2.1 Content Standards & Student Technology Standards: Itec 7445 Multimedia Design Project/Webquest

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1 Content Standards & Student Technology Standards

Candidates model and facilitate the design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning
experiences aligned with student content standards and student technology standards.
(PSC 2.1/ISTE 2a)
Artifact: ITEC 7445 Multimedia Design Project/WebQuest

I created the Ancient Egypt e-Museum as my Multimedia Design Project for ITEC 7445
Multimedia and Website Design in Education course in the spring of 2016. I utilized my
knowledge of online multimedia tools and resources to construct an integrated learning project
for bilingual students of varying English language proficiency levels.
In order to be successful in the design and implementation of the Multimedia Design
Project assignment, I needed to ensure that the learning objectives were aligned to both content
standards and student technology standards. The content standards in conjunction with the
technology standards gave me a blueprint for designing an online project that would be an
engaging and enriching learning experience. I selected standards from both content and
technology areas that would be assessed both formally and informally during the project
implementation. When I wrote the learning objectives, I worked backwards by determining what
I wanted the students produce to demonstrate their technology skills and understanding of the
content matter. Working backwards helped me to ensure my learning objectives were aligned to
the both the content standards and technology standards.
The project was designed for bilingual Arabic and English speaking students with varying
levels of proficiency in English. The project was set up in the WebQuest format and adaptable to
upper elementary, middle, and high school grade levels due to the nature of the learning tasks

and the technology skills need to complete them. Students worked with partners and individually
to develop a virtual museum consisting of a specific part of Ancient Egypt and provided an oral
presentation to classmates and other stakeholders demonstrating their expertise. For the
implementation process for ITEC 7445, a small group of Grade 5 students and teachers
participated in the project as an enrichment program. I provided modeling for the participating
educators during the first days of the project implementation to ease the transition into the
multimedia enrichment project. After the first day, I acted as a facilitator for the project along
with the educators in order to provide students the opportunity to learn independently and to take
ownership in their project development process. Acting as a facilitator required that I assist
students in finding solutions and locating sources on their own without guiding their every move.
The aspects of the multimedia design project that I would change in the future would be
to expand the presentation methods and the publishing expectations to encompass a wider variety
of options for students. The publishing of the presentations would be best if shared with students
in a another part of the globe, or even with experts in the field of Egyptology who could share
their knowledge with the students to provide further enrichment and exploratory opportunities.
This artifact directly improved technology integration and achievement levels in the
school because the small-scale pilot enrichment project opened the doors to additional
implementations. Other educators wanted to create WebQuests using the same Web 2.0 tools I
had used when I made the Ancient Egypt e-Museum website. The families of the students
involved in the enrichment project shared their childs work products with other families. The
successful evaluation results of this Multimedia Design Project emphasized the importance of
providing students with technology-infused learning tasks that encourage personal ownership in

education.. The publication of student work products online to a global audience increased
stakeholder interest in cultivating digital citizenship and culturally responsive pedagogy.

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