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Find a quiet place to be alone for 5 - 10 minutes.


Sit upright in a chair, but not too rigidly, remove your shoes and keep your feet
slightly apart. If you can sit comfortably on the floor, do so, with shoes off. Have the
palms of both hands open on your knees.


Close your eyes. Become aware of your surroundings, then direct your attention inside,
to the base of your spine. Slowly, pull your attention up through the center of your body
along the spinal column, until it comes to rest on the top of your head and slightly
forward, to the place where the soft spot was when you were a baby.


Keeping your eyes closed, firmly press the palm of your right hand onto this soft
spot on your head, then raise your right hand about six inches above your head,
palm down. Move it up and down slightly until you locate an energy between your head
and your hand. You may feel it on your palm either as cool or warm.


Keep your attention where your hand is over your head, then bring the hand back
on to your lap. You may repeat step 4 using your left hand, as one hand may be more
sensitive than the other.


Sit like this for 5 - 10 minutes, in mental silence. If a thought pops up, just watch it
rise and fall, or say either, I forgive or Not now.

Slowly open your eyes at the end of your meditation. Become aware of any change
you may feel inside your body, or any shift in your attention.

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