Stuffed Novel Study Good

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PAGES- 130

This novel study is designed to be done as an oral reading novel study. I have set up 26 reading partseach student will read 3-5 pages aloud to the class. They will given a copy of the book to practice their
reading the night before in order to be well prepared for the next days reading. This book deals a lot
with the internet and the use of email and social networking- thus this is also a great novel study for
implementing many media literacy activities. 1W

Before Starting
Have students write a 5-7 sentence prediction about what the novel will be about based solely on the
picture on the cover and the title of the book.

Chapter 1Reading by teacher

After hearing the first chapter students may now write a second prediction about what the novel will be
about if they feel that their first prediction is now incorrect.
This chapter talks about a video that the class watched about Frankies Fast Food restaurant. The video
describes someone who ate every meal at Frankies for 60 days. What do you think would happen to
you if you ate at your favourite fast food restaurant for 60 days (Be very descriptive in how you
describe what will happen to you and your body You can even be grotesque- You grew gross gangly
pimples all over your face and they would occasionally pop in the middle of class putting gross puss all
over your face. A picture is a great added piece of evidence that fits with your writing.
Explain who would create a video like this and what could be some of their possible motives behind
creating this video.
Chapter 2
Reading Page 12-16, 17-20
When it comes to eating and what you know about the characters so far who are you most similar to
Oswald, Ian or Julia- explain with reference to the text.
Eric Walters used the description of "sounding like Oswald had kicked a puppy" Why do you think
that he would use such a description. Did this type of description help you picture the way Julia was
talking to Oswald- Explain why or why not and describe what you think Julia's face would look like
and the tone of her voice when this description was used. Give 2 weird examples that could help you
picture a situation by using words that might not fit with the situation and explain

Chapter 3
Reading Page 21-25, 25
Ian is clearly uncomfortable talking about how his mom thought he and Julia would become boyfriend
and girlfriend and not Oswald and Julia. What are different ways that an author can show that someone
is uncomfortable in a situation without simply stating the fact? List at least 3 ways and create your
own example of 1 of your ideas by writing a paragraph as if you were Eric Walters writing about the
same situation. HINT- you can use descriptive words, actions by the character and even body language
1 paragraph minimum--- but should be longer as hopefully you use conversation in your answer (hint
your characters would be Ian, his mom and if you want to add his dad into the conversation.

Chapter 4
Reading Page 30-33, 34-38,38-42
In this chapter Eric Walters shows us how he is hip and cool by creating a conversation using "Internet
Language"/ Shorthand and Emoticons.
Why do people use this type of language? Do you?
Explain why you either use or do not use this style of language.
Adults often get upset when kids use "Internet Language" Why do you think they get upset? What
advice would you give to to a parent whose son or daughter uses internet language when they speak to
Create 2 conversations between yourself and an adult ( you pick the adult - could be a teacher, parent,
uncle, etc.). The first conversation should be with internet language and the second should be almost
the same conversation but with real English words. "SC to be created by class as these will be marked"
Make sure they are awesome as you will be presenting them to the class

Chapter 5
Reading Page 43-47,48-52
Ian continually says how amazing Frankies' Fries are. Design a poster/ advertisement promoting
Frankies Fries. On the back of you poster you must explain why you drew certain things and how your
add is appealing to someone seeing it for the first time. We will make a list together of all of the things
your poster should have

chapter 6
Create an email that you will send out to all your friends about the Frankie Free Friday. Be sure you
include details about why you are doing this and how they can help. (Minimum 15 sentences).

Optional You must create 2 emails-- one that uses a bunch of internet language, short forms and
emoticons and the other being the exact same email but words replace the internet language, short
forms, emoticons ( must do)

Chapter 6
Reading Page 53-56, 56-60
This is your chance to become very creative. Ian received a message from someone named Barbie- He
says that she claims to have blonde hair and lives in California. What do you think she looks like?
Remember what we talked about in class- you decide if she is a girl and what she actually looks like.
Chapter 7
Reading Page 61-66
Ian says "I'm learning pretty quickly that sometimes the smartest thing a person can say is nothing".
What does Ian mean by this? Create a hypothetical situation where it might be better to say nothing.
Be sure to explain the situations in detail.

Chapter 8
Reading Page 66-69, 70-73
This is your chapter off enjoy
Or Write a 10 sentence prediction about the remainder of the book. Will Ian be sued? Will Julia and
Oswald still be dating? Will there the boycott go through?
Chapter 9
Reading Pages 74-79
Ian's parents say that Frankies can't sue him because he has the freedom to assemble and that he didn't
tell people that Frankies was frying cats or rats. How come you can say some things and not others?
What do you think freedom of speech really means?

Chapter 10
Reading Page 80-83, 83-87, 88-91
Explain why the deal offered by Frankies Lawyer is "slimy".
If you were Ian what would you do? Explain your answer with details to prove your answer.
Chapter 11
Reading Page 92-96, 97-101, 102-106
When Julia tells Ian she is proud of him- what is she is actually trying to do?

Ian was just bullied. What would you do in the same situation? How would you handle being bullied?
Create a hypothetical situation where you would re-act the opposite of the way Ian did. Be sure to
explain in detail
Chapter 12
Reading Page 107-111, 112-115
In Mr. Evans speech he never mentions the reason behind the boycott "unhealthy food". Why do you
think he chose the words he did for his speech? He clearly didn't make the speech up on his feet and he
had purpose in every word he said.
Write your very own speech that you will make as a lawyer--- you can pick the topic and what you are
trying to convince us to do or not do--- you will present this to the class...we will make a success
criteria / what I should look for when evaluating young

Chapter 13
Reading Page 116-120, 121-124
Ian has given the students a challenge- To eat Frankies or Not. What would you do. Explain your
answer with details about how you personally feel. Be sure to explain as if you were Ian and if you
were just a audience member
This means you are answering as if you are yourself ( the audience member ) and again as if you were
Mr Phillips told Ian that he can't lose. Explain what he means by this statement.
Chapter 14
Reading Page 125-130
Do you think that a vote similar to what happened at Ian's school would work at Prince Edward? Is
there a way to make it work if you said it won't work?
What did you think of the novel? What would you change about the novel. What would you be sure to
keep the same? 15 sentences minimum. Be sure to explain your ideas with proof from the book.
(You can restate your examples- aka doesn't have to be direct proof- but what you remember)

Debate topic
Yes or no should internet, emoticons and short forms be allowed in writing?
Should fast food restaurants be required by law to offer healthy choices?
Fast food restaurants are to blame for our increasing obesity rate?

What is Free Speech

To me Free Speech is the ability to think anything feel anything and speak anything. It is what sets us
apart from many other countries and places in the world because we are allowed to do all of these
things without worrying about being thrown in jail or arrested. We live in a great country and that is
why Free Speech is awesome. ( 2)
In Canada Free Speech is one of our fundamental rights. It allows us to express our thoughts and ideas
without the possibility of repercussions. It is important to understand that although we are allowed to
express ourselves we cannot cross the line of spreading hatred or intolerance of others. We can also not
spread lies or falsehoods that we know are true. (3) but didn't answer the whole question
The main idea of Free Speech is that you have the ability to speak your mind, argue and debate and
even disagree with others without fear of the police or those in power. (2-)
Free speech is awesome because it allows me to say anything I want anywhere in Canada. Its great
because I can call people stupid and ugly and they can't do anything about it. Its even better because I
can swear at anyone I want whenver I want to and they have to listen to me. Its great that we have this
law and I plan on using it to the fullest. (1)

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