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Syllabus for Ph.D.

(Computer Engineering) - Entrance Test

There are 5 units. Paper will consist of 100 multiple choice questions with 20 questions from
each unit.
Introduction, OS Structure, services and components, multitasking, multiprogramming, time sharing,
multithreading, Process Management, CPU scheduling, Deadlocks. Inter-process Communication,
Concurrent Processing and concurrency control, Memory management, Virtual memory, Demand Paging
and Page Replacement Algorithms. I/O and Device management, buffering and spooling file
management, file storage, Access methods and free space management. Operating System Security:
Introduction, External & Operational security. Threat monitoring auditing, Access control, H/W security.
Distributed & Multiprocessor system: Introduction to Distributed Operating system, Multiprocessor
operating system organization, Recovery and Fault Tolerance Case study of UNIX / LINUX:
Introduction, kernel & shell, file system, shell programming.
Introduction, Organization & Architecture, Computer Evolution and Performance. Basic Computer
Organization: Computer System Buses, registers & stacks, ALU, CPU, Control Unit, Hardwired and
Micro programmed Control. CPU Instruction sets: Characteristics, Functions, Addressing modes and
Formats, CPU Structure, Processor & Register Organization, RISC and Superscalar Processors. Computer
Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division algorithms for Integer & Floating Point
Numbers. Memory Technology: Internal & External memory, Main memory, Auxiliary Memory,
Associative memory, Cache Memory, Virtual & High-Speed memories, RAID.I/O Devices & Modules:
Peripheral devices, I/O Bus and interface modules, I/O vs. memory Bus, Asynchronous Data Transfer,
Mode of Transfer, Programmed & Interrupt driven I/O, Priority Interrupt, DMA. Multiprocessors:
Characteristics, Interconnection Structures, Inter processor arbitration, Inter processor communication
and synchronization, cache coherence. Pipelining, Arithmetic pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, RISC
Data communication Techniques, Synchronous-Asynchronous Transmission, Digital Transmission,
Transmission Media, Impairments, Data encoding Techniques. Communication Networks: Circuit
switching, Message switching, Packet Switching. X.25, LAN Technologies, Virtual Circuits. Network
Reference models OSI and TCP/IP, Layered architecture, Data Link Layer: Design issue, framing, error
control, flow control, HDLC, SDLC, data link layer in the Internet (SLIP, PPP), Network Layer: Routing
Algorithms, shortest path, distance vector routing, Link state routing, and multicast routing. Congestion
control, traffic shaping, leaky bucket, token bucket, choke packets, load shedding, internetworkingconnection oriented and connectionless, fragmentation, internet architecture and addressing, IP protocol,
ICMP, APR, RARP, OSPF, BGP, CIDR, IPv6,Transport Layer: Transport Service, quality of service,
connection management, addressing, flow control and buffering, multiplexing, Internet transport
protocols- TCP and UDP, Session layer: Dialogue management, synchronization and remote procedure
call, Presentation layer: date representation, data compression, network security and cryptography
Application layer: DNS, SNMP, Telnet, TFTP, NFS E- mail, SMTP and World Wide Web
Introductory concepts, Digital systems & switching networks, Number Systems, Negative number
representation, Conversions, Codes and their Applications. Digital Arithmetic, Huntington Postulates,
Boolean algebra, Basic laws & theorems, Inversion, duality. Applications of Boolean algebra. Arithmetic
operations, Binary and BCD addition, subtraction. Logic Gates, Universal building blocks, Minimization
Techniques: Algebraic, K-Map, QM, VEM and applications Combinational network design, Multi-level
gate networks, Adders, Subtractors, Encoders & Decoders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, code
converters, Hazards in combinational networks, PLDs, PGAs, PLAs .Sequential network design, Flip
Flops, Truth Tables, Excitation Tables, Characteristic equations, state and Timing diagrams and

applications, Registers, universal register. Design of Counters, Asynchronous & Synchronous counters,
Special Counters, Computer aids. Iterative networks, Parity checker, Pattern detector & comparator. IC,
Performance Parameters, Logic families, basic gate circuits, interfacing and applications, Data sheets A/D
converters and Semiconductor memories High Frequency digital systems, properties, transmission lines,
crosstalk, Microprocessors: Introduction, basic Principles, evolution, Salient features, comparison and
Overview of Programming in C/C++: Elementary Programming Concepts, Data types, Control Structures,
Functions, Array, Pointers, Structures, Classes: declaration, constructors, destructors, operator
overloading, Inheritance, Polymorphism. Data Representation, Arrays & Matrices, Special Matrices,
Sparse Matrices, Searching & Sorting Techniques Stacks, Queues & Lists, Sequential & Linked
Representation, Applications Skip Lists & Hashing, Priority Queues, Recursion Trees: Binary Tree,
Properties & Representation, Binary Tree Traversal, ADT Binary Tree, Extensions, Applications,
Tournament Trees, Binary search Trees, AVL Trees, Spanning Trees, Heaps, Heap sort Graphs:
Representations & Properties, Directed and Undirected graphs, Graph search methods, Path finding
Algorithms, Dijkstras algorithm, Applications Searching, Introduction, Sequential search, Binary Search,
Comparison trees Sorting, Introduction, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Merge sort, Quick Sort,
Heap sort, Radix Sort. Tables and Information Retrieval.

NOTE: Entrance Test will comprise of Questions uniformly

distributed over various sections of the syllabus
Syllabus for Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) - Entrance Test
There are 5 units. Paper will consist of 100 multiple choice questions with 20 questions from
each unit.
Tensor Analysis : Introduction, curvilinear coordinates, summation convention, Transformation of coordinates,
Contravariant and co-variant vectors , Tensors of order Zero , Tensor of Higher orders. Symmetric and skew
-Symmetric, Tensors, Algebra of Tensors , Conjugate Tensors, Associated Tensor, Physical component, Christoffel's
Symbols, Covariant differentiation of covariant and Contra variant Tensors.
Integral Transforms : Fourier Sine and Cosine Integral, Complex forms of Fourier Integral , Finite Fourier sine and
cosine Transforms , Properties , Convolution Theorem , Farseval's Identity for Fourier transforms , Relations
between Fourier and Laplace - Transforms . Fourier transforms of the derivatives of a Functions, Inverse
Transforms by the method of Residues , Applications to boundary value problems.
Z-Transforms : Some Standard Z -Transforms Linear property , Damping rule , some Standard Results, shifting
rules , Initial and final value theorems ,Convolution theorem, Evaluation of inverse transformation's. Applications
to finite difference equations.
Conformal Mapping : Geometrical representation of complex function , Standard Transformations W=Z+C, CZ,
1/Z, Zn , Log Z, exp(Z) , sin Z, Bilinear Transformation, Schwarz Christoffel's transformation , Complex :
integration , Chauchy's Theorem , Series of complex Terms , Residues and Residues theorem , Evaluation of real
definite integrals . Application to Mechanical Engineering problem.
Calculus Of Variations : Eulers and Langrange's Equation, Isoperimetric problems, Several dependent variables,
higher order derivatives , boundary value problems , Rayleigh -Ritz Method, Galerkin's Method, Hamilton's
Principle. Applications to Mechanical Engineering Problems.


Introduction: Introduction to Product Design, Design by Evolution and Innovation, Essential factors of product
design, Production consumption cycle, Flow and value addition in Production consumption cycle.

Functional & Aesthetics Consideration: Basic design considerations, Role of Aesthetics in product design, Basic
concept and elements of Visual design, Functional design practice.
Manufacturing Consideration: Producibility Requirements in the design of machine components, Forging design,
Pressed component design, Design for machining, Ease of location and Clamping, Some additional aspects of
production design, Design of powder metallurgical parts, Redesigning on basis of production consideration.
Legal & Economic Considerations: Product value, Design for safety, reliability and Environmental considerations,
Economic analysis, profit and competitiveness, break even analysis, Economics of a new product design, Concurrent
Design, Quality function deployment, Reverse engineering.
Value Engineering: Value, Nature and measurement of value, Maximum value, Normal degree of value,
Importance of value, The value Analysis Job Plan, Creativity, Steps to problem solving and value analysis, Value
Engg., Idea generation check list, Cost reduction, materials and process selection in value engineering.
Product Development: Definition and Objective, Role of designer in product development, Manufacturing &
economic aspects of product development, Product promotion & development.

Introduction:, Basic classification of welding processes, weldability, weld thermal cycle, metallurgy of fusion
welds, solidification mechanism and micro structural products in weld metal, epitaxial, cellular and dendritic
solidification, metallurgical changes in weld metal, phase transformation during cooling of weld metal in carbon and
low alloy steel, prediction of microstructures and properties of weld metal. Heat affected zone, re-crystallization and
grain growth of HAZ, gas metal reaction, effects of alloying elements on welding of ferrous metals.
Welding Power Sources: Arc welding power sources, basic characteristics of power sources for various arc
welding processes, duty cycles, AC/DC welding power source, DC rectifiers, thyristor controlled rectifiers,
transistorized units, inverter systems.
Welding Arc: Arc efficiency, temperature distribution in the arc, arc forces, arc blow, electrical characteristics of an
arc, mechanism of arc initiation and maintenance, role of electrode polarity on arc behaviour and arc stability,
analysis of the arc. Arc length regulation in mechanised welding processes.
Fusion Welding Reviews: Critical reviews of manual metal arc welding (MMAW) GTAW, GMAW, FCAW and CO
welding processes, plasma arc, submerged arc welding, electro gas and electro slag welding, analysis of the process.
Coated Electrodes: Electrode coatings, classification of coatings of electrodes for SMAW, SAW fluxes, role of flux
ingradients and shielding gases, classification of solid and flux code wires.
Metal Transfer & Melting Rate: Mechanism and types of metal transfer, forces affecting metal transfer, modes of
metal transfer, metal transfer in various welding processes, effective of polarity on metal transfer and melting rate.
Solid State Welding: Theory and mechanism of solid sate welding. Techniques and scope of friction welding,
diffusion welding, cold pressure welding and ultrasonic welding. High energy rate welding. Analysis of the Process.
Welding Techniques: Technique, scope and application of the electron beam and laser welding processes. Under
water welding - process & problem.

Introduction: Introduction to material science & engineering, Classification of engineering materials, Properties of
materials, Crystal geometry and structure determination.
Mechanical Properties & Testing Of Materials: Fundamental mechanical properties, creep, fatigue and fracture
processes, Factors effecting mechanical properties, destructive and non-destructive testing of materials.
Metals And Alloys: Ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloy system, solid solutions, Phase diagram, phase
transformation, iron-carbon system, isothermal transformation TTT diagram, Heat treatment of plain carbons
steels, low alloy steels, aluminium alloys, copper alloys and stainless steel.
Ceramic Materials: Introduction, Simple ceramic crystal structure, silicate structure, mechanical properties of
Polymer Materials: Polymer, broad classification, basic concept of polymer science, mechanical properties of
polymers, reinforced polymers, manufacturing processes polymer.
Nano Structural Materials: Production methods for Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT), Properties of CNT, Advantages of
Composite Materials: Introduction, Characteristics of particles, reinforced composites, fibre reinforced composites.
Deterioration Of Materials: Oxidation and Corrosion, Wear and Erosion, Corrosion control and corrosion
resistance of alloys, effect of porosity and hardness on degradation of materials.

Introduction: Overview of Conventional Design & Manufacturing Process, Computers role in Design &
Manufacturing, Benefits of Computer Application, Relation of CAD with CAM, History of CAD/CAM
Development, Current trends in CAD/CAM,
CAD/CAM Hardware & Software: Central Processing unit, Memory, Input & Output devices, Types of Computer
Systems, Computer programming, General Information of various Software for CAD.
Numerical Control: Numerical Control & its components, NC procedure and motion control systems, applications
and economics of NC, Part programming- manual, computer-assisted and voice programming.
Computer Control In N.C.: CNC, DNC and combined DNC/CNC Systems. Adaptive control machining systems,
latest developments.
Group Technology And Process Planning: Concepts of Group Technology. Traditional & Computer Aided Process
Planning, Retrieval & Generative Process Planning, Machinability data systems, computer-generated time standards.
Computer-Integrated Production Management System: Introduction to computer aided Production Planning and
Control, Cost planning and control, Introduction to computer aided inventory management & material requirement
Shop Floor Control & Computer Process Monitoring: Shop Floor Control System, Operation Scheduling,
Factory data collection system, Computer Process monitoring.
Computer Process Interfacing & Control: Manufacturing Process data & System interpretation, Interface
hardware devices, Digital input/output processing, Process control strategies, Distributed control vs. Central control,
Direct digital control and Supervisory Computer control.

Introduction: Nature and developments of operations research, characteristics of operations research, necessity of
operations research in industry, scope of OR in management, objectives of OR, role of computers in OR, limitations
of OR.
Definition of models: Classification of models, construction of models, approximations in OR models.
Linear Programming: Requirements of linear programming problems, formulation of linear programming
problem, graphical solution, simplex algorithm, computational procedure in simplex, duality and its concept,
application of L.P. model to product mix and production scheduling problems, limitations of linear programming.
Transportation model: Definition of transportation model, methods of finding starting solution, Vogels
approximation method to find feasible solution in transportation models, methods for finding optimal solution,
degeneracy in transportation problems.
Assignment Model: Definition of assignment model, comparison with transportation model, formulation and
solution methods, Hungarian method to find optimal solution in assignment models.
Cyclic Models: Cyclic shortest route models, traveling salesmans problem, Branch and Bound method to solve it.
A cyclic shortest route models and their solution by graphical methods.
Queuing Models: Application of queuing models, characteristics of queuing models, single channel queuing theory,
solution to single channel with poison arrivals and exponential service infinite population model, Industrial
applications of queuing theory.
PERT & CPM: Network situations where PERT & CPM can be applied, planning, scheduling & control, work
breakdown structure, Similarity and differences of CPM and PERT.

NOTE: Entrance Test will comprise of Questions uniformly

distributed over various sections of the syllabus

Syllabus for PhD Entrance Examination

(Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Punjabi University, Patiala)
(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
There are 5 units. Paper will consist of 100 multiple choice questions with 20 questions from
each unit.
Wireless Transmission: Frequencies for radio transmission, Overview of antennas& wave
propagation, Multiplexing techniques: TDM, FDM, CDM & SDM, Analog and Digital
Modulation techniques, Spread spectrum: Direct sequence, Frequency Hopping.
Mobile & Cellular Communication: Co-channel and adjacent channel interference, Cell
splitting, Handover, Call processing, GSM & IS-95 CDMA digital cellular standard and their
Security aspects.
Data Communication Networks & Techniques: Synchronous & Asynchronous Transmission,
Transmission Media & Impairments, Data encoding Techniques, Circuit switching, Message
switching, Packet Switching, LAN Technologies, Virtual Circuits, OSI and TCP/IP layered
Layers: Design issue, framing, error control, flow control, HDLC, SDLC, data link layer in the
Internet (SLIP, PPP), Routing Algorithms, shortest path, distance vector routing, Link state
routing and multicast routing. Congestion control, traffic shaping, leaky bucket, token bucket,
choke packets, load shedding, internetworking- connection oriented and connectionless,
fragmentation, internet architecture and addressing, IP protocol, ICMP, APR, RARP, OSPF, BGP,
CIDR, IPv6, Transport Service, quality of service, connection management, addressing, flow
control and buffering, multiplexing, Internet transport protocols- TCP and UDP, Session layerDialogue management, synchronization and remote procedure call, date representation, data
compression, network security and cryptography, DNS, SNMP, Telnet, TFTP, NFS E- mail,
SMTP and World Wide Web.
Introduction: Basics of Optical Fibers, Attenuation, Dispersion Bandwidth and nonlinear effects
, Fabrication and Installation, Splicing & connectors , Principle of optical sources, light emitting
diodes, laser diodes: characteristics and efficiency, Optical Transmitter modules.
Optical Detectors, Receivers and Amplifiers: Photodiodes, Characteristics, Noise sources in
Photodiodes, Receiver unit Design, Types of Optical Amplifiers: Semiconductor Laser Amplifier,
Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers, Raman and Brillouin Amplifiers, Noise in Optical Amplifiers.
Optical Network Components: Couplers, Splitters, Wavelength Division Multiplexer and demultiplexer, Isolators, Circulators, Attenuators, Optical Switches.
Optical Communication Systems and Networks: Components, Transmitter, Receiver, Eye
Pattern and Probability of Error, Architecture of Fiber-Optic Networks, Network Management.

Combinational Circuit Design: Combinational design Methodology, Circuit Timings,
Combinational PLDs, Decoders, Encoders, Tristate Devices, Adders, Subtractors, ALUs,
Comparators, Multiplexers.
Sequential Circuit Design: Synchronous Design Methodology, Circuit Timings, Latches and
Flip-Flops, Sequential PLDs, Counters, Shift Registers, Synchronizer Failure and Metastability.
Memory, CPLDs and FPGAs: Read-only Memory, R/W Memory, Static RAM, Dynamic
RAM, Complex Programmable Logic Devices, Field Programmable Logic Arrays.
Basic Concepts and Descriptions in VHDL: Structural Specification of Hardware, Operators,
Attributes, Data Types, Data Flow, Behavioral and Structural description of combinational and
sequential circuits.
Introduction: 8051 Microcontroller Family, Architecture, Pin Description, Addressing Modes.
Instruction Set & Assembly Language Programming: Arithmetic & Logic Instructions ,
Single Bit Instructions, I/O instructions, I/O Programming, Timer/Counter Programming, Serial
Communication, Interrupts Programming.
Embedded Systems: Processor in the System, Hardware Units, Software, and Embedded
System Examples, Structural Units in a Processor, Processor Selection for Embedded System,
Memory Map, Interfacing, of Memories and I/O Devices.
Devices and Buses: I/O Devices, Timer and Counting Devices, Serial and Parallel
Communication between Networked Multiple Devices Using I2C, CAN, ISA, PCI and advanced
I/O Buses.
Introduction: Review & classification of signals and systems, convolution, difference
equations, correlation, Properties of Fourier and Z transforms Frequency analysis of discrete time
Discrete & Fast Fourier Transform: Properties of DFT, Linear filtering methods using DFT,
Frequency analysis of signals using the DFT, FFT algorithms and their applications, linear
filtering approach to computation of the DFT.
IIR & FIR Filter Design: IIR filter design by Impulse invariance, Bilinear Transformation,
Matched-Z Transformation and Approximation of Derivatives Methods Characteristics of
commonly used Analog Filters, FIR filter design by Frequency Sampling and windows methods.

DSP Processors & Applications: Architecture of TMS 320C54X and ADSP 2100 DSP
processors, Applications of DSP in: Communications, speech processing, image processing,
Biomedical and Radars.

NOTE: Entrance Test will comprise of Questions uniformly

distributed over various sections of the syllabus

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