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A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Instant
and Stupendous Riches in a Very Short

Sylvester Oti

If you downloaded this report or somebody sent you a
copy, youre a lucky person. You just have with you
there, a goldmine and a key to the vault of treasures.
Yes, you do.
What Im about to show you now will give you the type
of money you never dreamt of all your life.
If youre in such financial difficulty that youve been
living from hand to mouth? You know what I mean? Or
your income is too small to sustain you and family?
Youre practically in debt? The more you try to pay up,
the more you find yourself getting deeper and deeper
into debt? You live in a free world but you are in
chains? I mean, chains of credit card indebtedness that
allows you to buy all you need on credit and pay later,
thereby spending your unpaid salary upfront?
May be you belong to the economic class whose income
level is such that you can afford a reasonably good
standard of living? You can pay your bills comfortably
and perhaps be able to set aside a little as savings?
Are you in search of funds for your capital projects?
Perhaps youre looking for money to build a house or
settle an existing mortgage? What about money to set up
your own business or pay your childrens school fees?
humanitarian cause? How about money for a comfortable
retirement savings account? The list is endless.
The end point is that in this short report, I will
guide you on how to use this membership donation
website to make so much money that people who know you
will think you have broken into and robbed a bank.
Others will say youve been allocated an oil block.

Lets Talk Briefly About iCharity Club

iCharity Club is a member-to-member donation platform
where each member makes a donation and receives more
donations in return.
iCharity was founded by Ms. Vaishali Nigam Sinha, a
young woman with great philanthropic spirit from India.
Ms. Sinha was educated in US. She worked with big
corporations in both US and London.
On her return to India, she set up NGOs and other
humanitarian institutions to assist the people of her
home country, where poverty, disease and ignorance were
rife as it is in most not-too-advanced countries of the
Ms. Vaishali thought of a way to raise money to fund
her numerous NGOs, which are 33 in number. She then,
working with other like-minded people, brain stormed
and came up with the idea of a donation platform where
a donor by giving his/her money, would not altogether
part with the money, but would receive in multiples,
his/her donation by inviting other people to donate
In other words, the idea is that though a donor is
primarily a free donor by personal volition, he/she is
given the opportunity to earn money through donations
made by other people, namely the people he/she directly
referred and any other people his/her immediate referee
may bring in to donate, and so it goes on in that order
down the line.
The critical need for devising an unproblematic, nonobligatory, easy-to-implement means of raising funds
for dare humanitarian cause gave rise to the formation

of iCharity Club. With this method, Ms. Sinha has been

able to do quite a lot for her people. By this method
also, quite a tremendous amount of money was mobilized
with the result that her 33 NGOs has adequate funds

Empower over 18,000 women economically;

Educate 7,000 children;
Give health care to over 70,000 people;
Provide free meals to more than 400 children;
Give value to over 125,000 people through iCharity
(at the time that report was compiled);
Provide skill development for young people, and
Care for the elderly, among others.

The concept of crowd funding as a means of raising

money for specific needs of members is not new to
internet users. But little did it cross anybodys mind
that crowd funding could be taken to such a higher
level and be organized in such a smooth manner that
millions of people could be receiving money almost
simultaneously and independently, and that every member
could have a back office in one websites database
without the site being bogged down.
Again, of all known crowd funding groups, none can be
compared with iCharity Club in terms of organization,
operational efficiency, ease of use and benefit.
What started as a donation-seeking club now turns out
to provide members with boundless opportunity for
income generation among themselves. Today, iCharity has
been recognized in parts of the world as the most
effective and efficient crowd funding platform that
ever existed.

Many people have not as at yet heard of iCharity Club.

Some of the people who have, unfortunately do not quite
understand the philosophy behind the scheme.
Its not like a multilevel marketing company, neither
is it set up to defraud people of their money like some
people think. Its not a business venture. Its only a
charity club (a type of NGO) seeking donations to
pursue its humanitarian cause, and in so doing, affect
its members worldwide in a most positive way.
As an incentive to encourage people to donate,
therefore, a donor will also be entitled to receive
donations from other donors coming after him or her.
Every member beginning from the founder herself, the
iChariy team, those who run the 33 NGOs, you, me, every
participant, is donating and earning money from the
donations of other people theyre referring to join the
This is exactly how the money to maintain the website
as well as the money for running the 33 NGOs comes.
Just the same way anybody else, including you and me,
makes their money on the platform.
iCharity does not handle the monies donated. Donations
are made directly to individual members through their
personal bank accounts, e-payment accounts and so on.
iCharity has an automated system in place to ensure
smooth operation of donations among members. The Club
gets to know about donations only when either the donor
or recipient takes the needed action on the website.
Automatically, the system will record such actions and
show what other actions needed to be taken. Everything
is transparently shown on each members back office.
Its simply incredible.

Many of the members who are making big money through

iCharity do not have the background information Ive
just shared with you. All they know is that it provides
a great opportunity and platform where they can make a
lot of money without investment.

How to Register as a Member of

iCharity Club
For you to register as a member of iCharity Club, you
will normally be referred by a registered and graded
member. Remember, iCharity Club website is a membership
website, and all membership websites not only demand
nominal registration from intending members, but also
admittance and access to their websites.
In the case of iCharity Club, however, youre not
required to pay a registration fee. Registration is
As I said earlier, you must be referred by a registered
and graded member, using that members referral id or
referral link/url.
To further clerify this point, if you type the iCharity
website url, into a web browser, it
wont take you direct to the Clubs website. It will
take you to some persons review site on iCharity Club
or a forum that discusses iCharity Club, and when you
eventually click through to arrive at iCharity website,
you would have clicked on some other members referral
link/url cloaked in hypertext to get there. That other

member will get credit for referring you, whereas he

wasnt the person who referred you. Get that?
If somehow you manage to barge into the website and
register without referral, the system will still
automatically place you under somebody anyway.
Thats why its important you click through the
referral link of the person who has taken the trouble
to introduce you to this wonderful system.
These are some of the little tricks you need to know as
you register and begin your own campaigns for other
people to join you so that you and they will together
reap the benefits of this opportunity.
When I started out in this venture, I began by first
telling only the people very dear to me whom I want to
see succeed in life. That is the measure of the value I
attach to this business. And believe me, its the
cheapest, most profitable business you can ever find
As I was saying about registration, you must register
by clicking through the referral link/url of the person
who introduced you to the Club, as I am introducing you
now through this guide, or through my website, my email
messages, my advertisements, etc.
Im not only introducing you to this venture, Im also
guiding you through the whole process of using this
platform to create wealth for yourself and posterity.
illustrations that are necessary for clearer and better
understanding of the workings of the system.
I will expect that you will do the same to people who
will register under you, or if nothing else, pass this

guide to as many people as you can to serve as a

roadmap to them for the purpose of building our larger
The idea is that when you register under me or any of
my team members, and other people register under you,
and yet other people register under them, all of us
will grow faster and make our money in a shorter time.

Process of Registration
To register as a member of iCharity Club, you must have
a Gmail account. Register for a free Gmail account if
you dont have one.









(Ctrl+click) It will

take you to the Sign-up page of iCharity Club website,
that looks like this one below:

This is the much you can see of iCharity Club website

on arrival. It has no sales page. The landing page for
the website is either the Registration page for
intending members or the Member Panel login page for
existing members.
The rest of the pages in the website are members
respective dashboards or back offices, from which a
member will have access to the various operational
sections and functional tools, the tutorials, the
slide, the frequently asked questions (faq), etc.

7 Steps to Making Real Money

with iCharity Club
Step 1
Like I said earlier, to register, youll have to click
through this referral link If
its not clickable, hold down the
ctrl key and click on the link i.e.
(ctrl+click), or you copy the link
url and paste it in a web browser
and hit the enter key.
Itll take you to the sign-up page
registration form.
First click on the drop-down button
to select your own country. Next,
enter your full name as you use for
your banking transactions, etc.

recognizes you by your username.



For instance, every members referral link/url ends

with that members username like in the case of my
referral url, The surfix, (sytrillion)
is my username.
You certainly will like to choose a name by which
youll want people to know you, a name youll be proud
of. If youre like one of my team members, you can use
the pet name you were called in high school.
Next, enter your Gmail address. Lastly,
verification code. Hit the Submit tab.



Youll get a congratulatory message

like this one that your registration
was successful.

Step 2
Now that you have signed up as a
member, go to your Gmail inbox and get
your registration particulars, namely a referral
link/url and login particulars that include your
username and a new password.
Next, log in through the Member Panel
to your personal dashboard or back
This back office of yours is the
operational base from where youll make
the type of money were talking about.



In this screenshot, I
personal information
I dont want to make
public. Howbeit, it
that are relevant for
this tutorial.

Step 3
Next, once youre logged into your back office. Look
for the Upgrade tab (shown with black arrow). Click on
it. It will show you the name and payment particulars
of the person to donate money to. Usually it would be
the person who referred you, or as otherwise may be

Step 4
Make your $20 donation by paying cash to the
recipients bank account (in your local currency) or
with your credit card, whichever means the recipient
prefers to receive money e.g. Local Bank Deposits,
Paypal, Bitcoin, Payza, Skrill, etc.

Step 5
Next, return to your back office. Enter the amount $20
and other payment particulars in the appropriate


columns and spaces and then click on the submit tab.

Heres how to do it.
Youll see in the donation submission form below,
columns and spaces for details of bank payment. As you
can see, in the space for....

Donated to.... Youll select the name of the bank.

Currency.... Leave it at the default US Dollar.
Amount.... Enter $20.
Details.... Enter particulars of payment slip/teller
e.g. date, time, number on the teller or slip. If you
must upload slip or receipt as evidence (where
applicable), please do.
Crosscheck correctness of the information, and then hit
the Submit tab.


Next, the newly registered member will receive a

notification in his/her back office that donation
details had been submitted successfully, as you can see
above shown with green arrow.

Step 6
Next, call the recipient on the phone or by email
(recipients particulars will be visible to you). And
notify him/her of your donation, so that he/she will
confirm or approve it.

Step 7
Member receives notification in his/her dashboard by
sms alert from the bank, email from iCharity Team or
phone call from you, the donor.

He/she proceeds quickly to his/her own dashboard to

approve the donation by clicking on the Approve tab
shown with red arrow above.
But before he/she does, their attention is drawn to a
warning that they should be very sure they actually
received the money before approving the donation, even
if it means asking for their bank balance (see the blue
arrow above).


Even when the recipient still clicks on the Approve

tab, the system will throw up an assurance query like
here. The idea is to
ensure every member
really gets what is
due to them.
The moment your donation is approved, youre good to
go. I would say....
Congratulations! Youre now a graded member on Grade 1.
You can now go out there and begin to invite others to
join the money Club by registering under you.
Go ahead and click on this url
to register now, if you havent.
donation of $20 to the person the
system tells you to donate to; youve
become a graded member on Grade 1. The
image on your left depicts how itll
show in your dashboard.
You wouldve noticed at the left side of your back
office, a small perpendicular box. At the apex of that
box is the iCharity.Club domain name with its logo.

Below it in green tab is the members

username, followed by sections like Dashboard,
Donations, User Account, etc. These are your
functional tools and contain all you need to
navigate the various sections of the website.
Youll also see Marketing, Guides & Tutorials,
Support and the rest.


If you click on Marketing, for instance, it will open

up sub-functions like Referral Url and others. Click on
Referral Url, it will reveal your assigned referral
urls/links, one of which will be leading prospects to
the iCharity sign-up page. The second one takes the
prospect to the Slide, and so on. These are your
marketing tools.
Each of these urls when clicked upon by a visitor to
join, will earn you credit for referring him/her. The
system will place the member in question directly under
you (if youve not completed your five), but where you
have, the new member will be placed under one of your
immediate down lines or your second down lines, as the
case may be.
I need to advise that where you want to register
somebody offline, you must click through your referral
url to the sign-up page. In your back office, click
Marketing > Referral Url > the link/url > Sign-Up Page.
Thatll make the system recognize that the person was
referred by you, and will, accordingly place them
either directly under you or under one of your down
lines or what I prefer to call team members.
The next tab youll immediately want to know about is
the Guides & Tutorials. The iCharity Club Slide is so
comprehensive that it gives and explains the tutorial
on the process involved in this enterprise if only
youll study it closely.
Take time to click on all these tabs and see what each
of them contains.


How iCharity Works

Now, lets see the demonstration Graphics and Charts as
designed by the iCharity Team.

To get started, you must first register and donate to

whoever referred you or to whom the system instructs
you to donate to. To receive, you must give. Youll
have to donate to someone in order to receive from


Youll thereafter be required to introduce, refer or

bring in 5 persons to register under you, each of whom
will donate $20 to you, thereby giving you a total of
$100 initial income.


When you have registered your first 5 persons and each

donated $20 to you, you will have to upgrade to Grade
2. Youll do this by logging in to your back office and
clicking on the Upgrade tab.
Then make a donation of $40 to whoever the
system generates for you to donate to.
Call the person to approve your donation, like you did
during your first donation. When your donation is
confirmed, the system will place you on Grade 2.
Youll then be qualified to receive donations of $40
each from 25 persons. Thats to say, the 5 persons you
registered will in turn register their respective 5s,
making it 25.
Its the 25 persons your 5 immediate down lines brought
in that will each donate $40 to you. Thats how you
make your $1000 on upgrading to Grade 2. See the
graphic illustration below....


The 25 persons will each register their respective 5s,

making it 125. Youll see how this works on the income
summary table below.



Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10


617,900 6,034,179,687,500


At this time, youll be on Grade 3 and your total

income will be $10,000 or its equivalent in your local
currency. It goes on and on like that till you get to
the 10th Grade where the expected total income is USD 16
With this amount in income, anyone can accomplish
whatever they set their minds to do that money can do.

I hope I have lived up to my promise to be as explicit
as possible in this tutorial so that readers will be
able to easily navigate their way through the process
of registration and use of iCharity Club Membership
donation platform to make their fortunes, as expected.
Remember, its not over yet until its over. Youll not
go and rest just because you have got your five. Youll
have to work more than ever before to get more people
into your team.
This is where iCharity is different. Its all about
team work. Once your five slots are filled, the next
person you refer will be placed below one of your team
members selected randomly. Therefore, if you have the
capability and the wherewithal to bear your team along
until they reach the goal, please do it.
By so doing, youll be facilitating your own movement
to the pinnacle of success also.
I wish all of us success in this venture.
Thank you.
Sylvester Oti

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