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Christian Rey Notario

MKT 101 I

Mr. Armando Miclat Jr.

Assignment #2/LT #2

October 6, 2015

Marketing Proposal
Toothbrush, as an instrument for oral hygiene, is a must have for everyone. Thus,
it has a high demand in the market and is oftentimes found near counters where it can be
easily seen by the customers. The reason being is that toothbrush has quite a negligible
importance so customers tend to put them at the bottom of their shopping list or forget to
buy them at all.
As a company producing an Oral Care line of products, it would be a good move
to take advantage of the high demand for toothbrushes simply because of the fact that
everyone buys it. Because were going to use Du Pont bristles for our toothbrushes, it is
best to find the colors and the number of colors well utilize which can complement the
quality and appearance of the Du Pont bristles. In regards to this, I conducted an online
market survey among college students aged 16-20 from the Ateneo de Manila University.
There were five colors which stood out in the survey and they are (arranged by rank): Blue
(46.2%), White (26.2%), Green (24.6%), Purple (23.1%), and Black (20%). Some others
(~11%) are pretty indifferent to the colors of their toothbrush because whats important to
them is that they are able to brush their teeth.
Almost half of the respondents chose Blue primarily because it is their favorite color
regardless of their gender. Aside from the fact that these colors are aesthetically
pleasing, the same reason for choosing blue also applies to the other colors. So, it was
really just a matter of favoritism. Meanwhile, the other four colors are statistically tied,
which means, respondents are also quite indifferent to these colors. Some cited that they
chose Blue because it is not dumihin and because of the convention that boys should
buy masculine colors. Moreover, some people chose white because its color is relative to

the teeth and its bagay sa banyo because it looks clean. On the other hand, some others
also prefer dark colors which explains why Black also stood out. One person also noted
that he/she did not choose brown, gray, orange, and yellow because these colors feel
dirty because they are the color of the food (except gray). Another reason for not choosing
these colors is that they would look weird together with the (usually white) toothpaste.
One reason that struck me most is that for the color white one said that he prefers to
use white to easily see if his toothbrush is dirty which led me to an insight for this
marketing proposal.
White should be the primarily color of the toothbrush were going to produce. Aside
from the reason its the 2nd most favored color, white toothbrushes are very prone to dirt
which means when its already dirty, it serves as a sign for the user to stop using that
toothbrush and buy a new one. The white color will be an indicator for customers to
replace their toothbrush which will also allow them to follow the 3-month replacement rule
for toothbrushes. Higher frequency of buying = greater sales for the company.
It is worth noting though that the survey only catered to Ateneans which make it a
bit exclusive to the majority of the population which is the poor. However, because of
convenience, the purpose of this survey is to serve just as a preliminary market research
which reflects the buying population of the country. Besides, lower class people dont
bother replacing their toothbrush at all so theres no point in targeting them.
My final recommendation is that the company should produce/use colors with the
following proportion for production: 30% White, 20% Blue, 15% Black, 15% Purple, 10%
Green, and 10% for the rest of the colors. Even if some of the colors did not stand out in
the survey, it doesnt mean we should not produce/use them at all. Some people will
always look for the color that they want. Customers always knows best and to each his
own, they say.

1. Link to the survey form:
2. Bar graph of the responses

They can choose any colors they want which explains why the total is not equal to 65.
However, the graph is automatically computed by Google hence the percentage e.g.,
30/65 = 46.2%

3. Summary of responses

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