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Code of Ethics

Fundamental Principles
CEs uphold and advance the integrity, honor, and dignity of the CE profession by:
1. using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare and the
2. being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public, their
employers/employees and clients
3. striving to increase the competence and prestige of the civil engineering profession
4. supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines
Fundamental Canons
1. Civil Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public and
shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their
2.Civil engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Civil Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Civil Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or clients as faithful
agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
5. Civil Engineers shall build their professional reputation based on the merit of their
services and shall not compete unfairly with others.
6. Civil Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the integrity,
honor, and dignity of the civil engineering profession.
7. Civil Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers,
and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those civil engineers under
their supervision.
Practice of Civil Engineering
Professional Responsibility
CEs are given the responsibility for studying, conceiving, designing, observing,
construction, and assisting in the programming for operating and maintaining engineering works.
Obligations of the Civil Engineer
- exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of his obligations
- act independently and perform with the necessary skills and professional judgment
- authorized to act as the clients faithful agent
- shall give a written notice to the client containing particulars of the change
- shall not proceed with any stage of the services without the approval of the client
- shall direct and cooperate with all other professionals
- shall notify the client of any conflicts of interests
Obligations of the Client
- shall pay the Civil engineer for his services
- shall provide the engineer within reasonable time all information required by the Civil
- shall cooperate with the CE and not interfere or obstruct with the performance of
- shall arrange for the provision of services from other professionals
- shall notify the CE in writing the particulars of the change in his services
Liability of the Civil Engineer and Client
- the CE shall pay damages to Client if a breach of duty of care is established and vice
- resolution of any argument is done by arbitration
- establishment of breach shall be done by a third party arbitrator acceptable to the client
and CE

Damages (if CE is liable to client)

- damages payable shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable loss and damage suffered
- maximum amount of damages payable: to the lesser of 300,000 or 10% of total amount
of damages or 25% of the total of fees payable

Design Competition
A process through which a civil engineer is selected above other competitors based on
proposal or an innovative approach to solving a clients needs.
Professional Practice of Foreign Civil Engineers
RA 8981
- the foreign country allows the citizens of the Philippines to practice civil engineering
- allowed under international agreement
- consultants to be engaged in foreign-funded projects of the government
- employees of Philippine or foreign private institutions pursuant to the law
- CE who were former citizens of the Philippines who are registered prior to naturalization
as foreign citizens
Selection of the Civil Engineer
Selection of CE should result from competition based on the qualifications and resources best
suited to complete a project successfully in terms of performance quality and cost effectiveness.
Basis for Selection (Factors)
- professional and ethical reputation of the CE and his staff
- must be registered professional civil engineers
- must have demonstrated qualifications and expertise, performing the services required
- able to assign qualified engineering staff
- should have necessary financial and business resources
Clients Selection Committee
- three or more individuals, at least one is a professional engineer
Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) Procedure
1. By invitation or public notice, state the general nature of the project, the services
required, and request statements of qualifications and experience from CE. RFQualifications or
2. Prepare a budget for the staff time and costs that can be expected.
3. Evaluate the statements of qualifications received. Select at least 3 CEs or firms.
4. Write a letter to each selected CE or firm describing the proposed project in detail
(project scope, outline of services required, CEs proposal).
5. Invite the CEs or firms to meet individually with the selection committee for interviews
concerning the desired end results of the project.
6. Check with recent clients of each CE to determine quality of performance.
7. List the CE in order of preference taking into account their approach and understanding
of project, reputation, experience, financial standing, etc.
8. Invite the best qualified CE to develop a detailed scope and negotiate fair compensation
for services.
9. The compensation should be evaluated on the basis of the clients experience and
budget estimate.
10. If no agreement is reached with the 1 st CE, negotiations are terminated notified in
writing. Then negotiations are held with the 2 nd CE.
11. When agreement has been reached, the client and CE should formalize their
agreement in a contract.
Level of Effort Contracts

Level of effort- used to supplement a client staff by providing an extension to existing

disciplines not available on the clients staff. Use QBS procedure.
Bidding (unsatisfactory)
- does not recognize professional judgment (essential in quality engineering services)
- virtually impossible to completely detail the scope of services required
- selected lowest bid will provide only the minimum services necessary
- CEs ability to be flexible and creative is severely limited
- engineering designs are likely to be minimal in completeness with details left to the
Two-envelope System
Technical proposal in one envelope and a price proposal in a second envelope. The
unsuccessful proposers second envelopes are returned unopened. Not recommended.
Charging for Civil Engineering Services
First four methods (Salary cost, Hourly billing, Per diem, Cost plus fixed fee) are applied
when the scope of services is not defined or the uncertainty of the scope of services. Fixed price
and percentage are based upon a specific deliverable and do require that the project scope be
well defined.
Schedule of Minimum Basic Fees
1. Work on foreign assisted projects accept compensation that approximates the
international standard rates
2. Private sector 10% more than the minimum wage. Government minimum salary
provided by Civil Service Commission.
3. Private sector (signs and seals plans, specifications) monthly salary plus 10% of
professional fee

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