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JEE (ADVANCED) 2016 SYLLABI ‘otemsy Phys chemistry ‘General tonics: Conept of atoms ane moles Daltons atom theory Mole ‘concep; Chemical formulae; Balanced chemial equations; Calculations basee ‘0n mole conept invling common enidstin reduction, neutralisation ane Eslacemert restions; Concentration in trma oF vale ition, cy, ‘molality and normaty ‘Sasnos and laud sats; Able scale of temperature, Deviation from ideality, van dar Was equtin; Kinete theory of eate, teal gas equation average, root meen squre and most probable velocities and thei ration with temperature; tw of partis pressures; Vapour pressure: Oifison ot oni strutuve ae chemi bofing: Dobe model spectra of hycogen stom, quantum numbers; Wave-paricle duality, de Broge hypothesis Uncertainty princi; Qualitative quantum mechanical picture of hyrogee stom, shapes of, 3nd doris; lcronccongurations of elements upto omic number 36 Aufbau prince; Paul's excuion principle and Huns ‘ule; Orbital oveap and covalent Bond: Hybridsaton involving 5, © and & tba ont; Orttal energy dgrams for homonucear dlatomle species: Hyérogen bond Polarty in molecules, pole moment (qualitative aspects ‘nt VSEPR mode nd shapes of molecules ner, angus, Wangs, quart planar, pyramidal, square pyran, trigonal Bipyramidl tetrahedral ane cextahetral Energetics: Fst law of thermodynamics Internal energy, work and he prossurewolome work: Enthalpy, Hess Iw: Heat of rescton, fusion ane ‘vapourzation; Second aw ofthermedyramics; Entropy; Fee ener; Crteron of spontanety. ‘Chemical equim: Law of mass ation: Equiv constant, Le Chater’ prince (effect of concentration, temperature and pressure: Slnfiance of {3G and AG" in chemical equiva Slbity product, common ion effect and ater solutions; Aids and bases (Bronsted and Lewis concepts Hydro sats Lettochemisty: Electrochemical cel and cll reactions; Standard electrode potential; Nernst equation and its elation to AG: Electrochemical saris, mt of gatante cols; Faraday’ laws of elecolss:Electrolic conductance, Speci, equvalent and molar conduct, Khaw’ law: Concentration Chemica kinetics: Rates of chemical reactions: Order of reactions: Rate onstan; Fst order reactions: Temperature dependence of rate constant (aemenivs equation. Sol state: Classifeation of sds, rsaline stat, seven crystal ystems el arnters 0, 8,7), lose packed structure of eos cui, packing in fee, bee and ep latices: Nearest neighbour, fone cad, simple lone compounds, point defects Selutions: Raout’s law Molecular weight determination fom lowering of ‘apour pressure elevation of bling pont and depresin of rezng 3. ‘uae chemist Elementary concepts of adsorption (exci adorpior Istherms); Cll: types, methods of preparation and geveral properties, Elementary eas of emulsions, suratants and micas (nly definitions anc examples) Nuclear chemist: Rasonciy: atone and aba; Properties of, Bandy rays ines of radiactie decay(Gecay series excl), carbon dating Stabity of muck with respect to protonneuton rai; Brief dscusion or Fiesion and fusion reaction. Inorganic chemistry Lilaon/osparston ané progr of the fling nonmetal: Boron slleon, nitrogen, phosphors, oxen sulphur and halogens; Properties of allotropes of carbon only damond and graphite phosphors and suphut reparation and properties ofthe following compounds: Oxides, proud, hydroxides, carbonates, bertonates, chlorides and sulphates of soda potassium, magnesia and elem; Boron borane, boric aid and borax Alumina’ alumina, sminism chloride and skim Carbon: oxide ane cowyacid (earbone ad) Sion: sliones,siicates and sion cab Niogen: axe, onyacie and ammonia; Phosphorus: endes, onvacds (Phosphorus acd, phosphoric ci) and phosphine; Onygen: orone ane hydrogen peroxide; Sulphur: hyirogen sulphide, oxides, suphurous aie ‘sulphur sel a zxiom tosuphate; Halogen: heehee, ode ane owas oie, bleaching powder: Keno ides “Tanstion elements [6 seis: Definition, gneral characterises, oxidation states and their stables, colour (excluding the detals of electrone teantions) and caeulation of spinonly magnetic moment: Coordination compounds: nomenclature of manenucearcordinaton compounds, cs. rant and lonsatio isomerism, hybrcizaton and geometries of mononucear ceoxdinaion compounds (near, tetrahedral square planar and octahedra. reparation nd propartis ofthe following compound: Oxides and chloiaes of tin and lead; Ovides, chlorides and sulphates of Fe", cu" and Zn" Potassium permanganate, potassium dleromate, silver oxide, sver nate, (res 2nd mineral: Commonly eccurting ore ad mineral fron, copper, lead, magnesium, aluminum, inc ans. ‘nactve metallurgy Chemical principles and reactions oly findustal detas excluded); Carbon reduction methed (ron and tin Self reduction method (copper and leah Electrolyte retin method (mignesism ad aluminioml Cyan processive and gold Pini of qualitative anal: Groups Ito V ony Aa’, Me™ Cu, Pb. Fe, CP" AN, ca, 6a", Zn", Mn and Mg: Nira, halides (excluding ‘arid, sulphate and slphie Organic chemistry Conceats Hybridisation of carbon; « and s-bonds; Shapes of simple organi molecules: Strvturl and geometieal tomersm; Opti isomerism of compounds containg up to two asymmetic cenes, (RS and 7 nomenclature excluded); IUPAC nomenclature of simple organic compounds {only hydrocarbons, mono-functional and bifunetional compounds) Conformations of ethane and butane (Newman projections: Resonance ane bnyperconjgation: Ketorenotautomerism; Determination of empiial ane ‘molecular formulae of simple compounds (only combustion method} Hydrogen bonds: definition and their effects on physical properties of alcohols and carbonic acids; Inductive and resonance effects on acidity and basic of ‘organic acids and bases; Polarity and inductive effects in ay halides: Reactive Intermediates produced during homolytic and heterolytc bond cleavage Formation, structure and stablty of carbocations. carbanions and tree radicals. Preparation, properties and reactions of alkanes: Homologous series, physica properties of alkanes (melting point, baling points and density); Combustor and halogenation of alkanes; Preparation of alkanes by Wurtz reaction ane ‘decarboxylation reactions. Prepatation, oroperies and ceactons of alanee and allynes: Physica properties of alkenes and alkynes (bolling points, density and dipole moments); Acidity of alkynes; Ac catalysed hydration of alkenes ad alkynes (excluding the stereochemistry of addition and elimination): Reactions of alkenes with KMnO, and ozone; Reduction of alkenes and alkynes; Prepartior fof alkenes and alkynes by elimination reactions; Electoohilic addtior reactions of alkenes with %, HX, HOX and H0| of altynes: Metal acetldes alogen: Addtion reactions feactions of benzene: Structure and aromstcty;Electrophiic substitution reactions: halogenation, nitration, sulphonation, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation; Effect of 0 m-and p-irecting groups in monosubstituted benzene Phenols: Acidity, electrophilc substitution reactions (halogenation, nitration and sulphonation); Reimer-Teman reaction, Kobe reaction. (Characteristic reactions of the following (including those mentioned abovel Alkyl halides: rearrangement reactions of ally carbocation, Grignard reactions, nucleophile substitution reactions; Aleohols: esterification, dehydration and ‘oxidation, reaction with sodium, phosphorus halides, 2ncl,/concentrated HC conversion of alcohols into aldehydes and ketones; Ethers: Preparation by \itlamson's Synthesis; Aldehydes and Ketones: oxidation, reduction, oxime and hydrazone formation; aldol condensation, Perkin reaction; Cannizzaro reaction; haloform reaction and nucleophile addition reactions (Grignard Addition); Carboxylic aids: formation af esters, ald ehovies and amides, ester hydrolysis; Amines: basicity of substituted anlines and aliphatic amines, preparation from nitro compounds, reaction with nitrous aid, 320 coupling reaction of diazonium slts of aromatic amines, Sandmeyer and related reactions of dlazonium salts; carbylamine reaction; Haloarenes: nucleophile aromatic substitution in haloarenes and substituted haloarenes (excluding fsenayne mechanism and Cine substitution). Carbohydrates: Classifieaton; mono- and disaccharides [glucose and sucrose} idation, reduction, heoside formation and hydrolysis of sucrose Amino acids and peptides: General structure (only primary structure for peptides) and physical properties. Properties and uses of some important polymers: Natural rubber, cellulose yon teflon and PVC. Practical organic chemistry: Detetion of elements (5, halogens: Detection and identifiation ofthe following functional groups: hyde! (leaboe ane phenol), carbonyl (aehyde and ketone], carboxyl, amino and nit ‘Chemical methods of separation of monofunctional oreanc compounds tom Dinary mires. Marwemarics Algebra Algebra of complex numbers, ation, multiplication, representation, properties of modus and principal argument, ange inequality, cube roots of unity, geometric interpretations. conjugation, polar ‘Quadeatic equations with real coefficients, relations between roots and coefcients, formation of quadratic equations with given roots, symmetric functions of oot. Arthmei, geometric and harmonic progressions, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means, sums of irite arithmetic and geometric progressions infinite _aeometre series, sums of squares and cubes ofthe fst natural numbers. Logarithm and thelr properties Permutations and combinations, binomial theorem for a postive integral Index, properties of binomial coefficients Matrices as a rectangular ata of eal numbers, equal of matrices, alton, ‘multpization by 2 scalar and product of matrices, transpose of a matrix, determinant of square mate of order upto thee, inverse of a square mati ‘of order up to three, properties of these matrix operations, dlagona, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices and thei properties, solutions of ‘simultaneous near equations in two or thee variables ‘Aktion and multipication rues of probability, conditional probability, Bayes ‘Theorem, independence af evens, computa permutations and combinations nf probability of evens using Trigonometry “Tigonometi functions, their periodicity and graphs, addition and subtraction formulae, formulae invohing multiple and subsmultiple angles, general solution of wigonometric equations. Relations between sides and angles ofa lane, sine rule, cosine rule, hal angle formula and the area of 2 tangle, inverse trgonometic functions (principal value only), ‘Analitca geometry ‘Two dimensions: Cartesan coordinates, dstance between two pont, section {formulae shit of origin Equation ofa straight tne in various forms, angle between two lines, distance Of a point from a line; Lines through the point of intersection of two given lines, equation ofthe bisector ofthe angle between two lines, concurrency of lines; Centroid, orthocentre, incente and crcumcentre ofa triangle Equation of a circle in various forms, equations of tangent, normal and chord Parametric equations of crt, intersection of a circle witha straight fine oF 2 tire, equation ofa cele trough the points of intersection of two ires ané ‘those ofa crcl anda straight ine. Equations of a parabola, ellse and hyperbola In standard form, thelr fo ieectrces and eccentvity, parametric equations, equations of tangent an normal, Locus problems ‘Tree dimensions: Direction cosines and direction ratios, equation of a straight line in space, equation ofa plane, distance ofa point froma plane Differential caleulos Real valued functions of areal variable, into, onto and one-to-one functions, sum, eifference, product and quotient of two functions, composite functions absolute value, polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential_and logarithmic funtion. Limit and continulty of a function, limit and continuity ofthe sum, ference product and quotient af two functions, Uosptal rule of evaluation of ints of ‘uncon ven and odd functions, inverse of @ function, continuty of composite functlon, Intermediate value property af continuous functions Derwvative of a function, derivative of the sum, difference, product ane quotient of two functions, chain rule, derivates of polynomial, rations ttigonometic, inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Derwvatives of implicit functions, derivatives up to order two, geometrica Interpretation of the derivative, tangents and normals, increasing ane decreasing Functions, masimum and minimum valves of 2 function, Rolle’ ‘theorem and Lagrange's mean value theorem, Imtogra caleutus Integration as the inverse process of ifferentiation, indefinite integrals of standard functions, definte integrals and thelr properties, fundamenta ‘theorem of integra eaeuls Integration by parts, integration by the methods of substitution and parta fractions, appliation of definite integrals to the determination of areas Involving simple curves, Formation of ordinary diferential equations, solution of homogeneous ferential equations, separation of variables method, linear fst order

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