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Grammar One Answer key

Unit 1
1 1 a
2 b
3 e

4 d
5 g
6 f

2 1 Nicks

7 j
8 h
9 k

10 i

8 Hes
9 his
10 like
11 doesnt
12 loves
13 his
14 mine

2 We
3 It
4 its
5 my
6 Her
7 has

3 1 walk

4 plays
5 watches

2 finishes
3 does

4 1 Park Street School

2 Miss Mill
3 Zoe and George
4 Mr Blake
5 Trig
6 Trig

5 1 Does
2 Do
3 Do
4 Do

6 1 some
2 a
3 some
4 an
5 some
6 a

5 Does
6 Do
7 Do
8 Does
7 some
8 a
9 a
10 some
11 an
12 some

9 Do
10 Does

1 1 When do you play?

2 Where do you play?

3 When does the team practise?
4 Why do you practise?
5 When is the next match?
6 When does the match start?
7 Who is your favourite player?
8 Who is the best player in your
9 Why do you like football?
10 What are your team colours?
5 Where
6 Where
7 What
8 Where

2 What
3 When
4 When

3 1 What do you read?



2 What do you play?

3 Where do you play football?
4 When do you go to the park
with friends?
5 Why do you help (your) Mum?
6 When do you go to the park
with Chip?

4 1 On

2 she hasnt
3 he has
4 they have
5 he does
6 she hasnt
7 they do
8 they havent
9 they dont
10 he does
school bag
pencil case
exercise book


Unit 2

2 1 When

7 1 they do

8 School

baseball cap

2 at
3 on

4 in
5 In
6 in

7 at
8 in
9 on

10 at

5 1 He has PE on Tuesday and

Free time
MP3 player

Grammar One Answer key

Friday at two oclock.

2 He hates maths because the
teacher gives homework every
3 He does his maths homework
on the bus.
4 School finishes at three thirty.
5 On Saturday afternoon he goes
to the park with his friends.
6 He plays computer games in
the evening.
7 They are in summer and at
Christmas and Easter.
8 His birthday is on Christmas

6 1 Cartoon Time is on Monday at

six oclock.
2 The Martins is on Wednesday
at five thirty.
3 Laserman is on Friday at six
4 Schools Out is on Friday at six
5 Walton Road is on Tuesday at
six oclock.

7 2 February

3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December

Unit 3
1 1 Work

2 Dont eat
3 Dont use
4 Write

5 Look
6 Dont play
7 Dont read
8 Do

2 1 Eat your breakfast, please.

2 Do your homework, please.

3 Dont read comics in bed.
4 Tidy your room, please.
5 Dont watch television before

3 1 Dont swim here.

2 Go.
3 Dont drink the water.
4 Turn left.
5 Dont play music.
6 Dont ride your bike here.

4 1 sit, Dont sit

2 dont bring, Bring

3 dont play, Play
4 dont chase, dont chase

5 1 dancing

2 swimming
3 sailing
4 running
5 camping
6 ice-skating

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6 1 Does Sophie go dancing on

2 Does Jeff go swimming on
3 Does Amy go sailing in
4 Does Max go running in the
5 Does Mara go camping in
6 Does Kate go ice-skating in

7 1 go walking

2 goes riding
3 goes running
4 goes sailing
5 go camping
6 go shopping
7 go ice-skating

1 1 A
2 C

3 A
4 B

5 B
6 C

2 1 next to

1 1 Theres

5 There are
6 Theres
7 There are
8 There are

2 Theres
3 There are
4 Theres

2 1 There isnt

2 There arent
3 There isnt
4 There isnt
5 There arent
6 There isnt
7 There arent
8 There isnt

3 1 library

2 cinema
3 supermarket
4 theatre
5 playground
6 bookshop

4 Students own answers.

5 1 Are there any cafs in your

2 Is there a garage in your town?
3 Are there any restaurants in
your town?
4 Is there a swimming pool in
your town?
5 Are there any banks in your

2 any
3 any
4 any

picture A and in picture B.

2 There are some biscuits in
picture A, but there arent
any biscuits in picture B.
3 There are some sandwiches
in picture A and in picture B.
4 There arent any bananas in
picture A, but there are some
bananas in picture B.
5 There arent any peaches in
picture A, but there are some
peaches in picture B.
6 There are some presents in
picture A and in picture B.

Unit 5

Unit 4

6 1 some

7 1 There are some grapes in

5 any
6 some
7 any
8 any

Grammar One Answer key

2 in
3 in front of or next to
4 between
5 in front of
6 next to
7 in
8 next to

3 1 on the chair

2 next to the wardrobe

3 in the bin
4 under the bed
5 on the desk
6 next to the bookshelves
7 in the wardrobe
8 on the bed
9 on the floor
10 behind the wardrobe

4 1 Its in the wardrobe.

2 Its under the bed.

3 Theyre on the bed.
4 Theyre on the floor.
5 Theyre on the chair.
6 Its next to the wardrobe.
7 Its in the bin.
8 Hes behind the wardrobe.

5 1 between

2 in front of
3 behind
4 on
5 on

6 1 window

2 wall
3 wardrobe

6 under
7 in
8 behind
9 on
10 next to

4 bookshelves
5 drawers
6 bin
7 floor
8 lamp

Revision 1 (units 15)

1 1 a

3 c
4 e

5 d

2 1 on

3 at
4 in

5 in
6 in

2 f

2 on

7 at
8 in

3 1 Chip, sleep in your basket,

2 Chip, dont eat your bones in
the kitchen.
3 Trig, dont eat chocolate all
4 Chip, dont jump on the sofa.
5 Trig, get up before lunch,
6 Trig, dont eat Chips dog
7 Chip, dont play with Jennys
tennis balls.
8 Chip, dont sleep on Nicks

4 1 goes skateboarding
2 go shopping
3 go walking
4 goes riding
5 go cycling
6 go camping

5 1 there is

2 there isnt
3 Theres
4 Are there
5 there arent
6 there are

7 Are there
8 there are
9 Theres
10 is there
11 theres

6 1 Yes, there are some carrots.

2 Yes, there are some

3 No, there arent any
4 No, there arent any apples.
5 Yes, there are some eggs.
6 No, there arent any onions.
7 Yes, there are some burgers.
8 No, there arent any cakes.

7 1 any

2 some
3 some
4 any
5 some

6 any
7 any
8 some
9 some
10 any

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8 1 in

5 next to
6 under
7 on
8 between

2 next to
3 in
4 behind

9 1





10 1 atin

2 someany
3 Talk not Dont talk
4 onin
5 WhosWheres
6 WhosWhats
7 aton
8 arentisnt
9 someany
10 skateboardskateboarding
11 goesgo
12 shopingshopping

Unit 6
1 1 can

2 cant

3 cant
4 can

2 Students own answers.

3 1 Jenny can make a cake.

2 Zoe and Maria cant play

3 Amanda can draw cartoons.
4 Tom and Nick cant do maths.
5 Tom and Nick can play table
6 Trig cant ride a bike.

4 1 d
2 a

3 c
4 f

5 e

5 1 Can cats fly? No, they cant.

2 Can cats climb trees? Yes,

they can.
3 Can horses climb trees? No,
they cant.
4 Can camels catch fish? No,
they cant.
5 Can kangaroos jump? Yes,
they can.
6 Can camels fly? No, they cant.
7 Can Chip run? Yes, he can.
8 Can Trig swim? No, he cant.

6 1 Can Trig ride a motorbike?

2 Can Amanda climb trees?

3 Can Jenny and Amanda play
table tennis?
4 Can Tom ride a horse?

Grammar One Answer key

5 Can Zoe and Maria play

6 Can Mr Bell play the drums?
7 Can Maria and Carlo swim?
8 Can Tom speak Japanese?
9 Can Jenny play the drums?
10 Can Nick ride a camel?

7 1 b
2 e

3 a
4 d

5 c

8 1 Lets make some sandwiches.

2 Lets have some orange juice.

3 Lets play outside.
4 Lets look at football boots.
5 Lets watch television.

Unit 7
1 1 having

2 swimming
3 dancing
4 speaking
5 using
6 raining
7 stopping
8 eating
9 making
10 helping
11 reading
12 riding
13 watching
14 playing
15 catching


2 s shining


is carrying
is doing
s helping
s hanging

isnt raining
is hanging
is digging
arent doing

3 1 Yes, it is.

2 No, it isnt.
3 Yes, she is.
4 No, they arent.
5 Yes, they are.
6 Yes, she is.
7 No, they arent.
8 Yes, he is.

4 1 are sitting

2 is chasing
3 is running
4 are having
5 is hiding

6 are playing
7 is eating
8 are talking
9 is watching
10 are having

5 1 Toms mum and Nicks mum

arent chasing birds.
2 Jenny isnt playing with
Chips ball.

3 Nick and Tom arent talking

about the flowers.
4 Fluff isnt running after Chip.
5 Nicks dad and Toms dad
arent playing football.

6 1 Is Trig sleeping?

2 Is Tom drinking tea?

3 Are Nicks mum and Toms
mum sitting under a tree?
4 Is Jenny running after Chip?
5 Are Nick and Tom playing
6 Is Trig watching them?
7 Is Fluff hiding in the bushes?
8 Are Nicks dad and Toms dad
sitting on the grass?
9 Is Chip chasing the birds?
10 Are Nicks mum and Toms
mum talking about the

7 1 Jenny isnt playing tennis.

Shes doing her homework.

2 Nick isnt running in the park.
Hes doing the washing-up.
3 Mum and Dad arent working.
Theyre watching television.
4 Trig isnt hiding. Hes eating.

Unit 8
1 1 you

4 him
5 her
6 us

2 1 her

5 him
6 it
7 it
8 him

3 1 it

4 them
5 it
6 them

7 them
8 it

4 1 it

5 them
6 it
7 it
8 him

9 them
10 him

5 1 it

5 me
6 you
7 them
8 her

9 us
10 him
11 them

2 it
3 me

2 him
3 him
4 it
2 them
3 it
2 her
3 her
4 him
2 me
3 her
4 it

7 you
8 them
9 her
10 it

6 1 Nick likes Anna Gold, but Tom

doesnt like her.

2 Nick likes Peaches and Cream,
but Tom doesnt like them.
3 Nick likes pizza, but Tom
doesnt like it.
Oxford University Press 2011

4 Nick likes red and Tom likes it,

5 Nick likes dogs and Tom likes
them, too.
6 Nick likes Cartoon Time, but
Tom doesnt like it.

7 1 find

2 looking
3 see

4 Ask
5 tell
6 know

Unit 9
1 1 swimming
2 digging
3 singing

4 diving
5 painting
6 running

2 Students own answers.

3 Students own answers.
4 1 Is Mrs Bells car the white one
or the blue one?
2 Lets buy the yellow flowers
or the blue ones.
3 Mr Bell wants a hot drink, not
a cold one.
4 Thats Jules. Hes a small
horse, not a big one.
5 Is Nicks bike the new one or
the old one?
6 Which photo do you like? This
one or that one?

5 Students own answers.

6 1 paint

2 dive
3 shopping

4 cooking
5 draw

7 Students own answers.

Unit 10
1 1 Can I have a birthday cake?
2 Can I invite all my friends?
3 Can we play music in the
4 Can we have sandwiches?
5 Can my friends stay until

2 1 You Can I invite twenty

friends to a party?
Mum No, you cant.
2 You Can I stay out until
Dad No, you cant.
3 You Can I do more English
Teacher Yes, you can.

Grammar One Answer key

4 You Can I eat sweets in bed?

Mum No, you cant.
5 You Can I go cycling on
Mum Yes, you can.
6 You Can I paint my room
Mum No, you cant.
7 You Can I use the computer?
Dad Yes, you can.
8 You Can I go to my friends
house after school?
Mum Yes, you can.
9 You Can I do this exercise
Teacher Yes, you can.

3 1 We mustnt
2 We mustnt
3 We mustnt
4 We must
5 We mustnt
6 We mustnt
7 We must
8 We must
9 We mustnt
10 We mustnt
11 We mustnt
12 We mustnt
13 We must
14 We mustnt

4 1 mustnt
2 must
3 mustnt
4 must
5 mustnt

5 watch television, a film

6 eat sweets, breakfast
7 do the washing-up,
8 spend money
9 be quiet, late
10 until midnight, seven oclock

Revision 2 (units 610)

1 1 Can Jenny draw cartoons?

Yes, she can.

2 Can Trig ride a horse? No, he
3 Can Nick play the piano? No,
he cant.
4 Can Amanda and Jenny
make a pizza? Yes, they can.
5 Can Jenny skateboard? No,
she cant.
6 Can Nick dive? Yes, he can.

2 1 Toms cleaning his football

2 Fluffs sleeping.
3 Mr Bell and Trig are watching
4 Mrs Bell is cooking dinner.
5 Chip is sitting in the garden.
6 Jenny and Amanda are doing
their homework.

6 mustnt
7 mustnt
8 must
9 must
10 must

5 1 Can, cant, must

2 can, can, mustnt

3 can, cant, must
4 can, cant, must
5 can, can, mustnt
6 must, mustnt, Can

6 1 Because you must practise

the piano.
2 Because you mustnt make a
3 Because you have a bad cold.
4 Because you cant ride.
5 Because its raining.

7 1 use a computer, a mobile

2 play football, the piano
3 have a party, a cold,
4 speak Greek, English

3 1





4 1 it

3 them
4 us

5 her
6 me

5 1 him

3 her
4 you

5 us
6 it

2 her
2 them

6 1 Nick hates doing the

2 Jenny and Amanda like
phoning their friends.
3 Jenny likes playing the piano.
4 Tom and Nick love
skateboarding in the park.
5 Nick and Amanda hate
tidying their rooms.
6 Chip loves chasing Fluff.
7 Nick hates doing homework.
8 Amanda loves riding her
favourite horse.
9 Dad likes reading his
newspaper after work.
10 Mum and Dad like walking in
the park with Chip.

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7 1 Chip, you must eat your food.

2 Chip, you mustnt bury bones
in the garden.
3 Trig, you must wash your
4 Chip, you mustnt sleep on
the sofa.
5 Trig, you mustnt eat Chips
dog biscuits.
6 Trig, you mustnt give Chip
7 Chip, you mustnt sit on the
8 Trig, you must work hard.
9 Chip, you must have a bath.
10 Chip, you mustnt take food
into Jennys bedroom.

8 1 cant

2 mustnt
3 going

4 must
5 writing
6 must

9 1 they them

2 get getting
3 mustsmust
4 chasing ChipChip chasing
5 herhim
6 mustcan
7 goinggo
8 skateboardskateboarding

Unit 11
1 1 Theres a banana.

2 Theres some rice.

3 Theres some butter.
4 Theres some coffee.
5 Theres some meat.
6 Theres some orange juice.
7 Theres an onion.
8 Theres some tea.
9 Theres an apple.
10 Theres a carrot.

2 1 Theres some coffee.

2 There isnt any milk.

3 Theres an apple.
4 Theres some tea.
5 There isnt any chocolate.
6 Theres some meat.
7 There isnt any cheese.
8 Theres some butter.
9 There isnt a pineapple.
10 Theres an onion.

3 1 I need an egg, some flour,

some milk, some chocolate

and some sugar. I dont need
an onion or a carrot.

Grammar One Answer key

2 I need some eggs, some milk

and some cheese. I dont
need a banana or any flour.
3 I need some flour, some
sugar, some butter, some
eggs and some lemons. I
dont need an onion or any

4 1 some
2 some

5 1 much
2 many
3 much

3 any
4 some
4 many
5 much
6 much

6 Across

4 money
5 cheese
7 grapes
9 sweets

5 any
6 any
7 many
8 many

1 much
2 some
3 time
6 eggs
8 any

2 sometimes
3 often
4 usually

5 usually
6 never
7 often
8 always

3 1 They sometimes go to Greece

or Spain.
2 They never forget their
swimming things.
3 They sometimes go to
4 In August, its usually hot.
5 Nick and Jenny always swim
in the sea.
6 In August, the beaches are
often crowded.
7 Before the school holidays,
Nick and Jenny are always
8 They never take Chip with
9 Chip usually stays with Tom
or Amanda.
10 He isnt always a good dog.

4 1 beach

2 grandparents
3 museum
4 sea
5 busy
6 tired

1 With the present simple

once a week, every day, on

With present continuous
now, at the moment, today

2 1 practises

3 does
4 has

3 1 is practising

3 is doing
4 is having

2 play

2 are playing

4 1 Shes a teacher. Shes

teaching her class.

2 Theyre students. Theyre
learning English.
3 Hes a farmer. Hes driving a
4 Theyre cooks. Theyre making

5 1 Nicks helping in the kitchen

Unit 12
1 1 always

Unit 13

today, but he usually helps on

2 Nicks cleaning his boots
today, but he usually cleans
them on Friday.
3 Nicks practising the guitar
today, but he usually
practises on Saturday.
4 Nicks learning French words
today, but he usually learns
words on Sunday.
5 Jennys having a piano lesson
today, but she usually has it
on Wednesday.
6 Jennys going to the cinema
today, but she usually goes
on Thursday.
7 Jennys phoning her friends
today, but she usually phones
them on Friday.
8 Jennys playing tennis today,
but she usually plays on

6 1 doesnt like

2 plays
3 loves
4 is raining OR s raining
5 arent walking
6 is practising OR s practising
7 is making OR s making
8 are laughing
9 are having OR s having
10 doesnt like
11 rains
12 plays
13 is shining OR s shining
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are playing
is losing OR s losing
is making OR s making
isnt laughing
isnt having

7 1 Is it raining today?

2 Does Zoe like music?

3 Is Zoe practising her English?
4 Is she making funny mistakes?
5 Does Anna like England?
6 Is the sun shining now?
7 Are Jenny and Anna playing
tennis now?
8 Is Anna having fun?

Unit 14
1 1 was

2 were

3 was
4 were

5 were

2 1 was at the cinema

2 were at the sports centre

3 was at the library
4 were at the park
5 was at the circus
6 was at the shops
7 was at the theatre
8 were at the science museum

3 1 Was Jason at the library?

2 Were Molly and Gina at the

3 Were Laura and Kate at the
4 Was Diana at the theatre?
5 Were Jill and John at the

4 1 was, wasnt

2 werent, were
3 was, wasnt
4 werent, were
5 werent, were
6 was, wasnt

6 1 dry

2 some
3 any
4 any

5 some
6 any
7 any
8 some

2 1 How much
2 How many
3 How much
4 How many
5 How much
6 How many

9 some
10 any
11 some

7 How much
8 How many
9 How much
10 How much
11 How many
12 How much

c o f

f e e
t e
t i m e

4 1 much
2 much
3 many


4 some
5 some
6 any

c e

7 many
8 many
9 much

5 1 Trig never does the

2 Dad does the washing-up
once a week.
3 Nick is always too busy.
4 Jenny often tidies her room.
5 Amanda usually goes riding
on Sundays.
6 Trig and Chip are often funny.
7 Tom practises with the school
team twice a week.
8 We usually stay up late on
9 Mum is sometimes tired in
the evenings.
10 Trig is always hungry.
2 A

3 B
4 B

5 A
6 C

7 1 play, are reading OR re reading

2 go, are learning OR re learning

3 is doing OR s doing, does
4 is playing OR s playing, plays
5 walks, is going OR s going

2 hot
3 new OR young
4 late
5 quiet
6 slow
7 bad
2 noises
3 sharp
4 frightened
5 dream

1 1 any

6 1 C

5 Students own answers.

7 1 alone

Revision 3 (units 1114)

8 1 Was
6 zoo
7 circus
8 museum

Grammar One Answer key

2 was
3 Was
4 wasnt
5 was

6 werent
7 were
8 were
9 werent

9 1 Is Trig always hungry?

2 Was Nick late for school


3 Do Jenny and Nick often go to

4 Was it hot last summer?

10 1 someany

2 always isis always

3 does nevernever does
4 Does Chip chaseIs Chip
5 eats alwaysalways eats
6 are visitingvisit
7 rainsis raining OR s raining
8 Is Anna likingDoes Anna like
9 does Trigis Trig doing OR s
Trig doing
10 manymuch
11 some butterany butter
12 there werethere was

Unit 15
1 1 d

2 a

2 1 didnt have
2 had
3 had

3 c

4 e

4 didnt have
5 had

3 1 Did Amanda have a cold?

2 Did Nick have a sore throat?

3 Did her parents have
4 Did Jenny have a headache?
5 Did Jenny have a bad dream?
6 Did Tom have a burger for

4 1 have

2 had
3 didnt have
4 have
5 had

6 had
7 didnt have
8 had
9 had

5 1 Trig had a bath yesterday.

2 Nick didnt have a bath.

3 Nick had a headache last night.
4 Trig had a big breakfast.
5 Did Jenny have a shower
6 Did Jenny have a temperature?
7 Nick didnt have a sore throat.
8 Did Nick have any homework
9 Did Mum have tea in the
garden yesterday?
10 Dad had a cold shower this

6 1 Nick didnt have pizza for

lunch yesterday.
2 Maria didnt have lots of
homework last week.

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3 Jenny didnt have a riding

lesson on Sunday.
4 Jenny and Nick didnt have
tea in the garden yesterday.
5 Nick didnt have a shower
before breakfast.
6 Maria didnt have a party on
her birthday.

7 1 had a bath

2 had a temperature
3 had a toothache
4 had a headache
5 had a shower
6 had a party
7 had a meal
8 had fun

Unit 16
1 -d

cycled, danced, phoned, used,

visited, watched, repaired,
painted, filled
buried, emptied, carried, tried,
tidied, studied
double consonant + -ed
planned, stopped, dropped

2 1 Nick repaired his bike.

2 Jenny and Nick washed the

3 Jenny studied for a maths
4 Dad cleaned the windows.
5 Mum tidied the bedrooms.
6 Nick emptied the bins.
7 Chip buried a bone.
8 Jenny helped in the kitchen.
9 Mum and Dad painted the
10 Jenny cooked omelettes for
11 Jenny phoned her friends.
12 Trig filled the watering-can.
13 Dad watered the flowers.
14 Trig pulled up the flowers.

3 1 She phoned grandmother.

2 She cooked lunch on Sunday

with Nick.
3 She didnt help Dad with the
4 She didnt practise the piano.
5 Nick cleaned his bike.

Grammar One Answer key

6 He didnt wash Chip with

7 He didnt empty the bins.
8 He didnt study for a maths
9 He watered the flowers.
10 He didnt help in the garden.

4 1 No, she didnt.

2 No, they didnt.

3 Yes, he did.
4 No, she didnt.
5 No, they didnt.
6 Yes, he did.
7 Yes, she did.
8 No, he didnt.

5 1 Did Trig watch Mr Bell?

2 Did Mr Bell smile?

3 Did Trig fill the watering-can?
4 Did Trig water the flowers?
5 Did Trig pull up the flowers?

6 1 phoned Nicks mum a week

2 had a piano lesson four days
3 visited their grandparents two
weeks ago.
4 cooked dinner for the family
three days ago.
5 tidied their bedrooms a
month ago.
6 phoned Jenny three hours ago.

7 1 water

2 empty
3 tidy

4 cook
5 wash

Unit 17
1 1 left

2 paid
3 spent
4 went

5 came
6 gave
7 bought
8 thought

2 fly flew, break broke, fall

fell, bring brought, write

wrote, take took, sit sat, swim
swam, see saw, eat ate

3 1 saw

2 ate
3 sat
4 swam
5 got
6 made

4 1 ate, didnt eat

7 wrote
8 took
9 brought
10 fell
11 broke

2 wrote, didnt write

3 drank, didnt drink

4 went, didnt go
5 swam, didnt swim
6 broke, didnt break

5 1 Did they sit on the beach?

2 Did Nick and Jenny get

3 What did they eat?
4 Did they take photos?
5 What did they do in the
6 Did Nick and Jenny write any
7 Where did they swim?
8 What did Dad break?
9 Where did he fall?
10 Did they bring home any

6 Students own answers.

7 1 b

2 a

3 f
4 d

5 e
6 c

3 d
4 a

5 e
6 g

Unit 18
1 1 b
2 f

7 i
8 h

2 1 Marks going to be a maths

2 Alices going to be a cook.
3 Sams going to be a writer.
4 Lukes going to be a pilot.
5 Scotts going to be a train
6 Sarahs going to be an artist.
7 Emmas going to be a doctor.
8 Anns going to be a computer

3 1 Yes, she is.

2 No, she isnt.

3 No, he isnt.
4 Yes, she is.
5 Yes, he is.
6 No, he isnt.

4 1 Chips going to have a drink of

2 Mums going to go to bed
3 Nick and Tom are going to
watch television.
4 Amandas going to have a hot
5 Trig and Chip are going to
take some food from the
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6 Jennys going to have a party.

7 Amanda and her mum are
going to put on some dry
8 Nicks going to phone the
9 Jenny and Nick are going to
look for Chip in the garden.
10 Amandas going to take some

5 1 Is Trig going to give Mum a

2 Is he going to make a cake?
3 Is Trig going to put salt in the
4 Are Nick and Jenny going to
help Trig?
5 Are Nick and Jenny going to
buy their mum a present?

5 1 She tidied her room.

2 She revised for a maths test.

3 She didnt do the shopping.
4 She visited Gina.
5 She didnt write to Megan.
6 Nick went to his guitar lesson.
7 He helped Dad in the garden.
8 He didnt clean his bike.
9 He took Chip for a walk.
10 He didnt have a bath.

2 a cook OR a waiter
3 an artist
4 a pilot
5 a teacher
6 a writer

1 1 had

2 had
3 did she have
4 didnt have
5 had
6 didnt have
7 didnt have
8 had

2 1 buried

5 cycled
6 planned
7 worked
8 tried

2 stopped
3 walked
4 hurried

3 1 break
2 took

3 sat
4 see

5 ate
6 did

4 1 went, didnt go

2 cleaned, didnt clean

3 didnt make, made
4 didnt have, had
5 lost, didnt lose

Grammar One Answer key

Ive got blue eyes.
School starts at nine oclock.
Carlo comes from Italy.
Trig isnt a dog. Hes an alien!
Does Jenny like football?
Whats your name?
Chips got a biscuit.
Nick goes to Park Street School.
Ive got some bread.
Nick likes sport but he doesnt
like maths.
Jenny likes sport. Her favourite
sport is tennis.
Shes got blond hair.
Jenny has toast for breakfast.
Hes got an apple.
Jenny and Nick are brother and
Do they walk to school?
Chip buries bones in the garden.
Chip is a dog.
Theyve got some sandwiches.
Does Trig like chocolate?

7 1 went

2 is going to give
3 had
4 swam
5 watched
6 Yes, he did.

8 1 C

3 C
4 C

2 B

5 A
6 A








Revision 4 (units 1518)

1 Jennys eleven. OR Jenny is

2 Did Jenny and Nick go to

Spain last year?
3 When did they go?
4 Did they take photographs?
5 Did Nick write postcards?


7 1 a vet

Worksheet 1

6 1 Did Trig have a bath last night?

6 1 Trigs going to water the

2 Shes going to make a cake.
3 Theyre going to play football.
4 Hes going to eat a cake.
5 Chips going to chase Fluff.
6 Theyre going to get wet.

8 did youdid you do

9 went youdid you go
10 buryedburied


Worksheet 2

1 1 When


10 1 Toms going to repair his bike.

He isnt going to play football.

2 Nick and Tom are going to
make a cake. They arent
going to watch some films.
3 Amandas going to buy a
magazine. She isnt going to
do her homework.
4 Zoe and Jenny are going to
play tennis. They arent going
to tidy their rooms.
5 Toms going to stay at home.
He isnt going to visit his

2 Where
3 Who

4 When
5 What
6 Who


11 1 haddid

2 phonedphone
3 hashad
4 DoesDid
5 watchwatched
6 wentgo
7 going begoing to be

Worksheet 3
1 1 dont jump on the sofa
2 open your books
3 dont go fast
4 tidy your room

Oxford University Press 2011

5 dont eat in class

6 do your homework
7 dont hit your sister
8 eat your breakfast

Can David ride a horse? No, he

Can Molly speak English? Yes,
she can.
Can Angela speak English? Yes,
she can.
Can Molly play the guitar? Yes,
she can.
Can Jack swim? No, he cant
Can David swim? Yes, he can.
Can Angela swim? No, she cant.
Can Molly ride a horse? Yes, she
Can Angela ride a horse? Yes,
she can.
Can Jack speak English? Yes, he
Can David speak English? No, he

2 1 i, m, i, n

2 y, i, n
3 a, m, i, n
4 o, p, i, n
5 c, a, i, n
6 a, m, i, n
7 a, o, r, n
8 c, a, i, n
9 a, i, i, n

3 1 goes skateboarding
2 go camping
3 goes shopping
4 goes swimming
5 go ice-skating
6 goes sailing

Worksheet 4

Worksheet 7

1 1 There are

1 1 isnt doing or is not doing

2 There isnt
3 Theres a
4 There arent
5 There are
6 There isnt

2 1 No, there arent.

2 Yes, there is.
3 Yes, there are.
4 No, there isnt.
5 No, there isnt.
6 Yes, there is.

3 1 any
2 any

3 some
4 any

5 some

Worksheet 5
1 1 next to

2 in front of
3 behind

4 under
5 in

Worksheet 6

Can Jack play the guitar? No, he
Can David play the guitar? Yes,
he can
Can Angela play the guitar? No,
she cant
Can Molly swim? No, she cant.
Can Jack ride a horse? Yes, he

Grammar One Answer key

2 s reading or is reading
3 s hiding or is hiding
4 s eating or is eating
5 s shining or is shining
6 are working
7 s digging or is digging
8 s hanging or is hanging
9 s helping or is helping
10 are sitting
11 s drawing cartoons or is
drawing cartoons
12 s listening or is listening
13 s drinking or is drinking

2 1 Are Jenny and Amanda

helping in the garden? No,

they arent.
2 Is Mum reading? Yes, sheis.
3 Is Amanda wearing boots?
No, she isnt.
4 Are Nick and Tom playing
football? No, they arent.
5 Is Mum making a cake? No,
she isnt.

Worksheet 8
1 we us

she her
I me
he him
it it
they them

2 1 her

4 it
5 them
6 him

3 1 them him

4 me us
5 she her

2 them
3 him
2 they them
3 him it

Worksheet 9
1 1 He loves painting.

2 Jenny and Amanda hate

3 They love riding a horse.
4 Trig likes painting.
5 He hates riding a horse.

2 1 ones
2 one

3 one
4 ones

5 ones

3 1 We like

2 Shed like
3 They dont like
4 I like
5 Hed like

Worksheet 10
1 1 Can Nick paint his room

black? d
2 Can Amanda go cycling on
Sunday? a
3 Can Nick and Tom play
computer games until
midnight? e
4 Can I make a sandwich? f
5 Can Chip play in the garden?

2 1 mustnt use

2 must do
3 must listen
4 mustnt eat
5 mustnt stand

Worksheet 11
1 1 some
2 any
3 some

4 some
5 any
6 some

7 any
8 some
9 some

2 1 There are some onions.

2 Theres some flour.

3 Theres an orange.
4 There isnt any chocolate.
5 Theres some coffee.
6 Theres a pineapple.
7 There isnt any margarine.
8 Theres some bread.
Oxford University Press 2011

Worksheet 12
2 1 Jenny sometimes eats sweets.

2 Trig never reads in bed.

3 Nick and Trig often eat
4 Jenny usually gets up early.
5 Nick and Jenny always read
in bed
68 Students own answers.

3 1 Mum usually does the

2 Jenny often tidies her room.
3 Nick is sometimes late for
4 Trig never swims in the sea.
5 Mum always tidies the

Worksheet 13
1 1 go, re visiting or are visiting

2 chases, s chasing or is
3 s making, does or is making
4 goes, s going or is going
5 play, m meeting or am

Worksheet 14
1 1 wasnt
2 was
3 were

4 were
5 wasnt
6 was

2 1 Were Jennys pencils on the

2 Was Trig frightened?
3 Were Jenny and Amanda at
the library?
4 Was Mum at the shops?
5 Was it cold at the swimming

3 1 No, they werent.

2 No, he wasnt.
3 Yes, they were.
4 Yes, she was.
5 No, it wasnt.

Worksheet 15
1 1 didnt have
2 had
3 had

4 didnt have
5 had

2 1 Did Tom and Nick have pizza

for lunch? Yes, they did.

2 Did Amanda have a birthday
cake? No, she didnt.
3 Did Jenny have a sore throat?
Yes, she did.
4 Did Trig have chocolate
pudding at the party? Yes, he
5 Did Mum have dinner last
night? No, she didnt.

Worksheet 16
1 1 nine hours ago

2 two months ago

3 one week ago or a week ago
4 four hours ago
5 six days ago

2 1 emptied

1 Base form

eat, fly, go, lose, make, see,

swim, take, write
Past simple
ate, flew, went, lost, made,
saw, swam, took, wrote

1 1 Hes going to have a bath.

2 Shes going to phone the

3 Theyre going to clean the car.
4 Hes going to do the
5 Its going to rain.

Entry Test
4 c
5 a

2 1 c

3 b
4 c

2 a
3 c
2 a

Grammar One Answer key

4 took,
wrote, d
5 ate, e

Worksheet 18

1 1 b

4 b
5 a

4 1 a

3 c
4 b

5 a

2 c

Test 1 (units 15)

1 1 Where, d

4 When, a
5 Who, b

2 What, e
3 Why, c

2 1 go swimming

2 goes sailing
3 go dancing
4 go ice-skating
5 goes cycling

3 1 some
2 any

3 a
4 any

5 some

1 1 Chips hiding in the kitchen.

Worksheet 17

2 saw, a
3 bought, f

2 c
3 a

Test 2 (units 610)

2 didnt help
3 watered
4 didnt repair
5 cooked

2 1 flew, c

3 1 c

2 Im eating a sandwich.
3 Dad and Mum are watching
4 Dad isnt working.
5 We arent playing tennis.

2 1 likes

2 d like
3 like

3 1 Can I stay up late? No, you

2 Can Jenny and Nick have a
party? No, they cant.
3 Can we use the computer?
Yes, you can.
4 Can Trig jump on the sofa?
No, he cant.
5 Can Jenny have some
chocolate? Yes, she can.

Test 3 (units 1114)

1 1 many, any

2 any, some
3 much, many
4 some, any
5 any, many

2 1 play

5 b

4 would like

2 re helping
3 cooks
4 s visiting
5 does


re making
s playing
s chasing
s using
s writing

Oxford University Press 2011

3 1 Were

3 werent
4 were
5 wasnt

2 was

Test 4 (units 1518)

1 1 had

2 have

3 had
4 have

2 1 went

2 had
3 swam
4 ate
5 bought

5 had

6 send
7 go
8 stayed
9 painted
10 helped

3 1 Are, Im not

2 Is, she is
3 Are, they arent
4 Are, they are
5 Is, he isnt

Exit test (all units)

1 1 Jenny always helps in the

2 Nick is using the internet at
the moment.
3 How much flour is there?
4 Mum likes having a haircut.
5 There arent any hotels in

2 1 Dont

2 When
3 between

3 1 went

2 lost
3 tidied
4 ate
5 had

4 Can
5 them
6 emptied
7 were
8 bought
9 chased
10 bought

Grammar One Answer key

Oxford University Press 2011

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