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WSH Council Forum on Confined Spaces

24 Sept 2009

Workplace Safety & Heath

(Confined Space)
Regulations 2009

A Quick Overview.

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Confined Spaces - Definition

Regulation 2 - Definitions

Confined Space Means any chamber, tank, manhole,

vat, silo, pit, pipe, flue or other enclosed space , in which
1. Dangerous gases, vapors or fumes are liable to be present to such an
extent as to involve a risk of fire or explosion or persons being
overcome by the gases, vapors or fumes or

2. The supply of air is inadequate, or is likely to be reduced to be

inadequate for sustaining life or

3. There is a risk of engulfment by material

Confined Space - Accidents Trends

Summary of Findings

1.Propensity for Multiple Casualties

2.Tendency for Victims to involve
3.Main Contributors were Shipyards,
Manhole works and Logistics sectors

Confined Space - Accidents Trends

1. Propensity for
Multiple Casualties
All CS Accidents 7
out of 9 (78%)
involved multiple
Fatal CS Accidents
5 out of 7 (71%)
involved multiple

Difficult or constrained
access to & egress hinder
escape or rescue missions
likely to result in multiple
fatalities & injuries.

Breakdown of All Confined Space Accidents by

[2006 to June 2008]

Single Victim,
2, 22%

Victims, 7,

Confined Space - Accidents Trends

1. Propensity for
Multiple Casualties
All CS Accidents 7
out of 9 (78%)
involved multiple
Fatal CS Accidents
5 out of 7 (71%)
involved multiple

Difficult or constrained
access to & egress hinder
escape or rescue missions
likely to result in multiple
fatalities & injuries.

Breakdown of all Fatal Confined Space Accidents by

[2006 to June 2008]
Single Victim,
2, 29%

Victims, 5,

Confined Space - Accidents Trends

2. Tendency to
involve Rescuers
One-third of
fatalities involve

Breakdown of Fatal Confined Space Accidents by

Type of Victims
[1995 to June 2008]

Workers unfamiliarity

with basic rescue

Unavailability of
proper rescue


Confined Space - Accidents Trends

3. Shipyards, Manhole Works and Logistics - Main

For Hazardous Substances Construction (Manhole

works) accounted for two-fifths of fatalities

For Flammable Substances Mostly shipyards, during
hot-works or spray painting

Current Regulatory Controls

on Confined Space Safety

Existing WSH requirements on CS embedded in different

pieces of legislation and in different parts of same legislation

Detailed requirements also prescribed in CP84: 2000 CP for

Entry into and Safe Working in CS

This can cause confusion and make it difficult for dutyholders to comply

There is a need to consolidate and enhance the existing

requirements on CS safety

Current Regulatory Controls

on Confined Space Safety

Timely to enact a new and dedicated WSH

Confined Space Regulations incorporating all
essential requirements into one single piece of
regulations on CS safety

A stand-alone regulation will strengthen existing

legislation and send a strong signal on criticality
of work involving CS and that all practicable
measures must be taken to protect persons
involved in such work

Current Regulatory Controls

on Confined Space Safety
Approach Drafting of new Regulations
New Confined Space Regulations will largely adopt the existing regulations 25 of GP Regulations. It will also
upgrade many of the key provisions under CP84 to regulations. In addition, we have also make reference to
some of the international regulations and standards, where appropriate.

GP Regs 25


Regs & Standards

New dedicated WSH

(CS) Regs

The new WSH (CS) Regulations hence is largely a consolidation of the GP

Regs 25 and CP 84. Therefore industry should already be familiar with the
requirements as they are not new.
Key focus is to put in place a systematic and rigorous structure to ensure
proper conduct of Risk Assessment and execution of control measures for entry
into and safe working in confined spaces


New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Arrangements of Parts

PART 1 Preliminary
PART 2 General Provisions
PART 3 Control of Entry into
Confined Space

PART 4 - Miscellaneous


New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features
1. Definitions
2. Application & Coverage
3. Duty-holder for Compliance
4. Definition of Confined Space
5. Record of Confined Space
6. Control of Entry into Confined Space
7. Periodic Testing of Atmosphere
8. Warning Signs at Entrance of Confined Space
9. Display of Name or Identification Badge
10.Training of Workers & Supervisors
11.Appointment of Confined Space Attendant
12.Establishment of Emergency and Rescue plans


New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Definitions Key Legal Persons

Competent Person means a person who has sufficient experience and

training to perform the work required to be carried out

Authorised Manager means an Authorised Manager appointed under

regulation 9 and includes any other person appointed to perform the duties of an
Authorised Manager by the Responsible Person

Confined Space Attendant means a Confined Space Attendant appointed

under regulation 22

Confined Space Entry Permit means a permit issued under regulation 13

Responsible Person in relation to a person entering or working in a CS,


Confined Space Safety Assessor means a Confined Space Safety Assessor

appointed under regulation 9

a) His employer; or
b) The principal under whose direction he enters or works in the CS


New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009


Entry means ingress by a person into a confined space which

occurs when the persons head passes through an opening into the
confined space;

Hazardous Atmosphere means an atmosphere where

a) the level of oxygen in the atmosphere is not within the range of
19.5% to 23.5% by volume;
b) the level of flammable gas or vapour in the atmosphere is 10%
or more of its lower explosive limit; or
c) the levels of toxic substances in the atmosphere exceed the
permissible exposure levels as specified in the First Schedule to
the Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions)

New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features
2. Application and Coverage
 Apply to all workplaces as specified in the First
Schedule of the WSH Act.

3. Duty-Holder for Compliance

 Employer or Principal (Responsible

Person) largely responsible for compliance
 Occupier responsible for issues affecting
physical facilities such as record of CS and
access / egress
 Specific duties also designated to special
Individuals eg. CS Assessor, Authorized
Manager and the Competent Person.

New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features
4. Definition of Confined Space

 To include any enclosed space in which

there is a risk of engulfment by material.

5. Record of Confined Space

 To require making a Record of

Description and Location of all CS in the
factory (for all fixed and stationary CS)
 To inform persons who are liable to be
exposed to the hazards of the CS, of the
existence and hazards of the CS.

New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features
6. Control of Entry into Confined Space
Before any entry into a CS, duty of Responsible Person to
 Implementation of CS Entry Permit (CSEP)
 Appointment of CS Assessor, Authorized Manager
 Evaluation of necessity for entry or work in the CS
 Ensure that CSEP has been issued which specifies:
Description and location of the CS
Purpose of entry into CS
Results of gas testing of the atmosphere of the CS
Validity period for the CSEP


New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features
6. Confined Space Entry Permit (CSEP)
CSEP system comprise the following steps
 Application of CSEP by the Supervisor
 Evaluation of CSEP by the CS Assessor

Conduct testing of atmosphere of the CS

Endorse the CSEP and forward to Authorized Manager

 Issuance of the CSEP by Authorized Manager on satisfaction that

entry into or work in the CS can be carried out with due regard to
safety and health of persons
 Posting of the CSEP at the entrance to the CS
 Monitoring to ensure safety and health of worker during entry into or
work in the CS.

New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features
7. Periodic Testing of Atmosphere

 CS Assessor to test the atmosphere of the CS at periodic intervals

 If there are 2 or more persons in the CS, at least one of them
continuously monitor the atmosphere in the CS with a suitable gas

 If hazardous atmosphere detected by the tests or continuous

 All persons in the CS must vacate immediately
 An evaluation is made to determine how the hazardous
atmosphere developed
 No person shall re-enter the CS until a new CSEP is issued by
the Authorized Manager


New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features

8. Warning Sign at Entrance of CS

 Occupier to clearly post a Notice at the

entrance to the CS to warn persons of the

hazards of the CS

9. Display of Name or Identification


 Occupier to clearly post a notice at the

entrance to the CS to warn persons of the

hazards of the CS

New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009

Key Features
10. Training of Workers and Supervisors
 Specific mandatory training requirements
for workers and supervisors working in a
11. Appointment of Confined Space
 The appointment of a Confined Space
Attendant whenever entry into work is
carried out in CS.
12. Establishment of Emergency and
Rescue Plan
 To ensure prompt and safe recovery of
personnel during accidents in CS

New WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009


Regulations coming into force On 1 November 2009

ProBE Confined Space Enforcement Phase
Commences on 1 Jan 2010


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