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Binislakan(Almazin, Lingayen, Pangasinan) The municipality of Lingayen in Pangasinan wasderived

from the hinese word !Li"#ing"Tung,! meaning to look $ackward andforward, $y the hinese settlers
in the area long ago% The $inislakan dance wasperformed to commemorate the stay of
Limahong, a hinese pirate who $uilt hiskingdom in Lingayen% Binislakan, meaning !
the use of sticks,! imitates twochopsticks used $y the hinese for eating%
Binislakan(Almazin, Lingayen, Pangasinan) The municipality of Lingayen in Pangasinan wasderived
from the hinese word !Li"#ing"Tung,! meaning to look $ackward andforward, $y the hinese settlers
in the area long ago% The $inislakan dance wasperformed to commemorate the stay of
Limahong, a hinese pirate who $uilt hiskingdom in Lingayen in the &'s%
Binislakan, meaning !the use of sticks,! imitatestwo chopsticks used $y the hinese for
eating%B*+*LA#A+ (Lingayen) -ance .esearcher / 0rancisca .eyes 1eaning / 2ith the use of
sticks -ance ulture / hristianLowland Place of 3rigin / Pangasinanountry of *n4uence /
hina 5thno"linguistic 6roup / Pangasinenselassi7cation / ocial -ancewww%kalilayan%com
Background/ Lingayen in Pangasinan means having to look $ackward and upward% *twas derived from
8Li"#ing"Tung9, a hinese word given to the name Lingayen, thecapital of Pangasinan, $y the hinese
settlers of this place a long time ago% The$arrio folks who lived at Almazin, a small place $etween $arrio
Pangasinan (Pulong)and 1ani$oc danced this to commemorate the stay of Limahong, a
hinese piratewho $uilt his kingdom here% The dancers look $ackward or upward in some of
themovements: hence, the name Lingayen% They also use two sticks to produce

rhythms imitating the chopsticks used $y the hinese in eating, so the dance is alsocalled
Binislakan, which in Pangasinan means, with the use of sticks%;% &<; -ance Properties/
ostume0emale / iesgo and kimono with loose and long sleeves and soft panuelo1ale /
amisa de hino and red pants 1usic / '=> composed of two parts/ A and B ount /
3ne, two, one and two, and oneand two and 0ormation / Partners stand a$out si? feet apart% 3ne or
more pairs in aset can take part in the dance, in any formation desired

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