Grammar Exercise - Prefixes

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1. Put the words in the correct column:

polite / respectful / formal / honest / efficient / satisfied / friendly / patient / considerate /
practical / important / appropriate
Un -

In -

Dis -

Im -

2. Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 1. Be careful some words
wont need the prefix!
a) I hate working with Mandy, shes so ____________________. I mean, shes always
keeping us waiting for her in meetings and never thinks about how we feel.
b) The Australians wont take you seriously if you dress in an ____________________
way, so its best if you wear a suit.
c) If Mark continues acting in such an ____________________ way, Im sure hell be
fired. He cant make personal calls in company time and in front of the boss!
d) American business people feel that its very ____________________ to have breakfast
meetings because you can do a 2 in 1: have breakfast and have a meeting at the same
e) I have never met anyone so ____________________! Shes always mixing things up
and never gets anything right!
f) Be careful with Drew, hes very ____________________. Hell do anything (and I
mean, anything) to get a sale.
g) Marys very social and ____________________, she likes having a good relationship
with her colleagues.
h) The Americans have the reputation for being ____________________, but when I was
there everybody always said please and thank you.
i) They were ____________________ details that wouldnt affect the decision, so I dont
understand why so much time was given to them.
j) Sheilas new boss is very ____________________. She really tries to take into account
the persons situation before asking them to travel or do extra hours.
k) Mark was very ____________________ with the way the meeting went: everybody was
on time and it even finished on time, too!

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