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8 Data Analysis

Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of digital tools and resources to systematically
collect and analyze student achievement data, interpret results, communicate findings, and
implement appropriate interventions to improve instructional practice and maximize student
learning. (ISTE 2h)

Artifact Link - ITEC 7305 Data Inventory

Artifact Link - ITEC 7305 Data Overview
Artifact Link - ITEC 7305 Action Plan I
Artifact Link - ITEC 7305 Action Plan II


These artifacts were completed during my ITEC 7305 course during the Fall of 2015. The
above artifacts required that I learn more about how to facilitate the development and
implementation of a shared vision for the use of technology in teaching, learning, and leadership.
Through my field experiences in ITEC 7305, I had the opportunity to collaborate with school
leaders and faculty members to conduct a data overview and action plan for improving student
learning outcomes and overall school improvement initiatives. I also had to practice the skills
and knowledge needed to facilitate the design, development, implementation, communication,
and evaluation of technology-infused strategic plans. Through the coaching of a data team and
the analysis of the schools collective data, I learned a great deal about how to research,

recommend, and implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology innovations and
for managing the change process in schools.
These artifacts demonstrate my understanding of the data analysis process. The
knowledge, skills and dispositions needed for data analysis compelled me to focus on the best
practices to use to coach teachers and model and facilitate the effective use of digital tools and
resources to systematically collect and analyze student achievement data, interpret results,
communicate findings, and implement appropriate interventions to improve instructional practice
and maximize student learning. The data coaching and analysis process was pivotal in
developing my skills and knowledge of how to design and implement program evaluations to
determine the overall effectiveness of professional learning on deepening teacher content
knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning. These
experiences also allowed me to have the opportunity to produce resources or engage in
professional activity that assist others in engaging in continuous learning.
The data inventory and data analysis followed by the action plans impacted school
improvement, faculty development, and student learning at the school by providing
administrators and faculty members the opportunity to engage in coached data analysis that
involves collaborative inquiry into the real reason for academic achievement gaps, professional
development backlash, and failed initiatives. This impact can be assessed through the ongoing
data analysis conducted by the data team throughout the school year as well as the follow-up
survey that will be provided to staff in the future.

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