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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [1]

Grade 9
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Answer t he quest ions


ABCD is a parallelogram. T he circle through A, B and C intersect CD (produced if necessary) at

E. Find value of AE/AD.


Find the value of w.


T wo circles of radii 5 cm and 4 cm intersect at two points and the distance between their
centres is 3 cm. Find the length of the common chord.

(4) From a point in the interior of an equilateral triangle, perpendiculars are drawn on the three
sides. T he lengths of the perpendiculars are 6 cm, 8 cm and 4 cm. Find the area of the triangle.

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [2]


If DAC = 45 and ADB = 70, f ind angle APB.

(6) AC is diameter of the semicircle and BD is perpendicular to AC. If AB = 2 cm and BC = 8 cm, f ind
the length of BD.

(7) We use n! to mean the f ollowing expression

n n-1 n-2 n-3 ... 2 1 (the product of all numbers f rom 1 to n)
In the range of numbers 16 <= x <= 54, how many numbers are there such that (x - 1)! is not
divisible by x?

A line passe through points (-1, 2) and (-3, 8). Find the y-intercept of the line.

(9) A line passe through points (3, 4) and (2, 2). Find the x-intercept of the line.

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice

(10) Find the conclusion by assuming f ollowing statements to be true (Statements may be contrary
to the universal opinion).
Statements :
(i) All phones are toys
(ii) All computers are phones.
a. No computer is a toy

b. All computers are toys

c. Some toys are computers

d. Some phones are computers

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [3]

(11) In an examination, Donald attempted 17 questions correctly and secured 56 marks. If there were
two types of questions i.e. of 3 marks and 4 marks, how many questions of 3 marks did he
attempt correctly?


a. 14

b. 13

c. 12

d. 10

Which of the f ollowing can be the value of


a. 2




c. 4

d. 1

(13) Find the unit digit of the number (724307)759 .

a. 9

b. 3

c. 7

d. 1

(14) An example of a rational number between


a. 3.7


c. 3.2



Fill in t he blanks
(15) T he average of 11 numbers is 42. If the average of f irst 5 numbers is 44 and that of last 5 is
41, then the 5th number =

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [4]


Step 1

Step 2
ABC = 180 - AEC

[ Opposite angels of cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary ]

Step 3
Since ABC = ADE
ADE = 180 - AEC

[ Opposite angles of parallelogram are equal ]

Step 4

[ 180 - AEC = AED ]

Step 5
Since ADE is isosceles with angles ADE = AED, AD = AE, theref ore AE/AD = 1


Step 1
Equation of line y = mx + c
Since it goes through center, c is 0, hence equation is y = m x
Step 2
For f irst point x = v and y = wv, hence
wv = m v
m = w _____________(1)
Step 3
For second point x = u and y = v, hence
m = v/u _____________(1)
Step 4
On comparing two equations, w = v/u

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [5]


8 cm
Step 1
T ake a look at the f ollowing image

Here A is the center of the f irst circle, and B the center of the second circle. T he common
chord is CD
We know that the line AB bisects CD, and is perpendicular to it
So the perpendicular f rom C to AB is half the length of CD. Let's call this length L
Area of ABC =

x AB x L

Step 2
By Heron's f ormula, area of triangle ABC =

AB + BC + CA



Area of ABC =


Step 3
Area = 6 =

x AB x L =

T heref ore L =




Length of CD = 2L = 2 x 4 = 8

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [6]

(4) 1083 cm2

Step 1
Following f igure shows the required triangle,

Let's assume the sides of the equilateral triangle ABC be x.

T he area of the triangle ABC can be calculated using Heron's f ormula, since all sides of
the triangles are known.
S = (AB + BC + CA)/2
= (x + x + x)/2
= 3x/2 cm.
T he area of the ABC = [S(S - AB)(S - BC)(S - CA) ]
= [


(3x/2 - x)(3x/2 - x)(3x/2 - x) ]

= [


(x/2)(x/2)(x/2) ]

= [


(x/2)3 ]

= [ 3(x/2)4 ]
= 3[ (x/2)2 ]

(x)2 ------(1)

Step 2
T he area of the triangle AOB =


'x' 8


Step 3

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [7]


Similarly, the area of the triangle BOC =

and the area of the triangle AOC =


Step 4
T he the area of the triangle ABC = Area(AOB) + Area(BOC) + Area(AOC)





Step 5
By comparing equation (1) and (2), we get,

(x)2 =




Step 6
Now, Area(ABC) =







= 108 3 cm2

Step 7
Hence, the area of the triangle is 1083 cm2.


Step 1
We know that a chord subtends the same angle to points on the circumf erence of the circle
that are on the same side
Here, we know ADB = ACB
Also, in triangle APC, APC + ACP + PAC = 180
Step 2
We need to f ind DAC
DAC = PAC = APB - ACB = APB - DAC = 45 - 70 = 115

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [8]

(6) 4 cm
Step 1
Following f igure shows the semicircle with the diameter AC,

According to the question, AB = 2 cm and BC = 8 cm.

T he diameter(AC) of the semicircle = AB + BC
= 10 cm
Step 2
Let's draw a line OD f rom the center of the semicircle, as shown in the f ollowing f igure,

T he line OD, OA and OC are the radius of the semicircle.

T heref ore, OD = OA = OC = AC/2
= 10/2
= 5 cm
Now, OB = OA - AB
= 3 cm
Step 3
In OBD, OBD = 90
BD2 = OD2 - OB2 [By the Pythagorean theorem]
BD2 = 52 - 32
BD2 = 16
BD2 = 4 2
BD = 4 cm
Step 4
Hence, the length of the BD is 4 cm.

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [9]

(7) 10
Step 1
Here (x-1)! will not be divisible by x, only if x is a prime number.
Step 2
Between 16 and 54, let us count the prime numbers: 17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53.
Step 3
T here are 10 prime numbers, so the answer to the above question will be 10.


Step 1
Equation of line y = m x + c
Step 2
Substitute f irst point in the equation
2 = -1 m + c
m = (2 - c)/-1 ________________(1)
Step 3
Substitute second point in the equation
8 = -3 m + c
m = (8 - c)/-3 ________________(2)
Step 4
On equating value of m f rom both equations,
(2 - c)/-1 = (8 - c)/-3
-6 + 3c = -8 + 1c
2 c = -2
c = -1

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [10]

(9) 1
Step 1
Equation of line y = m x + c
Step 2
Substitute f irst point in the equation
m = (4 - c)/3 ________________(1)
Step 3
Substitute second point in the equation
2= 2m+ c
m = (2 - c)/2 ________________(2)
Step 4
On equating value of m f rom both equations,
(4 - c)/3 = (2 - c)/2
8 - 2c = 6 - 3c
1 c = -2
c = -2
Step 5
m = (4 - c)/3 = 2
Step 6
Equation of line : y = 2 x + c
Now when line intersect with x axis, value of y will be 0
0 = 2x + (-2)

(10) b. All computers are toys

Step 1
Since all computers are phones, and all phones are toys, this means all computers are toys.
Step 2
T hus the option b is correct.

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [11]

(11) c. 12
Step 1
Let the number of 3-marks question be x. T hen, the number of 4-marks questions = 17 - x.
Step 2
T he total marks secured will be equal to: 3x + 4(17 - x) = 68 - x.
Step 3
T otal marks secured by Donald = 56. T hus,
68 - x = 56
or, x = 12.
Step 4
T he number of 3-marks questions Donald attempted is 12.

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [12]

(12) a. 2
Step 1
T here are two possible solutions, but we'll only look at one here
Step 2

Let's consider the f irst term

, and multiply it with

Obviously it doesn't change the value, since




Step 3
Similarly, take the second term


and multiply it with

Step 4
We do the same f or all the other terms. T he last term is


and multiply it with

Step 5
So the original equation now becomes
Step 6
Simplif ying, we get

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [13]

(13) b. 3
Step 1
Let us look at the units digits of a f ew powers of 7:
7 1 = 7, unit digit is 7
7 2 = 7 7 = 49, unit digit is 9
7 3 = 7 7 7 = 343, unit digit is 3
7 4 = 7 7 7 7 = 2201, unit digit is 1
7 5 = 7 7 7 7 7 = 15407, unit digit is 7
Step 2
We can see that the unit digit repeats af ter the power 4. We can f urther observe that the
unit digit of powers of 7 repeats af ter every power that is a multiple of 4.
Step 3
Remainder of



T his means 759 is 3 more than being a perf ect multiple of 4.
Step 4
T heref ore, the unit digit of (724307)759 = unit digit of 7 3, which is 3.

(14) c. 3.2
Step 1
We know both


are irrational numbers, as they are not perf ect squares

Step 2
T he product of the two is also irrational, as is their average
Step 3
T he approximate value of

is 2.82, and the approximate value of

is 3.6. T his rules

out 3.7
Step 4
So out of the 4 choices, we are only lef t with 3.2

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ID : ca-9-Kangaroo [14]


Step 1
T he average of 11 numbers is 42, which means the sum of numbers is equal to 42 11 =
Step 2
T he average of f irst 5 numbers is 44, which means the sum of f irst 5 numbers will be 44
5 = 220.
Step 3
T he average of last 5 numbers is 41, which means sum of last 5 numbers is 41 5 = 205.
Step 4
T he sum of f irst and last 5 numbers is 220 + 205 = 425.
Step 5
T his means the 5th number is 462 - 425 = 37.

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