Mississippi School Boards Association: School Board Member Recognition Week

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Mississippi School Boards Association

School Board Member

Recognition Week


P. O. Box 203 / 489 Springridge Road

Clinton, MS 39060
OUR MISSION: The mission of the Mississippi School Boards Association (MSBA)
is to ensure quality school board performance through advocacy, technical
assistance, leadership training and information dissemination.

Dear Superintendents:
MSBA is pleased to announce that February 16-22, 2014 will be observed as School Board
Member Recognition Week in Mississippi. School Board Member Recognition Week in
Mississippi is your districts opportunity to publicly thank the men and women who serve on
your local board of education. We hope it will be a time that your students, staff and
community share their appreciation for the leadership provided by school board members.
We have included the following materials to help you organize recognition activities that
applaud the dedicated service of your local school board members:

Instruction sheet, outlining each section of this packet

Suggested activities for celebrating School Board Member Recognition Week

News release for local media outlets and a sample letter-to-the-editor

Sample resolution for city councils, county board of supervisors, student councils or

Sample radio script for a public service announcement

Sample letter of invitation to community members and organizations

In addition to the resources included in this kit, a copy of Governor Phil Bryants proclamation
has been posted on the MSBA website. Please feel free to use the sample ads and artwork for
this years observance in both your digital and printed publications. A copy of Governor
Bryants proclamation, along with an Appreciation Certificate that you can sign and present to
each of your board members are being mailed to you. If you have questions regarding these
resources, please contact Linda Buford-Burks in our office toll free, 888-367-6722 or
Thank you for your support in acknowledging the important work of school board members
during School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi.

Michael W. Waldrop, Ph.D.

Executive Director
School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

Mississippi School Boards Association

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

Sample Activities
Choose from the celebration ideas in this packet or those listed on the MSBA School Board
Member Recognition Week page to plan your observance of School Board Member Recognition
Week. Dont let this opportunity slip by without saying thanks and providing recognition to your
local school board members.
Media Relations
Print the news release on district letterhead and submit it to local media. Be sure to add
information about special ceremonies or events you are planning for the special week. This news
release will work for your district newsletters, too. Or, use the sample letter-to-the-editor for
publication in your local newspaper.
Sample Resolution
Help locally elected officials or other groups officially recognize your school board by providing
them with a sample resolution similar to the one in this kit.
Radio Public Service Announcement
Contact local radio stations two weeks in advance of School Board Member Recognition Week to
arrange placement of your public service announcement. Use the sample radio scripts and fill in
the information specific to your district.
Letter for Community Members
Personalize the sample letter to inform community leaders, businesses and organizations of
School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi. Invite them to participate or sponsor
your events to recognize and show appreciation for school board members.

Extra Resource available at www.msbaonline.org:

Visit www.msbaonline.org and click on School Board Member Recognition Week to get:
Gov. Phil Bryants Proclamation of the Week)
Sample Ads for your Digital and Printed Publications

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

Plan a few special activities during School Board Member Recognition Week that will show your
board members how much you appreciate them. The February board meeting is an ideal time
for a special presentation. Have students, teachers and staff participate in the celebration, and
dont forget to reach out to community members business partners, civic organizations, clergy
or elected officials. Finally, invite the media to cover your activities as an outreach to the
Use the following ideas to promote your appreciation efforts. If possible, designate one person
to coordinate events with administration, staff, teachers and community groups. Be sure tips
and other information is shared with each school.
General Recognition Tips
Design a bulletin board for the boardroom or have the special bulletin board in a hightraffic area at the central office.
For example, using a tie-dye theme, put tie-die butcher paper as a background on a bulletin
board and place board members names on old CDs with a permanent marker OR you can use
CD labels and print out colorful labels on a good ink jet or laser printer. You can also put
photographs, background information and years of board service. Entitle the bulletin board,
The School Board in (District, County, City etc) Is Groovy!
Red Carpet Event
Create your own Walk of Fame for your board members. Introduce school board members
during halftime festivities at a high school basketball game, etc. Get a piece of red carpet or put
red butcher paper down. Make gold stars with a board member's name on each, and have the
school meet the board members as they arrive. Include a message thanking them in your game
program or on the scoreboard.
Say Thank You Differently
Prepare a group of students. Ask students to make a card, each saying thank you in a
different language.
Flower Shower
Arrange for a florist to donate a rose for each board member and place it at his or her place at
the board meeting.
A Fruit A-Day
Provide a daily fruit for the trustees. For example, Monday could be an orange; Tuesdays
offering could be an apple, etc.
Adopt-A-Board Member Day
Declare one day of Board Member Recognition Week as Adopt-A-Board Member Day. Have
special activities for the trustees during that day to express the students and staffs
appreciation. Take candid photos of Board Members with the staff. These make great yearbook
photos or gifts to board members.
Tasty Thursday
Invite the trustees and their families to attend a Food Tasting party on Thursday (or any day)
boasting tasty foods. Publish the event in the local newspaper, place on the district Web page,
School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

and use in the districts annual report. You may want to get local restaurants involved in
donating items to taste.
Get Schools Involved
Get every grade level involved. For example, kindergarten students could create artwork with
lots of pictures and drawings for the boardroom; first graders could make handmade cards.
Students in the second grade could provide plants with a special note attached; third graders
could bake school mascot cookies/bread for each trustee, etc.
Rally Round Them
Hold a pep rally for the trustees. Students can perform songs and skits honoring the hard work
of trustees throughout the year.
Give the Gift of Survival
Have the students assemble a survival kit for the school board. The survival kit could include
such things as
A battery to keep you going and going
Tissues for parents who have issues
Rubber bands so you can stretch the budget
Two cotton balls for those never-ending telephone calls
Erasers to make those little mistakes go away
Twix when you need a moment
Antacids for the occasional days that you are up the proverbial creek
Matches to organize all the districts paperwork
Adhesive bandages to fix the minor district problems
Sticky notes to help you remember all those details
Fan to keep you from overheating
Aspirin for those headaches caused by the stress of the position
Sing it like you mean it
Arrange for a performance by the high school (or other) choir. Shower board members by
singing praises. Have each board member give a five-minute speech on Why I Serve on the
School Board. Also ask local radio stations to dedicate a song to all school board members and
play it periodically throughout a designated day or just before a board meeting so that everyone
can listen.
Board Meeting Recognition Tips
Here are a few ideas to help you plan a recognition event during a board meeting.

Ask a local restaurant or grocery store to sponsor refreshments or dinner for the board.
Present each board member with certificates of appreciation (MSBA will mail one for
each board member).
Have a PowerPoint presentation featuring board members and the districts
accomplishments under their leadership. Be sure to showcase improvements in student
achievement, new or renovated facilities, and innovative academic programs.
Feature student entertainment at the board meeting.
Give special recognition to board members with longtime service.

Tips for Reaching Out to Your Community

Encourage organizations or groups to send board members a note of appreciation, gift

basket or thank you gift.

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

Seek endorsement and recognition for the school board from the Chamber of
Commerce. The Chamber is a leader in economic development and knows the value of a
strong education system in attracting new industry.
Encourage the city council, local chamber of commerce or PTA to sponsor a PSA (public
service announcement) Thank You at a local radio station (look for the sample PSAs).
Ask your communitys civic or business organizations to host your board at a breakfast
or a lunch.
Arrange a speaking engagement at a local service or civic club to explain the school
boards role in public school governance.
Ask the PTA to place a thank you ad in the local newspaper.
Encourage local businesses to place school board appreciation slogans on their
marquee for the week. See the sample slogans provided for ideas.

Tips to Involve the Media

Invite local media to cover any special presentations recognizing board members during
the February school board meeting.
Send a press release about School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi to
your local newspaper, television stations and radio stations.
Submit a letter to the editor.
Ask your local radio station to run a public service announcement thanking school
board members for their service. See the included sample PSA announcement for ideas.
Ask a student or the school webmaster to design a School Board Member Recognition
Week ad or web page for your districts web site.
Call or e-mail your local news media to encourage an interview with individual school
board members.
Suggest that the education reporter write a feature story about the person who has
served the longest on the school board.
Provide media representatives with information about what the board does, the major
decisions facing your board, important actions the board has taken, or the amount of
time each board member devotes to public schools.
Schools with access to a district cable TV channel can use their time to conduct
interviews with local board members and have informal talks on board service.

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association



[Your name and title]

[Your school district]
[Your phone number and e-mail]

[NAME OF DISTRICT] to celebrate School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi

The [your School District] will join districts across the state to thank school board members
during School Board Member Recognition Week, February 16-22, for their leadership and service
to local school districts and communities.
This week is a special opportunity to express our gratitude for the hard work of our school
board members and to thank them for their dedication to this community and its children, said
[first and last name of Superintendent], [your School District] Superintendent.
More than 750 Mississippians are members of local school boards. The board members who
serve on [your School District] School Board are responsible for setting the vision and goals for
the district. They work to provide a quality education for [____] K-12 students and oversee an
annual budget of $[_____]. The school board also hires quality educators, sets district goals,
adopts policies and evaluates progress while keeping the interests of our students first. They also
serve as the communitys voice in the school district and the districts voice in the community.

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

As school leaders, board members play an important role in engaging our community in
supporting our public schools, said [last name of Superintendent].
During School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi, the [your School District] invites
students, staff and community members and the general public to take part in honoring board
members. [Add a paragraph listing ways you will honor board members in your district.]
The men and women serving [your School District] and their years of service are: [list board
members names and years of service].
Further information about activities is posted on the district web site at [your districts web


Dear Editor:
The five (change number if necessary) individuals who serve on the (insert district name) school
board are to be commended for their commitment to this communitys children. They work
untold hours attending board meetings and school activities, answering community questions,
refining their governance skills, and so much more.
School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi, February 16-22, is just one of the
opportunities we should take to recognize our school board members for the contributions that
they make to the education of this communitys children.
Local school board member service continues to be a job best done from a heartfelt desire to
improve childrens education. Otherwise, the requirements of the job could easily be
overwhelming: meetings once or twice a month (and sometimes more), deciding tough, often
emotional issues such as school closings, the calendar, dress codes and attendance
School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

boundaries; and regularly receiving calls, texts, and emails about parent and community
concerns and complaints. It is easy to see that our board members persist in working on behalf
of children, with high student achievement at the focus of their decisions.
Board members promote the school district as they regularly interact with the community,
taking the initiative to keep citizens aware of successes and challenges, and inviting the
community to help schools be their best. For these and many other reasons, the board
members of the [your school district] deserve our support and applause during School Board
Member Recognition Week, February 16-22.
The men and women serving as board members in the [your school district] are:
[list school board members, occupation, board tenure].
[Name of Superintendent]
[Name of School District]

Encourage local city councils, county commissions, student councils or parent-teacher
organizations to pass a resolution in support of School Board Member Recognition Week. Heres
a sample you can use.

WHEREAS, [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] recognizes the importance of public education in our

community; and
WHEREAS, [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] appreciates the vital role played by those who serve as local
school board members, establishing policies to ensure an efficient, effective school system; and
WHEREAS, school board members serve as a voice that enables our community to preserve local control
of our public schools; and
School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

WHEREAS, school board members are charged with representing our local education interests to state
and federal government entities and with ensuring compliance with state and federal law; and
WHEREAS, school board members engage and interact with the community in an effort to promote
Higher Student Achievement; and
WHEREAS, local school board members are the voice of schools in the community and the communitys
voice in the schools:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] recognizes and salutes the
members of the [SCHOOL DISTRICT NAME] School Board by proclaiming February 16-22 as School
Board Member Recognition Week in [your community/town/county].

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association


School Board Member Recognition Week

(15 seconds)
February 16th through 22nd is School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi. School
Board Members in the [name of district] are Engaging the Community for Higher Student
Achievement. They are the voice of schools in the community and the communitys voice in the
schools. Celebrate School board members!
A message from [radio station] and [name of school or organization].

School Board Member Recognition Week

(30 seconds)
School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi is February 16th through the 22nd.
Join the [your school district] in honoring the men and women who serve on the local school
board. Board members are Engaging the Community for Higher Student Achievement.
The dedication of [your school district] board members to students and the community makes
our schools places where all children can discover their interests and prepare for their future.
Celebrate local board members during School Board Member Recognition Week, February 16th
through 22nd. They are the voice of schools in the community, and the communitys voice in the
A message from [radio station] and [name of school or organization].

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association


Dear [name of community leader, organization or business]:
February 16-22 is School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi. We are planning a
number of activities to honor the members of our school board. On behalf of the district, I want
to invite you to participate in this special week and help publicly thank our local school board
Over the course of the week, the school district plans to host the following events and activities:
[listing of events].
As a highly regarded [leader, organization, public entity, etc.] in this community, you are
encouraged to help show support and appreciation for this communitys school board members
during this special observance. Here are ideas you may want to consider:

Display an appreciation sign in your display case or front window;

Sponsor a newspaper advertisement thanking the board for its dedication and service;

Sponsor a public service announcement at the local radio station;

Host a fun event for board members and their families.

Please contact me at [your phone number] or [your e-mail address] to discuss any of these
ideas further.
Thank you for your support of this well-deserved recognition of the [your school district] School

[Name of Superintendent]
[Name of School District]

School Board Member Recognition Week Resources

Mississippi School Boards Association

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