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28 North Los Angeles Narrative Sketch

In the planning process for the narrative of the Los Angeles

music video, we have decided to implement a roughly equal
performance to narrative ratio as this would prove suitable due
to our choice of narrative being amplification therefore
narrative does not have to dominate the screen time with
intercutting of performance alongside. With our chosen
narrative being amplification it was essential that we analysed
the lyrics to understand the hidden meanings, concepts and
connotations in order to amplify them visually in the video
For the general narrative of our music video for 28 North Los
Angeles, we have formed the concept of an individual, most
likely a young man, who has experienced heartbreak and is
riddled with guilt and constantly trying to run away from his
past. We plan to implement this into the music video by
presenting this character often alone, in a relatively isolated
setting, and in order to represent his guilt and urge to escape
his past by using American State Postcards reflecting the lyrics
of where he has travelled to and where he currently is, these
Postcards being Pennsylvania, California and Los Angeles as
these places are signified in the lyrics themselves. We plan to
use the Pennsylvania postcard to represent where he has been,
California to indicate where has travelled to and Los Angeles as
a dream place for him to be. We envision these postcards being
located in a bedroom/home environment of this young man
attached to a wall or chalk board of sorts.
With it being connoted in the song lyrics that this character
being guilty and slightly insane at some points and his being
driven to this insanity by his guilt we plan to have various
sequences in which he is in an open space and is making a
mess of the environment with various props by throwing them
and kicking them, we plan that these sequences represent the
insanity and uncontrollable guilt while the band performance
aspect of the video will cut between these sequences in the
exact same setting and cinematography yet the performance

will be shot on a lightly brighter day, we plan to do this so that

the idea of hidden guilt underneath happiness and confidence
is present with a light hearted band performance featuring this
main character with his friends/bandmates to a cut to the same
location yet loneliness being a theme and less light. With this
cutting from performance to narrative in the same setting but
different shot content, we hope that the narrative aspect with
just the main character on his own, making a mess, signifies his
mental state and what he really feels underneath the confident
In the between these narrative and performance sequences we
plan to shoot a sequence of the main character walking to this
location, again suggesting his loneliness and his efforts to
escape the past, also to apply solidity to the performance
aspect of the video we plan to shoot the band preparing for the
performance that features in the rest of the video which also
related to the lyrics at a certain point of the song where the
lyrics read nothing but my brothers and a band full of gear.
We plan to end the video with a sequence taking place in the
domestic setting with the main character realising and coming
to the conclusion that he cannot run from his past anymore
therefore he rips the postcards off of the wall and later tosses
them in a fire in the same setting in which the performance
took place where the cutting to insanity narrative sequence

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