03 Literature Review

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2.1 Theoretical Literature:
2.1.1 Definition of Microfinance:
Asian Development Bank (ADB) defines microfinance as the provision of a broad range of
financial services such as deposits, loans, money transfers, and insurance to small enterprise
and households. [5]
CGAP3 (2003) defines microfinance as a credit methodology that employs effective
collateral substitutes to deliver and recover short-term working capital loans to micro
entrepreneurs. [6]
2.1.2 Approaches of Microfinance:
The concept of microfinance has influenced by two major schools; the Institutional school
and the Welfarist school. Institutional school focuses on developing a financially sustainable
institution that is expected to serve the poor. The basic foundation of such an approach is to
provide financial services to poor at an affordable cost. Numerous large-scale, profit seeking
microfinance organisations come under this approach that provides high quality financial
services to the poor. This approach is expressed in nearly all literatures published by World
Bank, CGAP, USAID, ACCION4 International and Ohio State Universities Rural Finance
Believers of Institutional approach are opposed to the idea of dependency on subsidies
because earlier attempts on poverty alleviation through subsidies by various development
agencies, NGOs and the governments of developing countries failed. The reason behind the
failure included; high cost of transactions, lack of assets for the poor households, institutions
lacking in saving mobilization and high level of corruption. The impact was very insignificant
and that leads to dried up donor fund.
According to Institutionalist, a significant impact on poverty can be achieved only if MFIs are
financially self-sufficient and independent from any subsidised funding from donor or
Examples of MFIs operating under this approach are Bank Rakyat Indonesia, SKS

Housed at the World Bank, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) provides market intelligence, promotes
standards, develops innovative solutions and offers advisory services to governments, microfinance providers, donors,
and investors
ACCION International is a private, nonprofit organization providing micro loans, business training and other financial
services to poor men and women who start their own businesses

Microfinance, and Uganda Microfinance Union etc.

On the other hand, Welfarist focuses on immediate improvement of the economic safety for
the poor. They focus on providing financial services to the poorest of the poor at subsidised
rate of interest. The MFIs that fall under this approach are heavily reliant on the government
subsidies and grants as well as donor subsidies. Saving mobilisation is not a part of the
lending process in this approach.
Though they understand that the long term sustainability of MFI is very important, however,
they do not agree that avoiding donor subsidies completely will be required to achieve that
state. Examples of MFIs operating under this approach are Grameen Bank Bangladesh,
FINCA in Latin America etc.
2.1.3 Microfinance delivery models:
Microfinance services are provided with different methods in India and elsewhere [7], [8].
Delivery models can be divided into two broad categories.
I) Group models
II) Individual models
Group models can be divided into three categories.
I) Self-help Groups (SHG)- Bank-linkage
II) The Grameen model
III) Joint Liability Groups (JLG)
The individual model corresponds to individual banking.
As of March 2009, over 1.716 million Self-help Groups (SHGs) active in India represented
over 54 million microfinance clients, while the MFI model, growing at a staggering 60
percent per annum, served another 22.6 million.
Self-help Group-Bank-linkage:
The SHG model, in the form of the SHG-Bank-linkage program (SBPL) was initiated in the
early 1990s by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). SHG
linkage is based on the principle of savings first. These savings are not only a way of
creating group solidarity and, testing peoples willingness regularly to keep some cash aside,
they also create a loan fund from which the group can borrow. Such groups normally
comprise of 15-20 women. Peer-pressure replaces traditional guarantees, such as references
and assets or collateral. The existing network of government banks binds the SHGs to credit
channels, and having demonstrated the financial success of this endeavor. The private banks
are also increasingly venturing into this field.

To obtain loans from banks, the SHG members must first establish their credit-worthiness, by
maintaining scrupulous records of savings and mutual lending, usually for a period of six
months. Further, the mechanism guards against defaults on loan payments, as no new member
may receive a fresh loan until the previous arrears are cleared. Another repayment incentive is
the ability to access larger repeat loans upon on-time repayment. The loans offered to the
SHGs are usually a multiple (2-4 times) of their savings, and are granted to the SHG as a
whole, which then decides autonomously on the disbursement among the members. It is
argued that the meetings reinforce a culture of discipline, routine payments and staff
accountability, while others counter the claim arguing that daily or weekly congregation
compounds the workload of the borrowers and at times discourages new entrants. There is
also the assertion that the group leader may wield undue control over loans issued to the
other members.
While ideally, once members have managed to build up their assets, they should be able to
operate individual accounts; this is not always the case. Critics of the SHG movement argue
that poor people, given the choice, prefer an individual service and the simplicity of a reliable
retailer managing the bookkeeping, rather than taking on the added responsibilities and risks
of running their own mini-financial institution (SHG) [9].
Among the other drawbacks, SHGs entail a process of mutual self-selection, which may lead
to the exclusion of the economically weakest members in a community. Further, it is noted
that repayment does not depend solely on peer pressure; rather it also requires management,
transparency and accountability, for which apparatus of training and supervision should be in
The Grameen model:
The Grameen model was initiated by Mohd. Yunus in Bangladesh. With this model, the
institution lends to affinity groups of 5 individuals. These groups are very standardized in
structure. They organize weekly meetings and saving is mandatory for members. Credit is not
given to all members simultaneously, but all hope to have their turn and all stand for each
others obligations. The groups are created under supervision of the MFI, according to a
well-defined structure to facilitate access to microfinance services [7], [10].
Join Liability Groups or Individual Liability:
MFIs serve as lending intermediaries between investors (banks/private equity firms) and the
microcredit borrowers. In India, they exist either as NGOs or as Non-Banking Finance

Companies (NBFCs). The Joint Liability Group method was made famous by Grameen Bank
in Bangladesh and has been replicated by MFIs across the world.
Under the JLG model, MFIs organize members into groups with the understanding that even
though members will be given individual loans, the group as a whole will be liable for
repayment. As in the case of the SHGs, social pressure ensures that repayment levels remains
over 98 per cent in India. The size of the group is much smaller than an SHG with each group
comprising of 5 women. Certain MFIs also lend to individuals with individual liability. In
order to qualify for a bigger individual loan, members must have demonstrated good credit
history over one to two years.
The advantage of the JLG model over the SHG model lies in the formers ability to scale. It is
highly replicable and allows MFIs to rapidly expand their client base and become more
profitable. In fact, 30 percent of the 70 million microfinance clients in India are members of
the top 10 MFIs [11]. Critics of the MFI/JLG model argue that high growth rate experienced
by MFIs in India has translated into a mission drift with the focus shifting from client
satisfaction to profit making.
2.1.4 Performance evaluation models for MFIs:
During the 1990s, there was a growing interest on the part of financial institutions in
microfinance. As a result, several performance evaluation indicators emerged in relation to
different areas of management considered as the most important in evaluating performance of
MFIs. The results achieved were diverse. In actuality, some models of evaluation were
accepted in general and have been currently adopted by institutions to monitor and evaluate
the business. Each of these models focused on specific profiles of analysis. These models
contribute to raising the level of informative transparency with regard to the process of credit
management of MFIs.
PEARLS Model (1990) from the World Council of Credit Unions:
P- Protection
E- Effective Financial Structure
A- Asset Quality
R- Rate of Return and Costs
L- Liquidity
S- Sign of Growth
PEARLS model consists of 45 indicators that are used for monitoring the performance of a
specific type of microfinance institution: credit unions.


CAMEL Model (1993) from ACCION International:

C- Capital adequacy
A- Asset quality
M- Management
E- Earnings
L- Liquidity
It contains 21 indicators that are currently utilised by North American banks to evaluate
performance, focussing principally on the financial aspects of management.
GIRAFE model (1999) from Planet Rating5:
G- Government and decision making
I- Information and management tool
R- Risk analysis and control
A- Activities and loan portfolio
F- Financing: Equity and liability
E- Efficiency and profitability
It is an instrument of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of performance and of the risks
borne by the MFI. The qualitative analysis focuses on the success of the strategy verifying the
quality of management processes and the efficiency of the information system with the
objective of guaranteeing the internal control functions.
Microfinance Information Exchange model: Through its publication- Micro Banking
Bulletin that is one of the principal outputs of micro banking standards project funded by
CGAP, it collects financial and portfolio data provided by MFIs, primarily to help MFI
managers and board members to understand their performance vis-a-vis other MFIs.
Secondary objective includes establishing industry performance standards and enhance
transparency of financial reporting of MFIs worldwide. There are 8 broad parameters
included in this model. They are as under.
1. Institutional characteristics
2. Financing structure
3. Outreach indicators
4. Macroeconomic indicators

Planet Rating, headquartered in Paris, France, is a specialized microfinance rating agency offering evaluation and rating
services to microfinance institutions (MFIs), using the GIRAFE and the Social Performance methodologies. Planet
Rating was created in 1999 as a department of the international NGO PlaNet Finance in order to accompany the
development of microfinance services and bring the transparency that was needed to harness the growth of the sector.


5. Overall financial performance

6. Revenues and expenses
7. Efficiency
8. Risk and liquidity
2.1.5 MIX model for performance evaluation:
MIX is a non-profit organization incorporated in June 2002, with headquarters in Washington,
DC, and regional offices in Peru, Senegal, India and Indonesia. MIX was founded by CGAP
(Consultative Group to Assist the Poor), and is sponsored by City Foundation, Deutsche Bank
Americas Foundation, IFAD and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
MIX provides detailed financial and social performance information from MFIs, as well as
business information from market facilitators and leading donor organizations and investors
in microfinance. To address the issue of diversity in operating environment of MFIs, while
comparing the financial and portfolio data, it has adopted a peer group framework, where
financial performance of MFIs are compared among peer group members on 8 broad
parameters. Each of these parameters has some performance indicators. The details of these
indicators are as under.
1. Institutional characteristics: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.

Number of MFIs: Sample size of group

Age: Years functioning as an MFI

Number of offices

Number of personnel

Total asset: Total assets, adjusted for inflation and standardized provisioning for loan
impairment and write-offs

2. Financing Structure: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.

Capital/Asset Ratio: Adjusted Total Equity/Adjusted Total Assets

Commercial Funding Liabilities ratio: (Voluntary and Time Deposits + Borrowings at

Commercial Interest Rates) /Adjusted Average Gross Loan Portfolio

Debt to Equity: Adjusted Total Liabilities/Adjusted Total Equity

Deposits to Loans: Voluntary Deposits/Adjusted Gross Loan Portfolio

Deposits to Total Assets: Voluntary Deposits/Adjusted Total Assets

Portfolio to Assets: Adjusted Gross Loan Portfolio/Adjusted Total Assets

3. Outreach Indicators: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.


Number of Active Borrowers: Number of Borrowers with loans outstanding, adjusted

for standardized write- offs

Percent of Women Borrowers: Number of active women borrowers/Adjusted Number

of Active Borrowers

Number of Loans Outstanding: Number of Loans Outstanding, adjusted for

standardized write-offs

Gross Loan Portfolio: Gross Loan Portfolio, adjusted for standardized write-offs

Average Loan Balance per borrower: Adjusted Gross Loan Portfolio / Adjusted
Number of Active borrower

Average Loan Balance per Borrowers/ GNI per capita: Adjusted Average Loan
Balance per Borrower/GNI per Capita

Average Outstanding Balance/Adjusted Gross Loan Portfolio/Adjusted Number of

Loans Outstanding

Average Outstanding Balance/GNI per Capita: Adjusted Average Outstanding

Balance/GNI per Capita

Number of Voluntary Depositors: Number of Depositors with voluntary deposit and

time deposit accounts

Number of Voluntary Deposit Accounts:

Number of Voluntary Deposit and time

deposit accounts

Voluntary Deposits :Total value of Voluntary Deposit and time deposit accounts

Average Deposit Balance per Depositor: Voluntary Deposits/Number of Voluntary


Average Deposit Balance per Depositor/GNI per Capita: Average Deposit Balance per
Depositor/GNI per capita

Average Deposit Account Balance: Voluntary Depositors/Number of Voluntary

Deposit Accounts

Average Deposit Account Balance/GNI per Capita: Average Deposit Account

Balance/GNI per capita

4. Macroeconomic Indicators: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.

GNI per Capita : Total income generated by a country's residents, irrespective of

location / Total number of residents

GDP Growth Rate: Annual growth in the total output of goods and services occurring


within the territory of a given country

Deposit Rate: Interest rate offered to resident customers for demand, time or savings

Inflation Rate: Annual change in average consumer prices

Financial Depth: Money aggregate including currency, deposits and electronic

currency (M3)/GDP

5. Overall Financial Performance: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.

Return on Assets: (Adjusted Net Operating Income - Taxes) / Adjusted Average Total

Return on Equity: (Adjusted Net Operating Income - Taxes) / Adjusted Average Total

Operational Self-Sufficiency: Financial Revenue / (Financial Expense + Impairment

Losses on Loans + Operating Expense)

Financial Self-Sufficiency: Adjusted Financial Revenue / Adjusted (Financial Expense

+ Impairment Losses on Loans +Operating Expense)

6. Revenue and Expenses: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.

Financial Revenue/Assets: Adjusted Financial Revenue / Adjusted Average Total


Profit Margin: Adjusted New Operating Income / Adjusted Financial Revenue

Yield on Gross Portfolio (nominal): Adjusted Financial Revenue from Loan Portfolio /
Adjusted Average Gross Loan Portfolio

Yield on Gross Portfolio (real): (Adjusted Yield on Gross Portfolio (nominal) Inflation Rate) / (1 + Inflation Rate)

Total Expense/Assets : Adjusted (Financial Expense + Net Loan Loss Provision

Expense + Operating Expense) / Adjusted Average Total Assets

Financial Expense/Assets: Adjusted Financial Expense / Adjusted Average Total


Provision for Loan Impairment/Assets: Adjusted Impairment Losses on Loans /

Adjusted Average Total Assets

Operating Expense/Assets: Adjusted Operating Expense / Adjusted Average Total


Personnel Expense/Assets: Adjusted Personnel Expense / Adjusted Average Total



Administrative Expense/Assets: Adjusted Administrative Expense / Adjusted Average

Total Assets

Adjustment Expense/Assets : (Adjusted New Operating Income - Unadjusted Net

Operating Income) / Adjusted Average Total Assets

7. Efficiency: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.

Operating Expense/Loan Portfolio: Adjusted Operating Expense / Adjusted Average

Gross Loan Portfolio

Personnel Expense/Loan Portfolio: Adjusted Personnel Expense / Adjusted Average

Gross Loan Portfolio

Average Salary/GNI per Capita: Adjusted Average Personnel Expense / GNI per

Cost per Borrower: Adjusted Operating Expense / Adjusted Average Number of

Active Borrowers

Cost per Loan: Adjusted Operating Expense / Adjusted Average Number of Loan

Borrowers per Staff Member: Adjusted Number of Active Borrowers / Number of


Loans per Staff Member: Adjusted Number of Loans Outstanding / Number of


Borrowers per Loan Officer: Adjusted Number of Active Borrowers / Number of Loan

Loans per Loan Officer: Adjusted Number of Loans Outstanding / Number of Loan

Voluntary Depositors per Staff Member: Number of Voluntary Depositors / Number

of Personnel

Deposit Accounts per Staff Member: Number of Deposit Accounts / Number of


Personnel Allocation Ratio: Number of Loan Officers / Number of Personnel

8. Risk and Liquidity: The details of the indicators under this head are as under.

Portfolio at Risk > 30 Days: Outstanding balance, portfolio overdue > 30 days +
renegotiated portfolio / Adjusted Gross Loan Portfolio

Portfolio at Risk > 90 Days: Outstanding balance, portfolio overdue > 90 days +


renegotiated portfolio / Adjusted Gross Loan Portfolio

Write-Off Ratio: Adjusted value of loans written off / Adjusted Average Gross Loan

Loan Loss Rate: (Adjusted Write-offs - Value of Loans Recovered) / Adjusted

Average Gross Loan Portfolio

Risk Coverage Ratio: Adjusted Impairment Loss Allowance / PAR > 30 Days

Non-earning Liquid Assets as a % of Total Assets:

Adjusted Cash and Banks/

Adjusted Total Assets

Current Ratio: Short Term Assets / Short Term Liabilities

2.1.6 Issues of sustainability

According to Yeron [12], the two most important objectives for a rural financial institutions to
be successful are financial self-sustainability and more outreach to the target rural population.
Financial self-sustainability is said to be achieved when the return on equity, net of any
subsidy received, equals or exceeds the opportunity cost of funds.
On the other hand, outreach is assessed on the basis of the type of clientele served and the
variety of financial services offered; including the value and number of loans extended, the
value and number of saving accounts, the number of branches and sub-branches, percentage
of total rural population served, the real annual growth of the rural financial institutions
assets over recent years and the participation of women clients.
Sustainability relates to the ability of a program to continuously maintain its activities and
services in order to meet its objectives.
According to Khandelker et al. [13]; the concept of sustainability of microfinance can be
divided into four interrelated ideas; namely, financial viability, economic viability,
institutional viability and borrower viability. Financial viability relates to the fact that a
lending institution should at least equate the cost per unit of currency lent to the price it
charges from its borrowers (i.e. the interest rate). Economic viability relates to meeting the
economic cost of funds (opportunity cost) used for credit and other operations with the
income it generates from its lending activities.
Institutional viability is related more to the efficient management and decision-making
Borrowers viability however, refers to whether the borrowers of the institution have achieved
higher flows of income over time and are able to repay back their loans.


2.2 Empirical Literature Review:

The microfinance institutions participation in several developing economies is escalating from
time to time. Various studies on different countries on the performance of the MFIs confirm
this [14], [15], [16], [17].
For example, in Bangladesh a microfinance institution called Grameen Bank at the end of
2008 reported 6.2 million members, where 95 percent of them are women, with $642 million
outstanding loan. In addition, Thailand also has reported impressive outreach through
agricultural lending by the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative. In general,
numerous MFIs have registered impressive outreach in several developing economies
including India, Cambodia, and others.
Nominal interest rates in India range between 12 and 16 percent a year as per IFC Report June
2008 India: Microfinance and Financial Sector Diagnostic Study.
The annual effective interest rate paid by the average Indian microfinance borrower is, on
average, around 25 percent per annumnot significantly different from the approximately 24
percent per annum usually charged by commercial banks on consumer finance. Strikingly,
MFIs charge flat interest rates, whereas SHGs linked to banks charge on a declining balance
An analysis of 83 MFIs by Sa-Dhan in 2006 documented that the return on their gross loan
portfolios (GLP) ranged from -2.3 percent to +2.4 percent, depending on an MFIs
organizational form. Cooperative MFIs posted the highest return (+2.4 percent), followed by
NBFCs (+0.9 percent) and nonprofit companies (-2.3 percent). MFI cooperatives also
achieved the highest return on equity (+6.5 percent), followed by NBFCs (+5 percent) and
nonprofit organizations (-18.6 percent).
India lags well behind Bangladeshi microfinance institutions reporting to the MIX, which lead
the region in profitability. The financial viability of Indian MFIs is also under pressure,
despite yield improvements. Low portfolio yields, combined with poor portfolio quality and
rising financial costs, have reduced Indian MFIs surplus even though improvements in
collection measures have boosted portfolio yields [18], [19].
Performance evaluation of MFIs, TRIAS training session, Brussels, January 2005 focuses on
basics of performance evaluation. The main financial indicators discussed in this session were
Portfolio Quality, Efficiency and Productivity, Financial Management / Risk Management
and Profitability and Sustainability. A case of PILARH was taken and the above mentioned
indicators were studied. It also discussed how to react when the portfolio deteriorates.


In the year 2006, Giovanni Ferro Luzzi and Sylvain Weber [20] in their paper Measuring the
Performance of Microfinance Institution use factor analysis to construct performance indices
based on several possible associations of variables without posing too many a priori
restriction. The base variables are thus combined to produce different factors, each one
representing a distinct dimension of performance. They then use the individual scores
ascribed to each MFI on each factor as the dependent variables of a simultaneous equation
model and presents new evidence on the determinants of MFIs performance.
In the year 2006, Yogendra Prasad Acharya, Uma Acharya [21] in their paper Sustainability
of Microfinance Institutions from Small Farmer Perspective: A Case of Nepal demonstrate
that small farmers generally do not think in terms of institutional sustainability when they
obtain loans from cooperatives. They define the term sustainability in terms of personal
benefits. Their frames of reference are more utility-focused and directly connected to their
lives and livelihood, the level of benefit, income, and economic survival of the family. In
other words, what is sustainability for a banker is not so for the small farmers.
In the year 2007, J. Jordan Pollinger, John Outhwaite and Hector Cordero-Guzman [22] in
their paper The Question of Sustainability for Microfinance Institutions seek to understand
the implications for providers of microfinance in pursuing relationship based financing
strategy in the US. They analyzed their lending process, and presented a model for
determining the break-even price of a micro credit product. They found that credit is generally
offered at a range of subsidized rates to micro entrepreneurs. Such subsidization of credit has
implications for the long-term sustainability of institutions serving this market and can help
explain why mainstream financial institutions have not directly funded micro enterprises.
In November 2007, Befekadu B. Kereta [23] in his paper Outreach and Financial
Performance Analysis of Microfinance Institutions in Ethiopia finds that in Ethiopia the
industry's outreach rises in the period from 2003 to 2007 on average by 22.9 percent per
annum. The paper identified that while MFIs reach the very poor; their reach to the
disadvantaged, particularly to women is limited (38.4 Percent). From financial sustainability
angle, it finds that MFIs are operationally sustainable measured by return on asset and return
on equity. Similarly, the study also finds that MFIs are financial sustainable. Finally, it finds
no evidence of trade-off between outreach and financial sustainability.
Robert Cull et al. [17] on the performance of leading MFIs in 49 countries find interesting
results. They found that over half of surveyed MFIs are profitable after making adjustment of
subsides. They also identified no evidence of trade-off between being profitable and reaching


the poor.
SM Rahman [24], CDF, Dhaka, Bangladesh in his paper Commercialization of Microfinance
in Bangladesh Perspective suggests that real customer service through commercialization
should be the bottom line for moving forward. In a competitive environment, customer
satisfaction and commercialization should be the driving force for survival and growth.
According to him the microfinance regulation in the country is now underway, which will
provide a legal basis and streamline the current and future MFI activities. To reap the benefits
of commercialization, the clients should be allowed to exercise their free choices. They
should be granted liberty to do their own financial management in order to increase their net
worth, while the financial intermediaries will require mandate for providing a wide range of
financial operations.
In the case of Indian, there are few studies that are undertaken in relation to MFIs. But, the
objectives addressed in these previous studies are different, ensuring the value added of this
Vijay Mahajan and G Nagasri, BASIX [19] tried to examine what comes in the way of
making Indian MFIs sustainable and what can facilitate this. An attempt has been made in this
paper to look at sustainability from multiple dimensions such as demand, mission, legal and
regulatory framework, ownership, governance and human resources and financial
Piyush Tiwari and S.M. Fahad [25] discuss conceptual framework of a microfinance
institution in India. The successes and failures of various microfinance institutions around the
world have been evaluated and lessons learnt have been incorporated in a model microfinance
institutional mechanism for India. The authors found that the poor repay their loans and are
willing to pay for higher interest rates. Secondly, the poor save and hence microfinance
institutions should provide both savings and loan facilities. These two findings imply that
banking on the poor can be a profitable business. However, attaining financial viability and
sustainability is the major institutional challenge.


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