Arunpreet Kaur (800941004) Final Thesis

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Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of

Master of Engineering
Power Systems & Electric Drives

Thapar University, Patiala

Roll No: 800941004
Under the supervision of
Ms. Suman Bhullar
Assistant Professor, EIED

JULY 2011



I wish to express my special thanks and deepest regards to my Supervisor, Ms. Suman Bhullar,
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering Department, for providing me
invaluable guidance, suggestions, and support which have helped me to submit this Thesis report
in time. Without her wise counsel and able guidance, it would have been impossible to complete
the present work.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. Smarajit Ghosh,
Professor & Head, and the faculty members of Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering
Department for their valuable advice and suggestion during the thesis work.
The paucity of words does not compromise for extending my thanks to my parents, whose
uninterrupted love, inspiration and blessings helped me in completing this research report. I wish
to thank all my classmates of M.E. (PSED) for their time to time suggestions and cooperation. In
the last but not the least, multi million thanks to the Almighty God, who gave me the opportunity
and strength to carry out this thesis work.
I thank and owe my deepest regards to all who have helped me directly or indirectly.

Regn no. 800941004


Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problem is one of the most important ones in power system
operation and planning. The main objective of the ELD problems is to determine the optimal
combination of power outputs of all generating units so as to meet the required demand at
minimum cost while satisfying the constraints. Conventionally, the cost function for each unit in
ELD problems has been approximately represented by a quadratic function and is solved using
mathematical programming techniques. Generally, these mathematical methods require some
marginal cost information to find the global optimal solution. Unfortunately, the real-world input
output characteristics of generating units are highly nonlinear and non-smooth because of
prohibited operating zones, valve point loadings, and multi-fuel effects, etc. Thus, the practical
ELD problem is represented as a non-smooth optimization problem with equality and inequality
constraints, which directly cannot be solved by the mathematical methods. Over the past decade,
in order to solve these non-smooth ELD problems, many salient methods have been developed
such as hierarchical numerical method, genetic algorithm, evolutionary programming, neural
network approaches, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, and the hybrid method.
In this thesis, the two main types evolutionary optimization techniques namely Genetic
Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which are generic population based
probabilistic search optimization algorithms and can be applied to real world problem are
respectively applied to solve an ELD problem. And at the last the comparison between both the
methods has been presented. The PSO provides the generation level such that the generation cost
is coming out to be lower than the cost resulted with Genetic Algorithm method.



Page no.
Certificate i
Acknowledgement .. .. ii
Abstract . iii
Table of Contents . iv
List of Figures . vii
List of Tables .. viii

1. INTRODUCTION ........ 1-8

1.1 Overview............................... 1
1.2 Literature Review . 2
1.3 Objective of the Work ...... 7
1.4 Organization of the Thesis ... 7
2.1 Economic Load Dispatch . 9

Load Dispatching . 9


Necessity of Generation Scheduling .. 10

2.2 Generator Operating Cost .. 11

2.3 The Economic Dispatch Problem .. 13

Economic Load Dispatch Without Losses . 13



Economic Load Dispatch With Losses .. 16

2.4 Economic Load Dispatch With Valve Point Loading 20

3. GENETIC ALGORITHM ...... 22-37
3.1 Genetic Algorithm Structure .. 22
3.2 Genetic Algorithm Versus Traditional Methods of Optimization . 23
3.3 Flow Chart of Genetic Algorithm .. 24
3.4 Advantages of Genetic Algorithm . 24
3.5 Disadvantages of Genetic Algorithm . 25
3.6 Components needed to implement a Genetic Algorithm ... 25

Representation 26


Initialization ... 28


Evaluation .. 28


Genetic Operators .. 29 Reproduction ........... 30 Crossover . 32 Mutation ... 34

Genetic Parameters 35


Termination 36

3.7 Algorithm For ELD Using GA .. 36

4.1 Introduction 38
4.2 Basic Particle Swarm Optimization ... 39
4.3 Flow Chart of Basic PSO ... 41
4.4 Implementation of PSO For PSO Solution 42
4.5 Algorithm for ELD Using PSO .. 42

5.1 Case Study 1: 3 Generator Test System . 44


Optimum Solution Using Genetic Algorithm for Case Study 1 44


Optimum Solution Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Case Study 1 .45

5.2 Case Study 2: 6 Generator Test System . 46


Optimum Solution Using Genetic Algorithm for Case Study 2 46


Optimum Solution Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Case Study 2 47


6.1 Conclusions 48
6.2 Scope for Future Work .. 48



Page no.

Figure.2.1 Simple model of a Fossil Plant . . 11

Figure.2.2 Operating Costs of a Fossil Fired Generator .. 12
Figure.2.3. Operating Cost Characteristics with Valve Point Loading .... 20
Figure.3.1. Flow Chart of Genetic Algorithm .. 24
Figure.3.2. Roulette Wheel Selection .. 31
Figure.3.3. Single Point Crossover Operation . 33
Figure.3.4. Two Point Crossover Operation .... 33
Figure.3.5. Multipoint Crossover . 34
Figure.3.6. Mutation Operation ... 35
Figure.4.1 Flow Chart of Basic PSO 41



Page no.

Table 5.1 Specifications for three generator test system . 44

Table 5.2 Optimal Result of GA for Case Study 1 .. 45
Table 5.3 Optimal Result of PSO for Case Study 1 . 45
Table 5.4 Comparison of GA and PSO for Case Study 1 45
Table 5.5 Specifications for Six Generator Test System . 46
Table 5.6 Optimal Result of GA for Case Study 2 .. 46
Table 5.7 Optimal Result of PSO for Case Study 2 . 47
Table 5.8 Comparison of GA and PSO for Case Study 2 47



Electrical power systems are designed and operated to meet the continuous variation of
power demand. In power system, minimization of the operation cost is very important.
Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) is a method to schedule the power generator outputs with
respect to the load demands, and to operate the power system most economically, or in other
words, we can say that main objective of economic load dispatch is to allocate the optimal
power generation from different units at the lowest cost possible while meeting all system
Over the years, many efforts have been made to solve the ELD problem, incorporating
different kinds of constraints or multiple objectives through various mathematical
programming and optimization techniques. The conventional methods include NewtonRaphson method, Lambda Iteration method, Base Point and Participation Factor method,
Gradient method, etc [1]. However, these classical dispatch algorithms require the
incremental cost curves to be monotonically increasing or piece-wise linear [2]. The
input/output characteristics of modern units are inherently highly nonlinear (with valve-point
effect, rate limits etc) and having multiple local minimum points in the cost function. Their
characteristics are approximated to meet the requirements of classical dispatch algorithms
leading to suboptimal solutions and therefore, resulting in huge revenue loss over the time.
Consideration of highly nonlinear characteristics of the units requires highly robust
algorithms to avoid getting stuck at local optima [3]. The classical calculus based techniques
fail in solving these types of problems. In this respect, stochastic search algorithms like
genetic algorithm (GA) [4]-[9], evolutionary strategy (ES) [10]-[12], evolutionary
programming (EP) [2], [3], 13], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [27] and simulated
annealing (SA) may prove to be very efficient in solving highly nonlinear ELD problem
without any restrictions on the shape of the cost curves. Although these heuristic methods do
not always guarantee the global optimal solution, they generally provide a fast and reasonable
solution (sub optimal or near global optimal).

This thesis work proposes evolutionary optimization techniques namely Genetic Algorithm
(GA) and Particle Swarm optimization (PSO) to solve ELD in the electric power system,
which are generic population, based probabilistic search optimization algorithms and can be
applied to real world problem. Both techniques are respectively applied to solve an ELD
problem by using the proposed algorithms mentioned in chapter 3 and 4 respectively. And at
the last the comparison between the two methods has been presented.


Fink L. H., et al. [14] described the valve-point loading logic which is intended to meet at
any time in the most economical fashion a generation commitment. This objective is
approached by insuring that as great a portion of the load as practicable will be carried by
units loaded to valve points, that the remainder of the load will be carried by units reserved
for regulation, and that in both categories the assignments will be made to those units which
can provide the requisite capacity at the lowest cost.
Reid and Hasdorff [15] formulated the economic load dispatch problem as a quadratic
programming problem and solved using Wolfe's algorithm. The method is capable of
handling both equality and inequality constraints on p, q, and v and can solve the load flow as
well as the economic load dispatch problem. The quadratic programming algorithm does not
require the use of penalty factors or the determination of gradient step size which can cause
convergence difficulties.
Megahed et al. [16] developed a method for solving the economic load dispatching problem
by changing it from constrained nonlinear programming problem to a sequence of
constrained linear programming problems. The formulation of the load scheduling is exact in
the sense that all the system voltages, active and reactive generation, as well as the phase
angles are considered as independent variables. In addition, the effect of bus voltages on the
loads is taken into consideration.
Happ [17] reviewed the progress of optimal dispatch, also called economic load dispatch,
since its inception to the present in chronological sequence. The classic single area as well as
multi area cases is summarized, and the important theoretical work in optimal load flows

suggested to date reviewed. Approaches to the optimal load flow taken by industry are also
reported, as well as an itemization of problems that still remain to be solved.
Kwatny and Athay [18] presented the coordination of the economic load dispatch and
regulation functions of automatic generation control in electric power systems. The point of
view taken is that such coordination appropriately takes place at the regulation or load
frequency control level. Thus, the coordinating controller is obtained through the formulation
of a suitably extended load frequency control problem in the context of linear multivariable
control theory.
Ross and Kim [19] developed a set of procedures and algorithms for dynamic economic
dispatch of generation units. When coupled with a short-term load predictor, "look-ahead"
capability is provided by the dynamic economic dispatch that coordinates predicted load
changes with the rate-of-response capability of generation units. Dynamic economic load
dispatch also enables valve-point loading of generation units.
Bottero, et al. [20] discussed that in general, second derivative or Hessian based optimization
methods have much higher convergence efficiency than those techniques based on the
gradient of the objective function. Unfortunately, for problems such as economic load
dispatch where the generation cost has to be minimized subject to the load flow equality
constraints, the reduced Hessian with respect to the controllable variables is, in general, nonsparse and requires extensive computations to evaluate. In the literature this obstacle has been
bypassed either by approximating the reduced Hessian or by handling equality constraints
through penalty functions added to the cost.
Aoki and Satoh [21] presented an efficient method to solve an economic load dispatch
problem with dc load flow type network security constraints. The conventional linear
programming and quadratic programming methods cannot deal with transmission losses as a
quadratic form of generator outputs. In order to overcome this defect, the extension of the
quadratic programming method is proposed, which is designated as the parametric quadratic
programming method. The upper bounding technique and the relaxation method are coupled
with the proposed method for the purpose of computational efficiency. The test results show
that the proposed method is practical for real-time applications.

Lin and Viviani [22] presented a method to solve the economic power dispatch problem with
piecewise quadratic cost functions. The solution approach is hierarchical, which allows for
decentralized computations. An advantage of this approach is the capability to optimize over
a greater variety of operating conditions. Traditionally, one cost function for each generator is
assumed. In this formulation multiple intersecting cost functions are assumed. This method
has application to fossil generation units capable of burning gas and oil, as well as other
problems which result in multiple intersecting cost curves for a particular unit. The results
show that the solution method is practical and valid for real-time application.
Ramanathan [23] presented an extremely fast, simple, efficient and reliable economic load
dispatch algorithm. The algorithm utilizes a closed form expression for the calculation of the
Lambda, as well' as taking care of total transmission loss changes due to generation change,
thereby- avoiding ,any iterative processes in the calculations. The closed form expression
presented for Lambda can be used with 'any type of incremental transmission loss
calculation. For this algorithm, penalty factors are derived based upon the Newton's method.
Chowdhury and Rahman [24] presented a survey of papers and reports which address
various aspects of economic load dispatch. The time period considered is 1977-88. This is
done to avoid any repetition of previous studies which were published prior to 1977. Four
very important and related areas of economic load dispatch are identified and papers
published in the general area of economic dispatch are classified into these. These areas are:
(i) Optimal power flow, (ii) Economic dispatch in relation to AGC, (iii) Dynamic dispatch
and (iv) Economic dispatch with non-conventional generation sources.
Walters and Sheble [25] used genetics-based algorithm to solve an economic dispatch
problem for valve point discontinuities. The algorithm utilizes payoff information of
candidate solutions to evaluate their optimality. Thus, the constraints of classical Lagrange
techniques on unit curves are circumvented. The formulations of an economic dispatch
computer program using genetic algorithms are presented and the program's performance
using two different encoding techniques is compared. The results are verified for a sample
problem using a dynamic programming technique.
Chen and Chang [26] presented a new genetic approach for solving the economic dispatch
problem in large-scale systems. A new encoding technique is developed. The chromosome

contains only an encoding of the normalized system incremental cost in this encoding
technique. Therefore, the total number of bits of chromosome is entirely independent of the
number of units. The salient feature makes the proposed genetic approach attractive in large
and complex systems which other methodologies may fail to achieve. Moreover, the
approach can take network losses, ramp rate limits, and prohibited zone avoidance into
Eberhart and Kennedy [27] described the optimization of nonlinear functions using particle
swarm methodology. Implementations of two paradigms are discussed and compared,
including a recently developed locally oriented paradigm. Benchmark testing of both
paradigms is described, and applications, including neural network training and robot task
learning, are proposed. Relationships between particle swarm optimization and both artificial
life and evolutionary computation are reviewed.
Orero and Irving [28] explored the use of a genetic algorithm for the solution of an
economic dispatch problem in power systems where some of the units have prohibited
operating zones. Genetic algorithms have a capability to provide global optimal solutions in
problem domains where a complete traversing of the whole search space is computationally
infeasible. Two different implementations of the genetic algorithm for the solution of this
dispatch problem are presented: a standard genetic algorithm, and a deterministic crowding
genetic algorithm model.
Wang, et al. [29] developed a new effective artificial neural network method for the solution
of economic emission load dispatch (EELD) problems with thermal generations. The
proposed-method can overcome numerical difficulty caused by conventional neural networks
with network parameters, and the states of the dynamic system described by the new neural
network converge globally to the optimal solution of the EELD problem whenever its initial
points are located inside or outside the feasible region of the problem. The application and
validity of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated with a sample system with three
Venkatesh, et al. [30] applied Economic load dispatch (ELD) and economic emission
dispatch (EED) to obtain optimal fuel cost and optimal emission of generating units,
respectively. Combined economic emission dispatch (CEED) problem is obtained by

considering both the economy and emission objectives. This bio objective CEED problem is
converted into a single objective function using a price penalty factor approach. A novel
modified price penalty factor is proposed to solve the CEED problem.
Madouh and El- Hawary [31] presented a new and simple technique to solve the optimal
solution of a short-term economic dispatch problem of all thermal power system, when the
load on the system is fuzzy. The hard constrained, using this technique are transferred to soft
constraints. A triangular membership for the load is assumed.
Sinha, et al. [2] Evolutionary programming has emerged as a useful optimization tool for
handling nonlinear programming problems. Various modifications to the basic method have
been proposed with a view to enhance speed and robustness and these have been applied
successfully on some benchmark mathematical problems. The performance of evolutionary
programs on ELD problems is examined and presented in this paper in two parts. In Part I,
modifications to the basic technique are proposed, where adaptation is based on scaled cost.
In Part II, evolutionary programs are developed with adaptation based on an empirical
learning rate.
Chiang [5] developed an improved genetic algorithm with multiplier updating (IGAMU) to
solve practical power economic load dispatch (PELD) problems of different sizes and
complexities with non-convex cost curves, where conventional mathematical methods are
inapplicable. The improved genetic algorithm (IGA) provides an improved evolutionary
direction operator and a migrating operator, enabling it to efficiently search and actively
explore solutions. Multiplier updating (MU) is introduced to avoid deforming the augmented
Lagrange function, which is adopted to manage the system constraints of PELD problems.
The proposed IGAMU integrates the IGA with the MU.
Zhang, et al. [32] proposed a new economic load dispatch model that considers cost
coefficients with uncertainties and the constraints of ramp rate. The uncertainties are
represented by fuzzy numbers, and the model is known as fuzzy dynamic economic load
dispatch model (FDELD). A novel hybrid genetic algorithm with quasi-simplex techniques is
proposed to handle the FDELD problem. The algorithm creates offspring by using generic
operation and quasi-simplex techniques in parallel. The quasi-simplex techniques consider
two potential optimal search directions in generating prospective offspring.

Kumari and Sydulu [33] presented a Fast Genetic Algorithm (FGA) approach for solving
Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problem. GAs perform powerful global searches, but their
long computation times limit them when solving large scale optimization problems. This
method was described to overcome the limitation by starting with random solutions within
the search space and narrowing down the search space by considering the minimum and
maximum errors of the population members. Since the search space is restricted to a small
region within the available search space, the algorithm works very fast. This feature of the
algorithm is attractive when applied to ELD of large systems.

Fang and Hua [34]. introduced an improved PSO with the constraints partially solved
combined with penalty function, the improved PSO refined in constraints management,
swarm initialization method of PSO with respect to the features of ELD in power plant.
Based on above improvements, the improved PSO solved the problem of premature
convergence in PSO. This method has the advantage of few parameters to adjust, easy to
implement, with high computational efficiency and high accuracy.
The objectives of the thesis work are summarised as follows

To find solution of economic load dispatch problem so that the total fuel cost is
minimized while satisfying the power generation limits.

Use global search techniques like GA/PSO to find the optimal settings.

Investigate the effectiveness of these methods for ELD problem while neglecting the
transmission losses.

Compare the results obtained from the two methods i.e. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).


The thesis is organised into five chapters. The organisation of chapters is as follows:
Chapter 1: This chapter summarizes the brief introduction of economic load dispatch,
literature review, scope of the work and organization of the thesis.

Chapter 2: This chapter describes the method of solving economic load dispatch.
Chapter 3: This chapter includes theory of Genetic Algorithm and algorithm for economic
load dispatch using genetic algorithm.
Chapter 4: This chapter explains the theory of Particle Swarm Optimization and algorithm
for economic load dispatch using PSO.
Chapter 5: This chapter presents the conclusions and also the comparison of both methods
used for solving ELD, i.e. GA and PSO.



The Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) can be defined as the process of allocating generation
levels to the generating units, so that the system load is supplied entirely and most
economically. For an interconnected system, it is necessary to minimize the expenses. The
economic load dispatch is used to define the production level of each plant, so that the total
cost of generation and transmission is minimum for a prescribed schedule of load. The
objective of economic load dispatch is to minimise the overall cost of generation. The method
of economic load dispatch for generating units at different loads must have total fuel cost at
the minimum point.
In a typical power system, multiple generators are implemented to provide enough total
output to satisfy a given total consumer demand [35]. Each of these generating stations can,
and usually does, have a unique cost-per-hour characteristic for its output operating range. A
station has incremental operating costs for fuel and maintenance; and fixed costs associated
with the station itself that can be quite considerable in the case of a nuclear power plant, for
example. Things get even more complicated when utilities try to account for transmission line
losses, and the seasonal changes associated with hydroelectric plants.
There are many conventional methods that are used to solve economic load dispatch problem
such as Lagrange multiplier method, Lambda iteration method and Newton- Raphson
method. In the conventional methods, it is difficult to solve the optimal economic problem if
the load is changed. It needs to compute the economic load dispatch each time which uses a
long time in each of computation loops. It is a computational process where the total required
generation is distributed among the generation units in operation, by minimizing the selected
cost criterion, and subjects it to load and operational constraints as well.
2.1.1 Load Dispatching:
The operation of a modern power system has become very complex. It is necessary to
maintain frequency and voltage within limits in addition to ensuring reliability of power

supply and for maintaining the frequency and voltage within limits it is essential to match the
generation of active and reactive power with the load demand. For ensuring reliability of
power system it is necessary to put additional generation capacity into the system in the event
of outage of generating equipment at some station. Over and above it is also necessary to
ensure the cost of electric supply to the minimum. The total interconnected network is
controlled by the load dispatch centre. The load dispatch centre allocates the MW generation
to each grid depending upon the prevailing MW demand in that area. Each load dispatch
centre controls load and frequency of its own by matching generation in various generating
stations with total required MW demand plus MW losses. Therefore, the task of load control
centre is to keep the exchange of power between various zones and system frequency at
desired values.
2.1.2 Necessity of generation scheduling:
In a practical power system, the power plants are not located at the same distance from the
centre of loads and there fuel costs are different. Also under normal operating, the generation
capacity is more than the total load demand and losses. Thus, there are many options for
scheduling generation. In an interconnected power system, the objective is to find the real and
reactive power scheduling of each power plant in such a way so as to minimize the operating
cost. This means that the generators real and reactive powers are allowed to vary within
certain limits so as to meet a particular load demand with minimum fuel cost. This is called
the Economic load dispatch (ELD) problem.
The objective functions, also known as cost functions may present economic cost system
security or other objectives. The transmission loss formula can be derived and the economic
load dispatch of generation based on the loss formula can also be obtained. The Loss
coefficients are known as B-coefficients.
A major challenge for all power utilities is not only to satisfy the consumer demand for
power, but to do so at minimal cost. Any given power system can be comprised of multiple
generating stations having number of generators and the cost of operating these generators
does not usually correlate proportionally with their outputs; therefore the challenge for power
utilities is to try to balance the total load among generators that are running as efficiently as

The economic load dispatch (ELD) problem assumes that the amount of power to be supplied
by a given set of units is constants for a given interval of time and attempts to minimize cost
of supplying this energy subject to constraints of the generating units. Therefore, it is
concerned with the minimization of total cost incurred in the system and constraints over the
entire dispatch period [35].
Therefore, the main aim in the economic load dispatch problem is to minimize the total cost
of generating real power (production cost) at various stations while satisfying the loads and
the losses in the transmission links.

The total cost of operation includes the fuel cost, cost of labour, supplies and maintenance.
Generally, costs of labour, supplies and maintenance are fixed percentages of incoming fuel
costs. The power output of fossil plants is increased sequentially by opening a set of valves to
its steam turbine at the inlet. The throttling losses are large when a valve is just opened and
small when it is fully opened.

Figure 2.1 Simple model of a fossil plant

Figure 2.1 shows the simple model of a fossil plant dispatching purposes. The cost is usually
approximated by one or more quadratic segments. The operating cost of the plant has the
form shown in Figure 2.2. For dispatching purposes, this cost is usually approximated by one
or more quadratic segments. So, the fuel cost curve in the active power generation, takes up a
quadratic form, given as:


F ( Pgi ) ai Pgi2 bi Pgi ci Rs / hr


ai , bi , ci are cost coefficients for i th unit
F ( Pgi ) is the total cost of generation
Pgi is the generation of i th plant

Fi ( Pgi )



Output Power (MW)


Figure.2.2 Operating costs of a fossil fired generator

The fuel cost curve may have a number of discontinuities. The discontinuities occur when the
output power is extended by using additional boilers, steam condensers, or other equipment.
They may also appear if the cost represents the operation of an entire power station, and
hence cost has discontinuities on paralleling of generators. Within the continuity range the
incremental fuel cost may be expressed by a number of short line segments or piece-wise
The Pgimin is the minimum loading limit below which, operating the unit proves to be
uneconomical (or may be technically infeasible) and Pgimax is the maximum output limit [36].



2.3.1 Economic Load Dispatch without Losses
The simplest economic load dispatch problem is the case when transmission line losses are
neglected. Due to this the total demand PD is the sum of all generations. A cost function
Fi ( Pgi ) is assumed to be known for each plant. The problem is to find the real power

generation, Pgi for each plant such that the total operating cost F ( Pgi ) is minimum and the
generation remains within the lower generation Pgimin and upper generation Pgimax . Suppose
there is a station with NG generators committed and the active power load demand PD is
given, the real power generation Pgi for each generator has to be allocated so as to minimize
the total cost. The optimization problem can be therefore be stated as

F ( Pgi ) Fi ( Pgi )



i 1

Subject to:

The energy balance equation


i 1





And the inequality constraints

Pgimin Pgi Pgimax

( i 1,2,.........., NG )

Pgi is the decision variable, i.e. real power generation

PD is the real power demand

NG is the number of generation plants



Pgimin is the lower permissible limit of real power generation

Pgimax is the upper permissible limit of real power generation
Fi ( Pgi ) is the operating fuel cost of the i th plant and is given by the quadratic equation

Fi ( Pgi ) ai Pgi2 bi Pgi ci Rs / h


The above constrained optimization problem is converted into an unconstrained optimization

problem. Lagrange multiplier is used in which a function is minimized (or maximized) with
side conditions in the form of equality constraints. Using the method an augmented function
is defined as

L( Pgi , ) F ( Pgi ) ( PD Pgi )


i 1

Where is the Lagrange multiplier.

A necessary condition for a function F ( Pgi ) , subject to energy balance constraint to have a
relative minimum at point Pgi* is that the partial derivative of the Lagrange function defined
by L L ( Pgi , ) with respect to each of its arguments must be zero. So, the necessary
conditions for the optimization problem are
L( Pgi , )

F ( Pgi )

(i 1,2,........, NG )



L( Pgi , )


PD Pgi 0


i 1

From equation (2.4),


F ( Pgi )

(i 1,2,........, NG )


Where F ( Pgi ) / Pgi is the incremental fuel cost of the i th generator.

Optimal loading of generators corresponds to the equal incremental cost point of all the
generators. Eq. (2.6), called the coordination equations numbering NG are solved
simultaneously with the load demand to yield a solution for Lagrange multiplier and the
optimal generation of NG generators. Considering the cost function given by Eq. (2.2d), the
incremental cost can be defined as
F ( Pgi )

2a i Pgi bi


Substituting the incremental cost into equation (2.6), this equation becomes
2a i Pgi bi

(i 1,2,......, NG )


(i 1,2,......, NG )


Rearranging Eq. (2.8) to get Pgi


2a i

Substituting the value of Pgi in Eq. (2.5), we get


i 1

2a i



i 1

2a i



i 1 2 a i

2.3.2 Economic Load Dispatch with Losses

Transmission losses may be neglected when transmission losses are very small but in a large
interconnected network where power is transmitted over long distances, transmission losses
are a major factor and affect the optimum dispatch of generation. The economic load dispatch
problem considering the transmission power loss PL for the objective function is thus
formulated as:

F ( Pgi ) Fi ( Pgi )


Fi ( Pgi ) ai Pgi2 bi Pgi ci Rs / h


i 1

Subject to:

The energy balance equation


i 1





And the inequality constraints

Pgimin Pgi Pgimax

( i 1,2,.........., NG )


The general form of the loss formula using B- coefficients is


PL Pgi Bij Pgj MW


i 1 j 1


Pgi and Pgj are the real power generations at i th and j th buses respectively
Bij are the loss coefficients or B-coefficients

The transmission loss formula of Eq. (2.12) is known as Georges formula. Using the
Lagrange multiplier , the augmented function is,

L( Pgi , ) F ( Pgi ) PD PL Pgi

i 1


For minimisation of augmented function,

L( Pgi , )

L( Pgi , )

Fi ( Pgi )



F ( Pgi )



The condition given by (2.14) results as,

L( Pgi , )

F ( Pgi , )

F ( Pgi )

L 1 0


(i 1,2,......, NG )


(i 1,2,......, NG )


(i 1,2,......, NG )


1 L

F ( Pgi , )




F ( Pgi , )

is called incremental fuel cost ( IC) i and

is known as incremental

transmission loss ( ITL) i , associated with i th generating unit. Rearranging (2.18) results as,
F ( Pgi )


1 L


F ( Pgi )


(i 1,2,......., NG )


F ( Pgi )


(i 1,2,......., NG )


Where Li is called the penalty factor of the i th plant given by


1 L


Equation (2.13) shows that the minimum cost is obtained when the incremental cost of each
plant multiplied by its penalty factor is same for all plants. Equation (2.20) is also written in
alternative form as [37]:
( IC ) i 1 ( ITL) i

(i 1,2,......., NG )


This equation is referred to as the exact coordination equation. Thus it is clear that to solve
the economic load dispatch problem, it is necessary to compute ITL for each plant and

therefore functional dependence of transmission loss on real powers of generating plants must
be determined. There are several methods, approximate and exact, for developing a
transmission loss model. One of the most important, simple but approximate methods of
expressing transmission loss as a function of generator powers is through B-coefficients. This
method is reasonably adequate for treatment of loss coordination in economic scheduling of
load between plants. The general form of loss formula using B-coefficients is given in (2.12)
Simplifying the equation (2.12) and recognizing that Bij B ji ,

2 Bij Pgj
Pgi i 1


Assuming quadratic plant cost curves as given in equation (2.15), incremental cost is
obtained as,
dFi ( Pgi )


2ai Pgi bi


dFi ( Pgi )
from above in the coordination equation (2.18),


2ai Pgi bi 2 Bij Pgj

(i 1,2,......., NG )


i 1

Collecting all terms of Pgi and solving for Pgi ,


(2a i 2Bii ) Pgi 2 Bij Pgj bi

(i 1,2,......, NG )


j 1
j i


bi NG
2 Bij Pgj
j 1
j 1

(i 1,2,......, NG )

2a i
2 Bii



For any particular value of , above equation can be solved iteratively by assuming initial
values of Pgi s. Iterations are stopped when Pgi s converge within specified accuracy.


Economic load dispatch (ELD) is considered one of the key functions in electric power
system operation. The economic load dispatch problem is commonly formulated as an
optimization problem, with the aim of minimizing the total generation cost of power system
but still satisfying specified constrains. The input-output characteristics (or cost functions) of
a generator are approximated using quadratic or piecewise quadratic function, under the
assumption that the incremental cost curves of the units are monotonically increasing
piecewise-linear functions. However, real input-output characteristics display higher-order
nonlinearities and discontinuities due to valve-point loading in fossil fuel burning plant. The
valve-point loading effect has been modelled in as a recurring rectified sinusoidal function,
such as the one show in figure 2.3 [36].

Power output, Pi
Figure.2.3 Operating cost characteristics with valve point loading
The generating units with multi-valve steam turbines exhibit a greater variation in the fuel
cost functions. The valve-point effects introduce ripples in the heat-rate curves.
Mathematically, economic load dispatch problem considering valve point loading is defined

Minimize operating cost


F ( Pi ) (a i Pi 2 bi Pi ci d i * sin{ei * ( Pi min Pi )} )
i 1

a i , bi , ci , d i , e are cost coefficients of the i th unit.

Subject to:

The energy balance equation is given by Eq. (2.11c ) and


The inequality constraints are given by Eq. (2.11d )





A global optimization technique known as genetic algorithm has emerged as a candidate due
to its flexibility and efficiency for many optimization applications. It is a stochastic searching
algorithm. The method was developed by John Holland (1975). GA is inspired by the
evolutionary theory explaining the origin of species. In nature, weak and unfit species within
their environment are faced with extinction by natural selection. The strong ones have greater
opportunity to pass their genes to future generations via reproduction. In the long run, species
carrying the correct combination in their genes become dominant in their population.
Sometimes, during the slow process of evolution, random changes may occur in genes. If
these changes provide additional advantages in the challenge for survival, new species evolve
from the old ones. Unsuccessful changes are eliminated by natural selection.
The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural
evolution. This heuristic is routinely used to generate useful solutions to optimization and
search problems. Genetic algorithms belong to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms
(EA), which generate solutions to optimization problems using techniques inspired by natural
evolution, such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover [38].
Genetic Algorithms are search mechanisms based on the Darwinian principle of natural
evolution. They operate on the law of coincidence, which takes advantage of pre-information
in order to derive improvement from it. Genetic Algorithms used for optimization are based
on the principle of biological evolution. They are very different to many conventional
methods in the sense that they simultaneously consider many possible solutions to the
problem. By considering many points in the search space, the algorithm simultaneously
reduces the chance of getting trapped at a local minimum. They are the result of research
done to incorporate the adaptive process of natural systems into design of artificial systems.
GAs are computationally simple and provide robust search in complex problem spaces [39].
They work not with the parameters themselves but with a string of numbers representing the


parameter set. Genetic Algorithms use a set of probabilistic rules in order to guide their







Genetic algorithms are based on the principles of natural genetics and natural selection. The
basic elements of natural genetics: reproduction, crossover, mutation are used in the genetic
search procedure. Genetic Algorithms differ from the traditional methods of optimization in
the following respect:
1.) A population of points (trial design vectors) is used for starting the procedure instead
of a single design point. If the number of design variables is n, usually the size of the
population is taken as 2n to 4n. Since several points are used as candidate solutions,
Genetic Algorithms are less likely to get trapped at a local optimum.
2.) Genetic Algorithms use only the values of objective function. The derivatives are not
used in search procedures.
3.) In GAs the design variables are represented as strings of binary variables that
correspond to the chromosomes in natural genetics. Thus the search method is
naturally applicable for solving discrete and integer programming problems. For
continuous design variables, the string length can be varied to achieve any desired
4.) The objective function value corresponding to design vector plays the role of fitness
in natural genetics.
5.) In every new generation, a new set of strings is produced by using randomized parents
selection and crossover from the old generation (old set of strings). Although
randomized, GAs are not simple random search techniques. They efficiently explore
the new combination with the available knowledge to find the new generation with
better fitness or objective function value.
The process of GA follows this pattern [40]:
1.) An initial population of a random solution is created.
2.) Each member of the population is assigned a fitness value based on its
evaluation against the current problem.

3.) Solution with highest fitness value is most likely to parent new solutions
during reproduction.
4.) The new solution set replaces the old, a generation is completed and the
process continues at step (2).

Figure.3.1 Flow chart of Genetic Algorithm


The advantages associated with a Genetic Algorithm are [41]-[43]:

Ease of implementation.

Differentiability of the objective function is not required.


Can handle complex, multi-nodal optimization problems.

Computational simplicity.

Power-full search ability to attain the global optimum.

Extremely robust with respect to the complexity of the problem.

Diversity of solutions is maintained with mutation.

Takes into account the overall effect on the system.

Simultaneously searches from a wide sampling of the cost surface.

Deals with a large number of variables.

Is well suited for parallel computers.

Optimizes with continuous or discrete variables.

Provides a list of optimum variables, not just a single solution.

Can encode the variables so that the optimization is done with the encoded variables.


The disadvantages associated with the use of a Genetic Algorithm are [42, 44]:

Relatively complex when it comes to incorporating the algorithm into a software


Relatively large computational time and effort.

Premature convergence problems.


The components that are needed to implement a genetic algorithm are:
1.) Representation
2.) Initialization
3.) Evaluation Function
4.) Genetic Operators
5.) Genetic Parameters
6.) Termination


3.6.1 Representation
Genetic Algorithms are derived from a study of biological systems. In biological systems
evolution takes place on organic devices used to encode the structure of living beings. These
organic devices are known as chromosomes. A living being is only a decoded structure of the
chromosomes. Natural selection is the link between chromosomes and the performance of
their decoded structures. In GA, the design variables or features that characterize an
individual are represented in an ordered list called a string. Each design variable corresponds
to a gene and the string of genes corresponds to a chromosome. Chromosomes are made of
discrete units called genes.
Normally, a chromosome corresponds to a unique solution x in the solution space. This
requires a mapping mechanism between the solution space and the chromosomes. This
mapping is called an encoding. In fact, GA works on the encoding of a problem, not on the
problem itself.
The application of a genetic algorithm to a problem starts with the encoding. The encoding
specifies a mapping that transforms a possible solution to the problem into a structure
containing a collection of decision variables that are relevant to the problem. A particular
solution to the problem can then be represented by a specific assignment of values to the
decision variables. The set of all possible solutions is called the search space and a particular
solution represents a point in that search space. In practice, these structures can be
represented in various forms, including among others, strings, trees, and graphs.
Traditionally, genetic algorithms have used mostly string structures containing binary
decision variables. The binary coding is used in solving all the problems. The terminology
used in GAs is borrowed from real genetics. The structure that encodes a solution is called a
chromosome or individual. A decision variable is called a gene and its value is called allele.
Decoding is the process of conversion of the binary structure of the chromosomes into
decimal equivalents of the feature values. Usually this process is done after de-catenation of
the entire chromosome to individual chromosomes. The decoded feature values are used to
compute the problem characteristics like the objective function, fitness values, constraint

violation and system statistical characteristics like variance, standard deviation and rate of
convergence. The stages of selection, crossover, mutation etc are repeated till some
termination condition is reached. There are several ways of selecting the termination
conditions, which can be either the convergence of the total objective function or the
satisfaction of the equality constraint or both. Since the genetic algorithm determines the
above features independently, the satisfaction of both the conditions has to be considered for
total absolute convergence. However, in situations of constraint violation, independent
satisfaction of the above conditions have to be considered and in the order of occurrence to
decide the feasibility of the solution.
The equivalent decimal integer of binary string is obtained as

y j 2 i 1 bi j

( j 1,2,....., L)


i 1

bi j is the i th binary digit of the j th string

l is the length of the string

L is the number of strings or population size.

The continuous variable can be obtained to represent a point in the search space according
to a fixed mapping rule, i.e.

j min

max min j
2l 1

( j 1,2,....., L)


min is the minimum number of variable,

max is the maximum value of variable,

is the binary coded value of the string



String representation
GA works on a population of strings consisting of a generation. A string consists of substrings, each representing a problem variable. In the present ELD problem, the problem
variables correspond to the power generations of the units. Each string represents a possible
solution and is made of sub-strings, each corresponding to a generating unit. The length of
each sub-string is decided based on the maximum/minimum limits on the power generation
of the unit it represents and the solution accuracy desired. The string length, which depends
upon the length of each sub-string, is chosen based on a trade-off between solution accuracy
and solution time. Longer strings may provide better accuracy, but result in higher solution
3.6.2 Initialization
Initially many individual solutions are randomly generated to form an initial population. The
population size depends on the nature of the problem, but typically contains several hundreds
or thousands of possible solutions. Traditionally, the population is generated randomly,
covering the entire range of possible solutions (the search space). Occasionally, the solutions
may be "seeded" in areas where optimal solutions are likely to be found [45]-[47]. Genetic
Algorithms operate with a set of strings instead of a single string. This set of strings is known
as a population and is put through the process of evolution to produce new individual strings.
To start with, the initial population could be made up of chromosomes chosen at random or
based on heuristically selected strings. The initial population should contain a wide variety of
structures [39]. The number of chromosomes in a population is usually selected to be
between 30 and 100 [48]. We need two parents population size and string length. Population
size indicates the effective representation of whole search space in one population. It affects
the efficiency and performance of GA. The selection of string length depends on the accuracy
requirements of the optimization problem.
3.6.3 Evaluation

Suitability of the solutions is determined from the initial set of solution of the problem. For
this suitability determination, we use a function called fitness function. This function is
derived from the objective function and used in successive genetic operation. The evaluation
function is a procedure for establishing the fitness of each chromosome in the population and

is very much application orientated. Since Genetic Algorithms proceed in the direction of
evolving the fittest chromosomes and the performance is highly sensitive to the fitness
values. In the case of optimization routines, the fitness is the value of the objective function
to be optimized. Penalty functions can also be incorporated into the objective function, in
order to achieve a constrained problem [39].
Fitness Function
The Genetic algorithm is based on Darwins principle that The candidates, which can
survive, will live, others would die. This principal is used to find fitness value of the process
for solving maximization problems. Minimization problems are usually transferred into
maximization problems using some suitable transformations. Fitness value f (x ) is derived
from the objective function and is used in successive genetic operations. The fitness function
for maximization problem can be used the same as objective function F ( X )
The fitness function for the maximization problem is:
f ( x) F ( X )


For minimization problems, the fitness function is an equivalent maximization problem

chosen such that the optimum point remains unchanged. The following fitness function is
often used in minimization problems:
F ( X ) 1 /(1 f ( x ))


Here f (x ) is fitness function and F ( X ) is objective function.

3.6.4 Genetic Operators

Genetic operators are a set of random transition rules employed by a Genetic Algorithm. In
Genetic operation, a new and improved population is generated from the previous population
using genetic operators. Genetic operators which are used in a Genetic Algorithm are [39]:



Mutation Reproduction
Reproduction is a random selection process based on the rules of probability, in which
chromosomes are selected to produce offspring based on their fitness values. This will ensure
that the expected number of times a chromosome is chosen is proportional to its fitness,
relative to the rest of the population. Strings with higher fitness values are more likely to
contributing offspring, and are simply copied on into the next generation [39]. This operator
is used to copy the old chromosome into matting pool according to its fittest valve. According
to Darwins fittest principle the best one should survive and create new offspring.
Reproduction selects good strings in a population and forms a mating pool. That is why the
reproduction operator is sometimes known as the selection operator. The commonly used
reproduction operator is the proportionate reproduction operator where a string is selected for
the mating pool with a probability proportional to its fitness. Thus, the i th string in the
population is selected with a probability proportional to fitness Fi . Since the population size
is usually kept fixed in a simple GA, the sum of the probability of each string being selected
for the mating pool must be one. Therefore, the probability for selecting the i th string is:




i 1

Where n is the population size.

One way to implement this selection scheme is to imagine a roulette-wheel with its
circumference marked for each string proportionate to the strings fitness. The roulette-wheel
is spun n times, each time selecting an instance of the string chosen by a roulette-wheel (RW)
pointer. Since the circumference of the wheel is marked according to a strings fitness, the
roulette-wheel mechanism is expected to make

copies of the i th string in the mating

pool. The average fitness of the population is calculated as:


n 1
f av f i
i 1 n


The various methods of selecting chromosomes for parents to crossover are:

Roulette-wheel selection

Boltzmann selection

Tournament selection

Rank selection

Steady state selection

The commonly used reproduction operator is the roulette-wheel selection method where a
string is selected from the mating pool with a probability proportional to the fitness.
Figure.3.2. shows a roulette-wheel for five individuals having different fitness values.
Since the third individual has a higher fitness value than any other, it is expected that the
Roulette wheel selection will choose the third individual more than any other individual. This
roulette-wheel selection scheme can be simulated easily.

Figure.3.2 Roulette Wheel Selection

The tournament selection strategy provides selective fitness by holding a tournament
competition among individuals. The best individual from the tournament is the one with the

highest fitness which is the winner of individuals. Tournament competitor and the winner are
then inserted into the mating pool. The tournament competition is repeated until the mating
pool for generating new offspring is filled. Crossover
The basic operator for producing new chromosome in the genetic algorithm is crossover. In
the crossover operator, information is exchanged among strings of the mating pool to create
new strings. In other words, crossover produces new individuals that have some parts of both
parents genetic materials. It is expected from the crossover operator that good substrings
from the parent strings will be combined to form a better child offspring. The aim of the
crossover operator is to search the parameter space. Crossover is a recombination operator,
which proceeds in three steps. First, the reproduction operator selects at random a pair of two
individual string for mating, then a crossover site is selected at random along the string length
and the position values are swapped between two string following the cross site.
Different forms of crossover are:
1.) Single point crossover
2.) Two point crossover
3.) Multi point crossover
4.) Uniform crossover
1.) Single point crossover: In the single point crossover, two individual strings are
selected at random from the matting pool. Next, a crossover site is selected randomly
along the string length and binary digits (alleles) are swapped between the two strings
at crossover site. Suppose site 3 is selected at random. It means starting from the 4th
bit and onwards, bits of strings will be swapped to produce offspring which is given in
figure 3.3.
Parent 1: x1= { 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 }
Parent 2: x2= { 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 }
Offspring 1: x1= { 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 }

Offspring 2: x2= { 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 }
Figure.3.3. Single point crossover operation
2.) Two point crossover: In a two point crossover operator, two random sites are chosen
and the contents bracketed by these sites are exchanged between two mated parents. If
the cross site 1 is three and cross site 2 is six, the strings between three and six are
exchanged which is shown in figure.3.4.
Parent 1: x1= {0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1}
Parent 2: x2= {1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0}
Offspring 1: x1= {0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1}
Offspring 2: x2= {1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0}
Figure.3.4 Two point crossover operation
3.) Multipoint crossover: In a multipoint crossover, again there are two cases. One is
even number of cross sites and other is odd number of sites. For even number of sites
the string is treated as a ring and cross sites are selected around the circle uniformly at
random if the number of cross sites is odd, and then a different cross point is always
assumed at the string beginning. For multipoint crossover, from m crossover positions
along the string length, l are chosen at random with no duplicates and sorted into
ascending order.
k i {1,2,....., l 1}


k i is the i th crossover point,

l is the length of the chromosome.

The bits between successive crossover points are exchanged alternatively between
two parents to give two new offspring.

Suppose k {3, 6, 9} is selected at random. It means the bits 4th, 5th, 6th are
exchanged, bits 7th, 8th, and 9th of parent string are not exchanged and bits 10th,
11th, and12th of parent string are exchanged to produce offspring.
Parent 1: x1 = {000 000 000 000}
Parent 2: x2 = {111 111 111 111}
Offspring 1: x1 = {000 111 000 111}
Offspring 2: x2 = {111 000 111 000}
Figure.3.5 Multipoint crossover
4.) Uniform crossover: Single and multipoint crossovers define cross points as places
within length of the string where a chromosome can be split. Uniform crossover
generalizes this scheme to make every locus a potential crossover point. A crossover
mask having same length as the chromosome structure is created at random and the
parity of the bits in the mask indicates which parent will supply the offspring with
which bits. The 1 in the random mask means bits swapping and the 0 means bit
replicating. Mutation
The final genetic operator in the algorithm is mutation. It is also known as background
operator. It plays dominant role in the evolutionary process. It cannot be stressed too strongly
that the Genetic Algorithm is not a random search for a solution to a problem for highly fit
individual. In general evolution, mutation is a random process where one allele of a gene is
replaced by another to produce a new genetic structure. Mutation is an important operation,
because newly created individuals have no new inheritance information and the number of
alleles is constantly decreasing. This process results in the contraction of the population to
one point, which is wished at the end of convergence process. Diversity is one goal of the
learning algorithm to search always in regions not viewed before. Therefore, it is necessary to
enlarge the information contained in the population. One way to achieve this goal is mutation.


Mutation operator changes 1 to 0 at only one place in the whole string with a small
probability and vice versa. Let mutation is done at location 3 the new offspring will be:
Offspring 1: x 1 =1 1 1 1 0 1 0
New offspring 1: x 2 = 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
Figure.3.6 Mutation operation
In general, the mutation probability is fixed throughout the whole process. However a small
mutation probability results in small premature convergence but the search with large fixed
mutation probability will not converge a lot so this operator is seldom used in the process. It
is not a primary operator but it ensures that the probability of searching any region in the
problem space is never zero. This prevents complete loss of genetic material through
reproduction and crossover [39].
3.6.5 Genetic Parameters
Genetic parameters are a means of manipulating the performance of a Genetic Algorithm.
There are many possible implementations of Genetic Algorithms involving variations such as
additional genetic operators, variable sized populations and so forth. Listed below are some
of the basic genetic parameters used by researchers to tune the performance of Genetic
Algorithms [39].
1.) Population Size (N): Population size affects the efficiency and performance of the
algorithm. Using a small population size may result in a poor performance from the
algorithm. This is due to the process not covering the entire problem space. A larger
population on the other hand, would cover more space and prevent premature
convergence to local minima. At the same time, a large population needs more
evaluations per generation and may slow down the convergence rate.
2.) Crossover rate (C): The crossover rate is the parameter that affects the rate at which
the process of crossover is applied. In each new population, the number of strings that
undergo the process of crossover can be depicted by a chosen probability. This
probability is known as the crossover rate. A higher crossover rate introduces new

strings more quickly into the population. If the crossover rate is too high, high
performance strings are eliminated faster than selection can produce improvements. A
low crossover rate may cause stagnations due to the lower exploration rate, and
convergence problems may occur.
3.) Mutation rate (M): Mutation rate is the probability with which each bit position of
each chromosome in the new population undergoes a random change after the
selection process. It is basically a secondary search operator which increases the
diversity of the population. A low mutation rate helps to prevent any bit position from
getting trapped at a single value, whereas a high mutation rate can result in essentially
random search.
3.6.6 Termination
This generational process is repeated until a termination condition has been reached.
Common terminating conditions are:
1.) A solution is found that satisfies minimum criteria
2.) Fixed number of generations reached
3.) Allocated budget (computation time/money) reached
4.) The highest ranking solution's fitness is reaching or has reached a plateau such that
successive iterations no longer produce better results
5.) Manual inspection
6.) Combinations of the above.
The step-wise procedure is outlined below:
1. Read data, namely cost coefficients, ai , bi , ci , no. of iterations, length of string,
population size, probability of crossover and mutations, power demand and P min and
P max .
2. Create the initial population randomly in the binary form.
3. Decode the string, or obtain the decimal integer from the binary string using Eq. (3.1)

4. Calculate the power generated from the decoded population by using Eq. (3.8)
Pi j Pi min

Pi max Pi min j
2l 1

(i 1,2,...., NG ; j 1,2,..., L)


L is the number of strings or population size.

y i j is the binary coded value of the i th substring

5. Check Pi j ,
If Pi j Pi max , then set Pi j Pi max
If Pi j Pi min , then set Pi j Pi min
6. Find the fitness or cost function from Eq. (2.2a).

Find population with maximum fitness and average fitness of the population.

8. Perform the Reproduction Process, which includes the following steps:

8(a). Set selection rate and number of mating in a pool.
8(b). Define total fitness as sum of values obtained by using above step for all
chromosomes which are selected.
8(c) Select percentage of each chromosome which is equal to the ratio of its fitness
value to the total fitness value, i.e. find probability which can be written as:
Probability = fitness / Fitnesss.
8(d) Calculate cumulative sum (CS) to normalize the values between 0.0 and 1.0.
9. Perform Crossover Process:
9(a) Choose a pair of random numbers between 0 and 1 to select one mother and one
father chromosome, so as to produce new offspring.
9(b) Pairing the chromosomes from different location, for different locations,
crossover point has to be selected which can be selected randomly. Generate offspring
by applying crossover.
10. Perform mutation by randomly selecting the mutation points from the total number of
bits in the population matrix.
11. Update the population.
12. If the number of iterations reaches the maximum, then go to step 13. Otherwise, go to
step 6.
13. The fitness that generates the minimum total generation cost is the solution of the



Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the modern heuristic algorithms, which can be
effectively used to solve nonlinear and non-continuous optimization problems. It is a
population-based search algorithm and searches in parallel using a group of particles similar
to other AI-based optimization techniques.
Eberhart and Kennedy suggested a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based on the analogy
of swarm of bird and school of fish [27]. In PSO, each individual makes its decision based on
its own experience together with other individuals experiences. Particle swarm optimization
(PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimization technique, inspired by simulation of a
social psychological metaphor instead of the survival of the fittest individual. In PSO, the
system (swarm) is initialized with a population of random solutions (particles) and searches
for optima using cognitive and social factors by updating generations. The particles are drawn
stochastically toward the position of present velocity of each particle, their own previous best
performance, and the best previous performance of their neighbours [49], [50]. PSO has been
successfully applied to a wide range of applications, mainly in solving continuous nonlinear
optimization problems.
PSO is a kind of evolutionary algorithm based on a population of individuals and motivated
by the simulation of social behaviour instead of the survival of the fittest individual. It is a
population-based evolutionary algorithm. Similar to the other population-based evolutionary
algorithms, PSO is initialized with a population of random solutions. Unlike the most of the
evolutionary algorithms, each potential solution (individual) in PSO is also associated with a
randomized velocity, and the potential solutions, called particles, are then flown through
the problem space.
The main advantages of the PSO algorithm are summarized as: simple concept, easy
implementation, and computational efficiency when compared with mathematical algorithm
and other heuristic optimization techniques [24]. The practical ELD problems with valve38

point loading effects are represented as a non smooth optimization problem with equality and
inequality constraints.
Particle Swarm Optimization has roots in two main component methodologies. Perhaps more
obvious are its ties to artificial life (A-life) in general, and to bird flocking, fish schooling,
and swarming theory in particular. It is also related, however, to evolutionary computation,
and has ties to both genetic algorithms and evolution strategies. Particle swarm optimization
comprises a very simple concept, and paradigms are implemented in a few lines of computer
code. It requires only primitive mathematical operators, and is computationally inexpensive
in terms of both memory requirements and speed. Early testing has found the implementation
to be effective with several kinds of problems. Particle swarm optimization has also been
demonstrated to perform well on genetic algorithm test functions, and it appears to be a
promising approach for robot task learning.
The position of each particle is represented by P and also its velocity is expressed by V .
Each particle knows its best value so far ( pbest ) and its position. Moreover, each particle
also knows the best value so far in the group ( gbest ) among pbests . The modified velocity
and position of each particle can be calculated using the current velocity and the distance
from best previous position of each particle ( Pbij ) to best particle among all the particles in
the group (G j ) . Velocity and position of each particle can be modified by the following

Vijr 1 wVijr C1 R1 ( Pbijr Pijr ) C 2 R2 (G rj Pijr )(i 1,2,..., NP; j 1,2,..., NG ) (4.1)

Pijr 1 Pijr Vijr 1

(i 1,2,..., NP; j 1,2,..., NG )


Vijr is the velocity of j th member of i th particle at r th iteration,



V jmin Vijr V jmax

Pijr is the current position of j th member of i th particle at r th iteration

w is the weighing function or inertia weight factor

C1 ,C 2 are the acceleration constants
R1 , R2 is random number between 0 and 1

NP is the number of particles in a group

NG is the number of members in a particle
The velocity is usually limited to a certain maximum value. PSO using Eq. (4.1) is called the
gbest model. The particles in the swarm are accelerated to new positions by adding new

velocities to their present positions. The new velocities are calculated using Eq. (4.1) and
positions of the particles are updated using Eq. (4.2).

Vijnew wVij C1 R1 ( Pijbest Pij ) C 2 R2 (G best

Pij )(i 1,2,..., NP; j 1,2,..., NG ) (4.3)

Pijnew Pij Vijnew

(i 1,2,..., NP; j 1,2,..., NG )


Suitable selection of inertia weight w provides balance between global and local
explorations, thus requiring less iteration on average to find a sufficiently optimal solution. In
general inertia weight is set according to the following equation:

w w max

w max w min
* IT
IT max


IT max is the maximum number of iterations(generation) and
IT is the current number of iterations.

The maximum and minimum velocity limit in the j th dimension is computed as:


V jmax

Pjmax Pjmin


V jmin

Pjmax Pjmin

Where is the chosen number of intervals in the j th dimension [36].


Figure.4.1 Flow chart of basic PSO




The main objective of ELD is to obtain the amount of real power to be generated by each
committed generator, while achieving a minimum generation cost within the constraints. The
details of the implementation of PSO components are summarized in the following
4.4.1 Representation of an Individual Population
For an efficient evolutionary method, the representation the population is important. Since the
decision variables of the ELD problems are real power generations, the generation power
output of each unit is represented as a gene, and many genes comprise an particle in the
swarm. Each particle within the population represents a candidate solution for an ELD
problem. For example, if there are d units that must be operated to provide power to loads,
then the i th particle can be defined as follows:
Pgi [ Pi1 , Pi 2 ,....Pid ]

(i 1,2,....n)


Where, n means population size, d is the number of generator, Pid is the generation power
output of d th unit at i th particle. The dimension of a population is ( n * d ) . These genes in
each individual are represented as real values.
The search procedure for calculating the optimal generation quantity of each unit is
summarized as follows:
1. In the ELD problems the number of online generating units is the 'dimension' of this
problem. The particles are randomly generated between the maximum and the
minimum operating limits of the generators and represented using Eq. (4.7).
2. To each individual of the population calculate the dependent unit output from the
power balance.

3. Calculate the evaluation value of each particle Pgi in the population using the
evaluation function given by equation (2.2a).
4. Compare each particle's evaluation value with its pbest . The best evaluation value
among them pbest is identified as gbest .
5. Modify the Velocity of each particle by using the Eq. (4.1)
6. Check the velocity constraints of the members of each particle from the following
conditions :
If Vijr 1 V jmax , then Vijr 1 V jmax
If Vijr 1 V jmin , then Vijr 1 V jmin
Where, V jmin 0.5Pjmin
Where V Jmax 0.5Pjmax
7. Modify the position of each particle using the Eq. (4.2). Pijr 1 must satisfy the
constraints, namely the generating limits, described by equation (2.2c). If Pijr 1
violates the constraints, then Pijr 1 must be modified towards the nearest margin of the
feasible solution.
8. If the evaluation value of each particle is better than previous pbest , the current value
is set to be pbest . If the best pbest is better than gbest , the best pbest is set to be
gbest .

9. If the number of iterations reaches the maximum, then go to step 10. Otherwise, go to
step 2.
10. The individual that generates the latest gbest is the optimal generation power of each
unit with the minimum total generation cost.



In this section, the results of ELD after the implementation of proposed GA and PSO
methods are discussed. The programs are implemented in MATLAB 7.6.0. The developed
algorithms for ELD problem based on GA and PSO, have been discussed in chapter 3 and 4.
The main objective is to minimize the cost of generation of plants using GA and PSO
methods. The performance is evaluated without considering losses using two generator test
systems, i.e. three generator test system and six generator test system, whose input data is
given in Table 5.1 [1], [51] and table 5.5 [52] respectively.
The coefficients of fuel cost and maximum and minimum power limits are given in Table 5.1.
The power demand is considered to be 850 (MW). The results corresponding to GA and PSO
are detailed in section 5.2 and 5.3 respectively, and the comparison of results of both methods
is shown in table 5.4.
Table 5.1 Specifications for three generator test system
Unit no.




Pi min

Pi max
















5.1.1 Optimum Solution Using Genetic Algorithm for Case Study 1

The description of the results obtained by utilizing GA without considering losses is detailed
herewith. The length of string in the population has been taken as 48 and the population size
has been assumed as 10. The single string represents three substrings, each of 16 bits.
Therefore, population we have taken is 10 x 48 in binary. The mutation probability is taken as
0.4. The crossover and mutation points are chosen randomly. In order to simulate the

proposed GA method to solve ELD, a set of steps were produced which have been discussed
in Chapter 3. The optimal result of GA is shown below in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2 Optimal Result of GA for Case Study 1

P1 (MW)


P2 (MW)


P3 (MW)


Total Power


Total Cost


5.1.2 Optimum Solution Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Case Study 1:

In order to simulate the proposed PSO method to solve ELD, a set of steps were produced
which have been discussed in Chapter 4. The optimal result of PSO is shown below in Table
Table 5.3 Optimal Result of PSO for Case Study 1

P1 (MW)


P2 (MW)


P3 (MW)


Total Power


Total Cost


Table 5.4 Comparison of GA and PSO for Case Study 1


Total Cost







The coefficients of fuel cost and maximum and minimum power limits are given in Table 5.5.
The power demand is considered to be 450 (MW). ). The results corresponding to GA and
PSO are detailed in section 5.6 and 5.7 respectively, and the comparison of results of both
methods is shown in Table 5.8.
Table 5.5 Specifications for Six Generator Test System
Unit No.




Pi min

Pi max






























5.2.1 Optimum Solution Using Genetic Algorithm for Case Study 2:

The description of the results obtained by utilizing GA without considering losses is detailed
herewith. The length of string in the population has been taken as 96 and the population size
has been assumed as 20. The single string represents three substrings, each of 16 bits.
Therefore, population we have taken is 20 x 96 in binary. The mutation probability is taken as
0.4. The crossover and mutation points are chosen randomly. The optimal result of GA is
shown below in Table 5.6.
Table 5.6 Optimal Result of GA for Case Study 2

P1 (MW)


P2 (MW)



P3 (MW)


P4 (MW)


P5 (MW)


P6 (MW)


Total Power


Total Cost


5.2.2 Optimum Solution Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Case Study 2
The optimal result of PSO is shown below in Table 5.7.
Table 5.7 Optimal Result of PSO for Case Study 2

P1 (MW)


P2 (MW)


P3 (MW)


P4 (MW)


P5 (MW)


P6 (MW)


Total Power


Total Cost


Table 5.8 Comparison of GA and PSO for Case Study 2


Total Cost







In this work, the formulation and implementation of solution methods to obtain the optimum
solution of Economic Load Dispatch problem using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm
Optimization is carried out.
Particle Swarm Optimization can be used to solve many of the same kinds of problems as
genetic algorithms. This optimization technique does not suffer, however, from some of GAs
difficulties: interaction in the group enhances rather than detracts from progress toward the
solution. Further, a particle swarm system has memory, which the genetic algorithm does not
have. Change in genetic populations results in destruction of previous knowledge of the
problem, except when elitism is employed, in which case usually one or a small number of
individuals retain their identities. In particle swarm optimization, individuals who fly past
optima are tugged to return toward them; knowledge of good solutions is retained by all
particles. Particle swarm optimization has also been demonstrated to perform well on genetic
algorithm test functions, and it appears to be a promising approach for robot task learning.
The effectiveness of the developed program is tested for three generator and six generator test
system. The results obtained from these methods are also compared with each other. It is
found that PSO is giving better results than GA.

Extend the problem for large number of units i.e., 30 or 90 or even higher units.

Extend the problem by incorporating more than two objectives.

Extend the GA and PSO based ELD solution by including the various Facts devices.



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