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Title :

The Effectiveness of Indonesia Government Regulation

on Protecting Manta Rays

Picture from

by Paul Hilton / WCS

>>> Manta rays become one of the fish that are protected by the government since
the population of manta rays in Indonesia experienced a significant decreasing. This
term happens because Indonesia has become a heaven for manta rays fish hunter.
Manta rays have a higher economic value if they are still alive. One fish manta ray
can be reach the price up to 1 million dollars in case of tourism income. Then this
fish just have the price for Rp 500.000,00 - Rp 5.000.000,00 when they are in not
alive condition. Demand of this fish is dominantly for Chinas market. So, this
problem can make a disadvantage for government and becoming such a trying to
destroy this fish from ocean. In Indonesia, there are 3 locations of manta rays habitat,
Bali, Flores, and Raja Ampat. Indonesia government made a regulation to protect the
manta rays fish, it written in "Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan No. 4
Tahun 2014 (Tentang Penetapan Status Perlindungan Penuh Ikan Pari Manta)"

Indonesia Larang Perburuan Pari Manta. (February, 21 2014). DW. Retrieved April, 2016,
from DW: /a-17448603
Peresmian UU Perlindungan Pari Manta di Indonesia. (February, 27 2014). WWF. Retrieved
April, 2016, from WWF:

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