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Submitted to - Prof. G.

Submitted by Aniket
Group no. -7

Gaurav Kumar

Books for Change

Reorienting Business and Marketing Strategies
Case Analysis
Action AID, an international NGOs took an initiative to setup of published unit
BfC (Book for Change) in 1998, to provide communication support to the
society people who are working in the area of social development.
Book for Change (BfC)
The book covers the issue of poverty & displacement, cast, gender and
oppression of minority rights about environment concern about disaster
caused by man and nature. The book is not only limited with dealing with
that problems but also provide the solution and hope to overcome from this
Action AID
Action Aid, an international NGO and it started operation in India in1972.
Now there activities at which 8 million people. It also functioned as to
cooperate with local NGOs and collectively addresses the social issues like
poverty, inequality and rights of Indias most marginalized people.
About Indian book publishing sector
In India the book publishing sector is very huge with nearly 19000 publishers
which represent 90000 titles annually in multiple languages. These books are
of two types, firstly compulsory to read which corporates text books
prescribed by various school, university etc. And second type is known as
voluntary to read which are both fiction and non-fiction. The price of Indian
books usually three times more than its publishing cost but in developed
countries like UK and USA the price is set to be closer to ten times at its
publishing cost.
In recent time the online selling portals are emerging as best alternative
channel for selling the books. The people of this era are more towards online
shopping due to many factors like it offers low level of prices, convenient etc.
E-book is ruining the market of printing book. Its cost is almost negligible
thats why people are more intend towards E-book. In western countries six

percent of market share of E-book, but in India only one percent of market

About working, function and objective of Book for Change

BfC published 150 books during its thirteen years of operations. The price of
books ranges between rupees 50 to 750. But the breakeven print run for BfC
is 500 copies. So the company suffers a huge loss. BfC recognized that their
publication would usually uses by specific groups of customers and readers
which are as follows:

Research Scholars
People from Social Development Sector
Development Institutes library
Government library

Difficulty of BfC
In 2011 Action Aid has decided to increase their development projects So
Action Aid allocated more fund elsewhere thats why it wanted that BfC
should be able to generate enough revenue to own to meet their minimum
requirements. So its stop the funding to BfC, it becomes a terrible situation
for BfC because it was also suffering from heavy loss, it is more difficult to
generate more revenue for self-sustainability. Another difficult things for BfC
is that it is a nonprofit organization from which they have to become a
profitable organization. Now the CEO of BfC Mr. K.P.Suresh is in dilemma that
how to change the BfC from not profitable to profitable without hindering
their objectives and goal.

They are extra expensing on operating cost as compare to cost of book

published. So, it is the problem for them. Because they are suffering
lack of fund and net loss.
Suffering from net loss.

Its all problem with BfC Publisher Company because its day by day going in
loss. And also problem with K. P Suresh because he is CEO of this company.
Under him company is going in loss. So that why Mr. Suresh in dilemma.
If we talk about root cause of this situation may be Action Aid stopped fund
for BfC.


Collaboration with other NGOs who will fund them. It help them BfC to
meet the necessary needs of BfC so, become able to run their
Pros- It provides fund which is most compulsory for the BfC at that
time. It is possible that BfC diversify its sectors and able to print more
and more books according to the demand of the market and customer.
So, it generates more revenue which is the need of BfC.
Cons- It may be possible that whole credit will take by that NGO.

They should make product depth/ diversifying in product. They should

adopt this alternative because now, he was publishing only social and
development related books. He can publish other sector books also.
Because its also demand in market.
Pros and Cons of this alternative
Pros- It leads the company towards profit because it diversify the
sector of book so the customer sector will also increase which raises
more revenue.
Cons- It became slightly against the objective of BfC.

They should use some strategy for the target orientation. They must
have a selling target for financial year in every zone.

Approach with development Institute to buy their books and reading

They should approach with development institute for buying their
books. Many publishers collaborate with institute for publish their
Books, Articles, Magazine etc. So, BfC can make more money and
reputation in this Sector. India is developing country so, there is more
chance to will have development institute and organization.
Pros and Cons of this alternatives
If we talk about pros of this alternative may be BfC will come back from
net loss. And BfC can create goodwill in the market.

They should go online Portal because we can see there is operating

expense is high so they can cut easily cost on this area. They can
collaborate with any online portal and sell the goods. Online portal
fellow has man power to dispatch all parcel. So, BfC would not have
more burden. They can easily save the funds.

Pros and Cons of this alternative

If we talk about pros, if bfC will adopt this alternative so they can save
many money. In that day online marketing is tremendous growth all
people want to buy goods without go anywhere and also online portal
providing some discount on the products. So, probably this alternative
would be better for them.
If we talk about cons may be they will suffer more expenses on this
plan. Because sometimes online portal dont provide delivery person,
so BfC have to recruit more employee for deliver the goods and other

Best Alternative from our side

Collaborate with other NGOs because they got fund as well as they are also
able stick with their objectives.

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