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Tip sheet

A tip sheet is a publication containing the latest information, tips or predictions for a particular industry.
Tip sheets are commonly published to impart business
or stock market information, music industry songwriter
leads, and tips on horse racing results.

Types of tip sheet

In the nancial sector tip sheet newsletters oer investors

advice on stocks. In the UK, tip sheets are regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since 2010 to
prevent malpractice. In prior to 2010, Financial Service
Authority (FSA) also regulated.
Media tip sheets are typically lists of tips on how to do
something, or solve a particular problem, that are printed
in newspapers and magazines and appear on television.
An example tip sheet might be titled 8 Tax Tips the IRS
Wishes You Didn't Know. They oer their creators free
publicity and provide media outlets with free ready-made
content, which they can reprint verbatim.

Music tip sheets

A music tip sheet, or song tip sheet, is a research service that regularly publishes information about which
recording artists and lm and TV projects are looking
for music, along with the appropriate contact information.
They are used by songwriters, publishers and record producers, but most commonly by new songwriters looking
to gain a foothold in the industry.[1] Songwriter, publisher
and respected music industry veteran Eric Beall[2] said
that If I were going to spend money on anything when I
started out as a songwriter, other than the actual demos,
I would put it into tip sheets.[3]
Established music tip sheets include RowFax, the
MusicRow publication, and SongQuarters.


[1] How to pitch your songs to industry insiders.. EMusician. 1 July 2007. Retrieved 25 August 2010.
[2] Eric Beall Music Business. Retrieved 31 August 2010.
[3] Interview with Eric Beall. HitQuarters. 7 April 2008.
Retrieved 31 August 2010.


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Tip sheet Source: Contributors: Tony1, SmackBot, Sadads, DanFeerst, Geo
Whistle, Mbz21, Csabagb and Anonymous: 3




Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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