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Review # 1

1. What is the Columbian exchange?

Answer: The Columbian Exchange refers to a period of culture and biological

changes between the new and old worlds. Exchange of plants, animal, disease and
technology transformed European and Native American ways of life. The Columbian
exchanged impacted the social and cultural makeup of both side of Atlantic.
Advancement in agriculture production, evolution of warfare, increased morality rates
and education are some effect of Columbian exchange on both European and Native

The transfer of everything between Europe and America. The European diet
benefited greatly from the exchange as they received corn (maize), potatoes and
tomatoes from America. America received animal such as horses, cows, pigs and
chickens; ideas such as Catholicism and private property; but also received diseases.

2. Know locations of Cahokia and Tenochtitlan

Answer: Tenochtitlan: It was a city-state located on an island in Lake Texcoco in the Valley
of Mexico. Founded in 1325.However, Cahokia is located on the site of a preColumbian American city situated directly across the Mississippi River from modern St.
Louis, Missouri. This historic park lies in southern Illinois between East St.
Louis and Collinsville.
3. Define matrilineal

Answer: It is the inheriting or determining descent through the female line.

4. Population density of Native Americans
5. What was the holy trinity of Native agriculture?
Answer: the holy trinity of Native agriculture was Corn, bean, squash.
6. The effect of the Protestant Reformation on age of exploration
7. Hernan Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, Bartolome de las Casas, Christopher Columbus, Prince
Henry, Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, John Cabot
8. Reconquista
9. Define mercantilism
10. Spanish caste system
11. The Spanish, Dutch, French, and English methods of settlement
12. The founding of the Chesapeake colonies? Differences between the two.
13. The importance of 1619 in Virginia history
14. Cause and effect of Bacons Rebellion

15. Settlement of New England, differences of Pilgrims and Puritans, The Great Migration,
The City on the Hill The New Jerusalem
16. John Winthrop, Anne Hutchinson, and Roger Williams
17. House of Burgesses, Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
18. The importance of sugar, the Navigation Act, Triangular Trade
19. Stono Rebellion

Short answer questions:

a Understand all aspects of motivation for the age of exploration
b Understand the three Gs
c The similarities and differences in the settlement of the Chesapeake and New
England regions.

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