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Tony Stark

Grade 10-?

October 19, 2015

Final Task: Persuasive Essay

Accuracy of the Bible Prophecies

Many people say that the Bible is just a compilation of stories written by ordinary men.
They say that it is just a book of fiction because the mysteries described in the Bible are just the
product of human creativity and imagination. The good thing is that there are records in history
and science that can prove that what the Bible say are true and they will come to pass, and these
can prove that the Bible is indeed the word of God.
First, history can prove that the prophecies foretold in the book of Daniel happened in
correct sequence. Daniel interpreted the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar regarding a great image.
It has head of gold which Daniel said as the kingdom of Babylon, silver torso which is kingdom
of Medo-Persia, bronze thigh which is kingdom of Greece, iron legs which is the Roman Empire,
and feet that looks like mixture of clay and iron which is the divided kingdoms of Europe.
According to history, the kingdom of Babylon, ruled by king Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar,
ended after the Medo-Persian troops conquered Babylon by passing through a passage created by
the invading troops. Then, the Grecian kingdom conquered Medo-Persia thru the leadership of
Alexander the Great. When Alexander the Great died, the Grecian Empire weakened and was
defeated by the Roman Empire. After many years of the reign of Roman Empire, some other
kingdoms arose and started fighting with each other, thus, the Roman Empire was divided into
ten (10) kingdoms. The ten kingdoms were: 1. Frank (France), 2. Suevi (Portugal), 3. Vandal
(exterminated), 4. Burgundy (Switzerland), 5. Visigoth (Spain), 6. Anglo-Saxon (England), 7.
Ostrogoth (exterminated), 8. Lombard (Italy), 9. Heruli (exterminated), and 10. Alemani
(Germany). These are just some of the prophecies written in the Bible even before they
Another evidence to support the accuracy of the Bible is the occurrence of the
unexplained phenomena stated in the book of prophecies. In Matthew 24:29, Jesus foretold that
the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. In Joel 2:31, it is also stated that
The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day
of the Lord comes. The has records to prove the fulfillment of these

prophecies. On May 19, 1780, the darkening of the sun was fulfilled. It was the most
unaccountable darkening of the whole visible heavens and atmosphere in New England. The
night time of May 19, 1780 fulfilled the other prophecy about the moon turning to blood. Milo
Bostick in Stones History Massachusetts says, The moon which was at its full, had the
appearance of blood.
In Matthew 24:29, Jesus also said that the stars shall fall from heaven. The great star
shower took place on the night of November 13, 1833. It was so bright that a newspaper could be
read on the street. One writer says, "For nearly four hours the sky was literally ablaze." Men
thought the end of the world had come. Look into this. It is most fascinating, and a sign of
Christ's coming. (Peter A. Millman, "The Falling of the Stars," The Telescope, 7 (May-June,
1940) 57)
To sum up, the Bible is believed to be Gods word. It contains stories that are believed to
happen in real life, religious principles and teachings that are used by the Christian churches
today, mysteries, and prophecies that were, are, and will be fulfilled. Some of the evidences to
prove the accuracy of the Bible prophecies are recorded in history and science. Some of the
evidences are the prophecy of Daniel about the dream of king Nebuchadnezzar which foretold
the rise and fall of kingdoms from Babylon to the ten divided kingdoms of Europe, the prophecy
of Jesus about the signs related to his second coming: the darkening of the sun, the moon
turning to blood, and the falling of the stars. These records are strong evidences that can
prove the accuracy of the Bible prophecies. Therefore, I can confidently say that I believe in the
words of the Bible and that it is really Gods word.

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