compliment/
[] /(v5u) to attack/(P)/
[] /(adv) at the latest/
[] /(n) fear/horror/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be filled with awe/to feel small/to be amazed/to be surprised
erted/to be sorry/to be grateful/to be defeated/to confess guilt/
/(v1) to stir up/to instigate/to flatter/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to fall into/to feel down (sad)/(P)/
[] /(n) calm/composure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fallen leaves/leaf litter/defoliation/shedding leaves/
[] /(adj-na,n) 2nd in rank/second sign of the Chinese calendar/(P)/
[] /errand/
/(adj) frightening/huge/
[] /(n) all over/given in/given up hope/bring to knees/
/(adv,n) coweringly/hesitantly/(P)/
/(v5s) to threaten/to menace/(P)/
[] /(v1) to visit/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attendant/companion/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become weak/to decline/to wear/to abate/to decay/to wither/to wa
[] /(n) surprise/astonishment/wonder/(P)/
[] /(n) of the same age/
[] /(adv) naturally/as a matter of course/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become frightened/to have a nightmare/
/(adj) abundantly/innumerably/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to threaten/to coerce/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wear/to carry/to be entrusted/to have/to take on/to have a trace of/
tinged with/(P)/
[] /(n) memory/sense/experience/(P)/
/(n) (1) a discount/a prize/(2) something additional/bonus/an extra/(3) an exagger
[] /(n) Shinto shrine/
/(n) diaper/nappy/
[] /(n) plan/idea/suggestion/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) meaning/tenor/gist/(2) effect/influence/(3) appearance/aspect/(4) tast
(5) grace/charm/refinement/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to go/to proceed/to repair to/to become/(P)/
[] /(v1) to respect/to honor/to esteem/to prize/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to honor/to respect/to esteem/to prize/(P)/
[] /(gikun) (n) one's father/old man/one's boss/
[] /(conj) and/as well as/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to reach/to come up to/to amount to/to befall/to happen to/to extend/to
tch/to equal/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) chance/suitable time/(P)/
[] /(n) cage/pen/jail cell/(P)/
/(n) orientation/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to turn up/to fold back/(P)/
[] /(n) textile/fabric/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to weave/(P)/
[] /(n) I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) foolish/stupid/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) neglect/negligence/carelessness/(P)/
/(n,vs) carrying on one's back (e.g. baby)/(P)/

/(n) on-line/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) gentle/mild/moderate/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
/(n) carpet/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) deterioration/changing for the worse/
[] /(n) maritime/marine transportation/
[] /(n) imported goods/foreign money/(P)/
[] /(n) reform/reformation/innovation/(P)/
[] /(n) shell/(P)/
[] /(n) appearance/exterior/facade/(P)/
[] /(n) class/rank/grade/(P)/
[] /(n) channel/(P)/
[] /(n) interview/audience/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/
[] /(n,vs) holding a meeting/open an exhibition/(P)/
[] /(n) collection/recovery/(P)/
[] /(n) repair/improvement/
[] /(n) monster/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cancellation/rescinding/release/calling off/(P)/
[] /(n) Foreign Minister/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to injure/to damage/to harm/to kill/to hinder/(P)/
[] /(n) general statement/outline/
[] /(n,vs) forwarding/(P)/
[] /(n) class/level/stratum/hierarchy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reclamation (of wasteland)/cultivation/pioneer/(P)/
[] /(n) conversation/conference/discussion/interview/(P)/
[] /(n) reform/
[] /(n,vs) revision/(P)/
/(n) tour guide/(P)/
[] /(n) highway/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) corresponding/answering to/coming under/(P)/
[] /(n) in the street/(P)/
/(n) guidebook/
[] /(n,vs) intervention/(P)/
[] /(n) general idea/concept/notion/(P)/
[] /(n) development/exploitation/(P)/
[] /(n) height above sea level/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/looking after/(P)/
[] /(n) dissection/autopsy/(P)/
[] /(n) (abbr) imported/outpatient clinic/
[] /(n) circulation/(P)/
[] /(n-t) outline/summary/gist/in brief/(P)/
[] /(n) ocean current/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) improvement/reform/(P)/
[] /(n) circuit (electric)/(P)/
[] /(n-t) sea route/(P)/
[] /(v1) to reflect/(P)/
[] /(v1) to look back/to turn around/to review/(P)/
[] /(n) (outward) looks/features/face/countenance/expression/(P)/
[] /(n) extracurricular/
[] /(v1) (1) to publish/to print/to carry (an article)/(2) to put up/to hang o
ist/to fly (a sail)/to float (a flag)/(P)/
/(n) (uk) (shoe) heel/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to write down/to take dictation/to take notes/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to stir up/to churn/to ransack/to disturb/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to lack/to break/to crack/to chip/(P)/

[] /(n) horn/(P)/
[] /(n) nucleus/kernel/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) status/character/case/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to draw/to paint/to sketch/to depict/to describe/
~ [~]
[] /(n) arts and sciences/liberal arts/
[] /(n) qualitative difference/disparity/(P)/
[] /(n) scattering/diffusion/(P)/
[] /(n) university graduate/(P)/
[] /(n) every kind/all sorts/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every other week/
[] /(n,vs) conviction/confidence/(P)/
[] /(n) reform/innovation/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) definition (math)/decision/settlement/(P)/
/(n) cocktail/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) acquisition/possession/(P)/
[] /(n) score (music)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) guarantee/ensure/maintain/insure/secure/(P)/
[] /(n) revolution/(P)/
[] /(n) establishment/(P)/
[] /(n) academic background/(P)/
[] /(n) betting/gambling/a gamble/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) cliff/(P)/
[] /(n) running fast/double time/(P)/
[] /(n) household economy/family finances/(P)/
/(n) (foot) race/
[] /(v1) to run (race, esp. horse)/to gallop/to canter/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wager/to bet/to risk/to stake/to gamble/(P)/
[] /(n) manufacturing/processing/treatment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) chemical combination/(P)/
/(v5r) to be bulky/to be unwieldy/to grow voluminous/
/(v5m) to pile up/to increase/
[] /(n) itemized form/itemization/
[] /counter for large animals/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) faint/dim/weak/indistinct/hazy/poor/wretched/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to grow hazy/to be misty/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rub/to chafe/to file/to frost (glass)/to strike (match)/(P)/
[] /(n) Mars (planet)/(P)/
[] /(n) fossil/petrifaction/fossilization/(P)/
[] /(n) rivers/(P)/
[] /(n) synthetic fibres/(P)/
[] /(n) depopulation/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) subject/theme/task/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) brief remark/few words/
[] /(n) tidying up/finishing/
[] /(v1,vt) to incline/to list/to bend/to lean/to tip/to tilt/to slant/to co
n/to ruin (a country)/to squander/to empty/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to harden/to freeze/to fortify/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beside(s)/while/nearby/(P)/
[] /(n) flower bed/(P)/
[] /(n) domestic animals/livestock/cattle/(P)/
[] /(adv,conj) yet/and/
[] /(n) epoch-making/
/(adv,n,vs) heartbroken/

[] /(n,vs) chorus/singing in a chorus/(P)/

/(adv,n) firmly/solidly/tough/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/concurrence/conforming to/(P)/
/(adv,n) solidly built/tightly/shrewd/calculating/(P)/
/(adv) once/before/formerly/ever/never (neg)/former/ex-/
[] /(adj-na,n) kitchen/one's own convenience/one's way/selfishness/(P)/
/(n) cut/cutting/
[] /(adj-na,n) vigor/active/(P)/
/(n) cup/(P)/
[] /(ok) (n) combination/union/amalgamation/consolidation/merger/coalition/fusio
/(n) category/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to come true (wish)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to grant (request, wish)/(P)/
[] /(n) (iron) hammer/(P)/
/(adj) be beyond one's power/be unable/
[] /(n,vs) becoming a member/joining/entry/admission/subscription/affiliation/ad
[] /(adv) previously/already/lately/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to protect someone/to take under one's wing/to plead for/to stick up for
o cover up for someone/(P)/
[] /(n) stock (company)/(P)/
/(v1) to react to/to be influenced by/to go overboard for/
[] /(n) pollen/
[] /(n) money/currency/coinage/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to mind/to care about/to be concerned about/(P)/
[] /(v1) to set up/(P)/
[] /(n) seasoning/flavoring/
[] /(adj-na,n) crowded/
[] /(v5r) to bite off/to gnaw through/
/(n) comeback/(P)/
/(n) cameraman/(P)/
[] /(n) (rice) gruel/
[] /(n) body build/figure/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to entangle/to entwine/(P)/
[] /(n) borrowing/debt/loan/(P)/
[] /(n) hunting/(P)/
[)] /(adv) temporarily/provisionally/for example/for argument's sake/(P)/
/(de:) (n) clinical records (de: Karte)/(P)/
/(n) curry (abbr. for curry and rice)/(P)/
/(n) garage (at house)/(P)/
[] /(n) overwork/strain/(P)/
/(adv) barely/narrowly/just manage to do st/
[] /(v5s) to exchange (messages)/to dodge/to parry/to avoid/to turn aside/(P)/
[] /(adv) alternately/
[] /(n,n-suf) pipe/tube/(P)/
~ []
[] /(n) cancer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/easiness/quasi-/(P)/
[] /(n) irrigation/(P)/
[] /(n) ophthalmology/(P)/
[] /(n) eyeball/
[] /(n) (uk) toy/
[] /(adj-na,n) brevity/conciseness/simplicity/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) resolution/reduction/return to origins/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/(army) nurse/(P)/
[] /(n) Chinese word/Sino-Japanese word/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) stubbornness/obstinacy/(P)/
[] /(n) publication/issue/(P)/

[] /(adj-no,n) customary practice/habit/traditional event/

[] /(n,vs) advice/counsel/remonstrance/recommendation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) conversion/change/exchange/
[] /(n,vs) observation/guarding/inspection/surveillance/(P)/
[] /(n) usual (historical) custom/(P)/
[] /(n) spectators/onlookers/members of the audience/(P)/
[] /(n) written application or petition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) interference/intervention/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) solid/firm/stout/burly/strong/sturdy/(P)/
[] /(n) sense of touch/feeling/sensation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) essential/fundamental/crucial/vital/main/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) essential/fundamental/crucial/vital/main/
[] /(n) cheer/shout of joy/(P)/
[] /(n) customs/duty/tariff/(P)/
[] /(n) rock/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) infection/contagion/(P)/
[] /(n) main line/trunk line/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/plain/(P)/
[] /(n) point of view/
[] /(n) sensitivity/severity (quake)/
/(n) cunning/cheat/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) first year (of a specific reign)/(P)/
[] /(n) management/(executive) staff/leaders/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) perfection/completeness/flawless/
[] /(n,vs) pardon/forgiveness/forbearance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) deep feeling/inexpressible feeling/filled with emotion/
[] /(n,vs) invitation/solicitation/canvassing/inducement/persuasion/encouragemen
[] /(n,vs) participation/taking part in/participating in/being concerned in/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) forbearance/tolerance/generosity/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) originally/primarily/essentially/logically/naturally/(P)/
[] /(n) viewing/(P)/
[] /(n) bureaucrat/bureaucracy/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) custom/precedent/of convention/(P)/
[] /(n) 60th birthday/(P)/
[] /(n) presence/dignity/
[] /(n) relief/mitigation/(P)/
[] /(n) legislative bill/
[] /(n) injury/harm/danger/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) planning/project/(P)/
[] /(n) standard/norm/
[] /(v5r) to dress up/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) hesitance/diffidence/feeling constraint/fear of troubling some
aving scruples about doing something/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cheerful/buoyant/lighthearted/(P)/
[] /(n) organ (of body)/instrument/(P)/
[] /(n) quarterly (e.g. magazine)/
[] /(n) crisis/(P)/
[] /(n) listening comprehension/(P)/
[] /(n) effect/virtue/efficacy/impression/(P)/
[] /(n) returning to Tokyo/(P)/
[] /(n) play/drama/(P)/
[] /(n) fund/foundation/(P)/
[] /(n) comedy/funny show/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) resolution/decision/vote/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) abstain from voting/renunciation of a right/(P)/
[] /(n) origin/beginning/rise/(P)/
[] /(n) mechanism/organization/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) marriage/married/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) affectation/conceit/snobbery/(P)/

[] /(n) mention/entry/(P)/
[] /(num) sign/omen/indication/portent/1,000,000,000,000/trillion (American)/billio
n (British)/(P)/
[] /(n) spirit/character/trait/temperament/disposition/(P)/
[] /(n) fixed date/settlement date/(P)/
/(v5m) (uk) to jar/to creak/to grate/
[] /(n) Diet building/
[] /(n,vs) describing/descriptor/(P)/
[] /(n) weather/climate/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to build/to pile up/to amass/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be hurt/to be wounded/to get injured/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wound/to hurt someone's feelings/(P)/
[] /(n) regulation/(P)/
[] /(n) sacrifice/(P)/
[] /(n) steamship/(P)/
[] /(n) donation/presentation/(P)/
[] /(n) forgery/falsification/fabrication/counterfeiting/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) noble/aristocrat/(P)/
[] /(n) topic of discussion/agenda/(P)/
[] /(v1) to forge/to drill/to temper/to train/to discipline/(P)/
[] /(vk) to come/to come to hand/to arrive/to approach/to call on/to come on (rain
to set in/to be due/to become/to grow/to get/to come from/to be caused by/to der
ive from/(P)/
/(adv) exactly/perfectly/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) methodical/punctual/steady/(P)/
/(adv) exactly/precisely/
/(adv,n) precisely/tightly/(P)/
/(adv,n) clearly/plainly/distinctly/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) regulation/provisions/(P)/
[] /(n) starting point/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) orbit/(2) railroad track/(P)/
[] /(n) technical skill/ability/capacity/(P)/
[] /(n) model/standard/pattern/norm/criterion/example/(P)/
[] /(n) aroma/
[] /(n) character/traits/ethos/
[] /(n) undulation/
[] /(n) scale/scope/plan/structure/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) whim/caprice/whimsy/fickle/moody/uneven temper/
[] /(adj-na,n) too serious/person who is too serious/honesty/sincerity/
/end of the season or term/
/(adj) feeling awkward/being ashamed/
[] /(n) signature/register/
[] /(n) agreement/rules/code/
[] /(n) dramatization (e.g. film)/(P)/
[] /(n) (sudden) change/reversal/turn-around/coming from behind (baseball)/(P)
[] /(n) scenario/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) luxury/pomp/delicate/slender/gorgeous/
[] /(n) objective/(P)/
/(n) catch/(P)/
/(n) career/career government employee/(P)/
[] /(n) relief/rescue/reinforcement/(P)/
[] /(n) temporary absence from school/suspension/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) ultimate/final/eventual/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) narrow/tight/stiff/rigid/uneasy/formal/constrained/(P)/
[] /(n) (plant) bulb/
[] /(n) relief/aid/rescue/salvation/help/(P)/
[] /(n) office boy (girl)/page/waiter/
[] /(n,vs) school lunch/providing a meal/(P)/
[] /(n) truce/armistice/(P)/

[] /(n) palace/(P)/
[] /(n) old friend/old friendship/
[] /(n) poverty/(P)/
[] /(n) hill/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) contribution/service/
~ [~]
[] /(n) wonder/miracle/(P)/
[] /(n) subject/curriculum/
[] /(n) association/society/organization/(P)/
[] /(n) coeducation/(P)/
[] /(n) sympathy/response/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) conference/consultation/discussion/negotiation/(P)/
[] /(n) environment/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(n) lesson/precept/moral instruction/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) forcing/enforcement/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) firm/vigorous/unbending/unyielding/strong/stubborn/(P)/
[] /(n) teaching materials/(P)/
[] /(n) bad harvest/poor crop/(P)/
[] /(n) trader/merchant/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reception/acceptance/enjoyment/being given/(P)/
[] /(n) training/instruction/
[] /(n) nostalgia/homesickness/(P)/
[] /(n) teaching certificate/the teaching profession/
[] /(v1) to amuse oneself/to make merry/
[] /(n,vs) obligation/coercion/compulsion/enforcement/(P)/
[] /(n) administration/(P)/
[] /(n) achievement/performance/results/work/contribution/(P)/
[] /(n) coexistence/(P)/
[] /(n) co-operation/conciliation/harmony/firm (market) tone/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement/pact/agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) native place/birth place/one's old home/(P)/
[] /(n) threat/menace/coercion/terrorism/(P)/
[] /(n) business/affairs/duties/work/
[] /(n) resonance/sympathy/(P)/
[] /(n) birth-place/home town/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) strong/intense/severe/(P)/
[] /(n) republicanism/cooperation/
[] /(n,vs) limit/localize/
[] /(adj-na,n) extreme/extremity/(P)/
[] /(n) residence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) refusal/rejection/(P)/
[] /(n) fishing boat/(P)/
[] /(n) fishing village/(P)/
[] /(n) denial/veto/rejection/refusal/(P)/
[] /(n) permission/pardon/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) clean/pure/chaste/(P)/
/(adj-na) gorgeous/gaudy/dazzling/gay/
[] /(n,suf) limits/end/bounds/period/place to leave off/closing sentence/all there
[] /(n) duty/sense of duty/honor/decency/courtesy/debt of gratitude/social obligati
[] /(n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover/
[] /(n) atmospheric current/
[] /(n) break/pause/gap/end/rift/interruption/cut/section/notch/incision/end (of
[] /(n) doubt/misgivings/distrust/suspicion/(P)/
[] /(adv) exceedingly/extremely/(P)/
[] /(n) germ/bacterium/bacillus/

[] /(n) nearsightedness/shortsightedness/myopia/
[] /(adj-na,n) urgent/pressing/emergency/(P)/
[] /(n) suburbs/outskirts/(P)/
[] /(n) equilibrium/balance/(P)/
[] /(n) shortsightedness/(P)/
[] /(v1) to prohibit/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) industry/diligence/(P)/
[] /(n) testing/scrutiny/careful investigation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) service/duty/work/(P)/
[] /(n) taboo/forbidden thing/(P)/
[] /(n) labor/exertion/diligent service/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) quiz/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to cross each other/to run counter to/to differ/to clash/to go a
[] /(n) space/room/airspace/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) hunger/(P)/
[] /(n) division/section/compartment/boundary/area/block/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) section (of track, etc)/(P)/
[] /(n) stalk/(P)/
[] /(n) an end/a stop/punctuation/
/(v5r) (1) to drive/to pass through/(2) to evade/to hide/(3) to dive (into or unde
r water)/to go underground/(P)/
[~] /(n) lottery/lot/(P)/
/(n) (uk) lottery/drawn lot/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) ticklish/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) idle complaint/grumble/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to hum/
[] /(n) (uk) beak/bill/(P)/
[] /(v1) to rot/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to overturn/to upset/to overthrow/to undermine/(P)/
/(adv,n) distinctly/clearly/boldly/
[] /(n) bending/indentation/refraction/(P)/
/(adv) firmly/fast/much/more/
[] /(n) necklace/(P)/
[] /(n) necklace/choker/
[] /(v5m) to insert/to include/to cut in (printing)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to join together/to combine/to join up/(P)/
[] /(n) warehouse/cellar/magazine/granary/godown/depository/treasury/elevator/
/(adj-na,n) grey/gray/(P)/
/(n) crane/(P)/
[] /(n) expert/professional/geisha/prostitute/(P)/
[] /(n) balance (figure) in the black/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) group (math)/(P)/
[] /(n) warship/battleship/(P)/
[] /(n) military affairs/(P)/
[] /(n) ruler/monarch/(P)/
[] /(n) (social) group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/
[] /(n) (social) group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/
[] /(n) armaments/military preparations/(P)/
[] /(n) military or naval uniform/
[] /(n,n-suf,vs) penalty/sentence/punishment/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) art/accomplishment/performance/
[] /(n) (1) details/whole story/sequence of events/particulars/how it started/how
ings got this way/(2) complications/position/(P)/
[] /(n) passage/expiration/progress/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) rhythmical (e.g. melody)/casual (e.g. dress)/light/nimble/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) warning/admonition/vigilance/(P)/
[] /(n) meter/gauge/

[] /(n) opportunity/chance/(P)/
[] /(int,n) Sincerely yours/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) abatement/
[] /(n,vs) appearance (e.g. article in paper)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inclination/slant/slope/bevel/list/dip/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) formation/(P)/
[] /(n) condition/situation/prospects/
[] /(adj-na,n) rash/thoughtless/careless/hasty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) carrying something/(2) mobile telephone (abbr)/(P)/
[] /(n) form/shape/figure/
[] /(n) judgement/penalty/punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) expenses/cost/outlay/(P)/
[] /(n) police inspector/
[] /(n,vs) scorn/disdain/(P)/
[] /(n) personal history/career/(P)/
[] /(n) course/route/channel/(P)/
/(n) case/(P)/
/(adj) filthy/unfair/(P)/
[] /(n) troupe/theatrical company/
[] /(n,vs) encouragement/(P)/
/(n) guest/(P)/
[] /(n) beast/brute/(P)/
[] /(n) decision/vote/
[] /(n) decision/determination/(P)/
[] /(n) tuberculosis/tubercule/(P)/
[] /(n) blood vessel/(P)/
[] /(n) resolution/vote/decision/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) doing (with resolve)/carrying out (i.e. a plan)/
[] /(n,vs) combination/union/(P)/
[] /(n) balance sheet/settlement of accounts/(P)/
[] /(n) monthly tuition fee/(P)/
[] /(n) decision of a contest/finals (in sports)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) crystal/crystallization/(P)/
[] /(n) formation/(P)/
[] /(n) union/unity/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) being disheartened/losing weight/
[] /(n) decision/determination/(P)/
[] /(n) monthly installment/(P)/
[] /(n) want/shortage/famine/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to kick away/to kick off/to kick (someone)/to refuse/to reject/
/(v5s) (uk) to speak ill of/
[] /(adj) smoky/feeling awkward/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to smoke (e.g. fire)/(P)/
[] /(n) beast/brute/(P)/
[] /(n) retainer/retinue/servant/(P)/
[] /(n) diarrhoea/(P)/
[] /(n) matter/case/item/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) authority/power/influence/(P)/
[] /(n) side line/second business/
[] /(n) original form/base form/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) prototype/model/pattern/archetypal/(P)/
[] /(n) power/authority/jurisdiction/(P)/
[] /(n) present/current/in operation/
[] /(adj-na,n) in good health/well/(P)/
[] /(n) original work/(P)/
[] /(n) public prosecutor/(P)/
[] /(n) atom/(P)/
[] /(n) ruler/sovereign/(P)/
[] /(n) original document/(P)/

[] /(n) offering prizes/winning/reward/(P)/

[] /(n) decrease/reduction/decline/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) health/soundness/wholesome/(P)/
[] /(n) chemical element/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) developing (film)/(P)/
[] /(n) principle/general rule/(P)/
[] /(n) point of view/(P)/
[] /(n) actual place/local/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) limit/restriction/(P)/
[] /(n) origin (coordinates)/starting point/(P)/
[] /(n) original (text)/
[] /(n) origin (coordinates)/starting point/(P)/
[] /(n) atomic bomb/(P)/
[] /(n) the text/original/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) strict/close/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) wisdom/intelligence/prudence/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) thrift/economy/frugality/(P)/
[] /(n) crude oil/(P)/
[] /(n) multi-use/combined use/combination/serving two purposes/
[] /(n) (political) power/authority/influence/(P)/
[] /(n) discussion/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) vocabulary/glossary/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to fall in love with/to love/(P)/
[] /(n) 1st in rank/first sign of the Chinese calendar/shell/instep/grade A/
~ [~]
[] /(n) good will/favor/courtesy/(P)/
[] /(n) act/deed/conduct/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/consent/mutual understanding/(P)/
[] /(n) public performance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) regret/repentance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sail/voyage/(P)/
[] /(n) engineering/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) protest/objection/(P)/
[] /(n) consultation/conference/
[] /(n) Imperial Palace/(P)/
[] /(n) prosperous conditions/healthy economy/
[] /(n) mining industry/(P)/
[] /(n) industrial enterprise/(P)/
[] /(n) tableland/plateau/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) mutual/reciprocal/alternate/(P)/
[] /brilliantly/brightly/
[] /(adj-no,n) archaeology/
[] /(n) work/construction/handicraft/maneuvering/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cultivation/farming/(P)/
[] /(n) mine (ore)/(P)/
[] /(n) short course/training/
[] /(n) verbal statement/(P)/
[] /(n) subsidy/deduction/(P)/
[] /(n) negotiations/discussions/connection/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) high/noble/refined/advanced/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) elevation/rise/improvement/advancement/progress/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) march/parade/(P)/
[] /(n) spices/
[] /(n) rainfall/precipitation/(P)/
[] /(n) flood/(P)/
[] /(n) synthesis/composition/synthetic/composite/mixed/combined/compound/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) open (e.g. secret)/public/official/(P)/
[] /(n) dispute/resistance/(P)/
[] /(n) plan/plot/idea/conception/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) restriction/restraint/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) retreat/backspace (BS)/
[] /(n) brilliance/polish/lustre/glossy finish (of photographs)/(P)/
[] /(n) public corporation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) favourable/promising/satisfactory/in good shape/(P)/
[] /(n) oral/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reading/translation/
[] /(n,vs) subscription (e.g. magazine)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) purchase/buy/(P)/
[] /(n) official recognition/authorization/licence/accreditation/(P)/
[] /(n) cost of fuel and light/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) ruin/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) purchase/buy/(P)/
[] /(n) popularity/favorable reputation/
[] /(n,vs) delivering/furnishing (with copies)/(P)/
[] /(n) capitulation/surrender/submission/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) excitement/stimulation/agitation/arousal/(P)/
[] /(n) public appeal/public contribution/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) ingenious/skillful/clever/deft/(P)/
[] /(n) government business/public use/public expense/
[] /(n,vs) retail/(P)/
[] /(n) efficiency/(P)/
[] /(n) public (institution)/(P)/
[] /(n) guard/convoy/escort/(P)/
/(n) corner/(P)/
[] /(n) knife attached to the sheath of a sword/
[] /(n) cheque/check/(P)/
[] /(n) words/phrases/(P)/
[] /(n) domestic products/(P)/
[] /(n) state-sponsored/national/
[] /(n,vs) confession/acknowledgement/(P)/
[] /(n) national defence/(P)/
[] /(n) national ownership/(P)/
[] /(n) paradise/(P)/
[] /(n) U.N./United Nations/(P)/
[] /(n) black tea/
[] /(n) word root/word derivation/etymology/(P)/
[] /(n) individual/one by one/(P)/
[] /(n) feeling/sensation/mood/(P)/
[] /(n) knowledge/information/(P)/
[] /(n) readiness/intention/aim/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bear in mind/to aim to do/(P)/
[] /(n) will/intention/motive/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to plan/to intend/to aspire to/to set aims (sights on)/(P)/
[] /(adj) heartening/reassuring/(P)/
[] /(adj) helpless/forlorn/hopeless/unpromising/lonely/discouraging/dishea
[] /(n) trial/experiment/(P)/
[] /(v1) to try/to test/(P)/
[] /(adj) pleasant/agreeable/(P)/
[] /(n) error/(P)/
[] /(exp) to be (polite)/to exist/
[] /(n) orphan/
/(v1) to get complicated/to grow worse/
[] /(n) the deceased/old friend/(P)/
[~] /(v5s) to cross/to pass/to tide over/(P)/
[] /(n) treetop/
[] /(n) individuality/personality/idiosyncrasy/(P)/
[] /(n) census/family register/(P)/
[] /(n) coins/small change/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n-t) ancient times/(P)/

/(n) (uk) table with heater/(orig) charcoal brazier in a floor well/(P)/

/(v5r) to fuss over/to be particular about/to be concerned about/(P)/
[] /(n) exaggeration/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) knack/skill/
[] /(adj-na,n) funny/humorous/comical/laughable/ridiculous/joking/(P)/
[] /(n) diplomatic relations/(P)/
[] /(n) curio/
[] /(n,vs) fixation/fixing (e.g. salary, capital)/(P)/
[] /(n) matter/thing/affair/circumstance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) isolation/loneliness/solitude/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) altogether/entirely/(P)/
[] /(n) (verbal) message/
[] /(adv) especially/above all/(P)/
/depending on the circumstances/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) in very small pieces/
[] /(adj) nice/likeable/desirable/(P)/
[] /(n) Go board/(P)/
[] /(n) particular case/
/(v5s) to deceive/to falsify/to misrepresent/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) meagre/modest/(P)/
/(n) a commercial/(P)/
[] /(v1) to include/to put into/(P)/
/(n) comment/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to seclude oneself/to be confined in/to be implied/to be stuffy/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,pref) characteristic/tradition/peculiar/inherent/eigen-/(P)/
[] /(n) calendar/almanac/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to concentrate/to devote/to apply/to strain/to rack/
[] /(please) look/(please) try to do/
[] /(n) isolation/helplessness/(P)/
[] /(v1) to learn by experience/to be disgusted with/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stiffen/to harden/
[] /(n) (1) patience/(2) perseverance/energy/(P)/
[] /(n) basis/foundation/(P)/
[] /(n) mixed race/mixed parentage/(P)/
[] /(n) contact/contact lens/(P)/
[] /(n) insect/bug/(P)/
[] /(n) root/basis/foundation/(P)/
/(n) contest/(P)/
[] /(n) confusion/mixing/merger/(P)/
/(n) contrast/(P)/
/(n) control/(P)/
/(n) compass/(P)/
[] /(n) origin/source/foundation/root/base/principle/(P)/
[] /make/
[] /(n,n-suf) fortune/riches/(P)/
[] /(n) another meeting/meeting again/reunion/(P)/
[] /(n) calamity/disaster/misfortune/(P)/
[] /(n) bacillus/bacterium/germ/(P)/
[] /(n) work/craftsmanship/tactics/trick/(P)/
[] /(n) mining/(P)/
/(n) cycle/(P)/
[] /(n) vote/roll call/(P)/
[] /(n) (temple or shrine) rebuilding/
[] /(n) reappearance/reproduction/return/revival/
[] /(n) source of funds/resources/finances/(P)/
[] /(n) stockpile/stock/
[] /(n) profit/(P)/
[] /(n) collecting/gathering/(P)/
/(n) size/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) playback/regeneration/resuscitation/return to life/rebirth/reincarnat

arrow escape/reclamation/regrowth/(P)/
[] /(n) economy/financial affairs/(P)/
[] /(n) the very best/
[] /(n,vs) adoption/selection/choice/(P)/
[] /(n) cultivation/(P)/
[] /(n) return/relapse/reoccurrence/
[] /(n) cell (biology)/(P)/
[] /(n) use/adopt/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to interrupt/to intercept/to obstruct/(P)/
/(v5r) (uk) to sing/to chirp/to twitter/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be clear/to be serene/to be cold/to be skillful/(P)/
[] /(n) rod/pole (e.g. for drying laundry)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to shine/to look attractive/to look pretty/(P)/
[] /(n) balance/difference/margin/(P)/
[] /(n) wine cups/(P)/
[] /(n) handstand/headstand/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) before/earlier than/ahead/beyond/away/previously/recently/(P)/
[] /(n) fraud/swindle/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) a work/a harvest/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) plan/policy/(P)/
[] /(n) fence/paling/
[] /(n) cut/reduction/curtailment/(P)/
[] /(n) mistake/(P)/
[] /(n) military or naval operations/tactics/strategy/(P)/
[] /(n) shout/scream/outcry/(P)/
[] /(v1) to split/to tear/to burst/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lift up/to give/to offer/to consecrate/to devote/to sacrifice/to d
/(v5r) to come near to/to approach/(P)/
[] /(n) instruction/mandate/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to present/to submit/to tender/to hold out/(P)/
[] /(v1) to interfere/to hinder/to become impeded/(P)/
[] /(n) deduction/subtraction/balance/ebb and flow/rise and fall/(P)/
[] /(v1) to grant/to award/to teach/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) (1) to rub/to scrub/(2) to draw near/to press/
[] /(adv) (uk) I am sure/certainly/no doubt/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to become settled/to be fixed/(P)/
[] /(v1) to decide/to establish/to determine/(P)/
[] /(n) symposium/round-table discussion/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) rough/crude/(P)/
[] /(n) miscellaneous goods/general goods/sundries/
[] /(n) murder/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to guess/to sense/to presume/to judge/to sympathize with/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) chatting/idle talk/(P)/
/(adv) suddenly/smoothly/

[] /(v5r) to attain enlightenment/to perceive/to understand/to discern/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n) in the middle of; height of; in course of; midst/
[] /(v5k) to judge/(P)/
[] /(n) coordinate(s)/
/(adv) not so/not particularly/not that much/
/(v5r) to be truant/to be idle/to sabotage by slowness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) way/manner/kind/sort/appearance/like/such as/so as to/in orde
r to/so that/yang/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) cold/frost/(2) a cold/a chill/shivering fit/
[] /(n) Samurai/warrior/(P)/
/(adv) with gusto/with satisfaction/
[] /(n) action/operation/effect/function/(P)/
[~] /(v5u) to sweep away/to wash away/to dredge/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to hinder/to interfere with/to affect/to do one harm/to be harmful to/(P

[] /(n) acid/(P)/
[] /(n) oxidation/(P)/
[] /(n) mountains/(P)/
[] /(n) House of Councillors/(P)/
[] /(n) maternity leave/
/(exp) thank you/(P)/
[] /(n) remaining money/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) postpartum/after childbirth/
[] /(adj-na,n) cruelty/harshness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) yield/produce/
[] /(n,vs) reference/consultation/consultation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) calling on/visiting/
[] /(n) (bank) balance/remainder/(P)/
/Santa Claus/(P)/
[] /(n) wharf/bridge/jetty/pier/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) praise/adoration/glorification/(P)/
[] /(n) hillside/mountainside/
[] /(n) maternity and gynecology department/(P)/
[] /(n) product/result/fruit/(P)/
[] /(n) mountain range/
[] /(n,n-suf) death/decease/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) finish/end/completion/
[] /(n) end/finishing touches/being finished/
[] /(v1,vt) to finish up/to complete/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) breeding/raising/rearing/(P)/
[] /(adv) by force/(P)/
/(n) seat/sheet/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) jeans (lit: jeans pants)/dungarees/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lay in stock/to replenish stock/to procure/(P)/
[] /(v1) to force/to compel/to coerce/(P)/
[] /(n) tide/ebb and flood/salt water/opportunity/(P)/
[] /(n) dentistry/(P)/
[] /(n) self/the ego/(P)/
[] /(n) qualifications/requirements/capabilities/(P)/
[] /(n) sense of sight/vision/
[] /(n) self-conscious/(P)/
[] /(n) device/trick/mechanism/gadget/(small) scale/half finished/commencement/set
[] /(v1) to commence/to lay (mines)/to set (traps)/to wage (war)/to challeng
/(adv,conj) (uk) however/nevertheless/(P)/
[] /(n) command/direction/(P)/
[] /(n) magnetism/(P)/
[] /(n) porcelain/china/(P)/
[] /(n) colour/hue/tints/(P)/
[] /(n) ceremonial hall/place of ceremony (e.g. marriage)/
/(n) custom/conventional practice/mores/ordinance/
[] /(n) project/enterprise/business/industry/operations/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to partition/to divide/to mark off/to settle accounts/to toe the mark/
[] /(n) funds/capital/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) axis/stem/shaft/axle/(P)/
/(v5r) to fail/to fall through/to blunder/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) structure/construction/arrangement/contrivance/(2) plan/plot/contri
[] /(n) death penalty/capital punishment/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be damp/to be moist/
[] /(n) self/oneself/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) execution/enforcing/carrying out/

[] /(n) thought/(P)/
[] /(n) intention/aim/(P)/
[] /(n) taste/liking/preference/
[] /(n) matter/item/facts/(P)/
[] /(n) table/diagram/chart/timetable/schedule/
[] /(n) hell/(P)/
[] /(n) time difference/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) freely/at will/
[] /(n,vs) inspection/observation/(P)/
[] /(n) property/fortune/means/assets/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) support/maintenance/(P)/
[] /(n) independence/autonomy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) surrender/give oneself up/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) embroidery/
[] /(n) (the) market (as a concept)/(P)/
[] /(n) resignation/(P)/
[] /(n) drop (of water)/
/(n) system/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to sink/to submerge/(P)/
[] /(n) institution/establishment/facility/(army) engineer/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) prior/beforehand/in advance/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) son/
[] /(n) continuation/(P)/
[] /(n) self-respect/conceit/(P)/
[] /(n) type/font/lettering/(P)/
[] /(n) refusal/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to yearn for/to miss/to adore/to love dearly/(P)/
[] /(n) secret intention/motive/
[] /(n) groundwork/foundation/inclination/aptitude/elementary knowledge of/groundi
in/prearrangement/spadework/signs/symptoms/first coat of plastering/soy/
[] /(v5m) to be intimate with/to befriend/(P)/
[] /(n) preliminary investigation/preparation/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tailor/to make/to prepare/to train/to send (a messenger)/(P)/
[] /(n) trade in/part exchange/
[] /(n) burning low/waning/declining/
[] /(n) fruit/nut/seed/content/good result/(P)/
[] /(n) (one's parents') home/(P)/
[] /(n) disqualification/elimination/incapacity (legal)/(P)/
[] /(n) question/
[] /(n,vs) losing one's standing/being overthrown/falling/(P)/
[] /(n) industrialist/businessman/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) chic/(P)/
/(adv) deliberately/carefully/(P)/
[] /(n) home discipline/training/upbringing/breeding/(P)/
[] /(v1) to train/to discipline/to teach manners/
[] /(n) practice/put into practice/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/modesty/frugality/(P)/
[] /(n) truth/fact/(P)/
[] /(n) lack of harmony/
[] /(n,vs) jealousy/(P)/
[] /(n) actual expense/cost price/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pointing out/identification/(P)/
[] /(n) opinion/point of view/visual point/(P)/
[] /(n) rotation/spin/
[] /(n) auxiliary verb/
[] /(adj-na,n) graceful/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wilt/to fade/
/(n) scenario/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) (uk) supple/flexible/elastic/(P)/
[] /(n) excreta/raw sewage/human waste/night soil/

[] /(n) landlord/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to outdo/to surpass/to endure/to keep out (rain)/to stave off/to tide ov
/to pull through/to defy/to slight/to excel/to eclipse/(P)/
[] /(n) lawn/sod/turf/(P)/
[] /(n) first train/(P)/
[] /(n) otolaryngology/(P)/
[] /(n) private property/personal effects/(P)/
/(adj) tenacious/stubborn/
[] /(n) administration of justice/(P)/
[] /(n) fat/grease/blubber/(P)/
[] /(n) wish/desire/ambition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) management/(2) dealing/settlement/(3) cleaning up afterwards/(P)/
[] /(aux-v,v1) to have a touch of/to look like/
[] /(n) mission/errand/message/(P)/
[] /(n) local/(P)/
[] /(n) field of vision/outlook/(P)/
[] /weak/delicate/supple/
[] /(n) social life/social intercourse/(P)/
/(n) jazz/(P)/
[] /(n) refusal/
[] /(n) company owned house/
[] /(n-adv,n) some/few/number of/(P)/
[] /(n) three-stringed Japanese guitar/shamisen/(P)/
[] /(n) slope/slanting surface/bevel/(P)/
[] /(n) gravel/ballast/pebbles/(P)/
[] /(v1) to joke/to play on words/to dress stylishly/(P)/
/(n) jacket/jumper/(P)/
/(n) jump/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) jumbo/(P)/
/(n) genre/(P)/
[] /(n) owner/master/lover/god/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) seed/pip/kind/variety/quality/tone/(2) material/matter/subject/theme/(
news) copy/(3) cause/source/trick/secret/inside story/(P)/
[] /(n) private ownership/(P)/
[] /(n) masses/great number/the people/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) dwelling/living/
[] /(n) earnings/proceeds/returns/(P)/
[] /(n) learning/
[] /(n) cycle/period/(P)/
[] /(n) Lower House/House of Representatives/(P)/
[] /(n) employment/starting work/
[] /(n) employee/worker/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) totalization/aggregate/
[] /(n) attack/charge/raid/(P)/
[] /(n) income and expenditure/(P)/
[] /(adv,n,vs) (1) beginning and end/from beginning to end/doing a thing from be
ng to end/(2) consistent(ly)/(P)/
[] /(n) Masters degree program/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) engaging/pursuing/following/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) all day/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fullness/completion/perfection/substantiality/enrichment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) gathering up/collection/accumulation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) ornamentation/embellishment/decoration/adornment/polish up (w
modification (gram)/(P)/
[] /(n) crossroads/(P)/
[] /(n) attachment/adhesion/tenacity/(P)/
[] /(n) attachment/adhesion/tenacity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) flexible/lithe/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) duplication/repetition/overlapping/redundancy/restoration/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) (1) accommodation/reception/housing/(2) seating/(3) custody/(4) adm

5) entering (in a dictionary)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) up to now/so far/traditional/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) end/close/termination/(P)/
[] /(n) security guard/doorkeeper/(P)/
[] /(n) starring/playing the leading part/(P)/
[] /(n) subjectivity/subject/ego/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pursuit of knowledge/studying/learning/training/ascetic practice/di
[] /(n) coaching school/lessons/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) celebration/congratulations/(P)/
[] /(n) fate/destiny/predestination/(P)/
[] /(n) handicrafts/
[] /(n) sovereignty/supremacy/dominion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) organization/sponsorship/(P)/
[] /(n) choice of subject/collecting data/(P)/
[] /(n) object/meaning/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) variety/(P)/
[] /(n) staple food/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) protagonist/main character/hero(ine) (of a story)/(2) head of
[] /(n) subject/main constituent/(P)/
[] /(n) subject/theme/motif/(P)/
[] /(n) performance/stage appearance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) bleeding/haemorrhage/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) appearance/arrival/make one's appearance/(P)/
[] /(n) (child)birth/delivery/production (of goods)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrival (in a country, at work, etc.)/
[] /(n) birth/(P)/
[] /(n) birth/(P)/
[] /(n) promotion/successful career/eminence/(P)/
[] /(n) proposing a question/(P)/
[] /(n) sailing/marching/going out/
[] /(n) expenses/disbursements/
[] /(n) exhibit/display/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) main leadership/(P)/
[] /(n) person in charge/responsible official/(P)/
[] /(n) head/brains/(P)/
[] /(n) defense/(P)/
[] /(n) technique/
[] /(n) trees and shrubs/arbour/(P)/
[] /(n) establish/create/(P)/
[] /(n) local express (train, slower than an express)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to follow/to conform/to apply to/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-no,n) personal use/private business/(P)/
[] /(n) way/method/resource/remedy/(technical) specification/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) feelings/emotion/passion/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) superior (rank not class)/higher order (e.g. byte)/host computer (of con
d device)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) performance (e.g. music)/(P)/
[] /(n) land near the castle/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) one's lifetime (i.e., one's existance until death)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) elimination/erasing/dying out/melting away/
[] /(n) sky/the skies/high-altitude sky/upper air/(P)/
[] /(n) shock/crash/impact/ballistic/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) evidence/testimony/(P)/

[] /(n) evidence/proof/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) collation/comparison/
[] /(adj-na,n) detail/particulars/(P)/
[] /(n) superior authorities/boss/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) rising/ascending/climbing/(P)/
[] /(n) promotion/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) (1) to take the name of/to call oneself/(2) to pretend/to feign/t
[] /(n) state of things/condition/situation/(P)/
[] /(n) news/letter/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(n) natural shape/one's true colors/true character/consciousness/senses/(P
[] /(n,vs) consent/acquiescence/agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) emotion/feeling/(P)/
[] /(n) emotion/feeling/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) symbol/(P)/
[] /(n) pediatrics/(P)/
[] /(n) employee/servant/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) passion/enthusiasm/zeal/(P)/
[] /(n) concession/conciliation/compromise/(P)/
[] /(n) illumination/(P)/
[] /(n) treaty/pact/(P)/
[] /(n) victory/triumph/conquest/success/win/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) landing/disembarkation/(P)/
[] /(n) distillation/
[] /(n) encouragement/promotion/message/address/(P)/
/(n) show/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exception/exclusion/(P)/
[] /(n) staff member/personnel/(P)/
[] /(n) colony/(P)/
[] /(n) professional duties/(P)/
[] /(n) Gentlemen!/Ladies!/(P)/
[] /(n) advice/suggestion/
[] /(n,vs) going slowly/(P)/
[] /(n) whereabouts/
[] /(n,vs) possession/owning/
[] /(n) Ms./(P)/
[] /(n) (gram) particle/postposition/(P)/
[] /(n) attached to/belong to/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) treatment/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) shock/(P)/
/(adv) always/constantly/(P)/
[] /(n) fixed/prescribed/
[] /(n) auxiliary verb/
[] /(n) income/earnings/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) first edition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) book review/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disposal/dealing/punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) masses/common people/(P)/
[] /(n) general affairs/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) one's possessions/ownership/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) preparation/investigation/inspection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) independence/self-reliance/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to note/to write down/(P)/
[] /(n) orders/instructions/directive/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) battle formation/camp/encampment/
[] /(n) evolution/progress/(P)/
[] /(n) personality/character/individuality/(P)/
[] /(n) deliberation/(P)/

[] /(n) advance/(P)/
[] /(n) rising/developing/emergent/(P)/
[] /(n) promotion/encouragement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) report/statement/filing a return/notification/(P)/
[] /(n) newly-wed/(P)/
[] /(n) judging/inspection/examination/investigation/(P)/
[] /(n) man of talent/(P)/
[] /(n) gentleman/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) truth/reality/(P)/
[] /(n) believer/adherent/devotee/Christian/(P)/
[] /(n) pearl/(P)/
[] /(n) advance/step forward/(P)/
[] /(n) mentality/
[] /(n) new face/newcomer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) holiness/sacredness/dignity/(P)/
[] /(n) friendship/(P)/
[] /(n) truth/real situation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) quick/fast/rapid/swift/prompt/(P)/
[] /(n) personal appearance/looks/
[] /(n) new building/new construction/(P)/
[] /(n) in one's heart/true motives/mind/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) presentation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) progress/development/(P)/
[] /(n) temple/sacred place/
[] /(n) progress/
[] /(n,vs) oscillation/vibration/(P)/
[] /(n) freshman/first-year student/
[] /(n,vs) trust/confidence/credence/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) mystery/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) patience/endurance/(P)/
[] /(n) people/public/(P)/
[] /(n) truth/(P)/
[] /(n) aggression/invasion/raid/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) medical examination and treatment/diagnosis/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) chic/style/purity/essence/(P)/
[] /(n) source of river/fountainhead/
[] /(n) propulsion/driving force/(P)/
[] /(n) flushing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) playing wind instruments/
[] /(n,vs) guess/conjecture/(P)/
[] /(n) (water-filled) paddy field/(P)/
[] /(n) reasoning/inference/mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) numeral/
[] /(n,vs) worship/adoration/admiration/cult/(P)/
[] /(v1) to install/to equip/to mount/(P)/
[] /(v1) to set (table)/to lay (foundation)/to place (gun)/to apply (moxa)/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) fresh/refreshing/
[] /(n) help/aid/relief/(P)/
[~] /(v5u) to build (a nest)/to haunt (a place)/to hang out (somewhere)/
[] /(adj-na,n) vigorous/healthy/sound/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to rinse/to wash out/
[] /(n) progress/
[] /(n) (trouser) cuff/(skirt) hem/cut edge of a hairdo/foot of mountain/(P)/
/(n) studio/(P)/
/(n) steam/(P)/
/(n) strike/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) strike/(P)/
/(n) stress/(P)/
/(n) straw/(P)/
/(n) stroboscope (lit: strobo)/strobe lamp/stroboscopic lamp/(P)/

/(adj) nimble/smart/quick/
[] /(adj) fast/quick/prompt/agile/(P)/
/(adv) decisively/decidedly/once and for all/unreservedly/frankly/(P)/
/(n) spring/(P)/
/(n) space/(P)/
/(n) soaked/dripping wet/
/(n) sports car/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to clear/to make clear/to be unruffled/to look unconcerned/to look dem
ook prim/put on airs/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (1) to finish/to get it over with/to conclude/(2) to settle/to pay bac
to get along (without something)/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) speed/(P)/
/(n) slacks/(P)/
/(adv) in a line/in a row/
[] /(v5r) to rub/to chafe/to file/to frost (glass)/to strike (match)/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) sound or act of dragging/loose/inconclusive but unwanted situation/
/(n) chance encounter/
[] /(v1) to rub/to chafe/to wear/to become sophisticated/(P)/
/(adv,n) pass with no objection/slim/slender/
~ [~]
[] /(n) growth/development/breeding/(P)/
[] /(n) growth/raising/
[] /(n) results/fruits/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) correct/right/correct interpretation (answer, solution)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) regular/legal/formal/established/legitimate/(P)/
[] /(n) justice/right/righteousness/correct meaning/(P)/
[] /(n) livelihood/living/(P)/
[] /(n) (political) administration/political power/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) elaborate/delicate/exquisite/(P)/
[] /(n) constellation/(P)/
[] /(n) restraint/sanctions/punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) political measures/policy/(P)/
[] /(n) exact calculation/squaring of accounts/(P)/
[] /(n) life and death/(P)/
[] /(n) stillness/repose/standing still/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sincere/honest/faithful/(P)/
[] /(n) maturity/ripeness/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) youth/springtime of life/adolescent/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) purity/innocence/
[] /(n) Bible/scriptures/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) normalcy/normality/normal/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to control/to command/to get the better of/
[] /(adj-na,n) orderly/regular/well-organized/trim/accurate/
[] /(n,vs) be dressed up/wear rich clothes/
[] /(adj-na,n) grand/prosperous/magnificent/(P)/
[] /(n) good and evil/purity and impurity/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) enactment/establishment/creation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) static/
[] /(n) iron manufacture/(P)/
[] /(n) fine weather/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) just/justifiable/right/due/proper/equitable/reasonable/legitimate
[] /(n) majority/adult age/(P)/
[] /(n) uniform/(P)/
[] /(n) conquest/subjugation/overcoming/(P)/
[] /(n) manufacturing method/recipe/formula/
[] /(adj-na,n) precise/exact/detailed/minute/close/(P)/

[] /(n) tax office/(P)/

[] /(n) declaration/statement/proclamation/(P)/
[] /(n) full name/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) limitation/restriction/condition/constraints/(P)/
[] /(n) physiology/menses/(P)/
[] /(n) influence/power/might/strength/potency/force/energy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) stand in a row/form a line/(P)/
/(n) sale/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to hurry/to urge on/(P)/
[] /(n) son/my son/
[] /(n) duty/obligation/(P)/
/(n) section/(P)/
[] /(n) flattery/compliment/(P)/
[] /(n) household/(P)/
[] /(n) correction/revision/(P)/
[] /(n) generation/the world/the age/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) tune/tone/knot/knob/point/
[] /(n,vs) clearing (land)/opening up/cutting through/
/(n,vs) sexual intercourse/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) compelling/serious/severe/acute/earnest/pressing/urgent/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) touch/contact/(P)/
[] /(n) conjunction/
[] /(n) establishment/institution/(P)/
[] /(n) compromise/cross/blending/eclecticism/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) establishment/creation/(P)/
[] /(n) persuasion/(P)/
[] /(adj) painful/trying/oppressive/suffocating/(P)/
[] /(n) out of print/
[] /(n) establishment/foundation/institution/(P)/
[] /(n) attack/offence/
/(n) (1) jelly/(2) Jerry/(P)/
/(n) ceremony/(P)/
[] /(n) public opinion/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) the future/priority/precedence/former/previous/old/late/
[] /(n) (small) table/tray/meal/
[] /(n) Zen (Buddhism)/(P)/
[] /(n) fibre/fiber/textile/(P)/
[] /(n) complete recovery of health/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) election/(P)/
[] /(n) religious mission/
[] /(n,vs) declaration/proclamation/announcement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preceding/going first/
[] /(n,vs) selection/screening/
[] /(n) war damage/(P)/
[] /(n) specialization/
[] /(n) tactics/
/(n) good sense (for music, style, tact, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) diving/(P)/
[] /(n) height of prosperity/(P)/
[] /(n) family predecessor/previous age/previous generation/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) recently/the other day/(P)/
[] /(n) first arrival/(P)/
[] /(n) preamble/premise/reason/prerequisite/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) a priori/inborn/innate/inherent/congenital/hereditary/(P)/
[] /(n) future prospects/outlook/the journey ahead/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) battle/fight/combat/(P)/
[] /(n) infiltration/sneaking in/(P)/
[] /(n) ship/(P)/
[] /(n) annihilation/(P)/
[] /(n,pref,suf) exclusive use/personal use/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) occupation/capture/possession/have a room to oneself/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) goodness/excellence/virtue/(P)/
[] /(n) war potential/
[] /(n) precedent/(P)/
[] /(n) aspect/phase/countenance/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to run along/to follow/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to accompany/to become married/to comply with/(P)/
[] /(n) monk/priest/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) statue/image/figure/picture/portrait/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) suitability/fitness/(P)/
[] /(n) general meeting/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) launching (e.g. newspaper)/first issue/(P)/
[] /(n) various kinds of small trees/assorted trees/
[] /(adj-na,n) urgent/
[] /(adj-na,n) urgent/
[] /(n) augment/reinforce/increase/
[] /(n) remittance/sending money/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car)/traveling/
[] /(n,vs) synthesis/coordination/putting together/integration/composite/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) search (esp. in criminal investigations)/investigation/(P)/
[] /(n) search (esp. for someone or something missing)/investigation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) management/handling/control/manipulation/(P)/
[] /(n) Minister of Finance/(P)/
[] /(n) ornament/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) promoting/increase/advance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) creation/(P)/
[] /(n) relative/
[] /(adj-na,n) magnificent/grand/majestic/splendid/(P)/
[] /(n) strife/riot/rebellion/(P)/
[] /(n) disaster/shipwreck/accident/(P)/
[] /(n) market price/speculation/estimation/(P)/
[] /(n) equipment/
[] /(n) establishment/founding/organization/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to add to/to attach/to append/to accompany/to garnish/to imitate/to
/(n) source/(P)/
[] /immediately/right away/
[] /(n,vs) promotion/acceleration/encouragement/facilitation/spurring on/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to conform to/to agree with/to be adapted to/to be based on/
[] /(n,vs) restraint/shackles/restriction/confinement/binding/(P)/
[] /(n) side/flank/sidelight/lateral/(P)/
[] /(io) (suf,v5u) to harm/to hurt/to injure/to damage/to fail in doing/(P)/
/(n) (uk) everywhere/somewhere/approximately/that area/around there/
[] /(n) raw materials/subject matter/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) obstruction/check/hindrance/prevention/interdiction/(P)/
[] /(n) litigation/lawsuit/(P)/
[] /(n) breeding/growth/(P)/
[] /(n) measure/step/(P)/
/(n) socks/(P)/
/(adj) cold/short/curt/blunt/
[] /(n) look (or turn) the other way/
[] /(v1) to provide/to furnish/to equip/to install/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be furnished with/to be endowed with/to possess/to be among/to be
to be possessed of/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be furnished with/to be endowed with/to possess/to be among/to be
to be possessed of/(P)/
[] /(v1) to rise/to tower/to soar/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-no,n) (abbr) soft/soft hat/software/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/artlessness/naivete/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to run counter to/to go against/to disobey/to infringe/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to dye/(P)/
[] /(v1) to dye/to colour/(P)/
/(v5s,vt) to bend/to warp/to curve/(P)/
[~] /(uk) sleigh/sled/
[] /(v5r) to warp/to be warped/to curve/to be curved/to be arched/to bend (backward
/(conj) therefore/for that reason/so/
/(n) solo/(P)/
[] /(n) set/suit/uniform/
/(adj-na,n) rude/careless/slovenly/(P)/
[] /(n) loss/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) duration/continuance/(P)/
[] /(n) party/company/body (of troops)/corps/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) interaction/correspondence/coping with/dealing with/(P)/
[] /(n) rich family/distinguished family/
[] /(n) degeneration/retrogression/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) in general/mainly/(P)/
[] /(n) physique/constitution/(P)/
[] /(n) dropping out of school/(P)/
[] /(n) great cost/(P)/
[] /(n) treatment/reception/(P)/
[] /(n) confrontation/showdown/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) personal experience/(P)/
[] /(n) opposition/antagonism/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) extermination/(P)/
[] /(n) general public/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) deal with/cope/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) retirement (from office)/(P)/
[] /(n) attitude/conditions/preparations/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) talk/dialogue/conversation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bold/daring/audacious/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) equivalent/(P)/
/(n) title/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) mess/spoiled/(come to) nothing/(P)/
[] /(n) non-payment/default/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) contrast/comparison/(P)/
/(n) typist/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) most (e.g. most part)/greater/fairly/a good deal/much/
[] /(n) feces/excrement/shit/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pay by proxy/act for another/speak for another/(P)/
[] /(n) expectant waiting/(P)/
[] /(n) libretto/scenario/(P)/
/(n) timer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) negligence/procrastination/carelessness/(P)/
/(n) timing/(P)/
/(n) time/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) timely/run-batted-in (baseball)/RBI/(P)/
[] /(n) interview/meeting/(P)/
[] /(n) substitution/(P)/
[] /(n) physical strength/(P)/
/(n) tile/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) interactive/interaction/conversation/dialogue/(P)/
/(n-suf) down/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bear/to stand/to endure/to put up with/to support/to withstand/to re
to brave/to be fit for/to be equal to/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bear/to stand/to endure/to put up with/to support/to withstand/to re
to brave/to be fit for/to be equal to/(P)/

[] /(v1) to die out/to peter out/to become extinct/(P)/

[] /(n) break in the deadlock/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rise/to swell/to be promoted/(P)/
[] /(n) (open) fire/
[] /(n,vs) compromise/giving in/(P)/
/(adj) burly/strong/sturdy/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) skill/cleverness/(P)/
[] /(prt) (uk) only/just/as/
[] /(n) (1) blow/shock/strike/damage/(2) batting (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) poor work/rubbish/(P)/
[] /(n) addition/(P)/
[] /(n) majority rule/
[] /(n) assistance/
[] /(v5r) to participate/to take part/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to drift about/to float/to hang in air/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to leave/to depart/to take one's leave/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stop by/to drop in for a short visit/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to sever/to cut off/to suppress/to abstain (from)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (child's) hug/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) skillful/in good health/
[] /(n,vs) escape/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to escape from/to get out/
[] /(n,vs) achievement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) secession/retirement/withdrawal (e.g. from a lawsuit)/(P)/
/(conj) if it's the case/
[] /(n) shield/buckler/escutcheon/pretext/(P)/
[] /(v1) to pay in advance/to pay for another/to pay someone else's debt
[] /(n) face/official stance/public position or attitude (as opposed to private
[] /(v5r) to offer/to present/to revere/to do respectfully/
[] /if it's the case/
[] /(n) transitive verb (direct obj)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) example/even if/if/though/although/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to grope along to/to struggle on to/to arrive somewhere after a
[] /(v5r) to follow (road)/to pursue (course)/to follow up/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tie up in a bundle/to govern/to manage/to control/to fold (one's a
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) loose/baggy/(P)/
/(n) double/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) another side/different direction/(on) the other hand/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) busy/pressure of work/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to receive/to grant/
[] /(n) soul/spirit/(P)/
[] /collected things/gathering place/arrears/
[] /(v5r) to grant/to bestow/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to keep/to preserve/to hold/to retain/to maintain/to support/to sustain/
last/to endure/to keep well (food)/to wear well/to be durable/(P)/
/(adj) easy/simple/light/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) diversity/variety/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) sluggish/feel heavy/languid/dull/(P)/
[] /(n) slack/slackening/dullness/letdown/
[] /(v5m,vi) to slacken/to loosen/to relax/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) (1) to hang/to droop/to dangle/to sag/to lower/to pull down/(2) to l
behind (at death)/to give/to confer/(3) to drip/to ooze/to trickle/to drop/(P)/
/(n) talent/star/personality/(P)/
/(n) tower/(P)/

~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) single/simple/sole/individual/unitory/(P)/
[] /(n) tanka/31-syllable Japanese poem/(P)/
[] /(n) stretcher/litter/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) quick temper/(P)/
[] /(n) unity/union/combination/(P)/
[] /(n) exploration/expedition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assertion/declaration/affirmation/
[] /(n,vs) shortening/abbreviation/reduction/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) firmly/absolutely/definitely/(P)/
[] /(n) carbon (C)/(P)/
[] /(n) junior college/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) monotony/monotone/dullness/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) sole/independence/single/solo (flight)/(P)/
[] /(n) master (of house)/husband (informal)/(P)/
[] /(n) short wave/(P)/
[] /(n) protein/(P)/
/(n) dump/(P)/
[] /(n) cross section/
[] /(n) elasticity/flexibility/(P)/
[] /(n) public order/(P)/
/(n) teamwork/(P)/
/(n) change/(P)/
[] /(v1) to change/(P)/
[] /(n) animal husbandry/(P)/
[] /(int,n) beast/brute/damn/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) accumulation/accumulate/store/(P)/
[] /(n) terrain/geographical features/topography/(P)/
[] /(n) intelligence/(P)/
[] /(n) milk/breast/loop/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be shortened/to be contracted/to shrink/(P)/
[] /(n) order/regularity/system/method/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) suffocation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) intellectual/(P)/
/(n) chime/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) embarkation/launch/(P)/
[] /(n) colouring/coloring/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sit down/seat/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attention/
[] /(n,vs) landing/alighting/touch down/(P)/
[] /(n) start of (construction) work/
[] /(n) living room (Japanese style)/(P)/
[] /(n) tea ceremony/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) pamper/make a fuss of/spoil/
/(n) a channel/(P)/
[] /(n) somersault/looping-the-loop/(P)/
[] /(n) relay/hook-up/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) advice/warning/(P)/
[] /(n) slander/libel/defamation/(P)/
[] /(n) centre/pivot/mainstay/nucleus/backbone/central figure/pillar/key man/(
[] /(n,vs) lottery/raffle/drawing (of lots)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) interruption/suspension/break/(P)/
[] /(n) poisoning/(P)/
[] /(n) mountain side/halfway up/
[] /(n) neutrality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) neutralize/counteract/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) guts/bowels/intestines/
[] /(n) butterfly/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf,pref) super-/ultra-/hyper-/(P)/

[] /(n) signature/sign/sealing/(P)/
[] /(n) the sense of hearing/(P)/
[] /(n) chief/(government) secretary/
[] /(n) lecture attendance/auditing/(P)/
[] /(n) collection/levy/(P)/
[] /(n) stethoscope/
[] /(n) challenge/defiance/(P)/
[] /(n) arbitration/conciliation/mediation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) duplication/repetition/overlapping/redundancy/restoration/(P)/
[] /(n) long (e.g. novel, film)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) priceless treasure/convenience/usefulness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cooking/(P)/
[] /(n) harmony/(P)/
/(adv) often/frequently/now and then/occasionally/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) confrontation/
[] /(n) literary work/book/(P)/
[] /(n) savings/(P)/
[] /(n) intuition/instinct/insight/hunch/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) well-known/noted/celebrated/(P)/
/(adv) at a glance/by accident/
[] /(n) dust/dirt/(P)/
[] /(n) dustpan/
[] /(n) medical treatment/(P)/
[] /(n) wages/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) precipitation/deposition/settlement (e.g. of sediment)/
[] /(n) sinking/foundering/(P)/
[] /(n) silence/reticence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exhibition/display/show/(P)/
[] /(n) pair/couple/set/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) gaining on/carrying out/solving (crime)/(P)/
[] /(n) pursuit/(P)/
[] /(n) exile/banishment/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to spend/to devote/to waste/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) falling/crashing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) feeling keenly/fully realizing/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) common/general/normal/usual/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) keen/acute/
[] /(n) cane/(P)/
[] /(n) use/(P)/
[] /(v1) to serve/to work for/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rule/to govern/to administer/
/(adj-no,n) moment/brief time/brief/transient/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) every month/(2) trite/common/(P)/
[] /(n) joint/seam/
[] /(v1) to be used up/to be run out/to be exhausted/to be consumed/to come to a
[] /(v5g) (1) to join/(2) to piece together/(3) to set (bones)/(4) to graft (trees)
[] /(v5g) to succeed (someone in a business or inheritence)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (1) to exhaust/to run out/(2) to devote/to serve (a person)/to befrien
/(adj-na,adv) (uk) completely/really/thoroughly/deeply/severely/intently/(P)/
[] /(n) make-up/sliced raw fish/
[] /(n) make up/structure/physique/
[] /(v5u) to mend/to repair/to fix/to patch up/to darn/to tidy up/to adjust/to t
[] /(v1) to add one thing to another/(P)/
[] /(v1) to inform/(P)/
[~] /(n) coherence/consistency/(P)/
[] /(n) pipe/tube/(P)/

[] /(v5k) (1) to thrust/to strike/to attack/(2) to poke/to nudge/to pick at/(P)/

[] /(v5k) to prompt someone/
[] /(v5m) to be careful/to be chaste or discreet/to abstain or refrain/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to support/to become stiff/to become taut/to thrust (ones opponent
to (ones opinion)/to insist on/(P)/
[] /(n) place of work/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp) make an effort!/work hard!/(P)/
[] /(n) tsunami/tidal wave/(P)/
/(v5r) to pinch/
[] /(n) horn/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to invite/to solicit help, participation, etc/(P)/
[] /(n) saliva/spit/sputum/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to mutter/to murmur/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) round/rotund/
[~] /(v5r) to close the eyes/(P)/
[] /(n) tsubo jar/pot/vase/
[] /(n) bud/flower bud/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to pluck/to pick/to trim/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) dew/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to get strong/to gain strength/(P)/
[] /(v1) to strengthen/to emphasize/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to extend/to stretch out/to stand in a row/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to go through/(P)/
[] /(v1) to link/to join/to put together/(P)/
[] /(n) temple bell (for striking)/
[] /(n) strap/
[] /(n) allowance/compensation/treatment/medical care/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) definition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) offer/tender/program sponsoring/furnishing/(P)/
[] /(n) cooperation/tie-up/joint business/link-up/(P)/
[] /(n) decency/style/form/appearance/show/get-up/format/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) presentation/exhibit/suggest/citation/
[tissue] paper
[] /(n) set meal/special (of the day)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) correction/revision/(P)/
[] /(n) stagnation/tie-up/congestion/retention/accumulation/falling into arrears
[] /(n) mansion/residence/(P)/
[] /(n) retirement age/(P)/
[] /(n) bank/weir/(P)/
/(n) data/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) being (too) late/(2) belated treatment/(P)/
/(adj) huge/(P)/
[] /(n) contact/trail/scent/on hand/hand hold/clue/key/(P)/
[] /(v1) to handle/to manage/to work with/to rear/to look after/to have expe
[] /(n) trouble/labor/handling/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) easy/simple/informal/offhand/cheap/(P)/
[] /(n) adaptation/accommodation/conformity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv) suitability/(P)/
[] /(n) aptitude/(P)/
/(n) tumour/growth/boil/ulcer/abscess/rash/pimple/
[] /(n) performance/skill/tact/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to happen to meet/to come across/
/(n,vs) design/(P)/
[] /(n) process/procedure/protocol/(P)/
[] /(n) handcuffs/manacles/(P)/
[] /(n) trouble/labor/handling/(P)/
/(n) decoration/(P)/
/(n) (1) dessert/(2) desert/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) near/handy/familiar/
/(adv) surely/certainly/beyond doubt/(P)/
[] /(n) iron and steel/
/(fr:) (n) rough sketch (fr: dessin)/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to sink in/to penetrate/to devote oneself/to believe in/to go throu
intently and exclusively/(P)/
/(n) top/summit/apex/scalp/(P)/
[] /(n) iron rod/crowbar/horizontal bar (gymnastics)/(P)/
[] /(n) adjustment/touch up/
[] /(n) the palm/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrangement/search (by police)/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement/plan/programme/
[] /(n) guidance/guide/introduction/(P)/
[] /(n) model/pattern/(P)/
[] /(n) preparations/arrangements/
[] /(n) (1) (money) on hand or at home/one's purse/(2) usual skill/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to reflect/to throw back light/
/(n) (abbr) telex/teletypewriter exchange/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) division of labour/(P)/
[] /(n) heaven/sky/(P)/
[] /(n) country/rural districts/(P)/
[] /(n) the world/whole country/descent from heaven/having one's own way/the publi
the ruling power/(P)/
[] /(n) revolution/rotation/
[] /(n) convert/divert/(P)/
[] /(n) moving/changing residence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) transfer/transmission/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inspection/examination/checking/(P)/
[] /(n) source of electricity/power (button on TV, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) change schools/
[] /(n) paradise/heaven/Kingdom of Heaven/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) verbal message/rumor/word/(P)/
[] /(n) genius/prodigy/natural gift/(P)/
[] /(n) natural calamity/disaster/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exhibition/display/(P)/
[] /(n) tradition/legend/folklore/(P)/
[] /(n) dotted line/perforated line/
[] /(v1) to turn/to shift/to alter/to distract/
[] /(v5z) to turn/to shift/to alter/to distract/
[] /(n) heavenly body/(P)/
[] /(n) transmission (e.g. news)/communication/delivery/(P)/
[] /(n) heaven and earth/the universe/nature/top and bottom/realm/sphere/world/
/(adv) (not) at all/altogether/entirely/
[] /(n) change of post/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) view/outlook/prospect/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) ancestral/hereditary/imported/transmitted/handed down/
[] /(n,vs) fall/degradation/slump/spill/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) metropolitan/municipal/
~ [~]
[] /(v1) to enquire/to seek information/(P)/
[] /(v5u-s) to ask/to question/to charge (i.e. with a crime)/to accuse/without rega
rd to (neg)/(P)/
[] /(n) ridge (of roof)/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) trunk/body/frame/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/consent/same meaning/same opinion/approval/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) mobilization/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/same opinion/same feeling/sympathy/concurrence/(P)/
[] /(n) pottery/ceramics/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) debate/discussion/(P)/
[] /(n) motive/incentive/(P)/
[] /(n) grade/class/(P)/
[] /(n) the same grade/same class/
[] /(n,vs) living together/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attendance (at school)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) integration/unification/synthesis/(P)/
[] /(n) trend/tendency/movement/attitude/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (corporate) bankruptcy/insolvency/(P)/
[] /(n) investment/(P)/
[] /(n) fellow/companion/comrade/(P)/
[] /(n) same mind/comrade/kindred soul/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sympathy/compassion/sympathize/pity/feel for/(P)/
[] /(n) (arch) dojo/hall used for martial arts training/mandala/(P)/
[] /(n) regulation/control/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) being elected/winning the prize/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) naturally/as a matter of course/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) flight/desertion/escape/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) command/lead/generalship/leadership/
[] /(n,vs) reaching/attaining/arrival/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) rule/reign/government/governing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sympathy/agree with/alignment/tuning/
[] /(adv) (cannot) possibly/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) dynamic/kinetic/
[] /(adj) precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/(P)/
[] /(adj) precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) equality/equal/same rights/same rank/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) magnificent/grand/impressive/
[] /(v5b) to value/to prize/to esteem/(P)/
/(adv) in some way or other/one way or another/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) throw/investment/making (an electrical circuit)/
[] /(n,vs) introduction/bringing in/leading in/(P)/
[] /(n) the one concerned/the said person/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) enclosure (e.g. in a letter)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) escape/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) hibernation/winter sleep/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) alliance/union/league/(P)/
/(adv) it seems like/somehow or other/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disturbance/unrest/shaking/trembling/pitching/rolling/oscillation/agi
[] /(n) power/motive power/dynamic force/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) registration/register/entry/record/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) debate/discussion/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to go far off/(P)/
[] /(n) detour/roundabout way/
/(n) tone/(P)/
/(adv,n) anyhow/anyway/somehow or other/generally speaking/in any case/this and th
at/many/be apt to/(P)/
/(v1) to blame/to find fault/to take someone to task/to aggravate (an injury)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) sometimes/(P)/
/(v1) to pause/to be interrupted/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to explain/to advocate/to preach/to persuade/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to sharpen/to grind/to scour/to hone/to polish/to wash (rice)/(P)/
[] /(n) special skill/(P)/
[] /(n) dictatorship/despotism/(P)/
[] /(n) specialty/special product/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) original/peculiar/characteristic/(P)/
[] /(n) feature (e.g. newspaper)/special edition/report/(P)/
[] /(n) monopoly/(P)/
[] /(n) originality/(P)/

[] /(n) score/points made/marks obtained/runs/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) send specially/special envoy/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) characteristic (of)/peculiar (to)/(P)/
[] /(n) thorn/splinter/spine/biting words/(P)/
[] /(v1) to accomplish/to achieve/to carry out/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) age/marriageable age/age of puberty/adolescence/for some years/(P)/
[] /(n) closing up/fastening the doors/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) en route/half way/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bind/to file/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) foundation/base/basis/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stop/to cease/to come to an end/(P)/
[] /(n) special permission/patent/(P)/
[] /(n) privilege/special right/(P)/
/(adv) at once/(P)/
[] /(adv) suddenly/all of a sudden/(P)/
/(n) handle/grip/knob/
[] /(n,vs) breaking through/breakthrough/penetration/(P)/
[] /(n) embankment/bank/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) report/notification/registration/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stagnate/to be delayed/
[] /(v1) (1) to put in order/to arrange/to adjust/(2) to get ready/to prepar
ise money/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to resign/(P)/
[] /(v1) to recite/to chant/to call upon/
[] /(n) feudal lord/
[] /(n) arena/(P)/
[] /(n) door/opening/(P)/
[] /(n) ditch/drain/gutter/gap/(P)/
[] /(n) walking/going on foot/(P)/
[] /(n) public works/(P)/
/(v1) (1) to play dumb/to feign ignorance/to play innocent/to have a blank facial e
xpression/(2) to play the fool/(3) to be in one's dotage/
[] /(adj) meagre/scarce/limited/destitute/hard up/scanty/poor/
[] /(n) wealth/fortune/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be rich/to become rich/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) accompanying/attendant/companion/retinue/(P)/
[] /(n) working together/(husband and wife) earning a living together/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to accompany/to bring with/to be accompanied by/to be involved in/(P)/
[] /(n) dual income/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) dry/(P)/
/(n) dry cleaning/
/(n) driver/screwdriver/(P)/
/(n) drive in/
/(n) trouble (sometimes used as a verb)/(P)/
/(n) transistor/
/(adv,n) at once/first of all/for the time being/(P)/
[] /(n) treatment/service/handling/management/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to treat/to handle/to deal in/(P)/
[] /(n) torii (Shinto shrine archway)/(P)/
[] /(n) swap/exchange/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips wit
[] /(n) control/management/supervision/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to manage/to control/to supervise/(P)/
[] /(v1) to investigate/to examine/
[] /(v1) to collect/to extort/to appoint/to promote/
[] /(v5g) to act as an agent for/to announce (someone)/to convey (a message)
[] /(v1) to furnish/to install/to get someone's agreement/
[] /(v5k) to remove/to take away/to set apart/(P)/
[] /(n) transactions/dealings/business/(P)/

[] /(v5k) to surround/to circle/to enclose/(P)/

[] /(v1) to mix/to put together/
[] /(v5s) to take back/to regain/(P)/
[] /(v1) to order/to send away for/(P)/
/(n) drill/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) especially/above all/
/(v1) to be enchanted with/
[] /(adj-na,n) thickheadedness/stolidity/(P)/
/(adj-pn) terrible/awful/serious/preposterous/absolutely not/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lapse of memory/forget for a moment/(P)/
[] /(n) wholesale store/(P)/
[] /(n) cabinet/(government) ministry/(P)/
[] /(conj)
[] /(adj-no,n) secrecy/privacy/secret/internal evidence/one's circumstances/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) innermost thoughts/real intention/inmost heart/one's mind/in the
[] /(n,vs) involvement/internal (e.g. disk)/
/(n) game under lights (e.g. baseball) (lit: nighter)/night game/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) interior/inside/internal/(P)/
[] /(n) civil war/insurrection/rebellion/domestic conflict/(P)/
[] /(n) inland/(P)/
[] /(n) rice seedling/(P)/
/(adv) all the more/still less/(P)/
[] /(n) sink/(P)/
[] /(adv) long/drawn-out/very long/
[] /(n) middle/midway/
[] /(n) water's edge/beach/shore/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to sigh/to lament/to grieve/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to throw down/to abandon/to sacrifice/to throw out/
[] /(n) go-between/matchmaker/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) mild/calm/gentle/quiet/harmonious/(P)/
[] /(n) remains/traces/memory/(P)/
[] /(n) sympathy/compassion/(P)/
[] /(adj) miserable/pitiable/shameful/deplorable/
[] /(adj) tender-hearted/compassionate/
[] /(v5r) to rebuke/to scold/to tell off/
[] /(adj) famous/celebrated/well-known/(P)/
[] /(n) avalanche/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to become emotionally attached/(P)/
[] /(v1) to name (someone)/(P)/
[] /(adj) casual/unconcerned/
/(adv) please/kindly/by all means/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,exp,n) most/best/(P)/
/(n) napkin/(P)/
[] /(n) name plate/name tag/(P)/
[] /(adj) smelling of fish or blood/fish or meat/(P)/
[] /(adj) lukewarm/halfhearted/
[] /(n) living flesh/flesh and blood/the quick/
[] /(n) lead (the metal)/(P)/
[] /line up/be in a row/rank with/rival/equal/
[] /(adj-na,n) smoothness/glassiness/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lick/to taste/to experience/to make fun of/to make light of/to put d
o treat with contempt/
[] /(adj) seductive/melancholy/languid/
[] /(v5s) to afflict/to torment/to harass/to molest/(P)/
[] /(n) trouble(s)/worry/distress/anguish/agony/problem/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to accustom/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to domesticate/to tame/
[] /(conj) and/(P)/
[] /(v5t) (1) to consist of/(2) to be practical (logical, feasible, viable)/

uded/to hold true/(P)/

/(adv) as much as possible/if possible/
[] /(n,vs) practice/experience/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) difficulty/hardships/defect/
/(adj-na,n) nonsense/(P)/
[] /(adv) a little/somewhat/somehow/(P)/
/(adv) something or other/
[] /(n) load/baggage/cargo/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to resemble closely/(P)/
/(n) pimple/acne/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to prosper/to flourish/to do thriving business/to be crowded with pe
[] /(n) hatred/(P)/
[] /(n) blood relationship/blood relative/(P)/
[] /(n) the body/the flesh/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to run away/to escape from/(P)/
[] /(n) westering sun/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to run/to blur/to spread/to blot/to ooze/(P)/
[] /(n) imitation/counterfeit/forgery/sham/
[] /(n-adv,n) day and night/always/
[] /(n,vs) packing/baling/crating/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to carry on shoulder/to bear (burden)/to shoulder (gun)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to become less capable/to grow dull/to become blunt/to weaken/(P)/
/(conj,exp) in spite of/nevertheless/(P)/
/(n) nuance/(P)/
/(n) new/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) obtaining/coming to hand/(P)/
[] /(n) winning a prize or place (in a contest)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) bathe/bathing/(P)/
[] /(n) urine/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) recognition/cognizance/(P)/
[] /(n) mentality/
[] /(n,vs) conception/pregnancy/(P)/
[] /(n) duty/function/office/mission/task/(P)/
[] /(n) appointment/nomination/ordination/commission/designation/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to omit/to leave out/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to slip out/to sneak away/to excel/(P)/
[] /(n) owner/master/lover/god/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) swamp/bog/pond/lake/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) sound/note/(P)/
[] /(n) tone color/tone quality/timbre/synthesizer patch/(P)/
[] /(n) value/worth/price/dignity/(P)/
/(n) (photographic) negative/(P)/
[] /(v1) to put to bed/to lay down/to ferment/(P)/
/(n) screwdriver/
[] /(v5m) to be jealous/to be envious/(P)/
/(v5r) to tease/to coax/to solicit/to demand/(P)/
[] /(n) zeal/enthusiasm/(P)/
[] /(n) boiling water/(P)/
[] /(n) temperature/
[] /(n) stickiness/viscosity/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be sticky/to be adhesive/to persevere/to persist/to stick to/(P)/
[] /(n) price reduction/discount/(P)/
[] /(n) making necessary arrangements/(P)/
[] /(adj) sleepy/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to knead/to work over/to polish up/(P)/

[] /(n) sense/idea/thought/feeling/desire/concern/attention/care/(P)/
[] /(n) New Year's greetings/New Year's card/(P)/
[] /(n) yearbook/(P)/
[] /(n) one's heart's desire/earnest petition/(P)/
[] /(n) name of an era/year number/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) burning/combustion/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) seniority/(P)/
[] /(n) fuel/(P)/
[] /(n) annual tree ring/(P)/
/(de:) (n) neurosis (de: Neurose)/(P)/
[] /(n) brain/memory/(P)/
[] /(n) farming/agriculture/(P)/
[] /(n) farm (agriculture)/(P)/
[] /(n) agricultural land/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) payment/supply/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to let loose/to set free/to let escape/(P)/
[] /(v1) to escape/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) row of houses/(P)/
[] /(adj) desirable/hoped for/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to look out on/to face/to deal with/to attend (function)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to capture/to occupy/to usurp/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) tranquil/calm/quiet/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to speak ill of/to abuse/(P)/
[] /(n) futures/credit (buying)/stretching/total/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/to understand/to take in/to catch o
rn/to digest/(P)/
[] /(v5m) (1) to board/to embark on/to get into (a car)/to ship (passengers)
ship)/to help (someone) into/(2) to march into/to enter/(P)/
[] /(n) blade/sword/
~ [~]
/(n) bar/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) grasp/catch/understanding/(P)/
/(n) part/(P)/
[] /(n) lung/(P)/
~ []
[] /(n,vs) annullment/disposal/abandon/scrap/discarding/repeal/
[] /(n,vs) distribution (eg. films, rice)/
[] /(n) bacteria/germ(s)/
[] /(n) spouse/wife/husband/(P)/
[] /(int,n) Dear (so and so)/(P)/
[] /(n) background/scenery/setting/circumstance/(P)/
[] /(n) back/rear/
[] /(n,vs) abolition/repeal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (hum) (pol) borrowing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exclusion/removal/rejection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reparations/indemnity/compensation/(P)/
[] /(n) drainage/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) defeat/losing a war/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement (of resources)/disposition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) distribution/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) distribution/allotment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) defeat (as a verb it means 'to be defeated')/(P)/
[] /(n) diameter/magnification/(P)/
[] /(n) consideration/concern/forethought/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement/array (programming)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to shine/to look attractive/to look pretty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) destruction/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to make progress/to move right ahead (with the work)/to advance/(P)/
/(adj) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/vain/fickle/miserable/empty/ephemer

/(adj) stupid/
[] /(v5r) to consult with/to confer/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to plot/to attempt/to plan/to take in/to deceive/to devise/to design/to
fer A to B/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) revocation/annulment/breaking (e.g. treaty)/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to tear off/to peel off/to rip off/to strip off/to skin/to flay/to disrob
e/to deprive of/
[] /(n,vs) persecution/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) feebleness/weakness/weak/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) confession/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) obscure/vague/equivocal/(P)/
[] /(n) bomb/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) blast/explosion/blow up/
[] /(n,vs) disclosure/exposure/revelation/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to encourage/to cheer/to raise (the voice)/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be zealous/to brace oneself/to endeavour/to strive/to make an effort/
[] /(v1) to come off/to be worn off/to fade/to discolor/(P)/
[] /(v1) to change with age/to spoil from weathering/
[] /(n,vs) dispatch/send/(P)/
[] /(n) shame/embarrassment/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to play (piano, guitar)/(P)/
/(n) pajamas/pyjamas/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to feel shy/to be bashful/to blush/(P)/
[] /(v1) to feel ashamed/(P)/
[] /(n) "bridge building"/mediation/
/(n) (1) bus/(2) bath/(3) bass/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to spring/to bound/to bounce/to be stimulated/to be encouraged/to get li
ly/to treat oneself to/to splurge on/(P)/
[] /(n) damage/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to strike/to clap/to dust/to beat/
[] /(n) barefoot/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to accomplish/to fulfill/to carry out/to achieve/(P)/
[] /(n) honey/(P)/
/(n) pachinko (Japanese pinball)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) punishment/penalty/(P)/
[] /(n) (physical) growth/development/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) burgeoning/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) excavation/exhumation/(2) discovery (e.g. new talent)/(P)/
[] /(n) utterance/speech/proposal/(P)/
/(n) badge/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) outbreak/spring forth/occurrence/incidence/origin/(P)/
/(n) battery/(P)/
/(n) bat/vat/(P)/
[] /(n) attack (disease)/(P)/
[] /(n) something heard for the first time/
[] /(n) the end/the extremity/the limit(s)/the result/(P)/
[] /(v1) to end/to be finished/to be exhausted/to die/to perish/(P)/
/(v1) to be exhausted/to be worn out/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) patrol car/(P)/
[] /(adv) very/greatly/exceedingly/(P)/
[] /(adj) brilliant/magnificent/spectacular/(P)/
[] /(n) (flower) petal/
[] /(adj-na,n) gay/showy/brilliant/gorgeous/florid/(P)/
/(n) Papa/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to keep someone from doing/to stop/to prevent/to check/to hinder/to obst
ct/to oppose/to thwart/(P)/
[] /(n) beach/seashore/(P)/
[] /(n) beach/foreshore/(P)/
/(io) (oK) (v5r) to get into/to go into/to fit/to be fit for/to suit/to fall into/

to plunge into/to be deceived/to be taken in/to fall into a trap/to be addicted

to/to be deep into/
[] /(v5s) to grow/to cultivate/to wear beard/(P)/
[] /(v1) to hasten/to quicken/to expedite/to precipitate/to accelerate/(P)/
[] /(n) anger/
[] /(n) open field/empty lot/plain/(P)/

/(v5k) (uk) to disseminate/to scatter/to give money freely/

[] /(n) paper patch/paper backing/poster/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) far/far-away/distant/remote/far off/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) explosion/rupture/break off/(P)/
[] /(v1) to swell (from inflammation)/to become swollen/(P)/
[] /(n,suf) group/party/section (mil)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) size (of paper or books)/(P)/
[] /(n) edition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) prospering/prosperity/thriving/flourishing/(P)/
[] /(n) art print/(P)/
/(n) hangar/(coat) hanger/hunger/(P)/
[] /(n) antipathy/revolt/animosity/(P)/
[] /(n) echo/reverberation/repercussion/reaction/influence/(P)/
/(n) (1) (abbr) puncture/bursting/(2) punk/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) counterattack/counteroffensive/counterblow/(P)/
[] /(n) judicial decision/judgement/sentence/decree/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reflection/reverberation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) prosperity/flourishing/thriving/(P)/
[] /(n) breed/multiply/increase/propagation/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to be inconsistent with/to oppose/to contradict/to transgress/to re
[] /(n,vs) judgement/decision/award/verdict/(P)/
[] /(n) all people/everybody/10000 people/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) (one's) last years/(P)/
[] /(n) reaction/response/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) all-purpose/almighty/omnipotent/
[] /(adj-na,n) remnant/fragment/incomplete set/fraction/odd sum/incompleteness/(P)
[] /(n,vs) repelling/rebound/recover/oppose/(P)/
[] /(n) insurrection/mutiny/rebellion/revolt/uprising/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) overflowing/flood/(P)/
[] /(n) stone monument bearing an inscription/
~ [~]
[] /(n,n-suf) beauty/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) not only...but also/in addition to/consequently/
/(n) virus/
[] /(n) waiting room/
[] /(v1) to draw in/to hold back/to make notes/to be temperate in/(P)/
[] /(n) pessimism/disappointment/(P)/
[] /(v1) to withdraw/to leave/to pull out/to retire/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lead/to spearhead (a group)/to command (troops)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to cause/(P)/
[] /(v1) to pull down/to lower/to reduce/to withdraw/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to seduce/to drag along/to pull/to prolong/to support/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to take charge of/to take over/to retire to a private place/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) rejection/negation/voting down/(P)/
[] /(n) delinquency/misconduct/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) normally/habitually/
[] /(adj) long/long-continued/old (story)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) tragedy/disaster/(2) misery/wretched/pitiful/(P)/
/(n) business/(P)/
[] /(n) specific gravity/(P)/
[] /(n) art/fine arts/(P)/
[] /(n) (private) secretary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) smile/(P)/

[] /(v5m) to warp/to swerve/to deflect/to be crooked/to be distorted/to be bent/to

ncline/to slant/to be perverted/to be gross-grained/to get bent/to be strained/(
[] /(adj-na,n) secret/private/surreptitious/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to soak/to dip/to drench/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv) (uk) nothing but/earnestly/intently/(P)/
[] /(n) left-handedness/sake drinker/left-hander/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to scratch/
[] /(n) required (subject)/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv) wet through/drenched/(P)/
[] /(n) inevitable/necessary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) comparing with/match/rival/equal/(P)/
[] /(n) puffy/a breath/a pause/an effort/
[] /(n) man's shadow/soul/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) personality/character/personal appearance/gentility/(P)/
[] /(n) sign of life/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) once/some time ago/
[] /(n) hostage/prisoner/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) a line/earnestly/blindly/straightforwardly/
[] /(n) glimpse/public gaze/(P)/
[] /(n) fixed date/appointed day/(P)/
[] /(n) young bird/chick/doll/(P)/
[] /(n) Girls' (dolls') Festival/(P)/
[] /(n) sunny place/in the sun/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) blame/attack/criticism/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) taking refuge/finding shelter/(P)/
[] /(n) the Japanese flag/(P)/
[] /(n) spark/(P)/
[~] /(n) (uk) crack/fissure/flaw/(P)/
[] /(n) shriek/scream/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to banter/to make fun of/to jeer at/to cool/to refrigerate/(P)/
[] /(n) sunburn/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) label/ballot/ticket/sign/(P)/
[] /(n) motto/slogan/catchword/(P)/
[] /(n) depiction/description/portrayal/(P)/
/(adv,n) possibly/accidentally/

[] /(adj) flat/even/level/simple/plain/(P)/
/(n) last on the list/at the bottom/
[] /(n) ratio/proportion/percentage/(P)/
[] /(n) minuscule amount/extremely small quantity/
[] /(n) lunch (masc.)/midday meal/(P)/
[] /(n) proportion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fatigue/weariness/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to spread/to be propagated/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sensibility/susceptibility/sensitive (to)/well attuned to/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) poverty/lack/(P)/
[] /(n) quality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) poor/meagre/insubstantial/(P)/
[] /(n) brand/kind/description/(P)/
/(n) hint/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) frequency/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) poverty/destitute/poor/(P)/
/(n) fight/(P)/
/(n) file/(P)/
/(n) fan/fun/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) sudden/abrupt/unexpected/unforeseen/(P)/
/(n) filter/
[] /(n) seal/(P)/
[] /(n) blockade/freezing (funds)/(P)/

[] /(n) (1) windmill/

[] /(n) custom/
[] /(n) (1) manners/customs/(2) sex service/sex industry/(P)/
/(n) boots/(P)/
[] /(n) natural features/topography/climate/spiritual features/(P)/
/(n) boom/(P)/
/(n) foam/form/(P)/
[] /(n) subordinate person/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) indispensable/essential/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) too big/baggy/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to deepen/to heighten/to intensify/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) ominous/sinister/bad luck/ill omen/inauspiciousness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) recession/depression/slump/(P)/
[] /(n) tea-towel/dish cloth/(P)/
[] /(n) good fortune/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) composite/complex/(P)/
[] /(n) welfare/well-being/(P)/
[] /(n) mask/veil/disguise/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get cross/to get sulky/to swell (out)/to expand/to be inflated/to
to bulge/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) business recession/hard times/depression/gloom/sullenness/cheer
[] /(v5r) to indulge in/to give oneself up to/to be obsessed by/to be engrossed in
o be lost in/to be absorbed in/(P)/
[] /(v1) to age/(P)/
[] /(n) wealthy person/millionaire/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) edict/ordinance/proclamation/
/(n) buzzer/(P)/
[] /(n) debt/liabilities/(P)/
[] /(n) absence/(P)/
/(adj) appropriate/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) irregularity/unseasonableness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) injury/wound/(P)/
[] /(n) insult/contempt/slight/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) incomplete understanding/doubt/question/distrust/suspicion/strangen
[] /(adj-na,n) dullness/depression/slump/stagnation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arms/armament/armed/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) token/label/(2) ticket/card/(3) charm/talisman/(P)/
[] /(n) burden/charge/responsibility/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bad condition/not to work out (ie a deal)/disagreement/break-off/
der/slump/out of form/
[] /(n,vs) revival (e.g. musical)/restoration/(P)/
[] /(n) public discussion (criticism)/
[] /(n,vs) restoration/restitution/rehabilitation/(P)/
[] /(n) revival/renaissance/reconstruction/(P)/
[] /(n) goods/materials/(P)/
[] /(n) Buddhist image (statue)/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) superior airs/air of importance/(2) overemphasis/
[] /(n,vs) boiling/seething/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) injustice/impropriety/unreasonableness/undeservedness/unfair/invali
[] /(n) real estate/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) safety/security/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (proceeding to) new appointment/(P)/
[] /(n) decay/depravity/(P)/
[] /(n) bad reputation/disgrace/unpopularity/
[] /(adj-na,n) dissatisfaction/discontent/disapproval/objection/complaint/protest/
[] /(adj-na,n) universality/ubiquity/omnipresence/(P)/

[] /(v1) to be based on/to have origin in/(P)/

[] /(v5m) to step into (someone else's territory)/to break into/to raid/
[] /(adj-na,n) unknown/obscure/indistinct/uncertain/ambiguous/ignorant/lack of wis
[] /(n) class/group/category/department/field/branch/(P)/
[] /(n) support/maintenance/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) unsteady on one's feet/stagger/reel/totter/dizzy/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) dangle heavily/swing/sway to and fro/aimlessly/idly/lazily/loiter/loaf/
be idle/stroll idly/(P)/
[] /(suf) style/manner/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to turn head/to look over one's shoulder/to turn around/to look
[] /(n) outset/starting point/drawing or issuing (draft)/
[] /(adj-na,n) badness/delinquent/inferiority/failure/(P)/
[] /(n) buoyancy/floating power/
[] /(n) armed might/military power/the sword/force/(P)/
/(n) bull/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be shaking/to be trembling/
[] /(adj-na,n) impolite/rude/(P)/
[] /(n) appendix/supplement/(P)/
/(n) front/(P)/
[] /(n) indignation/resentment/(P)/
[] /(n) cultural assets/cultural property/(P)/
[] /(n) division of labor/specialization/assembly-line production/(P)/
[] /(n) written language/literary language/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) dispersion/decentralization/variance (statistics)/(P)/
[] /(n) numerator/molecule/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) losing something/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) spewing/gushing/spouting/eruption/effusion/(P)/
[] /(n) document/writing/letter/note/records/archives/
[] /(n) dispute/trouble/strife/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) plentiful/abundant/lavish/
[] /(n,vs) apportionment/sharing/(P)/
[] /(n) hard struggle/strenuous effort/(P)/
[] /(n) division/sharing/(P)/
[] /(n) denominator/(P)/
[] /(n) fine powder/(P)/
[] /(n) separation/detachment/segregation/isolation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) split/division/break up/(P)/
/(n) pair/pear/(P)/
[] /(n) arms/weapons/ordinance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) (going) side by side/concurrent/abreast/at the same time/occur
[] /(n) shut mouth/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) closing/closure/shutdown/lockout/unsociable/(P)/
[] /(n) soldier/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n-t) normal/usual/(P)/
[] /(n) square (e.g. metre)/square/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrangement/parallel/abreast/(P)/
/(n) base/bass/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) wince/shrink back/succumbing to/being frightened/disconcerted/
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) fawn/be very hungry/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) best/vest/(P)/
/(n) best-seller/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be distant/(P)/
[] /(n) a means, e.g. of living/
/(v5r) to deprecate oneself and praise the listener/
[] /(v1) to pass/to elapse/to experience/(P)/
[] /(n) explanation/justification/defence/excuse/(P)/
[] /(n) change/reform/revolution/upheaval/(the) Reformation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) return/restoration/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) convenience/accommodation/advantage/expedience/(P)/
[] /(n) prejudice/narrow view/(P)/
[] /(n) defense/pleading/advocacy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) repayment/(P)/
[] /(n) next word/compensation/reparation/indemnity/reimbursement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) change/transition/vicissitudes/(P)/
[] /(n) reply/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) change/fluctuation/(P)/
[] /(n) discussion/debate/argument/(P)/
[] /(n) ear (of plant)/head (of plant)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/nurturing/rearing/lactation/suckling/
/(n) boycott/(P)/
/(n) point/(P)/
[] /(n) bill (law)/(P)/
[] /(n) defense/protection/self-defense/(P)/
[] /(n) fire prevention/fire fighting/fire proof/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) collapse/decay (physics)/crumbling/breaking down/caving in/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disturbance/obstruction/hindrance/jamming/interference/(P)/
[] /(n) law/jurisprudence/(P)/
[] /(n) feudalistic/
[] /(n) abundant harvest/bumper crop/(P)/
[] /(n) plan/policy/
[] /(n) attendance/service/(P)/
[] /(n) form/method/system/(P)/
[] /(n) radiation/emission/
[] /(n) radioactivity/(P)/
[] /(n) remuneration/recompense/reward/toll/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) release/emit/
[] /(v1) to inform/to report/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to inform/to report/(P)/
[] /(n) spinning/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) dumbfounded/overcome with surprise/in blank amazement/
[] /(n,vs) leave as is/leave to chance/leave alone/neglect/(P)/
[] /(n) expansion/swelling/increase/growth/(P)/
[] /(n) courtroom/(P)/
[] /(n) information/report/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) beginning/start/outset/(P)/
[] /(n) insurrection/rebellion/revolt/riot/uprising/(P)/
[] /(n) reward/prize/(P)/
[] /(n) storm/windstorm/gale/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to bury/to inter/to entomb/to consign to oblivion/to shelve/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to throw into/
[] /(v5s) to throw out/to fire/to expel/to give up/to abandon/to neglect/
[] /(n) violence/mayhem/(P)/
[] /(n) saturation/(P)/
/(n) hose/(P)/
/(n) pause/(P)/
/(n) (1) hall/(2) hole/(P)/
[] /(n) retaining warmth/keeping heat in/heat insulation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) capture/seizure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) charge/custody/safekeeping/deposit/storage/(P)/
[] /(n) supply/supplying/replenishment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) compensation/reinforcement/(P)/
[] /(n) fund-raising/collection of funds/(P)/
[] /(n) pastor/minister/clergyman/(P)/
[] /(n) whaling/whale fishing/(P)/
[] /(v1) to grow senile/to fade/(P)/
[] /(n) insurance/guarantee/(P)/
[] /(n) care/protection/shelter/guardianship/favor/patronage/(P)/
[] /(n) alma mater/(P)/

[] /(n) one's homeland/

[] /(v5r) to boast of/to be proud of/(P)/
[] /(v1) to come apart at the seams/to begin to open/to smile broadly/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) position/(P)/
[] /(n) dried washing (clothes)/
[] /(n) conservative/maintaining/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) supplementation/supplement/replenishment/replenishing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assistance/support/aid/auxiliary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) guarantee/security/assurance/pledge/warranty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) compensation/reparation/(P)/
[] /(n) pavement/road surface/(P)/
[] /(n) supplement/complement/(P)/
[] /(n) cemetery/graveyard/(P)/
[] /(n) fit/spasm/(P)/
[] /(n) forfeited/(P)/
[] /(n) starting/inauguration/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) feel relieved/
/(n) pot/(P)/
/(n) (col) cheek/(P)/
/(adv,n) gradually/here and there/spots/pimples/
[] /(n) ruin/fall/collapse/(P)/
[] /(v1) to come untied/to come apart/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to donate/to give/to conduct/to apply/to perform/(P)/
/(n) (in the) neighbourhood/vicinity/nearby/
/(v5k) to grumble/to complain/
/(v1) to become dim/to become blurred/(P)/
[] /(n) health preservation/recuperation/recreation/
[] /(n) prisoner (of war)/(P)/
/(n) volt/bolt/
[] /(v1) to be ruined/to go under/to perish/to be destroyed/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to destroy/to overthrow/to wreck/to ruin/(P)/
[] /(n) propriety/fundamental rules/
[] /(n) main building/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) seriousness/truth/sanctity/(P)/
[] /(n) one's own country/(P)/
[] /(n) essence/true nature/reality/(P)/
[] /(n) substance/real form/object of worship/(P)/
[] /(n) real intention/motive/(P)/
[] /(n) instinct/(P)/
[] /(n) home/habitat/center/best place/genuine/(P)/
/(n) pump/(P)/
[] /(n) text (of document)/body (of letter)/(P)/
[] /(n) real name/
/(n) mark/(P)/
[] /(n) buried property/treasure trove/(P)/
[] /(v5u,vi) to dance/to flutter about/to revolve/(P)/
[] /(n) just above/right overhead/
[] /(n) advance sale/booking/
[] /(n) preface/introduction/(P)/
[] /(adv) in advance/beforehand/previously/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to entrust/to leave to a person/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to defeat/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to give board to/to provide meals/to pay/(P)/
[] /(adj) confusing/misleading/equivocal/ambiguous/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be diverted/to slip into/(P)/
[] /(n) membrane/film/(P)/
[] /(n) sincerity/devotion/(P)/

/(v5k) to be confused/to be flustered/(P)/

[] /(adv,n) truth/faith/fidelity/sincerity/trust/confidence/reliance/devotion/(P)/
/(adv) indeed/really/absolutely/(P)/
/(adv) surely/no doubt/evidently/
[] /(v5r) to excel/to surpass/to outrival/(P)/
~ [] ~
[] /(v1) to mix/to converse with/to cross (swords)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) right under/directly below/
/(adv,exp) still more/still less (with neg. verb)/to say nothing of/not to mention
[] /(v5r) to cross/to intersect/to associate with/to mingle with/to interest/t
[] /(n) anaesthesia/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) mass communication/(P)/
[] /(n) thigh/femur/(P)/
[~] /(v5r) to extend over or into/to straddle/
[] /(n) appointment/(P)/
[] /(adj) looking forward to/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to look anxiously for/to wait eagerly for/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) several/various/divergent/conflicting/different/diverse/(2)
[] /(n-adv,n) the end of/powder/(P)/
[] /(n) deathbed/hour of death/
/(n) massage/(P)/
[] /(n) in two equal parts/
/(n) mark/target/(P)/
[] /(n) conclusion/settlement/consistency/
[] /(n) settlement/conclusion/(P)/
[] /(v1) to escape from/to be rescued from/to avoid/to evade/to avert/to elu
empted/to be relieved from pain/to get rid of/
[] /(n) invitation/
[] /(n) wink/twinkling (of stars)/flicker (of light)/
[] /(n) paralysis/palsy/numbness/stupor/(P)/
[] /(n) eyebrow/(P)/
[] /(n) ball/
[] /(adv) in its entirety/whole/wholly/
/(adv) completely/perfectly/just as if/
[] /(adv,n) completely/
[] /(v1) to make round/to round off/to roll up/to curl up/to seduce/to cajole/
in away/(P)/
[] /(n) full moon/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) unanimous/whole audience/(P)/
[] /(n) right in front/under the nose/
[] /(adj) perfectly circular/
[] /(adj) perfectly round/
~ [~]
[] /(n) formal marriage interview/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exchange glances/to postpone/to suspend operations/to refrai
an action/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to overlook/to fail to notice/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) savage land/backward region/uncivilized/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) taste/palate/sense of taste/(P)/
[] /(v1) to (happen to) see/to notice/to catch sight of/
[] /(n) (tree) trunk/(P)/
[] /(adj) unsightly/ugly/(P)/
[] /(n) forecast/prospects/expectation/hope/(P)/
[] /(n) unmarried/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) inexperience/unripeness/raw/unskilled/immature/inexperienced/(P)/
[] /(n) particle/atom/

[Miss] /(n) miss (mistake, error, failure)/Miss/myth/MIS (management information sy

[] /(n) (1) moisture/dampness/vapor/
/(n) misprint/(P)/
/(adj) shabby/seedy/(P)/
/(n) Mrs/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to show off/to flaunt/(P)/
[] /(n) show/exhibition/
[] /(n) ditch/drain/gutter/gap/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to satisfy/to ingratiate/to fill/to fulfill/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to throw out of order/to disarrange/to disturb/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get confused/to be disordered/to be disturbed/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) not yet known/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) near oneself/close to one/familiar/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be guided/to be shown/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) crowd/close formation/dense/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) related/connected/close/intimate/(P)/
[] /(n) density/(P)/
[] /(n) estimation/quotation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) not yet fixed/undecided/pending/(P)/
[] /(n) perspective/unobstructed view/outlook/forecast/prospect/insight/(P)/
/(v5s) to consider as/to regard/
[] /(n) source/origin/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to follow another's example/(P)/
[] /(n) personal appearance/(P)/
[] /(n) peak/ridge/(P)/
[] /(n) one's future/one's welfare/one's personal history/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to miss/to overlook/to leave at large/(P)/
[] /(n) one's personal appearance/personal belongings/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to choose at one's own discretion/
[] /(n) view/(P)/
[] /(n) gesture/(P)/
[] /(n) pulse/(P)/
/(n) music/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) lingering affection/attachment/regret(s)/reluctance/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to look out over/to survey (scene)/to take an extensive view of/(P)/
[] /(n) private home providing lodging for travelers/(P)/
[] /(n) people/race/nation/racial customs/folk customs/(P)/
[] /(n) people/race/nation/racial customs/folk customs/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) nonsense/no meaning/(P)/
/(n) mood/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) reticence/(P)/
[] /(n) son-in-law/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) invalid/no effect/unavailable/(P)/
[] /(n) silence/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) innocence/simple-mindedness/(P)/
/(v5r) to pluck/to pick/to tear/
[] /(n) ending/conclusion/union/(P)/
[] /(n) connection/relation/
[] /(v5k) to be connected or related/to join together/
[] /(v1) to combine/to join/to tie on/to attach with a knot/
[] /(n) wireless/radio/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) waste money on/squander money on/flog a dead horse/(P)/
[] /(n) without permission/without notice/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) waste money on/squander money on/flog a dead horse/(P)/
[] /(n) without permission/without notice/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) ignorance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) absurd/unreasonable/excessive/rash/absurdity/nonsense/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (uk) confused/jumbled/mixed up/unreasonable/(P)/
[] /(adj) vacant/futile/vain/void/empty/ineffective/lifeless/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) chagrin/regret/
[] /(adj-na,n) inefficiency/incompetence/(P)/
[] /(uk) unreasonably/absurdly/recklessly/indiscreetly/at random/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) useless/futility/needlessness/unnecessariness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (uk) unevenness/inconsistancy/erraticness/irregularity/
[] /(v5r) to swarm/to gather/(P)/
[] /(adv) of course/naturally/(P)/
[] /(n) noted product/
[] /(n) name/(P)/
[] /(n) a hit/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (uk) obvious/overt/plainly/frankly/(P)/
[] /(n) register of names/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) honor/credit/prestige/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) clarity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bright/clear/cheerful/(P)/
/(n) maker/(P)/
[] /(n) weight/(P)/
[] /(n) blessing/
[] /(v5m) to bless/to show mercy to/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to turn over/to turn pages of a book/to tear off/to strip off/(P)/
[] /(adj) (arch) brilliant/splendid/striking/remarkable/
[] /(v1) to wake up/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to call/to send for/to put on/to wear/to take (a bath)/to ride in/to buy/
to eat/to drink/to catch (a cold)/(P)/
[] /(n) female (animal)/(P)/
[] /(n) look/expression of the eyes/eyes/(P)/
/(n) message/(P)/
[] /(n) downfall/ruin/collapse/destruction/(P)/
/(n) media/(P)/
[] /(n) goal/outlook/
[] /(n) scale/gradations/
/(n) melody/(P)/
[] /(n) interview/(P)/
[] /(n) exemption/exoneration/discharge/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to face on/to look out on to/(P)/
[] /(n) face/honour/reputation/prestige/dignity/credit/(P)/
[] /(n) face/honour/reputation/prestige/dignity/credit/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v1) to create/to establish/(P)/
[] /(v1) to propose/to suggest/
[] /(n) application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challen
[] /(n) proposal/request/claim/report/notice/
[] /(v1) to report to/to tell/to suggest/to submit/to request/to make an o
orward with information/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) objection/shortcomings/
[] /(n) blind spot/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) violent/vehement/rage/(P)/
/(n) motel/
/(v5k) to struggle/to wriggle/to be impatient/(P)/
[] /(n) catalogue/catalog/list/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) a plan/a scheme/a project/a program/intention/goal/
[] /(n) model/dummy/maquette/(P)/
[] /(n) groping (for)/
/(adv,exp) (uk) perhaps/possibly/
/(conj,exp) or/otherwise/(P)/
/(v5s) to bring/to take/to bring about/(P)/
[] /(n) hot topic/talk of the town/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) at present/now/(P)/
[] /(adv) wholly/solely/entirely/(P)/
/(v5s) to entertain/to make welcome/(P)/

/(exp,v1) to be well liked/to be popular/(P)/

/(n) (computer) monitor/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) (idle) curiosity/(P)/
[] /(adj) unsatisfied/unsatisfactory/(P)/
/(adv) already/now/(P)/
[] /(n) exemplar/exemplification/exemplum/model/example/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) imitation/copying/(P)/
/(v1) to disagree/to dispute/(P)/
[] /(n) thigh/femur/(P)/
[] /(n) thigh/femur/
[] /(v5s) to hold (a meeting)/to give (a dinner)/to feel/to show signs of/to dev
symptoms of/to feel (sick)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to let leak/to reveal/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rouse/to swell/to rise/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to leak/to run out/(P)/
[] /(v1) to leak out/to escape/to come through/to shine through/to filter out/to
[] /(adj) brittle/fragile/tender-hearted/(P)/
/(adv) completely/altogether/bodily/
[] /(n) arrow/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) fields/outskirts/open air/suburbs/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) bedding/(P)/
[] /(n) post/managerial position/official position/
[] /(n) town hall/(P)/

[] /(n) mansion/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to rear/to maintain/to cultivate/(P)/
[] /(n) ambition/aspiration/designs/treachery/(P)/
[] /(adj) cheap-looking/tawdry/insignificant/(P)/
[] /(v1) to rest/to suspend/to give relief/(P)/
[] /(n) wild/(P)/
[] /(n) (vulg) fellow/guy/chap/(P)/
[] /(n) opposition party/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) darkness/the dark/black-marketeering/dark/shady/illegal/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to fall ill/to be ill/(P)/
/(adj) puzzling/tangled/complicated/complex/(P)/
/(v5s) to carry through/to achieve/to complete/
/(v1) to accomplish/
[] /(v1) to soften/to moderate/to relieve/(P)/
/(n) young/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) actor/superiority/gentleness/
[] /(adj-na,n) predominance/ascendancy/superiority/
[] /(adj-na,n) depression/melancholy/dejection/gloom/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) beneficial/profitable/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) supremacy/predominance/being superior to/
[] /(adj-na,n) bravery/heroism/gallantry/(P)/
[] /(n) organic/
[] /(n-adv,n) evening/(evening) twilight/(P)/
[] /(n) financing/loan/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to own/to be endowed with/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) superiority/superior power/predominance/preponderance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preference/priority/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) guidance/leading/induction/introduction/incitement/inducement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lending (money)/accommodation/adaptability/versatility/finance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) grace/refinement/elegance/
[] /(adj-na,n) good prospects/full of hope/promising/(P)/
[] /(n) nomadism/

[] /(n) sunset/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) influence/prominence/(2) potent/(P)/
[] /(n) ghost/specter/apparition/phantom/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) temptation/allurement/lure/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) reason/cause/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to warp/to swerve/to deflect/to be crooked/to be distorted/to be bent/to
ncline/to slant/to be perverted/to be gross-grained/to get bent/to be strained/(
[] /(v5r) to shake/to jolt/to rock/to swing/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to rinse/to wash out/
/(n) reserve/affluence/room/time (to spare)/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) unique/(P)/
/(n) uniform/
[] /(v5s) to point at/(P)/
[] /(n) bow (and arrow)/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to swing/to sway/to shake/to tremble/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to become loose/to slacken/(P)/
[] /(v1) to loosen/to slow down/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) lenient/(P)/
[] /(n) world/society/age/generation/(P)/
[] /(adj) good/nice/pleasant/ok/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) primary factor/main cause/(P)/
[] /(n) solution (liquid)/(P)/
[] /(n) business/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) protection/nursing/protective care/(P)/
[] /(n) blank form/(P)/
[] /(n) style/form/pattern/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to demand/to require/to take/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) claim/demand/request/application/(P)/
[] /(n) aspect/(P)/
[] /(n) articles/supplies/parts/
[] /(adj-na,n) western style/(P)/
[] /(n) directions/rules of use/
[] /(n) demand for/request/(P)/
[] /(n) leisure/leisure time/spare time/(P)/
[] /(n) presentiment/premonition/(P)/
[] /(n) side show/entertainment/
[] /(n,vs) deposit/bank account/(P)/
[] /(n) greed/wants/(P)/
[] /(n) check/restraint/oppression/suppression/(P)/
[] /(n) bathroom/bath/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) control/restraint/suppression/(P)/
[] /(adj) greedy/
[] /(n) desire/appetite/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to avoid (physical contact with)/(2) to ward off/to avert/(P)/
[] /(n) prediction/promise/prognostication/(P)/
[] /(n) sumo grand champion/(P)/
[] /(n) dirt/filth/(P)/
[] /OK!/all right!/
[] /OK!/all right!/
[] /(n) good or bad/merits or demerits/quality/suitability/
[] /(n,vs) expectation/anticipation/prediction/forecast/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) looking away/looking aside/
[] /(n) place/room/margin/scope/(P)/
[] /(conj) (uk) therefore/consequently/accordingly/because of/
[] /(n) government party/(ruling) party in power/government/(P)/
[] /(v1) to challenge/to call somebody to halt/
[] /(n) staying up late/keeping late hours/sitting up late at night/nighthawk/
[] /(n) late at night/(P)/

[] /(adv) very/greatly/much/to a large extent/quite/(P)/

[] /(v1) to read out loud (and clearly)/to call a roll/
~ [~]
[] /(v5r,vi) to lean against/to recline on/to lean on/to rely on/(P)/
[] /(n) public opinion/(P)/
[] /(n) public opinion/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to abate/to weaken/to be emaciated/to be dejected/to be perplexed
[] /(v1,vt) to weaken/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi,vt) to weaken/to be troubled/to be downcast/to be emaciated/to be deje
ed/to be perplexed/to impair/(P)/
[] /(n) attendance/
/(n) rice/(P)/
[] /(n) dairy (farm)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fall/drop/come down/(P)/
[] /(n) optimism/
/(n) label/(P)/
/(n) lamp/ramp/headlight/light/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) abuse/misuse/misappropriation/using to excess/(P)/
/(n,vs) read(ing)/lead (in a game)/being in the lead/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/reason/(P)/
[] /(n) interest (bank)/(P)/
[] /(n) profit/returns/(P)/
[] /(n) reason/sense/(P)/
[] /(n) interest (bank)/(P)/
[] /(n) solid body/(P)/
[] /(n) cube/
[] /(n) legislation/lawmaking/(P)/
[] /(n) advantage/point in favor/
[] /(n) pillage/plunder/looting/robbery/(P)/
[] /(n) abbreviation/acronym/(P)/
[] /(n) circulation of money or goods/flow of water or air/distribution/(P)/
[] /(n) area/domain/territory/field/region/regime/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) comprehension/consent/understanding/roger (on the radio)/(P)/
[] /(n) territorial waters/(P)/
[] /(n) both extremities/north and south poles/positive and negative poles/
[] /(adj-na,n) favorable/satisfactory/(P)/
[] /(n) good sense/
[] /(adj-na,n) good quality/superior quality/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) acknowledgement/understanding (e.g. "please be understanding of t
ing our renovation")/(P)/
[] /(n) conscience/(P)/
[] /(n) territory/dominion/(P)/
[] /(n) dominion/territory/possession/(P)/
[] /(n) compatibility/coexistence/standing together/(P)/
[] /(n) passenger (transport)/
[] /(n) passport/(P)/
[] /(n) personal history/background/career/log/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/(P)/
[] /(n) forestry/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) kind/sort/class/family/genus/(P)/
[] /(n) analogy/(P)/
[] /(n) analogous/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) loose/(P)/
/(n) rule/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cruelty/coldheartedness/relentless/ruthless/(P)/
[] /(n) cold storage/refrigeration/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) coolness/indifference/(P)/
/(n) (1) race/(2) lace/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) regular/(P)/
/(n) lesson/(P)/

/(n) lady/(P)/
/(n) lever/liver/(P)/
[] /(n) love/love-making/passion/emotion/affections/(P)/
[] /(n) consecutive holidays/(P)/
/(n) range/stove/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every day/prolonged/(P)/
[] /(n) solidarity/(P)/
/(n) hire car (lit: rent-a-car)/(P)/
[] /(n) colleagues/company/a lot/(P)/
/(n) X-ray (lit: Roentgen)/(P)/
[] /(n) commonwealth/federation of states/(P)/
[] /(n) league/union/alliance/(P)/
[] /(n) senility/senile decay/(P)/
[] /(n) reading aloud/recitation/(P)/
[] /(n) waste/extravagance/(P)/
[] /(n) labour/effort/toil/trouble/(P)/
/ropeway/aerial tram/
/(n) rope/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) frank/blunt/plain/outspoken/(2) conspicuous/open/(3) broad/sugg
/(adj-na,n) romantic/(P)/
[] /(n) discussion/(P)/
[] /(n) logic/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) frame/slide/(P)/
[] /(n) planet/(P)/
[] /(n) art/technique/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) expressly/specially/doing something especially rather than incidentally
[] /(adj) troublesome/annoying/complicated/(P)/
[] /(n) migratory bird/bird of passage/(P)/
/(n) watt/(P)/
[] /(n) apology/(P)/
[] /(n) Japanese text/sentence in Japanese/(P)/
[] /(n) straw/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) allotment/assignment/allocation/quota/rationing/
[] /(v5m) to cut in/to thrust oneself into/to wedge oneself in/to muscle in on
rrupt/to disturb/
[] /(n) bad fellow/rascal/ruffian/scoundrel/(P)/
[] /(n) me/oneself/self/ego/(P)/

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