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CGI recent paper1st round -Aptitude2nd round -GD3rd round-Technical4th round-short HR+Technical5th round- HRIn

1st technical they asked aboutmy .net final yr project..along withweb form coading means how tocreate connection
wid database nalll type of SQL try to telall d things which u knw vry wellfrom ur 1st
technicalduration was 45 min..quite long ascompare to other2-) what is the use of web configpage.?3-)OOps
concept(Abstraction ,polymorphism,inheritance,enca psulation)so prepare wid example...n deyasked to me..give real
time eg: ofAbstaction?????4) How to Implement interfacein .net??5) what is the use of abstractclass??6)write the
program of methodoverloading??7) Diff b/w method overloading noverriding??8) what r the types of
accessmodifier ???2 nd technical:-1-)they asked dat how to host webapplication ..n sm SQL queriesagain..2)write the
Procedure n How tocreate View in PLSQL3) Wt is d diff b/w desktopapplication n web application n sm3-4
ques..which i forget..shortintro n basic things ..only 30-35min.4)How to find second highestsalary of Employee in
SQL.5)what is Sub quries???A train running at the speed of 60km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds.What is the length
ofthe train?puzzle- six person, six profession,six instruments(eac h person playsa single instrumnt).... very easily this
puzzled can besolved..- 5 questionsanother puzzle.. 3 questions.. itsthe easiest puzzle...more 5 quanti questns.. all r
easyxcpt one..englsh is bit paragraph will be given.. 4sentences will be missing withinthe paragraph.
optionsr given below.. u need to put thecorrect sentence on correct of the english questns: eachquestn has
separate paragraph.. sothis part is very timeconsuming..1st solve two puzzles thn quantipart.. & at the end go for
english.. itwill be helpful tomanage time..********* this is the pattern ofapti questn that
CGIfollows*******#GD1.corruption in networking3.electronic media vs news paper4.traffic in
bangalorethis round is not so tough.. beconfident.. they will select u.. out of10 candidate theychoose 7-8.. so no need
to taketension.#TECH1:this the most most importnt roundi think.. u have to face 30-50questn(avg).. prepareur projct
very well.. most of thequestn will be asked from project..some basic technical questnswill be asked.. so
answerconfidently all questns..#TECH2:if u can clear tech1 thn ur chnce is95%.. most of the time this roundis nonrejection round..some tough technical questn willbe asked.. try to answr properly..this round will be taken
bymanagers.. so be careful when u rspeaking..#HR:this is formal..why CGI?location?who reffered u?family
background....1st round is written test on aptiand english 25 questions 30 min itsomewhat difficult manage thetime
well2nd round gd for my batch hegives the topic and ask all thepeople to talk about it for 2minutes3rd round is 1st
technical i wentfor java he asks me about basicsquestions on java... and basicprograms like pallendrome largestof
three nos4th round is 2nd technical he askssome deep question in this roundsee the topics of collectionsprogram for
add retrieve theelements...5th round is hr it just a formalityround if u clear the 4th one u ralmost selected..they will
send u the offer letter inone weekall the best for all who r attendingfor the interview..Plsql cgiFor pl/sql guys... these
kind ofquestions i hv faced 2day in cgi inboth technical rounds...1. what is %type and %rowtype?2. There is a
'student' table withattributes like Name and age ... youhv to create one cursorand write a pl/sql program codefor dat
table using %type and %rowtype 3.what is storedprocedure?what is anonymous block?4. what is d difference
b/wfunction and procedure?5.what kind of security u hv usedin your oracle 10g project?6. sql query for 2nd/3rd
highestsalary7.write a c program for primenumber?8. what is trigger and give oneexample throgh a pl/sql
programcode?9.How many different database uknow10. sql query for delete duplicaterecord from a table 10.2
puzzles11. what is 2nd normal form?11. HR also asked me two puzzlesalsothose who r going for CGI.CGI
PROCESS1> Written:There were 25 Questions u have tosolve in 30 mins,12 is cut off!I>1 to 5 English
grammerquestions like verb,tenses etcII>5to10 Pragraph u have to relatethe words.III>10 to 20 aptitudea>profit &
lossb>time & workc>averaged>agese>Boolean etcIV>20 to 25 relationship questionsmay be in the form of
paragraphor charts.2>Group Decision :a>social networking site good orbad.b>newspaperc>Delhi rape caseI knw
only these topics.Its not debate kind of but everyone gets time to speek about it.3>Techical 1 followed bytechnical2
questions depend on urprofile.Go prepared for technical.I was interviewed for Testing:Types of testing.White box

testingGrey box testingRegression testingTest case templateTest case for water bottle,pen.etc4>HR:Its just formality
roundBrief intro, go through aboutCGI,why CGI,generalquestions,hobbi es..point to remember-1. make sure u have
originalcertificate(mea n duplicate b ho touska original printout.)2.attempt all the ques coz nonegative marking , make
sure 12out of 25 r correct.3. in GD, they will give a simpletopic so speak whatever u canspeak, coz if u will not
speakand hesitate they they will simplyreject you


A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?
puzzle- six person, six profession, six instruments(each person plays a single instrumnt).... very easily this puzzled can be
solved..- 5 questions
another puzzle.. 3 questions.. its the easiest puzzle...
more 5 quanti questns.. all r easy xcpt one..
englsh is bit tough..
one paragraph will be given.. 4 sentences will be missing within the paragraph. options r given below.. u need to put the
correct sentence on correct place..
rest of the english questns: each questn has separate paragraph.. so this part is very time consuming..
1st solve two puzzles thn quanti part.. & at the end go for english.. it will be helpful to manage time..
********* this is the pattern of apti questn that CGI follows*******
1.corruption in india networking
3.electronic media vs news paper
4.traffic in bangalore
this round is not so tough.. be confident.. they will select u.. out of 10 candidate they choose 7-8.. so no need to take
this the most most importnt round i think.. u have to face 30-50 questn(avg).. prepare ur projct very well.. most of the
questn will be asked from project.. some basic technical questns will be asked.. so answer confidently all questns..
if u can clear tech1 thn ur chnce is 95%.. most of the time this round is non-rejection round.. some tough technical questn
will be asked.. try to answr properly.. this round will be taken by managers.. so be careful when u r speaking..
this is formal..
why CGI?
who reffered u?
family background....
****************************these all guys*******************
***************************all the best :)******************
1st round is written test on apti and english 25 questions 30 min it somewhat difficult manage the time well
2nd round gd for my batch he gives the topic and ask all the people to talk about it for 2 minutes
3rd round is 1st technical i went for java he asks me about basics questions on java... and basic programs like pallendrome
largest of three nos
4th round is 2nd technical he asks some deep question in this round see the topics of collections program for add retrieve

the elements...
5th round is hr it just a formality round if u clear the 4th one u r almost selected..
they will send u the offer letter in one week
all the best for all who r attending for the interview..
Plsql cgi
For pl/sql guys... these kind of questions i hv faced 2day in cgi in both technical rounds...
1. what is %type and %rowtype?
2. There is a 'student' table with attributes like Name and age ... you hv to create one cursor and write a pl/sql program
code for dat table using %type and %rowtype 3.what is stored procedure? what is anonymous block?
4. what is d difference b/w function and procedure?
5.what kind of security u hv used in your oracle 10g project?
6. sql query for 2nd/3rd highest salary
7.write a c program for prime number?
8. what is trigger and give one example throgh a pl/sql program code?
9.How many different database u know
10. sql query for delete duplicate record from a table 10.2 puzzles 11. what is 2nd normal form?
11. HR also asked me two puzzles also
those who r going for CGI.
1> Written:
There were 25 Questions u have to solve in 30 mins,12 is cut off!
I>1 to 5 English grammer questions like verb,tenses etc
II>5to10 Pragraph u have to relate the words.
III>10 to 20 aptitude
a>profit & loss
b>time & work
e>Boolean etc
IV>20 to 25 relationship questions may be in the form of paragraph or charts.
2>Group Decision :
a>social networking site good or bad.
c>Delhi rape case
I knw only these topics.
Its not debate kind of but every one gets time to speek about it.
3>Techical 1 followed by technical2 questions depend on ur profile.
Go prepared for technical.
I was interviewed for Testing:
Types of testing.
White box testing
Grey box testing
Regression testing
Test case template
Test case for water bottle,pen.etc
4>HR:Its just formality round
Brief intro, go through about CGI,why CGI,general questions,hobbies..
point to remember1. make sure u have original certificate(mean duplicate b ho to uska original printout.)
2.attempt all the ques coz no negative marking , make sure 12 out of 25 r correct.
3. in GD, they will give a simple topic so speak whatever u can speak, coz if u will not speak and hesitate they they will
simply reject you..

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