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Deforestation is the clearing of trees, transforming a forest into cleared land.

The first step in turning the wilderness into a shopping center
is deforestation. You can see the word forest in deforestation. The prefix demeans "remove" and the suffix -ation signals the act or state of.
a sudden and destructive rush of water down a narrow gully or over a sloping
surface, caused by heavy rainfall.
Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. In
agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the
natural physical forces of water (Figure 1) and wind (Figure 2) or through
forces associated with farming activities such as tillage.
a reef composed mainly of coral and other organic matter of whichparts have
solidified into limestone.
An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the
environment, especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form
of pollution. The term is usually applied to marine oil spills, whereoil is
released into the ocean or coastal waters, butspills may also occur on land.
One of the main criteria used to define illegal miningis the absence of land
rights, mining license, exploration or mineral transportation permit or of any
document that could legitimize the on-going operations. Illegal mining can be
operated on the surface or underground.
the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing
that has harmful or poisonous effects.

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