What Is A VPN

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What is a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network or VPN is a network implemented using a shared network

infrastructure but so as to provide the security and privacy of a private leased-line
network. Older examples would be Frame Relay and ATM. Lately VPN has come to
more often refer to IPSec tunnels over the Internet, or perhaps PPTP or L2TP dial VPN
connectivity across a shared internetwork.
For our purposes in this article, the VPNs will be IP networks where the WAN core of a
corporate network has been outsourced to a Service Provider. The IP VPN connectivity is
provided across a shared IP network belonging to the Service Provider. It will turn out the
the BGP and MPLS-based VPNs we will talk about are powerful enough to provide
secure connectivity (and relatively simple configuration) for both intranets and


Intranet -- VPN interconnecting corporate sites

Extranet -- VPN connecting corporate site or sites to external business partners or
suppliers. The Internet is the ultimate insecure Extranet VPN.
Customer Edge (CE) router -- a router at a customer site that connects to the
Service Provider (via one or more Provider Edge routers)
Provider Edge (PE) router -- a router in the Service Provider network to which
Customer Edge Routers connect
Provider Core (Core) router -- a router in the Service Provider network
interconnecting Provider Edge routers but, generally, not itself a Provider Edge
Entry and Exit PE routers -- the PE routers by which a packet enters and exits the
Service Provider network

In the figure, imagine the red routers are connected with one VPN, and the blue ones with
another. (I tried to draw in some lines to suggest connectivity, but things rapidly got
rather cluttered). An extranet is where some red routers connect to some blue routers. The
red path with arrow shows traffic from the bottom red CE router to the top one. The first
(bottom) gray provider router is the entry PE router, and the final gray provider router is
the exit PE router (terms used below).

Understanding MPLS-Based VPNs

I've been thinking of MPLS-based VPNs as basically using long IP addresses. That isn't
exactly what's going on, but it is a key part of it.
Each site belongs to a VPN, which has a number. In the Cisco implementation, this
number is configured as the 8 byte Route Distinguisher (RD). The route distinguisher
number is used to prefix the IP addresses for the site. It is configured on the interface (or
subinterface) connecting to the site. This gives us a way to tell duplicate private addresses
apart, to distinguish them. For example, subnet for VPN 23 is different than
subnet for VPN 109: from the MPLS VPN provider's point of view they are
really 23: and 109:, which are quite different. Putting the 8 byte route

distinguisher in front of a 4 byte IP address gives us a 12 byte routing prefix. We regard

these as the VPN-IPv4 family of addresses.
The multiprotocol extension to BGP4, MBGP, was invented to carry such routing
information between peer routers. So once we think in terms of routing 12 byte prefixes,
there is a natural way to propagate the information. For security and scalability, MBGP
only propagates information about a VPN to other routers that have interfaces with the
same route distinguisher value. That reduces the chance of accidentally leaking
information about Customer A to Customer B (quite easily done with routing distribute
lists in a tunneling approach, or with route maps or distribute lists or prefix lists and
ordinary BGP). It also means that each PE router only tracks routes for the customers
connected to that one PE router, not for the entire set of long prefixes for all sites and
customers connected to the Service Provider. Scalability!
Another aspect of this is that core routers, not being connected to CE routers, don't learn
VPN-IPv4 routes. We'll come back to this idea in a moment. This is desirable: it turns out
we only need to run an IGP (Internal Gateway Protocol), so that core routers have routes
to all PE routers. And from our prior discussions about MPLS, we suspect the IGP might
be OSPF or IS-IS, to allow implementation of MPLS Traffic Engineering. Only tracking
routes to PE routers keeps the core extremely scalable, and greatly simplifies the size of
routing tables for core routers. This too enhances scalability!
So what we've got so far is long addresses, and tracking routing that builds in the VPN ID
or route distinguisher as part of the routing prefix. The PE routers that share the long
prefix routing information are all speaking MBGP, all within the same AS -- hence
internal MBPG, or iMBGP. This behaves very much like ordinary BGP. Well, when iBGP
speaking routers propagate routes, they also propagate attributes. One key attribute for
Service Providers is the next hop attribute. For iBGP-speaking routers, the next hop is
generally the exit point from the Service Provider network, the exit point used to reach
the advertised destination prefix.
If we were to actually route based on the long addresses, we'd have to forward the
packets hop by hop and do a routing lookup at each PE or core router between the entry
PE router and the exit PE router. The problem with that is, we would then have to convert
our IP header to use our longer addresses at the entry PE router, we'd have to have
internal core routers that knew how to forward this new network-layer protocol, and then
we'd have to strip out the longer addressing information at the exit PE router. This
probably sounds sort of like what MPLS already does with labels -- but now we'd be
doing it with actual network layer headers. Some readers might be thinking "aha! IPv6!
Tunneling IPv4!". Nice thoughts, but ... WRONG!
I suppose the network layer code could have been written to support this, or IPv6 could
have been used for a form of tunneling. But all of that would have cost time and work
and money. Instead, the Cisco engineers who came up with this had a very clever idea.

All that the entry PE routers need to do to packets is somehow deliver them to the
appropriate exit PE router, the next hop known via the mandatory MBGP next hop
attribute. But with MPLS and any IGP carrying routes to the PE routers, we will already
have an MPLS Label Switch Path (LSP) from the entry PE to each possible exit PE! And
that does it.
When a packet comes in, we look up the long (VPN) destination prefix in the MBGP
routing information base (RIB). That tells us the next hop router, the exit PE router. We
would normally look up how to get to that router in the IGP, and determine the IP next
hop. But this gets short-circuited by MPLS: we find we have a label available for an LSP
that delivers packets very efficiently to the MBGP next hop router, the exit PE router.
And (here's the clever part) if we use the LSP, the core routers in the core never have
to examine IP addresses or headers, they just use the labels to forward the packet!
So MPLS LSPs act as tunnels through the Service Provider core, meaning we can get
away with an IGP in the SP core, and thus the SP core routers can remain ignorant of the
many, many possible destinations for all subnets in all VPNs.
Route distinguisher 0 and VPN 0 can be regarded as the current Internet.
Note that smart Service Providers might build their AS number into the VPN route
distinguisher, as a way to provide uniqueness and allow cooperation in providing MPLSbased VPN services to their customers.

Extended Communities and VRFs

The techniques described so far are enough to build VPNs for a particular SP customer,
say Customer A. Suppose the SP is providing VPN services to Customers A and B, and A
and B decide they need connectivity between certain sites? The approach above is a little
limited. So there is one more piece to this MPLS BGP VPN puzzle. That piece is
Extended Communities. This is a long 8 byte version of the 2 byte community attribute
already known in BGP.
When the Service Provider connects up a CE router, the route distinguisher is specified
on the connecting interface. Routes from the site can be learned by static routing, or
dynamic routing exchange with the CE router. (MPLS-speaking CE routers are a special
case.) When such IPv4 routes are learned, they are extended using the route distinguisher,
so they can be distinguished from the routes from another customer, and so they can be
propagated to the other VPN (intranet) sites. This is done by associating the same number
with those routes as extended community. The extended community is also called and
thought of as target community: it identifies the community of other sites needing routes
to this long destination prefix.
To maximize flexibility, a per-site or per-interface routing table is used, the VRF (virtual
routing forwarding instance). This is configured by creating it, describing it to the router,
and then associating it with one or more interfaces (since the VRF might be shared

between corporate sites than connect to the same PE router). We'll see how to do this
For an intranet, the VRF contains just the routes from that VPN.
Say we've done all this for Customer A. To connect a Company A site to a business
partner B, we import routes for the VPN from B (possibly filtering them, so that we can
only route to specified sites within B). So that business partner B can reach Customer A,
we also export routes to target community B (or the extended community number for B).
We can do this per-location within Customer B's network, providing very fine-grained
control over which Customer B sites can reach Customer A. Alternatively, we can use a
different VPN ID (route distinguisher and extended community) for the A-B extranet, and
then export routes to and import routes from this extranet VPN to the VRF's at the sites
that have to communicate with the business partner(s). Note how scalable and extensible
this is!
Subinterfaces can be used so that extranet traffic can be forced through a CE firewall or
so the CE can filter routes to control what internal sites the extranet partners can get to.
Since the Internet is just RD and extended community 0, the Service Provider can also
selectively connect customer sites to the Internet.

The above figure shows some sample VRFs associated with the interfaces on the PE
router at the left of the picture. These are suggestive of the situation for the configuration
that follows in the next section. The VRF named VRF00001 contains routes to other blue
VPN sites (subnets). The VRF named VRF00002 contains red VPN subnets, along with
an imported blue VPN subnet. A route map might have been used to provide the finegrained control over what blue subnets are imported into VRF00002. See below for
configuration details.

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