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Morningside Com munit y Sc hool

21 st Century Com munity Learning

Center (CCLC)
Afte r School Program
Grad es 2-5
Program begins,

Monday, Sept 26 th

The 21st CCLC

Afterschool program is
provided free through
21st Century Learning

Mo n-Thu rs
3:15 pm - 5:25 pm
Ses s io n 2 beg ins i n J anu ary
Ses s io n 3 beg ins i n M a rch

Students who enroll in

the program have
academic support from
3:15-4:10 and then a
choice of enrichment
activity from 4:10-5:25.
Snack and cold dinner
(i.e. sandwiches) is
also provided daily for
Bussing home from 21st
CCLC at 5:30 is
provided for any
student in the MCS
Pro gram min g incl ud es
learn in g o pp ortu nit ies
pres en ted thro ug h
IS 183 A rt Sc ho ol,
B erks hire M us eum ,
an d B erks hi re Th eatre
Gro up as well as
teach er led p ro gram s!

Students who live out

of district may attend
the program,
however they will
need to be picked up
at 5:25pm.

Students who enroll are expected to attend all 4 days of programming. Attendance is extremely
important in our program. We are aware that sometimes things come up, however every effort should
be made to be at Connected every day. We ask the students commit to being in the program to get
the most out of all the programs we provide!
Once your registration form is returned to MCS, your student will be enrolled. Information about
program dates and bussing will be sent home with students as soon as it becomes available.
For more information or question, please contact Meagan Ireland, 21st CCLC District Coordinator at
499.9520 or

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