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You boys swim?

Write a story about someone who survived a natural disaster. End your story with
and we hugged each other tightly

We all nodded.
Get accross the river! yelled Coach Aaron.

Good morning team, tonight, you will embark on the biggest challenge in your young lives. It

I dived in second behind Reffley, and Coach Aaron started last. As we swam, we could hear

doesnt matter if you win or lose, what I want is that each of you ______________________________.

the mud coming ever closer. As these muds______________________________________________,


making the current stronger. It became an arduous task for us to even stay afloat, let alone swim.
Everyone, take a knee!
clear eyes full hearts CANT LOSE!
Lets get on the bus! Lets show the Tigers who we are!

We straggled and struggled, but we crossed the river. Our_________________________

________________, as well as the fact that we started our swim earlier. Coach Aaron started last, and
had to face the strongest current. We stood frozen as we watched his body slowly giving in to the

Coach Aaron leads the Eagles, my schools rugby team, while Iwan, Reffley and I were

strong current, ___________________________________________________________________.

the_____________________________________. We were about to play Kudat Tigers for the state

championship later that night. We were travelling in Coach Aarons car, while the rest of the team


travelled on the bus.

Hes not going to make it!

We need to help him!

Halfway on the drive, Iwan and Reffley are busy________________________________

_________________ while Coach Aaron focused on his driving. I decided to listen to my pre-game

Coach Aaron was about to drown when he saw a tree trunk jutting out from the riverback.

playlist as usual. As the car zoomed past the hillside, we heard some sound from the distance. ____

With_______________________________________, he reached for it, grabbed it with all energy he

_________________________________________________ as we drove on.

could muster and hung on. We ran to him, took off our shirts, made it into a rope, and pulled Coach
Aaron to safety. We walked about 30 minutes upstream _____________________________________,

Whats that?

hoping for help to arrive.

Probably thunder, its raining.

But thunder ___________________________________________________________

We were lucky. Our teammates saw our accident, and called for help. The Civil Defence
responded, scouting around the area. We looked __________________________________________

Just as we were talking, suddenly a huge tree fell right in front of us. Coach Aaron slammed

________________________________ however we were very lucky to have stayed alive. As we saw

on the brakes and swerved, trying to avoid a collision. It was too late. His Toyota Hilux ____________

the Civil Defence officers and paramedics slide down their ropes with strechers, we said our prayers

_______________________________, and flipped twice. Everyone was shocked and stunned, but we

thankfully, _______________________________________________.

managed to crawl out into safety.

Everybody ok?
Yes! we all yelled back, almost in unison.
Wheres the bus?
What? coach?
Oh my god, look!
We looked at the hill, and what unfolded was a big disaster. The soil, mixed up with the
rainwater into mud, were _____________________________________________________________,
roaring loud, as they come. As they travel down, they fell trees, taking along the trunks, branches, and
________________________________________________________________. It was a landslide!

It roars closer and closer

cement slabs from the nearby
construction project
his last gasp of breath
athletic bodies helped us
play your hearts out
miserable, cold and in pain from cuts
and bruises
reviewing strategies and plays with
each other

anchor players for the team

and we hugged each other tightly.
doesnt roar for that long right?
to an open embankment
started flowing and settling into the
rolling down from the top of the hill
sweeping him down and into the river

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