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Mission I: The Cyberterians

You arrive at CentralCore in Mega City Central. The rookie briefing room is
filled with your fellow Law Academy graduates. You mix and mingle with everyone then
at Nine in the morning there is a Klaxon that goes off and then the door located on stage
opens up and man and woman dressed in Senior Judge armor walk in. The man closes
the door. He says, Hello my name is Senior Judge Joseph Dredd and this is Senior
Judge Constance Hershey. We are your commanding officers during your one year
rookie status. Your assigned area and partner or partners will be logged on your
Everyone is assigned their equipment and go start their first patrols. You look at your
scanner and it says normal assignment is Mega City South and your partners are Jessica,
Henry and Tory Nightwind and then it says report to Judge Dredds office for special
You knock on Judge Dredds office, and he tells you to come in and close the door
behind you. He tells you that all of you are going undercover and infiltrating the
Cyberterian HQ and take down the leader. You have full authorization to use deadly
force. You will have to use your personal equipment and no Law equipment. Ordinarily
this assignment would go to a more seasoned Judge but we think that a rookie would
have the advantage of surprise. I wish you good luck.
Gm note: Have the players roll a moderate streetwise roll. When successful tell
them the following:
After days of searching for a way into a Cyberterian meeting, you meet Jason Stark who
knows Jerry Simmons who knows a Cyberterian recruiter by the name of Terry Jaskins.
You arrange to meet Terry at a dive bar called the Rats Tail. You enter the Rats tail and
you get a table in a dark corner of the bar. About an hour later, a six foot tall black man
enters the bar and walks over to you. He asks if you are looking to help get rid of the
Street Judge tyranny. After you tell him you are, he sits down and tells you that the
Cyberterians stand for making Mega City One a place where all people can survive and
feed their families. If you are interested in meeting we are having our next meeting
tomorrow night at Eleven at the Tanaka Cybernetics Corporation.
At 10:45 the next evening, you are outside of TCC and then about ten minutes later, you
see Terry get out of his vehicle. You walk up to him and he tells you since you are not
official members yet, he will have to blindfold you in case that you are undercover Street
Judges. He blindfolds you and guides you into the building through several double doors
into an elevator that you cannot tell if you went up or down. He takes the blindfold off
and you are inside a warehouse with hundreds of people around. Terry tells you to go
and mingle with everyone. After an hour of mingling, the vidscreen on the stage to the
front of the warehouse crackles on and Mr. Tanaka is on the screen.
Gm note: Have the players make a moderate notice roll. On success read the

Behind and to the right of Mr. Tanaka is a shadow figure.

Mr. Tanaka tells everyone that we are almost ready for start our master plan. The only
you need to do is to send the newbies to pick up our stock pile of weapons and explosives
from our base in Cursed Earth and deliver them to us here in Mega City One. Then our
undercover agents in CentralCore will place them in the CentralCore Main Computer
room. Then send our demands to The Council of Five. If they refuse our terms we will
blow up the Main Computer.
At eight the next morning, you get a telephone call from Terry. He tells you to meet at the
TCC so you can be briefed on what you are picking up from the Cyberterian Stockpile. I
will tell you that you will be also gaining a passenger. Beyond that I do not know what
you will be picking up so I suggest shagging your ass down here ASAP.
You arrive at the TCC and the door is unlocked and Terry is there and he takes you to Mr.
Tanakas office and Mr. Tanaka himself tells you that you will be going to our weapons
stockpile to pick up the explosives and weapons we need. You will also be picking up an
old friend there too. His name is of no importance to you. The destination has been
programmed into the navigational computer.
Gm note: Terry knows from the informants inside CentralCore that the newbies are
undercover Street Judges. So when they arrive at the stockpile they will be met by
Rico and Cultist and they have orders to kill them. The real shipment will get to
Mega City One before the players can get to the stockpile. Rico is to take his own
treaded vehicle to Mega City One after killing the PCs.
You exit the Mega City One Gates and you are officially in the Cursed Earth. After two
hours of driving, there is a blip on the NavCom.
Gm note: Have the PC driving make a moderate technology roll. Then read the
The blip on the NavCom is of humanoid classification.
Have the PC driving make a strenuous mystical lore roll. If successful read the
Your Street Judge magical lore class training tells you the humanoid creature is actually
a Plague Zombie. What do you want to do fight or Flee?
After seven hours of travel, you make the stockpile base and you park the vehicle in the
warehouse and get out of the vehicle and five men draw weapons.

Gm note: Have the PCs make a strenuous notice check. If successful read the
One of the men with their weapons drawn is none other than Rico Dredd. He says,
Welcome Street Judges did you actually think you could fool us into believing you
wanted to be Cyberterians. If you wanted to know how we figured you out we have spies
in CentralCore and they told us of the plans to use undercover agents.
Gm note: At some point during the fire fight read the following:
The doors to the warehouse blow open

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