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5 Differentiation
Candidates model and facilitate the design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning
experiences making appropriate use of differentiation, including adjusting content, process,
product, and learning environment based upon an analysis of learner characteristics, including
readiness levels, interests, and personal goals. (PSC 2.5/ISTE 2e)
Artifact Link - ITEC 7430 Technology Tools Lesson Plan
The Technology Tools Lesson Plan was completed as a part of ITEC 7430 Internet Tools
in the Classroom course in the spring of 2014. The purpose of the assignment was to develop and
implement a unit plan that included at least three Web 2.0 tools. This artifact also included an
online presentation to classmates in order to share our implementation experiences and insights.
My unit plan was designed to be an integrated geography unit plan for upper elementary to
middle school grades. I implemented a lesson taken from the unit with a fifth grade class in a
TItle I elementary school with a diverse student population comprised primarily of ELL students.
It utilized a variety of Web 2.0 tools including several online geography games that place the
user in an unknown location in the world where he must gather clues in order to figure out where
he has been teleported. This type of game was chosen due to its activation of prior knowledge,
emphasis on critical thought, and authenticity using real street views from Google Maps.
The unit was adjusted for content, process, product, and learning environment prior to
implementation based on my analysis of the learner and environmental characteristics. The target
group for implementation were comprised of mostly ELL students from immigrant families. The
students were working with varying levels of proficiency in English so the modeling and
facilitation process had to adjusted for ease of understanding and required a bit more time. The

work product and rubric also had to adjusted in complexity for this special population of ELL. I
utilized locations for the geography guessing game that were more familiar to these students
because I considered the ways in which their background knowledge may differ from others. The
learning environment required little adjustment fortunately because all of the students had access
to laptops during the implementation. Thus, the facilitation process was much easier because I
did not have change the immediate learning environment at all prior to beginning the lesson.
In the future, I would set up the locations beforehand based on my understanding of the
students background because it made the implementation and learning process much more
enjoyable for students because I knew they had the prior knowledge and skills to solve the
geography puzzles using the Web 2.0 tools available to them. I would also have the students pair
up during the lessons as much as possible because the collaboration adds many benefits.
This experience directly impacted the school and its stakeholders in a positive manner
because it was an engaged learning activity that activated higher-order thinking with technology.
The students shared the experience with their peers, families, and community, and gained
valuable skills for map reading, geography, reading environmental clues, and investigation.
Modeling and facilitating this learning experience was an enjoyable and engaging experience for
me as a tech integration specialist because it demonstrated the benefits of technology inclusion.

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