Photoshop CS6 Mac Shortcuts

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Photoshop CS6 Mac shortcuts

Now most of the shortcuts are more or less the same, where you only
replace the Ctrl key with the Macs Command. Sometimes you also
have to replace Windows Alt with Macs Option.
Open File - Command + O is where you start this time.
Create document - If there is nothing to open, Command + N will
create a new document.
Zooming in and out Although Command + plus and minus
work on Mac too, I seriously think zooming in and out with the
trackpad is faster once you get used to it.
Save for the web - Command + Option + Shift + S is the shortcut
for Macs.
Transform layer - Transforming the active layer happens when
pressing Command + T.
Edit key shortcuts - Customizing the shortcut keys can be done
by pressing Option + Command + Shift + K.
Preferences Command + K takes you to the Preferences.
Levels - Accessing the Levels box is similar to the Windows
shortcut, Command + L.
Curves Command + M will allow you to quickly edit the
Hue/Saturation - To edit this, press Command + U.
Color Balance To edit the Color Balance of a picture, simply
pless Command + B.
Desaturate Desaturating can be done by pressing Command +
Shift + U.
Image size Finding out the Image size of a picture is simple: just
press Command + Option + I.
New Layer Create a new layer in the active document by
pressing Command + Shift + N.
Liquify Need to liquify? Then Command + Shift + X will take
you there in no time.
Invert - Inverting the colors in Photoshop on Mac can be done by
using the Command + I keyboard shortcut.
Fit on screen Command + 0 will fit the document on your

Ruler Like on Windows, pressing Command + R will hide or

show the ruler.
Show grid - You can show or hide the grid by pressing Command
Show guides You can quickly show or hide the guides by
pressing Command + ;
Locking guides If you want to lock the guides, simply use
Option + Command + ;
Brush size Playing with the brush size is now very easy to do
with [ and ].
Brush hardness The brush hardness can be modified from the
keyboard by using { and } which basically means Shift + [ and
Shift + ].
Different Tools where starred, it means pressing Shift and the
respective key will help you cycle through different tools of the
same type)

Move Tool - V
Marquee Tool M*
Lasso Tool - L*
Crop Tool - C*
Quick Selection / Magic Wand - W*
Patching Brushes J*
Eraser E*
Gradient Tool / Paint Bucket G*
Pen Tool P*
Type Tool - T*
Switch Foreground / Background Colors X
Default Foreground / Background Colors D
Line / Polygon / Ellipse tools U*
Sponge / Dodge / Burn tools - O*
Brush History Y*
Rotate View Tool R
Hand Tool H

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