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Time : 3 H

Half yearly exam 2016

Class XII ,Sub : Comp.sci.

F.M. : 70

Q.1 Creating or deriving a new class

commonly used to connect segments of
using another class as a base is called a LAN. A hub contains multiple ports.
inheritance in C++ .The new class
When a packet arrives at one port, it is
created is called a Derived class and the copied to the other ports so that all
old class used as a base is called a Base segments of the LAN can see all
class in C++ inheritance terminology.
Q.2 It would be something like this:
Q.8 LANs are typically built using
string messageVar; cout << "Type your affordable hardware like Ethernet
message: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,
cables, network adapters, hubs and
messageVar); This happens because the switches. A MAN is larger than a LAN,
>> operator leaves a newline \n
and may consist of smaller LANs
character in the input buffer.
spanning several buildings in the same
town or city. A WAN is the largest, and
Q.3 Network bandwidth is usually
may possibly contain several smaller
expressed in bits per second (bps);
LANs or MANs; it may also be limited to
modern networks typically have speeds an organization, or publicly accessible. A
measured in the millions of bits per
good example of a global WAN is the
second (megabits per second, or Mbps) Internet.
or billions of bits per second (gigabits
per second, or Gbps).
Q.9 When a class contains objects of
another class as its members,this kind
Q.4 In enterprises, the gateway is the
of relationship is called containership or
computer that routes the traffic from a nesting.inheritance lets you create or
workstation to the outside network that define a specialized instance of a class
is serving the Web pages. In homes, the that shares the properties of the class
gateway is the ISPthat connects the
and at the same time adds new features
user to the internet. In enterprises, the to it.'containership',on the other hand
gateway node often acts as a proxy
,does not do any such job rather it
server and a firewall.
facilitates to enclose objects of other
Q.5 A minterm is a Boolean expression classes inside a just a way to
resulting in 1 for the output of a single define an object which itself is collection
of objects of other classes.
cell, and 0s for all other cells in a
Karnaugh map, or truth table.

Q.10 The ifstream is an input stream

class, which provides input operations
for file.the ofstream class is an output
stream class,which provides output
operations for file.Both ifstream and
ofstream classes are defined under
header file iostream.h.

Q.6 DML is abbreviation of Data

Manipulation Language. It is used to
retrieve, store, modify, delete, insert
and update data in database.SELECT
Retrieves data from a table, INSERT
Inserts data into a table,UPDATE
Updates existing data into a
Q.11 The ios::out is the default file mode
table ,DELETE Deletes all records from of ofstream. With the mode of the file
a table.
does not exist, it gets created but if the
Q.7 A hub is a common connection point file exists then its existing contents get
deleted.The ios::app is also an output
for devices in a network. Hubs are


Time : 3 H

Half yearly exam 2016

Class XII ,Sub : Comp.sci.

F.M. : 70

mode which creates the file if does not functions, with or without insertion
exist, but if the file exists then its
existing contents are retained and new
Q.15 Character based Input / Output
information is appended to it.
(I/O) functions supported by C++ are
Q.12 In the bus network topology,
based on its predecessor C. All the
every workstation is connected to a functions supported by the C++
main cable called the bus. Therefore, Standard Function Library are termed as
in effect, each workstation is directly ANSI C I/O system. To use these
connected to every other
predefined I/O functions in a C++
workstation in the network. In
program, the header
the star network topology, there is a file <cstdio.h> should be included.
central computer or server to which Most of these functions set a built in
all the workstations are directly
global integer variable "errno" when an
connected. Every workstation is
error is encountered. This variable
indirectly connected to every other stores the information about the error
through the central computer. In
occured, so that it can be reffered by C+
the ring network topology, the
+ programs.

workstations are connected in a

closed loop configuration. Adjacent Q.16 In object-oriented programming, field
pairs of workstations are directly
(also called data member or member variable)
connected. Other pairs of
is the data encapsulated within a class or
workstations are indirectly
object. In computer science, a record (also
connected, the data passing through called struct or compound data) [page needed] is a
one or more intermediate nodes.
basic data structure. A record is a collection of
The tree network topology uses two fields, possibly of different data types, typically
or more star networks connected
in fixed number and sequence.
together. The central computers of
the star networks are connected to a Q.17 Multiple Inheritance: we can inherit
main bus. Thus, a tree network is a
more than one class in the same classes .Multibus network of star networks.
Level Inheritance: where one class can inherit
only one base class and the derived class can

Q.13 The compiler generates a

default constructor which carries no become base class of some other class.
Q.14 Output stream member functions BY Last Buy; (ii) SELECT ItemNo, Item..In
FROM STORE WHERE Rate >15; (iii)
have three types: those that are
equivalent to manipulators, those that SELECT * FROM STORE WHERE Scode =
perform unformatted write operations, 22 OR Qty >110; (iv) SELECT Scode,
and those that otherwise modify the
stream state and have no equivalent
Scode; (i) COUNT(DISTINCT Scode)
manipulator or insertion operator. For
(ii)RATE*QTY 880 (iii)ITEM SNAME Gel
sequential, formatted output, you might Pen Classic Premium Stationers (iv) MAX
use only insertion operators and
(LASTBUY) 24-Feb-10
manipulators. For random-access binary
disk output, you use other member


Time : 3 H

Half yearly exam 2016

Class XII ,Sub : Comp.sci.

F.M. : 70

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