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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Business Process Guide

Volume 2
Release 2.3.1

September 2010

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Business Process Guide

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In this section, we describe how to manage your customers payments.
The Big Picture of Payments
Maintaining Payment Events
Payment Event Quick Add
Payment Quick Add
Maintaining Payments
Payment Portal
How To
Financial Transactions On A Payment
Payment History
Payment / Tender Search
Payment Event Exception
Payment Exception
Maintaining Deposit Controls
Maintaining Tender Controls
Interfacing Payments From External Sources

The Big Picture of Payments

A payment reduces how much an account owes. The topics in this section provide background
information about a variety of payment topics.
A Payment Event Has Payments And Tenders
Multiple Tenders Used To Pay For Multiple Accounts
An Overview Of The Payment Event Creation & Allocation Process
Distributing A Payment Event
Distributing A Payment Amongst An Account's Service Agreements
Canceling A Tender Versus Canceling A Payment
NSF Cancellations
Transferring A Payment
Unbalanced Payment Events
How And When Payments Appear On Bills
Tender Management and Workstation Cashiering
Payment Financial Transaction Considerations
A Payment May Affect More Than Just Customer Balances
Automatic Payments
Issuing A Payment Advice Instead Of Creating An Automatic Payment

A Payment Event Has Payments And Tenders

The explanation in The Financial Big Picture provides an accurate, but incomplete view of
payments. The missing pieces concern payment events and tenders. The following diagram
illustrates the difference between a payment event, its payment(s) and its tender(s).

Payment Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Payment Event Has Payment(s) And Tender(s)


Payment Event
Payment Date:


Pay Segment
Pay Segment

Account: 373726363 - Porcher, Paul


Electric Pay Segment


Gas Pay Segment


Account: 373726363 - Porcher, Paul
Tender Amount:
Payment Method:





The following concepts are illustrated above:

A payment event defines the event

A payment event is required whenever any form

of payment is received. The payment event
defines the payment date (and thats all).

A payment event has tender(s)

A tender exists for every form of tender remitted

as part of the payment event. A payment event
must have at least one tender otherwise nothing
was remitted. A payment event may have many
tenders when multiple payment methods are
associated with an event (e.g., paying with cash,
a check, and a credit card).

A payment is allocated to account(s)

The total amount of tenders under a payment

event is distributed to one or more accounts.

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Payment Business Processes

A payment is distributed to SAs

The system allocates an accounts payment

amount amongst its service agreements. The
system creates a payment segment for each
service agreement that receives a portion of the

Payor and payee are frequently the same

The account remitting the tender (the payor) is

frequently the same as the account to which the
funds are allocated (the payee). The next
illustration provides an example when this is not
the case.

Multiple Tenders Used To Pay For Multiple Accounts

The following diagram illustrates a payment event with multiple tenders where the payor of the
tender is not the same as the account(s) receiving the payment.

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Payment Event With Multiple Tenders

Payor Differs From Payee
Payment Event
Payment Date:


Tender 1
Account: 3737263287 - Salv. Army
Tender Amount:
Payment Method:



Tender 2

Account: 3737263287 - Salv. Army

Tender Amount:
Payment Method:


Payment 1
Account: 1827271711 - Smith, Mike


Electric Pay Segment


Gas Pay Segment


Payee 1

Payment 2

Payee 2

Account: 9383939292 - Jones, Pam



Water Pay Segment



A payment event may have many tenders

A single payment event may have many

tenders. While the above example shows both
tenders being paid by the same account, each
tender may reference a different account.

Many accounts may be paid under 1 event

The total amount of tenders under a payment

event are distributed to one or more accounts.

Payor may differ from payee

The account(s) remitting the tender may differ

from the account(s) whose debt is relieved.

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Payment Business Processes

An Overview Of The Payment Event Creation &

Allocation Process
When a payment event occurs, the system stores a tender for each form of remittance (e.g.,
cash, check, charge). It then allocates the sum of the tenders to one or more accounts.
By default, the system allocates the sum of the tenders to the account that remits the tenders.
You may override this default and specify any number of accounts and their respective payment
allocation amount. This is useful, for example, when a social service agency pays for many
accounts. If applicable, you may also configure the system to use your own payment event
distribution rule(s).
Refer to Distributing A Payment Event for more information.
The system distributes a payment amongst an accounts service agreements based on the age of
each service agreements debt AND distribution priority. The system creates a payment segment
for each service agreement that receives part of the payment.
Refer to Distributing A Payment Amongst An Accounts Service Agreements for more information.
You may manually redistribute the payment amount amongst the accounts service agreements
before you commit the distribution. When the distribution is acceptable, you freeze the payment.
Freezing a payment causes the system to create a financial transaction for each related payment
segment. It is the financial transaction(s) that causes the service agreements payoff and current
balances to be reduced. The financial transaction also contains the journal details that debit
cash" and credit some other GL account.
And thats it. The remaining topics in this section provide more information about the creation
and allocation of payment events.
Batch and real-time payment event creation / allocation. There is only one payment event
creation / allocation routine and therefore anything the batch payment process does for whole
batches of payments, you can do to a payment on-line.

Distributing A Payment Event

Warning! This section deals with the concept distributing a payment amount into payment(s). It
does not discuss the distribution of a single payment into segments. For more information
about payment distribution, refer to Distributing A Payment Amongst An Accounts Service
The base-package, by default, creates a single payment for a payment event. Some business
practices require potentially many payments to be created when payment events are added.
A few examples of when multiple payments may be necessary are:

A payment amount needs to be distributed towards different distribution types:

$50 in interest

$60 in collection charges

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Payment Business Processes

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$70 in taxes

Each of the above distributions is realized as a separate payment identified by its own match
type (i.e., there'll be one match type called Interest, another called Collection Charges, etc.).
In this example, the debt of a single service agreement may be relieved by each of these

In a similar way, you may want to create a separate payment for an overpayment to
differentiate it from regular payments (using yet another match type).

In the case of a social service agency that pays for many accounts, a single payment event
may be distributed amongst multiple accounts.

The method by which a payment amount is distributed to create payment(s) is contained in

Create Payment algorithms plugged in on a distribution rule.
There is yet another aspect to having control over how payment events are created. The default
method of creating payment events assumes knowledge of account IDs (of the payor and the
payee) when making a payment. In cases where payments are made by and towards business
entities other than accounts, knowledge of their corresponding account IDs may not be available
at payment time. Consider the following examples:

A payment is made to pay a person's bill, providing the person's identification at payment

A payment is made towards a specific service agreement using a "contract number" defined
as SA characteristic.

The method by which the tender account is determined by means of an alternate identifier is
contained in Determine Tender Account algorithm plugged in on a distribution rule.
Refer to Making Payments Using Distribution Rules for information on how to configure your
system to use this distribution method.

Distributing A Payment Amongst An Account's Service

Warning! This section deals with the concept of distributing a payment amongst an accounts
service agreements. It does not discuss how the sum of a payment events tenders is balanced
out by payment allocations. For more information about payment event balance, refer to
Unbalanced Payment Events.
A payment must be distributed to one or more service agreements for its financial impact to be
realized. When a payment satisfies an accounts entire debt, you dont have to worry about how
the system distributes the payment. The concept of payment distribution is only relevant when a
partial or excess payment is distributed.
The first important point to understand is that the method of distributing a payment amongst an
accounts service agreements is contained in an algorithm thats plugged in on to Customer
Class. This means that you can have different distribution algorithms for different customer

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Payment Business Processes

Manual overrides. Most of the time, youll let the payment distribution algorithm distribute the
payment amongst an accounts service agreements. However, you may manually distribute a
payment when a customer directs a payment to specific service agreement(s).
The following explanation describes one of the base package payment distribution algorithms
(refer to Payment Distribution Pay Priority and Debt Age for information about this algorithm).
This algorithm distributes a payment based on:

The age of each service agreements debt.

The payment distribution priority of each service agreements SA type.

The following diagram helps illustrate how the distribution algorithm works.
Important! There are other payment distribution algorithms in the base package. Click here to
see the available algorithm types.

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Distributing A Payment Amongst An Account's Service Agreements

Is Controlled By The Age Of The Debt And The SA's Distribution Priority
Priority 10
SA #1

Excess Credits

New Debits*



35-day Arrears

66-day Arrears

93-day Arrears

Priority 90
SA #2

SA #3







35-day Arrears

52-day Arrears


93-day Arrears

*--Includes all charges not yet invoiced to the customer.

The above example shows three columns, one for each service agreement linked to a
hypothetical account. Notice that two of the service agreements have the same distribution
priority, the third has a lower priority. The numbers in the cells indicate the order in which the
system distributes a partial payment.
Debt terminology. Before we can discuss the distribution algorithm, you must understand the
terminology we use to categorize debt. Delinquent debt is associated with financial transactions
that appear on overdue bills. Non-delinquent debt is associated with financial transactions that
appear on current bills. New debits debt is associated with financial transactions that do not yet
appear on a completed bill (e.g., a late payment charge that hasnt been billed yet).
The following points describe the algorithm used to distribute the partial payment:

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Payment Business Processes

The system pays off delinquent debt of the highest priority service agreements first. In the
above example, where multiple service agreements have the same distribution priority, the
system does NOT payoff one service agreement before it starts on the next (which one would
it pick?). Rather, it distributes the payment amongst the service agreements based on the
age of the respective debt on each service agreement. In the above example, this is
represented by steps 1 through 6 (notice how the distribution jumps between SA1 and SA2).

After all delinquent debt has been relieved from the highest priority service agreement(s), the
system pays off the next priority until all delinquent debt is relieved. In the above example,
this is represented by steps 7 through 9.

The system next pays off non-delinquent debt using each service agreements respective
distribution priority. Note well, the payment distribution algorithm doesnt associate an age
with non-delinquent debt and therefore the distribution is based purely on the service
agreements respective distribution priority. In the above example, this is represented by
steps 10 through 12.

After all non-delinquent debt is relieved, the system next pays off new debit debt based on
the service agreements respective distribution priority. In the above example, this is
represented by steps 13 through 15.

Refer to Overpayment for a description of what happens if money still exists after the above
distribution is complete.

Payment segments and financial transactions. A payment segment exists for each service
agreement that receives a portion of a payment. Linked to each payment segment is a financial
transaction. It is the financial transaction that causes the service agreements debt to be relieved
and the general ledger to be impacted.

Refer to Payment Exception for more information about how the system handles errors detected
during the payment distribution process.

Overriding the distribution algorithm for uploaded payments. The standard distribution
algorithm is used for payments that are Interfaced From An External System unless you specify a
MATCH_VALUE and MATCH_FLG on the Payment Staging row associated with the uploaded
payment. These fields are used in conjunction to indicate that the distribution of the payment
should be restricted in some way (i.e., the standard payment distribution algorithm should not be
used). MATCH_FLG indicates how the payment should be distributed (e.g., only distribute to a
specific service agreement), MATCH_VALUE contains the ID of the restriction (e.g., the SA ID).
Open item customers. For an open-item customer, you MUST override the standard distribution
algorithm because the payment is distributed as per the open items that it is relieving. Refer to
Payments And Match Events for more information.

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Overpayment refers to the situation where money is left over after a payment has been
distributed to all eligible service agreements, and all debt is relieved. Refer to Overpayment
Segmentation for a description on how to configure the system to handle your overpayment

Canceling A Tender Versus Canceling A Payment

A payment event has tender(s) and payment(s). You can cancel a tender when its not valid, e.g.,
when a check bounces. You can cancel a payment when the account should not have received
the payment (e.g., a misdistribution or a canceled tender).
When you cancel a tender, the system automatically cancels ALL frozen payments. We do this
because if the tender is canceled, there are no funds to distribute to accounts (unless there are
other non-canceled tenders under the event). However, when you cancel a payment, the system
does NOT cancel the tender(s) because we assume that, if the tenders were incorrect, you would
have canceled them rather than the payment.

NSF Cancellations
When a tender is canceled, a cancellation reason must be supplied. If the cancellation reason
indicates a NSF (non sufficient funds) charge should be levied, the system invokes the NSF
charge algorithm specified on the tenders accounts customer class. Algorithms of this type will
typically create an adjustment or billable charge to levy the NSF charge. Refer to NSFC-DFLT for
an example of such an algorithm.
The payor gets the NSF adjustments. Its possible for the payor of a tender to differ from the
payee (e.g., when a social service agency pays for other customers debt). When you cancel a
tender you must specify a cancellation reason. If the cancellation reason indicates an NSF
charge should be levied, the sample algorithm provided with the system levies the NSF charge on
the PAYORs account. Because adjustments must be linked to a service agreement, the
algorithm picks the payors service agreement with the highest payment distribution priority and
levies the adjustment specified in the service agreements SA types NSF adjustment type.
Besides calling this algorithm, a NSF cancellation may affect the tendering accounts credit rating
and cash-only score. The cancellation reason indicates the extent to which the accounts ratings
are affected.
And finally, whenever a tender is canceled due to non-sufficient funds, the account is scheduled
for review by the Account Debt Monitor.

Transferring A Payment
If the account on an events tender and payment are wrong, you can use the Transfer button on
the Payment Event page to transfer the payment to another account.
If the account on the payment is wrong but the tender is correct, you can use the Transfer
button on the Payment page to transfer the payment only to another account.


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Payment Business Processes

Unbalanced Payment Events

The system, by default, distributes the sum of a payment events tenders to the account that
remits the tender with a single payment. After distribution the sum of the tenders equals the sum
of the payments when the event is first created. We refer to such an event as being balanced.
However, it is possible for an events tender amount to not equal the sum of the payment
allocations (i.e., the event becomes unbalanced). How? Well, there are several ways this can

While the system DEFAULTS the payment amount to be the tender amount, you can override
the payment amount and therefore make a previously balanced event unbalanced.

While the system DEFAULTS the payment account to be the tender account, you can add
additional accounts / amounts and therefore make a previously balanced event unbalanced.

When you cancel a tender (e.g., because a check bounces), the system cancels ALL
payments linked to the tenders payment event. If the payment event has multiple tenders,
this will cause the event to become unbalanced. To correct this situation, you must add
payment allocations to equal the amount of uncanceled tenders.

If you cancel a payment and forget to add another payment for the same amount, the event
becomes unbalanced. To correct this situation, you must add another payment (or cancel
the tender).

You may delete a tender from an event while its tender control is open. If you delete a
tender and dont do anything about the related payments, the event becomes unbalanced.

You may add a tender to an event at any time. If you dont allocate the tender amount to an
account, the event becomes unbalanced.

Refer to Payment Event Exceptions for more information about how the system reminds you
about unbalanced payment events.

How And When Payments Appear On Bills

Refer to Financial Transactions Created Between Bills for more information.

Tender Management and Workstation Cashiering

When you add a tender, you must identify its Tender Source. For example,

A specific cash drawer ID is the source of tenders remitted to a cashier.

The notional lockbox ID is the source of tenders interfaced from a lockbox.

The remittance processor is the source of tenders interfaced from a remittance processor.

Default note. When a user adds a tender control the system attempts to default a tender source
based on the currency of the deposit control and the tender source(s) defined on the users
record. If your organization accepts alternate currency payments, then a tender source must
exist for each currency code accepted at a location.

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For more information, refer to Setting Up Tender Sources.

A tender sources tenders must be balanced against an expected total before they can be
deposited at a bank. This periodic balancing requires all tenders to exist in respect of a Tender
Control. Over time, a tender source may have many tender controls (one per balancing event).
An example of a cashiers cash drawer will help clarify the tender control concept:

When a cashier starts in the morning, s/he starts with a fresh cash drawer (i.e., one without
tenders). Whenever a drawer starts afresh, a new Tender Control must be created because
you balance the contents of a drawer.

A cash drawer typically contains funds to make change. These funds are the tender controls
Opening Balance.

Default note. A tender controls starting balance defaults from its tender source.

During the day, customers remit tenders to the cashier. Every tender put into the drawer is
associated with the drawers tender control created at the start of the day.

A tender controls balance increases during the day as tenders are recorded. A cashier can
view the balance at any time.

The cashier can turn in funds to the head cashier during the day. Each turn in event can be
recorded in the system. Note well, if the amount of funds in a tender control exceeds the
maximum balance defined on the tender controls tender source, a warning is issued to the
cashier to remind him/her to turn in funds.

At some point, the contents of the drawer must be balanced against the total tenders linked to
the tender control. When balancing starts, no additional tenders may be put into the tender
control. If the cashier receives additional tenders after balancing starts, a new tender control
must be created (and the above process starts afresh).

During the balancing process, some modifications may be made to the tenders associated
with the tender control, but no additional tenders may be added. When the tender control is
balanced, neither it nor its tenders may be modified.

For more information, refer to Managing Your Cash Drawers.

While the above explanation is true, it isnt complete. In addition to the requirement that a tender
must reference a tender control, the tender control must refer to a Deposit Control. Deposit
controls give you administrative control over all of the tender controls whose contents will be
deposited en masse. The following concepts will help explain the power of deposit controls:

As explained above, when a cash drawer is started afresh, a new tender control must be
created. The tender control holds all new tenders received by the cashier.

Similarly, when a tender control is created, it must reference a deposit control. During the
day, a deposit controls tender controls are constantly changing. You can view the total
impact of a deposit controls tender controls at any time.

At some point, you will want to deposit the tenders received during the day. To do this, you
must indicate how much will be deposited at the bank. This deposit amount must equal the
sum of the tender controls linked to the cash drawer. When this deposit balancing starts, no
additional tender controls may be associated with the deposit control.


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Payment Business Processes

When the deposit total equals the sum of the tender controls, the deposit control becomes
balanced and no changes may be made to it, its tender controls, or its tender controls

For more information, refer to Managing Your Cash Drawers.

Background processes use the same concepts. Tenders that are interfaced from external
sources (e.g., lockboxes and remittance processors) make use of the concepts describe above.
For example, tenders interfaced from a remittance processor are linked to a tender control and
this tender control is linked to a deposit control. The main difference is that the background
processes require no human intervention; the system automatically creates tender and deposit
controls and sets their states to balanced when the interface concludes successfully.
The ACH activation process also creates tender and deposit controls. Refer to Activating
Automatic Payments for more information.
The topics in this section elaborate on the tender management concepts described above.
Managing Your Cash Drawers
Turn Ins
Balancing By Tender Type
Cash Back
Managing Payments Interfaced From External Sources

Managing Your Cash Drawers

Warning! This section assumes you are familiar with the concepts described in The Lifecycle Of
A Deposit Control and The Lifecycle Of A Tender Control.
There are many ways to handle the daily management of tenders received via cash drawers. It
really depends on how your organization works. To help you understand the potential of the
system, well continue the example started above.
Assume that the cash drawers in your western office are balanced and deposited independently
from those in your eastern office. Well assume that both offices follows the same daily routine:

Load fresh drawers first thing in the morning. Each drawer contains a starting balance of
$150.00. Note: the drawers tender controls starting balance defaults from its tender source.

At 10 am, the cashier turns in funds to the chief cashier and continues to receive additional

At 12 noon, each drawer is pulled and balanced by a supervisor.

By 12:30 pm, the tender controls are balanced.

At 4 pm, the cashiering stations are closed. Each drawer is pulled and balanced by a

By 4:30 pm, the tender controls are balanced.

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At 5 pm, the deposit control is balanced and funds are ready to be deposited at the bank.

Given this, the following diagram illustrates the deposit controls and tender controls used by each
office on a given day.

Cash Drawers, Tender Controls and Deposit Controls


West Office
Control 932827




Balancing in


Drawer A01

Control 1919
Control 6954

Drawer A02

Control 3219
Control 5647

Balancing in

Balancing in


Control 8769
Control 6453

Drawer B02

Balancing in


Balancing in


Control 3876
Control 5551

Balancing in





Balancing in




Balancing in



East Office
Control 4737371
Drawer B01


Balancing in


Balancing in



The following concepts are illustrated above:

An Open deposit control must exist before you can create a tender control. And an Open
tender control must exist before you can create a tender. From a business process
standpoint, this means:


A supervisor would create a deposit control at the start of the day (8 am in the above

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Each cashier would create a tender control when they start a drawer and reference the
deposit control created by the supervisor.

During the day, the cashier can turn-in moneys to the chief cashier. These turn-in events
are recorded in the system as they play a part in the ultimate balancing of the drawer.
Refer to Turn Ins for more information.

At some point, the contents of a drawer can be pulled and balanced. If additional tenders
can be received in a drawer, a new tender control must be created for the drawer. Refer
to Balancing By Tender Type for more information.

At the end of the day, the supervisor checks to make certain that all tender controls linked
to the deposit control are Balanced. After this has been done, the supervisor indicates
the deposit amount on the deposit control and changes it to Balanced. Notice that in the
above illustration each deposit control references four tender controls.

Alternate currency payments. If your organization accepts payments in alternate currencies,

that is, a currency other than the accounts currency; a supervisor would create a deposit control
for each such currency. Likewise, the cashier would create a tender control for each such

Refer to Alternate Currency Payments for more information.

Typically, a cash drawer has one tender control Open at any point in time (meaning that the
tenders being received are being linked to a specific tender control). However, this is not a
hard rule. If you want, you may have multiple tender controls Open at any point for a specific
cash drawer (for example, if multiple cashiers can work the same drawer during the day but
take their drawer with them).

Typically, a specific cashier puts tenders into a specific tender control. However, this is not a
hard rule. On a tender control, you can define if its limited to a specific operator OR if any
operator can link tenders to it.

When youre ready to balance a drawer, you change the tender control to Balancing in
Progress. This prevents new tenders from being added to the tender control. If the cashier
can continue to receive tenders, s/he must create another tender control. In the above
example, all drawers are balanced at 12 noon by a supervisor while the cashier continues to
take payments.

When the tender control is balanced, you change its state to Balanced. This prevents any
changes to the tender control or its tenders.

All tender controls exist in respect of a deposit control (in fact, the deposit control must be
created before the tender control). This way, a supervisor can check the state of the related
drawers throughout the day. Notice that the state transition of a deposit control is identical to
that of the tender control (refer to The Lifecycle Of A Deposit Control and The Lifecycle Of A
Tender Control). There is only a temporal difference. Notice that the deposit control stays
open throughout the day while any number of tender controls are being opened and

Multiple deposits in a day. While the above example illustrates a single deposit per office per
day, it is quite possible to have multiple deposit controls on any given day.

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Turns ins. The above example did not illustrate the fact that a cashier can turn-in moneys during
the day without having to balance the drawer. Refer to Turn Ins for more information.

Turn Ins
A cashier may optionally turn-in funds received into a cash drawer to a head cashier. The turn-in
process requires two steps:
Each time a cashier turns-in funds, they add a turn-in event on the Tender Control Turn Ins
page. Note that a separate turn-in event is required for each type of tender thats turned in.
This is because the balancing of a tender control is performed for each tender type and
therefore the system must know how much of each tender type has been removed from the

Turn in warning. If the amount of cash-like funds in a tender control exceeds the maximum
balance defined on the tender controls tender source, a warning is issued to the cashier to
remind him/her to turn in funds.
The head cashier (the person responsible for the deposit control associated with the various
tender controls) approves the turn in using the Deposit Control Turn Ins page.

All turn-ins must be approved for balancing to complete. A tender control cannot be
balanced until the head cashier has approved all turn-in events.

Balancing By Tender Type

It should be noted that when its time to balance a tender control, the cashier must enter the
amount of each tender type that is in the drawer in order to balance it. For example, assume the
following takes place:

A drawer is opened with a starting balance of $150.50 (tender type is Cash).

During the day, the cashier receives $5,000 in Cash, and $1,000 in Checks.

During the day, the cashier turns in $750 or the Checks and $4,000 of Cash.

At the end of the day, the following operator would have to enter the balances shown in the
Ending Balance column.
Tender Type



Turn Ins

Ending Balance










Time saver. The system assists in the balancing effort by amalgamating the amount of tenders
by tender type when the tender controls status is changed from Open to Balancing In Progress.
The cashier just needs to enter the Ending Balance. The system can then compare the cashiers
Ending Balance against the Expected Ending Balance. When these values are equal for all
tender types, the tender controls status can become Balanced.


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Payment Business Processes

Cash Back
When a payment is added, the user defines the following:

The amount of debt to be relieved (i.e., the payment amount)

The amount remitted (i.e., the tender amount)

The form of the remittance (i.e., the tender type)

The payment amount typically equals the tender amount unless cash will be returned to the
customer. For example, if a customer remits $100, but only wants to pay off $25 of debt, the
tender amount will be $100 and the payment amount will be $25. The system will only allow a
user to remit more than the payment amount if the tender type indicates "cash back" is allowed.
For example, you may not allow cash to be returned if a check is remitted, but you may allow it to
be returned if cash is remitted.
If cash back is allowed for the tender type, the system displays the amount of cash to be returned
on the Payment Event. In addition, because the system enforces balancing the cash drawer by
tender type, the system adjusts the payment event's tendered information as follows:

When there is cash back, the payment event will have two tenders - one will be for the
amount and type entered by the user, the other will be a negative amount with a tender type
of cash (note, this tender type is retrieved from the Starting Balance Tender Type on the
installation record). For example, if a customer remits $100 in traveler's checks, but only
wants to pay off $25 of debt, there will be two tenders: one for the $100 travelers check and
the other for the -$25 of cash.

Alternate currency payments. If your organization accepts payments in alternate currencies,

that is, a currency other than the accounts currency; the cash back tender is always created in
the accounts currency.

Multiple tenders and payment cancellation. If multiple tenders were created because of "cash
back" processing, both tenders must be cancelled if the payment event needs to be cancelled.
When modifying an unfrozen payment on the Payment Event, if the payment becomes
unbalanced, a button is displayed allowing the user to Recalculate Cash Back. If the user clicks
this button, the system reassesses the cash back tender as follows:

If there is now cash back, a new tender is created for the credit amount

If the cash back amount has changed, the tender for the cash back is adjusted to the new

If there is no longer cash back due, the tender for the cash back is removed.

Managing Payments Interfaced From External Sources

Just like a payment recorded on-line via a cash drawer, a payment interfaced from an external
source (e.g., lock box or remittance processor) must reference a tender control and the tender
controls, in turn, must reference a deposit control. The only real differences between these two
types of payments are highlighted below:

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Whilst an operator must create and balance the tender and deposit controls for real-time
payments, the system creates the tender and deposit controls associated with interfaced

Its impossible for an invalid account to be referenced on a payment recorded real-time.

However, it is quite possible for an interfaced payment to reference an unknown account. If
an invalid account is referenced on an interfaced payment (using no distribution rules), the
system links it to the suspense service agreement referenced on the tender source control

Refer to Interfacing Payments From External Sources for more information.

The topics in this section describe exceptions that are detected when the system allocates a
Payment Exceptions
Payment Event Exceptions
Resolving Exceptions Automatically

Payment Exceptions
When the system attempts to distribute a payment, there are a small number of situations where
it cant do its job. Some examples of classic errors:

No service agreement to hold a credit. For example, if an account overpays their debt and
the account doesnt have a single service agreement that is allowed to hold a credit, a
payment error is generated.

The system saves payments that are in error just as it saves payments that are error-free. This is
done because payments are nothing more than a snapshot of the data that was used to distribute
the payment. By saving the snapshot, you can see the information the system used when it
detected the error and therefore more effectively correct it.
Every payment in error is written to the Payment Exception table. A To Do background process
creates To Do entries for records in this table.

Payment Event Exceptions

It is possible for a payment events tenders to not equal its payments. Such events are classified
as unbalanced. Refer to Unbalanced Payment Events for how this can happen.
For each unbalanced payment event, a record is written to the Payment Event Exception table. A
To Do background process creates To Do entries for records in this table.

Resolving Exceptions Automatically

Some payment errors occur because master data was not fully set up prior to receiving a
payment for the account. For these cases, the system will periodically check to see whether the
master data problem has been resolved by attempting to distribute and freeze the payment in


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Payment Business Processes

A background process, Resolve Payments in Error PY-RPE, exists for this purpose. This
background process works as follows:

It looks for payments in error where the error was caused by the lack of active service
agreements linked to the payments account. Note, this may occur when a customer is
verbally asked to pay a connection fee or deposit prior to starting service, and for some
reason, the appropriate service agreement has not been set up yet, or is still pending.

For each such payment, it attempts to re-distribute the payment. If service agreements have
been created in the meantime, this payment will distribute and freeze successfully.

Payment Financial Transaction Considerations

A payment segment exists for each service agreement that receives a portion of a payment.
Linked to every frozen payment segment is a financial transaction. This financial transaction
affects a service agreements payoff balance and/or current balance. It also contains the journal
details that debt cash and credit some other account.
The topics in this section provide information about the financial impact of a payment segment.
Refer to The Financial Big Picture for more information about a payments place in the financial
big picture.

Payment - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance
The Source Of GL Accounts On A Payment Financial Transaction

Payment - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

Warning! If you do not understand the difference between payoff balance and current balance,
refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount.
A payment segment financial transaction almost always affects payoff balance and current
balance by the same amount (think of it like this - when a customer pays, the amount they think
they owe goes down by the amount they really owe). The only exception is a payment segment
for a charitable contribution. These payment segments only affect current balance because the
customer was never billed for the contribution in the first place.
Refer to Setting Up Payment Segment Types for more information about how payment segment
type affects how a payment segment is produced and how its financial transaction is generated.

The Source Of GL Accounts On A Payment Financial Transaction

A payment segments financial transaction also contains the double-sided accounting entry that
defines how the payment segment affects the general ledger.
Refer to The Source Of GL Accounts On Financial Transactions for a description of where the
system extracts the distribution codes used to construct the GL accounts.

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A Payment May Affect More Than Just Customer

The topics in this section provide information about obscure things that may happen when a
payment is distributed and frozen.
Open Item Accounting and Match Events
FT Freeze Repercussions

Open Item Accounting and Match Events

Refer to Payments and Match Events for more information about how payments can create
match events for open-item accounts.

FT Freeze Repercussions
Refer to Obscure Things That Can Happen for more information about things that can happen
when an FT is frozen (and FTs get frozen when a payment is frozen).

Automatic Payments
This section discusses how to set up and manage customers who pay their bills automatically (via
direct debit or credit card debits)
How To Set Up A Customer To Pay Automatically
What Are Automatic Payments?
How And When Are Automatic Payments Created?
Automatic Payment Dates
How To Implement Maximum Withdrawal Limits
How Are Automatic Payments Cancelled?
Match Events Are Created For Open-Item Customers When An Automatic Payment Is
Pay Plans and Automatic Payments
Non-billed Budgets and Automatic Payment
Downloading Automatic Payments and Interfacing Them To The GL
ACH Record Layouts

How To Set Up A Customer To Pay Automatically

If a customer wants to pay automatically, transfer to Account Auto Pay and define the source of
the funds and the customers account or credit card number.


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What Are Automatic Payments?

An automatic payment is just like any other payment (refer to A Payment Event Has Payments
And Tenders for more information about payments in general). However, automatic payments
have one special trait they cause funds to be transferred into your companys bank account.
Refer to Downloading Automatic Payments and Interfacing Them To The GL for how this
transference happens.

How And When Are Automatic Payments Created?

Automatic payments can be created in several ways:

The system creates automatic payments for bills linked to accounts with an active auto pay
option (note, the system uses the account's autopay option that's effective on the bill's due
date). When the system does this is dependent on the value of the Autopay Creation
Option on the installation record:

If youve set this option to Create At Bill Completion, the automatic payment is created
when the accounts bill is completed. The payment is distributed and frozen at the same
time. This means that the accounts balance is almost always zero (or in credit if they
have a deposit). You will see the automatic payments in the payment list immediately
after the bill is completed (rather than waiting until the automatic payments extraction

If youve set this option to Create On Extract Date, the automatic payment is NOT
created when the bill is completed. Rather,

At bill completion time, the bill is stamped with the automatic payments extract date
and amount. The date is the automatic payment sources extraction date (refer to
Automatic Payment Dates for more information on how this date is calculated).

The automatic payment background process (APAYCRET) creates the automatic

payment on the extract date stamped on the bill.

The automatic payment is NOT distributed and frozen when the automatic payment is
initially created. A separate background process (APAYDSFR) distributes and
freezes the automatic payment on the automatic payment GL distribution date (refer
to Automatic Payment Dates for more information on how this date is calculated).
This means that the customers balance increases when the bill is completed and is
only reduced when the automatic payment is marked for interface to the general
Note that it is possible for automatic payments to be distributed and frozen after
being extracted and interfaced to a financial institution. Please refer to Downloading
Automatic Payments and Interfacing Them To The GL and The Nightly Processes.

An algorithm plugged in on the Installation Record calculates the payment amount whether
the automatic payment is created at bill completion time or on the extract date. Please refer
to APAM-DFLT for more information about how the algorithm that is supplied with the base
package calculates this amount.

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With balance forward accounting, automatic payments are not just for new charges. The
base package algorithm includes prior balances when it creates a customers first automatic
payment. For example, if a customer has an existing balance of $100 and then signs up for
automatic payment, their next bill will cause an automatic payment of $100 plus any new charges
to be created (assuming the $100 remains unpaid at the time the next bill is completed). Refer to
Open Item Versus Balance Forward Accounting for information about balance forward

If a customer with a pay plan indicates that the payment method is via autopay, a
background process (PPAPAY) creates an automatic payment on the scheduled payment
dates. Please note, if the Autopay Creation Option on the installation record is set to
Create On Extract Date, the automatic payment is NOT distributed and frozen when the
automatic payment is initially created. Rather, a separate background process (APAYDSFR)
distributes and freezes the automatic payment on the automatic payment GL distribution date
(refer to Automatic Payment Dates for more information on how this date is calculated).
Refer to The Big Picture Of Pay Plans for more information about pay plans.

If a customer with an account that is set up for automatic payment has a non-billed budget
that is not excluded from automatic payment, a background process (NBBAPAY) creates an
automatic payment on the scheduled payment dates. Please note, if the Autopay Creation
Option on the installation record is set to Create On Extract Date, the automatic payment is
NOT distributed and frozen when the automatic payment is initially created. Rather, a
separate background process (APAYDSFR) distributes and freezes the automatic payment
on the automatic payment GL distribution date (refer to Automatic Payment Dates for more
information on how this date is calculated). Refer to What is a Non-billed Budget for more
information about non-billed budgets.

A user can create an automatic payment by simply adding a payment tender with a tender
type that indicates it is for automatic payment purposes. This would be a rather unusual thing
to do, but you might do this if you want to immediately debit a customers bank account after
a large adjustment is added to the system (e.g., if they suddenly owe you a lot of money and
you dont want to wait until the next bill to collect it). Automatic payments created by this
method must be distributed and frozen before they can be extracted.

An algorithm is used to create automatic payments. The logic used to create automatic
payments is plugged in on the Installation Record. Please note that this algorithm is not called
when a user manually creates an automatic payment (by adding a payment tender with a tender
type that indicates that it is for automatic payment purposes).
When an automatic payment is first created, it gets marked with a distribution date. The
distribution date is the date on which the automatic payments FTs GL details can be interfaced
to the general ledger (via the standard GL interface). The distribution date is determined as

Every automatic payment references an auto-pay source.

Every auto-pay source references an auto-pay route type.

Every auto-pay route type contains an algorithm that is responsible for calculating the GL
Distribution (Posting) date. On the GL distribution date, the automatic payment will be
interfaced to the general ledger.


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Payment Business Processes

Automatic Payment Dates

As described in the previous section, an algorithm (thats plugged in on Auto Pay Route Types)
controls the date on which the automatic payment is interfaced to your general ledger. We refer
to this date as the GL distribution date.
This algorithm also populates the following dates:

The payment date that is stored on the payment.

The date on which the automatic payment is interfaced to the financial institution.

The algorithm that is supplied with the base package provides many parameters that allow you to
dictate how these dates are calculated. Please refer to APAY-DTCALC for the details.

How To Implement Maximum Withdrawal Limits

In some locales, customers can define a maximum withdrawal amount to limit the amount of
money that is automatically debited from their bank account. For example, a low-income
customer may want to prevent direct debits of more than $50 from being applied to their checking
You define a customers maximum withdrawal amount when you setup their automatic payment
information on Account Auto Pay.
The following points describe how the system implements maximum withdrawal limits:

When a bill is completed for a customer who pays automatically the system calls the
automatic payment creation algorithm thats plugged in on the Installation Record. The basepackage autopay creation algorithm checks if the amount of the automatic payment exceeds
the customers maximum withdrawal amount. If so, the autopay creation algorithm calls the
automatic payment over limit algorithm thats plugged in on the accounts customer class.
Algorithms of this type have the ability to reduce the amount of the autopay or to prevent the
autopay from being created. Refer to APOL-RA for an example plug-in.

When a user manually creates an automatic payment (by adding a tender with a tender type
that indicates that it is for automatic payment purposes), the system issues a warning
message when the tender amount exceeds the accounts maximum withdrawal amount.

Pay plans and non-billed budgets. Please note that automatic payments that are created as a
result of pay plans and non-billed budgets are not subject to maximum withdrawal limits. This is
because both of these options required customer approval and therefore the customer should be
able to plan accordingly. Refer to How And When Are Automatic Payments Created for more

How Are Automatic Payments Cancelled?

There are two ways to cancel an automatic payment:

The system will cancel an automatic payment behind-the-scenes if the related bill (if any) is
reopened BEFORE the automatic payment is interfaced to the financial institution. When you
recomplete the bill, the system will create a new automatic payment that reflects the new
amount due (and the canceled automatic payment will net out the original automatic

An operator can cancel an automatic payment (refer to How To Cancel A Tender) at any
time. You would do this if the automatic payment was rejected by the financial institution.

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Refer to Credit / Correction Notes and Auto Pay for information about how a credit note may
cancel an automatic payment.

Match Events Are Created For Open-Item Customers When An Automatic

Payment Is Created
The system creates a match event when a bill is completed for open-item customers that pay
automatically (i.e., direct debit customers). The match event groups together the bills new
charges against the automatic payments payment segments.
If the bill is subsequently re-opened, the match event will be cancelled when the automatic
payment is cancelled.
Refer to Open Item Accounting for more information.

Pay Plans and Automatic Payments

If a customer wants to pay their pay plan scheduled payments automatically, the account must be
set up for automatic payment (as described under How To Set Up A Customer To Pay
Automatically). In addition, the payment method defined on the pay plan must indicate automatic
payment is being used.
When this is done, a background process referred to as PPAPAY creates automatic payments on
the scheduled payment date by calling the automatic payment creation algorithm plugged in on
the installation record.

Non-billed Budgets and Automatic Payment

If a customer wants to pay their non-billed budget scheduled payments automatically, the account
must be set up for automatic payment (as described under How To Set Up A Customer To Pay
Automatically). In addition, the non-billed budget must indicate that automatic payment is being
When this is done, a background process referred to as NBBAPAY creates automatic payments
on the scheduled payment date by calling the automatic payment creation algorithm plugged in
on the installation record.

Downloading Automatic Payments and Interfacing Them To The GL

The following diagram illustrates the background processes that interface automatic payment out
of the system:


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This process activates autopayments on their extract

date. Activation involves
populating batch process and
run number

Payment Business Processes


These processes download

auto-pay download staging
records for a given batch
process and run

This process creates Deposit

and Tender controls for each
unique batch control and run
number encountered on the
extracted auto payments.
Then it balances all auto
payments open tender and
deposit controls

Activate Auto Payments


Download Auto Payments

Process: BALAPY
Create Auto Payment
Tender Controls

Auto Pay
Flat file

and Tender

These processes are described in the following topics.

ACTVTAPY - Activating Automatic Payments
APAYACH - Download Automatic Payments To The ACH (automated clearing house)
C1-APACH - Download Automatic Payments To The ACH (automated clearing house)
BALAPY - Creating Automatic Payment Tender Controls

ACTVTAPY - Activating Automatic Payments

When an automatic payment is first created, it gets marked with an extract date. The extract date
is the date the automatic payment will be downloaded to the respective financial institution. The
extract date is determined as follows:

Every automatic payment references an auto-pay source.

Every auto-pay source references an auto-pay route type.

Every auto-pay route type contains an algorithm that calculates this date.

On the extract date, the automatic payment is activated. The automatic payment is activated is
marked for download the next time its download process runs. An automatic payments
download process is defined on its auto-pay sources route type.

APAYACH - Download Automatic Payments To The ACH (automated clearing house)

This process reads all auto pay download staging records marked with a given batch control ID &
run number and creates the flat file thats passed to the ACH. Refer to ACH Record Layouts for
the details of the record layouts.
This process may be rerun. You can reproduce the flat file at any time. Simply request this job
and specify the run number associated with the historic run.

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If you require a different flat file format, you must create additional versions of this program.
Refer to Setting Up Automatic Payment Extracts for instructions describing how to add another

C1-APACH - Download Automatic Payments To The ACH (automated clearing house)

This process is an alternative to using APAYACH. Similar to APAYACH, this process reads all
auto pay download staging records marked with a given batch control ID and run number and
creates the flat file thats passed to the ACH. Refer to ACH Record Layouts for the details of the
record layouts.
The following outlines the differences between APAYACH and C1-APACH:

C1-APACH populates the Effective Entry Date field on the Company Batch Header Record
with a date (the actual draft date) as to when the payment should be withdrawn from the
customers account. APAYACH uses the Business Process Date as the draft date.

C1-APACH produces a file with multiple occurrences of the Company Batch Header Record
differing on the Effective Entry Date field. APAYACH produces a file that has 1 File Header
Record, 1 Company Batch Header Record and multiple detail lines.

This process may be rerun. You can reproduce the flat file at any time. Request this job and
specify the run number associated with the historic run.
If you require a different flat file format, you must create additional versions of this program.
Refer to Setting Up Automatic Payment Extracts for instructions describing how to add another

BALAPY - Creating Automatic Payment Tender Controls

This process creates a new tender control (with an associated deposit control) for each unique
batch control and run number encountered in the extracted automatic payments (where its
payment tender is not yet linked to a tender control). The payment tender of each of these
automatic payments is then linked to the corresponding tender control. This process also
balances the open tender control records afterwards.

ACH Record Layouts

The topics in this section describe the layout of the records created by APAYACH Download
Automatic Payments To The ACH (automated clearing house) and C1-APACH - Download
Automatic Payments To The ACH (automated clearing house).
Note. APAYACH and C1-APACH share most of the same fields. The exceptions are
documented in the following tables.

File Header Record
Company Batch Header Record
Entry Detail Record
Company Batch Control Record
File Control Record


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File Header Record

The ACH extract flat file must have one record of this type and it must be the first logical record
on file.
Field Name



















YYMMDD. Current date



HHMM. Current time





094 The FILLER at the end of all but the Entry Detail Record serves to
bring the total length of each record up to this constant.















Company Batch Header Record

The ACH extract flat file must have one record of this type and it must be the second logical
record on file.
Field Name


























parameter if specified greater than 0



Business process date



Business process date









Note. This field applies only to


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Field Name

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The batch number of this batch within the file.

Entry Detail Record

The ACH extract flat file must have one record of this type for every direct debit record.
Field Name

































Ascending counter starting at 1 and incremented by 1 for each entry detail


External Account ID. The EXT_ACCT_ID field supports up to 50 characters. If the value
entered in the field is longer than that supported by the record layout (17 characters), the value
will be truncated.

Company Batch Control Record

The ACH extract flat file must have one record of this type and it must follow the Entry Detail
Field Name










The total number of entry detail records in this batch.



The product of the first 8 digits of the external source id of the autopay
source, multiplied by the number of entry detail records in the batch.



Total tender amounts of the entry detail records.


















The batch number of this batch within the file.


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File Control Record

The ACH extract flat file must have one record of this type and it must be the last logical record
on file.
Field Name







The number of batches in this file.



Calculation of the total number of records in the file / 10.0 + 0.9



The total number of entry detail records in this file.



The sum of the entry hash values on all the batch control records in this file.



Sum of the total debit entry dollar amounts of all the batches in this file.



Sum of the total credit entry dollar amounts of all the batches in this file.




Issuing A Payment Advice Instead Of Creating An

Automatic Payment
If the system is configured to send the customer a payment advice (instead of initiating an
electronic funds transfer) when a bill is completed, the automatic payment records i.e. payment
event, payment, tender and auto pay clearinghouse staging are not created. Refer to Payment
Advices for more information.
How To Set Up A Customer To Receive Payment Advices
Payment Advice Option Is For Bill-Related Automatic Payments Only

How To Set Up A Customer To Receive Payment Advices

Use Account Auto Pay to capture the customers bank details and indicate an auto pay method
of Payment Advice.

Payment Advice Option Is For Bill-Related Automatic Payments Only

Payment advices can be printed for auto pays that result from completed bills.
An auto pay for a pay plan scheduled payment will not be created if the accounts effective auto
pay option is set to Payment Advice. The Pay Plan Auto Pay (PPAPAY) batch process will log
an error in this case.
An auto pay for a non-billed budget scheduled payment will not be created if the accounts
effective auto pay option is set to Payment Advice. The Non-Billed Budget Pay Plan Auto Pay
(NBBAPAY) batch process will log an error in this case.
Manually created automatic payments (i.e. auto pays created via payment event UI) are always
processed as direct debit.

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Maintaining Payment Events

A payment event is used to record when moneys are remitted and how the moneys are allocated
amongst accounts. The topics in this section describe how to maintain payment events.
The system creates most payment events behind-the-scenes. Most payment events are
created by the system when it uploads payments and when it creates automatic payments. You
should only have to access the payment event transaction if you need to correct a payment event
or add a payment event real-time. For information about how the system creates payment
events, refer to The Big Picture of Payments.

Payment Lifecycles
Payment Event - Add Dialog
Payment Event - Main Information
Payment Event - Tenders
Payment Event - Characteristics
Payment Event Action Codes

Payment Lifecycles
The topics in this section describe the lifecycle of the various payment objects.
Payment Event Lifecycle
Tender Lifecycle
Payment Lifecycle

Payment Event Lifecycle

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a payment event.
Warning! This diagram only makes sense in the context of the page used to maintain payment
events. Refer to Payment Event - Main Information for the details.


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Payment Business Processes

Payment Event Lifecycle


see note below


see note below

The system, by default, distributes the sum of a payment events tenders to the account that
remits the tenders. After distribution the sum of the tenders equals the sum of the payments
(remember, the term payment is used to refer to an allocation of some/all of a payment events
tenders to an accounts debt) when the event is first created. We refer to such an event as being
It is possible via any of the methods described in Unbalanced Payment Events to make a
balanced payment event Unbalanced.
Click Delete to physically remove a balanced or unbalanced payment event from the database.
You may not delete a payment event if: a) there are frozen or canceled payments linked to the
event, or b) if there are canceled tenders linked to the event, or c) if a tender linked to the event is
part of a balanced tender control. When the payment event is deleted, the system also deletes its
tenders, payments, and payment segments.

Tender Lifecycle
The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a payment event.
Warning! This diagram only makes sense in the context of the page used to maintain tenders.
Refer to Payment Event - Tenders for the details.

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Tender Lifecycle
see note below


A tender is initially saved in the Valid state. It is possible via any of the methods described in
Unbalanced Payment Events to make a balanced payment event Unbalanced.
If a tender is invalid, click Cancel to cancel the tender AND ALL PAYMENTS LINKED TO THE
Click the delete button to physically remove a tender from the database. You may not delete a
tender if it is part of a balanced tender control.

Payment Lifecycle
The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a payment.
Warning! This diagram only makes sense in the context of the page used to maintain a
payment. Refer to Payment - Main for the details.


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Payments are initially created in the Incomplete state. Payments in this state dont have
payment segments or financial transactions; they are simply a stub awaiting distribution.
Click Distribute to distribute a payment amongst an accounts service agreements.

If the system cannot distribute the payment (for whatever reason), the payment is moved to
the Error state. You may delete such a payment.

If the system successfully distributes a payment, the payment becomes Freezable.

Click the - button to physically remove an Incomplete, Error or Freezable payment from the
Click Freeze to freeze a payment and its financial transaction. Freezing the payment causes the
following to occur:

The system executes any payment freeze algorithms linked to the accounts customer class
and to the service agreements SA type.

The payments state becomes Frozen and the payment may now appear on a customers

You may not change a payment once it is frozen. However, you may reverse the payments
financial effect by clicking Cancel. Clicking this button will cause the following to occur:

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A new financial transaction is generated and linked to the payment. This financial transaction
reverses the financial effects of the original payment.

The system executes any payment cancellation algorithms linked to the accounts customer

If the payment has a related adjustment, this adjustment is also cancelled. Refer to Loan
Overpayments for an example of payments with adjustments.

The payment becomes Canceled.

Payment Event - Add Dialog

The Payment Event transaction features an unusual dialog that simplifies the addition of new
payment events. This page appears if you open the Financial, Payment Event page in add
mode from either the Account context menu or from the main menu (it also appears if you click
the clear button when on the Payment Event page).
Note. If you have opted to always use the payment event distribution rules method as your
default method, the Payment Event Quick Add (Single Payment Event) page appears instead.

Description of Page
The Payor Account ID is the account that remitted the payment. We assume this account is
both the tendering account and the account whose debt is being relieved by the payment. If this
assumption is not correct, choose a Distribute Action of Do Not Distribute and then change the
tendering or paying account when the Payment Event page appears (after you click OK).
Default note. If you have navigated to this page from account context menu, the Payor Account
ID and Payment Amount are defaulted to this account.
The Payment Amount is the amount of the customers debt to be relieved by the payment.
Note, this amount is defaulted using an algorithm plugged in on the Installation Record. Please
refer to APAM-DFLT for more information about how the algorithm that is supplied with the base
package calculates this amount.
The payment tenders grid allows you to enter multiple tender types and amounts. Click + to add
a new tender. For each tender specify the following fields:

The Amount Tendered is the amount of moneys remitted for the tender type.

Tender Type describes what was remitted (e.g., cash, check, ). Tender Type defaults
from the Quick Add Tender Type that is defined on the installation record.

If a check was tendered, use Check Number to specify the identity of the check.

Cash back causes an additional tender to be created. If cash should be returned to the
customer (because the customer overpaid and the tender types cash back allowed switch is true
and the tender type is not like cash), a negative tender for the cash back amount is created for
the payment event. Refer to Cash Back for a description of how the system can recommend
Cash Back amount if the customer tendered more than they are paying.


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Payment Business Processes

Match Type and Match Value are used if either of the following conditions is true:

This Payor Account belongs to an open item customer class. In this situation, specify a
Match Type to define how the payment should be matched to the customers open-items and
use Match Value to define the open-items covered by the payment. For example, if this
payment is in respect of a bill, specify a match type of bill id and a match value of the bill id
being paid.

Shortcut. If you enter a Match Type of bill id and leave the Match Value blank, the system
assumes the customer wants to pay the latest bill.

The customer wants to restrict the distribution of the payment to a specific service
agreement. In this situation, specify a Match Type of service agreement ID and a Match
Value of the respective service agreement ID.

The Payment Date defaults to the current date.

If the Payor Account ID's customer class is designated as non-CIS (i.e., the person making the
payment isn't a customer), the following information appears in the above window:

Non CIS Name is the name of the person remitting the payment.

Reference Number is the reference number of the item being paid (e.g., the property tax
reference number).

Non CIS Comments are used to describe anything unusual about the non-CIS payment.

Use Distribute Action to describe what youd like to have happen when you click the OK button:

Choose Distribute and Freeze if OK if this is a simple payment that should require no
manual intervention. By simple payment we mean:

The account is both the tendering account and the account whose debt is being relieved
by the payment

The payment date is the current date

The payment should be distributed amongst the accounts service agreements using
standard distribution logic

If this option is selected, the system distributes the Payment Amount amongst the accounts
service agreements. If the distribution is successful, the system automatically freezes the
payment. If the distribution is not successful, the payment will be in the Error or Incomplete
state. When the Payment Event page appears, you can view the error and then correct it.
After the cause of the error is corrected, you must distribute and freeze the payment manually
(this can be done on several pages including Payment Event - Main and Payment - Main).

Choose Manual Distribution if you need to manually distribute the payment amongst the
accounts service agreements. If this option is selected, the system creates a payment event,
a tender and a payment and then transfers you to the Payment - Manual Distribution page
where you can define the amount to be allocated to each of the accounts service
agreements. After youve distributed the payment, dont forget to freeze it.

Choose Do Not Distribute if you want to process the payment event manually (e.g., if you
need to define multiple accounts whose debt is relieved by the payment). If this option is
selected, the Payment Event Main page opens with the information you entered defaulted
accordingly. You can make any changes you want and then distribute and freeze the
payment. Refer to How To Add A New Payment Event for more information.

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Cash only warning. If the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold and the Tender
Type isnt marked as like cash, a warning appears advising of such. Note, a customers cashonly points are maintained on Account - Credit Rating.

Payment Event - Main Information

The Main page contains core payment event information. Open this page using Financial,
Payment Event.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To for a
description of how to perform common payment event maintenance functions.

Description of Page
Cash-only customers. When you attempt to add a new payment event, the system warns you if
the account remitting the tender is a cash-only customer and the tender's tender type is not cash.
An account is considered cash-only if their current cash-only points exceed the cash-only
tolerance maintained on the CIS Installation record. A customers cash-only points are
maintained on Account - Credit Rating.
Pay Event Info contains a concatenation of the payment date, amount, and the name of the main
customer on the account that remits the tender. If multiple tenders exist, the customers name is
not displayed. If the payment event is associated with a single distribution detail, the rule name
and the description of the rule value are displayed as well. If multiple distribution details exist,
Multiple Distribution Details Exist is displayed instead. If document numbering has been
enabled, the assigned document number will appear. If the payment was made in an alternate
currency, the message Alternate Currency Used is displayed. Pay Event Info is only displayed
after the payment event has been added to the database.
Refer to Alternate Currency Payments and Document Numbers for more information.Payment
Event ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment event.
The area under Pay Event Info provides warnings about the payment event. Possible warnings
are Unfrozen Payments and The Payment Event is Unbalanced. A warning is also issued to
the cashier to remind him/her to turn in funds see Turn Ins.
If multiple distribution details are linked to the payment event, the distribution rule, value, and
amount for each distribution detail displays.
Payment Date is the business date associated with the payment event.
Warning! If you change the payment date and this events tender(s) are automatic payments,
the extract date (i.e., the date the automatic payment is sent to the financial institution) will be
changed to equal the payment date. Refer to Automatic Payments for more information.
Payment(s) contains the total number and value of payments linked to the event.
Tender(s) contains the total number and value of tenders linked to the event.
Amount Tendered contains the amount that was tendered by the customer.


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Payment Business Processes

The system displays a Cash Back Amount if the customer tenders more than they are paying
(refer to Cash Back for details).
If the payment event becomes unbalanced, a Recalculate Cash Back button appears. If this
button is clicked, the system creates, deletes or recalculates the cash back tender. Refer to Cash
Back for details.
While most payment events contain a single payment, the system allows many payments to exist
under a payment event (when the payment events tender(s) are distributed amongst multiple
accounts). If a payment event has a large number of payments, you can use the Account Filter
to limit the payments that appear in the Payments grid. The following options are available:

Account. Use this option if you only want to see the payment linked to an Account ID.

All. Use this option to view all payments linked to the payment event.

Person Name. Use this option to restrict payments linked to accounts whose main customer
has a primary name that matches Person Name.

The Payments grid contains the payment(s) linked to the payment event. The following points
describe the attributes in this scroll; refer to How To for instructions describing how to perform
common maintenance activities.

Account ID references the payments account. The name of the accounts main customer is
displayed adjacent.

Payment Amount is the amount of the accounts debt relieved by the payment. The
adjacent context menu allows you to drill down to the details of the payment (this is where
you can see the payments payment segments and where you can override the distribution of
the payment).

Payment Status is the payments status. If the payments status is Error, the error message
is displayed adjacent. Refer to Payment Lifecycle for the potential values and how to handle
a payment when it exists in a given state.

Match Type and Match Value should only be used if either of the following conditions is true:

This Account ID belongs to an open item customer class. In this situation, specify a
Match Type to define how the payment should be matched to the customers open-items
and use Match Value to define the open-items covered by the payment. For example, if
this payment is in respect of a bill, specify a match type of bill id and a match value of
the bill id being paid.

The customer wants to restrict the distribution of the payment to a specific service
agreement. In this situation, specify a Match Type of service agreement ID and a
Match Value of the respective service agreement ID.

The remaining columns are only used if the payment is linked to an Account ID that belongs
to a customer class that is used for non-CIS payments. Refer to Setting Up Customer
Classes for more information. If such an account exists, the following fields must be defined.

Non CIS Name is the name of the person remitting the payment.

Reference Number is the reference number of the item being paid (e.g., the property tax
reference number).

Non CIS Comments are used to describe anything unusual about the non-CIS payment.

Note, you can also define a comment for a non-CIS payment. To define a comment, use the
context menu adjacent to Payment Amount to drill to Payment - Main.

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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Payment ID is the unique, system-assigned identifier of the payment. This value only
appears after the payment has been added to the database.

Refer to Payment Actions and Payment Event Actions for information about the action buttons on
this page. Refer to How To for a description of typical business processes that use these

Payment Event - Tenders

The Tenders page contains a scroll showing one row for every tender associated with the
payment event. Open this page using Financial, Payment Event, Tenders.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To for
instructions describing how to perform common maintenance functions.

Description of Page
Pay Event Info contains a concatenation of the payment date, amount, and the name of the main
customer on the account that remits the tender. If multiple tenders exist, the customers name is
not displayed. If the payment event is associated with a single distribution detail, the rule name
and the description of the rule value are displayed as well. If multiple distribution details exist,
Multiple Distribution Details Exist is displayed instead. If document numbering has been
enabled, the assigned document number will appear. If the payment was made in an alternate
currency, the message Alternate Currency Used is displayed. Pay Event Info is only displayed
after the payment event has been added to the database.
Payment Event ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment event.
Payment Date is the business date associated with the payment event.
Payment(s) contains the total number and value of payments linked to the event.
Tender(s) contains the total number and value of tenders linked to the event.
Amount Tendered contains the amount that was tendered by the customer.
The system displays a Cash Back Amount if the customer tenders more than they are paying
(refer to Cash Back for details).
If the payment event becomes unbalanced, a Recalculate Cash Back button appears. If this
button is clicked, the system creates, deletes or recalculates the cash back tender. Refer to Cash
Back for details.
The Tenders scroll controls the display of the tenders linked to the payment event. The following
simply describes the fields in this scroll; refer to How To for instructions describing how to perform
common tender maintenance activities.

Payor Account ID references the tendering account. The name of the accounts main
customer is displayed adjacent. If the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold, the
warning Cash only appears.

Warning! If you change the Payor Account ID and the tender has an associated automatic
payment request, the automatic payment request will be removed. A new automatic payment
request will be created for the new Payor Account ID. Refer to Automatic Payments for more


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Payment Business Processes

Tender Amount is the amount of the tender. The amount is disabled if the payment was
made in an alternate currency.

If a check was used, the Check Number contains the identity of the check.

Pay Tender ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the tender. This value appears
after the tender has been added to the database.

Tender Type describes what was remitted (e.g., cash, check). If the Tender Type is
associated with an automatic payment, the page displays a section that includes information
about how and when the automatic payment was interfaced to the payment source.

Authorizing Tenders. The Tender Type dropdown list does not include tender types that
require authorization (i.e. credit card payments).

For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to Credit Card Payments.

If the payment tender was remitted in an alternate currency, i.e. a currency other than the
payor accounts currency, Alternate Currency and Exchange Rate will display the formatted
alternate amount ((includes the alternate amount and currency) and the exchange rate that
was in effect on the payment date.

For information about accepting payments in alternate currencies, refer to Alternate Currency

Tender Status is the tenders status. Refer to Tender Lifecycle for the potential values and
how to handle a tender when it exists in a given state.

If the Tender Type is associated with an automatic payment, the system attempts to default
automatic payment information from the accounts auto-pay option if the tender type is the
same as the tender type on the accounts auto-pay source and if the auto pay option is
effective on the payment date. If the system is unable to default information, you must
specify the source of the funds and the customers account number / credit card number at
the financial institution. You can override automatic payment information as long as the
automatic payment has not been sent to the financial institution or cancelled. The Auto Pay
Section contains the following fields:

Auto Pay Source Code is the financial institution / credit card company that receives the
automatic payment request.

Scheduled Extract Date is the date the automatic payment request was sent / is
scheduled to be sent to the financial institution. This information is display-only.

External Account ID is the customers account number at the financial institution.

Expires On is only needed if the Tender Type indicates that an expiration date is
necessary (e.g., for a credit card payment).

Name is the customers name in the financial institutions system.

Bill ID is the ID of the bill whose completion caused the creation of the automatic
payment. This information only appears if the automatic payment was created as a result
of a bill. This information is display-only.

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Payment Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

If the payment was uploaded, the following fields MAY contain information (if they were
populated in the interface file):

MICR ID is the value of the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line on the

Customer ID is the customers account ID that appeared on the interfaced payment.

Ext. Reference ID is the unique identifier of the payment upload interface record.

Name is the customers name on the interfaced payment record.

In the Tender Control area, the Tender Control ID is the identity of the remittance
processor batch or cash drawer bundle in which the tender was remitted. Refer to Tender
Management and Workstation Cashiering for more information about tender controls.
Displayed adjacent to Tender Control is the date, tender source, and status of the tender
Every new tender must reference an open tender control. The system will attempt to default
an appropriate tender control as follows:

If the user has at least one open, user-specific Tender Control, the system will default
one, at random.

If the user has no open, user-specific Tender Controls; the system will default an open,
all users tender control if it can find one whose tender source indicates its used for
online cashiering. If multiple exist, one will be selected at random.

Turn off Included in Tender Ctl Balance if the tender should not be included in the tender
amount in the tender controls tender balance. You would turn this switch off if you canceled
a tender because it was mistakenly applied to the wrong account (or the amount was wrong).
This switch is only enabled if:

The tender control isnt balanced.

The tender is canceled.

Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the tender controls deposit controls creation
date, tender source type, and status. Refer to Tender Management and Workstation
Cashiering for more information about deposit controls.

The Tender Action area contains a button that you use to cancel a tender. Refer to Tender
Actions for information about this button. Refer to How To Cancel A Tender for more

The Characteristics collection on the Tenders page contains information that describes
miscellaneous information about the tender. The following fields display:
Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.


Controls the order in which characteristics of the same

type are displayed.

Characteristic Value

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Payment Event - Characteristics

To update payment event characteristics, open Financial, Payment Event and navigate to the
Characteristics tab.


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Payment Business Processes

Description of Page
The Characteristics collection contains information that describes miscellaneous information
about the payment event.
The following fields display:
Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.


Controls the order in which characteristics of the same

type are displayed.

Characteristic Value

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Payment Event Action Codes

The topics that follow describe each of the actions that appear on the payment event pages.
Payment Actions
Payment Event Actions
Tender Actions

Payment Actions
The topics that follow describe payment-oriented actions. Refer to How To for a description of
several business processes that use these buttons.
Distribute (Payments)
Redistribute (Payments)
Freeze (Payments)

Distribute (Payments)
Clicking the Distribute button distributes all Incomplete, Error, or Freezable payments linked to
the event. Refer to Distribute (A Payment) for information of how a single payment is distributed.
This button is enabled if at least one payment is Incomplete, Error, or Freezable.

Redistribute (Payments)
Clicking the Redistribute button redistributes all Incomplete, Error, or Freezable payments
linked to the event. Refer to Redistribute (A Payment) for information of how a single payment is
This button is enabled if at least one payment is Incomplete, Error, or Freezable.

This button is enabled under the following conditions:

The document cm_POSPrint.js must be present on the web server and the variable defined
in that document must be set to true. This is to indicate that point of sale (POS) printers are
in use. Refer to the installation guide for more information about setting up receipt printers.

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The payment event must have at least one payment that is frozen AND no payments that are
in Incomplete, Error or Freezable

Refer to How To Print Receipts And Endorsements for more information.

Freeze (Payments)
Clicking the Freeze button causes all Freezable payments linked to the event to become frozen.
Refer to Freeze (A Payment) for information of how a single payment is frozen.
This button is enabled if at least one payment is Freezable.
If problems are detected after freezing. A payment may not be changed after it is frozen. All
subsequent changes must occur by canceling the frozen payment and creating a new one. You
can cancel and redistribute a payment on the next tab. Refer to Canceling A Tender Versus
Canceling a Payment for more information.

Payment Event Actions

The topics that follow describe payment event-oriented actions. Refer to How To for a description
of typical business processes that use these buttons.
Delete A Payment Event

If the payment event was created using distribution rule(s), any transfer of its payments should
also be done using the distribution rules method. Hence, a different dialog opens when you click
Transfer based on whether the payment event is associated with at least one distribution detail
or not.
Transfer (No Distribution Details Exist)
Transfer (Distribution Details Exist)

Transfer (No Distribution Details Exist)

The Transfer button is enabled if:

There is a single non-cancelled tender linked to the event AND

There is a single frozen payment linked to the event AND

The account on the tender is the same as the account on the payment.

When clicked, the Payment Event Transfer dialog opens.

You must specify the following parameters in the Payment Event Transfer dialog to transfer a

Account ID is the account to which the payment event should be transferred.

Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the transfer.


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Match Type and Match Value are defaulted based on their values for the payment event that
you are transferring. If necessary, modify the values appropriately for the account to which
you are transferring the payment event. Match Type and Match Value are used for an
account that belongs to an open item customer class or to restrict the distribution of the
payment to a specific service agreement. Refer to Payment Event - Main for more

Turn on Freeze Payment if the transferred payment should be frozen automatically. You
may want to leave this turned off if you want to examine the payment distribution before
freezing the payment.

Non CIS Name, Reference Number, and Non CIS Comments appear if the Account ID
belongs to a customer class that is used for non-CIS payments. Refer to Setting Up
Customer Classes for more information.

Clicking OK causes the following to take place:

The account on the tender is changed to reflect the transfer to account.

The original payment and its segments are cancelled.

A new payment is added for the transfer to account. The payment characteristics associated
with the original payment are copied to the new payment.

The new payment is distributed.

If so designated, the new payment is frozen.

Transfer (Distribution Details Exist)

The Transfer button is enabled if:

There is a single payor AND

All existing payees before the transfer are the same as the payor AND

There is at least a single non-cancelled tender linked to the event

When clicked, the Payment Event Transfer dialog opens.

You must specify the following parameters in this dialog to transfer payment(s):

Distribution Rule is the account to which the payment event should be transferred.

Rule Value is the value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.

Amount is the payment amount.

Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the transfer.

Clicking OK causes the following to take place:

The payment(s) associated with the original account are canceled.

The new set of distribution details are processes, creating new payment(s) for the transfer to
account. The payment characteristics associated with the original payment are copied to the
new payment.

If all new payments are for the same payee account (and the payee is different than the
current payor) the account on the tender is changed to reflect the transfer to account.

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Original distribution details (only those with a non-zero amount) are deleted and replaced by
the new set of details on the payment event.

Distribution rule entries can have a zero amount. Refer to Rule Value Can Capture Additional
Information for more information about how to use distribution details to capture additional
payment related information.
Determine Tender Account. This dialog does not call the Determine Tender Account
algorithm defined on distribution rule as this action does not rebuild the payment tender

Refer to Rule Value Can Capture Additional Information for more information about how to use
distribution details to capture additional payment related information.

Delete A Payment Event

The Delete button deletes a payment event and its tenders and payments.
This button is enabled if there are no frozen or canceled payments and no canceled tenders.

Tender Actions
The topics that follow describe tender-oriented actions. Refer to How To for a description of
several business processes that use these buttons.

Cancel A Tender
Clicking Cancel causes the following to take place:

All payments associated with the tenders payment event are canceled.

The tender becomes canceled.

If the cancellation reason indicates the cancellation is due to non-sufficient funds, other
actions may occur. Refer to NSF Cancellations for more information.

The Cancel button is enabled if the tender is not canceled

When clicked, the Tender Cancel window opens.
You must specify the following parameters to cancel a tender:

Select a Cancel Reason to describe why the tender is being canceled.

The system also needs to know which Bank Account To Charge the cancellation against.
The system will default the Bank Code and Bank Account from the original bank information
used when the tender was deposited. You can override them here.

When you click the OK button, the system cancels the tender and ALL payments linked to the


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Payment Business Processes

When non-canceled tenders are still linked to the event. If there are multiple tenders linked to
the payment event, you must either add new payment(s) that equal the sum of the event's noncanceled tenders or cancel the remaining tenders.
Cancellation after cash back. If a customer tenders a check for $100, but only owes $80, the
system will recommend returning $20 in cash to the customer (assuming the tender type for
checks allows overpayment). If the tender type for checks is not like cash, a second tender is
created for -$20 (the first tender is for $100). If the check subsequently bounces, both tenders
must be cancelled.

Payment Event Quick Add

The Payment Event Quick Add page is used to quickly add, distribute and freeze one or more
payment events using distribution rules. Open this page using Financial, Payment Event Quick
Description of Page
Specify the Tender Control ID in which the tenders will be recorded. Every new tender must
reference an open tender control. The system will attempt to default an appropriate tender
control as follows:

If the user has at least one open, user-specific Tender Control whose type is online
cashiering or ad hoc, the system will default one, at random.

If the user has no open, user-specific Tender Controls; the system will default an open, all
users tender control if it can find one whose tender source has a tender source type of online
cashiering or ad hoc. If multiple exist, one will be selected at random.

Specify the Payment Date. The current date defaults.

Use Number of Payment Events to indicate whether you intend to add a single payment event
or multiple payment events.
Choose the multiple payment events option if you intend to add "simple" payment events. By
"simple" we mean:

A single account is both the payor account and the account whose debt is being relieved by
the payment.

The payment tender is not an auto-pay tender.

For all other cases choose the single payment event dialogue as it is designed to handle more
complex payment event configurations such as when:

The payor account is different than the payee account.

Multiple payors cover payments for one or more payees.

The payment tender is an auto-pay tender.

Once you have made your selection the page is adjusted to support the corresponding dialog.

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Payment Business Processes

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Cash-only customers. When you attempt to add a new payment event, the system warns you if
the account remitting the tender is a cash-only customer. An account is considered cash-only if
their current cash-only points exceed the cash-only tolerance maintained on the Installation
record. A customers cash-only points are maintained on Account - Credit Rating.

Multiple Payment Events Dialog
Single Payment Event Dialog

Multiple Payment Events Dialog

This section describes the default dialog setup when navigating from Financial, Payment Event
Quick Add.
Description of Page
Using the multiple payment events option, each row in the payment detail grid typically
represents a unique distribution detail. However, more than one row in the grid can belong to a
single payment event. All distribution details for identical tender account will be grouped under a
single pay event.
The following columns appear in the Payments grid:

Select a Distribution Rule by which the payment detail is to be processed. If you have set
up a default distribution rule, it is defaulted in the first row.

Specify the Rule Value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.

Use Payment Amount to define the amount of the payment.

Use Tender Type to define the form or remittance (e.g., cash, check, etc.). Note that the
Tender Type defaults from the installation record.

Authorizing Tenders. The Tender Type dropdown list does not include tender types that
require authorization (i.e. credit card payments).

For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to Credit Card Payments.

Automatic Payments. The multiple payment events dialog does not support automatic
payments. Switch to the single payment event dialog to enter automatic payments.

Use Check Number if a check is remitted.

MICR ID is the value of the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line on the payment.

You may use Customer ID to record additional customer information.

You may use External Reference ID to record external information associated with the
payment tender.

You may use Name to record additional payment tender information.


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Payment Business Processes

MICR ID is the MICR ID associated with the tender.

Payor Account ID is the tender account as determined by the Determine Tender Account
algorithm defined on the distribution rule. This information is only populated after the
distribution detail has been processed.

After specifying the various payment distribution details in the grid, click Create. The system
attempts to create payment event(s) as follows:

As mentioned earlier, all distribution details for identical tender accounts are grouped under a
single pay event. The first step in identifying common tenders is to determine the tender
account. To do that the system calls the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on
the distribution rule.

A payment event is created for each unique tender account.

All rows having all attributes of the tender identical except for the amount are grouped
together where each group represents a single tender.

A single payment tender is created for each unique tender and linked to the payment event.

The total payment amount for each distinct group of distribution details (for the payment
event) having the same rule and value is summarized. For each distinct group, the system
calls the Create Payment algorithm defined on the distribution rule providing it with the rule
value and total payment amount. It is the responsibility of this algorithm to create the
payments for this payment event.

Add the distinct payment event distribution detail and its total amount beneath the payment

If the tender control's tender source type indicates that this is a cashiering station and your
implementation is configured for printing at a cashier station, the Print Dialog appears.

The Payment Event ID column appears in the grid after the distribution details have been
processed. It shows the payment event ID created for the distribution detail record and a short
description as to the status of the payment(s) created for the payment event. You can use this
field to navigate to the payment event.
After you've added a group of payment events, you should press the clear button (or Alt-C), to
ready the page for the next group of payment event details.

Single Payment Event Dialog

If you have opted to always use the payment event distribution rules method as your default
method, this section describes the default dialog setup when you navigate to the Payment Event
page in Add mode.
Adding a single payment event at a time, allows for more complex payment event information to
be captured.
Enter one row in the Tenders grid for every unique tender associated with the payment event.

Payor Account ID references the tendering account. The name of the accounts main
customer is displayed adjacent. If the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold, the
warning Cash only appears.

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Warning! If you change the Payor Account ID and the tender has an associated automatic
payment request, the automatic payment request will be removed. A new automatic payment
request will be created for the new Payor Account ID. Refer to Automatic Payments for more

Tender Amount is the amount of the tender.

Use Tender Type to define the form or remittance (e.g., cash, check, etc.). Note, the Tender
Type defaults from the installation record.

Use Check Number if a check is remitted.

MICR ID is the value of the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line on the payment.

You may use Customer ID to record additional customer information.

You may use External Reference ID to record external information associated with the
payment tender.

You may use Name to record additional payment tender information.

If the Tender Type is associated with an automatic payment, the page displays a section that
includes information about how and when the automatic payment was interfaced to the
payment source.

If the Tender Type is associated with an automatic payment, the system attempts to default
automatic payment information from the accounts auto-pay option if the tender type is the
same as the tender type on the accounts auto-pay source and if the auto pay option is
effective on the payment date. If the system is unable to default information, you must
specify the source of the funds and the customers account number / credit card number at
the financial institution.

Auto Pay Source Code is the financial institution / credit card company that receives the
automatic payment request.

External Account ID is the customers account number at the financial institution.

Expires On is only needed if the Tender Type indicates that an expiration date is
necessary (e.g., for a credit card payment).

Name is the customers name in the financial institutions system.

The following columns appear in the Payments grid:

Select a Distribution Rule by which the payment detail is to be processed. If you have set
up a default distribution rule, it is defaulted in the first row.

Specify the Rule Value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.

Use Payment Amount to define the amount of the payment.

After specifying the various payment distribution details in the grid, click Create.
Go To Payment Event. If you wish to be transferred to the payment event page once processing
is complete, remember to check the Go To Payment Event check box before you click Create.
This field does not appear when this page is used as the default Payment Event - Add Dialog and
you are automatically transferred to the payment event page once the payment event is created.


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Payment Business Processes

After distribution details have been processed, a short description of the payment event that has
been created is displayed to the right of the Go To Payment Event field. The description
provides information as to the status of the payment(s) created for the payment event. You can
use this field to navigate to the payment event.
The system attempts to create the payment event as follows:

Validate that the sum of the tenders is not less than the sum of the payments.

Create the payment event with a separate payment tender for each row in the Tenders grid.

Summarize the total payment amount for each distinct group of distribution details having the
same rule and value. For each distinct group, call the Create Payment algorithm defined on
the distribution rule providing it with the rule value and total payment amount. It is the
responsibility of this algorithm to create the payments for the payment event.

Add the distinct payment event distribution detail summary beneath the payment event.

If the tender control's tender source type indicates that this is a cashiering station and your
implementation is configured for printing at a cashier station, the Print Dialog appears.

Determine Tender Account. Having an explicit collection of tenders eliminate the need to
determine the tender account. Therefore this dialog does not call the Determine Tender
Account algorithm.

Payment Quick Add

The Payment Quick Add page is used to quickly add, distribute and freeze payment events for up
to fifteen accounts. Open this page using Financial, Payment Quick Add.
Description of Page
Specify the Tender Control ID in which the tenders will be recorded. Every new tender must
reference an open tender control. The system will attempt to default an appropriate tender
control as follows:

If the user has at least one open, user-specific Tender Control whose type is online
cashiering or ad hoc, the system will default one, at random.

If the user has no open, user-specific Tender Controls; the system will default an open, all
users tender control if it can find one whose tender source has a tender source type of online
cashiering or ad hoc. If multiple exist, one will be selected at random.

Specify the Payment Date. The current date defaults.

Enter one row in the grid for every payment event to be added. The following information is
entered for each payment event:

Use Account ID to define the customer who tendered the payment. Its important to note
that this transaction assumes that the tendering account is the same as the account whose
balance is relieved by the payment. Refer to How To Allocate The Tender Amount To
Multiple Accounts if you need to distribute the payment to an account (or accounts) other
than the tendering account.

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Cash-only customers. You cannot use this transaction to add a payment for a "cash-only"
account if the tender type is not "like cash". An account is considered cash-only if its cash-only
points exceed the cash-only tolerance maintained on the Installation record. A customers cashonly points are maintained on Account - Credit Rating. You must use the Payment Event
transaction to add such a payment (note, if you use the Account context menu to transfer to the
Payment Event page in add mode, you won't have to retype the Account ID when you add the
payment event).

Use Payment Amount to define the amount of the payment.

Use Tender Type to define the form or remittance (e.g., cash, check, etc.). Note, the Tender
Type defaults from the installation record.

Authorizing Tenders. The Tender Type dropdown list does not include tender types that
require authorization (i.e. credit card payments).

For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to Credit Card Payments.

Use Check Number if a check is remitted.

Match Type and Match Value are only used if either of the following conditions is true:

This Account ID belongs to an open item customer class. In this situation, specify a
Match Type to define how the payment should be matched to the customers open-items
and use Match Value to define the open-items covered by the payment. For example, if
this payment is in respect of a bill, specify a match type of bill id and a match value of
the bill id being paid.

Shortcut. If you enter a Match Type of bill id and leave the Match Value blank, we assume
the customer wants to pay the latest bill.

The customer wants to restrict the distribution of the payment to a specific service
agreement. In this situation, specify a Match Type of service agreement ID and a
Match Value of the respective service agreement ID.

After specifying the various accounts and amounts in the grid, click the Distribute and Freeze
button. When you click this button, the system attempts to create a payment event for each row
in the grid. Four potential outcomes are possible for each row:

If the data you entered for a payment event isn't complete (e.g., you don't specify a valid
account or amount):

No payment event is created.

A Message describing the problem is displayed.

All fields on the row remain modifiable.

You should correct each such line and then press the Distribute and Freeze button.


If the data you entered is complete, but the system issues a warning (e.g., the account is
considered "cash-only" and a tender type other than cash is remitted, or if the account
already has a payment for this amount on this date):

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

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No payment event is created.

A Message containing the warning is displayed.

All fields on the row remain modifiable.

Payment Business Processes

You must clear the line and add a payment using the Payment Event transaction (note, if you
use the Account context menu to transfer to the Payment Event page in add mode, you won't
have to retype the Account ID when you add the payment event).

If the data you entered is complete, but the system is not successful in distributing the

The system creates a payment event, a payment and a tender.

A Message describing the problem is displayed.

The payment's Status is displayed

All fields on the row are disabled.

You must press the adjacent go to button to drill to the payment event where the error can be

If the data you entered is complete and the system is successful in distributing the payment:

The system creates a payment event, a payment, and a tender.

The system distributes the payment amongst the account's service agreements and then
freezes the payment.

The payment's Status is displayed.

All fields on the row are disabled.

If the tender control's tender source type indicates that this is a cashiering station and
your implementation is configured for printing at a cashier station, the Print Dialog

You can press the adjacent go to button to view a payment event.

Separate Commits. This page is unusual in that each payment event is committed to the
database independently. For example, if you enter seven payment events and one is invalid, six
payment events will be added to the database when you press Distribute and Freeze. When the
page is redisplayed, the rows containing the valid payments are protected and an indication of
their validity is displayed. The row containing the invalid payment remains unprotected. You can
correct the erroneous payment and then press the Distribute and Freeze button again.
After you've added a group of payments, you should press the clear button (or Alt-C), to ready the
page for the next group of payment events.

Maintaining Payments
Payments and payment segments are automatically created by the system when payment events
are created. You should only need to access this transaction as follows:

To view a payments payment segments (i.e., to view how a payment was distributed
amongst its accounts service agreements).

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To override the distribution of a payment amongst its accounts service agreements. Refer to
Distributing A Payment Amongst An Account's Service Agreements for information describing
how payments are typically distributed.

The topics in this section describe how to maintain a payment.

Payment - Main
Payment - Pay Segments
Payment - Manual Distribution
Payment - Characteristics
Payment Action Codes

Payment - Main
This page contains basic information about a payment. Open this page using Financial,
Payment, Main.
Most payments are maintained using the Payment Event page. The transaction described below
is typically only used to view a payments payment segments and to manually distribute a
payment amongst an accounts service agreements.

The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To for
instructions on how to perform common maintenance functions.

Description of Page
Payment Info contains a concatenation of the payment date, amount, status, and the name of
the main customer on the account.
Payment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment.
Payment Event ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment event. The adjacent
info contains a concatenation of the payment date, amount, and the name of the main customer
on the account that remits the events tender. If multiple tenders exist, the customers name is
not displayed. A warning may also be displayed. The possible warnings are Unfrozen
Payments and The Payment Event is unbalanced.
Payment(s) contains the total number and value of payments linked to the payment event.
Tender(s) contains the total number and value of tenders linked to the payment event.
Account ID is the account whose debt is reduced by the payment. The name of the accounts
main customer is displayed adjacent. This field is gray after the payment is frozen.
Payment Amount is the amount of the payment. This field is gray after the payment is frozen. If
the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold, a warning (in red) appears adjacent to
Payment Amount. Note, a customers cash-only points are maintained on Account - Credit
Payment Status is the payments status. Refer to Payment Lifecycle for the potential values and
how to handle a payment when it exists in a given state. If the payment is in Error, the error
message is displayed adjacent. If the payment is canceled, the Cancel Reason is displayed


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Payment Business Processes

Match Type and Match Value will only be used if either of the following conditions is true:

This Account ID belongs to an open item customer class. In this situation, specify a Match
Type to define how the payment should be matched to the customers open-items and use
Match Value to define the open-items covered by the payment. For example, if this payment
is in respect of a bill, specify a match type of bill id and a match value of the bill id being

The customer wants to restrict the distribution of the payment to a specific service
agreement. In this situation, specify a Match Type of service agreement ID and a Match
Value of the respective service agreement ID.

Match Type and Match Value are gray after the payment is frozen.
If the payment is linked to an Account ID that belongs to a customer class that is used for nonCIS payments, the following fields appear (note, these fields are gray after the payment is

Name is the name of the person remitting the payment.

Reference Number is the reference number of the item being paid (e.g., the property tax
reference number).

Comments are used to describe anything unusual about the non-CIS payment.

The contents of the Payment Segments section depends on the number of payment segments
linked to the payment. If more than 25 payment segments exist, a message appears that allows
you to navigate to Payment - Payment Segments where you can view the payment segments
(this tab page has special functionality that allows you to defined which payment segments
should be displayed). If 25 or fewer payment segments exist, the grid contains information about
each payment segment:

Premise is the address of the service agreements main premise.

SA Information contains basic information about the service agreement.

Distributed Amt is the amount of the service agreements debt relieved by the payment.

The following information appears at the bottom of the page:

Payment Amount is the amount of the payment.

Distributed Amount is the sum of the payment segments linked to the payment.

The Difference between the Payment Amount and the Distributed Amount appears if it is

Billed Amount is the amount of the bill preceding the payment date.

Delinquent Amount is the amount of the customers debt that was due on / before the prior
bills due date.

Current Balance is the accounts current balance.

Refer to Payment Action Codes for information about the action buttons on this page.

Payment - Pay Segments

You can use this page to view all or selected payment segments linked to a payment.
Open Financial, Payment, Payment Segments to view this information.

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Most payments are maintained using the Payment Event page. The transaction described below
is typically only used to view a payments payment segments.

Note. If the payment has more than 25 payment segments, the search criteria are intentionally
left blank in order to avoid retrieving all payment segments (with the resultant slow response
times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of payment segments that should
be retrieved. See the Description of page below for more information about this pages search

Description of page
Payment Info contains a concatenation of important information about the payment.
Payment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment.
Payment Event ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment event. The adjacent
info contains a concatenation of the payment date, amount, and the name of the main customer
on the account that remits the events tender. If multiple tenders exist, the customers name is
not displayed. A warning may also be displayed. The possible warnings are Unfrozen
Payments and The Payment Event is unbalanced.
Payment(s) contains the total number and value of payments linked to the payment event.
Tender(s) contains the total number and value of tenders linked to the payment event.
Note. If the payment has more than 25 payment segments, the search criteria are intentionally
left blank in order to avoid retrieving all payment segments (with the resultant slow response
times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of payment segments that should
be retrieved.
Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements whose payment segments appear in
the grid. The following options are available:

Address. Use this option to restrict payment segments to those whose service agreements
are linked to service points associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. Note,
you can specify any combination of these fields.

All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict payment segments based on service
agreement attributes.

Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict payment segments to those whose service
agreements are linked to service points associated with a given Geographic Type and
Geographic Value.

SA Type. Use this option to restrict payment segments to those whose service agreements
are linked to a given CIS Division and SA Type.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the SA Filter.
The grid that follows contains the payment segments that match your search criteria. The
following information appears in the grid:


The Premise column contains the characteristic premise associated with the payment
segments service agreement. Refer to Maintaining Premises for more information about this

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Payment Business Processes

Click the go to button to transfer to view the financial transaction related to the payment
segment. This is only available after the payment has been frozen.

SA Information contains summary information about the service agreement.

Distributed Amt is the amount of the service agreements debt relieved by the distribution.

Adjustment ID is displayed if there is an adjustment associated with the payment. Refer to

Loan Overpayments for an example of when an adjustment is associated with a payment.

The following information appears at the bottom of the page:

Payment Amount is the amount of the payment.

Distributed Amount is the sum of the payment segments linked to the payment.

The Difference between the Payment Amount and the Distributed Amount appears if it is

Billed Amount is the amount of the bill preceding the payment date.

Delinquent Amount is the amount of the customers debt that was due on / before the prior
bills due date.

Current Balance is the accounts current balance.

Payment - Manual Distribution

You can use this page to view service agreements linked to the payments account and to
manually distribute a payment amongst specific service agreements.
Open this page using Financial, Payment, Manual Distribution.
Most payments are maintained using the Payment Event page. The transaction described below
is typically only used to view a payments payment segments and to manually distribute a
payment amongst an accounts service agreements.

Note. If the payments account has more than 25 service agreements, the search criteria are
intentionally left blank in order to avoid retrieving all service agreements (with the resultant slow
response times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of service agreements
that should be retrieved. See the Description of page below for more information about this
pages search criteria.

Description of page
Payment Info contains a concatenation of important information about the payment.
Payment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment.
Note. If the payments account has more than 25 service agreements, the search criteria are
intentionally left blank in order to avoid retrieving all service agreements (with the resultant slow
response times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of service agreements
that should be retrieved.

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Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements that appear in the grid. The following
options are available:

Address. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points
associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. Note, you can specify any
combination of these fields.

All. Use this option if you want to view all service agreements.

Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service
points associated with a given Geographic Type and Geographic Value.

SA Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given CIS
Division and SA Type.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the SA Filter.
The grid that follows contains the service agreements that match your search criteria. The
following information appears in the grid:

Premise contains the characteristic premise associated with the service agreement.

SA Information contains summary information about the service agreement.

Distributed Amt is the amount of the service agreements debt relieved by the payment.
This field is gray after the payment is frozen.

Billed Amt is the amount that was billed for the service agreement on the bill preceding the
payment date.

Delinquent Amt is the amount of debt associated with financial transactions that appear on
overdue bills.

Current Balance is the amount currently owing for this service agreement.

If the account being paid is an open item account, then an alternate grid is displayed. The
alternate grid is designed to break down payable balances by individual bill and service
agreement. Both unpaid bill balances and new charges are displayed. After distribution, a
separate match event will be created for each bill paid or partially paid.
Note that an implementation can override the type of grid displayed for open item accounts by
setting up a Financial Transaction Options Feature Configuration with an Always Use Manual
Payment Distribution By SA option set to Y. With this in place, the system will always display
the manual distribution by service agreement grid.
The open item manual distribution grid contains the following columns:

Bill Date

Shows bill date if the row contains an accounts unpaid bill.

Shows New Charges if the row contains an accounts unbilled new charges.

Shows Payment Segment for the following conditions:


Row is a pay segment of a cancelled payment.

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Payment Business Processes

Row is a pay segment of an overpayment to the highest priority SA or an excess

credit SA.

Row is a pay segment of a balance forward payment distribution.

Premise Information contains the characteristic premise associated with the service

SA Information contains summary information about the service agreement.

Distributed Amount

Billed Amount

You can enter an amount to distribute if the payment is non-frozen and non-cancelled,
otherwise, this field is protected.
The amount that was billed for the service agreement on the rows bill. If the row does
not represent a bill amount then this will be zero.

Unpaid Amount

This is determined by the determine open-item bill amount algorithm as defined on the
installation option.

This column will contain zero if:

The row is linked to an open non-disputed match event with other bills FTs on it. In
this case, it is not possible to determine the bill amount.

The row is linked to an open disputed match event.

For either grid, the following information appears at the bottom of the page:

Payment Amount is the amount of the payment.

Distributed Amount is the sum of the payment segments linked to the payment.

The Difference between the Payment Amount and the Distributed Amount appears if it is

Billed Amount is the amount of the bill preceding the payment date.

Delinquent Amount is the amount of the customers debt that was due on / before the prior
bills due date.

Current Balance is the accounts current balance.

Payment - Characteristics
To update payment characteristics, open Financial, Payment and navigate to the
Characteristics tab.
Description of Page
The Characteristics collection contains information that describes miscellaneous information
about the payment. The following fields display:
Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.


Controls the order in which characteristics of the same

type are displayed.

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Payment Business Processes

Characteristic Value

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Payment Action Codes

The topics that follow describe each of the actions that appear on the payment pages.
Distribute (A Payment)
Redistribute (A Payment)
Freeze (A Payment)
Cancel (A Payment)
Transfer (A Payment)
Delete (A Payment)

Distribute (A Payment)
Clicking the Distribute button causes a payment to be distributed amongst the accounts service
agreements. Refer to Distributing A Payment Amongst An Account's Service Agreements for a
description of how this is achieved.
This button is enabled if a payment is Incomplete, Error, or Freezable. Refer to Payment
Lifecycle for more information about these status values.
If the payment is distributed appropriately, click the Freeze button to freeze the payment and its
payment segments.

Redistribute (A Payment)
Clicking the Redistribute button causes a payment to be redistributed amongst the accounts
service agreements. Refer to Distributing A Payment Amongst An Account's Service Agreements
for a description of how this is achieved.
This button is enabled if a payment is Incomplete, Error, or Freezable. Refer to Payment
Lifecycle for more information about these status values.
If the payment is distributed appropriately, click the Freeze button to freeze the payment and its
payment segments.
Note. This button is only available on the Payment - Main and Payment - Manual Distribution

Freeze (A Payment)
Clicking the Freeze button causes a payment and its payment segments to become frozen.
Refer to Payment Lifecycle for more information about freezing.
This button is enabled if the payment is Freezable.
If problems are detected after freezing. A payment may not be changed after it is frozen. All
subsequent changes must occur by canceling the frozen payment and creating a new one.


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Payment Business Processes

Cancel (A Payment)
Clicking the Cancel button causes the payment and its payment segments to be canceled.
Canceling a payment (as opposed to canceling a tender) is typically only done if the original
distribution was frozen and its incorrect.
This button is enabled if the payment is Frozen. Refer to Payment Lifecycle for more information
about these status values.

Transfer (A Payment)
The Transfer button is enabled if the payment is Frozen. Refer to Payment Lifecycle for more
information about these status values.
If the payment being transferred was created using payment event distribution rule(s), the
payment transfer should also be done using the distribution rules method. Hence, a different
dialog opens when you click Transfer based on whether the payment's payment event is
associated with at least one distribution detail or not.
Transfer Payment (No Distribution Details Exist)
Transfer Payment (Distribution Details Exist)

Transfer Payment (No Distribution Details Exist)

Payment transfer causes the payment and its payment segments to be canceled and a new
payment to be created. Transferring a payment is typically only done if the original distribution
was targeted at the wrong account but all tender information for the pay event is correct. Unlike
the payment event transfer, transferring a single payment does not affect the pay events tender
You must specify the following parameters in the Payment Transfer window to transfer a

Account ID is the account to which the payment should be transferred.

Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the transfer.

Match Type and Match Value are defaulted based on their values for the payment event that
you are transferring. If necessary, modify the values appropriately for the account to which
you are transferring the payment event. Match Type and Match Value are used for an
account that belongs to an open item customer class or to restrict the distribution of the
payment to a specific service agreement. Refer to Payment Event - Main for more

Turn on Freeze Payment if the transferred payment should be frozen automatically. You
may want to leave this turned off if you want to examine the payment distribution before
freezing the payment.

Non CIS Name, Reference Number, and Non CIS Comments appear if the Account ID
belongs to a customer class that is used for non-CIS payments. Refer to Setting Up
Customer Classes for more information.

Clicking OK causes the following to take place:

The original payment and its segments are cancelled.

A new payment is added for the transfer to account. The payment characteristics associated
with the original payment are copied to the new payment.

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The payment is distributed amongst the new accounts service agreements.

If so designated, the new payment is frozen.

Transfer Payment (Distribution Details Exist)

Payment transfer causes the payment to be canceled and new payment(s) to be created using
new payment event distribution rule(s). Transferring a payment is typically done when a payment
event has multiple payments and one or more payments have been assigned to the wrong SA.
Each of the incorrectly directed payments can be transferred to the correct SA(s) using the
Transfer via Distribution Rules dialog.
Total Amount is the total payment amount to transfer from.
You must specify the following parameters in order to transfer a payment:

Distribution Rule is the service agreement to which the payment should be transferred.

Rule Value is the value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.

Amount is the payment amount.

Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the transfer.

Clicking OK causes the following to take place:

The payment associated with the original account is canceled.

The new set of distribution details is processed, creating new payment(s) for the transfer-to
service agreement(s). The payment characteristics associated with the original payment are
copied to the new payment.

The new set of distribution details is added to the payment event. The original distribution
details are kept.

Distribution rule entries can have a zero amount. Refer to Rule Value Can Capture Additional
Information for more information about how to use distribution details to capture additional
payment related information.
Determine Tender Account. This dialog does not call the Determine Tender Account
algorithm defined on distribution rule as this action does not rebuild the payment tender

Delete (A Payment)
The Delete button deletes a payment. This button is enabled if the payment is Incomplete,
Error, or Freezable.

Payment Portal
The base package is shipped with a configured payment portal that can be used for payment
processing. The portal supports the following functionality that is not supported in the base
Payment Event - Add Dialog:


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

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Payment Business Processes

Processing of payments that require authorization (i.e. credit card payments)

Creating non CIS payments based on payment templates

Processing payment tenders in alternate currencies

Refer to The Big Picture of Portals and Zones for a description of portal and zone functionality.

Credit Card Payments
Non CIS Payments
Alternate Currency Payments

Credit Card Payments

The payment portal provides the functionality needed for posting and authorizing customers
credit card charges in real-time. If the credit card authorization is successful, the payment will be
added automatically (assuming you selected the appropriate payment freeze action via the
Refer to How To for instructions describing how to add a payment that requires authorization.

Non CIS Payments

The payment portal allows you to add non-CIS payments using a payment template. Payment
Templates can be configured for common types of payment allocations to pre-populate the
payment distribution, allowing non-CIS payments to be directly allocated against the appropriate
distribution codes.
Refer to How To for instructions describing how to add a non-CIS payment using a payment

Alternate Currency Payments

The payment portal allows you to process a payment tender remitted in an alternate currency.
The system enables conversion of the tendered amount into the accounts currency.
Refer to How To for instructions describing how to process a payment in an alternate currency.

How To
The topics in this section describe how to perform common payment maintenance functions.
How To Add A New Payment Event

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Payment Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

How To Cash A Check

How To Allocate The Tender Amount To Multiple Accounts
How To Print Receipts And Endorsements
How To Cancel A Tender
How To Transfer A Payment From One Account To Another
How To Distribute A Payment To A Specific Service Agreement
How To Get An Unbalanced Tender Control In Balance (Fixing Over/Under)
How To Add A Non-CIS Payment Using A Template
How To Authorize A Credit Card Tender
How To Reverse A Credit Card Tender
How To Process An Alternate Currency Payment

How To Add A New Payment Event

There are several ways to add a new event:

You can use Payment Quick Add to quickly add one or more payment events. Youd use this
approach to add simple payments where no manual intervention is required. By simple
payment we mean:

The account is both the tendering account and the account whose debt is being relieved
by the payment

The payment date is the current date

The payment should be distributed amongst the accounts service agreements using
standard distribution logic

If applicable to your business practice, you can use Payment Event Quick Add to quickly add
one or more payment events using distribution rules.

You can use Payment Event Maintenance to add a payment event. You would use this
approach if multiple forms of payment are remitted (e.g., cash and a check) or if there are
multiple payors and/or payees linked to the payment event.

Note. By default the system opens the Payment Event - Add Dialog when you navigate to this
page in add mode. If you have opted to always use the payment event distribution rules method
as your default method, the Payment Event Quick Add (Single Payment Event) page appears
instead. Refer to these pages for more information.

How To Cash A Check

If you allow customers to cash checks, youll have a payment event with two tenders:

The first tender contains information about the check.

The second tender contains information about the cash refund (the tender amount is a
negative amount equal to the amount of the check).

The interesting aspect of this payment event is that it has no payments because the sum of the
tenders is zero.
We start this explanation in the middle of How To Add A New Payment Event.
In the Payment Event Add dialog, be sure to select Do Not Distribute before clicking OK.


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On the Main page, click to remove the payment (cashing a check is a payment event with
no payments).

Transfer to the Payment Event, Tenders page.

Insert a row in the tender scroll (click the + button) for the cash refund tender. In this row
enter a tender type of cash and a tender amount of negative the check amount.

Save the event (note there is nothing to distribute or freeze).

How To Allocate The Tender Amount To Multiple

When you add a payment event, the system automatically creates a single payment for the
account that remitted the funds. If someone is remitting funds for someone other than
themselves, you must change/add payments. This section describes how to do this.
Note. This section assumes you chose to add the payment event using the Payment Event - Add
Dialog. Refer to How To Add A New Payment Event for the complete list of options.
In the Payment Event - Add Dialog, be sure to select Do Not Distribute before clicking OK.
Once on the payment event page, go to the Tenders tab and do the following:

If the remitting account shouldnt have received any part of the payment, Remove it by
clicking the - button. Alternatively, you can just change the account id to reflect the recipient.

If multiple accounts receive the remitted funds, Insert one row in the payment scroll (click the
+ button) for each additional account.

When the payment event is balanced, Save it. Then Distribute and Freeze the payment(s).
Refer to Payment Event Actions for more information on these action buttons.

How To Print Receipts And Endorsements

The system can be configured to allow you to endorse checks and print receipts using special
cashiering station printers. This section describes the print options available.
Note. These options are only available if they have been installed in your system. Installing
these options are a delivery and installation issue and are not within the domain of this document.
The print functions are available from the Payment Event, Payment Quick Add and Payment
Event Quick Add transactions. Refer to those sections for more information.
The print dialog functions are described below.
Description of Page
Use the Endorse button to endorse checks using the cashier station printer. This is only enabled
if one of the tender types indicates a check. If there were multiple checks, use the scroll buttons
to select them. Feed the appropriate check in the printer and an endorsement message is printed
on the back.

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Use the Receipt button to print a receipt using the cashier station printer. Choose a Short or
Long option. Use the Duplicate button to print a duplicate receipt this prints the receipt with a
duplicate label.
Use the Stub button to print special information in bill stub format (account, name, amount).
Feed a slip of paper into the printer and the special stub information will be printed.
When you are finished, click Done; click Cancel to exit at any time.
The various text strings that are printed on the receipt and the endorsement are defined on
Installation Options - Messages.

How To Cancel A Tender

If a tender is no longer valid (e.g., a check bounces), the tender must be canceled. The following
steps explain how to do this.
Warning! These steps only make sense in the context of the page used to maintain tenders.
Refer to Payment Event - Tenders for the details.
You navigate through the pages as follows:
1. Open the payment event - tenders page for the tender in question. Proceed to step 2.
2. Click Cancel. Proceed to step 3.
3. Before the system cancels the tender, you must specify the cancel reason. The tender
cancel window opens.
In the tender cancel window, select a Cancel Reason to describe why the tender is being
canceled. The system also needs to know which Bank Account To Charge the cancellation
against. The system will default the Bank Code and Bank Account from the original bank
information used when the tender was deposited. You can override them here.
When you click the OK button, the system cancels the tender and ALL payments linked to the
If the cancellation reason you supply is indicated as being non-sufficient funds, the system
will generate an adjustment to levy a NSF charge. Refer to SA Type - Main Information for
more information.
When non-canceled tenders are still linked to the event. If there are multiple tenders linked to
the payment event, you must either add new payment(s) that equal the sum of the event's noncanceled tenders or cancel the remaining tenders.
Cancellation after cash back. If a customer tenders a check for $100, but only owes $80, the
system will recommend returning $20 in cash to the customer (assuming the tender type for
checks allows overpayment). If the tender type for checks is not like cash, a second tender is
created for -$20 (the first tender is for $100). If the check subsequently bounces, both tenders
must be cancelled.


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How To Transfer A Payment From One Account To

If you need to transfer a payment amount from one account to another, you can use the Transfer
button either on the payment event page or the payment page.
Refer to Transferring A Payment for a description of when to use each option.

How To Distribute A Payment To A Specific Service

When you click Distribute, the system uses the payment distribution algorithm defined on the
accounts customer class to allocate the payment amongst the accounts service agreements. In
this section, we describe how to override this distribution (e.g., when you need to allocate a
payment to specific service agreement(s)).
We start this explanation in the middle of How To Add A New Payment Event.
In the Payment Event Add dialog, be sure to select Do Not Distribute before clicking OK.

Save the payment event (this also saves the payment and tender information).

Use the Payment Amount context menu to transfer to the Manual Distribution page.

Fill in the desired Distributed Amt for each service agreement and save the payment.

Click Freeze to freeze the payment when the amount distributed is equal to the payment

How To Get An Unbalanced Tender Control In Balance

(Fixing Over/Under)
In order to balance a tender control that is out-of-balance, you must create a tender for an
account associated with your company.
The over / under account. Your organization must set up a company-use account with a
service agreement whose SA type references the over/under distribution code. This account
should be linked to the person ID associated with company usage.

If you have more money in the drawer than you have tenders, then youre over. In this
situation, you need to record a payment for the over amount and the tender type configured
for cash drawer over/under amounts. This will cause cash to be debited by the over amount,
and the expense account associated with the accounts service agreement to be credited.

If you have less money in the drawer than you have tenders, then youre under. In this
situation, you need to record a negative payment for the under amount and the tender type
configured for cash drawer over/under amounts. This will cause cash to be credited by the
over amount, and the expense account associated with the accounts service agreement to
be debited.

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Important! A separate tender type is used for recording cash drawer over/under amounts. Once
the over/under amount has been determined, you must enter a new tender using your over/under
tender type for the company-use account. Check out the following table for an example:




Actual Ending
(Entered by









Over $0.50






Under $1




Over $0.50

In this example, youd have to create a new tender for the company-use account for the amount
that will be distributed to the company-use accounts service agreement (debit over/under
expense, credit cash):

Tender type: Over/Under, Tender amount: -$0.50

You must reopen the tender control. Before you can add an over/under tender to a tender
control, you must reopen the tender control (tenders may only be added to open tender controls).

How To Add A Non-CIS Payment Using A Template

The payment portal allows you to add non-CIS payments using a payment template. Payment
Templates can be configured for common types of payment allocations to pre-populate the
payment distribution and allowing non-CIS payments to be directly allocated against distribution
codes. The following steps explain how to do this.
You navigate through the pages as follows:

From the main menu open Financial, Payment Portal.

The Add Non CIS Payment Zone shows a list of all active payment templates. Use the Add
button to add a non-CIS payment for a specific payment template.

Enter the payment and tender details (Payment Amount, Payment Date defaults to the
current date, Tender Source is used to find an open tender control when adding the tender).

Authorizing Tenders. If the Tender Type selected requires authorization (i.e. credit card
payments), additional authorization details are required (e.g. credit card type, credit card number,
etc.). Only one tender that requires authorization can exist for a single payment event.

For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to How To Authorize A Credit
Card Tender.


Enter the non-CIS information for the customer remitting the payment (Customer Name,
Agreement Number and Comments to describe anything unusual about the non CIS

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Payor Account ID. The Non CIS Account Id specified on the payment template is used as the
tendering account. If the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold and the Tender Type
isnt marked as like cash, a warning appears advising of such.
Including a CIS payment. If a portion of the tender is for a CIS payment, ensure that the Add
CIS Payment checkbox is selected. The system will process the non-CIS payment, and then
navigate the user to the Payment Event page where the CIS payment can be included.

The distribution details are defaulted from the payment template but may be overridden. You
can add additional distribution lines. Enter the payment amount and Reference Number for
each applicable distribution line.

When you click the OK button, the system creates the payment event and tender(s). A single
payment is created for each non-zero amount entry in the distribution details list. The
payment template is captured as a characteristic on the tender. The corresponding
distribution code, GL account and reference number are captured as characteristics on each
payment. When the financial transactions are created for these payments, the distribution
code (and GL account) is retrieved from the payment characteristic collection.

How To Authorize A Credit Card Tender

You can use the Payment Portal to add a payment event for a tender that requires authorization.
The following steps explain how to do this.
If your organization is using the base tender authorization functionality, you can navigate through
the pages as follows:

From the main menu open Financial, Payment Portal.

The Add CIS Payment Zone only expands if theres an account in context. To expand this
zone, either search for an account using Control Central or use the Tender Search available
on the Payment Portal.

Use the Add Payment button to add a payment for the account displayed in the zone.

The information displayed is the same as that on the Payment Event - Add Dialog, except for
the following:

Use Distribute Action to describe what youd like to have happen when you click the OK
button. The dropdown contains the following values - Distribute and Freeze if OK,
Manual Distribution and Manual Distribution - Multiple Payments

Note: The Distribute and Freeze if OK and Manual Distribution options are also present on
the Distribute Action on the payment event add dialogue screen. The third option Manual
Distribution - Multiple Payments is special for credit card authorization processing. This option
is similar to the Manual Distribution option except that the user is navigated to the Payment
Event maintenance page after authorization has taken place.

If the Tender Type selected requires authorization (i.e. credit card payments), additional
authorization details are required (e.g. credit card type, credit card number, etc). This
information is displayed in the Credit Card Information section.

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Authorizing Tenders. Only one tender that requires authorization can exist for a single payment

The Authorization Override checkbox is only displayed if the tender type selected
requires authorization. Use the Authorization Override checkbox to indicate whether or
not tender authorization should take place. If Authorization Override is checked, an
authorization code must be entered and the system bypasses the authorization web
service call.

Click OK to save the payment and navigate to the appropriate page.

Assuming the credit card is accepted, the authorization code returned by the credit card
authorization provider is captured as a tender characteristic.

If the credit card is declined, the tender will not be added.

How To Reverse A Credit Card Tender

The steps required to reverse a credit card tender are the same as the steps for How To Cancel
A Tender.
The reversal code from the credit card authorization service is stored as a tender characteristic.
For more information on authorizing credit card payments, refer to the following business objects:
Tender Type - Credit Card with Authorization, CyberSource - Credit Card Authorization and
CyberSource - Credit Card Reversal.

How To Process An Alternate Currency Payment

You can use the Payment Portal to add a payment event for a tender(s) in an alternate currency,
i.e. a currency that differs from the accounts currency. The following steps explain how to do

From the main menu open Financial, Payment Portal.

The Add CIS Payment Zone only expands if theres an account in context. To expand this
zone, either search for an account using Control Central or use the Tender Search available
on the Payment Portal.

Use the Add Payment button to add a payment for the account displayed in the zone.

The information displayed is the same as that on the Payment Event - Add Dialog, except for
the following:

If your organization accepts payment tenders in alternate currencies, the Currency

Converter button appears in the tender list

Use the Currency Converter button to enter the Tendered Amount and Tendered
Currency in the alternate currency and click OK. The system will convert the alternate
currency amount to the accounts currency.

Click OK to save the payment and navigate to the appropriate page.

When you click the OK button, the system creates the payment event and tender(s). Each
tender is linked to an appropriate tender control based on the currency of the tender.


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Refer to Alternate Currency Payments for more information.

Financial Transactions On A Payment

Open Financial Query, Financial Transactions On A Payment to view the financial
transactions on a payment.
Note. You can also open this page using the go to buttons that prefix the financial transaction
summaries on Payment - Main.

Description of page
Payment Id is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment.
Account ID is the payment's account.
The area beneath Account ID provides you with options that control which financial transactions
appear in the grid. The following points describe the various options:

Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements whose financial transactions
appear in the grid. The following options are available:

Address. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose service
agreements are linked to service points associated with a given Address, City and/or
Postal code.

All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict financial transactions based on service
agreement attributes.

Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose
service agreements are linked to service points associated with a given Geo Type and

SA ID. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those of a specific service

SA Type. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose service
agreements are linked to a given CIS Division and SA Type.

Use Match Event Status Filter to restrict the financial transactions based on the status of
their match event. This filter only appears if the payment's account is an open-item customer.
The following options are available:

All. This option shows all financial transactions.

Balanced. This option shows all financial transactions whose match event is balanced.

Disputed. This option shows all financial transactions whose match event is disputed.

Unbalanced. This option shows all financial transactions whose match event is

Unmatched. This option shows all financial transactions that are not linked to a match

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Dont forget to click the search button after changing the filters or after selecting a new Payment
The grid that follows contains the financial transactions that match your search criteria. The
following information is displayed:

Match Event Status shows the status of the financial transaction's match event. This
column only appears if the account is an open-item customer.

FT Type displays the type of financial transaction. Click on the hyperlink to transfer to
Financial Transaction - Main. On this page, you can change certain aspects of the FT in

Accounting Date is the date the system uses to determine the financial transaction's
accounting period in your general ledger.

Current Amount contains the financial transaction's effect on the service agreements
current balance.

Payoff Amount contains the financial transaction's effect on the service agreements payoff
balance. The Payoff Amount will be dim if it equals the Current Amount.

Show on Bill indicates if information about the financial transaction appears on the
customers bill.

SA Information contains a summary of the respective service agreement.

Financial Transaction ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the financial


At the bottom of the page is a summary of the financial transactions that match the search

Payment History
The payment history page shows all payments that have been distributed to an accounts service
agreements. Open this page using Financial Query, Account Payment History.
Description of Page
One row is displayed for every payment that has been distributed to an accounts service
agreements. The payment date, amount, payment status and the tender source associated with
the tenders tender control are displayed for each payment.
Note. Tender Source typically contains the description of the cash drawer in which the payment
was made or the remittance processor that processed the payment. Tender source will be blank
for automatic payments until they are interfaced to the financial institution. Refer to Downloading
Automatic Payments for more information about interfacing automatic payments.
If you need to see more detailed information about the payment, click the Go To button to transfer
to the payment event page.


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Payment Tender History

The Payment Tender History page shows a list of all tenders linked to an open tender control for
the current user. Open this page using Financial Query, Payment Tender History.
Description of Page
One row is displayed for every tender that is linked to an open tender control to which the current
user has access. The freeze date/time, payor account id, name, tender amount, tender type, pay
tender id, tender status and payment date are displayed for each tender.

Payment / Tender Search

This page allows you to look for payments and/or tenders using a combination of search criteria.
Open this page using Financial Query, Payment / Tender Search.
Description of Page
The top half of the page is where you enter the criteria used to search for payments and tenders.
Multiple search criteria may be specified. You can search for payments and tenders using a
combination of search criteria. For example, if you enter both a Payment Account name of
Brandon and a Payment Amount between 150 and 170; only those payments for customers
named Brandon whose amount is between 150 and 170 will be displayed.
Warning! Try to be as specific as possible when entering search criteria. Why? Because
entering open-ended search criteria may have a severe impact on response times. For example,
if you know the payments you're looking for have a payment date sometime in January 2003 and
the customer's name is Brazil,John, then enter both of these criteria. If you also know the
payment amount is between 150 and 170, enter these values too.
The following table describes each of the different search methods.
Search Method


Search for

Use this field to define if you're searching for Payments, Tenders or both Payments
and Tenders. The value entered in this field controls which of the remaining search
methods are enabled.

Distribution Rule

Use this field if you're searching for a tender or a payment and know the distribution
rule and value used to created it.
Note. This section appears only if you have configured your system to allow the
payment event distribution rules method to be used.

Payment Account

Use this field if you're searching for a payment and know the account ID or the name of
any person linked to the account whose debt is relieved by the payment.
- If you know the payment's account ID, first choose Account in the adjacent dropdown
and then and enter the account's ID. You must enter all of the account ID.
- If you know the name of any person linked to the account, first choose Person Name
in the adjacent dropdown and then enter the person's name. You can enter all or part
of the persons name (the more you enter, the faster the search will be). The name

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Search Method

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search is not case sensitive.
A search method of Person Name defaults.
If you leave the person name or ID blank, the system ignores this search method.
These fields are protected if you've selected a Search for of Tender.

Payment Amount

Use this field if you're searching for a payment and know its amount.
- If you know the exact amount, first choose Equal To in the adjacent dropdown and
then enter the amount.
- If you know the payment amount is between a given range of values, first choose
Between and then enter the range of values.
A search method of Between defaults.
If you leave the amount(s) blank, the system ignores this search method.
These fields are protected if you've selected a Search for of Tender.

Payor Account

Use this field if you're searching for a tender and know the account ID or the name of
any person linked to the tendering account.
- If you know the tender's account ID, first choose Account in the adjacent dropdown
and then and enter the account's ID. You must enter all of the account ID.
- If you know the name of any person linked to the tendering account, first choose
Person Name in the adjacent dropdown and then enter the person's name. You can
enter all or part of the persons name (the more you enter, the faster the search will be).
The name search is not case sensitive.
A search method of Person Name defaults.
If you leave the person name or ID blank, the system ignores this search method.
These fields are protected if you've selected a Search for of Payment.

Tender Amount

Use this field if you're searching for a tender and know its amount.
- If you know the exact amount, first choose Equal To in the adjacent dropdown and
then enter the amount.
- If you know the tender amount is between a given range of values, first choose
Between and then enter the range of values.
A search method of Between defaults.
If you leave the amount(s) blank, the system ignores this search method.
These fields are protected if you've selected a Search for of Payment.

Tender Source

If you're searching for a tender and you know the source of the tender (e.g., the
lockbox, cashier, etc.), enter the tender source code.
A search method of Equal To defaults.
If you leave the tender source blank, the system ignores this search method.
These fields are protected if you've selected a Search for of Payment.


Use this field if you're searching for a tender and know its MICR (magnetic ink character
recognition) ID.
- If you know the entire MICR ID, first choose Equal To in the adjacent dropdown and
then and enter the entire MICR ID.


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Search Method

- If you know the first X characters of the MICR ID, first choose Like in the adjacent
dropdown and then and enter the entire MICR ID.
A search method of Like defaults.
If you leave the MICR ID blank, the system ignores this search method.
These fields are protected if you've selected a Search for of Payment.

Payment Date

Use this field if you're searching for a tender or a payment and know its date.
- If you know the exact date, first choose Equal To in the adjacent dropdown and then
enter the date.
- If you know the date is between a given range of values, first choose Between and
then enter the date range.
A search method of Between defaults.
If you leave the date(s) blank, the system ignores this search method.

The system shows the total number of payments / tenders that satisfy your search results
immediately below the grid.
The first group of payments / tenders is displayed in the grid at the bottom of the page. Different
columns appear in the grid depending on the value of Search for.

If you use a Search for of Payment, only payment-oriented columns appear in the grid.

If you use a Search for of Tender, only tender-oriented columns appear in the grid.

If you use a Search for of Payment and Tender, both payment-oriented and tender-oriented
columns appear in the grid.

Warning! If you use the Payment and Tender search method, and the resultant tenders /
payments are linked to payment events that have multiple payments or tenders, multiple rows
may be displayed for the payment event's tenders and payments. For example, if a tender with
multiple payments is selected, a separate row will be displayed for every payment that matches
your payment search criteria. If you don't specify any payment search criteria, a row will be
displayed for every payment linked to the tender.
Payment Date

This contains the date of the payment event associated

with the payment / tender. This column appears
regardless of the value of Search for.

Payment Account Info

This contains a concatenation of important information

about the account whose debt was relieved by the
payment. This column does not appear if you use a
Search for of Tender.

Payment Amount

This contains the amount of the payment. This column

does not appear if you use a Search for of Tender.

Payment Status

This contains the status of the payment. Refer to

Payment Lifecycle for more information. This column
does not appear if you use a Search for of Tender.

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Payment ID

This contains the unique identifier of the payment. This

column does not appear if you use a Search for of

Payor Account Info

This contains a concatenation of important information

about the account who tendered the payment. This
column does not appear if you use a Search for of

Tender Amount

This contains the amount of the tender. This column

does not appear if you use a Search for of Payment.

Tender Source

This contains the source of the tender of the tender.

This column does not appear if you use a Search for of


This contains the MICR (magnetic ink character

recognition) ID of the tender. This column does not
appear if you use a Search for of Payment.

Tender Status

This contains the status of the tender. Refer to Tender

Lifecycle for more information. This column does not
appear if you use a Search for of Payment.

Pay Tender ID

This contains the unique identifier of the tender. This

column does not appear if you use a Search for of

Pay Event ID

This contains the unique identifier of the payment event.

Payment Event Exception

Unbalanced payment events cause a record to be written to the payment event exception table
with a message indicating the nature of the error.
To view the messages associated with the exception records, schedule the TD-UNBAL
background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record in the payment
event exception table.
Refer to Unbalanced Payment Events for instructions describing how to correct an unbalanced
payment event.

Payment Exception
When the system is unable to distribute a payment, a record to be written to the payment
exception table with a message indicating the nature of the error.
To view the messages associated with the exception records, schedule the TD-PYERR
background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record in the payment
exception table.


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After correcting the cause of the error, drill into the Payment and attempt to redistribute it.

Maintaining Deposit Controls

Deposit controls exist to give you administrative control over your cash drawers (and all other
tender sources) and the subsequent deposit of funds at banks.
Refer to Tender Management and Workstation Cashiering for background information.

The system creates most deposit controls behind-the-scenes. Most deposit controls are
created by the system when it processes tenders from your remittance processor and lock boxes.
You should only have to access the deposit control pages if you record payments in cash
drawers. For information about how the system creates deposit controls, refer to Managing
Payments Interfaced From External Sources. Also note that the automatic payment activation
process also creates tender and deposit controls. Refer to Activating Automatic Payments for
more information.

The Lifecycle Of A Deposit Control
Deposit Control - Main
Deposit Control - Tender Control
Deposit Control - Tender Deposit
Deposit Control - Turn Ins
Deposit Control - Characteristics

The Lifecycle Of A Deposit Control

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a deposit control.

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Deposit Control Lifecycle


Balancing In



A deposit control is initially created in the Open state.

While in this state, you may add new deposits to it,
change the deposit amount on its deposits, and transfer
tender controls into and out of it.

Balancing In Progress

You change a deposit controls status to Balancing In

Progress when youre ready to balance its contents.
While in this state, you can change the deposit amount
on its deposits and transfer tender controls out of it. If
you need to add new deposits to it or transfer tender
controls into it you must return it to the Open state.


You change a deposit controls status to Balanced when

the sum of its tender controls is consistent with the total
of its deposits. While in this state, you cannot modify its
deposits or its tender controls. If you need to make
modifications, you must return it to the Open or
Balancing In Progress state.

Background processes and state transition. When payments are interfaced from external
sources, the system automatically creates a deposit control and links a tender control to it. When
all payments have been successfully loaded, the system changes the state of the respective
deposit control to Balanced.

Deposit Control - Main

The Main page contains core deposit control information. Open this page using Financial,
Deposit Control and then navigate to the Main tab.


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Description of Page
Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit controls creation date, tender source
type, and status.
Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.
User is the person who created the deposit control.
Create Date/Time is the date and time the deposit control was created.
Tender Source Type is the type of tender control that has been linked to the deposit control.
Valid values are: Ad hoc, Auto Pay, Online Cashiering and Lockbox. The system uses this
information to prevent tender controls from different sources from being included under the same
deposit control. In other words, you cant mix automatic payment, cashiering and lockbox tenders
under the same deposit control.
Currency Code is the currency in which the deposit controls tenders are denominated.
Default note. The currency code defaults from the installation record.
The summary information that follows contains a summary of the starting balance and the tenders
that are linked to the tender control.

Starting Balance is the sum of the starting balances from all tender controls linked to the
deposit control.

Total Tenders Amount is the sum of tenders from all tender controls linked to the deposit

Total Tender Controls is the number and amount of tender controls linked to the deposit

Total Tender Deposits is the number and amount of tender deposits linked to the deposit

Expected Ending Balance is the Total Tender Control minus Total Tender Deposits.

Ending Balance is the actual amount of money in the tender control. This amount must
equal the Expected Ending Balance before the tender control can be marked as Balanced.

Outstanding Over/Under is Ending Balance minus Expected Ending Balance.

Deposit Control Status shows the status of the deposit control. Valid values are Open,
Balanced, and Balancing In Progress.
For more information, refer to The Lifecycle Of A Deposit Control.
The Balanced User ID and Balanced Date/Time are populated when the status is changed to
Use Comments to describing anything unusual about the deposit control.

Deposit Control - Tender Control

The Tender Control page contains a row for every tender control linked to the deposit control.
Open this page using Financial, Deposit Control, Tender Control.

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Description of Page
Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit controls creation date, tender source
type, and status.
Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.
The grid that follows contains a row for every tender control linked to the deposit control. No
information about the tender controls may be modified on this page. To view or modify tender
control information, click the Go To button.

Deposit Control - Tender Deposit

The Tender Deposit tab page contains a row for every tender deposit linked to the deposit
control. Open this page using Financial, Deposit Control and navigate to the Tender Deposit
Description of Page
Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit controls creation date, tender source
type, and status.
Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.
The Tender Deposit scroll that follows contains one row for every financial institution into which
the tenders will be deposited. To insert a new row, click the + button and fill in the following

Tender Deposit ID is maintained by the system. When a deposit is being created, there is
no ID number displayed. Once a deposit is entered and saved, the system generates an ID
and displays it here.

Deposit Amount contains the amount to be deposited at the bank. Currency Code is the
currency in which the deposit is denominated.

Reference ID contains the ID of the deposit (if any).

Use Bank Code and Bank Account to define where the tenders will be deposited.

Deposit Control - Turn Ins

The Turn Ins page contains a row for every turn-in event linked to the deposit control. Open this
page using Financial, Deposit Control and navigate to the Turn Ins tab.
Refer to Turn Ins for background information.

Description of Page
Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit controls creation date, tender source
type, and status.
Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.


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The turn-ins grid contains one row for every turn-in event associated with the deposit control. A
turn-in event is created when moneys originally deposited in respect of a tender control are
turned in to the tender controls deposit control. Turn-in events are created and maintained on
the Tender Control Turn Ins page. Refer to Turn Ins for background information. The following
information is displayed in the grid:

Turn In Status defines if it is a new turn in Awaiting approval or has been Approved by the
operator who is responsible for the Deposit Control. Once the turn-in is Approved, this field
becomes display-only.

Tender Type is the type of tender that has been turned in. This is a display-only field.

Turn In Amount is the amount of the Tender Type that has been turned in. This is a displayonly field.

Receipt Number is the ID of the receipt given to the person who turn-in the funds. This is a
display-only field.

Create Date/Time contains when the turn-in event was created. This is a display-only field.

Deposit Control - Characteristics

To update deposit control characteristics, open Financial, Deposit Control and navigate to the
Characteristics tab.
Description of Page
Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit controls creation date, tender source
type, and status.
Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.
The Characteristics collection contains information that describes miscellaneous information
about the deposit control.
The following fields display:
Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.


Controls the order in which characteristics of the same

type are displayed.

Characteristic Value

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Maintaining Tender Controls

Tender controls exist to give you administrative control over your cash drawers (and all other
tender sources).
Refer to Managing Your Cash Drawers for more information.

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The system creates most tender controls behind-the-scenes. Most tender controls are
created by the system when it processes tenders from the remittance processors and lock boxes.
You should only have to access the tender control pages if you record payments in cash drawers.
For information about how the system creates tender controls, refer to Managing Payments
Interfaced From External Sources. Also note that the automatic payment activation process also
creates tender and deposit controls. Refer to Activating Automatic Payments for more

The Lifecycle Of A Tender Control
Tender Control - Main
Tender Control - Tenders
Tender Control - Turn Ins
Tender Control - Exceptions
Tender Control - Characteristics

The Lifecycle Of A Tender Control

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a tender control.

Tender Control Lifecycle


Balancing In




A tender control is initially created in the Open state.

While in this state, you may add new tenders to it,
change the tender amount on its tenders, and transfer
tenders into and out of it.

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Balancing In Progress

You change a tender controls status to Balancing In

Progress when youre ready to balance its contents.
While in this state, you can change the tender amount
on its tenders and transfer tenders out of it. If you need
to add new tenders to it or transfer tenders into it, you
must return it to the Open state.


You change a tender controls status to Balanced when

the sum of its tenders is consistent with the ending
balance in the drawer. While in this state, you cannot
modify it or its tenders. If you need to make
modifications, you must return it to the Open or
Balancing In Progress state.
If the tender control is part of a Balanced deposit
control, you may not change its status.

Background processes and state transition. When payments are interfaced from external
sources, the system automatically creates a tender control and links tenders to it (one for each
payment interfaced). When all payments have been successfully loaded, the system changes the
state of the respective tender control to Balanced.

Tender Control - Main

The Main page contains core tender control information. This page is used to balance the tender
Open this page using Financial, Tender Control.
Searching For Tender Controls. When you use the Creation Date to search for tender
controls, the system returns tender controls that are created on or before the date you specify. If
the number of records returned exceeds the search limit (i.e. 300 records), only the records that
do not exceed search limit are displayed. Therefore, you may need to specify an earlier creation
date to find the record you are looking for. If you do not specify a creation date and search based
on other criteria, the system uses the most recent date.

Refer to Managing Your Cash Drawers, Turn Ins and Balancing By Tender Type for more

Description of Page
Tender Control contains a concatenation of the tender controls creation date, tender source,
and status.
Tender Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the tender control.
Tender Source is the source of the tenders (e.g., cash drawer 22, lockbox 1 at Bank of America).

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Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control that the tender
control is part of. The deposit controls Currency Code is displayed below.
For more information about deposit controls and tender controls, refer to Managing Your Cash

Turn on All Users if any user may insert tenders into this tender control. Turn this switch off and
specify the appropriate User ID if only a single user may insert tenders into this tender control.
Create Date/Time is the date and time the tender control was created.
The Starting Balance of the tender control is defaulted from the tender source. This may be
overridden while the Tender Control Status is Open or Balancing in Progress.
The Tender Control Status shows the status of the tender control. The Balanced User ID and
Balanced Date/Time are populated when the status is changed to Balanced.
For more information, refer to The Lifecycle Of A Tender Control.
The Balance button is enabled when the Tender Control Status is Balancing in Progress.
When this button is clicked, the system checks the following:

All Turn-Ins have been Approved.

The sum of all Ending Balances equals the sum of all Expected Ending Balances.

If the above conditions are true, the status of the tender control is changed to Balanced and all
modifiable fields become protected.
The tenders grid contains a summary of the tenders linked to the tender control. One row is
displayed for each tender type. Each row contains the number of tenders of this type and their
total amount. In order to Balance the tender control, you must enter an appropriate Ending
Balance for each Tender Type. Refer to Balancing By Tender Type for more information. The
following information appears in the grid:

Tender Type represents the type of tender (e.g., cash, credit card). This is a display-only

Nbr of Tenders contains the total number of tenders of this type in the tender control. This is
a display-only field and is calculated by the system by accumulating the tenders linked to the
tender control.

Total Tenders contains the total amount of tenders of this type in the tender control. This is
a display-only field and is calculated by the system by accumulating the tenders linked to the
tender control. Navigate to the Tenders page to see the individual tenders.

Turn In Amount contains the total amount of turn-ins of this type. This is a display-only field
and is calculated by the system by accumulating the turn-ins linked to the tender control.
Navigate to the Turn Ins pages to see the individual turn ins.

Starting Balance contains the starting balance of this type of turn in. This field is only
populated on the row defined as the Starting Balance tender type on the Installation Record.
This is a display-only field and is equal to the tender controls Starting Balance.

Expected Ending Bal is the Starting Balance plus Total Tenders minus Turn In Amount
for this type of tender.


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Ending Bal is the actual amount of money of this tender type. The cashier must enter this
field in order to balance the tender control. This field is protected unless the Status of the
tender control is Balancing In Progress. This amount must equal the Expected Ending
Balance before the tender control can be marked as Balanced. Refer to How To Get An
Unbalanced Tender Control In Balance (Fixing Over/Under) for more information.

Outstanding Over/Under is the difference between Expected Ending Bal and Ending Bal.
This is a display-only field.

The summary information beneath the tender type grid contains a summary of the tenders that
are linked to the tender control.

Total Tender Amount is the total amount of all tenders linked to the tender control.

Ending Balance is the actual amount of money in the tender control (as defined in the above

Expected Ending Balance is the expected amount of money in the tender control (as
defined in the above grid).

Outstanding Over/Under is Ending Balance minus Expected Ending Balance. If this

amount is zero, the field is not displayed.

If the tender controls were created for a background process, such as the automatic payment
extract, the following information is displayed:

Batch Code is the batch code for which the tender control was created. This field only
appears if it contains a value.

Batch Number is the batch number for which the tender control was created. This field only
appears if it contains a value.

Use Comments to describe anything unusual about the tender control (e.g., to explain why a
large over/under amount was created).

Tender Control - Tenders

The Tenders page contains a row for every tender linked to the tender control. Open this page
using Financial, Tender Control, Tenders.
Description of Page
Tender Control contains a concatenation of the tender controls creation date, tender source,
and status.
Tender Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the tender control.
This grid at the top of the page contains a row for every tender linked to the tender control. When
first displayed, the grid is ordered by the Create Date/Time column. No information about the
tenders may be modified. To view or modify tender information, click the Go To button.
The grid at the bottom of the page contains a summary by tender type of all tenders linked to the
tender control.

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Tender Control - Turn Ins

Every time you turn in funds to the deposit control that is associated with your tender control, you
create a turn-in event using this page. Open this page using Financial, Tender Control and
navigate to the Turn Ins tab.
Refer to Managing Your Cash Drawers and Turn Ins for more information.

Description of Page
Tender Control contains a concatenation of the tender controls creation date, tender source,
and status.
Tender Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the tender control.
The turn-ins grid contains one row for every turn-in event associated with the tender control. A
turn-in event is created when moneys are physically transferred to the deposit control associated
with the tender control. Turn-in events are approved on the Deposit Control Turn Ins page.
The following information is displayed in the grid:

Turn In Status defines if the turn-in is Awaiting Approval or has been Approved by the
operator who is responsible for the Deposit Control. When a turn-in is first created, its status
is Awaiting Approval and the following fields should be defined. Once the turn-in is
Approved by the user responsible for the deposit control associated with the tender control,
all of the following fields become display-only and the turn-in event cannot be deleted.

Tender Type is the type of tender that has been turned in. This field may only be modified
when the Turn In Status is Awaiting Approval.

Turn In Amount is the amount of the Tender Type that has been turned in. This field may
only be modified when the Turn In Status is Awaiting Approval.

Receipt Number is the ID of the receipt given to the person who turn-in the funds. This field
may only be modified when the Turn In Status is Awaiting Approval.

Create Date/Time contains when the turn-in event was created. This is a display-only field.

Tender Control - Exceptions

This page contains an entry for every exception (i.e., error) associated with the tender controls
payments and payment events. Open this page using Financial, Tender Control and navigate
to the Exceptions tab.
Refer to Exceptions for more information.

Description of Page
This page contains an entry for every exception (i.e., error) associated with the tender controls
payments and payment events.


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Tender Control - Characteristics

To update tender control characteristics, open Financial, Tender Control and navigate to the
Characteristics tab.
Note: If your tender control is balanced, you cannot update tender control characteristics.

Description of Page
The Characteristics collection contains information that describes miscellaneous information
about the tender control.
The following fields display:
Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.


Controls the order in which characteristics of the same

type are displayed.

Characteristic Value

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Interfacing Payments From External Sources

Most payments are NOT added by an operator using the Payment Event page. Rather, they are
interfaced from an external source (e.g., a lock box or a remittance processor).
The base-package provides two interfaces to upload payments, each based on a different
method of creating payment events.
Refer to Distributing A Payment Event for more information about how payment event distribution
is handled in the system.
The topics in this section describe how these payment interfaces work.
Interfacing Payments
Interfacing Payments Using Distribution Rules

Interfacing Payments
The topics in this section describe how the payment interface using the system default method of
creating payment events works.
Populating The Payment Upload Staging Records
PYUP-PRG - Purge Payment Upload Objects
Maintaining Deposit Control Staging
Payment Upload Staging
Payment Upload Exception

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Populating The Payment Upload Staging Records

The following diagram illustrates the processes involved in the uploading of payment into the

Process: X

Populate Upload Staging

Process: PUPL

Flat file


Upload Payments

The topics in this section describe each background process referenced above.
Process X - Populate Payment Upload Staging
Process PUPL - Upload Payments

Process X - Populate Payment Upload Staging

Process X refers to the mechanism used by your organization to populate the various staging
tables (shown in the orange section of the following ERD).


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You only have to populate

Pay Advice Staging if you
interface pay events that can
pay for multiple accounts

record counts
and $ total
record counts
and $ totals



The topics in this section describe each of these tables.

Deposit Control Staging
Tender Control Staging
Payment Tender Staging
Payment Advice Staging

Deposit Control Staging

You must create a deposit control staging record for each batch of payments to be uploaded into
the system. The name of this table is CI_DEP_CTL_ST. The following table describes each
column on this table.
Column Name







This must correspond with an external source ID on

one of the defined tender sources. Refer to Setting Up
Tender Sources for more information.




This is the unique identifier of the transmission from

the external source. This must be a unique value for
each transmission from the source.



This must be set to 20 (20 is the lookup value that

corresponds with the Pending state)



Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the

system when it creates a deposit control record.




Date and time that the file was transmitted.

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This must be a valid currency code (this would be USD

for United States dollars).



This column must equal the sum of the payment

amounts on the tender control staging records
associated with this deposit control staging.



This column must equal the number of tender control

staging records associated with this deposit control



This field is populated during the upload. It is the

process scheduler instance ID of the process
performing the upload.

You must create one or more Tender Control Staging for this deposit control staging record.

Tender Control Staging

You must create at least one tender control staging record for each batch of payments to be
uploaded into the system. The name of this table is CI_TNDR_CTL_ST. The following table
describes each column on this table.
Column Name








This must correspond with the external source ID on

the parent deposit control staging record.




This must correspond with the external transmission ID

on the parent deposit control staging record.




This is the unique identifier of the batch of payments in

respect of the external transmission ID.



This must be set to 20 (20 is the translate value that

corresponds with the Pending state)



Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the

system when it creates a tender control record.



This column must equal the sum of the payment

amounts on the payment tender staging records
associated with this tender control staging.



This column must equal the number of payment tender

staging records associated with this tender control

You must create one or more Payment Tender Staging records for this tender control staging

Payment Tender Staging

You must create at least one payment tender staging record for each payment associated with
the tender control staging record. The name of this table is CI_PAY_TNDR_ST. The following
table describes each column on this table.


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Column Name

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This must correspond with the external source ID on

the parent deposit control staging record.




This must correspond with the external transmission ID

on the parent tender control staging record.




This must correspond with the external batch ID on the

parent tender control staging record.




This is the unique identifier of the payment in respect

of the external batch ID.



This must be set to 10 (10 is the translate value that

corresponds with the Pending state)



Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the

system when it creates a tender record.



The amount tendered (i.e., the payment amount).




This is the date that should be used for accounting

purposes. This should correspond with an open
accounting period.



This must correspond with the prime key of one of your

tender types. Refer to Setting Up Tender Types for
more information.




This is the account ID or old account number of the

customer tendering the payment. If the system cannot
find an account ID or old account number that matches
this value, the account ID of the tender sources
suspense SA will be used on the corresponding tender
and payment.




This is the MICR ID associated with the payment.




This is the customer name on the payment.




This is the check number on the payment.

Payment Advice Staging

You need only populate rows on this table if any of the following conditions apply:

If you need to distribute a payment tender to an account other than that defined with the
CUST_ID on the payment tender staging record, you must create a payment staging record.
You may distribute a tender to multiple accounts by creating multiple payment staging
records. Note, if you want to distribute the payment tender to the same account, you do NOT
need a payment staging record.

If you want to restrict a payment to a specific service agreement, you must insert a row on
this table to indicate the specific the service agreement in question. You do this by
populating MATCH_TYPE_CD with a value that indicates that you are paying for a specific
service agreement and MATCH_VALUE with the unique ID of the service agreement.

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If you practice open-item accounting, you must insert a row on this table for each to indicate
the open-item to which the payment should be matched. Note, because open-item customer
typically match payments to bills, you would populate MATCH_TYPE_CD with a value to
indicate that you are matching by bill ID and MATCH_VALUE with the unique ID of the bill.

The name of this table is CI_PAY_ST. The following table describes each column on this table.
Column Name








This must correspond with the external source ID on

the parent payment tender staging record.




This must correspond with the external transmission

ID on the parent payment tender staging record.




This must correspond with the external batch ID on

the parent payment tender staging record.




This must correspond with the external reference ID

on the parent payment tender staging record.




This is the account ID or old account number of the

customer to which the payment should be
distributed. If the system cannot find an account ID
or old account number that matches this value, the
account ID of the payor is used on the
corresponding payment. If the payors account ID is
invalid, the tender sources suspense SA is used.



The amount tendered (i.e., the payment amount).



See the description of the MATCH_VALUE field

below. Refer to Payments And Match Events for
more information about the significance of this field.





in conjunction to indicate that the distribution of the
payment should be restricted in some way (i.e., the
standard payment distribution algorithm should not
be used). MATCH_TYPE_CD indicates how the
payment should be distributed (e.g., only distribute
to a specific service agreement), MATCH_VALUE
contains the ID of the restriction (e.g., the SA ID).
If MATCH_TYPE_CD is specified, it must reference
a valid Match Type.

Process PUPL - Upload Payments

The batch process identified by the batch process ID PUPL refers to the background process that
loads the contents of the various payment staging records into the various payment event tables.
The tables that are populated by this process are shown in the left orange section of the following
ERD (the right orange section are the staging tables populated by the process described above)


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The topics in this section describe how these tables are populated.
Phase 1 - Create Deposit Control
Phase 2 - Create Tender Control
Phase 3 - Create Payment Events, Tenders, Payments and Payment Segments

Phase 1 - Create Deposit Control

The following points describe, at a high level, the first phase of the payment upload process:

PUPL checks that the record counts and money totals of tender control stagings add up to
the expected amount on deposit control staging. If not,

PUPL sets the status of the deposit control staging to be Error. None of the tender
controls within the deposit control will be processed until everything adds up. You can fix
these on the Deposit Control Staging page.

When PUPL runs next, it will recheck the totals on deposit control stagings that are in
Error or Pending

If the record and dollar amounts are clean,

PUPL creates the corresponding deposit control

PUPL sets the status of the deposit control staging to be In Progress

Phase 2 - Create Tender Control

The following points describe, at a high level, the second phase of the payment upload process:

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PUPL checks that record counts and money totals of payment tender staging(s) adds up to
expected amount on tender control staging. If not,

PUPL sets the status of the tender control staging to be Error. None of the tender
controls within the deposit control will be processed until everything adds up for ALL
tender controls. You can fix these on the Tender Control Staging page.

Note that the Deposit Control Staging record is not updated its status is unchanged. Neither is
the Pay Tender Staging record updated its status also remains unchanged. Only the Tender
Control Staging record is updated to be in Error.

When PUPL runs next, it will recheck the totals of tender control stagings that are in
Error or Pending.

If the record and dollar amounts are clean,

PUPL creates the corresponding tender control.

PUPL sets the status of the tender control staging to be In Progress.

Phase 3 - Create Payment Events, Tenders, Payments and Payment Segments

At this point, all deposit control stagings and tender control stagings are in the state of In
Progress. Next, PUPL starts the upload of payment tender staging and payment advice staging.
The following points describe, at a high level, this phase of the payment upload process:

If the payment tender staging record has a future accounting date, the processing for the
record is skipped. This prevents uploaded payments from being created and subsequently
frozen until their accounting date is reached. (Some external sources may provide advance
notification of payments to be made in the future.) A skipped staging record remains in the
Pending state until its accounting date is reached.

PUPL checks money totals of payment advices (if any) adds up to expected amount on
payment tender staging.


If not, PUPL sets the payment tender stagings status to Error.

Any errors are written to the Payment Upload Exception table. You can fix these errors
on the Payment Upload Staging page and change the records status back to Pending.

When PUPL runs next, it will recheck the totals of the payment tender staging

If payment tender staging record is clean:

PUPL creates a corresponding payment event, tender, and payment.

If the account on payment tender staging is wrong, the account on the corresponding
tender will be the tender sources suspense SAs account. Refer to Setting Up Tender
Sources for more information. Refer to How To Transfer A Payment From One Account
To Another for how to transfer to payment to the correct account.

If the account on payment advice is wrong, the account on the corresponding payment
will be the account on the payment tender.

PUPL distributes the payment(s) amongst the accounts service agreements, and
payment segments are created. Note, the payment could be in error if there are no SAs
for the account (as well as other reasons). Payments in error are written to the Payment
Exceptions table.

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PUPL changes the payment tender stagings status to Complete.

If all payment tender stagings are Complete:

PUPL changes the tender control stagings status to Complete.

PUPL changes the deposit control stagings status to Complete.

If there are payment tender staging that are not Complete

The status of the tender control staging will still be In progress.

The status of the deposit control staging will still be In progress.

PUPL will attempt to upload the offending payment tender staging records when it next runs.

PYUP-PRG - Purge Payment Upload Objects

Completed payment upload staging objects should be periodically purged from the system by
executing the PYUP-PRG background process. This background process allows you to purge all
Completed payment upload staging objects older than a given number of days.
We want to stress that there is no system constraint as to the number of Completed payment
upload objects that may exist. You can retain these objects for as long as you desire. However
we recommend that you periodically purge Completed payment upload objects as they exist only
to satisfy auditing and reporting needs.

Maintaining Deposit Control Staging

The Deposit Control Staging page has three purposes:

You can view historical deposit and tender control staging records associated with uploaded

You can correct deposit and tender control records that are in error.

You can add deposit and tender control records to be uploaded by the payment upload
background process.

The topics in this section describe this page.

Deposit Control Staging - Main
Deposit Control Staging - Tender Control Staging

Deposit Control Staging - Main

This page shows the details of a deposit control staging record.
Refer to Populating The Payment Upload Staging Records for more information about this record.
Open this page using Financial, Deposit Control Staging.
Description of Page
External Source ID corresponds with an external source ID on one of the your tender sources.
This should be the unique ID of the source of the interfaced payments. Refer to Setting Up
Tender Sources for more information.

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External Transmit ID is the unique identifier of the transmission of payments from the external
source. This must be a unique value for each transmission from the source.
Status shows the state of the deposit control staging records. Potential values are: Incomplete,
Pending, In Progress, Partial Load, Complete, Error.
Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the related deposit control. This
value is populated after the system creates a deposit control for the upload staging record.
Transmission Date/Time are when the information was interfaced into the system.
Total Tender Controls must equal the number of tender control staging records associated with
this deposit control staging.
Total Tender Control Amount must equal the sum of the payment amounts on the tender
control staging records associated with this deposit control staging. The Currency Code related
to the amount is adjacent.

Deposit Control Staging - Tender Control Staging

This page shows the details of a tender control staging record.
Refer to Populating The Payment Upload Staging Records for more information about this record.
Open this page using Financial, Deposit Control Staging, Tender Control Staging.
Description of Page
External Source ID is the external source ID on the parent deposit control staging record.
External Transmit ID is the external transmission ID on the parent deposit control staging
The grid that follows contains a row for every tender control staging record linked to the deposit
control staging record. The following information is displayed.
External Batch ID

This is the unique identifier of the batch of payments in

respect of the external transmission ID.


This is the state of the tender control staging records.

Potential values are: Pending, In Progress, Complete,

Tender Control ID

This is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the

related tender control. This value is populated after the
system creates a tender control for the upload staging

Total Tenders Amount

This is the sum of the payment amounts on the payment

staging records associated with this tender control

Total Number Of Tenders

This is the number payment tender staging records

associated with this tender control staging.


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Payment Upload Staging

The Payment Upload Staging page has three purposes:

You can view historical payment tender and payment advice staging records associated with
uploaded payments.

You can correct payment tender records that are in error.

You can add new payment tender and payment advice staging records to be uploaded by the
payment upload process.

The topics in this section describe this page.

Payment Upload Staging - Tender Detail
Payment Upload Staging - Payment Advice

Payment Upload Staging - Tender Detail

This page shows the details of a payment tender staging record.
Refer to Populating The Payment Upload Staging Records for more information about this record.
Open this page using Financial, Payment Upload Staging, Tender Detail.
Description of Page
External Source ID this is the external source ID on the parent tender control staging record.
External Transmission ID is the external transmission ID on the parent tender control staging
External Batch ID is the external batch ID on the parent tender control staging record.
Ext. Reference ID is the external sources unique identifier of the payment tender.
Customer ID is the account ID or old account number of the customer tendering the payment. If
the system cannot find an account ID or old account number that matches this value, the account
ID of the tender sources suspense SA will be used on the corresponding tender and payment.
The Tender Amount is the amount tendered (i.e., the payment amount).
Tender Type defines the type of tender. Refer to Setting Up Tender Types for more
Authorizing Tenders. The Tender Type dropdown list does not include tender types that
require authorization (i.e. credit card payments).

For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to Credit Card Payments.
MICR ID is the MICR ID associated with the tender.
Check Number is the check number on the payment.

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Name is the customers name (as it appeared on the uploaded tender).

Accounting Date is the date that should be used for accounting purposes.
Pay Tender Staging Status shows the state of the tender control staging records. Potential
values are: Pending, Complete, Error.
Payment Event ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the related payment event. This
value is populated after the system creates a payment event for the upload staging record.

Payment Upload Staging - Payment Advice

If a tender was distributed to customers other than that defined on the Tender Detail page, the
customers that the tender was distributed to are defined on this page. This page will not contain
information if the tender is distributed to the tender details customer.
Refer to Populating The Payment Upload Staging Records for more information about this record.
Open this page using Financial, Payment Upload Staging, Payment Advice.
Description of Page
External Source ID this is the external source ID on the parent tender control staging record.
External Transmission ID is the external transmission ID on the parent tender control staging
External Batch ID is the external batch ID on the parent tender control staging record.
External Reference ID is the external reference ID of the payment tender.
The grid that follows is only populated if the tender is distributed to customer(s) other than the
tendering customer. The following information is displayed.
Customer ID

This is the account ID or the old account number of the

customer to which the payment should be distributed.

Customer Info

If the Customer ID is an account ID that exists in the

system, the name of the primary person and the
customer class of the account are displayed here.

Payment Amount

This is the amount of the tender to be distributed to the


Match Type and Match Value

These fields are only used if the distribution of the

payment should be restricted in some way (i.e., the
standard payment distribution algorithm should not be
used). Match Type indicates how the payment should
be distributed (e.g., only distribute to a specific service
agreement), Match Value indicates the ID of the
restriction (e.g., the service agreement ID). Valid values
of Match Type are Service Agreement.


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Payment Business Processes

Payment Upload Exception

If errors are detected during the payment upload process, a record is written to the payment
upload exception table with a message indicating the nature of the severe error.
To view the messages associated with the exception records, schedule the TD-PYUPL
background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record in the payment
upload exception table.
You can fix this error using the Payment Upload Staging page and change the status of the
record from Error to Pending. When the payment upload process next runs, it attempts to
upload this record again.

Interfacing Payments Using Distribution Rules

The topics in this section describe how the payment interface using distribution rules works.
Populating The Payment Event Upload Staging Records
Payment Event Upload Staging

Populating The Payment Event Upload Staging Records

The following diagram illustrates the processes involved in the uploading of payment event
distribution details into the system.

Process: X

Populate Details Upload


Process: C1-PEPL1
Process: C1-PEPL2
Process: C1-PEPL3

Flat file

Event Upload

Upload Payments

The topics in this section describe each background process referenced above.
Process X - Populate Payment Event Upload Staging

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Data Setup Examples of Payment Distribution Details

The Lifecycle of a Payment Event Upload Staging Record
To Do Entries Instead of Exception Records
Process C1-PEPL1 - Upload Payments (Step 1)
Process C1-PEPL2 - Upload Payments (Step 2)
Process C1-PEPL3 - Upload Payments (Step 3)

Process X - Populate Payment Event Upload Staging

Process X refers to the mechanism used by your organization to populate the payment event
upload staging table.

Payment Event Upload Staging Table

You must create a payment event upload staging record for each payment distribution detail to be
uploaded into the system. The name of this table is CI_PEVT_DTL_ST. The following table
describes each column on this table.
Column Name








This must correspond with an external source ID on

one of the defined tender sources. Refer to Setting Up
Tender Sources for more information.




This is the unique identifier of the transmission from the

external source. This must be a unique value for each
transmission from the source.



Unique identifier of the detail record within the

transmission. The C1-PEPL1 process uses this field to
organize the parallel threads.



This must be set to 10 (10 is the lookup value that

corresponds with the Incomplete state)




This must be a valid distribution rule. The distribution

rule contains the set of algorithms designed to process
the staging detail.




This must be a valid value for the characteristic type

defined on the distribution rule.



This must be a valid currency code (this would be USD

for United States dollars).



The amount tendered (i.e., the payment amount).




This is the payment date that should be used for

accounting purposes. This should correspond with an
open accounting period.



This must be a valid tender type. Refer to Setting Up

Tender Types for more information.




This is the check number on the payment.




This is the MICR ID associated with the payment





This field may be used to record customer information.


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This field may be used to capture additional payment

tender information.




This field may be used to capture external information

associated with the payment tender.



See the description of the MATCH_VALUE field below.

Refer to Payments And Match Events for more
information about the significance of this field.





conjunction to indicate that the distribution of the
payment should be restricted in some way (i.e., the
standard payment distribution algorithm should not be
used). MATCH_TYPE_CD indicates how the payment
should be distributed (e.g., only distribute to a specific
service agreement), MATCH_VALUE contains the ID
of the restriction (e.g., the SA ID).
If MATCH_TYPE_CD is specified, it must reference a
valid Match Type.




Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the

system when it creates a tender control record.




This is the tender account. If left blank, the C1-PEPL1

process will populate this field by calling the Determine
Tender Account algorithm defined on the distribution
Note that this Account ID is not necessarily unique as
multiple staging details can reference the same tender




Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the

system when it creates a payment event record.




If left blank, the C1-PEPL1 process will set this field

equal to the Tender Account ID.
This field is used for grouping staging records and for
organizing parallel threads (in the C1-PEPL2 process).
Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that it bears a
relationship to the tender account ID.




This must be a valid auto-pay source code.




This is the customers account number at the financial





This field is only needed if the Tender Type indicates

that an expiration date is necessary (e.g., for a credit
card payment)




This is the customers name in the financial institutions


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Data Setup Examples of Payment Distribution Details

Typically, each staging record will represent a single payment event with a corresponding
payment tender and payment. However, it is possible to specify complex relationships within a
set of staging records. For example, it will be straightforward to define a set of staging records
that represent a single tender but multiple payments (to model the single payment tender of a
welfare agency which covers payments for multiple accounts). Similarly, it is equally possible to
define a set of staging records that represent a single payment but multiple tenders (although not
a common requirement).
Each staging record can represent:

Zero or one new payment events. Typically, each detail staging record will represent a single
payment event. However, it is possible to define multiple records for a single payment event.
All details for a single payment event are identified by a common value on the staging record:
Pay Event Process ID.

Pay Event Process ID. This field is used for grouping staging records and for organizing parallel
threads (in the C1-PEPL2 process). Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that it bears a
relationship to the tender account ID.

A partial or one new payment tenders. Typically, each detail staging record will represent a
single payment tender. However, it is possible to define multiple staging records for a single
pay tender. All details for a single tender are identified by a common payment event ID as
well as common tender information (tender type, tender account ID, check number, external
reference, etc.).

A partial or many new payments. Typically, each detail staging record will represent a set of
one or many new payments. However, it is possible to define multiple staging records for a
single payment. All details for a single payment are identified by a common payment event
ID as well as common distribution rule and characteristic value information.

The sections below provide examples of a few of these complex payment event configurations.
Note that these examples assume the same distribution rule is referenced in all staging records.
Staging Entry Example 1: One Payment Event, Two Tenders, Two Payments
Staging Entry Example 2: One Payment Event, One Tender, Two Payments
Staging Entry Example 3: One Payment Event, Two Tenders, One Payment

Staging Entry Example 1: One Payment Event, Two Tenders, Two Payments

Pay Event
Process ID

Account ID











Rule Value


Tender Type

Check No










Tender Type

Check No

Staging Entry Example 2: One Payment Event, One Tender, Two Payments

Pay Event
Process ID

Account ID




















Rule Value

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Staging Entry Example 3: One Payment Event, Two Tenders, One Payment

Pay Event
Process ID

Account ID












Tender Type

Check No









Rule Value

The Lifecycle of a Payment Event Upload Staging Record

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a payment event upload staging record.

Payment Event Upload Staging Lifecycle

Error if no tender control or

tender account determined
(C1-PEPL1) or if error occurs in
process algorithm (C1-PEPL2)



C1-PEPL1 moves status

to Pending when Tender
Control and Tender
Account ID determined
for detail



C1-PEPL2 moves status to

Complete when Pay Event
linked to detail and all process
algorithms executed

Incomplete. A payment event staging record is initially created in incomplete state. The C1PEPL1 process sets it to pending once it links it to a tender control and determines its tender

Pending. The C1-PEPL2 process sets a pending record to complete once all processing
logic is executed and a payment event is linked to it.

Complete. When processing of the staging record is complete the record is in the complete
state. This is a final state.

Error. A payment event staging record may be set to Error from Incomplete or Pending
states by the C1-PEPL1 and C1-PEPL2 processes respectively.

Refer to To Do Entries Instead of Exceptions for more information on how To Do entries are used
to capture processing errors.

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To Do Entries Instead of Exception Records

Instead of creating an exception record for staging records in the Error state the C1-PEPL1 and
C1-PEPL2 background processes create To Do entries and link them to the offending staging
Each process determines the To Do type to use for reporting errors by looking for the To Do Type
defined with this process as its creation process.

Process C1-PEPL1 - Upload Payments (Step 1)

The batch process C1-PEPL1 refers to the first of three background processes that load the
contents of the payment event upload staging records into the various payment tables.
The responsibility of this process is to transition the status of the staging records from
Incomplete to Pending. The status of a staging record must remain Incomplete until:

It is linked to a tender control. This process creates new deposit and tender control records,
and then updates the payment event upload staging records with the corresponding Tender
Control ID.

The Tender Account ID field is populated. The Determine Tender Account algorithm
defined on the distribution rule is called and the returned account ID is posted on the staging

The Pay Event Process ID field is populated. If left blank this field is set equal to the Tender
Account ID.

The following diagram and the sections below describe at a high level the processing phases of
the C1-PEPL1 background process.





Phase 1 - Create Tender Control
Phase 2 - Determine Tender Account

Phase 1 - Create Tender Control

Note. This step cannot be bounded by thread range but must execute across the entire
population of staging details. Therefore this step in the process is designed so that all parallel
threads attempt to execute it at the same time but only one thread succeeds to avoid creating
duplicate tender controls.


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This step creates all tender controls required by the upload records as follows:

For each distinct tender source transmissions represented within the incomplete set of
upload staging details a deposit control, a deposit tender and a tender control are created in
an open state. Note that a deposit tender record is only created if the tender amount is not

If an error occurs at this stage

A designated staging record for the transmission group (one is picked at random) is set to
Error and a To Do entry is created and linked to it to capture the error message that
applies for the whole transmission group. Other records in the group remain incomplete.

The process stops.

Group Error. This technique allows for an easier recovery from a setup error that may affect a
large volume of records in a single transmission. Capturing the error only on a single designated
record requires only this record to be set back to Incomplete once the setup issue is corrected.
It is important to note that the transmission group is not processes if at least one of the records in
the group is in Error status.

Once a transmission group of records is fully processed, a To Do cleanup processing takes

place to complete To Do entries previously raised for its designated staging record.

Refer to To Do Entries Instead of Exceptions for more information on how To Do entries are used
to capture processing errors.

Phase 2 - Determine Tender Account

After all tender controls have been created the second step attempts to transition all incomplete
records to the pending state.
Each incomplete staging record is processed as follows:

If not yet associated with a tender control ID, the process looks for an Open tender control
that matches the batch code, batch number and external source ID and links it to the staging
record. An error is raised if a matching tender control is not found.

Execute the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on the distribution rule and
populate the record with the returned account ID. Note that the algorithm is called even when
the tender account is populated to provide for a potential override of the initial value when
necessary. An error is raised if a tender account may not be determined.

If not already populated, the Pay Event Process ID is set equal to the Tender Account ID.
The C1-PEPL2 process uses this field to organize the parallel threads and to group multiple
staging details into a single payment event.

The staging record is moved to pending state.

If any errors occur set the record to Error and create a To Do entry for the error message.

If no error occurred, a To Do cleanup processing takes place to complete To Do entries

previously raised for the staging record.

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Refer to To Do Entries Instead of Exceptions for more information on how To Do entries are used
to capture processing errors.

Note. This step is designed to support execution in parallel threads based upon the sequence
number portion of the staging table prime key.

Process C1-PEPL2 - Upload Payments (Step 2)

The batch process C1-PEPL2 refers to the second of three background processes that load the
contents of the payment event upload staging records into the various payment tables.
The responsibility of the C1-PEPL2 process is to create payment events, payment tenders and
payments and transition the corresponding staging records from Pending to Complete.
The following diagram and the section below describe at a high level the processing phases of
the C1-PEPL2 background process.







Each distinct group of pending staging records associated with the same external source ID,
external transmit ID, accounting date, and pay event process ID is processed as follows:

A payment event is created for the group and stamped on each of its records.

A payment tender is created for each distinct set of staging records having the same tender
account, tender type and other tender information fields, except for the tender amount.


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Payment Business Processes

The Create Payment algorithm is then called for each distinct group of staging records
having the same tender account, distribution rule and rule value providing it with the total
amount for the group.

The staging record is moved to pending state.

If any error occurs a designated staging record for the payment event group (one is picked at
random) is set to Error and a To Do entry is created and linked to it to capture the error
message that applies for the whole group. Other records in the group remain incomplete.

Group Error. This technique allows for an easier recovery from an error that affects all staging
records for a single payment event. Capturing the error only on a single designated record
requires only this record to be set back to pending once the issue is corrected. It is important to
note that the whole set of records is not processes if at least one of the records in the group is in
Error status.

If no error occurred, a To Do cleanup processing takes place to complete To Do entries

previously raised for the designated staging record.

Refer to To Do Entries Instead of Exceptions for more information on how To Do entries are used
to capture processing errors.

Note. This process is designed to support execution in parallel threads based upon the payment
event process ID field.

Process C1-PEPL3 - Upload Payments (Step 3)

The batch process C1-PEPL3 refers to the last of three background processes that load the
contents of the payment event upload staging records into the various payment tables.
The responsibility of the C1-PEPL3 process is to update the status of the related deposit and
tender controls from open to balanced.
Each distinct tender control for which all associated staging records are in complete status is
processed as follows:

The tender control is set to balanced.

The deposit control is set to balanced.

Note. This process is designed to support execution in parallel threads based upon the Tender
Control ID field.

Payment Event Upload Staging

The Payment Event Upload Staging page has three purposes:

You can view historical payment event upload staging records associated with uploaded

You can correct payment event upload staging records that are in error.

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You can add new payment event upload staging records to be uploaded by the payment
event upload processes.

The topics in this section describe this page.

Payment Event Upload Staging - Main

This page shows the details of a payment event upload staging record.
Refer to Populating The Payment Event Upload Staging Records for more information about this
Open this page using Financial, Payment Upload Staging, Tender Detail.
Description of Page
External Source ID corresponds with an external source ID on one of the your tender sources.
This should be the unique ID of the source of the interfaced payments. Refer to Setting Up
Tender Sources for more information.
External Transmission ID is the unique identifier of the transmission of payments from the
external source. This must be a unique value for each transmission from the source.
Sequence is the identifier of the record within the transmission. The C1-PEPL1 process uses
this field to organize the parallel threads.
Accounting Date is the payment date that should be used for accounting purposes.
Distribution Rule is the rule by which the payment detail is to be processed. A default
distribution rule is displayed if you have set one.
Rule Value is a value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.
Match Type and Match Value are only used if the distribution of the payment should be
restricted in some way (i.e., the standard payment distribution algorithm should not be used).
Match Type indicates how the payment should be distributed (e.g., only distribute to a specific
service agreement), Match Value indicates the ID of the restriction (e.g., the service agreement
Payor Account ID is the tender account. If not populated the C1-PEPL1 process populates this
field by calling the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on the distribution rule.
Tender Amount is the amount tendered (i.e., the payment amount).
Currency Code is the currency of the tendered amount. This should be the same as currency
defined on the tender source.
Tender Type defines the form or remittance (e.g., cash, check, etc.). Note that the Tender Type
defaults from the installation record.
Authorizing Tenders. The Tender Type dropdown list does not include tender types that
require authorization (i.e. credit card payments).

For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to Credit Card Payments.


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Check Number is the check number on the payment.

MICR ID is the value of the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line on the payment.
External Reference ID may be used to record external information associated with the payment
Customer ID may be used to record additional customer information.
Name may be used to record additional payment tender information.
Tender Control ID is the tender control associated with the payment. This field is should
typically be left for the C1-PEPL1 process to populate.
If the Tender Type is associated with an automatic payment, the Auto Pay section displays. The
system attempts to default automatic payment information from the accounts auto-pay option if
the tender type is the same as the tender type on the accounts auto-pay source and if the auto
pay option is effective on the payment date. If the system is unable to default information, you
must specify the source of the funds and the customers account number / credit card number at
the financial institution.

Auto Pay Source Code is the financial institution / credit card company that receives the
automatic payment request.

External Account ID is the customers account number at the financial institution.

Expires On is only needed if the Tender Type indicates that an expiration date is
necessary (e.g., for a credit card payment).

Name is the customers name in the financial institutions system.

Pay Event Process ID is used to group multiple staging records into a single payment event. If
not populated, the C1-PEPL1 process sets this field equal to the Payor Account ID.
Pay Event Staging Status shows the state of the staging record. Refer to The Lifecycle of a
Payment Event Upload Staging for a state transition overview.
Payment Event ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the related payment event. The
C1-PEPL2 process populates this field when it creates a payment event for the upload staging
record. You can use this field to navigate to the payment event page.
If a staging record is in Error state then the error message associated with the corresponding To
Do entry is displayed.

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In this section, we describe when and how to adjust a service agreements balance.
The Big Picture Of Adjustments
Maintaining Adjustments
How and When To Use An Adjustment
Interfacing Adjustments From External Sources

The Big Picture Of Adjustments

The topics in this section provide background information about a variety of adjustment issues.
We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the topics described in The Financial Big
Picture to fully appreciate the place of an adjustment in the systems financial architecture. In
particular, refer to Setting Up Adjustment Types and Setting Up Adjustment Type Profiles.

Adjustments - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance
Canceling Adjustments
Transfer Adjustments
Calculated Adjustments
Adjustment Amount May Be Positive, Negative Or Zero
Adjustment Type Controls Everything
Unbilled Adjustments And Aged Debt
An Adjustment May Affect More Than Just Customer Balances

Adjustments - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

Adjusting how much a customer owes involves changing a service agreements payoff balance
and/or current balance by creating an adjustment. In this section we describe these two
Warning! If you do not understand the difference between payoff balance and current balance,
refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount.
When Current Balance Equals Payoff Balance
When Current Balance Differs From Payoff Balance
Adjustment Type And Balances

When Current Balance Equals Payoff Balance

For most service agreements, payoff balance and current balance are always the same (or in
colloquial speech - the amount the customer thinks they owe equals what they really owe). In this
situation, an adjustment is easy: both payoff balance and current balance are adjusted by the
same value.

Adjustment Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Lets run through a typical example. The values in the payoff balance and current balance
columns reflect the amount due after the financial transaction has been applied (i.e., the running

Financial Transaction




Bill: $125




Payment: $150




Bill: $175




Payment: $150


Bill: $200




Payment: $150




Bill: $225




Adj: Late Payment Charge $10



As you can see, payoff balance and current balance are always in sync.

When Current Balance Differs From Payoff Balance

For some service agreements, payoff balance and current balance differ (or in colloquial speech the amount the customer thinks they owe differs from what they would owe if they wanted to
payoff their account).
Lets run through an example of a customer on a budget to illustrate a classic service agreement
where these two balances are not the same. The values in the payoff balance and current
balance columns reflect the amount due after the financial transaction has been applied:

Financial Transaction




Bill: $125, Budget $150




Payment: $150



Bill: $175, Budget $150




Payment: $150


Bill: $200, Budget $150




Payment: $150



Adj: Mar 3, 97 bill incorrect due to meter exchange

discrepancies; manual correction of -$33.


Notice the adjustment of -$33 affects only payoff amount. This is because the customer is on a
budget. The adjustment will not affect their monthly payment and therefore it doesnt affect how
much they think they owe.
The following table describes the various types of service agreements where these balances may
Type Of Service

What Payoff Balance Holds

What Current Balance


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Payoff balance holds the amount of deposit you are

holding on behalf of the customers debt. This
amount is showed as a credit (with a negative sign)
because you truly owe the customer this money.

Current balance holds the amount

the customer owes for a deposit.

Charitable contribution

N/A - charitable contribution service agreements

never have a payoff balance.

Current balance holds the amount

the customer owes for a charitable


Payoff balance holds the total amount of delinquent

debt that remains unpaid. When a payment
arrangement is started, you transfer the payoff
balance from the utility service agreement to the
payment arrangement service agreement. Each
billing period, the customer pays down this balance.

Current balance holds the amount

the customer owes in respect of the
billed payment arrangement

Utility agreements on a
budget plan

Payoff balance holds the actual amount owed (actual

bills minus payments).

Current balance holds the amount

the customer owes in respect of the
billed budget amount.


Payoff balance holds the payoff amount for the loan,

which is the current balance (the billed loan amount)
plus the principal balance (the unbilled loan amount)
and any accrued interest charges.

Current balance holds the amount

the customer owes in respect of the
billed amount (the periodic payment

Adjustment Type And Balances

When you create an adjustment, you must define its adjustment type. The adjustment type
controls how payoff balance and current balance are affected by the adjustment amount.
You can only pick adjustment types that make sense for the service agreement. For example, if
your organization doesnt allow budget billing, all adjustments for a utility service agreement will
affect payoff balance and current balance the same (you cant get the balances out-of-sync).
The various types of adjustments that may be linked to a service agreement are controlled by the
adjustment profiles defined on the service agreements SA type.
Refer to Adjustment Type Controls Everything for more information.

Canceling Adjustments
You may cancel any frozen adjustment. Canceling the adjustment creates another financial
transaction that reverses the financial effects of the original adjustment. The impact of the
cancellation appears on the customers next bill. You may view both the original financial
transaction and its cancellation on the Adjustment page.

Transfer Adjustments
A convenient mechanism exists to transfer moneys between two service agreements. The net
effect of such a request is the creation of two adjustments, each of which is linked to the other.
Both adjustments are created together, frozen together, and posted to the GL together. This is
useful because you cant create one side of the transfer and without the other. Refer to How To
Create A Transfer Adjustment for more information.

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Inter or Intra Account. Its important to be aware that the transfer can be inter or intra account
(i.e., the accounts on the two adjustments may be different).

Calculated Adjustments
An adjustment can calculate the adjustment amount using an algorithm. A calculated adjustment
can be used to calculate:

Sales or other taxes for a base amount

Any charge amount based on a user-supplied quantity, such as feet, miles, hours, etc.

Others. Any calculation that can be made by a rate can be applied to an adjustment.

When you create a calculated adjustment, you may be asked to supply a base amount. The user
may supply the base amount or the amount could be defaulted from the adjustment type and
possibly overridden by the user prior to calculating the adjustment amount.
When the adjustment is generated, the calculation algorithm may use the base amount and
calculation date. The base package algorithm calls the rate application and returns the calculated
amount with calculation lines and GL distribution codes.
An adjustments adjustment type controls whether the adjustment is calculated and the algorithm
that performs the calculation.
For more information, refer to Adjustment Type Controls Everything and Setting Up Calculated
Adjustment Types.

Adjustment Amount May Be Positive, Negative Or Zero

An adjustments amount may be positive, negative or zero:

A positive amount causes the customers balance(s) to increase.

A negative amount causes the customers balance(s) to decrease.

A zero amount will not affect the customers balance(s). A zero amount is odd, but necessary
when you need to use an adjustment to correct the GL distribution. Refer to How To Use An
Adjustment To Change Amounts Booked In Your GL for more information.

Adjustment Type Controls Everything

When you create an adjustment, you must define its adjustment type. The topics in this section
describe how adjustment type controls the behavior of an adjustment.
Controls Which Balance(s) Are Affected
Defines The GL Account Affected By The Adjustment
Defaults The Adjustment Amount
Calculates The Adjustment Amount
Controls The Interface To A/P & 1099 Reporting
Controls Information Printed On The Bill

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Adjustment Business Processes

Controls If The Adjustment Can Be Frozen Prior To Bill Completion

Controls If The Adjustment Requires Approval

Controls Which Balance(s) Are Affected

The adjustment types financial transaction (FT) algorithm controls how payoff balance and
current balance are affected by the adjustment amount.

Defines The GL Account Affected By The Adjustment

Most adjustments affect the general ledger (GL) in some way. The following points describe the
source of these GL accounts.

For normal adjustments (i.e., non-calculated adjustments that affect a single service
agreement), there is a single accounting entry generated:

One side of the accounting entry is taken from the distribution code on the SA type of the
service agreement affected by the adjustment. For example, if you are adjusting the
payoff balance on a normal service agreement, the A/R account is constructed from the
distribution code on the service agreements SA type.

The other side of the accounting entry is taken from the distribution code on the
adjustments adjustment type. For example, if a late payment charge is created, the late
payment charge adjustment type references this fees revenue account.

For transfer adjustments (i.e., adjustments used to transfer moneys between two service
agreements), there are two accounting entries generated - one for the from side and one for
the to side. Each adjustment carries its own set of balanced GL accounting details.

For each adjustment, one side of the entry is taken from the distribution code on the SA
type of the service agreement affected by the adjustment (just like for normal

The other sides of both accounting entries have the same GL account. This account
should be the intermediate clearing GL account that is to be used for the transfer. The
source of this clearing GL account is the distribution code on the adjustment type used to
transfer the funds.

For calculated adjustments (i.e., adjustments where rates may be applied to calculate the
adjustment amount), there is a single accounting entry:

For each adjustment, one side of the entry is taken from the distribution code on the SA
type of the service agreement affected by the adjustment (just like for normal

The other side of the entry is taken from the distribution codes that resulted from the rate
calculation if the adjustment financial transaction algorithm is set up to use the calculation
lines as the distribution code source. If the adjustment financial transaction algorithm is
set up to use the adjustment type as the distribution code source, the other side of the
accounting entry is taken from the distribution code on the adjustment type.

Not all adjustments affect the GL. As a general rule of thumb, only those adjustments that
affect a service agreements payoff balance affect the GL. So, if you adjust a budget customers
current balance, but dont adjust their payoff balance, the GL is not affected.

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Defaults The Adjustment Amount

The adjustment type may default the adjustment amount in one of the following ways:

The adjustment type may specify a default amount. This would be used for those adjustment
types that have a standard charge for all customers that receive this adjustment, for example
a non-sufficient funds charge.

The adjustment type may specify a default adjustment amount algorithm. This would be used
for those adjustment types that have a charge that varies based on other factors. For
example, a non-sufficient funds charge may be based on a customers credit rating.

When an amount is defaulted onto a new adjustment it may be overridden by a user.

Calculates The Adjustment Amount

Some adjustment types calculate the adjustment amount. If the adjustment type uses a
calculated amount, a base amount is passed to the rate application, which then returns the
calculated amount with calculation lines and GL distribution codes.
The adjustment types generate adjustment algorithm controls which rate is applied to the base
amount. A user supplied calculation date controls which version of the rate is used. The user
may supply the base amount or it may be defaulted from the adjustment type and possibly
overridden by the user prior to calculating the adjustment amount.

Controls The Interface To A/P & 1099 Reporting

If the adjustment type is associated with a payment (e.g. a refund or a loan disbursement) of
money to a customer, the adjustment type indicates such with a reference to an A/P request type.
When an adjustment that references an A/P request type is frozen, an A/P download request
record is created. This record is the interface request to ask your A/P system to cut a check.
This interface record is marked with a batch process ID and run number.

The batch process ID is the process responsible for creating the flat file that contains check
request that is interfaced to your accounts payable system. The batch process ID is defined
on Installation Options Financial. The base package is supplied with a skeletal background
process (referred to by the process ID of APDL) that must be populated with logic to format
the records in the format compatible with your accounts payable system.

The run number is the batch process IDs current run number.

Refer to Accounts Payable Check Request for more information.

If the resultant check needs to be reported for income tax purposes under a specific 1099
category, the category is also specified on the adjustment type. The 1099 category is in turn
interfaced to the A/P system (the system does NOT manage 1099 reporting).

Controls Information Printed On The Bill

If the adjustment appears on the customers next bill, the verbiage is specified on the adjustment
type (and may NOT be overridden on the adjustment).

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Controls If The Adjustment Can Be Frozen Prior To Bill Completion

Refer to Preventing SA Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill Completion for how
adjustment type can control whether adjustments of a given type can be frozen prior to bill

Controls If The Adjustment Requires Approval

If an adjustment's adjustment type references an approval profile, the system will not allow the
initiating user to freeze the adjustment. Rather, the initiating user can submit the adjustment for
approval. When an adjustment is submitted for approval, the system determines the necessary
approval levels and notifies the first approver. The system will freeze the adjustment when last
approver approves the adjustment (if the adjustment's adjustment type allows it to be frozen prior
to the completion of the next bill).
Only online adjustments are subject to approval. The system assumes that no approval is
necessary for adjustments created by batch processes even those whose adjustment type
references an approval profile.

Refer to The Big Picture of Adjustment Approvals for more information.

Unbilled Adjustments And Aged Debt

A Frozen adjustment waits in limbo until the customers next bill is produced. This limbo period
could be several weeks if the customer is billed infrequently. When the customers next bill is
completed, all limbo adjustments are linked to the bill. A brief description (as defined on the
adjustment type) appears on the printed bill.
It is important to stress the following in respect of these limbo adjustments:

If the adjustment decreases the amount of debt, the customers aged debt is affected
immediately regardless of whether the adjustment appears on a bill.

If the adjustment increases the amount of debt, the amount the customer owes from an aged
debt perspective may or may not be affected by the adjustment. There is a switch on the
financial transaction created for the adjustment called New Charge that controls the arrears
behavior. When the FT for this type of adjustment is created, the switch is set to on and the
customers aged debt will not reflect the adjustment amount until the adjustment is swept
onto a bill. The moment the adjustment is swept onto the customers bill, the debt starts
aging. A user may turn the switch off to cause the debt to start aging sooner. For this case,
the date on which the adjustment starts aging must be defined in the Arrears Date field.

The amount a customer owes in total is immediately affected by the adjustment regardless of
whether the adjustment appears on a bill. This means that amount of aged debt may not be
in sync with the total amount owed. This seems odd but is useful from a credit and
collections perspective. You see, you probably dont want to start aging an adjustment until
the customer has actually seen it.

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An Adjustment May Affect More Than Just Customer

When an adjustment is frozen or cancelled, a customers current and payoff balances are
affected. However, several other objects may be affected when such events occur. Refer to
Obscure Things That Can Happen for more information.

Maintaining Adjustments
An adjustment is used to change the amount of debt stored on a service agreement. The topics
in this section describe the pages on which adjustments are maintained.
For more information about adjustments, refer to The Big Picture Of Adjustments.

The Lifecycle Of An Adjustment
Adjustments - Main Information
Adjustments - Characteristics
Adjustments - Transfer Adjustment
Adjustments - A/P Request
Adjustments - Approval
Financial - Adjustment Calculation Line Characteristics

The Lifecycle Of An Adjustment

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of an adjustment.
Warning! This diagram only makes sense in the context of the page used to maintain
Adjustments. Refer to Adjustments - Main Information for the details.

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Adjustment Lifecycle






Adjustments are initially created in the Incomplete state. Adjustments in this state dont have a
financial transaction. This means, you can change the adjustment type and amount at will.
Click Generate to generate a financial transaction for the adjustment. The financial transaction
contains the adjustments effect on the general ledger and on the customers payoff and current
balances. If the adjustment is calculated, the algorithm on the adjustment types Generate
Adjustment event controls how the adjustment is calculated. If the adjustment is calculated, you
must specify the calculation date, which is passed as a parameter to the calculation algorithm and
is used for calculations that are effective dated (e.g., rate version or bill factor value). The
financial transaction (FT) algorithm defined on the adjustment type Adj. Financial Transaction
event controls how the financial transaction is constructed. For calculated adjustments, the
distribution code may be taken from the adjustment type or the calculation lines.
After generating the financial transaction, the adjustment becomes Freezable. While in this state,
you may change the service agreement, adjustment type and amount at will. However, if you
change this information, you will have to regenerate the financial transaction (by clicking the
Generate button).
In the very rare situation when the system cannot generate the financial transaction because of
inconsistent setup data, the adjustment is moved to the Error state. You may regenerate the
financial transaction after correcting the source of the error. You may also delete such an
Click the delete button to physically remove an Incomplete, Error or Freezable adjustment from
the database.

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Freeze may not be enabled. Please be aware that you can prevent specific types of
adjustments from being frozen until the accounts next bill is completed. Refer to Preventing SA
Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill Completion for how to enable this feature
on your adjustment types.
Click Freeze to freeze the adjustment and its financial transaction. After doing this, the
adjustments state becomes Frozen. While in this state, you cannot change the adjustments
type or amount, but you may change:

When the adjustment starts aging.

Whether the adjustment appears on a customers bill.

The accounting date used to derive the general ledger accounting period(s) to which the
financial transaction is booked.

Adjustments may require approval. If the adjustment type referenced on the adjustment has
an approval profile, the Freeze button is replaced with a Submit for Approval button. If an
adjustment is currently being approved, all action buttons are disabled because the adjustment
must be either approved or rejected using the Adjustments - Approval page. Refer to The Big
Picture of Adjustment Approvals for more information.
If you need to remove the financial effects of an adjustment, click Cancel. Canceling an
adjustment causes the generation of another financial transaction. This new financial transaction
reverses the financial impact of the original adjustment.

Adjustments - Main Information

The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How and
When To Use An Adjustment for instructions describing how to perform common maintenance
The Main page contains core adjustment information. Open this page using Financial,
Warning! All adjustments reference a very important field that controls much validation and
processing; this field is called Adjustment Type. Take special care when adding a new
adjustment to specify the appropriate Adjustment Type as it affects how the adjustment appears
on the customers bill, how the adjustment is reflected in your general ledger, and much more.
After the adjustment is frozen, you may not change its Adjustment Type.
Description of Page
Adjustment Info contains a concatenation of the adjustment amount, adjustment type and


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Formatting may be performed by a plug-in. The contents of Adjustment Info may be

formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the Adjustment Type. Refer to the base packages C1-ADTINFO for an example. If such an algorithm is not plugged-in on the Adjustment Type, the system
looks for a corresponding algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base packages C1ADI-INFO for examples. If you prefer different formatting logic, your system administrator should
configure the system appropriately.
Adjustment ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the adjustment.
Account ID is the account to which the adjustment is linked. The name of the main person on the
account appears next to the account ID.
Use Service Agreement ID to define the service agreement whose value needs to be adjusted.
Basic information about the service agreement appears adjacent.
Premise is a display-only field that shows the Service Agreements characteristic premise (i.e.,
the primary premise associated with the service agreement).
Indicate the Adjustment Type. This field is very important as it controls numerous aspects of the
adjustments impact on the customers balance and your general ledger. This field is gray after
the adjustment is frozen.
You can only choose certain adjustment types. The service agreements SA type has a
collection of valid adjustment profiles. You may only reference adjustment types that are listed in
one of the adjustment type profiles linked to the SA type.
Enter the Amount of the adjustment. If the adjustment type is a calculated adjustment, the
Calculated Amount and Calculation Date are displayed. The values of the calculated amount
and calculation date are displayed after the adjustment is generated. The calculated amount
shows the result of the generate adjustment algorithm. The calculation date is specified when
you click Generate for a calculated adjustment type. It is used by the generate adjustment
algorithm for any calculations that are effective dated (e.g., rate version or bill factor value).
Default note. The adjustment amount defaults based on the adjustment type. When you change
the adjustment type, the amount changes accordingly. You may change the adjustment amount
after it is defaulted.
On Behalf SA ID is a display-only field that is only populated on system-generated adjustments
instigated by one customer, but attributed to another customer. For example, if chargeable field
work is performed for a customer, but is payable by the customers meter maintenance service
provider, the adjustment will be linked to the service provider and will reference the customers
SA as its On Behalf SA ID. This field is only visible if it is populated on the adjustment.
You may not change an adjustments Adjustment Status directly. Rather, you use the buttons in
the Adjustment Actions area. Refer to The Lifecycle Of An Adjustment for the details.
If the status is canceled, the Cancel Reason is displayed.
Use the Comments to describe anything unusual about the adjustment.
The Creation Date defines the date on which the adjustment was created.

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If the adjustment is subject to approval, a message indicating such appears. Clicking this
message navigates the user to the Approvals tab. Refer to The Big Picture of Adjustment
Approvals for more information.
The financial transaction (FT) grid contains the financial transactions associated with the
adjustment. It only contains information after the adjustment is frozen. If the adjustment is
canceled, a second row appears showing the details of the cancellation FT.

Financial Transaction ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the FT. Click the go to
button to transfer to the financial transaction. On this page you can change certain aspects
of the FT in question.

Arrears Date is the date the FT starts aging.

Accounting Date is the date the system uses to determine the FTs accounting period in
your general ledger.

Current Amount contains the FTs effect on the service agreements current balance.

Payoff Amount contains the FTs effect on the service agreements payoff balance.

Bill ID is the bill on which the FT appears (if it has been swept onto a bill). Click the adjacent
go to button to transfer to the bill on which the FT appears. Note: an FT is linked to a bill the
next time a bill is completed for the service agreements account.

The Calculation Lines grid contains the details of the calculations associated with a calculated
adjustment. It only appears if the rate that calculated the adjustment amount created at least one
calculation line. One row exists for every calculation involved in the process. This information is
for audit purposes only and cannot be modified. The following information displays in the grid:

If at least one of the calculation lines has characteristics, Calc Line Char displays go to
buttons, allowing you to go to characteristics that are linked to a specific adjustment
calculation line. This column is only displayed if at least one of the calculation lines has

Sequence is the system-assigned unique identifier of the calculation detail row.

Description on Bill is the information about the calculation line that appears on the
customers bill.

Calculated Amount is the calculated amount associated with the calculation line.

The Print switch controls whether information about this line will print on the customers bill.

The Appears in Summary switch defines if this lines amount also appears on a summary
line. This switch plays a part at bill print time those lines that appear in a summary print in
the left dollar column, those that dont appear in a summary print in the right dollar column.
Bill segments created by applying a rate have this switch turned on if the corresponding rate
component is summarized on a summary rate component.

Unit of Measure (UOM) is the unit of measure of the service quantity priced on the
calculation line.

Time of Use (TOU) is the time-of-use code of the service quantity priced on the calculation

SQI is the service quantity identifier of the service quantity priced on the calculation line.

Billable Service Quantity is the service quantity priced on the calculation line. This quantity
differs from the measured consumption if there are SQ rules or register rules in effect.


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Base Amount is used by calculation lines (e.g. taxes) that are cross-referenced to other
calculation lines and whose value(s), therefore, depend on the amounts calculated by those
other lines. The Base Amount shows the total amount derived from the cross-referenced
line(s) that the current line then used to calculate its billed amount.

Rate Component Sequence refers to the sequence number of the rate component on the
applicable rate version that was used to calculate the line.

Measures Peak Qty is checked if the UOM priced on the calculation line is used to measure
a peak quantity.

Exempt Amount is the amount of the calculated charge that the customer doesnt have to
pay because they are tax exempt.

Distribution Code is the distribution code associated with the calculation line. This
distribution code is used to build the general ledger details on the bill segments financial

Description describes the characteristic value that was used when the lines amount was
calculated. This information is only displayed if the line was calculated using a bill factor
(because only bill factors use characteristic values). Refer to An Illustration Of A Bill Factor
And Its Characteristics for more information.

For more information, refer to Calculated Adjustments.

The Adjustment Actions area contains buttons that you use to commit and cancel the
adjustments financial impact. The adjustments status controls the button you can see and
select. Refer to The Lifecycle Of An Adjustment for the details.
Freeze may not be enabled. Please be aware that you can prevent specific types of
adjustments from being frozen until the accounts next bill is completed. Refer to Preventing SA
Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill Completion for how to enable this feature
on your adjustment types.
Cancel may not be enabled. The cancel button is not enabled if the adjustment is linked to a bill
that is written off.

Canceling An Accounts Payable (A/P) Adjustment. If you need to cancel an A/P adjustment
(i.e. an adjustment of an adjustment type that has an A/P request type) that has already been
extracted by A/P, refer to How To Cancel An A/P Adjustment After Its Been Selected By A/P.

Adjustments - Characteristics
You use this page to link additional information to the adjustment. Open using Financial,
Adjustment, Characteristics.
Description of Page
The characteristics collection contains information that describes miscellaneous information about
the adjustment.

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Characteristic Types. You can only choose characteristic types defined on the adjustment's
adjustment type.
The following fields display:
Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.

Characteristic Value

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Default Note. An adjustments characteristics default from the adjustment type.

Adjustments - Transfer Adjustment

The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How and
When To Use An Adjustment for instructions describing how to perform common maintenance
The Transfer Adjustment is used to define the reciprocal adjustment associated with a transfer
adjustment (there are always two adjustments associated with a transfer). Open using Financial,
Adjustment, Transfer Adjustment.
Description of Page
Adjustment Info contains a concatenation of the adjustment amount, adjustment type and
Adjustment ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the adjustment.
Account ID is the account to which the adjustment is linked. The name of the main person on
the account appears next to the account ID.
Use Service Agreement ID to define the transfer to service agreement. Basic information about
the service agreement appears adjacent.
Premise is a display-only field that shows the Service Agreements characteristic premise (i.e.,
the primary premise associated with the service agreement).
The Adjustment Type and adjustment Amount from the first page are displayed. If you need to
change either value, return to the first page.
Adjustment Status shows the status of the transfer to adjustment. If you need to change the
adjustments status, use the action buttons.
Use the Comments to describe anything unusual about the adjustment.
Transfer Adj ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the adjustment.
The Creation Date defines the date on which the adjustment was created.
The financial transaction grid contains the financial transactions associated with the adjustment.
It only contains information after the adjustment is frozen. If the adjustment is canceled, a second
row appears showing the details of the cancellation FT.


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Financial Transaction ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the FT. Click the go to
button to transfer to the financial transaction. On this page you can change certain aspects
of the FT in question.

Arrears Date is the date the FT starts aging.

Accounting Date is the date the system uses to determine the FTs accounting period in
your general ledger.

Current Amount contains the FTs effect on the service agreements current balance.

Payoff Amount contains the FTs effect on the service agreements payoff balance.

Bill ID is the bill on which the FT appears (if it has been swept onto a bill). Click the adjacent
go to button to transfer to the bill on which the FT appears. Note: an FT is linked to a bill the
next time a bill is completed for the account.

Adjustments - A/P Request

The Description of Page below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How and When To
Use An Adjustment for instructions describing how to perform common maintenance functions.
The A/P Request page contains information about adjustments used to refund money via an A/P
check request. This page is only relevant if:

The adjustments adjustment type references an A/P Request Type (i.e., it will be interfaced
to your accounts payable system which will cut the check), AND

The adjustment is frozen.

Open this page using Financial, Adjustment, A/P Request.

Description of Page
Adjustment Info contains a concatenation of the adjustment amount, adjustment type and
Adjustment ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the adjustment.
Account ID is the account to which the adjustment is linked.
Adjustment type controls A/P check requests. The A/P Request information is populated
when an adjustment used to refund money via an A/P check request is frozen. Whether or not
an adjustment is interfaced to A/P is controlled by the adjustments adjustment type. The
adjustment types A/P Request Type controls the payment date and the bank.
Name is the name printed on the check. This name is derived from the account's main person:

If this person has an override mailing name, the first line of the override mailing name is

If this person does not have an override mailing name, the person's primary name is used.

Payment Selection Status is the status of the check request. The values are:

Not Selected for Payment before its selected by A/P for payment

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Requested for Payment after its selected by A/P

Paid after its paid by A/P

Canceled if its been canceled in A/P

Hold if it's been held in A/P

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Scheduled to Pay is the date on which the check is scheduled to be cut. This is equal to the
adjustment date plus the Due Days on the adjustment types A/P request type.
The following fields are provided in order to support a two-way interface with an A/P system. The
delivered system does not have processes which update these fields.

Payment Date is the date on which the check was cut in A/P. This field is only populated
after A/P cuts the check.

Paid Amount is the amount of the check. This field is only populated after A/P cuts the

A/P Request ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the A/P check request.

Payment Number is the system-assigned number of the payment in A/P (this number
typically appears on the printed check). This field is only populated after A/P cuts the check.

The address information in the bottom frame is the address to which the check is mailed. This is
the billing address of the main customer linked to the account. After the adjustment is frozen, this
information is automatically populated based on the address information for the account. This
information is modifiable until the status is Paid.

Adjustments - Approval
This page only appears after an adjustment has started the approval process. Open this page
using Financial, Adjustment, Approval.
Refer to The Big Picture of Adjustment Approvals for more information about the approval
The topics in this section describe the base-package zones that appear on the Approval Profile
Adjustment Information
Approval Request
Approval Request Log

Adjustment Information
The Adjustment Information zone contains display-only information about the adjustment.

Approval Request
The Approval Request zone shows the current and future approvers of an adjustment. This zone
only appears if the adjustment is in the approval process.
If the current user has approval authority, the following functions are available:


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Click the Approve button to approve the adjustment.

Click the Reject button to reject the adjustment.

Adjustment Business Processes

Approval Request Log

The Approval Request Log zone contains the history of the adjustment's approval.

Financial - Adjustment Calculation Line Characteristics

This page displays the characteristics that are linked to a specific adjustment calculation line.
The information on this page is for audit purposes only and cannot be changed.
Open this page by clicking on the characteristics go to button on the calculation lines grid of the
Adjustments - Main page.
Description of Page
Account is the account to which the adjustment is linked. The name of the main person on the
account appears next to the account ID.
The SA is the service agreement whose value needs to be adjusted. Basic information about the
service agreement appears adjacent.
Premise shows the service agreements characteristic premise (i.e., the primary premise
associated with the service agreement).
The Adjustment Info displays information to identify the adjustment, including amount, type, and
Adjustment ID displays the identification of the adjustment, and Calc Line displays the
calculation line with which the characteristics are associated.
The Description on Bill displays the description of the calculation line that appears on the
customers bill.
The characteristics grid displays the Characteristic Types and the Characteristic Values
associated with the calculation line.
For more information about characteristics, refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types and Their

How and When To Use An Adjustment

A last resort. Adjustments should be viewed as a last resort because you should correct the
cause of errors, rather than the effect. For example, if a customers bill is incorrect, you should fix
the customers rate / meter reads / contract terms and then perform a cancel / rebill. Issuing an
adjustment to fudge the balance is really just that - a fudge.
The topics in this section describe how to perform common adjustment maintenance functions.

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How To Create A Transfer Adjustment
How To Create A Calculated Adjustment
How To Cancel An A/P Adjustment After It Has Been Selected By A/P
How To Correct Normal Service Agreement Debt
How To Apply Ad Hoc Fees To A Service Agreement
How To Apply Interest To A Deposit
How To Apply A Deposit To Outstanding Debt
How To Refund A Deposit With A Check
How To Write-Down Deposit Due
How To Refund A Credit Balance With A Check
How To Transfer A Credit Balance To A Service Agreement In Arrears
How To Change The Age Of Debt
How To Write-Down A Charitable Contribution Service Agreement Debt
How To Write-Off Debt
How To Cancel A Service Agreement's Budget
How To Adjust A Service Agreement On A Budget
How To Adjust An Installment Plan Service Agreement
How To Use An Adjustment To Change The GL Distribution

How To Create A Transfer Adjustment

The following steps describe how to create a transfer adjustment on the Adjustment page.
Note. You cannot use an adjustment type with a calculated amount for transfer adjustments.
Warning! These steps only make sense in the context of the page used to maintain
Adjustments. Refer to Adjustments - Main Information for the details.
To create a transfer adjustment:

Specify the transfer from account and service agreement on the Adjustment Main page.

Specify the adjustment type and the amount and transfer to the Transfer Adjustment page.

Specify the transfer to service agreement and click the Generate and Freeze buttons to
generate and freeze the adjustments financial transactions. Please be aware that the
Freeze button may be disabled for certain types of adjustments. This is because you can
prevent specific types of adjustments from being frozen until the accounts next bill is
completed. Refer to Preventing SA Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill
Completion for how to enable this feature on your adjustment types.

How To Create A Calculated Adjustment

The following steps describe how to create a calculated adjustment on the Adjustment page.
Warning! These steps only make sense in the context of the page used to maintain
Adjustments. Refer to Adjustments - Main Information for the details.
To create a calculated adjustment:
1. Open Financial, Adjustment, Main and specifiy the Service Agreement to which the
adjustment will be applied.


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2. Specify the Adjustment Type that calculates the amount, and enter a base Amount.
3. Click Generate. The Generate dialog box opens.
4. In the resulting dialog box, specify an Accounting Date and Generation Reference Date.
Click Calculate.
5. Click Freeze to freeze the calculated transactions.
The Calculation Date that you supply is used by the generate adjustment algorithm for any
calculations that are effective dated (e.g., rate version or bill factor value).
Please be aware that the Freeze button may be disabled for certain types of adjustments. This is
because you can prevent specific types of adjustments from being frozen until the accounts next
bill is completed. Refer to Preventing SA Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill
Completion for how to enable this feature on your adjustment types.

How To Cancel An A/P Adjustment After It Has Been

Selected By A/P
Adjustments that are interfaced to A/P (because A/P needs to cut a refund check) sometimes
need to be canceled. You may cancel an A/P adjustment in the CIS system while its A/P request
is Not Selected. If the A/P request is Requested for Payment or Paid you must first cancel the
payment in A/P. Canceling the payment in A/P changes the A/P request in CIS to Canceled. At
this point, you can cancel the adjustment in CIS.

How To Correct Normal Service Agreement Debt

If a customer is unhappy with the balance on a normal service agreement and you cannot fix the
source of their unhappiness (i.e., the bills and payments), create an adjustment. Simply select an
adjustment type that describes why you are adjusting the balance and enter the amount of the
adjustment (a negative number if you are crediting the customer).
Whats normal? There really is no such thing as a normal service agreement. We use this
term to reference service agreements used to bill for services like utility service, land leases,
home warranties, security monitoring, etc. where the current amount is the same as the payoff
Warning! A service agreement that is part of a budget plan is NOT normal. Refer to How To
Adjust A Service Agreement On A Budget for more information.

How To Apply Ad Hoc Fees To A Service Agreement

If you need to apply a fee (e.g., late payment charge, connection charge, NSF charge) to a
normal service agreement, issue an adjustment using the appropriate adjustment type. The
adjustment amount should be a positive number so that the customers balance increases.
Warning! Take care if you apply a fee to a service agreement thats on a budget. The
adjustment affects current balance and payoff balance by the amount of the fee. If you didnt
mean to affect the customers current balance, youll have to issue another adjustment to change

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How To Apply Interest To A Deposit

You should only have to issue adjustments to calculate and refund interest if you need to override
the systems automated procedures. Refer to Controls Interest Calculation for the details.
If you need to manually apply interest to a deposit, issue an adjustment using the appropriate
adjustment type. The adjustment amount should be a negative number (you are crediting the
customers deposit balance).
If you want to apply the interest to the customers outstanding balance, refer to How To Apply A
Deposit To Outstanding Debt.
If you want to cut a check for the deposit, refer to How To Refund A Deposit With A Check.

How To Apply A Deposit To Outstanding Debt

You should only have to issue adjustments to apply a deposit to outstanding debt if you need to
override the systems automated procedures. Refer to Refunding Deposits for the details.
Applying a deposit is a two-step process:

The deposit service agreements payoff balance contains the amount of deposit you are
holding on behalf of the customers debt. Its current balance should be zero (i.e., the
customer doesnt owe any additional deposit). Before you apply the deposit balance, we
recommend making the deposits current balance equal to the amount to be transferred. You
do this by issuing an adjustment that just affects the deposits current balance. The amount
of this adjustment should be a negative number.

After the deposits current balance reflects an appropriate credit amount (equal to the amount
to be applied to the customers debt), use the Transfer Adjustment process to apply the
deposits credit balance to another service agreements debit balance. The deposit service
agreement is the transfer from service agreement; the delinquent service agreement is the
transfer to service agreement. The adjustment amount should be a positive number. Refer
to How To Create A Transfer Adjustment for more information.

Warning! Take care if you apply a deposit to a service agreement thats on a budget. The
transfer adjustment affects current balance and payoff balance by the same amount. If you didnt
mean to affect the customers current balance, youll have to issue another adjustment to change

How To Refund A Deposit With A Check

You should only have to issue adjustments to apply a deposit to outstanding debt if you need to
override the systems automated procedures. Refer to Refunding Deposits for the details.
Refunding a deposit with a check (cut by your A/P system) is a two step process:


The deposit service agreements payoff balance contains the amount of deposit you are
holding on behalf of the customers debt. Its current balance should be zero (i.e., the
customer doesnt owe any additional deposit). Before you refund the deposit balance, we

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recommend making the deposits current balance equal to the amount to be refunded. You
do this by issuing an adjustment that just affects the deposits current balance. The amount
of this adjustment should be a negative number.

After the deposits current balance reflects an appropriate credit amount (equal to the amount
to be refunded), issue a refund adjustment. The adjustment amount should be a positive
number. This adjustment causes a check request to be interfaced to your A/P system.

How To Write-Down Deposit Due

If a customer doesnt pay their deposit and you dont expect them to, create an adjustment to
write-down the current balance. Simply select an adjustment type that describes why you are
adjusting the balance and enter the amount of the adjustment (a negative number).

How To Refund A Credit Balance With A Check

If you need to refund a credit balance on a normal service agreement, issue a refund
adjustment using the appropriate adjustment type. The adjustment amount should be a positive
number. This adjustment causes a check request to be interfaced to your A/P system.
Warning! Take care if you refund a credit balance from a service agreement thats on a budget.
The adjustment affects current balance and payoff balance by the amount of the refund. If you
didnt mean to affect the customers current balance, youll have to issue another adjustment to
change it.

How To Transfer A Credit Balance To A Service

Agreement In Arrears
Use the Transfer Adjustment process to apply a normal service agreements credit balance to
another service agreements debit balance. The credit service agreement is the transfer from
service agreement; the delinquent service agreement is the transfer to service agreement. The
adjustment amount should be a positive number. Refer to How To Create A Transfer Adjustment
for more information.
Warning! Take care if you apply a credit to a service agreement thats on a budget. The transfer
adjustment affects current balance and payoff balance by the transfer amount. If you didnt mean
to affect the customers current balance, youll have to issue another adjustment to change it.

How To Change The Age Of Debt

If a service agreements debt is older (or younger) than what it should be (for whatever reason),
you should do the following.

Use the Transfer Adjustment process to re-age the debt. The transfer from and transfer to
service agreements will be the same. The adjustment amount should be a negative number.
Refer to How To Create A Transfer Adjustment for more information.

After creating the transfer adjustment, drill into the transfer to adjustment and populate the
arrears date with the day on which the debt should start aging (e.g., if the debt should be 7

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days old, the arrears date should be the current date minus 7 days).
Warning! Be careful if you transfer debt from a service agreement thats on a budget. Before
doing the transfer, you should make the customers current balance equal their payoff balance.

How To Write-Down A Charitable Contribution Service

Agreement Debt
If a customer doesnt want to contribute as much to the charity as the agreed to, create an
adjustment to fix the current balance (charity service agreements shouldnt have a payoff balance
as the debt is voluntary). Simply select an adjustment type that describes why you are adjusting
the balance and enter the amount of the adjustment (a negative number).

How To Write-Off Debt

To write-off debt:
Warning! You dont have to do the tasks outlined below if you use the Write Off - Main page.
This page does these tasks for you.

Create a write-off service agreement using the Start Service page (you could also use the
Service Agreement page to do this).

Use the Transfer Adjustment process to transfer the delinquent debt to the to the write-off
service agreement. The original service agreement is the transfer from service agreement;
the write-off service agreement is the transfer to service agreement. The adjustment amount
should be a negative number. Refer to Transfer Adjustments for more information.

Warning! Take care if you transfer debt from a service agreement thats on a budget. Before
doing the transfer, you should make the service agreements current balance equal their payoff

How To Cancel A Service Agreement's Budget

Warning! You dont have to do the tasks outlined below if you use the Account Budget panel.
This panel does these tasks for you.
Canceling a service agreements budget involves the following steps:

Update the service agreement to indicate the service agreement is no longer on a budget.

Issue an adjustment to make the service agreements current balance equal the payoff

Credit and collections (C&C). You can change the arrears date on the adjustment that
synchronizes current and payoff balance to reflect the true age of the debt. You do this on the
financial transaction associated with the adjustment. If you do this, C&C will monitor the old debt


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Adjustment Business Processes

How To Adjust A Service Agreement On A Budget

If you need to adjust the debt on a service agreement thats on a budget plan, you have to ask
yourself why youre adjusting the balance:

If youre adjusting the balance to correct the payoff balance (for whatever reason), choose an
adjustment type that just affects this balance.

If youre adjusting the balance to correct the current balance (for whatever reason), choose
an adjustment type that just affects this balance.

If you need to adjust both balances equally, choose an adjustment type that affects both.

How To Adjust An Installment Plan Service Agreement

If you need to adjust the debt on a service agreement thats used to bill a total amount in
installments, you have to ask yourself why youre adjusting the balance:

If youre adjusting the balance to correct the payoff balance (for whatever reason), choose an
adjustment type that just affects this balance.

If youre adjusting the balance to correct the current balance (for whatever reason), choose
an adjustment type that just affects this balance.

If you need to adjust both balances equally, choose an adjustment type that affects both.

How To Use An Adjustment To Change The GL

Assume you have a frozen bill segment that affected an incorrect GL distribution code (e.g., it
booked revenue to commercial time-of-use revenue and it should have booked it to industrial
time-of-use revenue. You have two ways to correct such a situation:

You could correct the cause of the incorrect distribution code (probably incorrect GL
information on a rate component) and cancel / rebill the bill segment. Refer to Cancel / Rebill
for more information about this method.

You could create an adjustment that does not impact the customers balance but does have a
GL entry. This GL entry would reverse the effect of the original distribution code and have an
offsetting entry to the correct distribution code. The following points explain how to do this:

Choose an adjustment type that only impacts the GL (i.e., the adjustments adjustment
type has an FT algorithm that doesnt impact the customers current or payoff balance, it
only impacts the GL).

Enter an adjustment amount of zero.

Generate the adjustment.

Drill into the adjustments financial transaction and enter two (or more) GL distribution
rows that reflect the redistribution of the amounts.

Return to the adjustment and freeze it.

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Adjusting statistical amounts. You can use the above approach to change the statistical
amount that is interfaced to the general ledger. The statistical amount is simply another column
on the financial transactions GL distribution rows.

Interfacing Adjustments From External

The topics in this section describe how adjustments are uploaded from an external source.
Interfacing Adjustments
Suspense Adjustments
Maintaining Adjustment Staging Control
Maintaining Adjustment Upload Staging

Interfacing Adjustments
The following diagram illustrates the processes involved in the uploading of adjustments into the

Process: X

Populate Upload Staging

Process: C1-ADUP1
Adjustment Upload

Flat file


Process: C1-ADUP2
Adjustment Upload

The topics in this section describe how these processes work.
Process X - Populate Adjustment Upload Records
Process C1-ADUP1 - Preprocess Adjustment Uploads
Process C1-ADUP2 - Upload Adjustments


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Process X - Populate Adjustment Upload Records

Process X refers to the mechanism used by your organization to populate the various staging
tables (shown in the orange section of the following ERD).

Each record
represents one batch
of uploaded files




Stg Control

Upload Stg
The topics in this section describe each of these tables.
Adjustment Staging Control
Adjustment Staging Control Characteristic
Adjustment Upload Staging
Adjustment Characteristic Upload Staging
The Lifecycle of an Adjustment Staging Control Record
The Lifecycle of an Adjustment Upload Staging Record

Adjustment Staging Control

You must create an adjustment staging control record for each batch of adjustments to be
uploaded into the system. The name of this table is CI_ADJ_STG_CTL. The following
describes each column on this table.
Column Name



Data Type




This is the unique identifier of the

adjustment staging control record.
This key is a sequential number so
you can use a database function to
assign the value when populating
the table.




This is the date / time on which the

adjustment staging control record
was created. This must be

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populated with the current date /



This must be set to P for Pending.



This is the total number of

adjustment upload staging records
that are linked to this adjustment
staging control.



This column must equal the sum of

adjustment amounts on the
adjustment upload staging records
that are linked to this adjustment
staging control.



This must be a valid currency code

in the system. Refer to Defining
Currency Codes for more


Leave this blank. The adjustment

upload preprocessor populates this
when an error occurs during upload.


Leave this blank. The adjustment

upload preprocessor populates this
when an error occurs during upload.

Adjustment Staging Control Characteristic

You must create an adjustment staging control characteristic record for each characteristic that
you would like to link to the adjustment staging control. The name of this table is
CI_ADJ_STG_CTL_CHAR. The following describes each column on this table.
Column Name



Data Type




This must correspond with the prime

key of the related
CI_ADJ_STG_CTL record.



This must correspond with a

characteristic type that is defined as
valid for adjustment staging
control. Refer to Setting Up
Characteristic Types & Their Values
for more information.


This should be set to 10 unless you

have multiple values for a given
adjustment staging control and
characteristic type.




Populate this field if your

characteristic type is predefined.




Populate this field if your

characteristic type is ad-hoc or file


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50 each


Populate these fields if your

characteristic type is foreign key
reference. Up to five columns of 50
bytes each are provided to
accommodate compound keys.

Adjustment Upload Staging

You must create an adjustment upload staging record for each adjustment you want to upload.
The name of this table is CI_ADJ_STG_UP. The following describes each column on this table.
Column Name



Data Type




This is the unique identifier of the

adjustment upload staging record.
This key is a sequential number so
you can use a database function to
assign the value when populating
the table.



The ID of the adjustment staging

control that is linked to this
adjustment upload staging record.



This must correspond to the prime

key of one of your adjustment types.
Refer to Setting up Adjustment
Types for more information.



This must be set to P for Pending.




The date when the adjustment




The amount of the adjustment.


This must be set to NSUS for Not In





This must correspond to a valid

service agreement in the system.
If you leave this blank and opt to let
the system find the SA during
adjustment upload preprocessing, a
Determine SA algorithm must be
plugged in on the associated
adjustment type. This plug-in is
meant to derive the SA ID based on
supplied miscellaneous information
e.g. information supplied via
adjustment characteristic upload



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Leave this blank. The adjustment

upload process populates this.


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Leave this blank. The adjustment

upload process populates this.


Leave this blank. The adjustment

upload background processes
populate this when an error occurs
during upload.


Leave this blank. The adjustment

upload background processes
populate this when an error occurs
during upload.

Adjustment Characteristic Upload Staging

You must create an adjustment characteristic upload staging record for each characteristic that
you would like to link to the adjustment upload staging. The name of this table is
CI_ADJ_STG_UP_CHAR. The following describes each column on this table.
Column Name



Data Type




This must correspond with the prime

key of the related CI_ADJ_STG_UP



This must correspond with a

characteristic type that is defined as
valid for adjustment Refer to
Setting Up Characteristic Types &
Their Values for more information.


This should be set to 10 unless you

have multiple values for a given
adjustment upload staging and
characteristic type.




Populate this field if your

characteristic type is predefined.




Populate this field if your

characteristic type is ad-hoc or file


50 each


Populate these fields if your

characteristic type is foreign key
reference. Up to five columns of 50
bytes each are provided to
accommodate compound keys.

The Lifecycle of an Adjustment Staging Control Record

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of an adjustment staging control record.


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Adjustment Staging Control Lifecycle

Records are
created in
Pending status
C1-ADUP1 moves
status to In Progress
when the control record
passes validation

C1-ADUP2 sets the

status to Complete if
all of the associated
upload staging
records are Complete

In Progress




C1-ADUP1 sets the

status to Error when
the control record
fails validation


A user may
manually hold a
staging control

Pending, Held or
Error records
may be deleted

Pending. An adjustment staging control record is created in this state. The C1-ADUP1
process selects pending adjustment staging control records for validation.

In Progress. The C1-ADUP1 process sets a pending record to in progress when the totals
on the adjustment staging control are successfully validated against the totals from the
associated adjustment upload staging records.

Complete. The C1-ADUP2 process sets the adjustment staging controls status to complete
when all adjustment upload staging records linked to the adjustment staging control are

Error. The C1-ADUP1 process sets a pending record to error if the adjustment staging
control fails validation. The status may be set back to pending after the error is fixed.

Held. The held status is available for situations where you want to prevent or delay the
upload of a batch of adjustment staging records. The status may be set back to pending
when the batch of records is ready for upload.

Pending, error and held records may be deleted.

The Lifecycle of an Adjustment Upload Staging Record

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of an adjustment upload staging record.

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Adjustment Upload Staging Lifecycle

Records are
created in
Pending status

Error or Pending
records may be



C1-ADUP2 sets the status to

Complete if the adjustment
upload is successful


Either C1-ADUP1 or
C1-ADUP2 can set the
record to error

Pending. Adjustment upload records are created in this state. The C1-ADUP2 process
selects pending adjustment upload records and creates adjustments for each of them.

Complete. The C1-ADUP2 process sets a pending record to complete if an adjustment is

successfully created.

Error. Either C1-ADUP1 or C1-ADUP2 process sets pending record to error when it
encounters an error during the upload process. The status may be set back to pending after
the error is fixed.

Pending and error records may be deleted.

Process C1-ADUP1 - Preprocess Adjustment Uploads

The batch process identified by batch process ID C1-ADUP1 refers to the background process
that validates adjustment staging control records and populates service agreement IDs on
adjustment upload staging records that do not specify an SA ID.


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Stg Control

Upload Stg

Phase 1 - Validate Adjustment Staging Controls
Phase 2 - Populate SA ID

Phase 1 - Validate Adjustment Staging Controls

The following points describe, at a high level, the first phase of the adjustment upload preprocess:

For each Pending adjustment staging control,

Check that the record count on the adjustment staging control record equals the number
of adjustment upload staging records that are linked to the adjustment staging control.

Check that the total adjustment amount on the adjustment staging control record equals
the sum of the adjustment amounts from the adjustment upload staging records that are
linked to the adjustment staging control.

If the adjustment staging control passes validation, set its status to In Progress.
Otherwise, set the status to Error. Create a To Do entry using the inputs To Do type and
To Do role (if supplied) for adjustment staging control errors. (Complete any outstanding
To Do entries for the adjustment staging control before creating a new To Do entry.)

If no errors occur, perform To Do cleanup by completing any outstanding To Do entries

that were previously created for the adjustment staging control.

Note. You can fix errors by going to the To Do entry and drilling into the adjustment staging
control page. Dont forget to change the adjustment staging controls status back to Pending
after fixing the error.

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Phase 2 - Populate SA ID
The following points describe, at a high level, the second phase of the adjustment upload preprocess:

For each Pending adjustment upload staging that is linked to an In Progress adjustment
staging control AND does not have the SA ID,

Execute the Determine SA algorithm that is plugged in on the adjustment type.

If the algorithm returns a valid SA ID, stamp that SA ID onto the adjustment upload
staging. If the algorithm also returns an indication that the adjustment is to be put into
suspense, set the suspense flag on the adjustment upload staging to In Suspense.
Refer to Suspense Adjustments for more information on how suspense adjustments are

If the algorithm returns an error, set the adjustment upload staging records status to
Error. Create a To Do entry using the inputs To Do type and To Do role (if supplied) for
adjustment upload staging errors. (Complete any outstanding To Do entries for the
adjustment upload staging before creating a new To Do entry.)

If no errors occur, perform To Do cleanup by completing any outstanding To Do entries

that were previously created for the adjustment upload staging.

Note. You can fix errors by going to the To Do entry and drilling into the adjustment upload
staging page. Dont forget to change the adjustment upload stagings status back to Pending
after fixing the error.

Process C1-ADUP2 - Upload Adjustments

The batch process identified by batch process ID C1-ADUP2 refers to the background process
that creates adjustments for all adjustment upload staging records that are stamped with an SA
The following diagram and section describe, at a high level, the processing done in the C1ADUP2 background process.


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Stg Control

Adjustment Business Processes

Controls how the

record is processed



Upload Stg



For each Pending adjustment upload staging that has an SA ID,

Add a frozen adjustment using the amount, creation date and adjustment type on the
staging record.

Note. If the type of adjustment being uploaded is one that is calculated, the algorithm thats
plugged in on the adjustment type will calculate the adjustment amount and generate associated
calculation lines (if applicable). See Calculated Adjustments for more information.

If adjustment creation is successful, update the adjustment ID on the staging record and
set the staging records status to Complete.

If adjustment creation results in an error, set the staging records status to Error. Create
a To Do entry using the To Do type on which this batch process (C1-ADUP2) is defined
as creation process. (Complete any outstanding To Do entries for the adjustment upload
staging before creating a new To Do entry.)

If no errors occur, perform To Do cleanup by completing any outstanding To Do entries

that were previously created for the adjustment upload staging.

Suspense Adjustments
What Are Suspense Adjustments?
How Are Suspense Adjustments Resolved?

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What Are Suspense Adjustments?

When the adjustment upload preprocessor is unable to identify a valid SA ID, it can post the
adjustment to a suspense SA. This is similar to how a payment is posted to a suspense account
when a valid account ID could not be identified during payment upload.
Putting adjustments in suspense is optional. Therefore, this logic sits in a plug-in spot. If
suspense adjustments are applicable to you, you must plug in your suspense logic in a
Determine SA algorithm on Adjustment Type.

How Are Suspense Adjustments Resolved?

A background process can be run periodically to automatically resolve suspense adjustments.
Since rules for resolving suspense may vary, this logic sits in a plug-in spot. You must plug in
your resolve logic in a Resolve Suspense algorithm on Adjustment Type.

Process C1-ADURS - Resolve Suspense Adjustments

The batch process identified by batch process ID C1-ADURS refers to the background process
that resolves suspense adjustments.
For each adjustment upload staging that is In Suspense, execute the Resolve Suspense
algorithm that is plugged in on the adjustment type.

Maintaining Adjustment Staging Control

Use this page to add, view or modify an adjustment staging control record. Open this page using
Financial, Adjustment Staging Control.
Description of Page
Adjustment Staging Control ID is the unique identifier of the adjustment staging control record.
Create Date/Time is when the adjustment staging control was created. This field is protected
after the record is saved.
Number of Staging Records is the number of adjustment upload staging records that are linked
to this adjustment staging control record.
Total Adjustment Amount is the total of adjustment amounts from the adjustment upload
staging records that are linked to this adjustment staging control record.
Enter the Currency for the total adjustment amount on the adjustment staging control. This is
also the currency of the adjustment amounts on the associated adjustment upload staging
Status shows the state of the adjustment staging control. Possible values are: Pending, In
Progress, Complete, Error, and Held.
A Hold button appears adjacent to the status description if Status is Pending. Click this button
to set the status to Held. The adjustment upload process will ignore staging controls in this state.
A Pend button appears adjacent to the status description if Status is either Held or Error. Click
this button to set the status to Pending. An error message box also appears below the status
description if Status is Error.
Use the Characteristics collection to capture miscellaneous information about an adjustment
staging control.


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Characteristic Type

The type of characteristic.

Characteristics Value

The value of the characteristic.

Adjustment Business Processes

Note. You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on an adjustment staging
control. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.

Maintaining Adjustment Upload Staging

Use this page to add, view or modify an adjustment upload staging record. Open this page using
Financial, Adjustment Upload Staging.
Description of Page
Adjustment Upload ID is the unique identifier of the adjustment upload staging record.
Adjustment Staging Control ID is the identifier of the adjustment staging control to which the
adjustment upload staging is linked.
Indicate the Adjustment Type. This field is very important as it controls numerous aspects of the
adjustments impact on the customers balance and your general ledger.
You can only choose certain adjustment types. The service agreements SA type has a
collection of valid adjustment profiles. You may only reference adjustment types that are listed in
one of the adjustment type profiles linked to the SA type.
Enter an Adjustment Amount.
Creation Date is the date when the adjustment occurred. This will be the creation date on the
uploaded adjustment. This field is protected after the record is saved.
Service Agreement indicates the SA to which the adjustment was posted. If the adjustment is in
suspense, the label shows Suspense SA instead.
Adjustment is a reference to the adjustment that got created from the upload.
Status shows the state of the adjustment upload staging. Possible values are: Pending,
Complete, and Error.
If Status is Error, a Pend button appears adjacent to the status description. In addition, an error
message box displays below the status description.
If the adjustment is in suspense, a message appears to indicate the condition and the Suspense
Adjustment is shown. A different message appears when the suspense is resolved.
Use the Characteristics collection to keep miscellaneous information about an adjustment
upload staging.

Characteristic Type

The type of characteristic.

Characteristics Value

The value of the characteristic.

Default Note. An adjustment upload stagings characteristics default from the adjustment type.

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Credit & Collections

The system periodically monitors how much your customers owe to ensure they havent violated
your collection criteria. When a violation is detected, the system generates the appropriate
events (e.g., letters, disconnect field activities, To Do entries, write-off outstanding debt, etc.).
This section describes how to manage your credit & collections processing.
In the section, The Big Picture Of Credit & Collections (C&C), we describe how to set up the
control tables that automate most of your credit & collections processing. If you set these tables
up properly, the system will manage most of your collection, severance and write-off processes;
little or no user intervention should be necessary. You will only access the C&C pages when you
need to override what the system does.

The Big Picture Of Credit & Collections
Collection Process Maintenance
Severance Process Maintenance
Write-off Process Maintenance
Writing Off Uncollectable Debt
Collection Referral
Payment Arrangements and Pay Plans

The Big Picture Of Credit & Collections

The topics in this section provide background information about a variety of credit & collections
Automating Your C&C Activities
The Lifecycle Of A Collection Process And Its Events
The Collection Process Background Processes
The Lifecycle Of A Severance Process And Its Events
The Severance Process Background Processes
The Lifecycle Of A Write Off Process And Its Events
The Write-Off Process Background Processes

Automating Your C&C Activities

Refer to The Big Picture Of Credit & Collections (C&C) to understand how the system monitors
overdue debt and initiates the appropriate collection, severance and write-off events when a
customer exceeds your debt tolerances.

The Lifecycle Of A Collection Process And Its Events

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a typical collection process and its collection

Credit & Collection Business Processes

Account Debt Monitor
detects a customer
has violated collection
criteria. Event
Activator activates the
first event.

Event Activator
activates the second

Customer makes a

Objects Created / Updated


Account Debt



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process with

events with a
trigger date on
or before the
current date

events with a
trigger date on
or before the
current date

Payment is
added to the

Collection Process: Acct 19291010

Status: Active
Trigger Dt.

Event Type



15 Day Warning



48 Hour Notice



Start Severance


Collection Process: Acct 19291010

Status: Active
Trigger Dt.

Event Type



15 Day Warning



48 Hour Notice



Start Severance


Collection Process: Acct 19291010

Status: Active
Trigger Dt.

Event Type



15 Day Warning



48 Hour Notice



Start Severance


Payment: Acct 19291010

Amount: $250.00

Collection Process: Acct 19291010
pending events
Status: Inactive - Canceled By System
and deactivates
Trigger Dt.
Event Type
the collection
process when
15 Day Warning Complete
48 Hour Notice Complete
credits reduce
the account's
18-Dec-99 Start Severance Canceled

The above diagram is referenced in the following topics.

What Is A Collection Process?
How Are Collection Processes Created?
How Are Collection Events Completed?
How Are Collection Processes (and their Events) Canceled?
What Happens If A Payment Is Not Received?

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

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Credit & Collection Business Processes

What Is A Collection Process?

A collection process is a series of events (e.g., letters, To Do entries) meant to encourage an
account to pay its delinquent debt. Linked to the collection process are the specific service
agreements that contributed to the delinquent debt.

How Are Collection Processes Created?

A collection process and its events may be created as follows:

The Account Debt Monitor is a background process that creates a collection process when an
account violates your collection criteria. The collection process has one or more collection
event(s). The collection process template associated with the collection process controls the
number and type of events.

A user may create an ad hoc collection process at will. The collection process template
controls the number and type of events linked to the collection process.

In the above diagram, the event on 1-Dec-99 shows the creation of a collection process with
three collection events. Notice that the events all exist in the Pending state. The events will
exist in this state until their trigger date is on or before the current date.
Refer to How Does The Account Debt Monitor Work? to understand how the system monitors
overdue debt and initiates the appropriate collection process when a customer exceeds your debt
tolerances. Refer to The Big Picture Of Collection Events for more information about a collection
process events.
When you enable the Control Central alert algorithm, C1-COLLPR-AC, an alert displays when an
account has an active collection process. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.

How Are Collection Events Completed?

The event activator runs periodically (at least daily). It looks for collection events with a trigger
date on or before the current date. For each such event, the system executes its activity and
then completes it.
In the above diagram, the event activator activates pending events on 1-Dec-99 and 16-Dec-99.
Notice that the events are moved to the Complete state.
Refer to The Big Picture Of Collection Events for more information about the various types of
collection events and what happens when they are completed.

How Are Collection Processes (and their Events) Canceled?

Refer to How Are Collection Processes Cancelled for a description of how and when collection
processes are automatically cancelled by the system.
Besides the automated cancellation process, a user may cancel a collection process at will.
Refer to How To Cancel A Collection Process for more information.

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What Happens If A Payment Is Not Received?

If a payment (or some other type of credit) is not received by the trigger date of the last event in
the process, a severance process is initiated for one or more service agreements. Refer to The
Last Collection Event Should Sever Service Agreement(s) for more information.

The Collection Process Background Processes

There are 3 background processes that automate the creation, activation, and cancellation of
collection processes:


(C ctiv
ET ato

Activates all events

with a trigger date
on or before the
business date

M cco
on u
ito nt
r ( De
AD bt

Creates a collection
process if an
account violates
your acceptable
debt thresholds


Collection Process
Monitor (CPM)
Cancels a
collection process
if full payment is

Account Debt Monitor
Collection Event Activator
Collection Process Monitor

Account Debt Monitor

The Account Debt Monitor (ADM) creates a collection process when an account violates your
collection criteria. The collection process has one or more collection event(s). The number and
type of events is defined on the collection processs template.
Heads up. There are actually two background processes involved with the monitoring of overdue
debt. These processes are referred to using the batch process IDs of ADM and ADM2.
In the above diagram, the ADM creates a collection process (with 3 events) on 1-Dec-99. Notice
that the events all exist in the Pending state. The events will exist in this state until their trigger
date is on or before the current date.

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Refer to How Does The Account Debt Monitor Work for more information.

Collection Event Activator

The collection event activator runs periodically (at least daily). It looks for collection events with a
trigger date on or before the current date. For each such event, the system executes its activity
and then completes it.
Note. This batch process is referred to using the batch ID CET.
In the above diagram, the collection event activator activates pending events on 1-Dec-99 and
16-Dec-99. Notice that the events are moved to the Complete state after they are activated.

Collection Process Monitor

The Collection Process Monitor runs periodically (at least daily). This process reviews a
collection process whenever one of its service agreements debt is reduced.
Note. This batch process is referred to using the batch ID CPM.
At review time, the Collection Process Monitor determines if it can cancel the collection process
(because the customers debt is no longer in a bad state). Refer to How Does The Collection
Process Monitor Work for details describing how this process works.
In the above diagram, the collection process monitor cancels the process on 17-Dec-99. Notice
that the events are moved to the Cancelled state and the process becomes Inactive.

The Lifecycle Of A Severance Process And Its Events

The following diagram illustrates the first part of the lifecycle of a typical severance process and
its events:

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Credit & Collection Business Processes

Collection Event
Activator activates the
last collection event
which causes a
severance process to
be created for each
service agreement
linked to the
collection process.
The severance event
activator, in turn,
activates the first
severance event.

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Objects Created / Updated


Severance Process: SA 192910101

Status: Active
a severance
Trigger Dt.
Event Type
process for
each SA linked 18-Dec-99 Set door hanger Pending
to the collection
Cut for non pay


events with a
trigger date on
or before the
current date

Expire SA


Severance Process: SA 192910101

Status: Active
Trigger Dt.

Event Type



Set door hanger

FA Wait


Cut for non pay



Expire SA


Field Activity Type: Set door hanger

Service Point: Electric
Status: Pending

Field activity is

The door hanger is
placed and the field
activity is completed.
The severance event
that was awaiting the
completion of the field
activity is completed
and the next
severance event's
trigger date is set.

Field Activity

The door
hanger field
activity is

Field Activity Type: Set door hanger

Service Point: Electric
Status: Dispatched

Field Order

The field activity

is completed

Field Activity Type: Set door hanger

Service Point: Electric
Status: Complete

Severance Completes the

first severance
event and set
the trigger date
Field Activity
on the

Severance Process: SA 192910101

Status: Active



Event Type
Activator Set door hanger

Trigger Dt.



Cut for non pay



Expire SA


Standard severance
event activation

The above diagram is referenced in the following topics.

What Is A Severance Process?
How Are Severance Processes Created?
How Are Severance Events Completed?

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Credit & Collection Business Processes

How Are Severance Processes (and their Events) Canceled?

What Happens If The Customer Does Not Pay?

What Is A Severance Process?

A severance process is a series of events (e.g., letters, To Do entries, field activities) that lead to
the severance of a service agreement. A separate severance process is required for each
service agreement to be severed.

How Are Severance Processes Created?

Severance processes may be created as follows:

The Collection Event Activator creates a severance process when it completes a start
severance process collection event. The severance process has one or more severance
event(s). The severance process template associated with the severance process controls
the number and type of events.

A user may create an ad hoc severance process at will. The severance process template
defined when the severance process is created controls the number and type of events linked
to the severance process.

Manual Creation. A user can create a severance process for an account that does not qualify to
be on severance according to the cancel criteria algorithm. For example, perhaps your cancel
criteria algorithm cancels a severance process when the accounts debt falls below a threshold
amount. A user can create a severance process for an account whose debt is already below this
threshold. Because cancellation is real time, there is no action that will cause this severance
process to be canceled. When a manual severance process is created, the system executes the
appropriate cancellation criteria algorithm. If the algorithm indicates that the system would have
canceled this severance process, a warning is issued. Refer to How Are Severance Processes
Cancelled for more information about cancellation algorithms.
In the above diagram, the event on 18-Dec-99 shows the creation of a severance process with
three collection events. Notice that only the first event has a trigger date, this is because the later
events trigger date can only be determined after the first event is completed. Also, notice that
the events all exist in the Pending state. The events will exist in this state until their trigger date
is on or before the current date.
Refer to How Are Collection Events Completed? for more information about the completion of
collection events.
When you enable the Control Central Alert installation algorithm, C1-SEVPR-ACT, an alert
displays when an account has an active severance process. This algorithm is plugged-in on the
installation record.

How Are Severance Events Completed?

The Severance Event Activator (note: this batch process is called SET) runs periodically (at least
daily). It looks for severance events with a trigger date on or before the current date. For each
such event, the system executes its activity. The type of severance event dictates what happens
to the severance events state. Refer to Field Events Versus Office Events for the details.

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In the above diagram, the event activator activates a pending event on 18-Dec-99. Take note of
the state of the severance event (it becomes Awaiting Field Activity Completion).
Refer to The Big Picture Of Severance Events for more information about the various types of
severance events and what happens when they are completed.

How Are Severance Processes (and their Events) Canceled?

Refer to How Are Severance Processes Cancelled for a description of how the system
automatically cancels a severance process.

Real time cancellation. Unlike collection processes, the system cancels severance processes
real time (i.e., there is no equivalent of the collection process monitor for severance processes).
Why are severance processes canceled real time? Because a severance process may have
events that create field activities to sever service. These events need to be canceled the moment
the FT is frozen, we cant wait until a background process runs. This means that if a customer
pays in person for a service agreement that is pending severance, the system will cancel the
process and its field activities (if any) the moment the payment is entered. The logic to cancel the
field activities is in an algorithm plugged in on the installation record.

Refer to Setting Up Severance Process Templates for more information about severance process
templates. Refer to Designing Your Reconnection Procedures for more information about how
severance processes are used to reconnect services.
Besides the automated cancellation process, a user may cancel a severance process at will.

What Happens If The Customer Does Not Pay?

If a payment (or some other type of credit) is not received by the trigger date of the last event in
the severance process, the service agreement is stopped (as long as youve setup your
severance process to include an Expire Service Agreement event as the last event). The
expiration of the last service agreement will, in turn, trigger a final bill. If the account doesnt pay
the final bill, a write-off process will be started.
Final bills. The account will be setup for final billing when the LAST service agreement linked to
the account is stopped. Refer to Finalizing Pending Stops for more information about how the
system changes the accounts bill cycle when the last service agreement is stopped.

Refer to The Big Picture Of Write Off Processing for more information about the write off process.

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Credit & Collection Business Processes

The Severance Process Background Processes

The Collection Event Activator creates a severance process when it completes a start severance
process collection event. The severance process has one or more severance event(s). The
severance process template associated with the severance process controls the number and type
of events. There are 3 background processes that automate the activation and cancellation of
severance events:


(S ctiv
ET ato

Activates all events

with a trigger date
on or before the
business date


(S gge
ED r D

Sets an events
trigger date when all
of its dependent
events are complete


Complete Field
Events (SEC)
Completes an event
that was awaiting
the completion of a
field activity

Severance Event Activator
Completing Severance Events That Are Dependent On The Completion Of A Field Activity
Set Trigger Date

Severance Event Activator

The Severance Event Activator runs periodically (at least daily). It looks for severance events
with a trigger date on or before the current date. For each such event, the system executes its
activity. The type of severance event dictates what happens to the severance events state.
Note. This batch process is referred to using the batch ID SET.
In the above diagram, the event activator activates a pending event on 18-Dec-99. Take note of
the state of the severance event (it becomes Awaiting Field Activity Completion).

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Completing Severance Events That Are Dependent On The Completion Of

A Field Activity
The Complete Field Events process runs periodically (at least daily). It looks for severance
events that are dependent on the completion of field activities before they can be completed. The
system completes each such event when the field activities linked to the event are complete.
Note. This batch process is referred to using the batch ID SEC.
In the above diagram, this process completes the event that was Awaiting Field Activity
Completion on 19-Dec-99. Take note of the state of the severance event (it becomes

Set Trigger Date

The Set Trigger Date process runs periodically (at least daily). It looks for severance events that
are dependent on the completion of other events before their trigger date can be set. The system
sets the trigger date of each such event when all of its dependent events are complete.
Note. This batch process is referred to using the batch ID SED.
In the above diagram, this process sets the trigger date of the second event on 19-Dec-99.

The Lifecycle Of A Write Off Process And Its Events

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a typical write-off process and its write-off events:


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Write Off Monitor
detects an account
with finaled debt that
hasn't been paid.
Event Activator
activates the first

Customer makes a

Objects Created / Updated


Write Off



Credit & Collection Business Processes

write off
process with
write off events

events with a
trigger date on
or before the
current date

Write Off Process: Acct 19291010

Status: Active
Trigger Dt.

Event Type



Agency referral



Cancel referral



Write Off


Write Off Process: Acct 19291010

Status: Active
Trigger Dt.

Event Type



Agency referral



Cancel referral



Write Off



Collection Agency Referral

Agency: ABC Collections
Account: 19291010
Status: Active


Collection Agency Referral

Agency: ABC Collections
Account: 19291010
Status: Active


Payment is
added to the

Payment: Acct 19291010

Amount: $250.00

Write Off Process: Acct 19291010

Status: Inactive - Canceled By System
If the payment causes the SA's balance to go
to zero, the SA's state becomes closed. The
system "removes" closed SA's from a writeoff process. When the write-off process no
longer has SA's, the system cancels pending
events and deactivates the collection
process. If there is an outstanding collection
agency referral, this will also be cancelled
when the write-off process is cancelled

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Trigger Dt.

Event Type



Agency referral



Cancel referral



Write Off


Collection Agency Referral

Agency: ABC Collections
Account: 19291010
Status: Closed

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The above diagram is referenced in the following topics.

What Is A Write-off Process?
How Are Write-off Processes Created?
How Are Write-off Events Completed?
How Are Write-off Processes (and their Events) Canceled?
What Happens If The Debt Is Not Paid?
How Is Debt Referred To Collection Agencies

What Is A Write-off Process?

A write-off process is a series of events (e.g., letters, collection agency referrals) meant to
encourage an account to pay its delinquent debt. Linked to the write-off process are the specific
service agreements that contributed to the delinquent debt.

How Are Write-off Processes Created?

A write-off process and its events may be created as follows:

The Write Off Monitor is a background process (referred to by the batch ID WPM) that
creates a write-off process when an account has finaled, unpaid service agreements. The
write-off process has one or more write-off event(s). The write-off process template
associated with the write-off process controls the number and type of events.

A user may create an ad hoc write-off process at will. The write-off process template controls
the number and type of events linked to the write-off process.

In the above diagram, the event on 15-Jan-00 shows the creation of a write-off process with three
write-off events. Notice that the events all exist in the Pending state. The events will exist in this
state until their trigger date is on or before the current date.
Refer to How Does The Write-Off Monitor Work? to understand how the system monitors overdue
debt and initiates the appropriate write-off process when a customer has unpaid, finaled service
agreements. Refer to The Big Picture Of Write-off Events for more information about a write-off
process events.

How Are Write-off Events Completed?

The event activator runs periodically (at least daily). It looks for write-off events with a trigger
date on or before the current date. For each such event, the system executes its activity and
then completes it.
In the above diagram, the event activator activates a pending event on 15-Jan-00. Notice that the
events are moved to the Complete state.
Refer to The Big Picture Of Write-off Events for more information about the various types of writeoff events and what happens when they are completed.

How Are Write-off Processes (and their Events) Canceled?

When a stopped service agreements balance is reduced to zero (i.e., it closes), the system
checks if there is an ongoing write-off process associated with the service agreement. If so:


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Credit & Collection Business Processes

The system removes the service agreement from the write-off process.

When the last service agreement is removed from a write-off process, the system cancels all
pending write-off events and deactivates the write-off process.

If the canceled process has collection agency referrals, the system cancels the referrals.

Real time cancellation. Unlike collection processes, the system cancels write-off processes real
time (i.e., there is no equivalent of the collection process monitor for write-off processes). This
means that if a customer (or collection agency) pays for a service agreement that is linked to
write-off process, the system will cancel the process and its collection agency referrals (if any) the
moment the payment is entered.

Refer to Setting Up Write Off Process Templates for more information about write off process
Besides the automated cancellation process, a user may cancel a write-off process at will.

What Happens If The Debt Is Not Paid?

If a payment (or some other type of credit) is not received by the trigger date of the last event in
the process, the debt will be written off (assuming you designed your write off process template to
do such).
The last write-off event should cause debt to be written off. Debt will only be written off if the
last write-off event is the type that writes off debt. If the write-off process template contains no
such event, nothing further will transpire until the next time the write-off monitor runs (when it will
create another write-off process for the unpaid, finaled debt).

Refer to How Is Debt Financially Written-Off? for a description of exactly how debt is written off.

How Is Debt Referred To Collection Agencies

Refer to How Do Collection Agency Referrals Work? for more information about how the system
refers debt to a collection agency.

The Write-Off Process Background Processes

There are 2 background processes that automate the creation, activation, and cancellation of
write-off processes:
Note. If necessary, you can write-off debt outside of the automated write-off process by simply
transferring bad debt to a write-off service agreement using the Write Off transaction.

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Activates all events

with a trigger date
on or before the
business date

M ite-O
on f
ito f P
r ( ro
W ce
PM ss

(W ctiv
ET ato

Creates a write-off
process for Stopped
and Reactivated SAs


Write-Off Preprocess

The WPM contains both the

preprocessing logic AND the logic that
creates a write-off process (if the
preprocess logic didnt close the SA)

Attempts to Close SAs by

transferring, writing down,
and refunding balances

Write-Off Monitor
Write-Off Event Activator

Write-Off Monitor
The Write-Off Monitor is a background process that has two functions:

It attempts to close Stopped and Reactivated service agreements using several methods as
described under Attempt To Close The SA Before Creating A Write Off Process.

If it is unsuccessful at closing a SA, it creates a write-off process. The write-off process has
one or more write-off event(s). The write-off process template associated with the write-off
process controls the number and type of events.

Note. This batch process is referred to using the batch ID WPM.

In the above diagram, the event on 15-Jan-2000 shows the creation of a write-off process with
three write-off events. Notice that the events all exist in the Pending state. The events will exist
in this state until their trigger date is on or before the current date.

Write-Off Event Activator

The write-off event activator runs periodically (at least daily). It looks for write-off events with a
trigger date on or before the current date. For each such event, the system executes its activity
and then completes it.


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Credit & Collection Business Processes

Note. This batch process is referred to using the batch ID WET.

In the above diagram, the write-off event activator activates a pending event on 15-Jan-2000.
Notice that the event is moved to the Complete state.

Collection Process Maintenance

A collection process is a series of events (e.g., letters, To Do entries) meant to encourage an
account to pay its delinquent debt. Linked to the collection process are the specific service
agreements that contributed to the delinquent debt. The topics in this section describe the pages
on which collection process-related information is maintained.
For more information about collection processes, refer to The Lifecycle Of A Collection Process
And Its Events.

Collection Process - Main Information
Collection Process - SAs (Service Agreements)
Collection Process - Events
How To Perform Common Collection Process Functions

Collection Process - Main Information

The Main page contains core collection process information. Open this page using Credit &
Collection, Collection Process.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Collection Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

Description of Page
Collection Process is a concatenation of summary information about this collection process. It is
composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the collection status, the reason
code for the collection status, the collection class control name, and the creation date of the
Collection Process ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this collection process.
Account ID is the system-generated account number. The name of the main customer on the
account and its customer class are displayed next to the ID number.
Collection Status defines the state of the collection process. The following values may exist:

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

The system creates a collection process in the Active

state. A collection process remains in this state until the
last event linked to the process is complete OR the
customer pays the collection amount on the service
agreements linked to the process OR you want to stop
the process for whatever reason.


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A collection process becomes Inactive when the last

event linked to the process is completed OR the
customer pays the collection amount on all service
agreements linked to the process OR you want to stop
the process for whatever reason. The Reason field tells
you how a collection process became inactive.

To completely understand the significance of a collection process status, refer to The Lifecycle
Of A Collection Process And Its Events.
Reason defines how a collection process became Inactive or why a collection process is Active.
The following values may exist:
Canceled by User

This reason should be used when a user manually

inactivates a collection process (for whatever reason).

Canceled by System

This reason is populated by the system when it cancels

a collection process. The system automatically cancels
a collection process when sufficient credits have been
posted to the process service agreements since the
process was started.

Events Pending

This reason is populated by the system when a process

has pending events.


This reason is populated by the system when it

completes the last event linked to the collection process.

Collection Class Control defines the debt class (i.e., the type of debt) associated with the
collection process. This is important as it controls which service agreements can be linked to the
collection process (every service agreement is associated with a specific debt class). This field is
gray when there are service agreements linked to the collection process.
Multiple collection processes may be linked to an account. Its important to be aware that if
an accounts service agreements reference multiple debt classes, a collection process must be
created for each debt class that you want to collect.
One collection process per debt class. A given debt class for an account may only have one
ongoing collection process at any point in time.
Beneath Collection Class Control is displayed a message showing why the system generated
the collection process. This information is only displayed for collection processes created by the
Account Debt Monitor. If you have plugged in a Collection Process Additional Information
algorithm on the Installation table, the results of the algorithm, if any, is displayed on a separate
The following line displays the minimum value payment to the collection process debt class that
will cause cancellation of the collection process.


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For more information, refer to How Does The Account Debt Monitor Work?.
Collection Process Template defines the collection events in the process. You can override
these events on the Events page.
Changing the template. If you change the template when all events are pending, the system
will remove the pending events and replace them with the new templates events.

For more information, refer to Setting Up Collection Process Templates.

Creation Date/Time defines the start date/time of the collection process. This is important as it
affects the trigger dates of the process collection events. This field becomes protected after the
collection process exists on the database. If you need to change the trigger date on the events
you can navigate to the Events tab and change the dates manually. Alternatively, you can
perform the following trick:

Change the Collection Process Template to something (anything). Doing this causes the
Create Date/Time to become unprotected.

Specify the date of the first collection event in the newly unprotected Create Date/Time.

Change the Collection Process Template back to the desired value. When you change the
template, the system removes the events and creates new ones using the Create Date/Time.

The collection process cancellation logic will cancel a collection process when its accounts debt
no longer exceeds a given amount (you define this threshold amount when you set up the
system). Rather than compare an accounts total debt to the threshold amount, the cancellation
logic compares the accounts debt that is older than X days to the threshold amount. X is the
date specified in Collection Amount Base Date. You can have the system calculate this date
for you by entering the age of the arrears in the field embedded in Calculate Date Using ___
Days In Arrears.
For more information, refer to How Are Collection Processes (and their Events) Canceled?
Enter any Comments about the collection process.
The tree at the bottom of the page shows a variety of information about the account and the
collection process including:

The service agreements linked to the collection process.

The events linked to the collection process.

The amount of debt currently associated with the accounts debt classes.

Whether a pay plan exists for the account, or existed at the time the collection process as

The balance for any service agreements linked to the collection process in Inactive status but
that have credit balances contributing to the overall debt class arrears for the account.

A summary of other active collection activities (i.e., collection, severance and write-off
processes) associated with the account.

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Collection Process - SAs (Service Agreements)

The SA page contains the service agreements whose debt is being collected by the collection
process. Open this page using Credit & Collection, Collection Process, SAs.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Collection Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Collection Process is a concatenation of summary information about this collection process. It is
composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the collection status, the reason
code for the collection status, the collection class control name, and the creation date of the
ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this collection process.
The Collection SAs scroll contains the service agreement being collected under this collection
process. To modify a service agreement linked to the collection process, simply move to a field
and change its value. To add a new service agreement, press the + button to insert a row, then
fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
Service Agreement ID identifies the service agreement being collected. Information about the
service agreement is displayed beneath the SA ID.
Status defines the state of the service agreement in respect of the collection process. The
following values may exist:

An Active service agreement is one currently being

collected by the collection process. The service
agreement will remain in this state until the last event
linked to the process is complete OR the customer pays
the collection amount on the service agreement OR you
want to remove the service agreement from the
collection process for whatever reason.


A service agreement becomes Inactive within the

collection process when the last event linked to the
process is completed OR the customer pays the
collection amount on the service agreement OR you
want to remove the service agreement from the
collection process for whatever reason

The Collection Amount is the amount of debt that initially triggered the collection process. This
will be zero for collection processes that were created manually.
The Amount Still Owing is the amount of debt older than the Collection Amount Base Date
defined on the Main page.
The Credit Amount is displayed if the Amount Still Owing is less that zero.


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Credit & Collection Business Processes

The SA Balances area displays how much is owed for the service agreement. The Days Old
and Arrears Amount information shows how old the current balance is. This information will be
blank if the current balance is a credit.
Note. Information about debt balances by age is not applicable to open-item accounts.
Current Balance indicates the amount the customer currently owes for the service. Payoff
Balance indicates the amount the customer would owe if they wanted to close the service
agreement. This value is only displayed when it differs from the current balance.
Refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount for more information.

Collection Process - Events

The events page contains the activities that will be performed to persuade the customer to pay
the outstanding debt. Open this page using Credit & Collection, Collection Process, Events.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Collection Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

We strongly recommend that you understand the information described in How Are Collection
Events Completed? before using this page.

The number and type of events associated with a collection process are defined by the processs
collection process template (which is defined on the first page). Refer to Setting Up Collection
Process Templates for more information.

Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Collection Process is a concatenation of summary information about this collection process. It is
composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the collection status, the reason
code for the collection status, the collection class control name, and the creation date of the
ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this collection process.
The Collection Events scroll contains the collection events that comprise the collection process.
Only one event is displayed at a time. The inner scroll controls the display of the customer
contacts that were created by the system when a particular collection event was triggered.
Event Sequence is the unique identifier of the event.
Collection Event Status defines the state of the event. The following diagram shows the
possible lifecycle of a collection event:

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Collection Event Lifecycle




Collection events are initially created in the pending state.

When the system sees a pending event with a Trigger Date on or before the current date, the
system executes the events activity and completes the event.
You can cancel an individual collection event by setting the status to cancelled.
The Collection Event Type defines the events activity (e.g., Email sent, a To Do entry is
generated, a letter is sent).
For more information, refer to Setting Up Collection Process Templates.
The Trigger Date defines the date when the system completes (i.e., executes) the event.
For more information about a collection events trigger date, see Collection Event Trigger Date.
If the status of the event is complete, the Completion Date is displayed with the date on which
the system completes the event. If the status of the event is cancelled, the Canceled Date is
displayed with the date on which the event was system canceled.
The Customer Contact information contains information when the event template causes a letter
to be generated (because letters are created by customer contacts).

How To Perform Common Collection Process Functions

The topics in this section describe how to perform common collection process maintenance
functions. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Collection Process for more information about collection
processes. Refer to The Big Picture Of Collection Processing for high-level information about
collection processing.
How To Create A Collection Process
How To Change Collection Events
How To Cancel A Collection Process


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Credit & Collection Business Processes

How To Create A Collection Process

99.9% of all collection processes are created by the Account Debt Monitor and require no human
intervention before they are executed (refer to How Are Collection Processes Created for
information about how the account debt monitor creates collection processes). The other 0.1%
are created by users on-line / real time. The following points describe how to create the 0.1%.

Use Control Central to choose the account that requires a new collection process.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Collection Process + option
on the account context menu to transfer to the collection process transaction in add mode for
the account.

After the Collection Process Main page appears, specify the appropriate Collection Class
Control. Collection Class Control defines the debt class (i.e., the type of debt) associated
with the collection process. This is important as it controls which service agreements can be
linked to the collection process (every service agreement is associated with a specific debt
class). Its important to be aware that if an accounts service agreements reference multiple
debt classes, a collection process must be created for each debt class that you want to
collect. Also be aware that a given debt class for an account may only have one ongoing
collection process at any point in time.

Choose a Collection Process Template. Collection Process Template defines the

collection events in the process. You can override these events on the Events page. For
more information, refer to Setting Up Collection Process Templates.

Use Collection Amount Base Date to define the arrears cutoff date that the system uses
when it removes a SA from a collection process. The system removes a SA from a
collection process when its debt older than X is less than or equal to zero. X is the date
specified in Collection Amount Base Date. You can have the system calculate this date for
you by entering the age of the arrears in the field embedded in Calculate Date Using ___
Days In Arrears.

Navigate to the SAs page to define the specific service agreements whose debt is covered
by this collection process. You must define at least one service agreement.

Save the collection process.

How To Change Collection Events

When a collection process is first created, it has one or more collection events. The events are
the activities that will be performed to persuade the customer to pay the outstanding debt.
The number and type of events that are created when a collection process is initiated are defined
on the collection processs collection process template. The following points describe how to add
/ change / delete events on a collection process if the defaulted events are not satisfactory.

Use Control Central to choose the account with the collection process whose events need to
be changed.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Collection Process option on
the account context menu to transfer to the collection process transaction in update mode for
the account.

To add a new event, transfer to the Events tab and press the + button in the Collection
Events scroll to add a new event. At this point, the event has not been added to the
database; rather, it just exists in memory. Before you add the event to the database, you
must specify the following information:

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Choose an Event Sequence so that the new event will be positioned properly in respect
of the other events.

Choose a Collection Event Status of Pending.

Choose the desired Collection Event Type.

Use Trigger Date to define the date on which the event should be activated (i.e.,

To delete an existing event, transfer to the Events tab and use the scroll arrows to toggle to
the desired collection event. When the desired collection event appears, press the - button to
remove the event. At this point, the event has not been removed from the database; rather,
its been removed in memory.

To change an existing event, transfer to the Events tab and use the scroll arrows to toggle to
the desired collection event. When the desired collection event appears, make the desired

After all desired changes have been made, save the collection process.

How To Cancel A Collection Process

The Collection Process Monitor will automatically remove service agreements from a collection
process when their debt has been reduced sufficiently. When all service agreements are
removed from a collection process, the collection process is canceled. The following points
describe how to manually cancel a collection process.

Use Control Central to choose the account with the collection process to be cancelled.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Collection Process option on
the account context menu to transfer to the collection process transaction in update mode for
the account. A list of all collection processes associated with the account appears. If only
one collection process exists, it is automatically selected for you.

On the Main tab, click Cancel.

When the warning dialog appears, click OK to continue. The collection process and its
pending events are canceled.

Severance Process Maintenance

A severance process is a series of events (e.g., field orders, letters, To Do entries) meant to
encourage an account to pay its delinquent debt. Linked to the severance process is the specific
service agreement being severed. The topics in this section describe the pages on which
severance process-related information is maintained.
For more information about severance processes, refer to The Lifecycle Of A Severance Process
And Its Events.

Severance Process - Main Information
Severance Process - Severance Events
Severance Process - Field Activity/Customer Contact


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Credit & Collection Business Processes

How To Perform Common Severance Process Functions

Severance Process - Main Information

The Main page contains core severance process information. Open this page using Credit &
Collection, Severance Process.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Severance Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Severance Process is a concatenation of summary information about this severance process. It
is composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the division and SA type, and
severance process template code, the process status, the reason code for the process status and
the creation date of the process.
Severance Process ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this severance process.
The remaining fields are maintained on the main severance process page.
Service Agreement ID is the system-generated identifier of the service agreement to which the
severance process is linked. Adjacent to the ID number is summary information about the SA.
Severance Status defines the state of the severance process. The following values may exist:

The system creates a severance process in the Active

state. A severance process remains in this state until
the last event linked to the process is complete OR the
customer pays the collection amount associated with the
severance process OR you want to stop the process for
whatever reason. The Reason field tells you why a
severance process is still in the active state.


A severance process becomes Inactive when the last

event linked to the process is completed OR the
customer pays the collection amount on the severance
process OR you want to stop the process for whatever
reason. The Reason field tells you how a severance
process became inactive.

To completely understand the significance of a severance process status, refer to The Lifecycle
Of A Severance Process And Its Events.
Reason defines how a severance process became Inactive or why a severance process is
Active. The following values may exist:
Canceled by User

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

This reason should be used when a user manually

inactivates a severance process (for whatever reason).


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Canceled by System

This reason is specified by the system when it cancels a

severance process. The system automatically cancels a
severance process when sufficient credits have been
posted to the process service agreement since the
process was started.

Events Pending

This reason is specified by the system when a process

has pending events.


This reason is specified by the system when it completes

the last event linked to the severance process.

Severance Process Template defines the severance events in the process. You can override
these events on the Severance Events page. If you change the template after events exist, the
system will remove the existing events and replace them with the new templates events.
For more information, refer to Setting Up Severance Process Templates.
Create Date/Time defines the start date/time of the severance process. This is important as it
affects the trigger dates of the process severance events. This field becomes protected after the
severance process exists on the database. If you need to change the trigger date on the events
you can navigate to the Events tab and change the dates manually. Alternatively, you can
perform the following trick:

Change the Severance Process Template to something (anything). Doing this causes the
Create Date/Time to become unprotected.

Specify the date of the first severance event in the newly unprotected Create Date/Time.

Change the Severance Process Template back to the desired value. When you change the
template, the system removes the events and creates new ones using the Create Date/Time.

The Collection Amount is the amount of debt that initially triggered the severance process.
The Amount Still Owing is the amount of debt older than the Severance Amount Base Date.
The severance process cancellation logic will cancel a severance process when its SAs debt no
longer exceeds a given amount (you define this threshold amount when you set up the system).
Rather than compare a SAs total debt to the threshold amount, the cancellation logic compares
the SAs debt that is older than X days to the threshold amount. X is the date specified in
Severance Amount Base Date. You can have the system calculate this date for you by entering
the age of the arrears in the field embedded in Calculate Date Using __ Days In Arrears.
For more information, refer to How Are Severance Processes (and their Events) Canceled?
Enter any Comments about the severance process.
The tree at the bottom of the page shows a variety of information about the service agreements
account and the severance process including:

The events linked to the severance process.

The amount of debt associated with the accounts debt classes.


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A summary of other active severance activities (i.e., severance, severance and write-off
processes) associated with the service agreements account.

Severance Process - Severance Events

The events page contains the activities that will be performed to persuade the customer to pay
the outstanding debt. Open this page using Credit & Collections, Severance Process, Events.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Severance Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

We strongly recommend that you understand the information described in How Are Severance
Events Completed? before using this page.

The number and type of events associated with a severance process are defined by the
processs severance process template (which is defined on the first page). Refer to Setting Up
Severance Process Templates for more information.

Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Severance Process is a concatenation of summary information about this severance process. It
is composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the SA business unit and SA
type, set ID and severance process template name, the process status, the reason code for the
process status and the creation date of the process.
ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this severance process.
The Severance Events scroll contains the severance events that comprise the severance
process. The grid at the bottom (when visible) shows the events that must be completed before
the severance event is triggered. Only one severance event is displayed at a time.
Event Sequence is the unique identifier of the event.
Severance Event Status defines the state of the event.
For more information, refer to Severance Event Lifecycle.
The Severance Event Type defines the events activity (e.g., a field order is generated, a To Do
entry is generated, a letter is sent).
For more information, refer to Setting Up Severance Event Templates.
If Dependent on Other Events is turned on, then the events trigger date is only determined after
the event(s) on which it depends are completed. When this switch is on, a grid appears at the
bottom of the page in which you define the event(s) on which this event depends.

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For more information about dependent events, see Severance Event Dependencies & Trigger
The Trigger Date defines the date when the system completes (i.e., executes) the event. This
field is gray when the event is dependent on the completion of other events.
For more information about a severance events trigger date, see Severance Event
Dependencies & Trigger Date.
Days After Prev Response defines how a dependent events trigger date is calculated. The
trigger date is set equal to X days after the last dependent event is completed, where X is the
number in this field. This field is gray when the event is not dependent on other events.
For more information about dependent events, see Severance Event Dependencies & Trigger
If the status of the event is complete, the Completion Date is displayed with the date on which
the system completes the event. If the status of the event is cancelled, the Canceled Date is
displayed with the date on which the event was canceled.
The grid at the bottom of the page contains the events on which this event depends. This grid is
only visible when the event is dependent on other events (as defined by the Dependent on Other
Events switch). To add additional sequences press the + button (insert row), and define the
sequence of the event on which this event depends.

Severance Process - Field Activity/Customer Contact

The Field Activity/Customer Contact page contains information about the objects created when
the system completes the event. Open this page using Credit & Collection, Severance
Process, FA/CC.
What happens when a severance event is completed (i.e., executed) is dictated by the severance
events template. Refer to Types Of Severance Events for more information.

Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Severance Process is a concatenation of summary information about this severance process. It
is composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the SA business unit and SA
type, set ID and severance process template name, the process status, the reason code for the
process status and the creation date of the process.
ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this severance process.
The Severance Events scroll contains the severance events that comprise the severance
process. The grids show the objects created when the system completes each event.
The Field Activity/SP grid contains information about the field activities that were created when
the event was activated. This information will only be populated with the events event type
causes a field activity to be generated.


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Credit & Collection Business Processes

The Customer Contact area contains information about the customer contacts that were created
when the event was activated. This information will only be populated with the events event type
causes a customer contact to be created (note, letters are generated via the creation of a
customer contact).

How To Perform Common Severance Process Functions

The topics in this section describe how to perform common severance process maintenance
functions. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Severance Process for more information about severance
processes. Refer to The Big Picture Of Severance Processing for high level information about
severance processing.
How To Create A Severance Process
How To Change Severance Events
How To Cancel A Severance Process

How To Create A Severance Process

99.9% of all severance processes are created when a start severance collection event is
activated by the Collection Event Activator and require no human intervention before they are
executed (refer to How Are Severance Processes Created for information about how the account
debt monitor creates severance processes). The other 0.1% are created by users on-line / real
time. The following points describe how to create the 0.1%.

Use Control Central to choose the account that requires a new severance process.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Severance Process + option
on the account context menu to transfer to the severance process transaction in add mode
for the account. If the account has multiple service agreements, you must select the service
agreement to be severed.

After the Severance Process Main page appears, specify a Severance Process Template.
Severance Process Template defines the severance events in the process. You can
override these events on the Events page. For more information, refer to Setting Up
Severance Process Templates.

Use Severance Amount Base Date to define the arrears cutoff date that the system uses
when it determines if a severance process can be cancelled. The system cancels a
severance process when its SAs debt that is older than X is less than or equal to zero. X is
the date specified in Severance Amount Base Date. You can have the system calculate
this date for you by entering the age of the arrears in the field embedded in Calculate Date
Using ___ Days In Arrears.

Save the severance process.

How To Change Severance Events

When a severance process is first created, it has one or more severance events. The events are
the activities that will be performed to persuade the customer to pay the outstanding debt.
The number and type of events that are created when a severance process is initiated are
defined on the severance processs severance process template. The following points describe
how to add / change / delete events on a severance process if the defaulted events are not

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Use Control Central to choose the account with the severance process whose events need
to be changed.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Severance Process option on
the account context menu to transfer to the severance process transaction in update mode
for the account.

To add a new event, transfer to the Events tab and press the + button in the Severance
Events scroll to add a new event. At this point, the event has not been added to the
database; rather, it just exists in memory. Before you add the event to the database, you
must specify the following information:

Choose an Event Sequence so that the new event will be positioned properly in respect
of the other events.

Choose a Severance Event Status of Pending.

Choose the desired Severance Event Type.

If the activation of the new event is dependent on the successful completion of earlier
events, turn on Dep on Other Event and then a) specify the sequences of the dependent
events in Event Dependencies and b) specify the number of days after the completion of
the last dependent event when the new event should be activated.

If the activation of the new event is NOT dependent on the successful completion of
earlier events, turn off Dep on Other Event and use Trigger Date to define the date on
which the event should be activated (i.e., completed).

To delete an existing event, transfer to the Events tab and use the scroll arrows to toggle to
the desired severance event. When the desired severance event appears, press the - button
to remove the event. At this point, the event has not been removed from the database;
rather, its been removed in memory.

To change an existing event, transfer to the Events tab and use the scroll arrows to toggle to
the desired severance event. When the desired severance event appears, make the desired

After all desired changes have been made, save the severance process.

How To Cancel A Severance Process

The system will automatically cancel a severance process when its service agreements debt has
been reduced sufficiently. Refer to How Are Severance Processes and Events Cancelled for
more information.
The following points describe how to manually cancel a severance process.

Use Control Central to choose the account with the severance process to be cancelled.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Severance Process option on
the account context menu to transfer to the severance process transaction in update mode
for the account. A list of all severance processes associated with the account appears. If
only one severance process exists, it is automatically selected for you.

On the Main tab, click Cancel.

When the warning dialog appears, click OK to continue. The severance process and its
events are canceled.


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Credit & Collection Business Processes

Write-off Process Maintenance

A write-off process is a series of events (e.g., letters, collection agency referrals) meant to
encourage an account to pay its unpaid, finaled debt. Linked to the write-off process are the
specific service agreements that contributed to the delinquent debt. The topics in this section
describe the pages on which write-off process-related information is maintained.
For more information about write-off processes, refer to The Lifecycle Of A Write Off Process And
Its Events.

Write-off Process - Main Information
Write-off Process - SAs (Service Agreements)
Write-off Process - Events
How To Perform Common Write-off Process Functions

Write-off Process - Main Information

The Main page contains core write-off process information. Open this page using Credit &
Collections, Write Off Process.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Write-Off Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

Description of Page
The top portion of every page contains the following information:
Write Off Process is a concatenation of summary information about this write-off process. It is
composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the write-off status, the reason code
for the write-off status, the write-off class control name, and the creation date of the process.
Write Off Process ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this write-off process.
The remaining fields are maintained on the main write-off process page.
Account ID is the system-generated account number. The name of the main customer on the
account and its customer class are displayed adjacent.
Write-off Status defines the state of the write-off process. The following values may exist:

The system creates a write-off process in the Active state. A

write-off process remains in this state until the last event linked
to the process is complete OR the finaled debt is paid off OR you
want to stop the process for whatever reason.


A write-off process becomes Inactive when the last event linked

to the process is completed OR the finaled debt is paid off OR
you want to stop the process for whatever reason. The Reason
field tells you how a write-off process became inactive.

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To completely understand the significance of a write-off process status, refer to The Lifecycle Of
A Write Off Process And Its Events.
Reason defines how a write-off process became Inactive or why a write-off process is Active.
The following values may exist:
Canceled by User

This reason should be used when a user manually inactivates a

write-off process (for whatever reason).

Canceled by System

This reason is populated by the system when it cancels a writeoff process. The system automatically cancels a write-off
process when all finaled debt associated with the process
service agreements is paid.

Events Pending

This reason is populated by the system when a process has

pending events.


This reason is populated by the system when it completes the

last event linked to the write-off process.

Write Off Control defines the write-off debt class (i.e., the type of debt) associated with the writeoff process. This is important as it controls which service agreements can be linked to the writeoff process (every service agreement is associated with a specific write-off debt class). This field
is gray when there are service agreements linked to the write-off process.
Multiple write-off processes may be linked to an account. Its important to be aware that if an
accounts service agreements reference multiple write-off debt classes, a write-off process is
created for each write-off debt class that you want to write-off.
Multiple write-off processes per write-off debt class. A given write-off debt class for an
account may have multiple ongoing write-off processes at any point in time. However, a given
service agreement may only be on one active write-off process at any point in time.
Write Off Process Template defines the write-off events in the process. You can override these
events on the Events page.
Changing the template. If you change the template when all events are pending, the system
will remove the pending events and replace them with the new templates events.

For more information, refer to Setting Up Write Off Process Templates.

Create Date/Time defines the start date/time of the write-off process. This is important as it
affects the trigger dates of the process write-off events. This field becomes protected after the
write-off process exists on the database. If you need to change the trigger date on the events
you can navigate to the Events tab and change the dates manually. Alternatively, you can
perform the following trick:


Change the Write-off Process Template to something (anything). Doing this causes the
Create Date/Time to become unprotected.

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Credit & Collection Business Processes

Specify the date of the first write-off event in the newly unprotected Create Date/Time.

Change the Write-off Process Template back to the desired value. When you change the
template, the system removes the events and creates new ones using the Create Date/Time.

Enter any Comments about the write-off process.

The tree at the bottom of the page shows a variety of information about the account and the
write-off process including:

The service agreements linked to the write-off process.

The events linked to the write-off process.

The amount of debt associated with the accounts debt classes.

A summary of other active collection activities (i.e., collection, severance and write-off
processes) associated with the account.

Write-off Process - SAs (Service Agreements)

The SA page contains the service agreements whose unpaid, finaled debt is being managed by
the write-off process. Open this page using Credit & Collections, Write Off Process, SAs.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Write-Off Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Write Off Process is a concatenation of summary information about this write-off process. It is
composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the write-off status, the reason code
for the write-off status, the write-off control name, and the creation date of the process.
ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this write-off process.
To modify a service agreement linked to the write-off process, simply move to a field and change
its value. To add a new service agreement, press + to insert a row, then fill in the information for
each field. The following fields display:
Service Agreement identifies the service agreement being collected. Information about the
service agreement is displayed adjacent.
Write Off SA Status defines the state of the service agreement in respect of the write-off
process. The following values may exist:

An Active service agreement is one currently being collected by

the write-off process. The service agreement will remain in this
state until the last event linked to the process is complete OR the
service agreement is closed (due to payment in full) OR you
want to remove the service agreement from the write-off process
for whatever reason.

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A service agreement becomes Inactive when the last event

linked to the process is completed OR the service agreement is
closed (due to payment in full) OR you want to remove the
service agreement from the write-off process for whatever

The Write Off Amount is the amount of debt that initially triggered the write-off process.
The SA Balances area displays how much is owed for the service agreement. The Days Old
and Amount information shows how old the current balance is. This information will be blank if
the current balance is a credit.
Current Balance indicates the amount the customer currently owes for the service. Payoff
Balance indicates the amount the customer would owe if they wanted to close the service
agreement. This value is only displayed when it differs from the current balance.
Refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount for more information.

Write-off Process - Events

The events page contains the activities that will be performed to persuade the customer to pay
the outstanding debt. Open this page using Credit & Collections, Write Off Process, Events.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To
Perform Common Write-Off Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this

We strongly recommend that you understand the information described in How Are Write-off
Events Completed? before using this page.

The number and type of events associated with a write-off process are defined by the processs
write-off process template (which is defined on the first page). Refer to Setting Up Write Off
Process Templates for more information.

Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Write Off Process is a concatenation of summary information about this write-off process. It is
composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the write-off status, the reason code
for the write-off status, the write-off class control name, and the creation date of the process.
ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this write-off process.
The Write Off Events scroll contains individual write-off events that comprise the write-off
process. Only one event is displayed at a time. The grid contains the customer contacts that were
created by the system when a particular write-off event was triggered (if any).
Event Sequence is the unique identifier of the event.


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Write Off Event Status defines the state of the event. The following diagram shows the possible
lifecycle of a write-off event:

Write Off Event Lifecycle



Write-off events are initially created in the pending state.

When the system sees a pending event with a Trigger Date on or before the current date, the
system executes the events activity and completes the event.
You can cancel an individual write off event by setting the status to cancelled.
The Write Off Event Type defines the events activity (e.g., the related debt is referred to a
collection agency, a To Do entry is generated, a letter is sent).
For more information refer to Setting Up Write Off Process Templates.
The Trigger Date defines the date when the system completes (i.e., executes) the event.
For more information about a write-off events trigger date, see Write-off Event Trigger Date.
If the status of the event is complete, the Completion Date is displayed with the date on which
the system completed the event. If the status of the event is cancelled, the Canceled Date is
displayed with the date on which the event was cancelled.
The Customer Contact information contains information when the event template causes a letter
to be generated (because letters are created by customer contacts).

How To Perform Common Write-off Process Functions

The topics in this section describe how to perform common write-off process maintenance
functions. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Write-off Process for more information about write-off
processes. Refer to The Big Picture Of Write-off Processing for high level information about
write-off processing.
How To Create A Write-off Process

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How To Change Write Off Events

How To Cancel A Write Off Process

How To Create A Write-off Process

99.9% of all write-off processes are created by the Write-Off Monitor and require no human
intervention before they are executed (refer to How Are Write-off Processes Created for
information about how the account debt monitor creates write-off processes). The other 0.1% are
created by users on-line / real time. The following points describe how to create the 0.1%.

Use Control Central to choose the account that requires a new write-off process.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Write-off Process + option on
the account context menu to transfer to the write-off process transaction in add mode for the

After the Write-off Process Main page appears, specify the appropriate Write Off Control.
Write Off Control defines the debt class (i.e., the type of debt) associated with the write-off
process. This is important as it controls which service agreements can be linked to the writeoff process (every service agreement is associated with a specific debt class). Its important
to be aware that if an accounts service agreements reference multiple write-off debt classes,
a write-off process must be created for each write-off debt class that you want to collect.

Choose a Write Off Process Template. Write Off Process Template defines the write-off
events in the process. You can override these events on the Events page. For more
information, refer to Setting Up Write-off Process Templates.

Navigate to the SAs page to define the specific service agreements whose debt is covered
by this write-off process. You must define at least one service agreement.

Save the write-off process.

How To Change Write Off Events

When a write-off process is first created, it has one or more write-off events. The events are the
activities that will be performed in the course of the write-off process.
The number and type of events that are created when a write-off process is initiated are defined
on the write-off processs write-off process template. The following points describe how to add /
change / delete events on a write-off process if the defaulted events are not satisfactory.

Use Control Central to choose the account with the write-off process whose events need to
be changed.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Write Off Process option on
the account context menu to transfer to the write-off process transaction in update mode for
the account.

To add a new event, transfer to the Events tab and press the + button in the Write Off
Events scroll to add a new event. At this point, the event has not been added to the
database; rather, it just exists in memory. Before you add the event to the database, you
must specify the following information:


Choose an Event Sequence so that the new event will be positioned properly in respect
of the other events.

Choose a Write Off Event Status of Pending.

Choose the desired Write Off Type Code.

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Use Trigger Date to define the date on which the event should be activated (i.e.,

To delete an existing event, transfer to the Events tab and use the scroll arrows to toggle to
the desired write-off event. When the desired write-off event appears, press the - button to
remove the event. At this point, the event has not been removed from the database; rather,
its been removed in memory.

To change an existing event, transfer to the Events tab and use the scroll arrows to toggle to
the desired write-off event. When the desired write-off event appears, make the desired

After all desired changes have been made, save the write-off process.

How To Cancel A Write Off Process

The system will automatically remove service agreements from a write-off process when the
close (i.e., when their balance becomes zero). When all service agreements are removed from
a write-off process, the write-off process is cancelled. Refer to How Are Write off Processes and
Events Cancelled for more information.
The following points describe how to manually cancel a write-off process.

Use Control Central to choose the account with the write-off process to be cancelled.

After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Write Off Process option on
the account context menu to transfer to the write-off process transaction in update mode for
the account. A list of all write-off processes associated with the account appears. If only one
write-off process exists, it is automatically selected for you.

On the Main tab, click Cancel.

When the warning dialog appears, click OK to continue. The write off process and its
pending events are canceled.

Writing Off Uncollectable Debt

The Write-off pages described in this section describe the transaction used to manually transfer
bad debt to a write-off service agreement.
Write Off - Main
How To Manually Write-Off Debt
Write Off - Write Off SAs

Write Off - Main

Most write-offs happen behind-the-scenes as part of the automated write-off processing. If you
need to perform a partial write-off or cannot wait for the automated process, open Credit &
Collection, Write Off.
Refer to The Big Picture of Write Off Processing for background information about the write-off

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Description of Page
Account contains the name of the main customer on the account. The Account ID is the
account whose debt is being written off.
The Candidate SAs scroll contains one row for each of the accounts service agreements that is
eligible for write-off. The system displays the respective age and amount of each SAs debt. The
accumulated total of all such debt appears in Write Off Amount. The checkbox adjacent to this
field is used to confirm that you want to write-off the adjacent debt.
When you click the Create button, the system writes off the selected debt by executing the writeoff algorithm that's plugged in on the account's customer class. Refer to The Ramifications of
Write Offs in the General Ledger for an explanation of how the base-package algorithm works.

How To Manually Write-Off Debt

To manually write-off debt:

Select the Account in question on Write Off - Main.

Select the debt to be written off for each Candidate SA. You do this by turning on the
checkbox adjacent to Write Off Amount. You can also vary the amount of the Write Off

Click the Create button.

Write Off - Write Off SAs

The Write Off SAs page shows all write-off service agreements linked to the account along with
their respective current and payoff balance. Use Credit & Collection, Write Off, Write Off SAs
to open this page.
Description of Page
Account contains the name of the main customer on the account. The Account ID is the
account associated with the WO SAs displayed below.
The grid contains an entry for every write-off service agreement linked to the account. The
following information is displayed for each write-off service agreement:

The service agreements SA Information is displayed.

Current Balance contains the WO SAs current balance (i.e., the amount written off).

Payoff Amount contains the WO SAs payoff balance (i.e., the amount written off).

Write off SA. There is a field on SA type called Special Role Flag. Only those SA types with a
role of Write Off are displayed.

Collection Referral
The Collection Referrals page contains information about an accounts debt that has been
referred to a collection agency.


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Refer to How Do Collection Agency Referrals Work? for more information about how the system
creates and maintains collection agency referrals as part of the automated write off processing.
In theory, you need only access this page if you need to override the automated processing.
Open Credit & Collections, Collection Agency Referral to maintain this information.
Description of Page
The Agency Referrals scroll contains one entry for every collection agency referral associated
with the account. The following information is defined for each referral.
Use Collection Agency to define the agency to which the referral is being sent.
Start Date is the date on which the referral was initially created.
Referral Status defines if the referral is Active or Closed.
Use Comments to describe anything unusual about the referral.
The grid contains the history of interactions with the collection agency. Each time an accounts
debt is referred to a collection agency, the system creates a referral history record.
You can communicate changes about the referral by inserting a new row in the collection. For

If you need to change the referral amount, insert a row and indicate the Creation Date and a
Referral History Reason of Change Referral.

If you need to cancel the referral, insert a row and indicate a Referral History Reason of
Referral Cancellation.

If the customer pays, insert a row and indicate a Referral History Reason of Referral Paid.

If you need to add a new referral, insert a row and indicate a Referral History Reason of
Initial Referral.

Collection agency referral records are interfaced to the respective collection agency using the
batch process defined on the collection agency control record (refer to Setting Up Collection
Agencies). The Batch Control process and the respective Batch Number in which the records
were interfaced to the collection agency are displayed adjacent.
The System Generated switch is on for those collection agency referrals created as part of the
automated write-off processing. Refer to How Do Collection Agency Referrals Work? for more

Payment Arrangements and Pay Plans

Payment arrangements and pay plans are very similar concepts in that they are both used to
payoff debt. This section describes each method.
Note. To distinguish between payment arrangements and pay plans, it is helpful to understand
some terminology: 1) an agreement with a customer to pay off their debt as part of their future
bills (sometimes referred to as current bill plus) is a payment arrangement, 2) an agreement
with specifically scheduled payments is called a pay plan.

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Setting Up Payment Arrangements
Setting Up Pay Plans

Setting Up Payment Arrangements

A payment arrangement is an agreement with a customer to payoff severely overdue debt in
installments. Bills sent to customers with payment arrangements contain charges for both their
current services and their payment arrangement installment amount. Refer to The Big Picture Of
Payment Arrangements for information about the financial ramifications of payment arrangements
and for a description of how the system monitors payment arrangements.
The topics in this section describe how to set up a payment arrangement and how to break a
payment arrangement (if a customer doesnt fulfill their obligations).
Pay Arrangement - Main
How To Set Up A Payment Arrangement
How To Add Additional Debt To A Payment Arrangement
How To Break A Payment Arrangement
How To Cancel A Payment Arrangement
Pay Arrangement - History

Pay Arrangement - Main

This page allows you to set up a payment arrangement. When you create a payment
arrangement, the system performs the following functions:

It creates a payment arrangement service agreement (PA SA). It sets the installment amount
on this service agreement equal to the installment amount specified on this page.

It transfers delinquent debt from each delinquent service agreement(s) to the new PA SA.

As it transfers the debt to the PA SA, it creates synchronizing adjustments to reduce the PA
SAs current balance by the amount transferred. Why? Because when delinquent debt is
transferred to the PA SA, its current balance increases. Because current balance contains
the amount the customer currently owes, this balance must be reduced because the
customer is going to payoff the debt in installments (and therefore they dont currently owe
anything on the PA SA).

Payment Arrangement Algorithm. The system only performs the above steps if the new PA
SAs SA Type does not reference a Payment Arrangement algorithm. If your implementation
uses a Payment Arrangement algorithm, then the logic performed when a payament arrangement
SA is created will depend on this algorithm.
You could do the above functions by adding a new service agreement (using the service
agreement page) and creating transfer adjustments (using the adjustment page). However, this
is tedious. Rather, open Credit & Collection, Pay Arrangement to set up or add additional debt
to a payment arrangement.
Description of Page


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SA (service agreement) Info and SA ID are displayed on every page. These values only appear
after the payment arrangement service agreement (PA SA) exists on the database. The ID is a
system assigned random number that stays with the payment arrangement service agreement for
life. The SA Info is a concatenation of important details about the payment arrangement service
agreement and its account.
The Current Balance that appears beneath SA Info contains the PA SAs current balance.
When you initially set up a PA SA this balance will be zero. It is only non-zero if the customer has
not paid a billed installment.
Payoff Balance beneath SA Info contains the PA SAs payoff balance. The payoff balance is
the total amount to be paid off over the PA SAs life. It is only non-zero after delinquent funds
have been transferred to the PA SA. This balance is only displayed when it differs from the
Current Balance.
Refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount for more information.
Account contains the name of the main customer on the account. Account ID is the account
associated with the PA SA.
The occurrences of Current and Payoff Balance below Account are the accounts respective
balances. These values are displayed to help you confirm exactly how much the customer
currently owes versus how much they will have to payoff over time (remember, after you transfer
funds to a payment arrangement, the amount transferred is reduced from the accounts current
The Candidate SAs scroll contains one row for each of the accounts service agreements with
aged debt. The system displays the respective age and amount of each SAs debt. All debt that
is checked will be transferred to the PA SA when you click Create.
Warning! The system automatically indicates that all debt that isnt new (i.e., debt that the
customer has seen on their bills) should be transferred to the payment arrangement. It does this
by checking each parcel of aged debt.
Total is the sum of ALL current balances (not just the checked amounts) from all candidate SAs.
The next two fields are used to populate the arrangement amount (i.e., the amount the customer
will be billed on each bill).

The Installments field exists to calculate the Arrange Amount (the next field) when a time
period has been stipulated. Simply enter the number of installments and tab out. When you
tab out of the field, the system sets the Arrange Amount equal to New Payoff Balance /

Arrange Amount may not add up. You will note that the Arrange Amount is rounded up so
that if you multiply the number of installments by the calculated installment amount, the result will
be greater than the PA SAs payoff amount. Dont worry - only the actual dollar amount of the PA
SAs total debt will be billed by the system. The last installment will be slightly lower than the
other installments.

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Use the Arrange Amount field to define the payment arrangements installment amount if a
specific dollar amount has been stipulated. For example, if the customer agrees to pay off
their delinquent debt by paying an additional $50 on each bill, youd enter 50 in this field.
Note - If you enter a dollar amount in this field and tab out, the system will calculate the
number of installments and display the number in the Installments field.

New Payoff Balance contains the PA SAs payoff balance. This is the total amount of debt that
will be paid off over the lifetime of the PA SA. This value equals the current payoff balance on the
PA SA plus all selected debt from the Candidate SAs scroll.
Define the CIS Division and SA Type of the payment arrangement service agreement.
Payment arrangement SA types. There is a field on SA type called Special Role Flag. Only
those SA types with a role of Payment Arrangement may be selected.
Clicking Create (or Change) causes the system to perform the following:

It adds / updates a payment arrangement service agreement (PA SA). It sets the installment
amount on this service agreement equal to the installment amount specified on the page.

It transfers delinquent debt from the delinquent service agreement(s) to the PA SA. The
adjustment type used to transfer these funds is defined on the PA SAs SA type.

It reduces the current balance on the PA SA by the amount of debt transferred to the PA SA.
Why? Because when delinquent debt is transferred to the PA SA, its current balance
increases. Because current balance contains the amount the customer currently owes, this
balance must be reduced because the customer is going to pay off the debt in installments
(and therefore they dont currently owe anything). The adjustment type used to transfer these
funds is defined on the PA SAs SA type.

Payment Arrangement Algorithm. The system only performs the above steps if the new PA
SAs SA Type does not reference a Payment Arrangement algorithm. If your implementation
uses a Payment Arrangement algorithm, then the logic performed when a payament arrangement
SA is created will depend on this algorithm.
You can transfer to the History page to view the transfer adjustments that were created by the
system when it transferred the selected debt to the PA SA.
Clicking Break causes the PA SA to become broken. Please refer to the note below for what
transpires when a PA is broken.
Break logic is in a plug-in. Please be aware that the logic that is executed when a payment
arrangement is broken exists in a plug-in algorithm (plugged-in on the PA SAs SA type). An
implementation can use either a Break Payment Arrangement algorithm which the system calls
when a payment arrangement is broken, or the Payment Arrangement algorithm which the
system calls when a payment arrangement is created, canceled or broken. These two algorithms
are mutually exclusive on the SA Type.


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Break Payment Arrangement Algorithm. The base package algorithm expires the PA SA and
cancels all related frozen adjustments, returning the debt to the original service agreements.
Because this logic is in a plug-in, you can develop alternative logic and plug it in if the base
package logic is not satisfactory.

How To Set Up A Payment Arrangement

To set up a new payment arrangement:

Select the Account in question.

Select the debt to be transferred to the payment arrangement (by turning on/off the
checkboxes adjacent to the Candidate SAs amounts).

Enter the number of Installments and the total Arrange Amount.

Define the CIS Division and SA Type of the new payment arrangement service agreement.

Click the Create button.

How To Add Additional Debt To A Payment Arrangement

To transfer additional debt to an existing payment arrangement:

Select the SA ID of the existing payment arrangement.

Select the debt to be transferred to the payment arrangement (by turning on/off the
checkboxes adjacent to the Candidate SAs amounts).

Enter the number of Installments and the total Arrange Amount.

Click the Create button.

After transfer. After transferring the funds to the payment arrangement service agreement,
confirm the accounts payoff and current balances make sense (the payoff balance is the total
amount of debt that the account will eventually have to payoff, the current balance is how much
they currently owe, i.e., the amount that credit and collections monitors). The accounts payoff
and current balances are displayed in the pages second section. If you do not understand the
difference between payoff balance and current balance, refer to Current Amount versus Payoff

How To Break A Payment Arrangement

You would break a payment arrangement when a customer doesnt make the agreed payments.
Typically, your credit and collections processes will break a payment arrangement behind-thescenes. Refer to The Big Picture Of Payment Arrangements for information about how the system
monitors payment arrangements.
If you want to manually break a payment arrangement simply select the SA ID of the existing
payment arrangement and click the Break button.

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How To Cancel A Payment Arrangement

You would cancel a payment arrangement if you made a mistake and never intended to set up
the payment arrangement in the first place. To cancel a payment arrangement

Select the SA ID of the existing payment arrangement and navigate to the History tab.

Click the Cancel button to cancel the transfer adjustments that were used to transfer debt to
the payment arrangement from the customers regular service agreements.

Next, navigate to the payment arrangement SAs (PA SA) financial history page (using the
service agreement context menu). You will see that there are a few non-canceled
adjustments (these were used to change the PA SAs current balance after debt was
transferred to the PA SA). Cancel these adjustments by drilling down on these adjustments
and then click the Cancel button on the adjustment maintenance transaction.

Finally, display the PA SA on the service agreement maintenance transaction and cancel the
payment arrangement.

Payment Arrangement Algorithm. If the payment arrangement SAs SA Type references a

Payment Arrangement algorithm, then the logic performed when the PA SA is canceled will
depend on this algorithm.

Pay Arrangement - History

Open Credit & Collection, Pay Arrangement, History to view the transfer adjustments that
were created by the system when it transferred the selected debt to the PA SA.
Description of Page
SA (service agreement) Info and ID are displayed on every page in this page. These values only
appear after the payment arrangement service agreement (PA SA) exists on the database. The
ID is a system-assigned random number that stays with the service agreement for life. The SA
Info is a concatenation of important details about the service agreement and its account.
Current Balance beneath SA Info contains the PA SAs current balance. When you initially set
up a PA SA this balance will be zero. It is only non-zero if the customer has not paid a billed
Payoff Balance beneath SA Info contains the PA SAs payoff balance. The payoff balance is
the total amount to be paid off over the PA SAs life. It is only non-zero after delinquent funds
have been transferred to the PA SA. This balance is only displayed when it differs from the
Current Balance.
Refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount for more information.
Account contains the name of the main customer on the account. Account ID is the account
associated with the PA SA.
The occurrences of Current and Payoff Balance below Account are the accounts respective
balances. These values are displayed to help you confirm exactly how much the customer
currently owes versus how much they will have to payoff over time (remember, after you transfer
funds to a payment arrangement, the amount transferred is reduced from the accounts current


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The Adjustment Details area contains one row for each transfer adjustment used to transfer
delinquent debt to the PA SA. Click the Go To button to transfer to the adjustment page to view
the details of an adjustment (or to cancel the adjustment if you want to reinstate the debt on the
originating service agreement).
Total Frozen Adj is the total amount of debt transferred to the payment arrangement that has not
been canceled.
Clicking Cancel causes the system to cancel all related frozen adjustments, returning the debt to
the original service agreements. You must specify the cancel reason by selecting it from the drop
down list when Payment Arrangement Cancellation window is displayed.
Total Canceled Adj is the total amount of debt transferred to the payment arrangement that has
been canceled.

Setting Up Pay Plans

A pay plan (PP) is an agreement with a customer to make specific payments on specific dates (as
opposed to payment arrangements where the customer makes fixed payments as part of their
regular bills).
Consider the following situations that would require a pay plan:

A customer makes a request to payoff severely overdue debt in one or more installments.
The existence of the pay plan insulates the portion of the debt covered by the plan from C&C
processing (specifically, from the account debt monitor).

A commercial or industrial customer cannot or will not post a deposit. This type of pay plan is
not specifically paying off past debt; rather, it can be viewed as an installment plan to prepay
a regular service agreement.

The topics in the following section describe how to set up a pay plan.
Pay Plan - Main
How To Set Up A Pay Plan
Reviewing Pay Plans

Pay Plan - Main

The pay plan transaction allows you to set up a pay plan. When you create a pay plan, the
system performs the following functions:

It creates an active pay plan using the pay plan type entered.

It defaults the customer as the payor if no 3rd party is defined.

Refer to The Big Picture Of Pay Plans for information about the financial ramifications of pay
plans and for a description of how the system monitors pay plans.
Open Credit & Collection, Pay Plan to maintain a customers pay plans.
Description of Page

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Pay Plan and Pay Plan ID only appear after the pay plan is added to the database. Pay Plan ID
is a system-assigned random number that stays with the pay plan for life. Pay Plan is a
concatenation of important details about the pay plan.
Account ID identifies the account of the customer for which the pay plan exists. This field is
protected once the pay plan is Active.
The Status displays the status of the pay plan. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Pay Plan for more
information about a pay plans status.
Created by displays the id of the user who created the pay plan and the date and time on which it
was created.
Clicking the Cancel button causes the pay plans status to become cancelled.
Last Updated by displays the id of the user who last modified the pay plan and the date and time
on which it was changed.
Select a Pay Plan Type. The Pay Plan Type defines the Debt Class whose debt is insulated by
the pay plan. The accounts Current Balance in this debt class appears beneath as well as the
portion that is considered Delinquent Debt.
If a 3rd party is responsible for the pay plans payment, Third Party Payor must be checked, and
the associated 3rd party selected.
The Payor Account Id contains the account ID and name of the person responsible for making
the pay plans payments. If a Third Party Payor is responsible, the payors account appears;
otherwise the account whose debt is insulated by the pay plan appears.
The Start Date defines the first day on which the pay plan is tracked; it defaults to the current
Pay Method defines the manner in which the customer intends to fulfill payments under this pay
Significance of payment method. A pay method can have a grace period associated with it.
This period controls when a scheduled payment is considered to be missed. For example, a pay
method of postal might have a grace period of 3 days. This would give the customer 3 extra
days to make the scheduled payments before the pay plan is broken.
In addition to grace period, pay method also control if the system will automatically create an
automatic payment on the scheduled payment date. If the pay method so indicates AND the
account has been set up for automatic payment, the PPAPAY background process will create
Automatic Payments on the scheduled payment date.
The Scheduled Payments grid contains the pay plans scheduled payments. The Scheduled
Date and Scheduled Amount must be entered for each scheduled payment. The Total Amount
of the scheduled payments is displayed at the bottom.
Free format Comments can be entered to describe any special notes about the pay plan.

How To Set Up A Pay Plan

To set up a new pay plan:


Select the Account in question on Pay Plan - Main.

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Select the Pay Plan Type for the type.

Identify a 3rd Party Payor if there is one.

Select a Pay Method.

Enter one or more Scheduled Payments. The Total Amount of the scheduled payments
should cover the customers Delinquent Debt if you want the pay plan to protect the
customer from additional credit and collection activity.

Click the Save button.

Reviewing Pay Plans

In addition to using this maintenance page for reviewing pay plans, Control Central has a pay
plan tree that can be used to view pay plan history, including current status. Refer to Control
Central Pay Plan Tree for more information.

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Financial Transactions
In this section, we describe the financial transactions generated as a result of your bills, payments
and adjustments.
The Big Picture Of Financial Transactions
Financial Transaction
Account Financial History
Account Bill / Payment History
SA Financial History
SA Non-Accrual Accounting Balance
Balance Control
Match Event

The Big Picture Of Financial Transactions

The topics in this section provide background information about a variety of financial transaction
We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the topics described in The Financial Big
Picture to fully appreciate the systems financial architecture.

Bill Segment Financial Transactions
Payment Segment Financial Transactions
Adjustment Financial Transactions
Financial Transactions And Aged Debt
Current Balance versus Payoff Balance
The Source Of GL Accounts On Financial Transactions
Obscure Things That Can Happen
The Big Picture of Balance Control
The GL Interface

Bill Segment Financial Transactions

A bill segment has a related financial transaction. The financial transaction contains the financial
effects of the bill segment on the service agreements current and payoff balances and on the
general ledger.
If a bill segment is cancelled, another financial transaction is created to reverse the original
financial transaction. The cancellation financial transaction appears on the next bill produced for
the account as a bill correction.
For more information about bill segment financial transactions, refer to Bill Details.

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Payment Segment Financial Transactions

A payment segment has a related financial transaction. The financial transaction contains the
financial effects of the payment segment on the service agreements current and payoff balances
and on the general ledger.
If a payment segment is cancelled, another financial transaction is created to reverse the original
financial transaction. The cancellation financial transaction appears on the next bill produced for
the account as a negative payment.
For more information about payment segment financial transactions, refer to Payment Details.

Adjustment Financial Transactions

An adjustment has a related financial transaction. The financial transaction contains the financial
effects of the adjustment on the service agreements debt and on the general ledger.
If the adjustment is eventually cancelled, another financial transaction will be linked to the
adjustment to reverse its financial effect. The cancellation financial transaction appears on the
next bill produced for the account as an adjustment.
For more information about adjustment financial transactions, refer to Adjustment Details.

Financial Transactions And Aged Debt

When a financial transactions related bill segment / payment segment / adjustment is frozen, the
financial transaction (FT) is also frozen. When an FT is frozen, its service agreements debt is
impacted. It is important to stress the following in respect of this impact:

The FTs GL details will be interfaced to the GL when the GL interface next executes.

If the FT decreases the amount of debt, the customers aged debt is affected immediately
regardless of whether the FT appears on a bill.

If the FT increases the amount of debt, the amount the customer owes from an aged debt
perspective may or may not be affected by the FT. There is a switch on an FT called New
Charge that controls the arrears behavior. If this switch is on, the customers aged debt will
not reflect the FT amount until the FT is swept onto a bill. The moment the FT is swept onto
the customers bill, the debt starts aging. If this switch is off, the date on which the FT starts
aging must be defined in the Arrears Date field.

The amount a customer owes in total is immediately affected by the FT regardless of whether
the FT appears on a bill. This means that the amount of aged debt may not be in sync with
the total amount owed. This seems odd, but is useful from a credit and collections
perspective. You see, you probably dont want to start aging a FT until the customer has
actually seen it.

For more information, refer to Financial Transactions Created Between Bills.

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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

For information about current and payoff balance in general, refer to Current Amount versus
Payoff Amount.
The topics in this section describe when payoff amount differs from current amount for the various
types of financial transactions.
Adjustments - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance
Billing - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance
Payment - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

Adjustments - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

For information about current and payoff balance for adjustments, refer to Adjustments - Current
Balance versus Payoff Balance.

Billing - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

For information about current and payoff balance for bill segments, refer to Billing - Current
Balance versus Payoff Balance.

Payment - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

For information about current and payoff balance for payment segments, refer to Payment Current Balance versus Payoff Balance.

The Source Of GL Accounts On Financial Transactions

For information about the source of the distribution codes used to generate the GL accounts on
the financial transactions, refer to The Source Of GL Accounts On Financial Transactions.

Obscure Things That Can Happen

The topics in this section provide information about obscure things that can happen when a
financial transaction (FT) is frozen.
A Stopped Service Agreement May Be Closed
A Closed Service Agreement May Be Reactivated
A Write-Off Process May Be Deactivated If The SA Is Closed
A Reactivated Service Agreement May Be Closed

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A Collection Process May Be Canceled When A Credit FT Is Frozen

A Severance Process May Be Canceled When A Credit FT Is Frozen
One Or More Algorithms May Be Executed

A Stopped Service Agreement May Be Closed

If an FT causes a Stopped SAs current and payoff balances to become zero, the system closes
the service agreement (i.e., the service agreements status becomes Closed).

A Closed Service Agreement May Be Reactivated

After a service agreement is closed (i.e., after its stopped and paid-in-full), its possible for some
types of financial transactions to be linked to the service agreement. These financial transactions
could cause the current and/or payoff balances to become non-zero. If this happens, the system
reactivates the service agreement (i.e., the service agreements status becomes reactivated).
When a service agreement becomes reactivated, it becomes eligible for review by the write-off
process monitor (when it next runs). The write-off process monitor will, in all likelihood, start a
write-off process for the reactivated service agreement.
Financial events that can be linked to a closed service agreement are:

The cancellation of a bill segment

The freezing of a payment segment

The cancellation of a payment segment

The freezing of an adjustment

The cancellation of an adjustment

A Write-Off Process May Be Deactivated If The SA Is Closed

When a service agreement becomes Closed, it will be removed from any ongoing write-off
processes. This removal could cause the write-off process to become Inactive (if this is the last
service agreement linked to the write-off process). The inactivation of the write-off process,
could, in turn, cause collection agency referrals associated with the write-off process to be

A Reactivated Service Agreement May Be Closed

After a service agreement has been reactivated (refer to the previous section for how this
happens), a financial transaction (or transactions) may be linked to it that will cause the current
and payoff balance to return to zero. If this happens, the system closes the service agreement
(i.e., the service agreements status becomes Closed).
All types of financial transactions can be posted to a Reactivated service agreement.

A Collection Process May Be Canceled When A Credit FT Is Frozen

Periodically, the system determines if an accounts debt violates your collection criteria. If so, a
collection process is created using the violated criterias collection process template.
The Collection Process Monitor reviews an active collection process whenever one of its service
agreements debt is reduced. Financial events that can cause service agreement debt to be
reduced are:

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The cancellation of a bill segment

The freezing of a payment segment

The freezing of an adjustment that credits a service agreement

At review time, the Collection Process Monitor removes any service agreement from a collection
process when the service agreement has no debt older than the arrears date on the collection
process. When all service agreements are removed, the collection process is cancelled.
Refer to The C&C Monitors for more information about debt monitoring.

A Severance Process May Be Canceled When A Credit FT Is Frozen

If the customer does not respond to a collection processs prodding, the system creates a
severance process for each delinquent service agreement associated with the collection process.
The system reviews an active severance process whenever its service agreements debt is
reduced. Financial events that can cause service agreement debt to be reduced are:

The cancellation of a bill segment

The freezing of a payment segment

The freezing of an adjustment that credits a service agreement

At review time, the system determines if the service agreement has no debt older than the arrears
date on the severance process. If so, the system looks at the severance process severance
process template:

If the severance process template indicates that the process can be Used to sever service,
the system cancels all pending severance events and deactivates the severance process.
Note: the only severance processes that are not used to sever service are those that request
reconnection of a cut service.

If the canceled process has field activities,

If the field activities are not linked to a field order and are still in the pending status, the
system cancels the field activities.

Otherwise, the system generates worklist entries to alert an operator that field activities
have been dispatched. The operator must determine how to handle these activities
because they could already be scheduled for dispatch (or completed!).

Real time cancellation. Unlike collection processes, the system cancels severance processes
real time (i.e., there is no equivalent of the collection process monitor for severance processes).
Why are severance processes canceled real time? Because a severance process may have
events that create field activities to sever service. These events need to be canceled the moment
the FT is frozen, we cant wait until a background process runs. This means that if a customer
pays in person for a service agreement that is pending severance, the system will cancel the
process and its field activities (if any) the moment the payment is entered.

Refer to The C&C Monitors for more information about debt monitoring.

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One Or More Algorithms May Be Executed

If the FT is linked to a service agreement whose SA type has Freeze Algorithms, these algorithms
will be executed when the FT is frozen. Because you can code whatever you please in an
algorithm, anything could happen. Examples of such algorithm include:

An algorithm that routes consumption to third party service providers when a bill is frozen
(refer to STG SND CONS for more information). This type of algorithm would be plugged in
on SA types whose consumption can be interfaced to other service providers.

A bill message can be added to the account when the system detects that its deposit has
been paid in full (refer to DEP PIF MSG for more information). This type of algorithm would
be plugged in on deposit SA types.

In addition, FT freeze algorithms can also be defined on an accounts customer class. Because
you can code whatever you please in an algorithm, anything could happen. An example of such
an algorithm is one that cancels match events when an FT is cancelled (refer to CNCL FT MEVT
for more information). This type of algorithm would be plugged in on customer classes
associated with open item customers.

The Big Picture of Balance Control

The balance control processes are used to check the financial integrity of your system. The
contents of this section describe how these processes work.
The Balance Control Background Processes
Balance Control Information Is Available Online

The Balance Control Background Processes

The following diagram illustrates the balance control background processes:

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Process: BCGNEW

Creates a new balance

control group

Assign new FTs a balance
control group

Process: BCGSNAP
Insert balance control
members and check
financial integrity of all FTs


BCGNEW - Create A New Balance Control Group
BCASSIGN - Assign New Financial Transactions A Balance Control Group
BCGSNAP - Insert BC Members And Check Financial Integrity Of All FTs
Consider A Backup At This Point

BCGNEW - Create A New Balance Control Group

This process creates a Pending balance control group if one doesnt already exist. You may
wonder why an entire process is dedicated to such a trivial task. The reason is because the next
process, BCASSIGN, is a multi-threaded (i.e., parallel) process and we only need one Pending
balance control group regardless of the number of threads used to assign balance control IDs to
financial transactions.

BCASSIGN - Assign New Financial Transactions A Balance Control Group

This multi-threaded (i.e., parallel) process assigns the Pending balance control group to new FTs
whose freeze date/time is before the create date/time of the balance control record.

BCGSNAP - Insert BC Members And Check Financial Integrity Of All FTs

This process performs the following two functions:

It summarizes new financial transactions under the current Pending balance control group as

It creates a balance control member for every combination of Division, SA Type and FT
Type referenced on the financial transactions belonging to the balance control group.

It updates each balance control member with the following information:

The number of financial transactions (FTs)

The sum of the total amounts on the FTs in this balance control group.

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The sum of the current amounts on the FTs in this balance control group.

The sum of the total amounts from all FTs (in this and all other balance control

The sum of the current amounts from all FTs (in this and all other balance control

It sets the status of the balance control group to Complete.

It checks the integrity of the financial transactions in each historical Balance Control Group. It
does this by summarizing EVERY financial transaction throughout time and determining if the
sums are in sync with the values maintained on the balance control members. If integrity
problems are detected, a detailed error message is displayed on the run control associated
with the process.

If you opt to run the balance control processes on a nightly basis, you will find that the verification
processing will take longer every night (because there are more financial transactions over time).
In order to deal with this issue, the BCGSNAP process has a parameter that allows you to control
which of the above functions is implemented (it's call VERIFY-ONLY-SW). In order to speed
nightly processing, run this process with the switch set to G (this causes new financial
transactions to be summarized under a new balance control). Then, once a week (or month), run
this process with the switch set to "Y" (this checks the financial integrity of all financial
transactions in the system).
If you run the balance control processes less frequently, you can set the VERIFY-ONLY-SW to
"N" (this causes both of the above functions to execute).

Consider A Backup At This Point

We recommend you backup your database AFTER you run the above processes. Why? So that
if a financial integrity problem is spotted in the future, you can compare the current database
against the backup to see what changed.

Balance Control Information Is Available Online

Your internal auditors may be interested in the total number and amount of financial transactions
that have been posted since a given point in time. You can use the Balance Control page to see
this information.

The GL Interface
The following diagram illustrates the GL Interface.

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Assign GL account numbers

to GL details

Process: GLS

Mark FTs for Download to

the GL

Process: GLDL

Create Download Flat File

Flat file to be
interfaced to the

GLASSIGN - Assign GL Account Numbers To GL Details
GLS - Prepare FTs for Download
GLDL - Create General Ledger Download Flat File

GLASSIGN - Assign GL Account Numbers To GL Details

The GLASSIGN process assigns GL account numbers to the GL details associated with financial
transactions. GL account numbers are assigned as follows:

Every GL detail references a distribution code.

Every distribution code references a GL assignment algorithm. The base package algorithm
simply uses the default GL account associated with the distribution code. However, you can
construct your own algorithm(s) to assemble your GL account numbers in your desired
fashion. Refer to Setting Up Distribution Codes for more information about the GL format

The GLASSIGN process simply calls each GLs details distribution codes GL assignment
algorithm and updates the GL detail with the result (i.e., the GL account number). This GL
account number is then used by the GLDL process when it creates the consolidated journal
entry thats interfaced to the GL.

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If incorrect GL account numbers get assigned to GL details... If you do not plug in the
correct algorithm or your algorithm is wrong, you can correct the GL account numbers that are
assigned to the GL details. How? Write a simple program that resets the GL account numbers
on the erroneous GL details. Then run GLASSIGN. GLASSIGN will re-execute the distribution
code GL assignment algorithm and refresh the account number accordingly.

GLS - Prepare FTs for Download

The GLS process creates FT download staging records for all FTs that are ready to be posted to
the GL (the FT download staging records are stored on the FT/Process table). Each FT
download staging record is marked with a batch process ID and run number.

The batch process ID is the process responsible for creating the flat file that contains the
consolidated journal entry that is interfaced to your general ledger. The batch process ID is
defined on Installation Options Financial. The system comes with a single GL download
program (GLDL - Create General Ledger Download Flat File). The GL account numbers are
provided by the GL account algorithms that are specified on the distribution codes. Refer to
Setting Up Distribution Codes for more information about the GL account algorithm.

The run number is the batch process IDs current run number.

This process also changes the status of the FT to distributed. You may not change the FTs GL
details after this time.

GLDL - Create General Ledger Download Flat File

The GLDL process creates the flat file that contains the consolidated journal entry that is
interfaced to your general ledger. One header and multiple detail records are created as
described below. At the conclusion of the batch process, a validation is performed to compare
debits against credits. If they are not equal, the process terminates with an error.
Header Record Layout
Detail Record Layout for GLDL

Header Record Layout

Field Name





1 ( 1 is used for header records )



The code for the batch process that created the file. (This value
will always be GLDL.)



The batch process will be run many times. This field indicates
which of those runs produced a particular output file. This may be
thought of as an instance identifier for the batch process.



Any given instance of the GLDL batch process may be re-run at

any time. If this instance has been re-run, this field will be
populated with a number indicating how often.



The date and time of the run that created a particular output file.



The number of details records



This is the sum of FINANCIAL_AMOUNTs from all detail records


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Field Name


Financial Transaction Business Processes

that were greater than zero (debits).
This is the sum of FINANCIAL_AMOUNTs from all detail records
that were less than zero (credits).

Detail Record Layout for GLDL

Note. A record is created for each unique occurrence of REC_TYPE, GL_DIVISION,
CURRENCY_CD, GL_ACCOUNT and ACCT_PERIOD. If a given GL account has debit and
credit FINANCIAL_AMOUNTs, two records will be created one shows the debit amount, the
other shows the credit amount.
Field Name





2 ( 2 is used for detail records )



This is the GL Division from the CI_FT record. It determines a)

which Accounting Calendar will be used to calculate the
Accounting Period (below) and b) the currency of the FT.



The currency in which the Amount is denominated.



Contains the GL account number as supplied by the distribution

codes GL account algorithm.



An accounting period in the format YYYYPP where YYYY is the

fiscal year and PP is the accounting period. This is derived from
the GL details FTs accounting date and GL division.



This is the debit or credit amount. Debits are represented by

positive numbers; credits are represented by negative numbers.
If a given GL account has debit and credit entries, two records will
be created one shows the debit amount, the other shows the
credit amount.



This is the GL distribution codes statistic code (if any)



This is the statistical amount from the GL detail lines

Note. The GLASSIGN process updates an FTs GL details with the appropriate GL account

Financial Transaction
Payment segments, adjustments and bill segment have a corresponding financial transaction.
The financial transaction is created by the system when any of the source transactions is created.
It contains the financial effects of its corresponding adjustment / bill segment / payment segment.
For background information, refer to The Big Picture Of Financial Transactions.
The topics in the section describe the financial transaction page.

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Financial Transaction - Main
Financial Transaction - FT Process

Financial Transaction - Main

Use Financial, Financial Transaction to update and maintain financial transaction information.
Navigating from source transactions. On the bill, payment, and adjustment maintenance
pages, you can click the financial transaction go to button to transfer to this page.

Description of Page
Most of the attributes on this page are display-only. The following points describe the conditions
under which certain fields may be modified:

Accounting Date may be modified until the financial transaction (FT) is interfaced to the GL
(i.e., until the GL Distribution Status is Distributed).

New Charge may be modified until the FT is swept onto a bill (when the next bill is completed
for the FTs account). If New Charge is modifiable and turned off, Arrears Date must be

Show on Bill and Correction can be modified until the FT is frozen.

The remainder of this section defines each of the fields on the page.
FT Type is the type of financial transaction. Values are: Adjustment, Adjustment Cancellation,
Bill Segment, Bill Segment Cancellation, Pay Segment, and Pay Segment Cancellation.
Click the go to button to view the originating transaction on the adjustment, bill, or payment page.
FT ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the financial transaction.
SA ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the service agreement to which the financial
transaction is linked.
Bill ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the bill to which the financial transaction is
linked. This field is only populated after the FT is swept onto a bill (and this happens when the
next bill is completed for the FTs account).
Sibling ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the source transaction associated with the

If this FT is associated with a bill segment, Sibling ID contains the unique identifier of the bill

If this FT is associated with a payment segment, Sibling ID contains the unique identifier of
the payment segment.

If this FT is associated with an adjustment, Sibling ID contains the unique identifier of the

Parent ID contains the following:


If this FT is associated with a bill segment, Parent ID contains the unique identifier of the bill
with which the bill segment is associated.

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If this FT is associated with a payment segment, Parent ID contains the unique identifier of
the payment with which the payment segment is associated.

If this FT is associated with an adjustment, Parent ID contains the adjustment type.

Create Date/Time are the date and time the FT was created.
Accounting Date is the accounting date that will be used by the general ledger to define the
accounting period(s) into which the FT will be booked.
CIS Division is the CIS division associated with the FT. This comes from the CIS division linked
to the FTs service agreements SA type.
GL Division is the GL division associated with the FT. This comes from the GL division linked to
the FTs service agreements SA type.
Show on Bill indicates if the FT will be shown on the customers bill. You should only turn this
off for erroneous FTs that should not be shown to the customer. For example, if you cancel /
rebill a bill segment and you want to suppress the resultant FTs on the printed bill, turn this switch
New Charge indicates if the FTs charge only starts aging when the FT is swept onto the next bill
produced for the account. If you turn this switch off, you must enter the date the FT starts aging
in Arrears Date.
Not In Arrears indicates if the FTs financial impact has been canceled and therefore should not
be considered for arrears purposes. This switch is turned on by the system when a FTs source
transaction in canceled (both the original FT and the cancellation FT are marked as Not In
Match Event ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the match event to which the
financial transaction is linked. This field is only enabled for Open Item Accounts. Be aware that
changing a financial transactions match event can result in the balancing / unbalancing of the
prior and newly referenced match events.
Arrears Date is the date the FT starts aging. This field is typically blank until the FT is swept
onto the accounts bill. If you want to start aging an FT on an historical date (for whatever
reason), enter the appropriate Arrears Date. (Note - you must uncheck the New Charge box
first in order to do this.)
Correction causes the FT to be summarized in the correction area of the bill-at-a-glance. This is
set by the system automatically when a bill segment is cancelled / rebilled after its parent bill is
completed (i.e., sent to the customer).
Redundant indicates if the FTs financial impact is considered irrelevant. This only happens after
an FT has reached an age that is no longer relevant for aging purposes (e.g., when the FT is
older than 120 days or whatever age has been set as the Oldest Bucket Age on the Installation
Options) and when its balance is exactly equal to zero with respect to other redundant FTs of the
service agreement.
Transferred Out indicates if the FT has been transferred to a service provider. This could only
happen if the FT is associated with a SA that is associated with a they bill for us service
provider. Refer to They Bill For Us for more information.
The Frozen switch is turned on when the FT has been frozen (i.e., posted to the service
agreements payoff and/or current balances). If this switch is on, both Freeze Date/Time and
Frozen By are populated.
Current Amount contains the FTs impact on the service agreements current amount.
Payoff Amount contains the FTs impact on the service agreements payoff amount.

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For more information, refer to Current Balance versus Payoff Balance.

Currency Code is the currency code associated with the FTs account.
GL Distribution Status defines the status of the FT in respect of its interface to the general
ledger. When an FT is first created, its status is Pending. When an FT is frozen, this value is set
to Generated. If you modify the GL details, the status becomes Modified. After it has been
marked for interface to the general ledger by the GLS process, the status becomes Distributed.
GL Extract Dates display the Scheduled date that the GL details will be marked for interface to
the general ledger. Note that this date is typically only set to a future date for FTs associated with
automatic payments. Actual displays the date that the GL details were actually posted to the
general ledger.
The grid at the bottom shows the FTs debits and credits (i.e., the detail journal lines). Debits are
shown as positive amounts, credits are negative amounts. The following points describe rules
governing if and how the information in the grid can be modified:

The FT GL details may not be modified if the FT is Pending or Distributed.

All Amounts must sum to zero.

Multiple FT GL details may be set to affect the Total Amount (although they are normally
generated with one GL checked to affect total amount).

All FT GL's checked to affect Total Amount must sum to the Payoff Amount of the FT.

The following information is displayed:

Sequence number is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the journal line.

Total Amount defines if the journal line contains the total of the other journal lines. For
example, on a bill segment for utility service, this would be turned on for the receivable
account because its amount equals the sum of the other payable and revenue GL accounts.

Distribution Code is the CIS distribution code from which the GL account constituents are

If the GL Account has been populated, the GL account number is displayed.

Refer to GLASSIGN - Assign GL Account Numbers To GL Details for more information about how
the GL account is populated.

Amount defines the journal lines amount.

Statistic Amount defines the statistical amount that will be posted to the GL. This value is
only populated on distribution lines created for rate components designated as affecting GL
statistical quantity.

Characteristic Type and Characteristic Value describe the characteristic value that was
used when the lines amount was calculated. This information is only displayed if the journal
line was derived from bill calculation lines that were calculated using a bill factor (because
only bill factors use characteristic values). Refer to An Illustration Of A Bill Factor And Its
Characteristics for more information.


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Tax reporting. It is important to note that a journal lines characteristic value is NOT interfaced to
the GL. We have included this attribute on the journal line so that tax reporting can be performed
from this system (tax reporting typically necessitates showing each taxing authority - the
characteristic value - that participated in a given tax payable GL account).

If you have configured your installation options to indicate that fund accounting is practiced,
the description of the Fund associated with this distribution code is displayed.

Financial Transaction - FT Process

Use Financial, Financial Transaction, FT Process to view those ancillary processes that may
be triggered as a result of this financial transaction.
Algorithms cause financial transactions to be linked to batch processes. Financial
transactions get associated with a given process / batch number when certain algorithms are
executed. For example, when a bill segment is frozen, the system executes the freeze algorithms
associated with the bill segments service agreements SA type. One of these algorithms may
check if there are service providers who are interested in the bill segments consumption, and if
so, schedule the consumption to be downloaded by linking the bill segments financial transaction
to the service providers consumption download process.

Description of Page
This page shows the Batch Processes associated with a given Financial Transaction.
Information on this page may not be modified. This information appears purely for audit

Account Financial History

This page shows how an account's current and payoff balance have changed over time. Use
Financial Query, Account Financial History to open this page.
Description of Page
This page is dedicated to a grid that shows an accounts financial events. These events are
grouped together by Arrears Date, Financial Transaction Type and Parent Id (therefore if there
were two payments on the same date, two rows would appear).
Multiple adjustments of the same type on the same date. If multiple adjustments with the
same adjustment type exist on the same date, their total amount will appear as a single row on
this query.
You can use this grid to both view high-level information about these events and to transfer to the
respective page in which an object is maintained. The following columns are displayed in the
Arrears Date

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

This is the date the event starts aging. This column will
be blank if the FT has not started aging yet.


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Financial Transaction Type

This column indicates the type of financial event: Bill

Segment, Pay Segment, Bill Segment Cancellation,
Pay Segment Cancellation, Adjustment and
Adjustment (Cancel). If the event is related to an
adjustment, the adjustment types description is
displayed instead of Adjustment.

Current Amount

This column shows the financial events effect on the

accounts current balance.

Current Balance

This column shows the accounts current balance after

the financial event.

Payoff Amount

This column shows the financial events effect on the

accounts payoff balance. The value is grayed out if it is
the same as the current amount.

Payoff Balance

This column shows the accounts payoff balance after

the financial event. The value is grayed out if it is the
same as the current balance.

If you need to see more information about a specific financial transaction, click the go to button to
transfer to the respective page in which the information is maintained.
For information about current and payoff balance, refer to Current Amount versus Payoff

Account Bill / Payment History

This page shows an account's bills and payments. Use Financial Query, Bill / Payment History
to open this page.
Warning! For balance-forward accounts, bill rows contain the balance presented on the
respective bill, and payment rows contain the amount of the respective payment. However, for
open-item accounts, this query behaves differently - see the description of page below for the
Description of Page
This page is dedicated to a grid that shows the account's bills, credit notes, correction notes,
payments and payment cancellations. You can use this grid to both view high-level information
about these objects and to transfer to the respective page on which an object is maintained.
The area beneath Account ID provides you with options that control which transactions appear in
the grid. The following points describe the various options:


Use Transaction Type Filter to restrict the type of transactions that appear in the grid. The
following options are available:

All. This option shows all transactions.

Bill. This option shows all bills.

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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Credit Note. This option shows all credit notes.

Correction Note. This option shows all correction notes.

Not Billed Yet. This option shows a single line with a summary of frozen financial
transactions that have not appeared on a bill yet.

Payment. This option shows all payments.

Payment Cancellation. This option shows all payment cancellations.

Credit Notes or Correction Notes. The Bill Correction option on the Installation table controls
whether Credit Notes or Correction Notes are allowed. The default transaction type filter
displayed is for Credit Note. If your implementation uses Correction Notes, youll need to change
the transaction type filter to reflect this. This is done by overriding the label for lookup value
CRNT on the customizable lookup field TXN_FLTR_TYPE_FLG.

Use Match Event Status Filter to restrict the transactions based on the status of their match
event. This filter only appears if the bill's account is an open-item customer. The following
options are available:

All. This option shows all transactions regardless of the status of their match events.

Balanced. This option shows all transactions with at least one balanced match event.

Disputed. This option shows all transactions with at least one disputed match event.

Unbalanced. This option shows all transactions with at least one unbalanced match

Unmatched. This option shows all transactions with at least one financial transaction
that is not linked to a match event.

Use Date Range From and To to restrict the transactions based on arrears date.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the filters or after selecting a new Account
For balance-forward accounts, bill rows contain bill information including the balance presented
on the respective bill, and payment rows contain the amount of the respective payment.
For open-item accounts, the grid behaves differently:

The amount on bill rows is equal to the sum of the current charges, adjustments and
corrections on the bill. Payment rows contain the amount of the respective payment.

Credit notes appear as separate rows and contain the amount of canceled bill segments
represented on the credit note.

Correction notes appear as separate rows and contain the difference between the canceled
bill segments amount and the rebilled bill segments amount represented on the correction

Each row contains an indication if all of its financial transactions are fully matched.

A summary of the match status of its financial transactions is shown in the adjacent columns:

Balanced contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this
activity that are linked to balanced match events.

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Unbalanced contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this
activity that are linked to unbalanced match events.

Disputed contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this
activity that are linked to disputed match events.

Unmatched contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this
activity that are not linked to any match event.

You can use the hyperlinks to view the detailed financial transactions that are summarized in
each cell.

SA Financial History
This page is dedicated to a grid that shows the financial transactions linked to a service
agreement. Use Financial Query, SA Financial History to open this page.
Description of Page
This page is dedicated to a grid that shows a service agreements financial transactions (FT).
You can use this grid to both view high level information about these objects and to transfer to the
respective page in which an object is maintained.
The following columns are displayed in the grid:
Arrears Date

This is the date the FT starts aging. This column will be

blank if the FT has not started aging yet.

Financial Transaction Type

This column indicates the type of financial event: Bill

Segment, Pay Segment, Bill Segment Cancellation,
Pay Segment Cancellation, Adjustment and
Adjustment (Cancel). If the event is related to an
adjustment, the adjustment types description is
displayed instead of Adjustment.

Current Amount

This column shows the FTs effect on the service

agreements current balance.

Current Balance

This column shows the service agreements current

balance after the financial event.

Payoff Amount

This column shows the FTs effect on the service

agreements payoff balance. The value is grayed out if it
is the same as the current amount.

Payoff Balance

This column shows the service agreements payoff

balance after the financial event. The value is grayed
out if it is the same as the current balance.

If you need to see more information about a specific financial transaction, click the go to button to
transfer to the respective page in which the information is maintained.
For information about current and payoff balance, refer to Current Amount versus Payoff


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Financial Transaction Business Processes

SA Non-Accrual Accounting Balance

Only relevant if you practice non-accrual accounting. This transaction is only relevant if you
practice non-accrual accounting (e.g., you only pay the taxing authorities when the customer pays
you or you defer revenue recognition till a later date or a combination of the two). Refer to
Payables Cash Accounting and Deferred Accrual Accounting for more information about nonaccrual accounting.
This page displays a grid that shows a service agreements non-accrual accounting balance for
each non-accrual holding distribution code thats been booked to. Use Financial Query, SA
Non-Accrual Accounting Balance to open this page.
Description of Page
The following columns are displayed in the grid:
Holding Distribution Code

This is a general ledger distribution code used as the

holding account for non-accrual accounting. Each
holding account thats been used by this service
agreement will appear here.

Payable Distribution Code

This is the general ledger distribution code to which the

payable is (or will be) transferred when the cash event
occurs or when the designated revenue recognition date
elapses. The system supports revenue recognition on
the bill due date.

For more information on how the distribution codes are set up, refer to Setting Up Distribution
Payoff Balance

This column shows the service agreements balance for

each non-accrual holding account. If this amount is nonzero, it indicates that for this service agreement we are
still holding some payables back until payment is
received by the customer, at which time some or all of
this amount will be transferred to the payable distribution

Accounting Method

This column shows which accounting method is used for

the distribution.

Accounting Priority

This column shows the priority level associated with the

distribution code. If more than one distribution code is to
receive a payable then the priority level, along with debt
age, will determine the order in which the transfers are

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For information about non-accrual accounting, refer to Payables Cash Accounting and Deferred
Accrual Accounting.

Balance Control
This page is used to summarize the financial transactions that belong to a particular balance
control group.
Refer to The Big Picture of Balance Control for more information.

Balance Control information is current only as of the Create Date/Time listed. The
information displayed on the page is captured when the balance control background process is
run. Any financial activity subsequent to the create date and time will not be shown.
Use Financial Query, Balance Control to open this page.
Description of Page
This page displays summarized financial information for a particular balance control group. It
also details financial information for all SA Types that belong to the group.
The following fields are displayed on the page:
Group ID

This is a sequential value that uniquely identifies a

particular balance control run. The Group ID is assigned
and incremented automatically every time the Balance
Control background process is run.


This is the status of the balance control record:

Pending, and Complete. The status of the balance
control record will only be pending while the balance
control background process is being executed. Balance
control information is only reliable if the status is

Create Date/Time

This is the date and time that the balance control record
was created. Financial information displayed on this
page will only contain information for financial
transactions frozen before this date and time.

Current Amount

This is the sum of the current amounts of all FTs that

belong to the balance control group.

Payoff Amount

This is the sum of the payoff amounts of all FTs that

belong to the balance control group.


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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Current Balance

This is the sum of the current amounts of all FTs that

belong to this balance control group plus all earlier
balance control groups. Therefore this is the
instantaneous current balance of the entire CIS as of the
create date and time.

Payoff Balance

This is the sum of the payoff amounts of all FTs that

belong to this balance control group plus all earlier
balance control groups. Therefore this is the
instantaneous payoff balance of the entire CIS as of the
create date and time.

The number of FT information details the number of bill segments, pay segments, adjustments
and their cancellations that belong to the balance control group.

The total number of adjustments that belong to this

balance control group.

Adjustment Cancellation

The total number of adjustment cancellations that belong

to this balance control group.

Bill Segment

The total number of bill segments that belong to this

balance control group.

Bill Segment Cancellation

The total number of bill cancellations that belong to this

balance control group.

Pay Segment

The total number of pay segments that belong to this

balance control group.

Pay Segment Cancellation

The total number of pay cancellations that belong to this

balance control group.

The SA Type scroll summarizes the FTs that belong to a particular SA Type within the balance
control group otherwise all fields are defined as above. You can scroll through all SA Types
that belong to the balance control group.
SA Type

The SA Type being summarized.

Match Event
Warning! Match Events are only used if you practice Open Item Accounting.
Match events are used to match debit and credit financial transactions together. When financial
transactions are linked to a balanced match event, they no longer affect the customers arrears.
You can use the match event page to do the following:

Add, change, delete, and cancel match events.

Add and remove financial transactions from / to a match event.

Designate financial transactions as being "in dispute" (disputed financial transactions do not
affect aged debt until they are resolved).

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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

View all unmatched financial transactions linked to an account.

Refer to Match Events for a full description of the lifecycle of a match event and a description of
how the system automatically creates match events.

Match Event - Main
Match Event - FT Details
Match Event - Subtotals
How To Perform Common Match Event Functions

Match Event - Main

A typical match event matches a bill's financial transactions with a payment's financial
transactions. The Main page allows you to define the bill(s) and payment(s) whose financial
transactions are matched together. Use Financial, Match Event to open this page.
Debit must equal credits. Before a match event impacts a customer's arrearage, its debits and
credits must net to zero for every service agreement referenced on the match event. Until that
time, the financial transactions on a match event continue to affect arrearage. The only exception
is the case of disputes.
You can match any debit and credit. While the above describes the matching of bills and
payments, it's important to remember that a match event matches any type of debit with any type
of credit. This means that a match event could match a bill with a credit or correction note, or a
payment with a payment cancellation.
You can match any number of payments under a match event. While most match events
deal with a single bill and a single payment, there's no limitation to the number of payments on a
match event. The only restriction is that the debits and credits must net to zero for all service
It is better not to mix multiple bills on a single match event. For purposes of bill balance
information, it is strongly recommended that you compose your match events with financial
transactions limited to a single bill. If you mix financial transactions from multiple bills on a single
match event you will not be able to determine the unpaid balance of a partially paid bill.


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Financial Transaction Business Processes

You can match specific financial transactions. While most match events deal with every
financial transaction on a bill and payment, a match event can deal with individual financial
transactions. For example, a match event could match a bill segment with a combination of a
payment segment and a write-off adjustment. If you need to add or remove a specific financial
transaction (i.e., a bill segment, payment segment, or adjustment), navigate to the FT Details tab.
Perhaps a better way to differentiate between this page and the FT Details tab is to consider the
example of a bill with 100 bill segments. When you link this bill to a match event, you are actually
linking its 100 financial transactions. If you wanted to add only a subset of this bill's financial
transactions to the match event, you'd use the FT Details tab.

Refer to How To for instructions describing how to perform common match event maintenance

Description of Page
This page is used to maintain the financial transactions (FTs) that are linked to a match event.
The remainder of this section defines each of the fields on the page.
Match Event Info and Match Event ID only appear after the match event exists on the database.
The ID is a system assigned random number that stays with the match event for life. Match
Event Info is a concatenation of important details about the match event and its account.
The next section contains the sum of the Debit and Credit financial transactions linked to the
match event. If the debits and credits do not sum to zero, the Difference is also shown.
Account ID defines the account whose financial transactions are matched under this match
event. This field is gray after the match event is added to the database.
Match Event Status defines the state of the match event.

Match events are initially created in the open state. Please note that you may delete an
open match event.

The system automatically changes an open events status to balanced when the sum of the
Debit(s) equals the sum of the Credit(s) for each service agreement on the match event. Its
worth stressing that a match event may contain financial transactions from many service
agreements and each service agreement's financial transactions must sum to zero before the
match event can become balanced.

You may reopen a balanced event (by adding / removing items so that the match event
becomes unbalanced).

You can cancel a balanced or open match event by changing the Match Event Status to
cancelled. You must also define a Cancel Reason if you cancel a match event. Refer to
How Are Match Events Cancelled? for more information about cancellation.

Turn on Dispute if this match event exists to designate certain financial transactions as disputed.
In addition,

Describe the reason for the dispute in Remarks.

Link the disputed financial transactions to the match event by selecting the bill(s) below. If
only a subset of a bill is disputed:

Click on the respective hyperlink in the Unmatched Debits column grid (this will transfer
you to the next tab with these financial transactions displayed).

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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Select the bill segments that you want to designate as disputed.

Press the Link / Unlink button to link the selected bill segments to the match event.

Disputing items on a balanced event. The Dispute switch will be protected when the match
event is Balanced or Cancelled. If the items on a balanced event are being disputed, you must
add / remove items so that the match event becomes Open before you can turn on the Dispute
The remainder of the page is dynamic depending on the Match Event Status:

If the status is Balanced or Open, a grid appears containing a summary of the bills,
payments, credit or correction notes, and payment cancellations that contribute financial
transactions to the match event (note, we refer to these collectively as "contributing objects"
in the following discussion). The following columns appear in this grid:

Transaction Type defines whether the contributing object is a Bill, Payment, Payment
Cancellation or Credit or Correction Note. In the rare situation when unbilled financial
transactions are linked to the match event, a transaction type of Not Billed Yet appears.
If the contributing object is a bill its bill id is also displayed. If sequential bill functionality
is enabled, the bill's sequential id is displayed instead.

Matched Activity Information contains summary information about the contributing

object. This column is blank if the transaction type is Not Billed Yet.

The remaining columns contain the count and amount of each contributing object's
financial transactions categorized as follows (note, you can drill down on the count or
amount to see the specific financial transactions (FT's) on the next tab).

Matched Debits summarizes the contributing object's debit FT's that are linked to
this match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If you select
the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these debits will be removed from
the match event.

Matched Credits summarizes the contributing object's credit FT's that are linked to
this match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If you select
the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these credits will be removed from
the match event.

Other Debits summarizes the contributing object's debit FT's that are NOT linked to
this match event.

Other Credits summarizes the contributing object's credit FT's that are NOT linked to
this match event.

Adding more financial transactions to a balanced match event. When a match event is
Balanced, the grid showing unmatched FT's is suppressed (and therefore you can't add
additional FT's to the match event). To expose this grid, simply change the status of the match
event to Open.


If the status is Open, a second grid appears containing a summary of the bills, payments,
credit notes, correction notes and payment cancellations with at least one unmatched
financial transaction (we refer to these collectively as "unmatched objects" in the following
discussion). The following columns appear in this grid:

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Transaction Type defines whether the unmatched object is a Bill, Payment, Payment
Cancellation, Credit or Correction Note. A transaction type of Not Billed Yet is used
for unbilled financial transactions (e.g., adjustments generated between bills). If the
unmatched object is a bill its bill id is also displayed. If sequential bill functionality is
enabled, the bill's sequential id is displayed instead.

Unmatched Activity Information contains summary information about the unmatched

object. This column is blank if the transaction type is Not Billed Yet.

The remaining columns contain the count and amount of each unmatched object's
financial transactions categorized as follows (note, you can drill down on the count or
amount to see the specific financial transactions (FT's) on the next tab).

Unmatched Debits summarizes the unmatched object's debit FT's that are not
linked to any match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If
you select the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these debits will be
added to the match event.

Unmatched Credits summarizes the unmatched object's credit FT's that are not
linked to any match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If
you select the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these credits will be
added to the match event.

Matched Debits summarizes the unmatched object's debit FT's that are linked to any
match event.

Matched Credits summarizes the unmatched object's credit FT's that are linked to
any match event.

Credit Notes or Correction Notes. The Bill Correction option on the Installation table controls
whether Credit Notes or Correction Notes are allowed. The default Transaction Type displayed is
for Credit Note. If your implementation uses Correction Notes, youll need to change the
transaction type filter to reflect this. This is done by overriding the label for lookup value CRNT
on the customizable lookup field TXN_FLTR_TYPE_FLG.
The last section contains the running total of the Debit and Credit financial transactions that have
been selected / unselected in the above grids. If debits and credits do not sum to zero, the
Difference is also shown. These values differ from the values on the top of the page as they are
updated when a user selects / unselects an object (whereas the values at the top of the page are
only updated when the database is changed).
The Link / Unlink button becomes enabled when you select an object in the grids. When you
press this button, the financial transactions related to the object are added to / removed from the
match event.

Match Event - FT Details

On the Main tab, you can add and remove bills, payments, credit notes, correction notes and
payment cancellations to / from a match event. When you do this, you are actually adding and
removing all of the financial transactions linked to these objects. For example, when you link a
bill with 100 bill segments to a match event, you are actually linking its 100 financial transactions.
You need only use the FT Details tab when you need to add or remove specific financial
transactions. For example, you would use the FT Details tab if you need to remove 1 of a bill's
100 financial transactions from a match event.

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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Use Financial, Match Event, FT Details to open this page (note, you can also open this page
using many of the hyperlinks on the Main and SA Subtotals tabs).
Description of Page
This page is used to maintain the financial transactions (FTs) that are linked to a match event.
The remainder of this section defines each of the fields on the page.
Match Event Info and Match Event ID only appear after the match event exists on the database.
The ID is a system assigned random number that stays with a match event for life. The Match
Event Info is a concatenation of important details about the match event and its account.
The next section contains the sum of the Debit and Credit financial transactions linked to the
match event. If the debits and credits do not sum to zero, the Difference is also shown.
The following Filters work together to restrict the financial transactions that appear in the grid.
The following points describe the various options (note, don't forget to press the search button
after specifying the various filter options):

Use Transaction Type Filter to restrict the type of transactions that appear in the grid. The
following options are available:

All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict financial transactions based on their
transaction type.

Bill. This option allows you to view a specific bill's financial transactions. When this
option is selected, an input field appears in which you identify the Bill ID.

Credit Note. This option allows you to view a specific credit note's financial transactions.
When this option is selected, an input field appears in which you identify the Bill ID
(every credit note has a unique bill ID).

Correction Note. This option allows you to view a specific correction note's financial
transactions. When this option is selected, an input field appears in which you identify
the Bill ID (every correction note has a unique bill ID).

Not Billed Yet. This option allows you to view financial transactions that haven't
appeared on a bill yet (e.g., adjustments and corrections).

Payment. This option allows you to view a specific payment's financial transactions.
When this option is selected, an input field appears in which you identify the Payment ID.

Payment Cancellations. This option allows you to view a specific canceled payment's
financial transactions. When this option is selected, an input field appears in which you
identify the Payment ID.

Credit Notes or Correction Notes. The Bill Correction option on the Installation table controls
whether Credit Notes or Correction Notes are allowed. The default Transaction Type displayed is
for Credit Note. If your implementation uses Correction Notes, youll need to change the
transaction type filter to reflect this. This is done by overriding the label for lookup value CRNT
on the customizable lookup field TXN_FLTR_TYPE_FLG.

Use Linkage Filter to restrict the transactions based on the match event to which they are
linked. The following options are available:


All. This option shows all financial transactions regardless of their match event.

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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Linked to another Match Event. This option shows financial transactions linked to a
different match event.

Linked to any Match Event. This option shows financial transactions linked to any
match event.

Linked to this Match Event. This option shows financial transactions linked to this
match event.

Unmatched. This option shows financial transactions that are not linked to a match

This filter is protected and set to Linked to this Match Event if the Transaction Type Filter
is All.

Use Debit / Credit Filter to restrict the transactions based on whether they are debits or
credits. The following options are available:

All. This option shows all debit and credit financial transactions.

Credit. This option shows all credit financial transactions.

Debit. This option shows all debit financial transactions.

Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements whose financial transactions
appear in the grid. The following options are available:

Address. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose service
agreements are linked to service points associated with a given Address, City and/or
Postal code. Note, you can specify any combination of these fields.

All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict financial transactions based on service
agreement attributes.

Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose
service agreements are linked to service points associated with a given Geo Type and

SA ID. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those linked to a specific
Service Agreement.

SA Type. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose service
agreements are linked to a given CIS Division and SA Type.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the filters.
The Select All / Clear All buttons are used to select financial transactions to add to / remove
from the match event (note, after selecting the desired financial transactions, you must also press
the Link / Unlink button at the bottom of the page).
50 financial transactions at a time. Clicking Select All selects the first 50 bill segments in the
grid. If more than 50 financial transactions exist, you must select them in batches.
The grid that follows contains the financial transactions (FT) that match your search criteria. The
following information appears in the grid:

Select box. Select the FT if you want to Link / Unlink it. You implicitly link FT's that are NOT
already linked and you implicitly unlink FT's that are already linked. This field is protected if
the FT is linked to another match event.

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FT Amount. This column contains the amount of the financial transaction.

FT Type. This column indicates the type of financial transaction: Bill Segment, Bill
Segment Cancellation, Pay Segment, Pay Segment Cancellation, Adjustment and
Adjustment Cancellation.

Arrears Date. This column contains the financial transaction's arrears date.

SA Information. This column contains a summary of the financial transaction's service


Remarks. This column highlights the financial transaction's match status: Linked to this
match event, Not linked to a match event, Linked to another match event - match event

Premise Information. This column contains a summary of the premise (if any) associated
with the financial transaction's service agreement.

The last section contains the running total of the Debit and Credit financial transactions that have
been selected / unselected in the grid. If debits and credits do not sum to zero, the Difference is
calculated. These values differ from the values on the top of the page as they are updated when
a user selects / unselects an object (whereas the values at the top of the page are only updated
with the database is changed).
The Link / Unlink button becomes enabled when you select a row in the grid. When you press
this button, the financial transactions related to the object are added to / removed from the match

Match Event - Subtotals

Before a match event impacts a customer's arrearage, its debits and credits must net to zero for
every service agreement referenced on the match event. This page shows the sum of the debits
and credits for every service agreement that contributes at least one financial transaction to the
match event. Use Financial, Match Event, Subtotals to open this page
Description of Page
This page shows the sum of the debits and credits for every service agreement that contributes at
least one financial transaction to the match event.
Match Event Info and Match Event ID only appear after the match event exists on the database.
The ID is a system assigned random number that stays with a match event for life. The Match
Event Info is a concatenation of important details about the match event and its account.
The next section contains the sum of the Debit and Credit financial transactions linked to the
match event. If the debits and credits do not sum to zero, the Difference is also shown.
The following Filters work together to restrict the service agreements that appear in the grid. The
following points describe the various options (note, don't forget to press the search button after
specifying the various filter options):


Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements whose financial transactions
appear in the grid. The following options are available:

Address. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points
associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. Note, you can specify any
combination of these fields.

All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict service agreements.

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Financial Transaction Business Processes

Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to
service points associated with a given Geo Type and Value.

SA ID. Use this option to see a specific Service Agreement.

SA Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those with a given CIS
Division and SA Type.

Use Status Filter to restrict the service agreements based on whether the sum of the debits
and credits they contribute to the match event. The following options are available:

All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict service agreements based on this status.

Balanced. This option shows only service agreements where the sum of debit and
credits nets to zero on this match event.

Unbalanced. This option shows only service agreements where the sum of debit and
credits do not net to zero on this match event.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the filters.
The grid that follows contains the service agreements that match your search criteria. The
following information appears in the grid:

SA Information. This column contains a summary of important information about the service

Difference. This column contains the difference between the Matched Debits and Match
Credits. If this is non-zero, the value appears in red.

Matched Debits. This column contains the sum of debit financial transactions that this
service agreement contributes to this match event.

Matched Credits. This column contains the sum of credit financial transactions that this
service agreement contributes to this match event.

Premise Information. This column contains a summary of the premise (if any) associated
with the financial transaction's service agreement.

How To Perform Common Match Event Functions

How To Find The Match Event Associated With A Financial Transaction
How To Dispute An Item
How To Match A Small Mismatch

How To Find The Match Event Associated With A Financial Transaction

If you need to find the match event on which a financial transaction (FT) was matched, display the
FT in question on Financial Transaction - Main and then use the go to button adjacent to the
Match Event to drill to the match event.
Note. The easiest way to display a financial transaction is to find its corresponding bill, payment
or adjustment and then drill down on the desired transaction.

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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

How To Dispute An Item

Refer to Disputing Items for background information about disputes.
If a customer wants to dispute an item:

Create a match event for the account.

Turn the match events dispute switch on.

Link the disputed financial transaction to the match event.

Describe in the match events comments the reason for the dispute.

How To Match A Small Mismatch

Assume the following scenario arises:

A bill is produced for $2000

The customer pays $1993

An unbalanced match event will result because the customer didnt pay exactly what is owed

If you want to match this payment to the bill (and leave $7 for the next bill), do the following:

Create a transfer adjustment of $7 where the transfer from / to service agreement is the
same. This results in a debit financial transaction (FT) of $7 and a credit FT of $7.

Create a match event (or update the unbalanced match event) where the matched FTs are:

The $1993 payment

The credit side of the transfer adjustment ($7)

And the $2000 bill

Then, if the customer pays their next bill in full, the $7 debit (associated with the transfer
adjustment) will be swept onto it.

Automating small mismatches. The algorithm responsible for matching a payment to a specific
bill can have a tolerance amount defined on it. If the payment is within the tolerance limit, this
algorithm will do the above for you. In other words, you dont have to manually do the above if
you populate the tolerance limit appropriately on this algorithm. Refer to DSOV BILL-ID for more
information about this algorithm.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

In this section, we describe how to manage your deposits.
The Big Picture Of Deposits
Deposit Review

The Big Picture Of Deposits

The topics in this section provide background information about a variety of deposit issues.
We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the topics described in The Financial Big
Picture to fully appreciate how deposits fit into the systems financial architecture.

Cash Deposits
Refunding Deposits
Partial Refunds
Total Amount To Bill
Current Balance versus Payoff Balance
Multiple Deposits Linked To A Single Account
Deposits and Credit & Collections
Deposit Seizures When Other SAs Are Stopped
Non-Cash Deposits
3rd Party Deposits
Deposit Class Controls Everything
Deposit Background Processes

Cash Deposits
Before you can bill a customer for a deposit, there must be a deposit service agreement (SA).
Deposit SAs will be created by a CSR using Start/Stop Service (the same page used to create all
other types of service agreements).
Deposit SAs behave just like any other service agreement in that:

A deposit SA must reference an SA type. Refer to Service Agreement Type Controls

Everything for information about how SA type controls a service agreements behavior.

Bill segments will be produced to bill the customer for a deposit. Note, bill segments
associated with deposit SAs will appear on the same bill as other bill segments related to its
account (i.e., a bill could contain a combination of utility, deposit, and non-utility bill

When a customer makes a payment, it will be distributed amongst its accounts SAs based
on each SAs payment distribution priority. This means a single payment could relieve
receivable accounts (associated with utility service agreements) and increase a payable
account (associated with the deposit service agreement). Refer to Distributing A Payment
Amongst An Accounts Service Agreements for more information.

Deposit Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

You can use a transfer adjustment to relieve debt on some other type of service agreement
(by transferring all or part of the deposits credit balance to another service agreement).

You can use an A/P adjustment to cause a check to be created if you need to manually
refund a deposit.

When you no longer require the deposit, a CSR will stop the deposit SA using Start/Stop
Service (the same page used to stop all other types of service agreements). Refer to
Refunding Deposits for information about how the refund actually takes place.

Refer to Deposit Class Controls Everything for information about deposit interest, the
recommended deposit amount algorithm, and how deposits are refunded.

An account can have many deposits. You can view all deposits (both cash and non-cash)
linked to an account on Account Deposits.

Refunding Deposits
To refund a deposit, you simply need to change the deposit SAs state to pending stop. The
system does everything else (i.e., calculates interest and refunds the deposit to the customer).
There are three ways in which a deposit SAs state can become pending stop:

The Deposit Refund background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPRFND)
make a deposit service agreement pending stop when it detects that the customer meets
the automatic refund criteria. Refer to Defines The Conditions That Cause The System To
Automatically Refund A Deposit for a description of how to define the conditions that control
automatic refund.

An operator, at their discretion, may refund a deposit by stopping the deposit SA using
Start/Stop Service (the same page used to stop all other types of service agreements). This
page simply changes the deposit SAs state to pending stop.

The system changes the state of a deposit service agreement to pending stop when it
recognizes that all other SAs of its deposit class have also been stopped. This may be
necessary, for example, when a customers utility service agreements have been severed for
non-payment. Refer to Deposit Seizures When Other SAs Are Stopped for more information.

The system changes the state of a pending stop SA to stopped when the process responsible
for Finalizing Pending Stops next runs.
When a deposit SA becomes stopped, the system calculates interest through the stop date.
Refer to Controls Interest Calculation for a description of how interest is calculated.
Note. If you cant wait for this process to run, simply display the deposit SA on Service
Agreement Main Information and press the stop button.
When the stopped deposit SA is final billed, the system produces a final bill segment that shows
the deposit amount being returned to the customer. When the bill segments bill is completed, the
deposit is refunded to the customer as per the deposit refund algorithm on the deposits deposit
class. Refer to Controls How Deposits Are Refunded To A Customer for a description of how a
deposit is refunded.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Deposit Business Processes

Warning! None of the base package deposit refund algorithms create an A/P adjustment when
the deposit service agreement is final billed. Rather, they depend on the write-off preprocessing
to actually refund the deposit to the customer.

Partial Refunds
You can perform a partial refund by creating an adjustment for the deposit SA. If you want to
refund the adjustment with a check, this adjustment should be an A/P adjustment (i.e., one that is
interfaced to A/P). If you want to refund the adjustment by offsetting some other service
agreements debt, create a transfer adjustment (transferring from the deposit SA to the SA to be
After creating the adjustment, youll find that the deposit SA has a positive current amount due
(because you debited the deposit SA to refund the credit amount). You should create another
adjustment to return the current amount of the deposit to zero. Its important to use an
adjustment type that only affects current amount when you do this.
After getting the deposits current amount back to an expected amount, you will have to change
the deposit SAs Total Amount To Bill to reflect the amount of deposit you want to hold for the
customer. So, for example, if you were holding a $500 deposit and you want to refund $100, you
should change the deposit SAs Total Amount To Bill to be $400.

Total Amount To Bill

Most deposit service agreements contain a Total Amount To Bill field. The label for this field is
defined on the SA type (on the Billing tab). For deposit SAs, it should be labeled something liked
Cash Deposit Amount. This field should reflect the deposit amount you WANT to hold on this
service agreement. Please be aware of the following in respect of this field:

If the payoff balance (i.e., the current deposit held) is less than the Total Amount To Bill, the
system will generate a bill segment to charge the customer for the deposit.

If the deposit service agreement uses a recurring charge (i.e., you bill the total amount in
installments), the amount billed to the customer will not exceed the recurring charge
amount (unless the bill segment is prorated).

If the deposit service agreement does not use a recurring charge, the amount billed will
equal the difference between Total Amount To Bill and the service agreements payoff

If you need to bill an incremental deposit on an existing deposit service agreement, simply
change the deposit service agreements Total Amount To Bill.

If the payoff balance (i.e., the current deposit held) is greater than the Total Amount To Bill,
the system will NOT refund the excess deposit.

SA Type and Total Amount to Bill. A deposit service agreements SA type controls if the
deposit service agreement uses Total Amount to Bill. Typically, the only SA types that indicate
this field can be used are loan and deposit service agreements.

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Deposit Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Current Balance versus Payoff Balance

Warning! If you do not understand the difference between payoff balance and current balance,
refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount.
The current balance on a deposit SA contains the amount of the deposit that has been billed, but
not paid. The payoff balance on a deposit SA contains the amount of deposit being held. The
payoff balance is a negative number because your company owes this money to the customer.
The financial ramifications of a deposit SA are predictable (if youre an accountant). The
following table outlines the different financial events and their impact on the general ledger,
arrearage history, and the amounts due (both current and payoff).
Note. Its important to be aware that everything that is shown in this table is controlled by how
you set up the deposit SA types bill segment type, payment segment type, and adjustment types.
Refer to Service Agreement Type Controls Everything for how to do this.




Effect On




N/A the GL is
not affected when
a deposit is billed

$100 starts




Cash 100

$100 relieved





Interest Exp 5




Deposit Payable
Deposit Payable

The following points describe the events in the above table:

Deposit billed. In this example, the customer is billed for $100 deposit.

The customer really thinks they owe the billed amount, $100. Therefore, current amount
is affected. However, if the customer was to cash out, they wouldnt owe your
organization anything, therefore payoff amount is not affected.

Notice that the GL is not affected when the deposit is billed. This is because most
organizations do not show a receivable for billed deposits (as its not a true receivable).

Because current amount changed by $100, arrearage history is affected accordingly.

Payment received. With any luck, the client will pay the $100 that was billed.

The payment has a normal affect on the GL (debit cash, credit deposit payable). The
deposit payable GL account is defined as the deposit SA types Distribution Code.

The amount the customer thinks they owe decreases by $100, therefore current amount
is affected by the payment amount. And, if the customer was to cash out, your
organization would owe the customer $100, therefore payoff amount is affected by the
payment amount.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

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Deposit Business Processes

Because current amount changed by $100, arrearage history is affected accordingly.

Interest calculated. In this example, the system calculates interest of $5.

The interest is posted to the GL (the interest expense distribution code is defined on the
respective adjustment type).

The interest amount didnt affect how much the customer thinks is due them. Therefore
current amount is unaffected. However, if the customer was to cash out, your
organization would owe them $100 + $5 (the interest) therefore payoff amount is affected
by $5.

Because current amount is not changed, arrearage history is not affected.

Multiple Deposits Linked To A Single Account

The system has been designed to allow your customers to have multiple deposits. This is
necessary when a deposit is restricted to a specific type of debt. For example, if separate
deposits are held for regulated and unregulated debt (and a customer could hold a combination of
regulated and unregulated debt), youd need one deposit for regulated debt and another for
unregulated debt.
Deposit class. A deposits deposit class controls the service agreements that are covered by a
given deposit. A deposits deposit class is defined on its SA type. Refer to Designing Your
Deposit Classes for more information.
Its important to be aware that if your company has multiple classes of deposits, the system will
recommend and refund deposits for each individual deposit class. For example, if you have both
regulated and unregulated deposit classes, the system will recommend separate deposits for
each class. And at refund time, a deposit will be distributed to only those service agreements
associated with its deposit class (i.e., a regulated deposit will not be used to satisfy unregulated

Deposits and Credit & Collections

The account debt monitor monitors deposit service agreements just as it monitors every other
service agreement for overdue debt. If the amount of debt on the deposit SA violates your
collection criteria, a collection process will start.
Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Collection Process And Its Events for more information.
Its important to be aware that deposit debt can be treated differently from other types of debt
linked to an account by creating a specific debt class for the deposit SA type.
Refer to Designing Your Collection Procedures for more information about how to have different
collection criteria for different debt classes.
The type of severance process associated with a deposit SA is probably rather simple you
probably will want a To Do entry generated to advise an operator that a customer hasnt paid their

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Deposit Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Severance Process And Its Events for more information.
Please see Deposit Seizures When Other SAs Are Stopped for a description of how the system
seizes an active deposit service agreement when normal (i.e., non-cash deposit) service
agreements are stopped.
After a deposit SA is stopped, it will be final billed the next time the account is billed. Refer to
Refunding Deposits for more information about how deposit refunds are final billed. If a credit
balance remains on the deposit SA after it is final billed, the Write-Off Monitor will process the
deposit SA just like it processes all unpaid and final billed service agreements. If you set up the
deposit SAs write-off controls properly (i.e., you plug in the appropriate refund and write-down
algorithms), the write-off monitor will refund / write-down the credit balance (thus causing the
deposit SA to close).

Deposit Seizures When Other SAs Are Stopped

Consider the situation when a severance process cuts a service due to non-payment. At some
point, if the customer doesnt pay, youll want to seize the deposit and apply it to the overdue
debt. To implement this, the system simply stops the deposit SA when it stops the last SA in its
deposit class (refer to Finalizing Pending Stops for more information about stopping service
agreements). Then, when the account is next billed, the standard deposit refund process will
offset outstanding debt before it is refunded to a customer.
Refer to Refunding Deposits for a complete description of how the system refunds a stopped
deposit SAs balance to other service agreements in its deposit class.
Deposit class refund method is the key. Its important to stress that the only way the system
will use a deposit to offset overdue debt is if the deposits deposit class has a refund method that
does this. If youve set up a deposit class refund method to cut a check for the entire deposit
amount, the system will not offset outstanding debt. Refer to Deposit Class Refund Method for
more information.

Non-Cash Deposits
When an account is required to post a deposit, they can remit cash or some other type of surety
(e.g., letters of credit, surety bonds, 3rd party deposits). When cash is remitted, a deposit service
agreement is used. When some other type of surety is used, a non-cash deposit must be
Non-cash deposits are held in respect of an account and an account may have an unlimited
number of non-cash deposits (note: cash deposits are held in respect of a deposit service
agreement that is linked to remitting account). Refer to Account Deposits for more information.
Each non-cash deposit must reference a non-cash deposit type. Besides defining the type of
surety, the non-cash deposit type also controls:

Whether such types of non-cash deposits can be highlighted when they are due to expire via
the creation of a To Do entry (refer to TD-NCDEX for more information about this To Do

Whether a reference to a cash-deposit (i.e., service agreement) must be specified. Refer to

3rd Party Deposits for more information about how a cash deposit can be referenced by
another party.

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Deposit Business Processes

Refer to Setting Up Non-Cash Deposit Types for more information.

In addition to non-cash deposit type, each non-cash deposit must reference a deposit class.
Why? Because the system amalgamates cash and non-cash deposits when it determines if an
account is holding an adequate deposit.
Refer to What Do Deposit Classes Do? for more information.
If you need to use a non-cash deposit to satisfy an accounts debt, you must cash in the noncash deposit. When the cash arrives, create a payment and apply it to the customers
outstanding service agreements.

3rd Party Deposits

A 3rd party deposit arises when a 3rd party remits cash to cover the deposit needs of one or more
accounts. Both cash and non-cash deposits must be created to record a 3rd party deposit. The
following example will explain how to do this.
Assume the Salvation Army remits $5,000 on behalf of 50 customers (where each customers
account is allocated $100). In this situation, youd create the following information in the system:

The Salvation Army must have an account with a deposit service agreement.

When the Salvation Army remits the funds:

Warning! If you do not understand the difference between payoff balance and current balance,
refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount.

Create an adjustment to bill the deposit service agreement (causing the deposit SAs
current balance to be $5,000 and the payoff balance to be 0).

Add a payment for the $5,000 against the Salvation Armys account. This payment will
cause the deposit SAs current balance to be 0 and the payoff balance to be -$5,000.
Note, if you dont mind the Salvation Armys current balance to be -$5,000 after the
payment is made, you wouldnt have to create the adjustment to bill the deposit.

Create a non-cash deposit for each of the 50 accounts being covered by the cash
deposit. On each non-cash deposit, define the appropriate non-cash deposit type (e.g.,
3rd party deposit) and amount $100 each.

Interest will be applied to the Salvation Armys deposit service agreement as per the interest
algorithm on the deposit SAs deposit class.

If you need to use the Salvation Armys payment to payoff overdue debt, you will use a
transfer adjustment(s) to transfer from the deposit service agreement to the respective
overdue service agreement(s).

Important! Be aware that the system will allow the sum of 3rd party deposits to exceed the
amount of the cash deposit (in our previous example, the system would allow you to create
$6,000 worth of 3rd party non-cash deposits even though only $5,000 of cash was remitted).

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Deposit Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Deposit Class Controls Everything

A deposit service agreements SA type references a deposit class. The topics in this section
describe how deposit class controls the behavior of a deposit SA.
Refer to Setting Up Deposit Classes for a complete description of the business rules governed by
a deposit class.

Controls Interest Calculation
Controls The Recommended Deposit Amount
Defines The Conditions That Cause The System To Recommend A New or Additional
Defines Automatic Refund Conditions
Controls How Deposits Are Refunded To A Customer

Controls Interest Calculation

Interest is applied to a deposit SA when:

A deposit SA is stopped. Refer to Refunding Deposits for a description of how a deposit SA

can be stopped.

The Apply Interest background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPINTRF)
determined that sufficient time has passed since interest was last calculated. The amount of
time between interest calculations is defined on the deposit class.

A deposit SAs deposit class controls the following interest calculation functions:

The frequency of interest calculation.

The algorithm used to calculate the amount of interest (note, the interest rate is defined using
a bill factor plugged in on this algorithm).

The method used to refund the interest.

Adjustments are used to apply interest. Interest is applied to a deposit SA using an

adjustment (the adjustment type is also defined on the deposit class).

Controls The Recommended Deposit Amount

The following events cause the calculation of the recommended deposit amount:

The Deposit Review background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPRVW)
compares an accounts existing deposit (if any) to the recommended amount.

A user requests a deposit calculation for a new deposit service agreement by pressing

button on the Start Confirmation.

A deposit service agreements deposit class controls the algorithm used to derive the suggested
deposit amount.

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Deposit Business Processes

Defines The Conditions That Cause The System To Recommend A New or

Additional Deposit
The Deposit Review background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPRVW) will
recommend an additional deposit be billed if the customer doesnt satisfy the definition of a good
Its important to be aware that if your company has multiple classes of deposits, the system will
recommend deposits for each individual deposit class used by an account. For example, if an
account has both regulated and unregulated deposit classes, the system will recommend
separate deposits for each class.
When the Deposit Review process analyzes an accounts debt, it uses the following deposit class

The definition of a good customer (the system only recommends deposits for bad customers).

The tolerance percent that must be exceeded before the system will recommend an
additional deposit for a customer. This tolerance percent prevents the recommendation of
small amounts.

The method used to derive the recommended deposit amount.

Assuming the C1-CR-UP-DRR review method algorithm is specified on the deposit class, the
system does not automatically produce bills when an additional deposit is needed. Rather, the
systems recommendations appear on the Deposit Review page. To implement a
recommendation, an operator should change the deposit SAs Total Amount To Bill or add a new
deposit SA.
Non-cash deposits are included. Its important to be aware that the system compares the
recommended deposit amount against the sum of deposits on hand for a given deposit class.
When amalgamating the total deposit on hand, the system includes both cash (i.e., deposit SAs
payoff balance) and non-cash deposits.

Defines Automatic Refund Conditions

The Deposit Refund background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPRFND) will
refund a deposit to a customer when conditions defined on the deposit SAs deposit class are
met. For example, a deposits deposit class may indicate the system should automatically refund
a deposit after the deposit has been held for 6 months and the customer is a good customer (the
definition of a good customer is also on the deposit class).

Controls How Deposits Are Refunded To A Customer

The method used to refund a deposit to a customer is defined on the deposit SAs deposit class.
For example, a deposits deposit class may indicate the system will first apply the deposit to
outstanding debt first and, if funds remain, cut a check.
Its important to be aware that if your company refunds deposits by first offsetting outstanding
debt, the system will only offset debt within an individual deposit class. For example, if a
customer has two deposits one for regulated debt, the other for unregulated debt the
regulated deposit will only be used to offset regulated debt.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Deposit Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Deposit Background Processes

The topics in this section describe the background processes that automate deposit processing.
Deposit Interest
Deposit Refund
Review Deposits

Deposit Interest
The Deposit Interest background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPINTRF)
examines all cash deposit service agreements (i.e., service agreements with a SA type with a
special role of Cash Deposit). If enough time has passed since interest was last calculated,
interest will be calculated using the service agreements deposit class Interest Refund Algorithm.
Note: interest will be automatically calculated every X months where X is defined in the deposit
class Months Between Interest Refund.

Deposit Refund
The Deposit Refund background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPRFND)
examines all cash deposit service agreements (i.e., service agreements with a SA type with a
special role of Cash Deposit). If the account meets the service agreements deposit class
Refund Criteria Algorithm, the system changes the service agreements state to Pending Stop.
Refer to Refunding Deposits for a description of what happens next.

Review Deposits
The Review Deposits background process (referred to by the batch control ID DEPRVW)
examines all accounts with service agreements that are governed by a deposit class (i.e., service
agreements with an SA type that references a deposit class). If the account fails the deposit
class Good Customer Algorithm, the system calculates the recommended deposit amount (using
the deposit class Deposit Recommendation Algorithm). If the recommended amount exceeds
the amount of deposit currently requested, the system will request an additional deposit. The
deposit class Review Method Algorithm is used to determine what action to take if the system
requests an additional deposit. The systems recommendations appear on the Deposit Review
You may optionally provide a Deposit Class as input to restrict the review to account whose
service agreements reference that deposit class.
Preventing small recommendations. The system uses the deposit classs Review Tolerance
Percentage to prevent the recommendation of small deposits by the Deposit Review background
process. For example, if this field contains 10(%), the system would only recommend an
additional deposit if the existing requested deposit amount is less than 90% of the recommended
Multiple deposits could be recommended for an account. Because an account can have
service agreements that belong to multiple deposit classes, it is possible for a multiple
recommendations to be generated for an account.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

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Deposit Business Processes

Deposit Review
The Deposit Review page shows all accounts for which an additional deposit is recommended.
Note. The Review Deposits background process inserts rows on this query.
Multiple deposits could be recommended for an account. Because an account can have
service agreements that belong to multiple deposit classes, it is possible for a multiple
recommendations to be generated for an account.
Open this page using Financial Query, Deposit Review.
Description of Page
Use Account ID and / or Deposit Class to filter the rows. Each row displays and account /
deposit class that holds an inadequate deposit.
Rows are also displayed for errors. Please be aware that if the Recommend Additional
Deposit background process encounters an error when it attempts to calculate an accounts
recommended deposit, these errors also appear as rows in this query.
Press the
button to add a new deposit SA for the customer. Pressing this button causes
Start/Stop Service to open. When this page opens, you should create a new deposit service
agreement for the customer (by referencing the appropriate division / SA Type).
If the customer has one or more deposit service agreements, the drill button will be enabled.
Pressing it will cause the Service Agreement Main Information page to open. When this page
opens, you can change Total Amount To Bill to reflect the total amount of deposit you want to
hold. When billing next runs, it will bill the customer for the marginal difference between the
current deposit held and the deposit amount to bill.
Refer to Defines The Conditions That Cause The System To Recommend A New or Additional
Deposit for how rows are added to this query.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing
The interval billing functional area is responsible for managing the following:

Collecting interval data. Any time increment can be supported. For example, electrical meter
read data might be recorded in 10 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, intervals; whereas daily
gas consumption may have intervals that span 24 hours.

Maintaining interval prices. Again, any time increment can be supported.

Deriving billable interval consumption from multiple interval consumption sources. For
example, actual interval consumption can be compared against a customer-specific
maximum demand profile to derive an excess demand profile.

Deriving time-of-use consumption by applying time-of-use maps to a customers interval


This chapter describes the above points in detail.

Note. The transactions described in this document are available only if the interval billing
modules are not turned off.

Interval Pricing Background Topics
The Big Picture of Raw Data Collection and Aggregation
Time of Use Mapping Background Topics
Contract Option Background Topics
Maintaining Interval Data
Interval Billing Examples

Interval Pricing Background Topics

The topics in this section provide background information about a variety of interval billing issues.
Billable Interval Quantities for a Service Agreement
Interval Quantities are Stored in Data Sets
Fixing Errors with Complete Data Sets
Algorithms Find the Most Up To Date Data
Time Issues
Interval Data Serves a Role for a Service Agreement
Common Profiles vs. SA Owned Profiles
Flexibility of SA / Profile Link
The Link between Profile and SA is Effective Dated
Creation of Profile Data through Data Derivation
Validation of Profile Data
Auditing Your Interval Pricing Bill Lines

Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Billable Interval Quantities for a Service Agreement

Billable interval quantities are linked to the service agreement. These quantities are linked
through an Interval Profile. The interval data that is received over time is linked to the service
agreement in one of the following ways:

It is uploaded from an external source. Refer to Upload Interval Data for more information.


Reads received 29/Oct/2000 16:24:211


28/Oct/2000 18:00:00
40 KW
28/Oct/2000 19:00:00
38 KW
28/Oct/2000 20:00:00
5 KW
28/Oct/2000 21:00:00
6 KW
28/Oct/2000 22:00:00
3 KW

It may be created in the system through data derivation algorithms. Refer to Creation of
Profile Data through Data Derivation for more information.

All the data received throughout time could be plotted as a curve. For interval quantities, the
curve is referred to as an Interval Profile.

Profile 123

The UOM and interval size are

defined on the Profile Type

kW curve,
30 min interval

The profile references a Profile Type that defines the physical attributes of the data curve. It
defines the unit of measure, the interval size and may also contain data derivation algorithms,
which actually populate the profile with data based on other information. Refer to Designing
Interval Profile Types and Creation of Profile Data through Data Derivation for more information.

Interval Quantities are Stored in Data Sets

Interval data in the system may have many different origins.

It may be contract-related data that is set up at the beginning of the contract or contract year.

It may be data that is periodically interfaced from an external source.

It may be data that is derived and created through a system algorithm.

Regardless of the origin of the data, all data has similar characteristics:

Data is received by the system or created by the system periodically. The system stores
whatever new data needs to be stored.

The period represented by the batch of new data is variable.

New data may be an update to previously received data.

The system accepts the new batches of data for a given profile and stores the data grouped
together by a data set.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Prices for Bill Factor Market Price

and Characteristic Value of Market A
Market Prices for Market A
Prices received 29/Oct/2000 16:38:228

30/Oct/2000 18:00:00
30/Oct/2000 19:00:00
30/Oct/2000 20:00:00
30/Oct/2000 21:00:00
30/Oct/2000 22:00:00

Market Prices for Market A

Prices received 1/Nov/2000 08:37:109

30/Oct/2000 19:00:00
30/Oct/2000 21:00:00
31/Oct/2000 02:00:00
31/Oct/2000 03:00:00
31/Oct/2000 04:00:00
31/Oct/2000 05:00:00

Data Set

Data Set

There are two effective dates referenced in the interval pricing information: Set Date/Time and
Interval Value Date/Time. Think of the Set Date/Time as the effective date of the entire set of
interval data. Think of Interval Date/Time as the effective date of the associated piece of data.
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up To Date Data for information about processing this data.

Fixing Errors with Complete Data Sets

If a data set is complete, but the values are incorrect, you are not able to cancel the data set. In
order to reverse the effect of a completed data set, you must create a new completed data set
with corrected data.
Original data received
Reads received 29/Oct/2000 16:24
Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 18:00:00
40 KW
28/Oct/2000 19:00:00
38 KW
28/Oct/2000 20:00:00
5 KW

New data received to

override previous data
Reads received 30/Oct/2000 12:39
Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 18:00:00
42 KW
28/Oct/2000 19:00:00
40 KW
28/Oct/2000 20:00:00
6 KW

If the data received on 30/Oct is

incorrect, then a new data set with
the 29/Oct data should be created
New Data Set created 31/Oct/2000
Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 18:00:00
40 KW
28/Oct/2000 19:00:00
38 KW
28/Oct/2000 20:00:00
5 KW

This is called reverting the data

What happens if no previous values exist for the incorrect data? There are no values available to
replace the incorrect values. You essentially want to indicate to the system that no data exists for
this interval. To do this, you create a data set with a special data set type of No Data.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

To cancel this data, create

a No Data data set with a
more recent date

New data received,

adds new intervals

Reads received 30/Oct/2000 08:24

Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 21:00:00
8 KW
28/Oct/2000 22:00:00
7 KW
28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
8 KW

New Data Set created 31/Oct/2000

Data Set Type = "No Data"
Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 21:00:00
0 KW
28/Oct/2000 22:00:00
0 KW
28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
0 KW

The system provides a Revert button on the appropriate interval data pages to help the user to
reverse the effect of a data set. When reverting, the system creates a new data set and
populates the intervals with the most recent values for those intervals, ignoring the values in the
data set being reverted. If there are no other values for any of the interval, then a No Data data
set is created for these intervals.

New data received that

overrides data AND adds
new intervals
Original data received
Reads received 29/Oct/2000 16:24
Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 18:00:00
40 KW
28/Oct/2000 19:00:00
38 KW
28/Oct/2000 20:00:00
5 KW

Using Revert, the system creates

one data set for intervals with
previous data

Reads received 30/Oct/2000 12:39

Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 18:00:00
42 KW
28/Oct/2000 19:00:00
40 KW
28/Oct/2000 20:00:00
6 KW
28/Oct/2000 21:00:00
9 KW
28/Oct/2000 22:00:00
8 KW
28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
9 KW

and a data set indicating

No Data for intervals with
no previous data

New Data Set created 31/Oct/2000

Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 18:00:00
40 KW
28/Oct/2000 19:00:00
38 KW
28/Oct/2000 20:00:00
5 KW
New Data Set created 31/Oct/2000
Data Set Type = "No Data"
Value UOM

28/Oct/2000 21:00:00
0 KW
28/Oct/2000 22:00:00
0 KW
28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
0 KW

Refer to Interval Data Maintenance, TOU Data Maintenance and Interval Register Data
Maintenance for more information about setting the data set type flag and using the Revert

Algorithms Find the Most Up To Date Data

Any algorithm that must retrieve interval data, whether it is bill factor interval values or time of use
map data or interval profile data, needs to ensure that it accesses the most up to date data. This
includes algorithms used by the rates to process interval data and any derivation algorithm.
Refer to Interval Quantities are Stored in Data Sets for information about how interval data is

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Interval Billing Business Processes

The following diagram illustrates data retrieved by rates to use for billing a customer on a given
Prices received 29/Oct/2000 16:38:228

30/Oct/2000 18:00:00
30/Oct/2000 19:00:00
30/Oct/2000 20:00:00
30/Oct/2000 21:00:00
30/Oct/2000 22:00:00

Prices applicable for bill produced on 31-Oct

for bill period 1/Oct/2000-30/Oct/2000



30/Oct/2000 18:00:00
30/Oct/2000 19:00:00
30/Oct/2000 20:00:00
30/Oct/2000 21:00:00
30/Oct/2000 22:00:00


The following diagram illustrates what happens when data is received by the system that is a
correction of previously received data. A bill produced after this data is received uses the most
up to date values.
Prices received 29/Oct/2000 16:38:228

30/Oct/2000 18:00:00
30/Oct/2000 19:00:00
30/Oct/2000 20:00:00
30/Oct/2000 21:00:00
30/Oct/2000 22:00:00

Prices received 1/Nov/2000 08:37:109


30/Oct/2000 19:00:00
30/Oct/2000 21:00:00
31/Oct/2000 02:00:00
31/Oct/2000 03:00:00
31/Oct/2000 04:00:00
31/Oct/2000 05:00:00


30/Oct/2000 18:00:00
30/Oct/2000 19:00:00
30/Oct/2000 20:00:00
30/Oct/2000 21:00:00
30/Oct/2000 22:00:00


Prices applicable for bill produced on 1-Nov

for the same billing period

Whenever a collection of interval data needs to be accessed, the system checks the following:

As of what date? This enables the system to find the data sets that existed in the system on
that date. It looks for the appropriate data within these data sets.

What is the time period? This enables the system to get the correct collection of interval

If you want to verify the data used to produce a bill,

The as of what date is the bill segment creation date

The bill segment start and end dates define the time period

Time Issues

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Start and End Times for Billing

Time Zone and Time Changes

Start and End Times for Billing

As you know, there is logic in billing to determine the start date and end date for a bill segment.
Refer to Ways to Control The End Date Of A Bill for more information. When billing for a
customer with interval data, the system also needs to know the time.
The time used by billing, referred to as the cutoff time, is stored on the service agreement. There
is also a control on the service agreement called Start Day Option that determines which day to
use for the start time. Billing algorithms use the billing date, the cutoff time, and the start day
option to determine the correct interval data to process.
Billing Time Examples
First and Last Bill Segment Considerations
Defaulting Service Agreement Time Options
Changing Service Agreement Time Options

Billing Time Examples

Lets look at some examples.
Current Day Option
Previous Day Option
First Bill Segment

Current Day Option

Assume that the consumption period is from the 1st of October through the 29th of October.

Assume the cutoff time on the service agreement is 2 a.m. and the start day option is Current






The first interval used is

the one AFTER the
cutoff time on the bill
start date
The last interval used is
the one that includes the
cutoff time on the day
AFTER the bill end date

To determine the starting interval, the system finds the first interval after the cutoff time on the
billing start date. The system uses all the intervals up to and including the cutoff time for the DAY
AFTER the billing end date.

Previous Day Option

Assume that the consumption period is from the 1st of October through the 29th of October.

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Assume the cutoff time on the service agreement is 10 p.m. and the start day option is
Previous Day.



30/Sep/2000 22:00:00
30/Sep/2000 23:00:00
01/Oct/2000 00:00:00
01/Oct/2000 01:00:00

29/Oct/2000 21:00:00
29/Oct/2000 22:00:00
29/Oct/2000 23:00:00
30/Oct/2000 00:00:00
30/Oct/2000 01:00:00


The first interval used is

the one AFTER the cutoff
time on the day BEFORE
the bill start date

The last interval that is the

one which includes the cutoff
time on the bill end date

To determine the starting interval, the system finds the first interval after the cutoff time on the
DAY BEFORE the billing start date. The system uses all the intervals up to and including the
cutoff time for the billing end date.
Refer to Bill Period and Seasonal Time Shifts for more information about the effect of time shifting
on determining the bill period.

First Bill Segment

When billing calculates the consumption period for the very first bill segment for your service
agreement, it uses a flag on your SA type to correctly calculate the initial consumption period.
For your interval billing service agreements, you typically configure your SA types to indicate that
the start of the consumption period for the first bill should include the SA start date unless this is a
back-to-back situation (i.e., a previous customer was already billed for that day as its end date).
Lets look at an example. Imagine your SA type is configured to Add 1 Day for Back-to-back
and this is not a back-to-back situation. Also imagine that your service agreement has the
following defined:

Start Date: April 1, 2003

Start Day Option: Current

Cutoff Time: 2am

The start period for the consumption period would be set to April 1, 2003; 2am.
Imagine the same SA exists, but this is a back-to-back situation. In other words, the previous
customer ended service on April 1, 2003. Assuming the previous customer has the same start
day option and cutoff time, they are billed through April 2, 2003; 2am. Refer to Current Day
Option for more information. In this case, billing calculates the start period for the consumption
period as April 2, 2003; 2am.

First and Last Bill Segment Considerations

Billing provides the consumption period used for defining the start and ending intervals by the
interval pricing and TOU pricing algorithms.

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However, for the very first bill segment for the customer, perhaps your business practice dictates
that the first interval is at some time other than the cutoff time. For example, rather than billing
from 2 a.m. on the first day, perhaps the meter is only installed at 3 p.m. and that is when billing
should begin. Similarly, for the final interval on the last bill segment for your service agreement,
you may require billing to end when the meter is removed at 4 p.m., rather than through 2 a.m. on
the day after the end date.
To accomplish this functionality, follow these guidelines:

When starting or stopping a service agreement, navigate to the service agreement interval
info tab to define the appropriate starting or ending interval for each interval profile or TOU
map linked to the service agreement using the start and end date/times in the profile or map

Note. If the start/end intervals are defined based on the date/time a meter was installed or
removed, the recommendation is to design a mechanism for updating the SA/profile and SA/TOU
map date/times via an interface. For example, perhaps a field activity completion algorithm could
update the profile and/or map date/times according to when the meter was installed. Or perhaps
a notification & workflow process is designed to update this information.

Design your interval pricing and/or TOU pricing algorithms to override the consumption period
information passed in for the first interval of the first bill segment or for the last interval for the
final bill segment. These algorithms receive the service agreement effective dates so that
your algorithms can easily detect whether it is the first or last bill segment for your SA. If the
algorithm detects that this is the first or last bill segment for the service agreement, it can use
the profile and/or TOU map start and end date/times on the service agreement rather than
the calculated consumption period passed in.

Note. The interval pricing and TOU pricing algorithms provided with the product use the
consumption period calculated and passed in from billing for the first and last bill segment.

Defaulting Service Agreement Time Options

In order to facilitate setup of your service agreements with their appropriate time options, cutoff
time and start day option may be defined on an SA Type Start Option.
Cutoff time and start day option must also be defined on the installation option record. If your
service agreement is not created with a start option, the values on the installation record are

Changing Service Agreement Time Options

As described above, billing uses the service agreements cutoff time and start day option to
calculate the consumption period to the interval pricing algorithms. The system currently allows
you to change the cutoff time and start day option in the middle of a contract, but this is very
unusual. In fact, for a given company, these settings are often the same for all interval billing
customers (or at least the same for an entire class of customers). For example, a company may
designate that all transportation gas customers bill from 11pm to 11pm and all other interval
billing customers bill from 2 a.m. to 2 a.m..

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Interval Billing Business Processes

If this information changes in the middle of a contract and non-canceled bills exist, a warning is
issued. Changing either of these fields after a bill segment has been generated will cause either
a gap or an overlap in intervals billed for the next bill segment. A user must manually adjust the
charges accordingly.

Time Zone and Time Changes

This section describes interval data considerations when operating in different time zones and
when handling seasonal time changes, such as daylight savings time.
Data is Stored in the Base Time Zone
Seasonal Time Shifts

Data is Stored in the Base Time Zone

With data stored at an interval level, provisions need to be made to cater for data captured from
other time zones.

On the installation record, you indicate the base time zone for your company data.

ALL data must be stored in Standard time for this base time zone.

In order to help interfaces to adjust data received from a different time zone, you may store the
customers time zone on its Premise. The interface may be written to check the premises time
zone, compare it to the base time zone, and shift the data accordingly.
Refer to Designing Your Time Options for more information.

Seasonal Time Shifts

A more common problem related to interval data is the problem of adjusting time for seasonal
time changes. Interval data cannot be stored in legal time (i.e., in the summer, storing data in
daylight savings time or summer time) because the shift from summer time back to standard time
causes a duplicate hour. For example, in the United States, the 2 a.m. hour is repeated when
shifting from Daylight Savings Time (DST) back to standard time.

28/Oct/2000 21:00:00
2000 KW
28/Oct/2000 22:00:00
2302 KW
28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
234 KW
29/Oct/2000 00:00:00
2352 KW
29/Oct/2000 01:00:00
2525 KW
29/Oct/2000 02:00:00
5324 KW
29/Oct/2000 03:00:00
464 KW
29/Oct/2000 04:00:00
25252 KW
29/Oct/2000 05:00:00
252 KW
29/Oct/2000 06:00:00
3453 KW

Local time as displayed

28/Oct/2000 22:00:00
28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
29/Oct/2000 00:00:00
29/Oct/2000 01:00:00
29/Oct/2000 02:00:00
29/Oct/2000 02:00:00 DST -> Std, +1hr
29/Oct/2000 03:00:00
29/Oct/2000 04:00:00
29/Oct/2000 05:00:00
29/Oct/2000 06:00:00

To avoid the problem of duplicate records, all data must be stored in standard time. However,
when entering and viewing data online, users probably want to see the data in the current legal
time (i.e., in the summer, data is shown in daylight savings time or summer time).
Logical Time versus Server Time

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Bill Period and Seasonal Time Shifts

Interval Time Display
Evenly Sized Intervals

Logical Time versus Server Time

As described in Logical Time versus Server Time, fields may be defined as being system date /
time stamps or logical data to be captured in standard time.
In the case of interval data:

Each interval record has a Set Date / Time, which is considered server or physical time and
uses the time shift information defined on the base time zone.

The interval date/time is considered logical time and the time shift information is defined on
the related type entity for the interval data.

Bill Period and Seasonal Time Shifts

As described in Start and End Times for Billing, the service agreement cutoff time is used to
determine the start and end times for billing.
This time is assumed to be in legal time, according to the seasonal time shift linked to the time
zone for the service agreements characteristic premise. It means that when this service
agreement is billed, the system adjusts the cutoff time to standard time prior to accessing the
appropriate intervals. The diagram below illustrates this point.

Cutoff Time is 2 a.m.; Standard Time begins 22,Oct


01/Oct/2000 01:00:00
01/Oct/2000 02:00:00
01/Oct/2000 03:00:00
01/Oct/2000 04:00:00

30/Oct/2000 00:00:00
30/Oct/2000 01:00:00
30/Oct/2000 02:00:00
30/Oct/2000 03:00:00
30/Oct/2000 04:00:00


1st Oct. is during DST. The

first interval is the one
AFTER 2am legal time
(1am standard time)
30th Oct. is during
standard time. The last
interval used is the one
that includes the cutoff
time (2 a.m.)

Interval Time Display

By default, the system displays interval data in legal time.

For server related time fields, the time is displayed according to the seasonal time shift record
on the base time zone.

For interval related data, the time is displayed according to the seasonal time shift record on
the interval entitys type.

For the effective date/time links between a service agreement and its interval collections, the
time is displayed according to the seasonal time shift record on the SAs characteristic
premises time zone.


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A message indicates this to the user, for example, Date/Time Info is expected in local legal time.
The user can opt to change the display to show the data in standard time.
When entering new data, the user is expected to enter data in the same time that is displayed. If
the message states that intervals are expected in legal time, the system assumes that the user
enters new values in the legal time and converts them to standard time for storing.
Note. If seasonal time shift information is missing for an entity or for the base time zone, data is
always displayed and expected in standard time.

Evenly Sized Intervals

As mentioned earlier, the main drive behind shifting data to standard is to counter the effect of
missing and duplicate intervals at entry to and exit from a seasonal time shift period. Storing data
shifted to standard time ensures all interval records for a given curve are of equal size, which
allows for simpler business logic, ignorant of seasonal time shifts considerations.
While this is obvious for hourly or less than an hour interval sizes, we would like to stress that the
same concept applies to all interval sizes. If the legal time of an interval shifts during a seasonal
time shift you should "counter-shift" it to standard time. If its legal time does not shift year-round,
no shifting is needed.
For example, let's assume interval data being recorded in 1440 minute intervals (each read spans
a full day).

If when entering a seasonal time shift period, the legal time for these intervals shifts, say from
midnight to 1 am, then when interfaced to the system data should be shifted back to standard
to achieve evenly sized intervals.

However, if the legal time does not shift, i.e. reads are taken at the same legal time, shifting is
not applicable. As a matter of fact, shifting in this case causes the stored intervals to be of
un-even size, thus complicating the logic that processes the data.

Base Plug-ins. If you decide to configure the system to not follow the evenly sized interval
concept described above you may not be able to use the base sample plug-ins and common
routines as they assume interval data is stored in evenly sized intervals.
Note. If you are using the interval entities but your interval data have interval sizes larger than
hourly (for example, daily), you may decide not to use any seasonal time shift logic. You may set
a switch on the installation record to indicate whether or not your interval data should observe
seasonal time shifting. Refer to Installation Options - Billing for more information.

Interval Data Serves a Role for a Service Agreement

All interval quantities are linked to an Interval Profile. An interval profile may be linked to a
service agreement to serve a variety of purposes, for example:

It is used by rates algorithms to produce bill calculation lines.

It is used by data derivation algorithms to produce other interval data.

It is available to the company for statistical analysis or reports.

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When linking an interval profile to a service agreement, the role that it is serving must be
indicated. The role is specified using a profile relationship type. Refer to Physical Attributes of
Interval Data vs. Its Role for more information.
The following diagram illustrates one service agreement with three different profiles linked to it.
One profile is serving the role of Consumption, one is serving the role of Maximum High Demand,
and one is serving the role of Maximum Low Demand.

SA 1

Profile ID = 100

SA /

Max Hi
Profile ID = 110

SA /

Max Lo

Profile ID = 120

SA /

If the rate for this service agreement bills for consumption, there is a rate component that
references the CONS profile relationship type. Refer to Setting Up Interval Pricing Rate
Component for more information.
Note. Profiles linked to a service agreement may or may not be billable. How do we know which
ones are billable? We know because for billable profiles, the rate component for the SAs rate will
indicate its profile relationship type.
It is also likely that data derivation algorithms will be written use the profile relationship type as
parameters for determining the correct data to process.

Common Profiles vs. SA Owned Profiles

Interval Profiles are segregated into two categories:

Profiles that are SA Owned are linked to a single owner SA. For example data related to
the SAs interval meters. This data may be available for calculations on other service
agreements. For example, maybe you have separate service agreements for distribution and
transportation and both service agreements use the same data for calculations.

Profiles that are Common typically contain data that is not related to a specific SA and can
be used by many SAs. Some examples are:

Contract Demand or Subscribed Demand

Hedge Cover

Maximum Demand

Deemed (estimated) Profile

SA owned profiles reference a service agreement that is considered the owner of that data. Only
SA owned profiles may reference data derivation algorithms. These algorithms are run for the
owner SA.

Refer to Interval Profile Maintenance to understand how profiles are created and maintained.


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Flexibility of SA / Profile Link

The flexibility of the system allows for many combinations of profiles and service agreements:

One profile may be linked to the same service agreement serving two different roles. Using
the Profile Relationship Type to define the role, one profile could be, for example, the
Maximum Demand and the Minimum Demand for a service agreement. This profile may
be common or may be SA owned.

One profile may be linked to two different service agreements. This profile may be common
or may be SA owned. This profile may serve the same role for two different service
agreements, or it may serve two different roles.

The Link between Profile and SA is Effective Dated

An SA/Profile link is effective dated. Therefore, the data serving a given role may change over
time. To be more explicit, a service agreement may have the data for Profile A serving as the
Maximum Demand interval values at the beginning of the contract, then after a few months,
perhaps Profile Bs data may be used instead. This scenario assumes that the contract itself did
not need to change.

SA Profile Links
Service Agreement: 12345
Profile Relationship Type: Maximum Demand


Profile 12345

Profile 34821


Why would there be a need to change the profile being used for a given role (especially when the
data itself changes every few minutes anyway)? There could be several reasons:

Using the Maximum Demand example, perhaps the customers usage profile has changed
and this change warrants a different Maximum Demand curve (although, the rate does not
change). A different common profile needs to be linked to the service agreement.

Perhaps the interval size of the data for the customer has changed. If the rate linked to the
customer can cater for the new interval size, a new profile with a different profile type needs
to be linked to the service agreement.

Recall that a profiles type contains the creation and validation algorithms. Perhaps
algorithms needed to create or validate this profile have changed. To cater for this a new
profile with a different profile type must be linked to the service agreement.

This design also applies to the link between an SA and a TOU map.

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Note. All algorithms that access profile and TOU map data must cater for the possibility of the
profile or map changing during the desired period.

Creation of Profile Data through Data Derivation

As mentioned earlier, interval data linked to a profile may be interfaced to the system from an
external source or it may be created by the system through a data derivation algorithm.
The Big Picture of Data Derivation
Determining What Interval Data To Derive
Force Derivation of Interval Data
Process IB-SPDB - SA Interval Profile Data Creation

The Big Picture of Data Derivation

Data derivation algorithms are used when a customers contract requires interval data that is
created based on other interval data in the system.
Some examples may include:

Adjusting measured demand to account for loss factors to produce an adjusted billable data

Comparing measured data to a contract demand curve to produce an adjusted billable data

Comparing measured data to a maximum demand curve to produce an excess load curve

Aggregating raw interval data from multiple interval registers linked to the service
agreements service points

And more

Apply Loss Factors

1/2 Hourly
1/2 Hourly
% loss
How is this set up in the system? Using the above loss factor example, lets make the following


The Hourly MWh curve is an SA Owned profile linked to the service agreement. Its data is
interfaced into the system from an external source. Refer to Upload Interval Data for more

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The Hourly % loss are common for a group of customers and are stored as bill factor
interval values. Refer to Bill Factor Interval Values for more information.

The Adjusted MWh curve is an SA Owned profile linked to the service agreement. Its data is
created by the system through a Creation data derivation algorithm linked to the profile type.

The creation algorithm (that would need to be written to handle this example) would be provided
with the profile relationship type of the Hourly MWh curve and the Bill Factor for the loss
factors. It applies the percentage loss factor for each interval and stores the result for each
interval as a new data set for the Adjusted MWh curve.
These algorithms may be executed in one of the following ways:

Through a background process that finds every SA that has an interval profile whose profile
type indicates a creation algorithm. Refer to Process IB-SPDB - SA Interval Profile Data
Creation for more information.

There is a button available on the SA Interval Info page that allows a user to execute the data
derivation algorithms for a single SA.

There is a button available on the Account Interval Info page that allows a user to execute the
data derivation algorithms for all the service agreements for an Account. The service
agreements are processed in the billing processing sequence order defined on their SA type.

Determining What Interval Data To Derive

Preventing Gaps in Data
Using The Latest Updates to Source Data

Preventing Gaps in Data

How do the derivation algorithms know what data needs to be derived? A simple answer is any
data received since the last time data was derived should be included in the new derivation. This
answer sounds good, but its not as simple as that. Although we know the date and time of the
last derivation, we dont know the date range of the data that was derived. A user may ask for
data to be derived only through a certain date, even though data exists after that date. The next
time data derivation runs, it may need to include the data that was after the cutoff for the previous
To illustrate this point, lets look at an example. Assume that a derivation algorithm takes a
source curve and applies a value from a bill factor to arrive at the new curve. In the illustration
below, data for the source curve exists up to 29th of October 2000 at 4 a.m. When deriving new
data, the user enters a cutoff date of the 29th of October. The time used is the Cutoff Time on the
service agreement, which in this case is 2 a.m. Refer to Start and End Times for Billing for more
The user runs the data derivation on the 31st of October at 10:02. That date and time are the Set
Date/Time for the newly created data set.

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Source Data through


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Oct at 4am

Reads received 30/Oct/2000 12:39


28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
42 KW
29/Oct/2000 00:00:00
40 KW
29/Oct/2000 01:00:00
6 KW
29/Oct/2000 02:00:00
9 KW
29/Oct/2000 03:00:00
8 KW
29/Oct/2000 04:00:00
9 KW

Data derivation run on 31st Oct with

a cutoff date/time of 29 Oct / 2am

Derivation 31/0ctober/2000 10:02

Apply factor of 10 to each interval

28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
420 KW
29/Oct/2000 00:00:00
400 KW
29/Oct/2000 01:00:00
60 KW
29/Oct/2000 02:00:00
90 KW

The last 2 intervals were not

included in this derivation
The next time data derivation runs, it is not possible for the algorithm to simply derive data that
has been received since the last time data derivation was run. In the above example, only data
received after the 31st of October will be derived. However, the last two intervals for the source
data received on the 30th of October also need to be included.
The following diagram illustrates how the next derivation should behave.

Reads received 30/Oct/2000 12:39


28/Oct/2000 23:00:00
42 KW
29/Oct/2000 00:00:00
40 KW
29/Oct/2000 01:00:00
6 KW
29/Oct/2000 02:00:00
9 KW
29/Oct/2000 03:00:00
8 KW
29/Oct/2000 04:00:00
9 KW

Reads received 30/Nov/2000 2:21

28/Oct/2000 05:00:00
8 KW
28/Oct/2000 06:00:00
7 KW
28/Oct/2000 07:00:00
10 KW

29/Nov/2000 01:00:00
6 KW
29/Nov/2000 02:00:00
7 KW
29/Nov/2000 03:00:00
7 KW

Next data derivation run should

include the intervals from the old
data set that werent included in the
last derivation

Derivation 1/December/2000 1:19

Apply factor of 10 to each interval
29/Oct/2000 03:00:00
80 KW
29/Oct/2000 04:00:00
90 KW
29/Oct/2000 05:00:00
80 KW
29/Oct/2000 06:00:00
70 KW

29/Nov/2000 01:00:00
60 KW
29/Nov/2000 02:00:00
70 KW

New data received later

Because users have control over what data may be derived (using the cutoff date), the algorithms
cannot rely on data received since the last derivation.


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To be safe and ensure that no gaps exist in the derived data, the algorithms should look for each
interval from either the start of the SA or the start of the SA/Profile relationship through to the
cutoff date/time to determine if new data should be derived. However, for performance reasons
(and practical reasons) the algorithms supplied with the base product only look for new data to
derive starting 45 days prior to the cutoff date. This is a soft parameter to the algorithms called
Number of Days to Process and may be changed. Implementation specific algorithms may
choose not to follow this example, but you must be sure to consider the performance implications.
Note. The derivation algorithms are provided both the SA start date and cutoff time and the
SA/Profile date/time. The base algorithms derive data from the SA start date/cutoff time.
Implementation specific algorithms have the option of deriving data from SA/profile date/time.

Refer to interval profile type for more information about the sample data derivation algorithms
provided with the base product.

Using The Latest Updates to Source Data

As described in Algorithms Find the Most Up To Date Data, the data derivation algorithms must
also detect whether new data has been received for a given source interval that has already been
used in derivation. For these cases, the more up-to-date data for the source interval should be
used to re-derive the target curve.

Force Derivation of Interval Data

Derivation algorithms base their calculations on data from other profiles, TOU maps, registers, bill
factors, contract options and so on. These may be referred to as the algorithms source data.
Ideally, derivation algorithms should be able to detect changes made to their source data since
the last derivation and re-derive values for the relevant periods if any changes are detected.
Refer to Using the Latest Updates to Source Data for more information.
As long as the source data has means of recording changes (e.g. an update date/time stamped
on the new records), the algorithm can detect the changes and trigger re-derivation. However, not
all objects in the system have this recording mechanism, making automatic detection of changes
for re-derivation impossible.
Consider the sample derivation algorithm in Preventing Gaps in Data. This algorithm used a bill
factor to apply a constant to the source curve to arrive at a derived curve. Imagine that the users
discover that the bill factor value was incorrect and that once this value is fixed, the data needs to
be re-derived. The algorithms have no way of knowing that this bill factor has changed. In such
cases, the user may run derivation and specify a period for which to force derivation, so that rederivation with new values may take place. Refer to the background processes Process IBSPDB - SA Interval Profile Data Creation and Process IB-STDB - SA TOU Data Creation for
information about running derivation through batch. Refer to Service Agreement - Interval Info for
information about running derivation online.
Note. The base derivation algorithms only support force derivation when there is source data
other than interval data, such as a bill factor.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Process IB-SPDB - SA Interval Profile Data Creation

This process derives interval data for accounts in the system. Only accounts that have at least
one interval service agreement with derivable profiles linked to it are processed. A derivable
profile is an SA Owned profile where this SA is the owner AND the profile type indicates an
Interval Data Creation derivation algorithm. Interval data for service agreements linked to the
account are derived in billing processing sequence order as defined on their SA type.
Refer to Determining What Interval Data To Derive and Start and End Times for Billing for
information about which records are processed by the algorithm.
For each service agreement, the interval data creation algorithms are executed in creation priority
order. Refer to Setting Up Interval Profile Types for more information about defining Interval Data
Creation algorithm for an interval profile type.
This process supports Force Derivation and passes the related input parameters to the data
derivation algorithms.
This process is designed to run in parallel threads. Every thread processes a range of
Any errors detected during this process cause the new data set to be created in Error status and
an entry to be written to the Interval Data Exception table. You can fix these errors by canceling
the newly created data set and fixing the source of the problem. Refer to How to Correct a Data
Set in Error for more information.

Validation of Profile Data

In addition to specifying algorithms to create data for an interval profile, you may also create
algorithms to validate interval profile data. As with the creation algorithms, your validations
algorithms are specified on the interval profile type. An interval profile type may specify more
than one validation algorithm. If so, they are executed in priority order.
Any errors detected by the validation algorithms cause the invalid data set to be marked in Error
status and an entry to be written to the Interval Data Exception table. You can fix these errors by
fixing the source of the problem. Refer to How to Correct a Data Set in Error for more
These algorithms may be executed in one of two ways:

Through a background process that finds every interval profile whose interval profile type
specifies a validation algorithm. If multiple validation algorithms exist for a given profile type,
they are executed one after the other in their predefined sequence order. Refer to Process
IPDSDVB Interval Profile Data Validation for more information.

There is a button available on the Interval Profile page that allows a user to execute the
validation algorithms for a single profile. If multiple validation algorithms exist for a given
profile type, they are executed one after the other in their predefined sequence order.

Process IPDSDVB - Interval Profile Data Validation

The IPDSDVB background process is used to validate interval profile data. It processes pending
interval profiles that were created up to the cutoff date/time and executes their validation
algorithms, if any, defined on the profile type. The algorithms are executed in their predefined
sequence order.


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Interval Billing Business Processes

The standard business date is used together with the installation base time to derive the cutoff
date/time that is passed to the validation algorithms. For example, if the batch business
processing date is 09/08/2003 and the installation base time is 2:00AM, the cutoff date/time is
calculated as 09/08/2003 02:00AM. When no business date is specified, it is set to current date.
It is important that ALL validation algorithms are provided with the same cutoff date/time as their
referenced date/time. This identifies the collection of pending interval profiles to be processed as
of a given date/time. This way even if a new profile is created after one validation algorithm is
executed but before a subsequent validation algorithm is executed, the new profile is still not
processed because it was not created by the cutoff date/time.
Refer to Setting Up Interval Profile Types for more information about defining Interval Data
Validation algorithm for an interval profile type.
This process is designed to run in parallel threads. Each thread processes a range of

Refer to Validation of Profile Data for more information.

Auditing Your Interval Pricing Bill Lines

Given the amount of data used to produce a bill calculation line for an interval pricing rate
component, how can a customer service representative audit this bill line to understand how it
was calculated? Interval pricing rate components allow you to set up an Audit Algorithm. This
audit algorithm retrieves the records used to produce the bill line. As a result, the audit algorithm
should take advantage of the logic used in the calculation algorithm that produced the bill line.
The relevant code should be shared between the two algorithms.
Refer to Interval Billing Calculation Details to view the results of calling an audit algorithm.
Refer to Setting Up Interval Pricing Rate Components for more information related to linking an
audit algorithm to your rate component.
Warning! Snapshots of the data used to generate a bill are not taken. Rather, auditing your
interval pricing bill lines rely on the interval data tables. As a result, data records should not be
changed. To correct an interval, you should add a new interval data set to correct the interval
data. Refer to How To Correct a Data Set in Error for more information.

The Big Picture of Raw Data Collection and

The topics in this section describe the ability of the system to collect raw interval data, provide the
ability to run validation algorithms on this data, and aggregate data for use on interval profiles
used for billing. This functionality is sometimes referred to as meter read pretreatment.
Some organizations use an external system to collect and aggregate the raw interval data. This
information is interfaced directly to the SA interval profiles as billable data. From there, contract
based adjustments may be applied.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Some organizations use Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to collect and aggregate their
raw interval data. This information is interfaced to interval registers linked to the service points
meter. Validation algorithms may be applied against this data to ensure that the data is valid.
Interval profile creation algorithms for the SA may aggregate the raw data from the appropriate
service points to prepare for billing.
Note. If your organization uses an external system for this functionality, skip this section.

Interval Channels and Index Channels
Installation of Interval and Index Channels
Validation of Register Data
Process IREGDVB - Interval Register Data Validation
Processing Raw Data

Interval Channels and Index Channels

Channel is a term often used for devices that may store data for complex metering customers. A
physical channel may contain interval data or index readings:

Index channels are a collection of time-of-use readings.

The information is often considered more accurate than interval data.

Index Channels are typically set up as a meter, where each register in the meter
configuration represents a time of use code. Refer to The Structure Of A Meter for more

Interval channels contain collections of interval data. This interval data follows the same logic
as interval profile data. Refer to Interval Quantities are Stored in Data Sets, Fixing Errors
with Complete Data Sets and Algorithms Find the Most Up To Date Data for more
information. An interval channel is set up as a register that is marked as interval. Interval
register data may be linked to this interval register.

Your setup of meters, meter configurations, and registers is very flexible:

The meter in the system doesnt have to represent a physical meter.

The meter represents a single channel or a collection of channels.

Any of the following meter configurations are possible:

A single interval channel

Multiple interval channels

A collection of TOUs for an index channel

A combination of interval registers and TOUs for an index channel

Refer to Maintaining Meter Configurations for more topics related to meter configurations.


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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Note. In Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, the term channel is only used for the
Channel ID on the register, which is used as an external ID. In the system, you will use meters,
meter configurations and registers to model your channels.
No special logic is required for index channels. The reads for the time of use collection for an
index channel require the same logic that exists for standard non-interval registers.

Installation of Interval and Index Channels

Installing a configuration for an index or interval channel to a service point is the same procedure
as installing a configuration of standard registers.

You must define the meter configuration that is being installed.

The installation is effective-dated. There must be a meter read on the install date.

Note that for interval registers, register reads are not allowed. However, you may create meter
reads without register reads in order to install a meter configuration with interval registers on a
service point.
Refer to SP/Meter Installation for more information about installing meters at service points.

Validation of Register Data

You may create algorithms to validate interval register data. Your validations algorithms are
specified on the interval register type. An interval register type may specify multiple validation
algorithms that are executed in priority order.
Any errors detected by the validation algorithms cause an invalid data set to be marked in Error
status and an entry to be written to the Interval Register Data Exception table. You can fix these
errors by fixing the source of the problem. Refer to How to Correct a Register Data Set in Error
for more information.
These algorithms may be executed in one of two ways:

Through a background process that finds every interval register with an interval register type
that specifies a validation algorithm. If multiple validation algorithms exist for a given interval
register type, they are executed in their predefined sequence order. Refer to Process
IREGDVB Interval Register Data Validation for more information.

There is a button available on the Meter Configuration page that allows a user to execute the
validation algorithms for all the interval registers linked to the meter configuration. If multiple
validation algorithms exist for a given interval register type, they are executed one after the
other in their predefined sequence order. Refer to Meter Configuration for more information.

Process IREGDVB - Interval Register Data Validation

The IREGDVB background process is used to validate interval register data. It processes
pending interval registers that were created up to the cutoff date/time and executes their
validation algorithms, if any, defined on their register type. The algorithms are executed one after
the other in their predefined sequence order.

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Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

The standard business date is used together with the installation base time to derive the cutoff
date/time that is passed to the validation algorithms. For example, if the batch business
processing date is 09/08/2003 and the installation base time is 2:00AM, the cutoff date/time is
calculated as 09/08/2003 02:00AM. When no business date is specified, it is set to current date.
It is important that ALL validation algorithms are provided with the same cutoff date/time as their
referenced date/time. This identifies the collection of pending data sets to be processed as of a
given date/time. This way even if a new data set is created after one validation algorithm is
executed but before a subsequent validation algorithm is executed, the new data set is still not
processed because it was not created by the cutoff date/time.
Refer to Setting Up Interval Register Types for more information about defining Interval Register
Data Validation algorithm for an interval register type.
This process is designed to run in parallel threads. Every thread processes a range of

Refer to Validation of Register Data for more information.

Processing Raw Data

The raw interval data linked to your registers is not used directly by rate algorithms. The rate
algorithms only process profile data linked to the service agreement. Valid interval register data
is available for use by the profile data derivation algorithms to produce billable profile data for a
service agreement. For example, a profile data derivation algorithm may aggregate the register
data from multiple registers to produce a new load curve.
A challenge for the aggregation algorithms is to determine which register data is applicable for a
given profile. The service agreement may be linked to multiple service points, each with many
different possible configurations. Because the derivation algorithm is on the interval profile type,
you cannot explicitly tell the algorithm which registers to use. The following information may be
useful to the algorithms to determine the appropriate registers:

Service points linked to the service agreement. First and foremost, the algorithms restrict the
selection of registers to those for the service points linked to the service agreement.

UOM and SQI. Each interval register type indicates a unit of measure and an optional SQI
that may be used by algorithms. For example, the base algorithm, which performs
aggregation, finds interval registers with a UOM that matches that of the interval profile type.
This algorithm also has soft parameters to indicate whether the SQI codes on the interval
register type and interval profile type should match.

If these attributes are not enough to indicate the correct registers to the algorithms,
characteristics are also available for use. There are characteristics on the service point, the
SA/SP and the meter that may all be used to capture information available to the processing
algorithms to determine the appropriate registers.

Refer to Designing Interval Profile Types for more information about the aggregation algorithm
provided with the system.

Applying Adjustments To Raw Data Prior to Aggregation


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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

It is common for a contract to require adjustments to raw data prior to aggregating the data onto a
profile. For example, perhaps all the data for a given register should be adjusted by 5% based on
contract requirements. These adjustments may be applicable to only certain interval registers for
the contract. In addition, it is common for more than one contract to use the same register data
and perhaps only certain contracts require an adjustment to that data.
To satisfy this requirement, characteristics on the SA/SP may be used to indicate adjustment
factors. The appropriate derivation algorithms may then apply the adjustment factors while
aggregating the data.
Note. The aggregation algorithm provided with the system does not apply any adjustment

Refer to Service Agreement - SA/SP for more information about SA/SP characteristics.

Time of Use Mapping Background Topics

This section describes information related to how data is stored for TOU Maps and how TOU
Maps are linked to service agreements. For information about defining time of use codes and
other related topics, refer to Time of Use Billing.
For information about defining time of use rate components, refer to Designing Your Time Of Use
Rate Components. For information about defining TOU prices and values, refer to Bill Factor
TOU Values.
Time Period Definitions are Stored in Data Sets
Sharing TOU Map Data
TOU Maps Linked to a Service Agreement
Customer Specific TOU Values
Generating Data for a TOU Map
Automatic Creation of TOU Map Data
Auditing Your TOU Pricing Bill Lines

Time Period Definitions are Stored in Data Sets

The time period definitions for a TOU map may have many different origins.

It may be contract-related data that is set up at the beginning of the contract or contract year

It may be interfaced from an external source periodically. This can occur when a customers
TOU map is defined dynamically based on information received from a third party.

It may be that data needs to be overwritten for a given day. Perhaps the company has a
planned interruption that changes the time period definitions for a given day. New data for
the TOU map for that day needs to be linked to the map.

Regardless of the origin of the data, all data have similar characteristics:

Data is received or created by the system periodically. The system stores whatever new data
needs to be stored.

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Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

The period represented by the batch of new data is variable.

New data may be an update to previously received data.

Refer to Interval Quantities are Stored in Data Sets for more information about how interval data
is stored. This same model is used for TOU data. There is no difference.
Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for information about how to distinguish fixing errors
with complete data by creating new data sets. This same model is used for TOU data.

Note. The system is able to generate data for a TOU map based on predefined templates. Refer
to Generating TOU data for a TOU Map for more information.

Sharing TOU Map Data

TOU mapping data may be shared by more than one service agreement. There are several ways
to accomplish this and your business rules will dictate the best way to do this.
TOU Map Common To All SAs on the Rate
TOU Map Common To a Subset of Service Agreements
TOU Map Owned by a Service Agreement

TOU Map Common To All SAs on the Rate

If a TOU pricing rate component on the service agreements rate performs TOU mapping and/or
pricing, it is possible that all service agreements for the rate use the same common TOU map.
In this case, you indicate the TOU map to use directly on the rate component. In this scenario, no
map information is needed for the service agreement. Refer to Designing Your Time Of Use Rate
Components for more information.

TOU Map Common To a Subset of Service Agreements

If not all service agreements linked to your rate use the same TOU map for a TOU pricing rate
component, it may still be the case that a subset of those service agreements use the same TOU
map. In this case, the appropriate TOU map for each service agreement must be linked to the
appropriate common TOU map.
To set up these types of service agreements correctly, the appropriate start option should indicate
the common TOU map to link to the SA. Refer to Designing Your IB Start Options for more

TOU Map Owned by a Service Agreement

Some of your service agreement may require unique map data. These types of TOU maps are
typically used for customers whose map data is determined by factors related to the specific
contract. It is possible for SA owned TOU map types to reference data creation algorithms. This
allows the TOU map data to be overridden or determined dynamically.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

While SA Owned TOU maps are linked to a single owner SA, it's possible for this TOU map to
be used by other service agreements (typically ones that are linked to the same account.)
To set up these types of service agreements correctly, the appropriate start option should indicate
the TOU map type to use when creating a new SA Owned TOU map to link to the SA. Refer to
Designing Your IB Start Options for more information.

TOU Maps Linked to a Service Agreement

As mentioned above, if a service agreements rate performs TOU mapping and/or pricing and the
TOU map to use varies for different service agreements, the appropriate map must be linked to
the service agreement.
There may be other reasons to link a TOU map to a service agreement. For example, a data
derivation algorithm may require a TOU map for the service agreement.
The topics in this section describe other logic related to linking a TOU map to a service
TOU Maps Serve a Role for a Service Agreement
The Link between TOU Map and SA is Effective Dated

TOU Maps Serve a Role for a Service Agreement

A TOU map may be linked to a service agreement to serve a variety of purposes, for example:

Rate algorithms map interval quantities in order to apply prices for each TOU.

Data derivation algorithms compare quantities to TOU values in order to validate the data or
produce a new curve.

When linking a TOU map to a service agreement, the role that it is serving must be indicated.
The role is specified using a TOU Map Relationship Type.
This is the same model as the one used to link interval profiles to service agreements. Refer to
Interval Data Serves a Role for a Service Agreement for more information.
If a TOU pricing rate component indicates a TOU map relationship type, it is used to find the
correct TOU map for the service agreement for mapping the interval data. Refer to Setting Up
TOU Mapping Rate Components for more information.

The Link between TOU Map and SA is Effective Dated

An SA/TOU Map link is effective dated. Therefore, the TOU map serving a given role may
change over time.
This is the same model as the one used to link interval profiles to service agreements. Refer to
The Link between Profile and SA is Effective Dated for more information.

Customer Specific TOU Values

As described in Bill Factor TOU Values, a bill factor may define prices or values for a collection of
time of use codes. A TOU bill factor may also indicate that the value can be found in a contract
term. This enables you to define customer specific time-of-use prices or contract values.

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Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

The TOU Contract Values page enables you to define a set of values for a collection of time-ofuse codes. The collection is effective dated. This data is available for use by rate component
algorithms that apply prices for time-of-use quantities or data derivation algorithms that need
contract based TOU values to perform derivation. Refer to Service Agreement - TOU Contract
Values for more information about defining TOU Contract Values.

Generating Data for a TOU Map

The data for a TOU map is a collection of date and time intervals and their corresponding time-ofuse codes. Even though you may have several consecutive time periods referencing the same
time-of-use code, each interval must be separately defined.
In order to facilitate the creation of data for a TOU map, the system enables you to define TOU
map templates and provides you with the ability to generate data for a TOU map based on this
Actually, you may define a series of templates that work together to produce data for a TOU map.
For example:

Use a daily template to define time period ranges in a day with their associated TOU codes.

Use a weekly template to define days of the week and the appropriate daily templates to use
for each day.

Use calendar template to define the weekly and daily templates applicable for actual dates in
a year.

The following diagram illustrates a simple example of a collection of templates you may define for
a summer period.
Template: Daily1
Typical Summer
Work Day
Time Range








Daily templates
define TOUs for
a time range

Time Range



Typical Summer
Day Range






Calendar templates
define daily or
weekly templates
for actual dates

Template: Daily2
Typical Summer
Weekend Day

Weekly templates
define daily
templates for a day

Template: Weekly1

Template: Int1

Template: Calendar1
Template for 1Jul02
thru 31Jul02
Date Range


1Jul02-15Jul02 Weekly1

Interruption Day


Time Range









17Jul02-31Jul02 Weekly1

Note the planned

interruption in July

In the above example, a US resident may notice that no holiday is defined for the 4th of July. One
would expect that if a holiday falls on a weekday, the typical weekday time period definitions may
not apply.


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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

The system is designed so that you dont have to define holidays in a TOU map template with
their explicit dates.

You have already defined which days of the year are holidays on the Calendar table.

If all your holidays follow the same time period definition requirements, define a daily
template that should be used for holidays.

When generating data for a TOU map, you are asked for:

The appropriate calendar where your holidays are defined

The holiday template

The TOU data generator automatically uses the holiday map for holidays defined in the calendar
Refer to Setting up TOU Map Templates for more information about defining your TOU map
Refer to TOU Map Generation for more information about generating data for a TOU map based
on a template.

Automatic Creation of TOU Map Data

The section Generating Data for a TOU Map describes how TOU map templates may be set up
and used to generate TOU map data. When defining the appropriate TOU map for a given
contract, you typically generate the TOU map data at the beginning of the contract year.
However, for many contracts, you may define special situations, such as interruptions, when an
override TOU map is applicable for a certain time period. In fact, you may have a group of
customers, who are all affected by the same interruption. The system allows you to configure
your interval billing options such that once your interruption period has been defined an override
TOU map for that interruption period can be generated for all customers.
In order to generate TOU map data, you need to design and create an appropriate algorithm.
TOU map creation algorithms are linked to the TOU map type. You also need to define the
special situation, for example, the interruption.
Refer to Contract Option Background Topics for more information about special events that may
alter the rate calculations.
In addition, refer to Interval Billing Examples - Override Maps for an example of how to set up an
interruption example.
TOU map creation algorithms may be executed in one of the following ways:

Through a background process that finds every SA that has a TOU map with a TOU map
type that indicates a creation algorithm. Refer to Process IB-STDB - SA TOU Data Creation
for more information.

There is a button available on the SA Interval Info page that allows a user to execute the
TOU data derivation algorithms for a single SA.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

There is a button available on the Account Interval Info page that allows a user to execute the
TOU data derivation algorithms for all the service agreements for an account. The service
agreements are processed in the billing processing sequence order defined on their SA type.

Determining What TOU Data To Derive
Force Derivation for TOU Map Data
Process IB-STDB - SA TOU Data Creation

Determining What TOU Data To Derive

Refer to Determining What Interval Data To Derive for detail about ensuring that no gaps exist
and ensuring that the algorithms are always using the latest data for derivation.
Note one difference between the base TOU creation algorithms and the base interval derivation
algorithms is that the TOU creation algorithms do not use a Number of Days to Process. This is
because the base algorithm processes contract option events and the volume of contract option
events in the system is not as high as the volume processed by the interval data derivation

Force Derivation for TOU Map Data

Refer to Force Derivation of Interval Data for information on how the system may allow a user to
force derivation for situations where the system may not be able to detect that source data has
changed. The same logic is available for TOU map creation algorithms.
Note. The source data for the base TOU map creation algorithms is always contract option data
and as a result, there is no need to support Force Derivation in those algorithms.

Process IB-STDB - SA TOU Data Creation

This process derives TOU map data for accounts in the system. Only accounts that have at least
one interval service agreement with derivable TOU maps linked to it are processed. A derivable
map is an SA Owned map where this SA is the owner AND the map type indicates a TOU Data
Creation algorithm. TOU map data for service agreements linked to the Account are derived in
billing processing sequence order as defined on their SA type.
For each service agreement, the TOU Map Creation algorithms are executed in creation priority
order. Refer to Setting Up TOU Map Types for more information about defining a TOU Data
Creation algorithm for a TOU map type.
This process supports Force Derivation and passes the related input parameters to the data
creation algorithms.
This process is designed to run in parallel threads. Each thread processes a range of


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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Any errors detected during this process cause the new data set to be created in Error status and
an entry to be written to the TOU Data Exception table. You can fix these errors by canceling the
newly created data set and fixing the source of the problem. Refer to How to Correct a TOU Data
Set in Error for more information.

Auditing Your TOU Pricing Bill Lines

Just as with interval pricing rate components, TOU pricing rate components may also use an
audit algorithm to enable a user to view the details of the calculations.
Refer to Interval Billing Calculation Details to view the results of calling an audit algorithm.
Refer to Setting Up TOU Pricing Rate Components for more information related to linking an audit
algorithm to your rate component.
Warning! Snapshots of the data used to generate a bill are not taken. Rather, auditing your TOU
pricing bill lines rely on the interval data and TOU mapping data tables. As a result, data records
should not be changed. To correct data, you should add a new data set. Refer to How To
Correct a Data Set in Error for more information.

Contract Option Background Topics

This section describes information related to contract options under which certain calculations
supporting a contracts rate may be overridden or altered occasionally for specific periods of time.
Also refer to Designing Your Contract Options for more information.
A Contract Option Has Events
Options and Events May Have Characteristics
SA May Override a Shared Event
Validation of Events

For some of your interval billing customers, you may define additional options under which certain
calculations supporting the customers rate may be overridden or altered occasionally for specific
periods of time. Some examples of such options are:

Special days throughout the year on which the contracts TOU map is overridden with a
special predefined TOU pattern specified for that type of day

Periods of time during which customers are required to lower their demand by a predefined
contractual amount of power

Occasional offers to pay a special price for energy falling within a specific demand range

A Contract Option Has Events

A contract option must be defined for each special option on a given rate. The contract option is
linked to every service agreement eligible for this option.

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Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

This contract option

indicates the SA is
eligible for interruptions

The option may be related to a given service agreement or may be linked to many service




Refer to Contract Option Maintenance for more information about creating contract options and
refer to Service Agreement - Contract Option for more information about linking contract options
to service agreements.
Each contract option contains a collection of contract option events. The events are the individual
instances of the special option. Each event indicates its effective period. A given contract option
may define different types of events. For example, perhaps you have several types of
interruptions that should cause different overrides to occur. It is the responsibility of your data
derivation algorithms and/or your rate algorithms to know how to process these events for a
customer who may have contract options.


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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Your algorithms may
process these two types of
interruptions differently

Interruption Type A

Effective: 1,April 2001 05:00 1,April 2001 17:00

Interruption Type B

Effective: 15,May 2001 07:00 15,May 2001 14:00

Interruption Type A

Effective: 21,June 2001 06:00 21,June 2001 16:00

Refer to Contract Option Event Maintenance for more information about creating contract option
The following are some examples of algorithms that may process contract option events:

You may have a TOU map creation algorithm that creates override TOU map data for the
period defined on a contract option event. This override map may define different time-of-use
codes for a certain time period, where different prices are applicable or may alter the time
period definitions for this special time periods. The standard TOU pricing rate component
would then apply the appropriate prices for this override time period.

You may have a TOU pricing rate component that only applies a charge if contract option
events exist for billing period. For example, it may calculate a special charge based on
whether a customer reduced their demand during a specific period.

For more examples, refer to Interval Billing Examples.

Options and Events May Have Characteristics

It is possible that your algorithms require extra information related to a contract option or a
contract option event. For example, perhaps the customers demand during a contract option
event period must be compared to a subscribed demand. Perhaps the subscribed demand is
applicable to all customers linked to this contract option. Or perhaps the subscribed demand
changes for each instance of the option, in other words for each event.

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Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Perhaps a subscribed
demand is associated
with all interruptions


Subscribed demand: 80MW

Interruption Type A

Effective: 1,April 2001 05:00 1,April 2001 17:00

Subscribed demand: 85MW

Or perhaps each event

indicates a subscribed
Characteristics are used to define this extra information. Your algorithms would then use the
information in the characteristic collection for either the contract option or the contract option
event during its processing.

SA May Override a Shared Event

There may be cases where an individual customer wants to override the effects of a shared
contract option event. If a given contract option event is not applicable to one of the service
agreements linked to the contract option, a contract option event override may be created for this
service agreement. The existence of an override cancels the effects of the shared contract option
event for that SA.




Interruption Type A

Override 21, June 2001 Event

Effective: 1,April 2001 05:00 1,April 2001 17:00

Interruption Type B

Effective: 15,May 2001 07:00 15,May 2001 14:00

Interruption Type A

The last interruption will

not apply to this SA

Effective: 21,June 2001 06:00 21,June 2001 16:00

You may also cancel an override, which essentially reinstates the specific event for the service
Note. Algorithms that process contract option events must process the service agreement
overrides as well. This includes processing overrides that are subsequently canceled.


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Refer to Service Agreement - Contract Option for more information about entering contract option

Validation of Events
The system provides you with the ability to run validation algorithms to validate your events. The
validation algorithms may be used, for example, to validate the characteristics linked to your
events. You may define separate validation algorithms that are executed based on the status:

Pending algorithms are executed when adding or changing a record in Pending status.

Freeze algorithms are executed when attempting to change the status from Pending to

Cancel algorithms are executed when attempting to change the status from Freeze to

Refer to Designing Your Contract Option Types for more information about contract option event

Maintaining Interval Data

In this section, we describe the pages that maintain interval billing and TOU mapping information.
Account Interval Info Maintenance
Interval Profile Maintenance
Maintaining Interval Profile Data
Maintaining Interval Register Data
TOU Map Maintenance
Maintaining TOU Map Data
Contract Option Maintenance
Maintaining Contract Option Events
Interval Billing Calculation Details

Account Interval Info Maintenance

Open Main Menu, Customer Information, Account Interval Information to view interval
profiles and TOU maps for service agreements linked to the account.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The Account Info displays information about the account. The Account ID for this account is
Use the Derive Interval Data button to create profile data through data derivation. If clicked, the
Derive Interval Data dialog opens.

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In the resulting dialog, turn on Force Derivation and enter a Force Derivation Start Date if you
want the system to re-derive data for a period that may have already been derived.
Note. Not all algorithms necessarily support force derivation. It depends on whether or not the
algorithm can detect changes in the source data.
Enter the Cutoff Date to indicate date until which to generate data.
After clicking Process, the system processes all service agreements for the account that have an
SA Owned profile where this SA is the owner AND the profile type indicates an Interval Data
Creation derivation algorithm. Interval data for service agreements linked to the Account are
derived in billing processing sequence order as defined on their SA type. For each service
agreement, the Interval Data Creation algorithms are executed in creation priority order as
defined on their profile type.
The interval profile tree displays information about profiles linked to service agreements for this

A node appears for each profile linked to more than one service agreement for the account.
The profile may be common or SA owned. Expanding this node displays each service
agreement linked to the shared profile.

A node appears for each service agreement linked to the account that has interval profiles
linked to it. Expanding this node displays each profile linked to the service agreement.

Use the Derive TOU Data button to automatically create TOU map data. If clicked, the Derive
Interval Data dialog opens.
In the resulting dialog, turn on Force Derivation and enter a Force Derivation Start Date if you
want the system to re-derive data for a period that may have already been derived.
Note. Not all algorithms necessarily support force derivation. It depends on whether or not the
algorithm can detect changes in the source data.
Enter the Cutoff Date to indicate the date until which to generate data.
After clicking Process, the system processes all service agreements for the account that have an
SA Owned TOU map where this SA is the owner AND the TOU map type indicates a TOU Data
Creation derivation algorithm. Interval data for service agreements linked to the Account are
derived in billing processing sequence order as defined on their SA type. For each service
agreement, the TOU Data Creation algorithms are executed in creation priority order as defined
on their TOU map type.
The TOU map tree displays information about TOU maps linked to service agreements for this

A node appears for each TOU map linked to more than one service agreement for the
account. This TOU map may be common or SA owned. Expanding this node displays each
service agreement linked to the shared TOU map.

A node appears for each service agreement linked to the account that has TOU maps linked
to it. Expanding this node displays each TOU map linked to the service agreement.


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If a seasonal time shift record is linked to the base time zone and each time zone on the
characteristic premise for each service agreement uses the same seasonal time shift record, the
common Seasonal Time Shift for the time zones on the characteristic premises is displayed.
Refer to Time Zone and Time Changes for more information.
The Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed in legal time or
standard time. If the seasonal time shift record on the base time zone and for the time zone for
each characteristic premise linked to each SA are the same, the dates are displayed in legal time,
according to this seasonal time shift record. Otherwise, the data is displayed in standard time.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.

Interval Profile Maintenance

Use this page to view information about a profile, its data sets and its service agreements.
Interval Profile - Main
Interval Profile - Related SAs

Interval Profile - Main

Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, Interval Profile to maintain interval profiles.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The Interval Profile Info contains important information about the interval profile. These values
only appear after the interval profile exists on the database. The Interval Profile ID is a systemassigned number.
Enter the Description of the Interval Profile.
Indicate the Interval Profile Type that defines this interval profile.
The External ID is available for cross-referencing this interval profile with an external source.
If this profile is SA Owned, the SA ID linked to this profile is displayed along with information
about the SA.
Use the Complete Data Sets button if you have any pending data sets for your profile and you
would like the system to complete them. When clicking this button, if the profile type contains any
validation algorithms, they are executed. If no errors are detected from the profile types
validation algorithms OR if the profile type does not contain any algorithms, the pending data
sets are marked as complete. Refer to Validation of Profile Data for more information about
the validation algorithms.
The tree at the bottom of this page shows information about data sets linked to the profile.

The Pending Data Sets node displays if any of the data sets linked to the profile are
pending. Expanding this node displays each pending data set.

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The Error Data Sets node displays if any of the data sets linked to the profile are in error.
Expanding this node displays each error data set.

The Data Created Through node displays the date of the latest complete interval as of the
current date. Expanding this node displays the last 10 complete data sets.

Interval Profile - Related SAs

Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, Interval Profile and navigate to the Related SAs tab to view
service agreements to which this profile is linked.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The Interval Profile Info contains important information about the interval profile. These values
only appear after the interval profile exists on the database. The Interval Profile ID is a systemassigned number.
Note. If the profile is linked to more than 25 service agreements, the search criteria are
intentionally left blank in order to avoid retrieving all service agreements (with the resultant slow
response times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of service agreements
that should be retrieved. See the below for more information about this pages search criteria.
Use the SA Filter to define the service agreements to appear in the grid. The following options
are available:

Account. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given Account

Address. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points
associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. You can specify any combination
of these fields.

All. Use this option if you do not want to filter service agreements.

Person Name. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those whose account
indicates the given Name as the main person.

SA Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given CIS
Division and SA Type.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the SA Filter.
The grid that follows contains the Accounts and Service Agreements that match your search

Maintaining Interval Profile Data

In this section, we describe information related to maintaining interval data. This information
includes where to maintain the data, the life cycle that this data may go through, uploading data
from an external source and handling exception conditions.


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Life Cycle of Interval Profile Data Sets
Interval Data Maintenance
Interval Data Query
Upload Interval Data
Process IPDSIDB - Determine Profile For Profile Datasets
Interval Data Exception

Life Cycle of Interval Profile Data Sets

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of an interval profile data set.

Interval Data Set Lifecycle




Use this status for data, added to the system, that

requires validation to occur before it is available for
further processing. Validation is handled through an
algorithm linked to the profile type for this data sets
profile. Refer to Setting Up Interval Profile Types for
more information. When creating a data set, the system
automatically sets the status to Pending when the
profile type indicates a validation algorithm or if an
interval profile has not been identified.


A user can cancel a Pending or Error data set if the

data set should not be used for further processing.
Refer to Interval Data Maintenance for more information.
Additionally, algorithms may be designed to cancel data
sets in certain situations.

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A validation or derivation algorithm may set this status

for a data set if it detects an error condition. Data sets in
this status are also written to the Interval Data Exception
table. Refer to How To Correct a Data Set in Error.
When a validation error has been corrected, change the
status of the data set back to Pending so it will be


Only complete data sets are used by rate application

and derivation algorithms. If data being added to the
system has already been validated, it may be uploaded
to the system in this status. Data derivation algorithms
may create a data set in Complete status or change the
status of a data set to Complete if no error conditions
are detected. Data validation algorithms may change
the status of a data set to Complete if no error
conditions are detected. When creating a data set, the
system automatically sets the status to Complete when
the profile type for the interval profile does not indicate a
validation algorithm.

A data set is created either in Pending status or Complete status, depending on the existence of
a validation algorithm on the profile type. A user can cancel a dataset. Other status changes
may depend on how your validation and creation algorithms are written.

The base validation algorithm only processes Pending data sets. As a result, a user is
expected to change the status of an error data set back to pending when the error condition
has been fixed. When the data is clean, the algorithm changes the status to Complete.

The base creation algorithms automatically delete any Error data sets and start over in an
attempt to produce a Complete data set. This is similar to the billing process, which deletes
error bill segments and tries from the beginning to produce an error free segment. Another
alternative is for a user to Cancel any data sets in Error to keep a record of the incorrect

For more information about data derivation and validation algorithms, refer to Setting Up
Interval Profile Types.

Interval Data Maintenance

The Interval Data page is used to create and maintain collections of interval data, grouped
together by an interval data set, for a given interval profile. The data that is maintained here may
be for a common interval profile or for an SA owned interval profile.
Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, Interval Data to maintain interval data.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
Interval Data Set is a concatenation of important information about the data set. The Interval
Data Set ID is a system-assigned random number.


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Indicate the Interval Profile ID to which this data set is linked.

Note. It is possible that the profile cannot be identified when adding interval data. If the Interval
Profile is not populated, the Data Set External ID must be populated. Refer to Upload Interval
Data for more information.
The Owner SA indicates the SA that owns this data. This information is only populated for SA
owned profiles. This field is useful if the data set you are viewing contains an error and the error
is related to a different source profile for the service agreement. You may use the context button
to quickly navigate to the service agreement to view other profiles related to the service
agreement. Refer to how to correct a data set in error for more information.
The Data Set External ID is the external identifier of the interval profile. It may be used when a
profile cannot be found for data interfaced from outside the system. Refer to Upload Interval Data
for more information.
The Set Date/Time of the Interval Data Set represent when this collection of data was entered or
received. This is considered a server date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on
the base time zone. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up-To-Date Data for more information about the Set Date/Time
and its use in algorithms.
The Data Set Type is available for classification of the data set in some way. The value currently
available with the system is No Data. Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more
information about using this data set type.
Note. The values for Data Set Type are customizable using the lookup table. This field name is
The Status indicates the status of the interval profile data set. Click the Cancel DS button to
cancel a Pending or Error data set.
Refer to Lifecycle of Interval Profile Data for more information about interval data set status.
Use the Revert button to reverse the effect of a Complete data set.
Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information.
Use the Start Date/Time to indicate the starting point for the display of the interval data.
At least one interval data record must exist in the collection of interval data. For each interval
data record, the Interval Data Date/Time and the Interval Data value are captured. This date is
considered a logical date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on the interval profile
type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
If the data set is in Error status, a Message that provides the error information is displayed below
the interval data collection.

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If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval profile type,
the Seasonal Time Shift associated with your interval profile type is displayed. Refer to Setting
Up Interval Profile Types for more information.
Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is displayed in legal time use the
Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is displayed in standard time use
the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the bill factor/characteristic or the base
time zone does not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle button is not visible and data
is displayed and expected in standard time.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval profile type,
the Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered
in legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is
displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is
displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the
interval profile type or the base time zone does not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the
toggle button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.

Interval Data Query

This query shows the most recent interval profile data for a profile and a time period as of a given
Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, Interval Data Query to display interval data.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The Interval Profile ID is the identifier of the profile whose data should be displayed.
Use the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time if you want to limit the query to a specific time
Use the Set Date/Time to indicate the as of what date to use for retrieving interval data. Only
data sets with a set date/time prior to this date/time are accessed.
The Selection Type is used to determine what data to show:

This option displays all interval data for the profile and
time period, if specified. It includes data in data sets of
any status value.

Most Recent Comp. Exc. No Data

This option finds the most recent interval value for each
interval from completed data sets only. If the most
recent interval is in a No Data data set, that interval
does not appear.

Most Recent Complete Data

This finds the most recent interval value for each interval
from completed data sets only. If the most recent
interval is in a No Data data set, that interval appears
with No Data displayed in the Data Set Type column.

Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information about No Data interval data sets.


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Once you have selected your criteria, use the search button to display the data. The interval data
collection contains the following information:
The Interval Data Date/Time and Interval Data value for each interval is displayed. Adjacent,
information about the data set to which this interval is linked is displayed, including the Data Set
Type, Set Date/Time and Interval Data Set ID.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval profile type,
the Seasonal Time Shift associated with your interval profile type is displayed.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval profile type,
the Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered
in legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is
displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is
displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the
interval profile type or the base time zone do not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle
button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.

Upload Interval Data

The following diagram illustrates the processes involved in the uploading of interval data into the

Process: X

Populate Interval Quantities

Flat file, EDI

Manager, etc.

Data Set


The topics in this section describe how these processes work.

Process X - Populate Interval Data
Interval Data Set
Interval Data
Interval Data Set Key

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Process X - Populate Interval Data

Process X refers to the mechanism used by your organization to populate the Interval Data
tables. Process X has the following responsibilities:

It attempts to determine the appropriate profile to which this data belongs using the external
ID. If a profile with this external ID is not found, the data set is created without being linked to
a profile and the external ID is stored on the data set.

It creates a new interval data set with the current date and time.

If the interval data is from a different time zone, or is not in standard time for the base time
zone, the time of each interval must be converted to standard time in the base time zone.
Refer to Time Zone and Time Changes for more information.

All quantities being uploaded for the same profile should be inserted into the Interval Data
table and should reference the same interval data set.

Set the status of the new data set:

If the data set is not linked to a profile, set the status to pending.

If the profile type has a validation algorithm, set the status to pending.

If the profile type does not have a validation algorithm, this data should be clean. Set the
status to complete.

Inserts a record in the interval data set key table.

The topics in this section describe the tables to populate.

Interval Data Set

You must create a data set for each batch of records being uploaded in the system for the same
profile. The name of this table is CI_INTV_DATA_SET. The following table describes each
column on this table.
Column Name




This is a unique key. This key is referenced
on the interval data record.
Its suggested that this key is built as follows:
The first five digits are the first five digits
of the INTV_PF_ID

The last seven digits are randomly


This facilitates set based processing of the

data. If your process that inserts records on
this table is capable of calling a COBOL
routine, call CIPZKEYG passing the first five
digits and it supplies a seven digit random




This is a foreign key reference to the interval

profile to which this set is linked. It is
required if an external ID is not specified.

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This is the external identifier of the profile to

which this data belongs. It is required if
profile ID is not specified.




This is the date/time that the data set was

received. This must be populated with the
current date/time. This is considered a
server date and follows the seasonal time
shifting as defined on the base time zone.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up-ToDate Data for information about why this
date/time is important.



Set this value based on whether it will be

validated in the system.
Set to P for Pending if the profile ID is blank
or if the profiles profile type indicates a
validation algorithm.
Set to C for Complete if the data should not
go through any further validation.
Refer to Life Cycle of Interval Profile Data for
more information

Interval Data
Each piece of interval data for the profile is stored as an Interval Data record linked to the newly
created data set. The name of this table is CI_INTV_DATA. The following table describes each
column on this table.
Column Name








This is a foreign key reference to the Interval

Data Set that groups the interval values
together. This should be your newly created
ID from above.




This is the date and time of the interval

value. This must be stored in standard time
for the base time zone. Refer to Time Zone
and Time Changes for more information.



This is the quantity for the interval.

Interval Data Set Key

When a system-generated key value is assigned to a record, you need to also store the key value
in a key table that corresponds to the record's database table. The name of this table is
CI_INTV_DATA_SET_K. The following table describes each column on this table.
Column Name


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This should be your newly created Interval

Data Set ID from above.


This is the environment id defined on the

installation options.

Process IPDSIDB - Determine Profile For Profile Datasets

This process finds pending profile datasets that are not linked to a profile and attempts to
determine the appropriate profile by making a match on the external ID.
Note. The status of the profile dataset is set to Pending or Complete by the system based on
whether or not validation algorithms exist for the profile type. Refer to Life Cycle of Interval
Profile Data Sets for more information.

Interval Data Exception

If a validation algorithm or data derivation algorithm finds an error with interval data, a record is
written to the interval data exception table with a message indicating the nature of the severe
To view the messages associated with the exception records, you must schedule an appropriate
To Do entry creation background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record
in the interval data exception table.
The following section describes steps to take to correct the data in error.

How To Correct a Data Set in Error

A data set is in error only if an error is found by a validation algorithm or by a data derivation
algorithm. Because there is no limit to the number of validation and data derivation algorithms
that you create, there may be just as many ways to resolve these errors. This section describes
a typical situation.
Resolving a Derivation Error
Resolving a Validation Error

Resolving a Derivation Error

Because the derivation algorithms are creating new data sets, the error is not with the data set
being created, but with source data that the algorithm is using to create the new data set.
The following describes the steps involved with fixing an error found by a creation algorithm
(IPFCSACS) supplied with the system.

Review the To Do entries generated as a result of interval data exceptions.

The information displayed with the To Do entry provides details of the error. You may also
drill down to the Data Set page to view the error.


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On the Data Set page, the status is Error and the error message is displayed at the bottom. You
probably have to fix a source interval data curve. This is common source of errors in derived
data. One possible error is that data is missing from a source curve.
The following describes the steps to fix a source interval data profile:

The error indicates that the problem is with the DEMANDKW profile relationship type. Use
the context menu button adjacent to the owner SA to Go To Service Agreement. You are
taken directly to the Service Agreement Interval Info page. Determine the profile associated
with the DEMANDKW relationship type.

Choose Go To Interval Data from the context menu for the appropriate Interval Profile ID
and find the data set with the missing interval. Verify all the missing intervals that need to be
fixed. (Note that the error message only reports the first missing interval it finds. There may
be more.)

Once you have determined the missing intervals, create a new data set for the profile, and
enter the missing interval data.

Warning! Existing completed data records should not be changed. If an existing data
record is incorrect, you should always add a new data set, with the current date and time, and
enter the corrected value for the interval. This is important because the interval data records are
the audit records for an existing bill. Refer to Auditing Your Interval Pricing Bill Lines for more

Once you have filled in the missing intervals, you may navigate back to the Service
Agreement Interval Info page to run the data derivation again. (Note, you may also wait for
the SA Interval Profile Creation background process to run.)

When the Data Derivation is finished, view the Interval Data page for the profile with the
derived data. You should notice that your Error data set is no longer there.

Resolving a Validation Error

The validation algorithms are validating data in existing data sets. The data set in error is marked
and the chances are great that the error is with this data.
The following describes the steps involved with fixing an error found by the validation algorithm
(IPFVDS-SMP) supplied with the system.

Review the To Do entries generated as a result of interval data exceptions.

The information displayed with the To Do entry provides details of the error. Drill down to the
detail of the record on the Interval Data.

Fix the error and change the status of the data set to Pending. The next time the validation
algorithm runs, it revalidates this data.

Maintaining Interval Register Data

In this section, we describe information related to maintaining interval register data. This
information includes where to maintain the data, the life cycle that this data may go through,
uploading data from an external source, and handling exception conditions.
Life Cycle of Interval Register Data Sets

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Interval Register Data Maintenance

Interval Register Data Query
Upload Interval Register Data
Process IREGIDB - Determine Register For Register Datasets
Interval Register Data Exception

Life Cycle of Interval Register Data Sets

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of an interval register data set.

Interval Register Data Lifecycle




Use this status for data, added to the system, that

requires validation to occur before it is available for
further processing. Validation is handled through an
algorithm linked to the interval register type for this data
sets register. Refer to Setting Up Interval Register
Types for more information. When creating a data set,
the system automatically sets the status to Pending
when the interval register type indicates a validation


A user can cancel a Pending or Error data set if the

data set should not be used for further processing.
Refer to Interval Register Data Maintenance for more
information. Additionally, algorithms may be designed to
cancel data sets in certain situations.


A validation algorithm may set this status for a data set if

it detects an error condition. Data sets in error are also
written to the Interval Register Data Exception table.
Refer to How To Correct a Register Data Set in Error.
When a validation error has been corrected, change the
status of the data set back to Pending so it will be


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Only complete data sets are used by derivation

algorithms. If data being added to the system has
already been validated, it may be uploaded to the
system in this status. Validation algorithms may change
the status of a data set to Complete if no error
conditions are detected. When data sets are created,
their status is set to Complete if the interval register type
does not indicate a validation algorithm. For more
information about validation algorithms, refer to Setting
Up Interval Register Types.

Interval Register Data Maintenance

The Interval Register Data page is used to create and maintain collections of interval register
data, grouped together by a data set, for a given interval register.
Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, Interval Register Data to maintain interval register data.
Note. This page is only available if the Meter Data Management module is not turned off.

Description of Page
Register Data Set is a concatenation of important information about the data set. The Register
Data Set ID is a system-assigned random number.
Indicate the Register ID to which this data set is linked.
Note. It is possible that the register cannot be identified when adding interval register data. If the
Register ID is not populated, the Data Set External ID must be populated. Refer to Upload
Interval Register Data for more information.
The Data Set External ID is the external identifier of the interval register. It will correspond to the
channel ID on the interval register. It may be used when a register cannot be found for data
interfaced from outside the system. Refer to Upload Interval Register Data for more information.
The Set Date/Time of the Register Data Set represent when this collection of data was entered
or received. This is considered a server date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on
the base time zone. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up-To-Date Data for more information about the Set Date/Time
and its use in algorithms.
The Data Set Type is available for classification of the data set in some way. The values
currently available with the system are:
No Data

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Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more

information about using this data set type.


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Use this value if the data set contains estimated values

based on a validation algorithm. Refer to IRVA-CLN for
an example of an algorithm that creates estimated
interval register values.

Note. The values for Data Set Type are customizable using the lookup table. This field name is
The Status indicates the status of the interval profile data set. Click Cancel DS to cancel a
Pending or Error data set.
Refer to Lifecycle of Interval Register Data for more information about interval data set status.
Use the Revert button to reverse the effect of a Complete data set.
Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information.
Use the Start Date/Time to indicate the starting point for the display of the interval data.
At least one interval data record must exist in the collection of interval data. For each interval
data record, the Interval Register Date/Time and the Interval Register Data value are captured.
This date is considered a logical date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on the
interval register type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
If the data set is in Error status, a Message that provides the error information is displayed below
the interval data collection.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval register type,
the Seasonal Time Shift associated with your interval register type is displayed. Refer to Setting
Up Interval Register Types for more information.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval register type,
the Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered
in legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is
displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is
displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the
interval register type or the base time zone do not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle
button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.

Interval Register Data Query

This query shows the most recent interval register data for a register and a time period as of a
given time.
Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, Interval Register Data Query to display interval register
Note. This page is only available if the Meter Data Management module is not turned off.

Description of Page


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The Register ID is the identifier of the register whose data should be displayed.
Use the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time if you want to limit the query to a specific time
Use the Set Date/Time to indicate the as of what date to use for retrieving interval data. Only
data sets with a set date/time prior to this date/time are accessed.
The Selection Type is used to determine what data to show:

This option displays all interval data for the register and
time period, if specified. It includes data in data sets of
any status value.

Most Recent Comp. Exc. No Data

This option finds the most recent interval value for each
interval from completed data sets only. If the most
recent interval is in a No Data data set, that interval
does not appear.

Most Recent Complete Data

This finds the most recent interval value for each interval
from completed data sets only. If the most recent
interval is in a No Data data set, that interval appears
with No Data displayed in the Data Set Type column.

Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information about No Data interval data sets.
Once you have selected your criteria, use the search button to display the data. The interval data
collection contains the following information:
The Interval Register Date/Time and Interval Register Data value for each interval is
displayed. Information about the data set to which this interval is linked is displayed, including the
Data Set Type, Set Date/Time and Register Data Set ID.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval register type,
the Seasonal Time Shift associated with your interval register type is displayed.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval register type,
the Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered
in legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is
displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is
displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the
interval register type or the base time zone do not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle
button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.

Upload Interval Register Data

The following diagram illustrates the processes involved in the uploading of interval register data
into the system.

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Flat file, EDI

Manager, etc.
Interval Register

Process: X

Populate Interval Register


Data Set
The topics in this section describe how these processes work.
Process X - Populate Interval Register Data
Register Data Set
Register Data
Register Data Set Key

Process X - Populate Interval Register Data

Process X refers to the mechanism used by your organization to populate the Interval Register
Data tables. Process X has the following responsibilities:

It attempts to determine the appropriate Register to which this data belongs using the
channel ID. If a register with this channel ID is not found, the data set is created without
being linked to a register and the channel ID is stored as the external ID on the data set.

It creates a new Register Data Set with the current date and time.

If the interval data is from a different time zone or is not in standard time for the base time
zone, the time of each interval must be converted to standard time in the base time zone.
Refer to Time Zone and Time Changes for more information.

All quantities being uploaded for the same register should be inserted into the interval register
data table and should reference the same register data set.

Set the status of the new data set:


If the data set is not linked to a register, set the status to pending.

If the register type has a validation algorithm, set the status to pending.

If the register type does not have a validation algorithm, this data should be clean. Set
the status to complete.

Inserts a record in the register data set key table.

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The topics in this section describe the tables to populate.

Register Data Set

You must create a data set for each batch of records being uploaded in the system for the same
register. The name of this table is CI_REG_DATA_SET. The following table describes each
column on this table.
Column Name




This is a unique key. This key is referenced
on the register data record.
Its suggested that this key is built as follows:
The first five digits are the first five digits
of the REG_ID.

The last seven digits are randomly


This facilitates set based processing of the

data. If your process that inserts records on
this table is capable of calling a COBOL
routine, call CIPZKEYG passing the first five
digits and it supplies a seven-digit random



This is a foreign key reference to the interval

register to which this set is linked. It is
required if an external ID is not specified.




This is the external identifier of the register to

which this data belongs. It should
correspond to the channel ID of its register.
It is required if register ID is not specified.




This is the date/time that the data set was

received. This must be populated with the
current date/time. This is considered a
server date and follows the seasonal time
shifting as defined on the base time zone.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up-ToDate Data for information about why this
date/time is important.



Set this value based on whether it will be

validated in the system.
Set to P for Pending if the register ID is
blank or if the registers register type
indicates a validation algorithm.
Set to C for Complete if the data will not go
through any further validation.

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Refer to Life Cycle of Interval Register Data

for more information

Register Data
Each piece of interval data for the register will be stored as an Interval Register Data record
linked to the newly created data set. The name of this table is CI_REG_DATA. The following
table describes each column on this table.
Column Name








This is a foreign key reference to the

Register Data Set that groups the interval
values together. This should be your newly
created ID from above.




This is the date and time of the register data.

This must be stored in standard time for the
base time zone. Refer to Time Zone and
Time Changes for more information.



This is the quantity for the interval.

Register Data Set Key

When a system-generated key value is assigned to a record, you need to also store the key value
in a key table that corresponds to the record's database table. The name of this table is
CI_REG_DATA_SET_K. The following table describes each column on this table.
Column Name








This should be your newly created Register

Data Set ID from above.


This is the environment id defined on the

installation options.

Process IREGIDB - Determine Register For Register Datasets

This process finds pending register datasets that are not linked to a register and attempts to
determine the appropriate register by making a match on the external ID of the data set to the
channel ID for the register.
Note. The status of the register dataset is set to Pending or Complete by the system, based on
whether or not validation algorithms exist for the register type. Refer to Life Cycle of Interval
Register Data Sets for more information.

Interval Register Data Exception

If a validation algorithm finds an error with interval register data, a record is written to the interval
register data exception table with a message indicating the nature of the severe error.
To view the messages associated with the exception records, you must schedule an appropriate
To Do entry creation background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record
in the interval register data exception table.


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Interval Billing Business Processes

The following section describes steps to take to correct the data in error.

How To Correct a Register Data Set in Error

The validation algorithms are validating data in existing data sets. The following describes the
steps involved with fixing an error found by the validation algorithm (IRGVDS-SMP) supplied with
the system.

Review the To Do entries generated as a result of interval register data exceptions.

The information displayed with the To Do entry provides details of the error. You may also
drill down to the Data Set page to view the error.

Fix the error and change the status of the data set to Pending. The next time the validation
algorithm runs, it revalidates this data.

TOU Map Maintenance

The following section describes the pages related to maintaining a TOU map.
TOU Map - Main
TOU Map - Related SAs

TOU Map - Main

The TOU Map page is used to create and maintain Time of Use Maps. Open this page using
Main Menu, Interval Billing, TOU Map.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The TOU Map Info contains important information about the TOU map. These values only
appear after the TOU map exists on the database. The TOU Map ID is a system-assigned
random number.
Enter the Description of the TOU Map.
Indicate the TOU Map Type that defines this TOU map.
The External ID is available for cross-referencing this TOU map with an external source.
If this map is SA Owned, the SA ID linked to this map is displayed along with information about
the SA.
Use the Generate button to generate data for this TOU map based on a TOU map template.
Refer to TOU Map - Generate for more information.
The tree at the bottom of this page shows information about data sets linked to the TOU map.

The Error Data Sets node displays if any of the data sets linked to the TOU map are in
Error. Expanding this node displays each error data set.

The Data Created Through node displays the date of the latest complete interval as of the
current date. Expanding this node displays the last 10 Complete data sets.

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TOU Map - Generate

The TOU Map Template dialog opens when you click Generate on the TOU map page:
Description of Page
Indicate the TOU Map Template that you want the system to use as your template for the new
The Set Date/Time is used for the set date/time on the newly created data set.
Indicate the Data Set Type, if applicable.
Indicate the first TOU interval to create by entering the Start Date/Time to use for creating the
TOU data. Enter either the End Date/Time or a value in Recurring Patterns to indicate how
much data the system should generate.
The holiday fields indicate if and how the system should handle holidays differently from standard
Holiday Template

This is the daily template to use for all holiday days in

the period, instead of the TOU map template entered
above. Notice that a single daily Holiday template is
used for the period you're generating data for. In other
words, the system assumes all holiday days to have the
same TOU pattern, i.e. template, throughout the period.
If you need to use different TOU patterns for different
holiday days you would need to generate data in several

Holiday Shift in Minutes

If the time period covered by a holiday is not 12AM to

12AM, indicate the number of minutes, positive or
negative, to shift the holiday. For example, if the holiday
is considered 7pm on the eve of the holiday until 7pm on
the day of the holiday, enter 300 (i.e. 5 hours) for the
shift in minutes.


This is the Calendar where the holidays applicable for

this time period are defined.

When you click the Generate button, the system creates a new TOU map data set for this TOU
map based on the information provided.
The Seasonal Time Shift associated with the TOU map type is displayed.
In the Seasonal Time Shift Remark, you are reminded that the system expects that the values
you enter for the date and time are in local legal time as defined by your TOU map type.
Note. The times on the TOU map components are in legal time. During this generation process
the system converts the time definitions into standard time, taking daylight savings into account.
Time shifting is based upon the Seasonal Time Shift defined on the templates TOU map type.
Refer to Time Zone and Time Changes for more information.


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TOU Map - Related SAs

Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, TOU Map and navigate to the Related SAs tab to view
service agreements that reference the TOU map.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The TOU Map Info contains important information about the TOU map. These values only
appear after the TOU map exists on the database. The TOU Map ID is a system-assigned
random number.
Note. If the map is linked to more than 25 service agreements, the search criteria are
intentionally left blank in order to avoid retrieving all service agreements (with the resultant slow
response times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of service agreements
that should be retrieved. See below for more information about this pages search criteria.
Use the SA Filter to define the service agreements to appear in the grid. The following options
are available:

Account. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given Account

Address. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points
associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. You can specify any combination
of these fields.

All. Use this option if you do not want to filter service agreements.

Person Name. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to accounts that
indicate the given Name as the main person.

SA Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given CIS
Division and SA Type.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the SA Filter.
The grid that follows contains the Accounts and Service Agreements that match your search

Maintaining TOU Map Data

In this section, we describe information related to maintaining time of use data. This information
includes where to maintain the data, the life cycle that this data may go through, uploading data
from an external source, and handling exception conditions.
Life Cycle of TOU Data Sets
TOU Data Maintenance
TOU Data Query
Upload TOU Map Data
TOU Data Exception

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Life Cycle of TOU Data Sets

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a TOU data set.

TOU Data Set Lifecycle



A creation algorithm may set this status for a data set if it

detects an error condition. Data sets in this status are
also written to the TOU Data Exception table. Refer to
How To Correct a TOU Data Set in Error.


A user can cancel an Error data set if the data set

should not be used for further processing. Refer to TOU
Data Maintenance for more information. Additionally,
algorithms may be designed to cancel data sets in
certain situations.


Only complete data sets are used by rate application

and derivation algorithms. Data creation algorithms may
create a data set in Complete status or change the
status of a data set to Complete if no error conditions
are detected. Data sets created online are set to

A user can only change the status of a data set to Canceled. All other state transitions are done
by an algorithm. For more information about data creation algorithms, refer to Setting Up TOU
Map Types.
Note. Creation algorithms may be written to automatically delete any Error data sets and start
over in an attempt to produce a Complete data set. This is similar to the billing process, which
deletes error bill segments and tries from the beginning to produce an error free segment.
Another alternative is to Cancel any data sets in Error rather than deleting them.

TOU Data Maintenance

The TOU Data page is used to create and maintain collections of time period definitions, grouped
together by a data set, for a given TOU Map. Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, TOU Data to
maintain TOU data.


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Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
TOU Data Set is a concatenation of important information about the data set. The TOU Data Set
ID is a system-assigned random number.
Indicate the TOU Map ID to which this data set is linked.
The Owner SA indicates the SA that owns this data. This information is only populated for SA
owned TOU maps. This field is useful if the data set you are viewing contains an error and the
error is related to a different source data linked to the service agreement. You may use the
context button to quickly navigate to the service agreement to view other interval entities related
to the service agreement. Refer to how to correct a TOU data set in error for more information.
The Set Date/Time of the TOU Data Set represent when this collection of data was entered or
received. This is considered a server date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on
the base time zone. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up-To-Date Data for more information about the Set Date/Time
and its use in algorithms.
The Data Set Type is available for classification of the data set in some way. The value currently
available with the system is No Data. Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more
information about using this data set type.
Note. The values for Data Set Type are customizable using the lookup table. This field name is
The Status indicates the status of the TOU data set. Click Cancel DS to cancel an Error data
Refer to Lifecycle of TOU Data for more information about interval data set status.
Use the Revert button to reverse the effect of a Complete data set.
Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information.
Use the Start Date/Time to indicate the starting point for the display of the interval data.
At least one TOU data record must exist in the collection of TOU time period definitions. For
each TOU data record, the TOU Data Date/Time and the Time of Use code are captured. This
date is considered a logical date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on the TOU
map type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
If the data set is in Error status, a Message that provides the error information is displayed below
the TOU data collection.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the TOU map type, the
Seasonal Time Shift associated with your TOU map type is displayed. Refer to Setting Up TOU
Map Types for more information.

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If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the TOU map type, the
Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered in
legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is
displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is
displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the
TOU map type or the base time zone do not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle
button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.

TOU Data Query

This query shows the most recent interval data for a TOU Map and a time period as of a given
Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, TOU Data Query to display TOU map data.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The TOU Map ID is the identifier of the TOU map whose data should be displayed.
Use the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time if you want to limit the query to a specific time
Use the Set Date/Time to indicate the as of what date to use for retrieving interval data. Only
data sets with a set date/time prior to this date/time will be accessed.
The Selection Type is used to determine what data to show:

This option displays all TOU map data for the TOU map
and time period, if specified. It includes data in data sets
of any status value.

Most Recent Comp. Exc. No Data

This option finds the most recent interval value for each
interval from completed data sets only. If the most
recent interval is in a No Data data set, that interval
does not appear.

Most Recent Complete Data

This finds the most recent interval value for each interval
from completed data sets only. If the most recent
interval is in a No Data data set, that interval appears
with No Data displayed in the Data Set Type column.

Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information about No Data data sets.
Once you have selected your criteria, use the search button to display the data. The TOU map
data collection contains the following information:
The TOU Data Date/Time and Time of Use code for each interval is displayed. Information
about the data set to which this interval is linked is displayed, including the Data Set Type, Set
Date/Time and TOU Data Set ID.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the TOU map type, the
Seasonal Time Shift associated with your TOU map type is displayed.


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Interval Billing Business Processes

If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the TOU map type, the
Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered in
legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is
displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is
displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the
TOU map type or the base time zone do not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle
button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.

Upload TOU Map Data

The following diagram illustrates the processes involved in the uploading of TOU map data into
the system.

Process: X

Populate Interval Quantities

Flat file, EDI

Manager, etc.

Data Set


The topics in this section describe how these processes work.

Process X - Populate TOU Map Data
TOU Data Set
TOU Data
TOU Data Set Key

Process X - Populate TOU Map Data

Process X refers to the mechanism used by your organization to populate the TOU Map Data
tables. Process X has the following responsibilities:

It determines the appropriate TOU map to which this data belongs. (Recall that the TOU map
can hold an external ID.)

It creates a new TOU data set with the current date and time.

If the TOU map data is from a different time zone or is not in standard time for the base time
zone, the time of each interval is converted to standard time in the base time zone. Refer to
Time Zone and Time Changes for more information.

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All quantities being uploaded for the same TOU map should be inserted into the TOU map
data table and should reference the same TOU map data set.

Inserts a record in the TOU data set key table.

The topics in this section describe the tables to populate.

TOU Data Set

You must create a data set for each batch of records being uploaded in the system for the same
TOU Map. The name of this table is CI_TOU_DATA_SET. The following table describes each
column on this table.
Column Name




This is a unique key. This key is referenced
on the TOU Data record.
Its suggested that this key is built as follows:
The first five digits are the first five digits
of the TOU MAP_ID.

The last seven digits are randomly


This facilitates set based processing of the

data. If your process that inserts records on
this table is capable of calling a COBOL
routine, call CIPZKEYG passing the first five
digits and it supplies a seven-digit random



This is a foreign key reference to the TOU

map to which this set is linked.
Refer to TOU Map Maintenance for more




This is the date/time that the data set was

received. This must be populated with the
current date/time. This is considered a
server date and follows the seasonal time
shifting as defined on the base time zone.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up-ToDate Data for information about why this
date/time is important.

TOU Data
Each time period definition for the TOU map will be stored as a TOU Data record linked to the
newly created data set. The name of this table is CI_TOU_DATA. The following table describes
each column on this table.
Column Name






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This is a foreign key reference to the TOU

Data Set that groups the TOU definitions
together. This should be your newly created
ID from above.




This is the date and time of the time period

definition. This must be stored relative to the
base time zone. Refer to Time Zone and
Time Changes for more information.



This is the TOU code that this time period

shall be mapped to.

TOU Data Set Key

When a system-generated key value is assigned to a record, you need to also store the key value
in a key table that corresponds to the record's database table. The name of this table is
CI_TOU_DATA_SET_K. The following table describes each column on this table.
Column Name








This should be your newly created TOU Data

Set ID from above.


This is the environment id defined on the

installation options.

TOU Data Exception

If a derivation algorithm finds an error while creating TOU data, a record is written to the TOU
data exception table with a message indicating the nature of the severe error.
To view the messages associated with the exception records, you must schedule an appropriate
To Do entry creation background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record
in the TOU data exception table.
The following section describes steps to take to correct the data in error.

How To Correct a TOU Data Set in Error

Because derivation algorithms are creating new data sets, the error is not with the data set being
created, but with source data that the algorithm is using to create the new data set.
The following describes the steps involved with fixing an error found by a creation algorithm
(ITMCCOPT) supplied with the system. This algorithm attempts to create TOU map data based
on a TOU map template and contract option event information.

Review the To Do entries generated as a result of TOU data exceptions.

The information displayed with the To Do entry provides details of the error. Drill down to
view more details on the TOU Data page.

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On the TOU data page, the status is Error and the error message is displayed at the bottom. In
this scenario, the time period covered by the contract event does not overlap with the time period
covered by the override TOU map template. This is a shared contract option, but this particular
event does not apply to this service agreement. The suggested solution for this case is to cancel
the TOU data set in error and to create an override event for the service agreement.

Cancel the TOU data set record in error.

Use the context menu button adjacent to the owner SA to Go To Service Agreement. You
are taken to the interval info tab on the service agreement page.

Navigate to the Service Agreement - Contract Option page and add an override for this event.

The next time the creation algorithm runs, it detects the override event and it does not attempt to
create TOU data for this scenario.

Contract Option Maintenance

Contract options are used to define special rate options applicable to a customer or a group of
Contract Option - Main
Contract Option - Related SAs

Contract Option - Main

Open Main Menu, Customer Information, Contract Option to maintain contract options data.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The Contract Option Info displays important information about the contract option. The
Contract Option ID is a system-assigned random number.
Indicate the Contract Option Type for this contract option along with a Description.
If this contract option is linked to only one service agreement, indicate the Create For SA ID.
The characteristic collection is used to indicate additional information related to your contract
Note. You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on the contract option
record. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.
To modify a characteristic, move to a field and change its value. To add a new characteristic,
click + to insert a row then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
Effective Date

Define the date on which the characteristic becomes


Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.


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Characteristic Value

Interval Billing Business Processes

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Contract Option - Related SAs

Open Main Menu, Customer Information, Contract Option and navigate to the Related SAs
tab to view service agreements that reference the contract option.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The Contract Option Info displays important information about the contract option. The
Contract Option ID is a system-assigned random number.
Note. If the contract option is linked to more than 25 service agreements, the search criteria are
intentionally left blank in order to avoid retrieving all service agreements (with the resultant slow
response times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of service agreements
that should be retrieved. See below for more information about this pages search criteria.
Use the SA Filter to define the service agreements to appear in the grid. The following options
are available:

Account. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given Account

Address. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points
associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. You can specify any combination
of these fields.

All. Use this option if you do not want to filter service agreements.

Person Name. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to accounts that
indicate the given Name as the main person.

SA Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given CIS
Division and SA Type.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the SA Filter.
The grid that follows contains the Accounts and Service Agreements that match your search

Maintaining Contract Option Events

In this section, we describe information related to maintaining contract option events. This
information includes where to maintain the data, the life cycle that this data may go through, and
handling exception conditions.
Life Cycle of Contract Option Events
Contract Option Event Maintenance
Contract Option Event Exception

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Life Cycle of Contract Option Events

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a contract option event.

Contract Option Event Lifecycle







A contract option event may be created in pending

status and transition to frozen to be used by processing
algorithms. Events in this status may be deleted if they
are incorrect.


A pending or frozen validation algorithm defined on the

contract option type may set this status for an event if it
detects an error condition. Events in this status also
appear on the Contract Option Event Exception query.


Only frozen events are processed by rate algorithms and

data derivation algorithms.


A frozen event may be canceled if it is incorrect.

Note. Algorithms that process these events need to undo the effect of canceled events.

Contract Option Event Maintenance

Contract option events record the event of a contract option, including its effective period and any
characteristic values related to the event. Open Main Menu, Interval Billing, Contract Option
Event to maintain event data.
Note. This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page
The Contract Option Event ID is a system-assigned random number.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Indicate the Contract Option ID to which this event is linked.

Indicate the Contract Option Event Type for this event.
The Start Date/Time and End Date/Time of the contract option event represent when this event
is effective. These are considered logical date/times and follow the seasonal time shifting as
defined on the contract option type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
The Status indicates the status of the contract option event. Use the Freeze button to change
the status of the record from Pending to Frozen. Use the Cancel button to change the status of
the record from Frozen to Canceled.
Note. Any change in status causes the appropriate validation algorithm on the contract option
event type, if any, to be executed.
Note. When the pending or frozen validation algorithms find an error, the status of the record is
changed to Error and an exception record is created. If the cancel validation algorithm finds an
error, the error message is displayed to the user. No exception record is created.

Refer to Lifecycle of Contract Option Events for more information.

The Status Date/Time indicates when the records status changed to its current value.
Algorithms that process these events use this information to determine whether the status change
affects their processing. For example, if the status is Canceled and the status date/time is more
recent than the last time the algorithm processed the events, the algorithm may need to reverse
the effect of this event. This date/time is considered a server date and follows the seasonal time
shifting as defined on the base time zone. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
The characteristic collection is used to indicate additional information related to your contract
option event.
Note. You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on the contract option
event record. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.
To modify a characteristic, move to a field and change its value. To add a new characteristic,
click + to insert a row then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
Characteristic Type

Indicate the type of characteristic.

Characteristic Value

Indicate the value of the characteristic.

Contract Option Event Exception

If a validation algorithm finds an error in contract option event data, a record is written to the
contract option event exception table with a message indicating the nature of the severe error.
To view the messages associated with the exception records, you must schedule an appropriate
To Do entry creation background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record
in the contract option event exception table.
The following section describes steps to take to correct the data in error.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

How To Correct a Contract Option Event in Error

Errors in contract option events are a result of errors detected in a validation algorithm. The
validation algorithms provided by the system check for overlap of other events for contract
options with the same contract option type.

Review the To Do entries generated as a result of contract option event exceptions.

The information displayed with the To Do entry provides details of the error. Drill down to
view more details on the Contract Option Event page.

Fix the error by resolving the overlap and change the status of the data set to Pending. The
next time the validation algorithm runs, it revalidates this data.

Interval Billing Calculation Details

When a bill is produced with calculation lines resulting from interval pricing rate components or
TOU Pricing rate components, its likely that a CSR may want to view the calculation detail to
verify that this was done correctly.
In order to view the details of the calculation of a bill, the interval pricing rate component and TOU
pricing rate components must indicate an audit algorithm. Refer to Auditing Your Interval Pricing
Bill Lines for more information.
Once you have a bill generated, go to Main Menu, Financial, Bill Segment and navigate to the
Calc Lines tab. Locate the lines that were produced as a result of an interval pricing rate
component. A drill down button appears in the first column.
When you click the drill down for a given line, you are taken to a page that shows details for the
calculation of this line. If your bill line was calculated using an interval pricing rate component,
you are taken to the interval pricing details page. If your bill line was calculated using a TOU
pricing rate component, you are taken to the TOU pricing details page.
Interval Pricing Details - Main
Interval Pricing Details - Details
Interval Pricing Details - SA Information
TOU Pricing Calc Details - Main
TOU Pricing Calc Details - Details
TOU Pricing Calc Details - SA Information

Interval Pricing Details - Main

To navigate to this page, you must first go to Main Menu, Financial, Bill Segment and display a
bill segment with interval data in its calculation lines. From the Calc Lines tab, you may choose
to audit a bill line that is the result of an interval pricing rate component that has an audit
algorithm. Choosing the drill down button for an interval pricing calculation line will bring you to
the Interval Pricing - Calc Details - Main page.
Description of Page
Identifiers and descriptions are shown for the Account, SA and Premise linked to this bill


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

The Bill Seg ID, Bill Seg Header and Calc Line identify the bill calculation line currently
displayed. The Description on Bill displays the description of the bill line that is printed on the
customers bill.
The date and time covered by the Consumption Period are displayed.
Refer to Bill Period and Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
The Quantity Billed displays the quantity, followed by a description of the unit of measure,
followed by a description of the SQI, if applicable.
The Total Amount of the bill line is displayed, followed by the date and time this line was
Calculated On.
If you click Rate Info, a dialog opens displaying information about the rate. The information
includes the rate schedule and version, the rate component sequence and description, the
interval profile relationship type and bill factor information.
The Start Date/Time and End Date/Time indicate the range of the data that is currently
displayed. To limit the amount of data displayed, enter a different start and end date and time
and click Zoom. Use Refresh to display all the data linked to the bill segment calculation line.
The Interval Billing Graph displays three sets of data and uses color to distinguish between them.
Red is used for the interval quantities. The Y-axis shows the range of values plotted under the
column UOM. Blue is used for the prices that are coming from the interval billing factor values.
The Y-axis shows the range of values plotted under the column Price. Green is used for the
resulting calculation at each interval of quantity multiplied by price. The Y-axis shows the range of
values plotted under the column Cost. For all three curves, the X-axis shows the date for each
Controlling Which Graphs Are Displayed
All three sets of data are displayed initially, however, you may control which sets of data are
displayed by clicking the UOM, Price or Cost buttons to the left of the interval graph. For
example to view only the Price graph, click the UOM and Cost buttons.
To redisplay the UOM and Cost graphs, click the respective buttons again.
Drilling Down In the Graph
While the graph is displayed, you may click on a section of the graph to drill down into more
detail. For example, clicking in the middle of the graph will drill down to a small number of days.
You can display hour-by-hour information by clicking further.
At this point, if you click on one of the bars, you will be taken to the appropriate interval data set
page to view the interval data itself.

Interval Pricing Details - Details

To navigate to this page, you must first go to Main Menu, Financial, Bill Segment and display a
bill segment with interval data in its calculation lines. From the Calc Lines tab, you may choose
to audit a bill line that is the result of an interval pricing rate component that has an audit
algorithm. Once on the Calc Details page, you may navigate to the Details tab.
Description of Page

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

The top section of this page is the same as the main page.
Use the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time to indicate a range of data to display.
The detailed grid displays the Date/Time for each interval and the Quantity, Price and resulting
Amount. Use the context menu button at the right of the amount column to navigate to either the
Interval Value page or the Interval Data page to view the source data.
Below the grid, the Total Billable SQ and the Total Amount for the bill segment calculation line
are displayed.
The Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed in legal time or
standard time. If the seasonal time shift record on the interval profile type of the first profile
matches the seasonal time shift record on the bill factor/characteristic for the price, the intervals
are displayed in legal time, according to this seasonal time shift record. Otherwise, the data is
displayed in standard time.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.

Interval Pricing Details - SA Information

To navigate to this page, you must first go to Main Menu, Financial, Bill Segment and display a
bill segment with interval data in its calculation lines. From the Calc Lines tab, you may choose
to audit a bill line that is the result of an interval pricing rate component that has an audit
algorithm. Once on the Calc Details page, you may navigate to the SA Information tab.
Description of Page
The top section of this page is the same as the main page.
The tree structure on this page shows the profiles found for this service agreement and interval
profile relationship type for the time period.

TOU Pricing Calc Details - Main

To navigate to this page, you must first go to Main Menu, Financial, Bill Segment and display a
bill segment with TOU pricing data in its calculation lines. From the Calc Lines tab, you may
choose to audit a bill line that is the result of a TOU pricing rate component that has an audit
algorithm. Choosing the drill down button for a TOU pricing calculation line takes you to the TOU
Pricing Calc Details - Main page.
Description of Page
Refer to Interval Pricing Details - Main for information about the information displayed in the top
portion of the page. The one difference with the information displayed on this page is that the
Quantity Billed includes the description of the time-of-use code along with the UOM and SQI.
The TOU Consumption Graph displays in Red the interval quantities that were mapped to the
time-of-use code represented by the line. The Y-axis shows the range of values plotted under the
column UOM. The X-axis shows the date for each interval.
Refer to Interval Pricing Details - Main for information about drilling down into the graph.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

TOU Pricing Calc Details - Details

To navigate to this page, you must first go to Main Menu, Financial, Bill Segment and display a
bill segment with TOU data in its calculation lines. From the Calc Lines tab, you may choose to
audit a bill line that is the result of a TOU pricing rate component that has an audit algorithm.
Once on the Calc Details page, you may navigate to the Details tab.
Description of Page
The top section of this page is the same as the main page.
Use the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time to indicate a range of data to display.
The detailed grid displays the Date/Time and the Quantity for each interval that was mapped to
the time of use code associated with this bill line. Use the context menu button at the right of the
amount column to navigate to either the Interval Data page or the TOU Data page to view the
source data.
The Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed in legal time or
standard time. If the seasonal time shift record on the interval profile type of the first profile
matches the seasonal time shift record on the TOU map type of the first TOU map for the period,
the intervals are displayed in legal time, according to this seasonal time shift record. Otherwise,
the data is displayed in standard time.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.

TOU Pricing Calc Details - SA Information

To navigate to this page, you must first go to Main Menu, Financial, Bill Segment and display a
bill segment with TOU data in its calculation lines. From the Calc Lines tab, you may choose to
audit a bill line that is the result of a TOU pricing rate component that has an audit algorithm.
Once on the Calc Details page, you may navigate to the SA Information tab.
Description of Page
The top section of this page is the same as the main page.
This page displays two tree structures. The first tree structure shows the interval profiles found
for this SA and interval profile relationship type for this time period. The second tree structure is
only visible if the rate component references a TOU map relationship type. It shows the TOU
maps found for this SA and TOU map relationship type for this time period.

Interval Billing Examples

How to Link Common Profiles to a Service Agreement
How to Link SA Owned Profiles to a Service Agreement
Hedge Cover
Tunnel Option
Override Maps

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

How to Link Common Profiles to a Service Agreement

The system automatically links common profiles to your service agreement if you set up the
appropriate start options for your service agreement type. You may also link common profiles to
your service agreement manually:

Create the profile (refer to Interval Profile Maintenance for more information).

Go to the Service Agreement - Interval Info tab to link this profile to your service agreement.

Choose the appropriate profile relationship type for this SA/Profile link. This profile
relationship type may be the link to a rate component if this profile is getting billed.

Indicate the Interval Profile ID that you want to link to the service agreement.

Save your record.

How to Link SA Owned Profiles to a Service Agreement

For The SA That Is The Owner
For The SA That Is Not The Owner

For The SA That Is The Owner

If this service agreement is the owner SA, the system automatically creates SA owned profiles
for your service agreement if you set up the appropriate start options for your service agreement
type. You may also create SA owned profiles for your service agreement manually:

Create the profile (refer to Interval Profile Maintenance for more information). Be sure to
choose your Service Agreement ID when creating the profile.

Note. If you are on the Service Agreement Interval Info page, you may navigate to Interval
Profile page by choosing Go To Interval Profile +. This brings your service agreement ID to the
interval profile page and populates the service agreement field.

Go to the Service Agreement - Interval Info tab to link this profile to your service agreement.

Choose the appropriate Profile Relationship Type for this SA/Profile link. This Profile
Relationship Type may be the link to a Rate Component if this profile is getting billed.

Indicate the Interval Profile ID that you want to link to the service agreement.

Save your record.

For The SA That Is Not The Owner

This assumes that the profile already exists and is linked to the owner SA. If not, follow the steps

Go to the Service Agreement - Interval Info tab to link this profile to your service agreement.

Choose the appropriate Profile Relationship Type for this SA/Profile link. This Profile
Relationship Type may be the link to a Rate Component if this profile is getting billed.

Indicate the Interval Profile ID that you want to link to the service agreement.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Save your record.

Hedge Cover
Assume your organization has some interval rates with the following conditions. The customer
will pay for an agreed upon amount of usage at a fixed price. We will call this amount of usage
the hedge cover. It is also known as a reference curve. If actual usage falls above the hedge
cover, the customer pays the difference at the market price. If the actual usage falls below the
hedge cover, the customer receives a credit for the difference at the market price.
In this example, we assume that the actual usage, the hedge cover, the strike price and the
market price are all interval curves with the same interval size.
Hedge Cover - Bill Factors
Hedge Cover - Profile Relationship Types
Hedge Cover - Profile Types
Hedge Cover - Rate Schedule and Rate Components
Hedge Cover - Common Profile
Hedge Cover - SA Type
Hedge Cover - Start Option
Hedge Cover - Service Agreements
Hedge Cover - Typical Business Flow

Hedge Cover - Bill Factors

Strike Price
Set up a bill factor for the Strike Price. On the bill factor indicate that it:

Has a bill factor type of Interval.

Uses an appropriate characteristic. For the purposes of this example, lets assume that the
strike price does not vary by any characteristic and set the value to N/A.

Has a value type of Unit Rate.

Should generate an error if it finds no value.

Set up characteristics for the Strike Price bill factor. On the characteristic indicate:

Minutes Per Interval of 30 minutes.

External ID, if applicable, for use by an interface that populates the interval data.

Populate the interval value sets and interval values for the Strike Price bill factor. These values
will probably be determined at the time the contract is negotiated. However, they will probably
not be entered manually. Rather, your implementers provide an interface that populates this data
from an external source. Refer to Upload Interval Values for information about how this interface
should work.
Market Price
Set up a bill factor for the Market Price. On the bill factor indicate that it:

Has a bill factor type of Interval.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Uses an appropriate characteristic. For the purposes of this example, lets assume that the
market price does not vary by any characteristic and set the value to N/A.

Has a value type of Unit Rate.

Should generate an error if it finds no value.

Set up characteristics for the Market Price bill factor. On the characteristic indicate:

Minutes Per Interval of 30 minutes.

External ID for use by the interface that populates the interval data.

Set up the interface that periodically populates the interval value sets and interval values for the
Market Price bill factor. These values are received from an external source and are uploaded via
an interface provided by the implementers. Refer to Upload Interval Values for information about
how this interface should work.

Hedge Cover - Profile Relationship Types

Set up Profile Relationship Types for the following interval profile curves:

Hedge Cover (HEDGE)

Measured usage (MEASUSAGE)

Difference between Measured and Hedge (OVRUNDHDG)

Later we will populate the valid profile types for each relationship type.

Hedge Cover - Profile Types

Create Profile Types
Set up a Profile Type HEDGE30 for the Hedge Cover, with the following attributes:

Subtype is Common

Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes

Specify an appropriate UOM/SQI

Set up a Profile Type MEAS30 for the Measured Usage, with the following attributes:

Subtype is SA Owned

Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes

Specify an appropriate UOM/SQI

Set up a Profile Type OVRUND30 for the Difference between Measured and Hedge, with the
following attributes:

Subtype is SA Owned

Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes

Specify an appropriate UOM/SQI


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Profile Algorithm Type is Creation with an appropriate creation algorithm. The algorithm type
IPFCSACS (supplied with the product) adds or subtracts two curves. The new algorithm
should set up the two source Relationship Type parameters as HEDGE and MEASUSAGE
and should indicate for the Add/Subtract parameter.

Update Profile Relationship Types

Now that you have created profile types, go back to each profile relationship type and link the
appropriate profile type as valid.

Hedge Cover - Rate Schedule and Rate Components

Create a Rate Schedule for your rate.
For the rate components, lets assume the charges are as follows:

A bill line with the charges for the hedge cover at the strike price

A bill line showing the measured usage over the hedge cover at the market price

A bill line showing the measured usage under the hedge cover at the market price

Note that this rate may contain other charges that are not illustrated here.
The above line items require algorithms to perform the interval pricing calculations. The product
is shipped with the algorithm type RCIPRS, which applies an interval pricing curve to an interval
profile curve assuming that the interval size is the same.
Seq #





Bill Factor



Hedge cover at the

strike price


Algorithm to apply prices to

an interval profile curve

Strike Price



Measured usage
over hedge at
market price


Algorithm that applies

prices to positive values in
an interval profile curve
(data does not need to be

Market Price



Measured usage
under hedge at
market price


Algorithm that applies

prices to negative values in
an interval profile curve
(data does not need to be

Market Price

Hedge Cover - Common Profile

Create the common profile that contains the hedge cover data. On the common profile,

Interval profile type of HEDGE30

External ID, if applicable, for use by an interface that populates the interval data.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Populate the interval profile sets and interval profile data for the hedge cover. These values are
probably determined at the time the contract is negotiated. However, they will probably not be
entered manually. Rather, your implementers provide an interface that populates this data from
an external source. Refer to Upload Interval Data for information about how this interface should

Hedge Cover - SA Type

Determine the SA Type that is used by customers who opt for the hedge cover rate. It may be
necessary to set up a new SA type. The SA type chosen must include the following:

The rate defined above must be linked to the SA type as one of the valid rates.

The three profile relationship types defined above must be linked to the SA type as valid
profile relationship types.

Hedge Cover - Start Option

Create a start option for your SA type. It should set up the hedge cover scenario for a CSR.

Set the rate for this start option to the hedge cover rate

Set the default interval profile information as shown in the table below
Profile Relationship Type

Profile Type


Link the profile created
above for the hedge cover





Hedge Cover - Service Agreements

When starting service for a customer, choose the appropriate SA Type and start option. Upon
creation of the SA, the following occurs:

The appropriate rate is linked.

The common profile created above is linked to the SA.

Two new SA owned profiles are created for the SA using the profile types defined in the start
option for measured usage and amount over/under the hedge.

Hedge Cover - Typical Business Flow

Once all the control table data is set and a customers service agreement has been activated,
here is what typically happens in the course of a month:

Market prices are received periodically and interfaced into the system.

The customers measured data is received periodically and interfaced into the system.

The data derivation background process runs periodically and creates new over under
hedge data.

When billing executes, it bills the hedge cover and over under hedge data according to the
rate algorithms.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Tunnel Option
Lets build on the hedge example. For this example, rather than comparing the measured usage
to a single reference curve, the usage will be compared to a range of values at each interval to
see if it falls within the range or outside the range. This is sometimes known as a tunnel option
or a hedge option with flex parameters.
Assume that the interval rate for this option has the following conditions.

For each interval, if the measured usage falls WITHIN the tunnel, the measured amount will
be priced at a fixed price.

For each interval, if the measured usage falls BELOW the LOW tunnel value, the customer
will pay the low tunnel value at the fixed price AND will receive a credit for the difference
between the low value and the measured amount at a market price.

For each interval, if the measured usage falls ABOVE the HIGH tunnel value, the customer
will pay the high tunnel value at the fixed price AND will pay for the measured amount over
the high tunnel value at a market price.

Before we start looking at the data setup, lets talk about how the tunnel will be defined. In most
cases, each customer does NOT have their own high and low tunnel curves defined. Instead,
customer has a reference curve (also called hedge cover) and the high and low values are
defined as standard values for your company. These are percentages.
In this example, we assume that the actual usage, the hedge cover, the strike price and the
market price are all interval curves with the same interval size.
Tunnel Option - Bill Factors
Tunnel Option - Profile Relationship Types
Tunnel Option - Profile Types
Tunnel Option - Data Derivation Algorithm
Tunnel Option - Rate Schedule and Rate Components
Tunnel Option - Common Profile
Tunnel Option - SA Type
Tunnel Option - Start Option
Tunnel Option - Service Agreements
Tunnel Option - Typical Business Flow

Tunnel Option - Bill Factors

This example uses the same bill factors for prices as the simple Hedge Cover example. It has a
Strike Price bill factor and a Market price bill factor. Refer to Hedge Cover - Bill Factors for more
Tunnel Percentages
We will also use bill factors to define the tunnel percentages. The easiest thing to do is create a
separate bill factor for the High Tunnel Percentage and the Low Tunnel Percentage. These will
be simple bill factors with a characteristic of N/A.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Tunnel Option - Profile Relationship Types

This scenario is similar to the simple Hedge Cover scenario. We still need Profile Relationship
Types for the following interval profile curves:

Hedge Cover (HEDGE)

Measured usage (MEASUSAGE)

However, instead of a curve that contains the difference between Measured and Hedge, we need
the following profile relationship types:

Amount of Measured Usage that falls within the Tunnel (INTUNNEL)

Amount of Measured Usage that does not fall within the Tunnel (OUTTUNNEL)

Later we will populate the valid profile types for each relationship type.

Tunnel Option - Profile Types

Create Profile Types
This example will use the HEDGE30 and MEAS30 Profile Types that were created for the simple
Hedge Cover example.
Instead of the profile type for the Difference between Measured and Hedge, this example needs
the following profile types.
Set up a Profile Type INTUN30 for the Amount of Measured Usage that Falls Within the Tunnel,
with the following attributes:

Subtype is SA Owned

Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes

Specify an appropriate UOM/SQI

Profile Algorithm Type is Creation with an appropriate creation algorithm. A new algorithm
type will need to be created by the implementers. See Tunnel Option - Data Derivation
Algorithm for information about this algorithm.

Set up a Profile Type OUTTUN30 for the Amount of Measured Usage that Falls Outside the
Tunnel, with the following attributes:

Subtype is SA Owned

Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes

Specify an appropriate UOM/SQI

Note. Although this is a derived curve, it does not have its own data derivation algorithm.
Instead, the algorithm linked to the INTUN30 profile type populates this curve because the
calculations for both derived curves can be done with one algorithm.

Update Profile Relationship Types

Now that you have created profile types, go back to each profile relationship type and link the
appropriate profile type as valid.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Interval Billing Business Processes

Tunnel Option - Data Derivation Algorithm

It will perform the following functionality:

It should define two parameters for the source curves, one for the profile relationship type
representing the hedge cover (or reference curve) and one for the profile relationship type
representing the measured usage.

It should define two parameters for the bill factors for the high and low tunnel percentages.

It should define a parameter for the profile relationship type for the destination curve of the
data that falls outside the tunnel.

This algorithm retrieves the hedge cover data. For each interval, it calculates the tunnel by
applying the high and low tunnel percentages to the hedge cover value for that interval. It
then compares the measured data for that interval.

If the measured data falls within the tunnel, it populates the Within Tunnel curve with the
measured value. (The within tunnel curve is the one with a profile type that contains this

If the measured data falls below the tunnel, it populates the Within Tunnel curve with the
low tunnel value and populates the Outside the Tunnel curve (based on the parameter
passed in to this algorithm) with the difference between the low tunnel value and the
measured usage.

If the measured data falls above the tunnel, it populates the Within Tunnel curve with the
high tunnel value and populates the Outside the Tunnel curve with the difference between
the measured usage and the high tunnel value.

Tunnel Option - Rate Schedule and Rate Components

Create a rate schedule for your rate.
For the rate components, lets assume the charges are as follows:

A bill line with the charges for the within the tunnel data at the strike price

A bill line with the charges for the outside the tunnel data at the market price

Note that this rate may contain other charges that are not illustrated here.
The above line items require algorithms to perform the interval pricing calculations. The product
is shipped with the algorithm type RCIPRS, which applies an interval pricing curve to an interval
profile curve, assuming that the interval size is the same.
Seq #





Bill Factor



Within Tunnel data

at strike price


Algorithm to apply prices to

an interval profile curve

Strike Price



Outside Tunnel
data at market


Algorithm that applies

prices to an interval profile
curve (data does not need
to be continuous)

Market Price

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Interval Billing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Tunnel Option - Common Profile

Create the common profile that contains the hedge cover data. If applicable, the curve created in
the Hedge Cover example may be reused. Otherwise, refer to Hedge Cover Common Profile
for information on how to create a common profile.

Tunnel Option - SA Type

Determine the SA type that is used by customers who opt for the tunnel rate. It is possible that
the SA type used in the simple Hedge Cover example may be reused. Or it is possible that you
want to set up a new SA type.
The SA type chosen must include the following:

The rate defined above must be linked to the SA type as one of the valid rates.

The four profile relationship types defined above must be linked to the SA type as valid profile
relationship types. (If you reuse the same SA type from the Hedge Cover example, only the
two new profile relationship types, INTUNNEL and OUTTUNNEL, need to be linked at this

Tunnel Option - Start Option

Create a new start option for your SA type that sets up the tunnel option scenario for a CSR.

Set the rate for this start option to the hedge cover with tunnel option rate.

Set the default interval profile information as shown in the table below.
Profile Relationship Type

Profile Type


Link the profile created
above for the hedge cover







Tunnel Option - Service Agreements

When starting service for a customer, choose the appropriate SA type and start option. Upon
creation of the SA, the following occurs:

The appropriate rate is linked.

The common profile created above is linked to the SA.

Three new SA owned profiles are created for the SA using the profile types defined in the
start option for measured usage, inside tunnel and outside tunnel.

Tunnel Option - Typical Business Flow

Once all the control table data is set and a customers service agreement has been activated,
here is what typically happens in the course of a month:

Market prices are received periodically and interfaced into the system.

The customers measured data is received periodically and interfaced into the system.


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Interval Billing Business Processes

The data derivation background process runs periodically and creates new within tunnel
and outside tunnel data.

When billing executes, it bills the within tunnel data and outside tunnel data according to
the rate algorithms.

Override Maps
Assume that you have contracts with customers where the standard TOU map is overridden on
certain days, for example, for interruptions. The customer is informed of these interruptions
ahead of time so that they can plan their usage accordingly. Lets assume that the price for
usage during these interruption days is more than the standard TOU Price.
Lets assume that the contract identifies the following time period definitions
Time Period




On Peak, Summer


The TOU for the standard map for May through September,
inclusive for the times 08:00 through 16:59


Off Peak, Summer


The TOU for the standard map for May through September,
inclusive for the times 00:00 through 07:59 and 17:00 through


On Peak, Winter


The TOU for the standard map for October through April,
inclusive for the times 08:00 through 16:59


Off Peak, Winter


The TOU for the standard map for October through April,
inclusive for the times 00:00 through 07:59 and 17:00 through


Interruption, On


The TOU for the interruption period. This is not season

dependant and covers the times 07:00 through 17:59.


Interruption, Off


The TOU for the interruption period. This is not season

dependant and covers the times 00:00 through 06:59 and 18:00
through 23:59.


As you can see, the contract is set up to designate that on these special interruption days, the
definition of on peak changes to include two extra hours, and the price per TOU is higher than on
the standard days.
Override Maps - TOU Codes and TOU Group
Override Maps - Rates and Bill Factors
Override Maps - Profile Relationship Type and Profile Type
Override Maps - Contract Option Types and Contract Option Event Types
Override Maps - Map Relationship Type and Map Type
Override Maps - TOU Map Templates
Override Maps - SA Characteristic
Override Maps - TOU Data Creation Algorithm
Override Maps - SA Type
Override Maps - Start Option
Override Maps - Service Agreements
Override Maps - TOU Map Data

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Override Maps - Typical Business Flow

Override Maps - TOU Codes and TOU Group

You need to create TOU codes for all the TOUs defined above. Once these are defined, you
need to set up a TOU group and link all the above TOUs to this group. For this example, lets call

Override Maps - Rates and Bill Factors

You need to set up your rate schedule and bill factors needed to handle the TOU pricing for all
the TOUs in your TOU group, including the prices for the override TOUs. Refer to Designing
Your Time Of Use Rate Components for more information.

Override Maps - Profile Relationship Type and Profile Type

You need to set up a profile relationship type and a profile type for your measured usage. Lets
assume that we have the same control data as that which was used in the hedge cover example.

Override Maps - Contract Option Types and Contract Option Event Types
You need to define a contract option type and event types for the interruption periods.
Create a Contract Option Type for the interruptions. Call it INTERRUPT. This contract option
type has no special characteristic values.
Create a Contract Option Event Type to define the possible type of interruption events. In this
example, lets assume that there is only one type of interruption. Call the event type
INTERRUPT. This contract option event type has no special characteristic values.

Override Maps - Map Relationship Type and Map Type

You need to define a map relationship type and map type for TOU map.
For this example, create a generic Map Relationship Type of MEASUSAGE.
Create a map type that is used for customers using the contract defined above with possible
overrides. Call it INTRPT30. Define the other attributes as follows:


Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes

Algorithm Type is Creation with an appropriate creation algorithm. A new algorithm type
needs to be created by the implementers. Refer to Override Maps - TOU Data Creation
Algorithm for information about this algorithm.

Once you have created the map type, go back to the map relationship type and update its valid
map types list to include the new map type.

Override Maps - TOU Map Templates

Create a series of TOU map templates for the standard time periods and create a special TOU
map template to use for the interruptions.


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Interval Billing Business Processes

Override Maps - SA Characteristic

The TOU map creation algorithm needs to know the correct TOU map template to use to
generate TOU data when the interruption occurs. Our algorithm assumes that the TOU map
template is defined as a characteristic on the service agreement.
Create a foreign key reference for the TOU map template.
Create a new Char type with the following attributes:

Type is FK Reference

FK reference code is the one created above for TOU map template

Char Entity is Service Agreement

Override Maps - TOU Data Creation Algorithm

The TOU map creation algorithm needs to know the correct TOU map template to use to
generate TOU data when the interruption occurs. Our algorithm assumes that the TOU map
template is defined as a characteristic on the service agreement.
This algorithm performs the following:

It should define a parameter of Contract Option Type to indicate the type of contract options
whose events should trigger an override interruption TOU map. It should also define a
parameter of Char Type that indicates the characteristic type used for TOU map templates.

It looks for frozen contract option events for the input Contract Option Type effective during
the creation time period.

It also looks for canceled contract option events and attempt to undo their effect.

It finds a characteristic on the service agreement, whose type matches the input Char Type
parameter. It verifies that this is a valid TOU map template.

It generates a new data set for the TOU map for the time period defined by the contract
option events using the TOU map template.

Override Maps - SA Type

Determine the SA type that is used by customers with this option. It may be necessary to set up
a new SA type. The SA type chosen must include the following:

The rate defined above must be linked to the SA type as one of the valid rates.

The MEASUSAGE profile relationship type defined above must be linked to the SA type as a
valid profile relationship type.

The MEASUSAGE map relationship type defined above must be linked to the SA type as a
valid map relationship type.

The INTERRUPT contract option type defined above must be linked to the SA type as a valid
contract option type.

Override Maps - Start Option

Create a start option for your SA type that sets up the override map scenario for a CSR.

Set the rate for this start option to the appropriate rate.

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In the characteristics collection, indicate the Char Type you defined for TOU map templates
and choose the interruptions TOU map template that you created.

Set the default interval profile, map and contract option information as shown in the tables
Profile Relationship Type

Profile Type



Map Relationship Type






Contract Option Type

Contract Option


Note. In this option, there are no common profiles or maps.

Override Maps - Service Agreements

When starting service for a customer, choose the appropriate SA type and start option. Upon
creation of the SA, the following occurs:

The appropriate rate is linked.

The TOU map template for interruptions is linked as a characteristic to the service

A new SA Owned profile is created for the SA, using the profile type defined in the start
option for measured usage.

A new SA Owned TOU map is created for the SA, using the map type defined in the start

A new SA specific contract option is created for the SA, using the contract option type defined
in the start option for interruptions.

Override Maps - TOU Map Data

The standard TOU map data must be set up at the beginning of the contract period. A user
should go to the TOU Map Maintenance page and use the Generate button to indicate the
appropriate TOU map templates to use for the standard data.

Override Maps - Typical Business Flow

Once all the control table data is set and the customers service agreement has been activated
and the standard TOU map data for the customer has been generated, here is what typically
happens in the course of a month:


The customers measured data is received periodically and interfaced into the system.

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Interval Billing Business Processes

If any special override days occur, a new contract option event is created for the contract

The TOU map creation algorithm runs periodically and it generates new TOU data sets with
the TOU Codes and time period definitions as defined above for the interruption days.

When billing executes, the TOU Mapping, done during rate application, obtains the most up
to date TOU map data for each interval. This way, if any special interruption data exists, the
measured usage for that day is mapped correctly into the interruption TOUs. Otherwise, the
data is mapped to the standard TOUs.

The correct prices for each time of use period are applied.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


In this section, we describe how to manage your customers statements.
The Big Picture of Complex Statements
Statement Construct Maintenance
Statement Maintenance

The Big Picture of Complex Statements

Statements allow you to set up a person to receive a consolidated report of the financial activity
for one or more accounts and/or service agreements. This allows you to model complex account
scenarios, including the following examples.

Satellite offices for a company are each responsible for paying their own bill, but the head
office would like a consolidated report of the bills for all the satellite offices once a month. In
this case, each satellite office is set up as an account covering the services for their office.
The head office does not want to receive individual copies of each bill, but rather a
consolidated report of the financial activity for all the offices.

Person: Head Office
Date: 2-Feb-00

SA: Electric

Account: New York

Date: 21-Jan-00

SA: Gas

72 Market Street
San Fran., CA













SA: Gas

16 Oak Street
New York, NY

SA: Electric

72 Market Street
San Fran., CA


Account: San Fran.
Date: 1-Jan-00



Purch Cost




Adj: Late Pay


16 Oak Street
New York, NY


Purch Cost




Adj: Late Pay


The head office is responsible for paying the bill. The satellite offices should receive a copy
of only their portion of the bill. In this case, a service agreement is set up for each satellite
office under the head offices account. Each satellite office should receive a copy of the bill
segment information for their offices service agreement.

Statement Business Processes

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Account: Head Office

Date: 2-Feb-00

Person: New York
Date: 21-Jan-00

Person: San Fran.

Date: 1-Jan-00

SA: Electric

SA: Electric

72 Market Street
San Fran., CA

72 Market Street
San Fran., CA













SA: Gas
SA: Gas

16 Oak Street
New York, NY

16 Oak Street
New York, NY



Purch Cost






Purch Cost




Adj: Late Pay

Adj: Late Pay


The head office is responsible for paying the bill. Multiple departments need to see copies of
the electric portion of the bill. As illustrated by this scenario, a service agreement or account
may appear on many statements.

Account: Head Office
Date: 2-Feb-00

SA: Electric

Person: Electric
Date: 21-Jan-00

SA: Electric
72 Market Street
San Fran., CA


72 Market Street
San Fran., CA






Person: San Fran.

Date: 1-Jan-00

SA: Electric
72 Market Street
San Fran., CA













The topics in this section provide additional information about how to set up statements.
Constructing Statements
Producing Statements
Printing Statements

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Statement Business Processes

Constructing Statements
Statements are produced for a person. Each statement contains the financial transactions for
one or more service agreements. The service agreements may belong to any number of
accounts. Over time, a person may receive many statements.
When setting up a person to receive statements, its important to note that a person can receive
different statements for different groupings of service agreements. For example, the head office
may want a statement of the financial details for the western division offices separately from the
eastern division offices.
For each separate statement a person wishes to receive, you will set up a statement construct.
On the statement construct, you define the service agreements and/or accounts whose financial
information should appear on the statement. If you specify an account on a statement construct,
billing information for all the service agreements linked to the account will be included on the
statement. The superset of service agreements and accounts defined on a statement construct
are called the construct details.
Refer to Statement Construct Maintenance for more information.

Producing Statements
Statement Cycles
Create Statements Background Process
Statement Routing
Where Are Statements Sent
On-line Statement Production
How to Regenerate a Specific Statement

Statement Cycles
The accounts and service agreements linked to a statement construct may have different bill
cycles and as a result, their bills are produced on different dates. So when should a statement
containing the consolidation of all this financial information be produced? To answer this
question, there is a statement cycle.
Just as with a bill cycle, the statement cycle has a schedule. A statement cycles schedule
controls when a statement should be produced. Each statement construct will point to its own
statement cycle.
Refer to Statement Construct Maintenance and Statement Cycle for more information.

Create Statements Background Process

This statement construction background process (known by the batch control ID of STMPRD) is
responsible for periodically creating statements. It works as follows:

All statement cycles are selected with pending schedules whose production date is on or
before the business date.

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Statement Business Processes

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For each such cycle, all of its statement constructs are selected. For each statement

If a statement already exists for the cycle schedule and construct, it is deleted (this allows
for reproduction after a mess up). Note well, this is true even if the statement is printed
as you may have only spotted the problem after viewing the printed statement.

A statement is created.

All SAs associated with the construct details effective on the business date are

All SA snapshots associated with bills whose BILL DATE is within the construct details
start and end dates that are not already linked to one of the construct's statements are
linked to the new statement. Note, an SA snapshot is created for every service
agreement linked to an account when a bill is completed for an account.

If no SA snapshots are found, the statement is removed.

Note. The following diagram illustrates how the above logic could result in multiple bills for a
single service agreement being linked to the same statement.
Bill for San Fran
Electric is produced
on 1-Jan-00


Bill for San Fran

Electric is produced
on 1-Feb-00


Account: San Fran.

Date: 1-Jan-00


Account: San Fran.

Date: 1-Feb-00

Person: Head Office

Date: 2-Feb-00

SA: 123 / 1-Jan-00

SA: 123 / 1-Feb-00

72 Market Street
San Fran., CA

72 Market Street
San Fran., CA













Notice, two bills for the same

SA are produced before the
statement is produced

Statement is
produced for head

SA: 123 / 1-Jan-00

72 Market Street
San Fran., CA
SA: 123 / 1-Feb-00
72 Market Street
San Fran., CA






Refer to Statement Maintenance for more information about a statement and its details.

This process is rerunnable. If a problem occurred during the statement creation, simply run the
background process again. It will clean up all existing statements for each construct in the
current cycle schedule and start again.

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Statement Business Processes

Refer to Printing Statements for more information for how a separate background process uses
the information snapshot on a statement to construct the extract file used to print the statements.

Statement Routing
Just as with bills, statements require routing information in order for the system to understand
how and where to send the statements. For example, the system needs to know the method of
routing, the number of copies and the format of the statement. This information is captured on a
statement construct.

Where Are Statements Sent

The system extracts a statements address as per its statement constructs address source.
Note, if the address source is Person and the person has a seasonal address effective on the
business date, the seasonal address will be used.
If you need to reprint a statement because it was addressed incorrectly, correct the persons
address, and then reprint the statement (by pressing the Reprint button on the statement). When
you press this button, the statement will be marked for downloading. When your download
process next runs, it simply extracts the statement constructs current address.

On-line Statement Production

Statements may be produced on-line as well as in batch. To produce a statement on-line, simply
go to the Statement page, select the correct Construct ID and choose the Generate button.
This statement will include the financial information related to bills for the accounts and service
agreements linked to this construct, with the following criteria:

The bills do not already appear on a statement

The bill dates fall within the effective period for the statement construct. In other words, the
bill falls within the start and end period for the statement construct details.

Refer to Statement Maintenance for more information.

How to Regenerate a Specific Statement

There may be times when a specific statement needs to be regenerated. For example, perhaps a
cancel / rebill has occurred since the statement was produced, and you wish to recreate the
statement to reflect this.
If you need to regenerate a statement using up-to-date information, simply delete the statement
and generate a new statement. This may be done on-line.
Note. Statements may be deleted, even if they have already been printed. This enables you to
delete and regenerate statements.

Refer to Statement Maintenance for more information.

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Statement Business Processes

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Printing Statements
The contents of this section describe the technical implementation of printing statements.
Statement Route Types Control The Information Merged Onto Statements
Technical Implementation Of Online Statement Image
Technical Implementation Of Printing Statements In Batch
Reproducing The Statement Print Flat File
How To Reprint A Specific Statement
The Doc 1 Records

Statement Route Types Control The Information Merged Onto Statements

Every statement references a statement route type. The route type controls the following
statement print functions:

It contains an algorithm that is responsible for extracting the information merged onto your
statements. Specifically, algorithms of this type create the flat file records that are passed
to your statement print software. Algorithms of this type are called under the following

The background process that builds the flat file thats passed to your statement print
software calls these algorithms to construct the flat file records for each statement.

If your statement print software has the ability to construct a real-time image of a
statement (in a PDF), you can plug-in an Online Statement Image algorithm on the
Installation Record. This type of algorithm will call the statements dispatch group extract
algorithm to extract the information that is merged onto the statement. Refer to Technical
Implementation Of Online Statement Image for the details.

Refer to The Doc 1 Records for examples of the record layouts passed to the Doc 1 print

It contains the ID of the background process that builds the flat file thats passed to your
statement print software. The base package example of this process (known by the batch
control ID of STMDWLD) simply calls each statements constructs route types extract
algorithm to format the information placed onto the flat file.

Technical Implementation Of Online Statement Image

Users can view an image of any statement if you setup the following:

Plug-in an Online Statement Image construction algorithm on the Installation Record. Refer
to ONSD-ST for an example of such an algorithm. Note, if your statement print software is
not capable of producing a PDF containing an image of a statement, users will not be able to
view images of statements.

Plug-in the appropriate extract algorithm on each statement route type. Algorithms of this
type format the records that contain the information that is passed to your printing software.
Refer to STEX-TX for an example of such an algorithm.

When you plug-in these algorithms, a button appears on Statement - Main. When a user presses
this button, the following takes place:

The installation records Online Statement Image construction algorithm is executed.

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Statement Business Processes

This algorithm calls the statements route types extract algorithm. This algorithm constructs
the information thats merged onto the statement and returns it to the Online Statement
Image algorithm. This algorithm, in turn, passes it to your statement print software.

Your statement print software renders an image of the statement in a PDF and returns it to
the Online Statement Image algorithm.

And finally, the Online Statement Image algorithm displays the PDF in a separate Adobe

Technical Implementation Of Printing Statements In Batch

The batch process that extracts statement information (known by the batch control ID of
STMDWLD) reads all statements in a given run number that are marked with its batch control ID.
For each statement, it creates numerous records on a flat file. These records contain the
information that is merged onto your statements.
The base package example of this process (known by the batch control ID of STMDWLD) simply
calls the extract algorithm on the statement route type to format the information placed onto the
flat file. Refer to Statement Route Types Control The Information On Statements for more
If your software doesn't support online statement images. The algorithm that formats
statement extract records that's plugged in on statement route type serves two purposes: 1) it
formats the records used to construct online images of a statement, and 2) it formats the records
downloaded to your statement print software in batch. If your statement print software does not
support the rendering of statement images real time, there is no need to create an extract
algorithm. Rather, you should simply develop your own download process that both formats the
extract records and downloads them (and then specify this batch process on your statement route

Reproducing The Statement Print Flat File

You can reproduce the flat file at any time. Simply request the STMDWLD process and specify
the run number associated with the historic run.

How To Reprint A Specific Statement

If you need to reprint a specific statement, navigate to Statement Main and press the Reprint
If your implementation has enabled the online creation of statement images, you can also press
the Display Statement button on this page and then print the resultant PDF on your local printer.

The Doc 1 Records

Numerous different types of records are interfaced to the Doc 1 software. However, they all
share a common structure:

The first 4 bytes are called the Printer Key. This field is a record type used by the Doc 1
statement template.

The next 186 bytes are called the Sort Key. This field is used to ensure the various records
used to construct a printed statement appear in the correct order in the interface file.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Statement Business Processes

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The next 12 bytes are called the Mailing Key. This field is used to control the order in which
the formatted statements are printed.

The remaining bytes contain the Statement Information that appears on the printed
statement. The type of information differs for each type of record.

The topics in this section describe each component.

Printer Keys (Record Types)
Sort Key
Mailing Key
Statement Information

Printer Keys (Record Types)

The following table defines each printer key (i.e., record type) on the statement print flat file.
d Type



Global extract information


Required. 1 per flat file.

Statement record

Required. 1 per


Total by currency record

Required. At least one

per statement.


Construct detail record

Required. At least one

per construct detail linked
to the statement construct.


Service agreement record


1 per SA

Bill record


1 per bill

Financial Transaction (FT) record


End of record type 1100


1 for each bill

End of record type 0900


1 for each SA

End of record type 0500


1 per FT linked to the SA.

1 for each statement

construct detail

End of record type 0100

1 for each Statement

Sort Key
The following table defines the structure of the sort key that appears on each statement print
record. Please note that different components are filled in for each printer key.
Field Name


Record Type


Statement ID



Prime key of the statement

Sequence Number



Set to 1

Copy Number



Defaulted to 1 on the first copy, set to 1

when a statement is requested on-line

Statement record group




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Construct detail sort sequence 1

Construct detail sort sequence 2

Premise Indicator

Premise State

Premise City

Premise Address 1

Premise Id

SA Print Priority











2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Statement Business Processes





0500, 0900, 1100,

1300, 3600, 3700, 5000




0010, 0100, 0120, 9999


0500, 0900, 1100,

1300, 3600, 3700, 5000

Statement constructs PRT_SEQ

0010, 0100, 0120, 9999


0500, 0900, 1100,

1300, 3600, 3700, 5000

Statement constructs STM_CNST_DTL_ID

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 9999



0900, 1100, 1300,

3600, 3700

For a non-premise, this will be N otherwise Y

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 5000, 9999


0900, 1100, 1300,

3600, 3700

Premises state (if this is for a non-premise,

this will be blank)

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 5000, 9999


0900, 1100, 1300,

3600, 3700,

Premises city (if this is for a non-premise, this

will be blank)

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 5000, 9999


0900, 1100, 1300,

3600, 3700

Premises address line 1(if this is for a nonpremise, this will be blank)

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 5000, 9999


0900, 1100, 1300,

3600, 3700

Premises ID (if this is for a non-premise, this

will be blank)

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 5000, 9999


0900, 1100, 1300,

3600, 3700

The SAs SA types print priority

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 5000, 9999


0900, 1100, 1300,


Statement Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

3600, 3700
SA record group

Bill Date

Bill Id

Bill record group





0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 5000, 9999




1100, 1300, 3600




0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 0900, 3700,
5000, 9999


1100, 1300, 3600

Bills bill date in the format YYYYMMDD.

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 0900, 3700,
5000, 9999


1100, 1300, 3600

Bills bill id

0010, 0100, 0120,

0500, 0900, 3700,
5000, 9999








Mailing Key
The following table defines the structure of the mailing key that appears on each statement print
Field Name



Postal code


This is the postal code on address associated with the


Statement Information
The topics in this section describe the information that appears on each on each statement print
Global Extract Information Record (0010)
Statement Record (0100)
Total By Currency Record (0120)
Statement Construct Detail Record (0500)
Service Agreement Record (0900)
Bill Record (1100)
Financial Transaction (FT) Record (1300)
End Bill Record (3600)
End Service Agreement Record (3700)
End Statement Construct Detail Record (5000)
End Statement Record (9999)


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

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Statement Business Processes

Address Sub-record

Global Extract Information Record (0010)

Field Name





Batch Control Code of the extract process.



Batch Number of the extract process



Batch Rerun number of the extract process.



Count of statements on this extract. Multiple copies of a statement are

counted multiple as well.



System time of extraction. Formatted according to user profile.



This is only used when a statement is produced as a result of an online

request (from Statement Main). It contains the Statement Id to extract.



This is only used when a statement is produced as a result of an online

request (from Statement Main). It contains the Statement Id to extract.



This field is only used if statements are extracted in batch. It contains

the thread number in which the statement was extracted.



This field is only used if statements are extracted in batch. It contains

the total number of threads that were extracted.



Defaulted to Y

Statement Record (0100)

Field Name











STM_DT from CI_STM. Formatted according to user profile.







Main name of CI_PER (from CI_PER_NAME).



Address where the statement should be sent (the address is defined

on the statements statement construct).













Total By Currency Record (0120)

One total record will be created for each currency code associated with the FTs associated with
the SA snapshots linked to the statement.
Field Name





This is the currency code associated with the summary information.



This is the sum of CUR_AMT snapshot on the SA snapshots

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential


Statement Business Processes

Field Name

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing


(CI_BILL_SA) linked to the statement. SA snapshots (CI_BILL_SAs)
are referenced on CI_STM_DTL.



This is the sum of CUR_AMT from CI_FTs classified as corrections

and current charges on bills associated with the statement. Please
note, only those FTs associated with SAs linked to the statement will
be amalgamated. This is formatted according to users display profile.



This is the sum of CUR_AMT from CI_FTs classified as adjustments

on bills associated with the statement. Please note, only those FTs
associated with SAs linked to the statement will be amalgamated.
This is formatted according to users display profile.



This is the sum of CUR_AMT from CI_FTs classified as payments

on bills associated with the statement. Please note, only those FTs
associated with SAs linked to the statement will be amalgamated.
This is formatted according to users display profile.

Statement Construct Detail Record (0500)

Field Name






SA / Account Indicator


A switch to indicate if the statement construct is for a service

agreement of an account. S for service agreement, A for account.

Unique ID


The unique identifier of the account or service agreement

SA / Account Info


Contains the standard information about the account or service





Service Agreement Record (0900)

Field Name






Address Information


This is the standard format of a premise address that is displayed

throughout the system.

SA Information


This is the standard SA information that is displayed throughout the





Bill Record (1100)

Field Name





Completion Date


Date formatted according to user profile.

Due Date


Date formatted according to user profile.

SA Ending Balance


FT Exist Indicator



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Statement Business Processes

Financial Transaction (FT) Record (1300)

Field Name








CI_FT (The date when the transaction starts aging).

Date formatted according to user profile.



CUR_AMT from CI_FT formatted according to user display profile.



Formatted FT information.

End Bill Record (3600)

Field Name
Dummy field



End Service Agreement Record (3700)

Field Name



Dummy field

End Statement Construct Detail Record (5000)

Field Name





Dummy field

End Statement Record (9999)

Field Name
Dummy field

Address Sub-record
The address sub-record that in statement record (0100) is composed of the following:
Field Name


























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Statement Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Field Name







Statement Construct Maintenance

The statement construct enables you to indicate the collection of accounts and/or service
agreements whose financial details should be consolidated for a statement to a given person.
The statement construct also contains routing information needed by the system to send the
statement to the person in the preferred manner.
Lifecycle of a Statement Construct
Statement Construct - Main
Statement Construct - Details

Lifecycle of a Statement Construct

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a statement construct.

Statement Construct Lifecycle




The statement construct will be in this status while a

person is actively receiving statements for the accounts
and service agreements linked to this construct. A
statement construct may transition from this status to


The statement construct will be in this status when a

person no longer wishes to receive statements for the
accounts and service agreements linked to this
construct. A statement construct may transition from this
status back to active.


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Statement Business Processes

Statement Construct - Main

Open this page using Customer Information, Statement Construct.
Description of Page
Statement Construct is a concatenation of summary information about this record. It is
composed of the name of the statement person, the print description and the status.
Statement Construct ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this statement construct.
Person ID is the person who receives the future statements.
Note. A person may be linked to many statement construct records.
Status indicates whether or not this person is currently receiving statements. The values are
Active and Inactive.
Refer to Lifecycle of a Statement Construct for more information.
Address Source indicates where the source of the statements address. The values are Person
and Mailing Premise. If the value is person, the persons mailing address is used. If the value is
mailing premise, indicate the Mailing Premise to use.
Statement Cycle controls when statements are produced for this statement construct. Refer to
Statement Cycle for a description of how the production schedule is maintained.
Statement Route Type controls how the statement is routed to the Person (e.g., via email,
postal service, EDI, etc.). Refer to Statement Route Type for more information on setting up
statement route types.
Number of Copies indicates how many copies of the statement the person wishes to receive.
Statement Format indicates if the person receives a Detailed or a Summary statement.
Note. The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. The values need to
match the formats supported by your statement print software. This field name is
Print Description is a brief description that can be printed on the statement.
The tree shows the statement constructs details. The nodes expand to show account, premise
and service agreement information for the construct details.
Large statement constructs. The tree is hard to use if the statement construct has many
details. In this situation, transfer to the adjacent tab page and use the filter to restrict the details
that are shown.

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Statement Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Statement Construct - Details

This page is used to maintain the accounts and service agreements where financial transactions
should appear on statements produced using this statement construct. Open this page using
Customer Information, Statement Construct, Details.
Description of Page
Statement Construct is a concatenation of summary information about this record. It is
composed of the name of the statement person, the print description and the status.
Statement Construct ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this statement construct.
If a statement construct has a large number of details, you can use the Details Filter to limit the
details that appear in the grid. The following options are available:

All. Use this option to view all details linked to the statement construct.

Person Name. Use this option to restrict details linked to accounts whose main customer
has a primary name that matches an input Name.

SAs at an Address. Use this option to only show details linked to service agreements that
are linked to service points associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. Note,
you can specify any combination of these fields.

Statement Print Description. Use this option to restrict details to those with a given

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the filter.
The grid contains the Accounts and/or Service Agreements whose financial information
contributes to this statement construct. Each record in the grid contains the following information:

Construct Detail Type defines if the construct detail is for an entire Account or a single
Service Agreement. This field is protected if a statement detail was produced using this

Service Agreement/Account identifies the account (for Account construct details) or the
service agreement (for Service Agreement) construct details. This field is protected if a
statement detail was produced using this construct.

Statement Print Description is available for use by the extract program to include on the
printed statements to help the recipient identify the details.

Print Order control where the financial transactions associated with the account / service
agreement appear on the printed statement.

Start Date is the date that this account / service agreements financial transactions should
begin appearing on statements.

End Date is the date that this account / service agreements financial transactions should
stop appearing on statements.

Note. Only financial transactions linked to bills whose BILL DATE is within the construct details
Start Date and End Dates will appear on statements.


Construct Detail ID is a system generated unique identifier of the construct detail.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Statement Business Processes

Statement Maintenance
Statements allow you to set up a Person to receive a consolidated report of the financial activity
for one or more accounts and/or service agreements. The topics in this section describe how to
maintain statements.
The system creates most statements behind-the-scenes. Most statements are created by the
system when it processes the statement cycle schedule. You should only have to access the
statement pages to regenerate a statement or to add a statement real-time. For information
about how the system creates statements, refer to The Statement Creation Background Process.

Lifecycle of a Statement
Statement - Main
Statement - Details

Lifecycle of a Statement
The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a statement.

Statement Lifecycle



A statement is created in this state and will remain in this

state until the statement details are extracted. When
that occurs, it will transition to printed.


A statement transitions to this state after the details of a

statement have been extracted.

Statement - Main
Open this page using Financial, Statement.

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Statement Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Correcting erroneous statements. Its important to be aware that there are very few fields that
are directly modifiable by a user. This is because a statement is a summary of financial
transactions. If you need to change information on a statement, you must change the source
information (e.g., change the statements construct or complete additional bills) and then
regenerate the statement. Refer to How To Regenerate A Statement for more information.

Description of Page
Statement is a concatenation of summary information about this record. It is composed of the
name of the statement person, the statement construct print description, the create date of the
statement and the statement status.
Statement ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this statement.
Indicate the Construct ID for the statement construct whose construct details should be included
in this statement.
Address is a display-only field that contains the address to which the statement will be sent.
The Statement Status indicates the current status of the statement. The values are Pending,
Refer to Lifecycle of a Statement for more information.
The Create Date indicates the date that this statement was created.
The Batch Control and Batch Number are the batch process and run in which the statement
was (or will be) sent to the recipient.
Refer to Printing Statements and to Statement Route Type for more information.
The Statement Action area contains buttons that you use to generate, reprint or delete a

The Generate button enables you to create a statement on-line. Refer to On-line Statement
Production for more information.

The Reprint button will stamp the latest run number for the statements batch control. This
will enable the statement to be reprinted the next time the batch control process executes.
Refer to How to Reprint A Specific Statement for more information.

The Delete button will remove the statement and its details from the database. Refer to How
to Regenerate a Specific Statement for more information.

The Display button will display an online image of the statement when pressed. Refer to
Online Statement Image for more information.

Note. You can only use the Display button if your system has been configured to display an online image; otherwise, a message indicating that the service is not available will appear. This
option can only be configured by your technical staff. Refer to Technical Implementation Of
Online Statement Image for more information.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Statement Business Processes

The bottom portion of this page is dedicated to a tree that shows the statement details. The
nodes expand to show every service agreement that will appear on the statement and the
financial details that will be swept onto the statement for each service agreement. You may
transfer to the details of any of the nodes by selecting that node. Context menus are also
available for various nodes to facilitate easy navigation to other pages.
Large statements. The tree will be hard to use if the statement has many service agreements
that contributed financial transactions to the statement. In this situation, transfer to the adjacent
tab page and use the filter to restrict the service agreements that are shown.

Statement - Details
This page is used to view the service agreements that contributed financial transactions to the
statement. Open this page using Financial, Statement and then navigate to the Details tab.
Description of Page
Statement is a concatenation of summary information about the statement. It is composed of the
name of the statement person, the statement construct print description, the create date of the
statement and the statement status.
Statement ID is this statements unique system-generated identifier.
If a statement has a large number of service agreements that contributed financial transactions to
the statement, you can use the SA Filter to limit the service agreements that appear in the grid.
The following options are available:

All. Use this option to view all service agreements that contributed financial transactions to
the statement.

Person Name. Use this option to only show service agreement linked to accounts whose
main customer has a primary name that matches Person Name.

SAs at an Address. Use this option to only show service agreements that are linked to
service points associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. Note, you can
specify any combination of these fields.

Statement Print Description. Use this option to only show service agreements associated
with a construct detail with a given Statement Print Description.

Dont forget to click the search button after changing the filter.
The grid contains service agreements that contributed financial transactions to the statement. If a
service agreements financial transactions appeared on multiple bills, a separate line is displayed
for each bill. You can press the go to button adjacent to Bill Due Date to be transferred to
Financial Transactions On A Bill where the individual financial transactions associated with the
associated service agreement and bill can be viewed. The following information is displayed in
the grid:

Statement Print Description is the description of the construct detail associated with the
service agreement.

Bills Due Date is the date of the bill on which the service agreements financial transactions
appear. Press the adjacent go to button to be transferred to Financial Transactions On A Bill
where the individual financial transactions can be viewed.

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Statement Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Premise Information describes the characteristic premise, if any, associated with the service

SA Information describes the service agreement that contributed financial transactions to

the statement.

Account Information describes the account associated with the service agreement whose
details appear on the statement.

Construct Detail ID is the unique identifier of the construct detail associated with the service

Statement Detail ID is the unique identifier of the statement detail on which the service
agreements financial transactions appear.


2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Sales & Marketing

The sales and marketing functionality satisfies many diverse requirements. For example, you can
use this functionality to:

Enroll new customers using a single transaction (i.e., you dont have to use the person,
premise, service point, and start / stop transactions to enroll a new customer who resides at a
new premise).

Sell new products to existing customers.

Update person, account and premise information using a single transaction.

Market your services to prospects from a marketing list (and measure the success of your
efforts). If the customer responds to your sales efforts, the system will automatically setup
the customer, premise and related service agreements.

Setup marketing surveys and record your customers responses.

Quickly create one-time charges.

Setup proposals for prospective services (and then send a quotation to the customer for
these services).

And more

The topics in this section provide more information about the sales and marketing functions.
The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders
The Big Picture Of Package Eligibility Rules
The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility Rules
Designing Campaigns and Packages
Other Useful Information
Maintaining Orders
Maintaining Campaigns
Maintaining Packages

The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and

Three objects are at the heart of the sales and marketing functionality: Campaigns, Packages,
and Orders.

A package defines a basket of goods and services that can be offered to a customer or a

A campaign is a structured effort to offer a given set of packages to existing customers or

new prospects.

An order is created for each customer / prospect to which a campaign is targeted.

The topics in this section provide background information about these objects.

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

An Overview of Campaigns, Packages and Orders

Supported Business Processes
Examples of Campaigns and Packages

An Overview of Campaigns, Packages and Orders

An order is used to define:

Demographic information about a customer / prospect.

Geographic information about the service address.

The customers response to eligibility-oriented questions. For example, you can pose
questions like: Who is your current energy service provider? / Would you like to pay
automatically? / What is your date of birth?

After the above information is defined, the order transaction presents packages that may be
offered to the customer. A package controls the various types of service agreements that will be
created if the customer selects the package.
The customer must be eligible for a package. When you setup a package, you define its
eligibility criteria. For example, you can setup a package that is only applicable to commercial
customers in Toronto who pay automatically and who commit to a one-year service contract.
If the customer elects to take a package, the order transaction sets up / updates the V (along
with all of the ancillary things that happen when service is initiated, e.g., field activities are
created). Please note that in addition to setting up the V, its also possible to populate / update
other information when a package is selected. For example, you could have the system setup
the customers automatic payment options.
An order can be completed without creating service agreements. It is possible to use the
order transaction to simply create / update persons and accounts. Refer to Marketing Surveys
and Setting up a New Customer Prior To Using Start/Stop for more information.
All orders must reference a campaign. An orders campaign defines:

How the campaigns orders use accounts and premises. For example, you can indicate that
a given campaign is only targeted at existing premises (thus preventing the creation of a new
premise when an order is completed).

The type of information defaulted onto an order. For example, you can setup a campaign to
default a given account management group on all orders linked to the campaign. This
account management group will subsequently default onto the new account when the order is

The validation rules that control how its orders use accounts and premises. Specifically, on a
campaign you define if an account / premise is required / optional / not allowed on its orders.
In addition, if an account / premise is required or optional, you can control whether new
accounts / premises can be created when an order is completed (the alternative is to force
each order to use an existing account / premise). These controls prevent the unwanted
proliferation of new accounts and premises for campaigns that are targeted at existing
accounts and premises.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

The eligibility-oriented questions that are posed to the customer when an order is taken. For
example, the questions indicated above Who is your current energy service provider? /
Would you like to pay automatically? / What is your date of birth? are all defined on the
orders campaign.

The superset of packages that can be offered to a customer whose order references this
campaign. An orders campaign defines the types of packages that may be selected.

In addition to the above, campaigns also control high-level eligibility rules and business
process flows.

Bottom line. Campaigns allow you to define a group of packages that a customer is eligible to
purchase. Every time a campaign is targeted at a customer, an Order is created. The
information entered on the order qualifies the customer for one of the campaigns packages. If a
customer elects to take a package, the V is setup / updated along with all of the ancillary things
that happen when service is initiated, e.g., field activities are created, workflow processes are
initiated, etc.

Supported Business Processes

Before providing examples of specific business processes, wed like to highlight that you have
control over some aspects of the user-interface flow (i.e., the screen navigation is not hardcoded). The following illustration highlights the potential user-interface flow:

ToDo List

You can navigate to the

Order page from many
places in the system

Control Central
Add Order Button

Start / Stop

Control Central
Eligible Campaigns

Control Central
Account Information

Control Central - Alert


Main Menu or a
Context Menu

BPA Script Step

A field on an Orders
Campaign controls where
you are transferred after you
complete an order

Bottom line. You can navigate to the order transaction from many places in the system. After
you complete an order, you are transferred to an appropriate transaction. The specific
transaction is controlled by you when you setup the orders campaign.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

The topics that follow illustrate specific business process flows that are possible in your
implementation of the sales and marketing functionality.
Marketing to Prospects from a Marketing List
Marketing to Pre-selected Customers
Real-time Marketing of Additional Services to a Customer
Real-time Marketing of Services to a Prospect
Setting up a New Customer Prior To Using Start/Stop

Marketing to Prospects from a Marketing List

The following business process flow illustrates how the sales and marketing functionality would
be used to market to prospects uploaded from a marketing database.
An interface creates an
order for each entry in a
marketing list



Confirm Package
Package Questions

Show Eligibility

Package Instructions

Eligible Packages

Messages About Services


Orders are routed to you (a

sales person) via a ToDo list or
a predictive dialer. You record
the results of your conversation
with the customer on the order
and then press the Show
Eligibility button. This will
cause the packages to appear.

If you select a package, a
confirmation page appears.
On this page, you may be
asked to supply additional
information specific to this
package. In addition, you are
informed of the major
activities that will be executed
if you press Complete.

Control Central


If you press Complete,
the V is created and
activities necessary to
start service are

You can setup this

orders campaign to
automatically transfer
you to Control Central Account Information
after the order is

The following points describe the steps in this business process:

An upload interface creates an order for each entry in a marketing database.

Note. The system is not supplied with a dedicated interface to upload a marketing list. We
recommend that you use the XAI utility to implement such an upload.

Each order is routed to a salesperson via a To Do entry (or via a predictive dialer if your
company supports this type of technology).

The first step in the salespersons interaction with the prospect will be to confirm the
information uploaded from the marketing list (e.g., is your Bob Smith?, is your address 15
Main St?, etc.). Any changes are made to the information saved on the order.

The salespersons next step involves posing eligibility-oriented questions related to the
campaign. Examples of questions include:

What is your date of birth? This type of question might be asked if you have packages
that are only marketed to senior citizens. Potential answers would be a valid date thats
in the past.

Would you be interested in our full-service option (electricity, digital cable and
gas)? Potential options are: yes and no.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

Who is your current electric service provider? Potential answers are: Utility.Com,
Reliant Resources, Other.

Would you like to pay automatically? Potential answers are: Yes, No.

Would you like to pay using a levelized payment plan? Potential answers are: Yes,


The gathered information is saved on the order and then the system displays the packages
that can be offered to the customer. The available packages may be restricted based on
information on the order. For example, some packages are only applicable to senior citizens,
while others are only applicable to customers whose current service provider is

If the customer is interested in a package, the salesperson selects it. Prior to the order being
completed, the package confirmation page is shown. On this page are additional instructions
about the package and a description of how the system will be updated if the package is
selected (e.g., the types of service agreements will be displayed). In addition, the package
may require additional information before it can be chosen. For example, the package may
only be selectable if the customer agrees to pay automatically. In this situation, the package
confirmation page will require the salesperson to enter the customers bank and bank

After entering all package-specific information, the order is completed. When the order is
completed, the V is setup and all work necessary to satisfy the order is initiated (e.g., field
activities are created, workflow processes are initiated, etc.).

And finally, the user is returned to Control Central - Account Info where an overview of the
customer is displayed. From this page, the user can drill down to any service agreement (or
to start/stop) to perform any fine-tuning.
Please be aware that the page to which you are transferred after order completion is
controlled by a field on the orders campaign. In our example, it made sense to transfer the
user to Control Central as it provides a nice confirmation to the user (it shows a great deal of
information about an account). However, you could setup the campaign to take the user to
virtually any page in the system. Youll see good examples later in this discussion.

Marketing to Pre-selected Customers

The following business process flow illustrates how the sales and marketing functionality would
be used to market additional services to existing customers selected by a background process.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

A background process
creates an order for each
existing customer who
qualifies for a
marketing campaign


Select Customers
For A Marketing

Confirm Package
Package Questions

Show Eligibility

Package Instructions

Eligible Packages

Messages About Services


Orders are routed to you (a
sales person) via a ToDo list or
a predictive dialer. You record
the results of your conversation
with the customer on the order
and then press the Show
Eligibility button. This will
cause the packages to appear.

If you select a package, a
confirmation page appears.
On this page, you may be
asked for information specific
to this package. In addition,
you are informed of the major
activities that will be executed
if you press Complete.

Control Central


If you press Complete,
the V is created and
activities necessary to
start service are

You can setup this

orders campaign to
automatically transfer
you to Control Central Account Information
after the order is

The following points describe the steps in this business process:

A background process creates an order for each customer to be targeted under a marketing

Note. The base package does not have an example of such a background process. Please
speak to your support team if you require assistance in developing this type of process.

Sales people would then process the order as described above.

Real-time Marketing of Additional Services to a Customer

The following business process flow illustrates how the sales and marketing functionality would
be used to market additional services to existing customers when they call in.

When the customer is identified,

the Account Info portal appears.
One of the zones on this portal
shows campaigns that can be
pitched to the customer. If you
select a campaign, you are
transferred to the Order page


Control Central
Account Info
Eligible Campaigns

Confirm Package
Package Questions

Show Eligibility

Package Instructions

Eligible Packages

Messages About Services


You record the results of your

conversation with the
customer on the order and
then press the Show Eligibility
button. This will cause the
packages to appear

If you select a package, a
confirmation page appears.
On this page, you may be
asked for information specific
to this package. In addition,
you are informed of the major
activities that will be executed
if you press Complete.

Control Central


If you press Complete,

the V is created and
activities necessary to
start service are

You can setup this

orders campaign to
automatically transfer
you to Account
Information after the
order is completed

The following points describe the steps in this business process:

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

When you find the customers record on Control Central - Main, you are automatically
transferred to the Account Information portal. One of the zones on this page contains the
campaigns that can be offered to the customer.

Note. The potential campaigns zone only appears if the CSR has modified their preferences to
display this zone.

If you select a campaign from this zone, you are transferred to the Order transaction.

Note. An orders campaign controls whether the Main or Questions & Misc Fields tab is initially
displayed when the order transaction is invoked from this zone. For example, you might want to
have the Main tab displayed if you want the order-taker to confirm the customers demographic
information before posing questions. Alternatively, you may want to skip this step and
immediately present the order-taker with the campaigns questions. Keep in mind that the user
can always display the other tab regardless of what is initially displayed.

You then process the order as described above.

An easy way to create one-time charges. The above business process illustrates how the
selection of a package will create one or more new service agreements for a customer. If your
organization levies one-time charges (e.g., tree trimming charges, damage assessments, etc.),
you can also use the order transaction to create both a one-time charge service agreement and
create the related billable charge when the order is completed. To do this, setup a campaign with
a separate package for each possible one-time charge. If an order is created for this type of
campaign and the relevant package is selected, the system will setup the new billable charge
service agreement and link the billable charge to it. Refer to An Easier Way To Create One Time
Charges for an example of such a campaign.

Real-time Marketing of Services to a Prospect

The following business process flow illustrates how the sales and marketing functionality would
be used to market services when a new customer calls.
Warning! We do not recommend using this business process if your organizations service
territory is predefined (i.e., if youve set up the premises and service points for your entire service
territory). Why? Because it can result in the creation of new premises and / or service points and
you probably dont want this to happen if youve already set everything up. While it is possible to
disable the creation of new service points and premises by developing new plug-ins, wed
recommend using the business process described under How To Add A New Customer From
Control Central if a new customer calls in and you have predefined premises and service points.

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

You look for the customer by
entering a name and/or address.
If the customer is not found,
transfer to the Order page by
pressing the Add an Order button


Control Central
Add an Order

Confirm Package
Package Questions

Show Eligibility

Package Instructions

Eligible Packages

Messages About Services


You enter more detailed

information about the new
customer and then press the
Show Eligibility button. This
will cause the packages to

If you select a package, a
confirmation page appears.
On this page, you may be
asked for information specific
to this package. In addition,
you are informed of the major
activities that will be executed
if you press Complete.

Control Central


If you press Complete,

the V is created and
activities necessary to
start service are

You can setup this

orders campaign to
automatically transfer
you to Account
Information after the
order is completed

The following points describe the steps in this business process:

You look for the customer using Control Central - Main. Because the customer is new, you
push the Add Order button on Control Central to transfer to the Order transaction.

You then process the order as described above.

In order to take advantage of the above business process, its important that you understand the
following points:

When the order page is opened for a new customer, the orders campaign is defaulted from
the installation record. The default campaign on the installation record is generic because
we dont know anything about the customer (they are new) and therefore we cannot default a
campaign targeted to their customer class or geography.

This default campaign on the installation record must be constructed using one of the
following approaches:

The default campaign has a package for every potential type of customer who can call
up. While this is possible, its probably not realistic as the data setup burden required to
define every type of package could be onerous. However, if you have a limited number
of service agreements, this approach is feasible.

The default campaign could just be a dummy campaign that has no packages. The
real campaigns will only be shown after basic information about the customer has been
recorded on the order and the show eligibility button is pressed. These campaigns
appear in the orders eligibility tree. The selection of a campaign in this tree will cause
the orders campaign to be switched. Note, because the dummy campaign has no
packages, no packages will appear in the orders eligibility tree when the dummy
campaign is referenced on an order.

The order is then processed as described above.

Setting up a New Customer Prior To Using Start/Stop

The following business process flow illustrates how the sales and marketing functionality would
be used to create a new customer prior to using Start / Stop to start service at an existing

2010 Oracle Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

Sales & Marketing Business Processes

Note. The following business process is similar to that described under How To Add A New
Customer From Control Central. The only difference is that the Order transaction is used to
create a new person and account rather than the Person transaction. The order transaction may
be a better choice because it lets you define many attributes on person, account and premise that
are not accessible on the person page. For example, the order transaction lets you define the
customers automatic payment option, bill after date, override due date, etc. In addition, on an
orders campaign, you can define default values of many field values (both real fields and
characteristics). These default values are presented on the order transaction and may be
overridden by the user at will.
You look for the customer by
entering a name and/or address.
If the customer is not found,
transfer to the Order page by
pressing the Add an Order button

Control Central
Add an Order


Start / Stop

Update Cust. Info and

Go To Start/Stop


You enter more detailed
information about the new
customer and then press the
Update and Go To Start Stop
button. The V will be updated
but no SAs will be created
(because you didnt select a

You can setup this

orders campaign to
automatically transfer
you to Start / Stop where
you can start service for
the new customer

The following points describe the steps in this business process:

You look for the customer using Control Central - Main. Because the customer is new, you
push the Add Order button on Control Central to transfer to the Order transaction.

You record additional demographic and geographic information about the new customer and
confirm all values defaulted from the orders campaign. After all required information is
entered, you press the Update Cust. Info and Go To Start / Stop button to create the new
person and account and transfer to Start / Stop to identify the new services desired by the

The buttons existence and label are dynamic. In the above example, we indicated that there
is a button on the order page called Update Cust. Info and Go To Start / Stop. This buttons
presence on the page and its label are controlled by fields on the campaign. When pressed, the
V is updated with information on the order and the user is transferred to the post completion
page (which is also defined on the campaign). You would only enable this button on campaigns
whose orders can be completed without selecting a package. In the above example, the
campaign doesnt have any packages (because service is intended to be started using Start /
Stop). In Examples of Campaigns and Packages we show other examples of how these fields
would be setup for different types of campaigns.

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In order to take advantage of the above business process, its important that you understand the
following points:

When the order page is opened as a result of pressing the Add Order button on Control
Central - Main, the orders campaign is defaulted from the installation record. The default
campaign on the installation record is generic because nothing is known about the new
customer and therefore it is impossible to default a campaign targeted to their customer class
or geography.

The campaign on the installation record should be setup to contain default information for the
average customer. For example, if you typically deal with residential customers, the
information on the default campaign should be residential-oriented.

When a user takes an order for a new customer, theyll change the default information when
appropriate. For example, if an industrial customer were being added, theyd change the
customer class to industrial and then ask to see the campaigns such a customer is eligible
to choose (these alternate campaigns are displayed in the orders eligibility tree). For
example, if youve setup campaigns with eligibility rules that are targeted at industrial
customers and the customer class on the order has been changed to industrial, the user will
see these campaigns in the eligibility tree. The user can then change the campaigns order
by simply clicking on the desired campaign.

Note. The above example illustrates how an order can be completed without causing the
creation of service agreements. Refer to Marketing Surveys and Prelude to Start Stop for
examples of such campaigns.

Examples of Campaigns and Packages

The topics that follow provide examples of campaigns and packages that support several different
scenarios. Your organizations campaigns and packages may differ markedly from these
examples. Factors that will influence your sales and marketing objects include:

Whether the type of goods and services marketed to your customers / prospects differs
depending on some trait of the customer or the region in which they are located. For

Your company may have very straightforward packages that only differ based on whether
the customer is industrial, residential or commercial. If this describes your company, the
setup process will be simple.

Alternatively, your company might offer different packages to residential customers based
on whether they pay automatically, whether the customer is a senior citizen, whether they
purchase multiple services from you, etc. If this describes your company, then youll
have to define the various eligibility criteria and the respective packages applicable to
customers who satisfy each criterion.

Whether premises exist prior to order taking. For example, a company that distributes a
commodity has a well-defined geographic area and therefore new premises typically dont
arise when orders are taken.

Whether your company offers many different types of goods and services.

Whether your rates have charges / discounts that are only applied to some customers. For
example, you might have discounts that are applied if the customer is a senior citizen or an


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Which of the Supported Business Processes you implement.

Use the information that follows to form an intuitive understanding of campaigns and packages.
After attaining this understanding, youll be ready to design your own campaigns and packages.
Campaigns Without Packages
Campaigns With Simple Packages
Campaigns With Complex Packages

Campaigns Without Packages

An order that references a campaign without packages will never create service agreements.
The following topics describe scenarios when such a campaign would be used.
Marketing Surveys
Prelude to Start/Stop

Marketing Surveys
Some organizations conduct marketing surveys to determine general trends amongst their
customer base. The following diagram illustrates how such a campaign might look:

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Campaign Residential Survey

Default Info For New Customers / Premises
Not applicable

Questions To Be Posed On Orders


Electric or gas water heater?

Elec, Gas

How many low-flow toilets?

How many people are in your
How would you rate our service?
How many outages have you
experienced in the last year?

1 through 9
1 through >12
1 (bad), 2 (OK),
3 (great)
0 through >12

Misc Fields To Be Captured

Not applicable

Campaign Eligibility Rules

Customer class is residential

Potential Packages
Not applicable
Campaign Behavior Controls
Enable button that allows order
completion without package selection
Button Label
Post completion transaction


Note the following about this campaign:

If the campaign is used to establish new customers, you can define information to default
onto orders created for new customers. Because marketing surveys are targeted at existing
customers, you dont need new customer default information on the campaign.

You can define questions to be posed to customers when an order is taken when you setup a
campaign. For a marketing survey campaign, youd define each of the survey questions
and the permissible answers. When a customer is surveyed, an order is created and their
answers are saved on the order.


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On a campaign, you can define additional fields to be updated on persons, accounts and
premises when orders associated with the campaign are completed. For example, you could
indicate that the accounts override due date and automatic payment options should be
confirmed when an order is taken. Because marketing surveys are typically only asking
questions, you wouldnt need to define additional customer information fields to be confirmed.
However, you can if you want.

All campaigns need at least one eligibility rule. These rules control whether the campaign
appears in the eligible campaigns content zone when a customer is selected on Control
Central. These rules also control whether the campaign appears on an orders eligibility tree
(campaigns that appear in this tree are alternate campaigns that may be used on the order).
Our example has assumed that this is a residential customer survey and therefore it only
needs a single eligibility rule. Refer to The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility Rules for more

Because this campaign is used purely to manage a marketing survey, it doesnt need any
packages. Packages are only necessary if service agreements are created when an order is

Because this campaign doesnt have packages, we have indicated that the button that allows
orders to be completed without selecting a package is enabled. If you dont enable this
button, a user wont be able to complete a marketing survey (and it is only during order
completion when the V is updated with the information on the order). Notice that we have
assigned the button a label of Complete Survey.

This campaign should be setup to transfer the user to Control Central - Account Info after the
survey is completed.

Prelude to Start/Stop
Consider the example illustrated above under Setting up a New Customer Prior To Start / Stop.
In this example, the order transaction is used to create a new person and account; no service
agreements are created when the order is completed. Rather, after the order is completed, the
user is automatically transferred to Start / Stop where they can create service agreements. The
following diagram illustrates how such a campaign might look:

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Campaign Add New Customer

Default Info For New Customers / Premises

Default Value

Customer Class

Account Management Group


Questions To Be Posed On Orders

Not applicable

Misc Fields To Be Captured

Required /


Auto-pay source


Auto-pay account


Date of birth



Campaign Eligibility Rules

This campaign is only used to create new customers

Potential Packages
Not applicable
Campaign Behavior Controls
Enable button that allows order
completion without package selection
Button Label
Post completion transaction

Update the V
/ Go To Start

Note the following about this campaign:

Because this campaign is used to establish new customers, you should define new customer
default information. The order taker can override these default values.

If we assume you dont ask marketing / eligibility-oriented questions when you take-on a new
customer then this campaign would not require any questions.


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On a campaign, you can define additional fields to be updated on the related person, account
and premise when orders associated with the campaign are completed. For example, you
could indicate that the accounts override due date and automatic payment options should be
confirmed when an order is taken. In our example, we are assuming that we want to define
the customers automatic payment options and his/her date of birth.

As described under Marketing Surveys, a campaigns eligibility rule(s) control whether the
campaign appears in the eligible campaigns content zone and on an orders eligibility tree.
This campaign is odd in that we dont want it to ever appear as an eligible campaign
because its only used for NEW customers. In order to make this work you must:

Define an eligibility algorithm on this campaign that prevents it from appearing as an

eligible campaigns. Refer to A Campaign That Is Never Eligible for more information.

Update the installation record to indicate that this campaign is the one that should be
used on orders created when a user presses the Add an Order button on Control
Central - Main. Refer to Setting up a New Customer Prior To Starting Service for more
information about the flow of this business process.

Because this campaign is used purely to add accounts and persons, it doesnt need any
packages. Packages are only necessary if service agreements are created when an order is

Because this campaign doesnt have packages, we have indicated that the button that allows
an order to be completed without selecting a package is enabled. If you dont enable this
button, a user wont be able to complete the order (and it is only during order completion
when the V is updated with the information on the order). Notice that we have assigned the
button a label of Update The V and Go To Start.

This campaign should be setup to transfer the user to Start / Stop after the order is

Campaigns With Simple Packages

As explained under Campaigns Without Packages, there are several situations that might
necessitate a campaign without packages. In this section, we describe simple scenarios of
campaigns with packages.

An Easier Way To Create One Time Charges

We use the term one-time charge to describe ad hoc charges, e.g., tree trimming charges,
damage assessments, etc. The following points describe how one-time charges are levied if you
dont use the order transaction:

Determine if the customer to be invoiced already has an appropriate one-time charge

service agreement. If one doesnt exist, you must create one using Start/Stop Service.

Next, a billable charge is added to the one-time charge service agreement (using Billable
Charge Maintenance). The billable charge contains the invoice lines and amounts. The
system will produce the bill for this charge when the accounts bill cycle next executes.

Rather than going through the above multi-step process, you can also use the order transaction
to create both a one-time charge service agreement AND create the billable charge. In addition,
if the customer receiving the charge is new, the order transaction will also create a new person
and account at the same time.

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To take advantage of this facility, you must set up a campaign that has a separate package for
each type of one-time charge as illustrated below. When an order is taken for such a campaign,
the user simply selects the package that corresponds with the desired one-time charge. The
system will then create the necessary customer and financial information when the package is
Billing of one-time charges. The order transaction will not cause a bill to be generated for the
customer. Rather, the next time the account is billed, the system will see that theres an unbilled
billable charge and create a bill segment for it. This bill segment will appear on the customers
regular bill along with their other charges. If youd prefer to create the bill for the one-time
charges immediately, you could setup the campaign to automatically transfer the user to the bill
transaction where they can create an ad hoc bill. Note, if you do this, youll need to create a new
plug-in algorithm on the billable charge SA type to automatically activate the service agreement
when it is created (otherwise the user would have to manually activate the billable charge service
agreement before the bill can be generated).

Package Tree Trimming

One Time Charges
Default Info For New Customers / Premises

Package Eligibility Rules

Eligible if ALL of the following are true
Always eligible

Default Value

Customer Class

Question Overrides

Account Management Group

Not applicable


Fields Overrides
Questions To Be Posed On Orders

Not applicable

Not applicable

SAs To Create
Misc Fields To Be Captured
Not applicable

SA Type
One Off

Campaign Eligibility Rules


Tree Trim


Billable Charge

Package Eligibility Rules

Available to all customers

Eligible if ALL of the following are true

Always eligible

Potential Packages
Tree Trimming

Question Overrides

Damaged Line

Not applicable

Campaign Behavior Controls

Fields Overrides


Not applicable

Button Label
Post completion transaction

SP Type

Package Damaged Line


Enable button that allows order

completion without package selection

Start Option

SAs To Create

SA Type
One Off

Start Option

SP Type


Damaged Line


Billable Charge

Note the following about this campaign:


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One-time charges can be levied against both new and existing customers. This means that
orders associated with this campaign may cause new customers to be created. Therefore,
we have specified information to default onto orders for new customers on the campaign.
Note that we defined residential-oriented default values as the majority of one-time charges
are levied against residential customers.

If we assume you dont ask marketing / eligibility-oriented questions when you levy a onetime charge then this campaign would not require any questions.

We have assumed that you are not capturing miscellaneous fields when you levy a one-time

As described under Marketing Surveys, all campaigns need at least one eligibility rule. We
have assumed that this campaigns packages can be selected by all types of customers and
have therefore specified an eligibility algorithm that will be true for all customers.

Because this campaign has packages, we have indicated that the button that allows an order
to be completed without selecting a package is disabled. This means a user must choose
one of the packages to complete the order.

You might want to setup this campaign to automatically transfer the user to the bill
transaction after the order is completed. See the note above the illustration for more

We have assumed that this campaign can be used to levy two kinds of one-time charges a
tree trimming charge and a damaged line charge and therefore this campaign requires two
packages. Note the following about each package:

A packages eligibility rules control whether the package can be selected when an order
is taken. With more sophisticated campaigns, you may have packages that are only
applicable to certain types of customers. In our example, weve assumed that these
types of one-time charges can be levied against all customers and have therefore used
universal eligibility criteria (i.e., there are no eligibility restrictions). Refer to A Package
That Is Always Eligible for more information.

On a package, its possible to define additional questions to be posed if a package is

selected. In our example, there are no additional questions to be posed for the one-time
charge packages.

On a package, its possible to define additional fields to be captured if a package is

selected. In our example, there are no additional fields to be captured.

On a package, you define the types of service agreements to be created if a package is

selected. In our example, we only need a single service agreement created / updated if
the package is selected and therefore theres just one entry in SAs To Create. Please
note the following about the information used to create this service agreement:

The SA Type is one thats used for a billable charge service agreement.

The SA Types Start Option is one that will automatically create a billable charge
when a service agreement is created (if a start option references a billable charge
template, a billable charge will be created when this start option is used). In our
example, we have assumed a different start option has been setup for each type of
one-time charge.

Billable charge service agreements do no require service points and therefore SP

Type is not applicable.

Weve indicated a Start Algorithm of Billable Charge. Refer to STRM-AS for an

example of such an algorithm (type).

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Campaigns With Complex Packages

The Campaigns With Simple Packages illustrated campaigns with very simple packages. In this
section, we describe a campaign with more complex packages.
Packages Limited By Answers And Field Values
Packages Limited By Current State Of Service

Packages Limited By Answers And Field Values

Assume your organization has a campaign with several packages. Each package has the
following restrictions in respect of its use:

Package 1 can be offered to residential customers in California who are senior citizens.

Package 2 can be offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family

homes who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with electricity.

Package 3 can be offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family

homes who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with gas.

Package 4 can be offered to residential customers in California who live in multi-family

homes who are not senior citizens.

Also assume that all customers are encouraged to pay automatically.

The following diagram illustrates how such a campaign might look:


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Package Calif / Resid / Senior

Package Eligibility Rules

Campaign Residential
Default Info For New Customers / Premises

Default Value

Customer Class

Account Management Group


Eligible if ALL of the following are true

Located in California
Customer class is Residential
Customer is a senior

SAs To Create
Questions To Be Posed On Orders

Electric or gas heat?

SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





Start SP Service

Elec, Gas

Do you live in a multi-family dwelling

Y, N

Package Calif / Resid / Single-Family / Elec Heat

Package Eligibility Rules

Misc Fields To Be Captured

Required /


Auto-pay source


Auto-pay account


Date of birth


Only applic.
on packages


Number of units

Eligible if ALL of the following are true

Located in California
Customer class is Residential
Customer is not a senior
Single family
Electric heat

Campaign Eligibility Rules

Customer class is residential

Potential Packages

SAs To Create
SA Type

Start Option

SP Type



Single-Elec Heat


Start SP Service

Package Calif. / Resid. / Single-Family / Gas Heat

Calif / Resid / Senior

Calif / Resid / Single-Family / Elec Heat

Package Calif. / Resid. / Multi-Family

Calif / Resid / Single-Family / Gas Heat

Package Eligibility Rules

Calif / Resid / Multi-Family

Eligible if ALL of the following are true

Located in California

Campaign Behavior Controls

Enable button that allows order
completion without package selection


Button Label
Post completion transaction

Customer class is Residential

Customer is not a senior
Lives in a multi-family home


Fields Overrides

Required / Optional



Number of units

SAs To Create
SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





Start SP Service

The topics that follow describe the campaign and packages used to support this scenario. Well
start by explaining each package. Then well describe how the campaign will be setup. This
seems backwards, but it mirrors how you should design this type of campaign:

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Senior Citizen Package
Single-Family Electric Package
Single-Family Gas Package
Multi-Family Package
The Campaign

Senior Citizen Package

The package that is offered to residential customers in California who are senior citizens has the
following traits:

It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date equates to that of a senior citizen

We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore
theres just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information
used to create this service agreement:

The SA Type is one thats used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the
E-RES SA type).

The SA Types Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement
with the appropriate rate and contract options for a senior citizen.

The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence
the E-RES SP type).

Weve indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an

example of such an algorithm (type).

We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is
because this package doesnt have additional questions or additional fields.

Single-Family Electric Package

The package that is offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family homes
who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with electricity has the following traits:

It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date does not equate to that of a senior citizen

The premise is a single-family home

The premise is heated with electricity

We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore
theres just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information
used to create this service agreement:


The SA Type is one thats used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the
E-RES SA type).

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The SA Types Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement
with the appropriate rate and contract options for this type of customer.

The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence
the E-RES SP type).

Weve indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an

example of such an algorithm (type).

We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is
because this package doesnt have additional questions or additional fields.

Single-Family Gas Package

The package that is offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family homes
who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with gas has the following traits:

It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date does not equate to that of a senior citizen

The premise is a single-family home

The premise is heated with gas

We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore
theres just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information
used to create this service agreement:

The SA Type is one thats used for a gas residential service agreement (hence the GRES SA type).

The SA Types Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement
with the appropriate rate and contract options for this type of customer.

The service agreement needs to be linked to a gas residential service point (hence the GRES SP type).

Weve indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an

example of such an algorithm (type).

We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is
because this package doesnt have additional questions or additional fields.

Multi-Family Package
The package that is offered to residential customers in California who live in multi-family homes
who are not senior citizens has the following traits:

It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date does not equates to that of a senior citizen

The premise is a multi-family home

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This package requires additional information that was not requested at the campaign-level.
Were going to assume that the multi-family rate needs to know the number of units in the
building. This means that this package needs an additional field (number of units).

We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore
theres just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information
used to create this service agreement:

The SA Type is one thats used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the
E-RES SA type).

The SA Types Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement
with the appropriate rate and contract options for this type of customer.

The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence
the E-RES SP type).

Weve indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an

example of such an algorithm (type).

We have not shown additional questions in this package. This is because this package
doesnt have additional questions.

The Campaign
Note the following about this campaign:

Orders can be created for both new and existing customers. Because new customers are
possible, we have specified information to default onto orders for new customers. Note that
we defined residential-oriented default values (but remember, these values can be
overridden on the order).

The questions on the campaign are those whose answers play a part in each packages
eligibility. You could also ask additional marketing survey-oriented questions that have
nothing to do with package eligibility.

The miscellaneous fields highlight an interesting situation. Notice that the date-of-birth and
automatic payment fields are optional. However the field that holds the number of dwelling
units is only applicable on packages. When a field has this designation, the user will only
be prompted to supply this fields value if a package is chosen where this field is applicable.
In our example, only the Multi Family Package uses this field. This package will be setup to
indicate that this field is required whereas the other packages will be setup to indicate that
this field is not used.

Bottom line. The miscellaneous fields on a campaign must also include package-specific

All campaigns need at least one highlight rule. These rules control whether the campaign
appears in the eligible campaigns content zone when a customer is selected on Control
Central. Also note that highlight rules also control whether the campaign appears on an
orders eligibility tree (campaigns that appear in this tree are alternate campaigns that may be
used on the order).
Were going to assume that this is a residential campaign and therefore you would specify a
highlight rule that returns true if the customers customer class is residential.


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Because this campaign has packages, we have indicated that the button that allows an order
to be completed without selecting a package is disabled. This means a user must choose
one of the packages to complete the order.

This campaign is setup so that the user will be transferred to Control Central - Account Info
after the order is completed. This is a subjective decision as you could transfer the user to a
variety of transactions. Its just that the Account Info page provides a nice confirmation of
how the customer looks after the order has updated / created new information.

Packages Limited By Current State Of Service

Assume your organization has a campaign with several packages. Each package has the
following restrictions in respect of its use:

Package 1 can be offered to residential customers in California who have gas service, but
dont have electric service.

Package 2 can be offered to residential customers in California who have electric service,
but dont have gas service.

Package 3 can be offered to residential customers in California who have neither electric
nor gas service.

The following diagram illustrates how such a campaign might look:

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Package Has Gas / No Electricity

Package Eligibility Rules

Campaign Residential
Default Info For New Customers / Premises

Eligible if ALL of the following are true

Customer has gas service
Customer doesnt have electric service

Default Value

Customer Class

Account Management Group


SAs To Create
SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





Start SP Service

Questions To Be Posed On Orders

Not applicable

Package Has Electricity / No Gas

Package Eligibility Rules

Misc Fields To Be Captured

Eligible if ALL of the following are true

Not applicable

Customer has electric service

Campaign Eligibility Rules

Customer doesnt have gas service


SAs To Create

Customer class is residential

Potential Packages

SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





Start SP Service

Has Gas / No Electricity

Package No Electricity / No Gas
Has Electricity / No Gas
Package Eligibility Rules
No Electricity / No Gas

Eligible if ALL of the following are true

Campaign Behavior Controls

Enable button that allows order
completion without package selection


Customer doesnt have electric service

Customer doesnt have gas service

Button Label
Post completion transaction


SAs To Create
SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





Start SP Service




Start SP Service

The topics that follow describe the campaign and packages used to support this scenario. Well
start by explaining each package. Then well describe how the campaign will be setup. This
seems backwards, but it mirrors how you should design this type of campaign:
Has Gas / No Electricity Package
Has Electricity / No Gas Package
No Electricity / No Gas Package

Has Gas / No Electricity Package

The package that is offered to customers that currently have gas service, but dont have
electricity service has the following traits:

It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:


Customer has gas service

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Customer doesnt have electricity service

Refer to A Package With Service Type Comparisons for more information.

We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore
theres just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information
used to create this service agreement:

The SA Type is one thats used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the
E-RES SA type).

The SA Types Start Option is one that will setup the service agreement with the
appropriate rate and contract options.

The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence
the E-RES SP type).

Weve indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an

example of such an algorithm (type).

We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is
because this package doesnt have additional questions or additional fields.

Has Electricity / No Gas Package

The package that is offered to customers that currently have electric service, but dont have gas
service has the following traits:

It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:

Customer has electric service

Customer doesnt have gas service

We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore
theres just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information
used to create this service agreement:

The SA Type is one thats used for a gas residential service agreement (hence the GRES SA type).

The SA Types Start Option is one that will setup the service agreement with the
appropriate rate and contract options.

The service agreement needs to be linked to a gas residential service point (hence the GRES SP type).

Weve indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an

example of such an algorithm (type).

We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is
because this package doesnt have additional questions or additional fields.

No Electricity / No Gas Package

The package that is offered to customers that dont currently have electricity or gas service has
the following traits:

It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:

Customer doesnt have electric service

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Customer doesnt have gas service

We need two service agreements created (one for electricity, one for gas).

We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is
because this package doesnt have additional questions or additional fields.

The Big Picture Of Package Eligibility Rules

The packages described under Examples of Campaigns and Packages have a variety of eligibility
rules. Designing these rules can be easy or time-consuming; it all depends on the complexity of
your business rules. Well walk you through several examples to help you form an intuitive
understanding of how to setup eligibility rules. Once youve acquired this intuition youll be ready
to design the eligibility rules for your own packages.
Note. Dont confuse package eligibility rules with those associated with a campaign. Package
eligibility rules control whether a customer is allowed to choose a package on the order
transaction. Campaign eligibility rules control whether a campaign is highlighted on the eligible
campaigns content zone and on an orders eligibility tree.

Criteria Groups versus Eligibility Criteria
Defining Logical Criteria
Examples Of Package Eligibility Rules

Criteria Groups versus Eligibility Criteria

Before we provide concrete examples of eligibility criteria, we need to explain two concepts:
Criteria Groups and Eligibility Criteria. A packages criteria groups control whether a customer is
eligible to choose a package. At a high level, it works like this:

A criteria group has one or more eligibility criteria. A groups criteria control whether the
group is considered TRUE or FALSE for a given customer.

When you create a group, you define what should happen if the group is TRUE or FALSE.
You have the following choices:

The customer is eligible to choose the package

The customer is not eligible to choose the package

The next group should be checked.

Well use the following example to help illustrate these points. Assume a package exists that can
only be selected if:

The customer resides in California and their current retail supplier is company A, B or C

OR, the customer resides in Nevada and their current retail supplier is company X, Y or A


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Eligibility Group 1
Package Switch and Save

Eligible for the package if the criteria indicate the group


Package Eligibility Groups

Package Eligibility Criteria

Customer resides in California and their current

retail supplier is company A, B or C

State = California
Service Provider = A, B or C

Customer resides in Nevada and their current

retail supplier is company X, Y or A

Eligibility Group 2
Eligible for the package if the criteria indicate the group

SAs To Create
SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





Start SP Service

Package Eligibility Criteria

State = Nevada
Service Provider = X, Y or A

This package requires two eligibility groups because it has two distinct conditions:



If either condition is true, then the customer is eligible for the package.
Youd need to setup the following criteria groups in order to support this requirement:

Group Description

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE

Customer resides in California and their current

retail supplier is company A, B or C


Check next group

Customer resides in Nevada and their current

retail supplier is company X, Y or A



The following criteria will be required for each of the above groups:
Group 1: Customer resides in California and their current retail supplier is company A, B or C

Logical Criteria

If Eligibility
Criteria is

If Eligibility
Criteria is

If Insufficient


State = California

Check next

Group is false

Group is false


Electric retail supplier in (A, B, C)

Group is true

Group is false

Group is false

Group 2: Customer resides in Nevada and their current retail supplier is company X, Y or A


Logical Criteria

State = Nevada

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If Eligibility
Criteria is
Check next

If Eligibility
Criteria is
Group is false

If Insufficient
Group is false


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Electric retail supplier in (X, Y, A)

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Group is true

Group is false

Group is false

The next section describes how youd setup the specific logical criteria in each of the groups.

Defining Logical Criteria

When you setup an eligibility criterion, you must define two things:

The field to be compared

The comparison method

You have the following choices in respect of identifying the field to be compared:

You can choose one of the miscellaneous fields on the order (keep in mind that
miscellaneous fields also hold the answers to any questions posed on the order).

You can execute an algorithm to retrieve a field value from someplace else in the system.
This is a very powerful feature, but its not terribly intuitive. Well present a few examples
later in this section to illustrate the power of this approach.

You have the following choices in respect of identifying the comparison method:

You can choose an operator (e.g., >, <, =, BETWEEN, IN, etc.) and a comparison value.

You can execute an algorithm whose job it will be to perform the comparison (and return
TRUE, FALSE or INSUFFICIENT DATA). This is also a very powerful feature, but its not
terribly intuitive. Well present a few examples later in this section to illustrate the power of
this approach.

The Examples Of Package Eligibility Rules provide numerous examples to help you understand
this design.

Examples Of Package Eligibility Rules

The topics in this section provide examples about how to setup package eligibility rules.
A Package That Is Always Eligible
A Package With A Time Span Comparison
A Package With Service Type Comparison
A Package With More Complex Operators

A Package That Is Always Eligible

If a package is always eligible, it still needs an eligibility group. Good examples of such packages
are shown under An Easier Way To Create One Time Charges. A package that is always eligible
would require the following eligibility information:

Group Description
Always eligible

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:


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Group 1: Always eligible



Field to Compare

Algorithm: retrieve orders


Algorithm: Always true




Group is true

Group is true

Group is true

This groups criterion is odd in that its not comparing anything. In order to setup this criterion,
you have to use the following trick:

Field to Compare. You can pick any miscellaneous field on the campaign. If the campaign
has no miscellaneous fields, youll need to setup an algorithm to retrieve a field from the
order (refer to PKEL-ENRFLD for an example of this type of algorithm). In the above
example, we used an algorithm to retrieve the orders account.

Comparison Method. We chose a comparison algorithm that always returns a value of TRUE
(refer to PKCC-DEFAULT for an example of this type of algorithm).

Youll notice that if a value of TRUE is returned, the Group is true (and weve setup the
group to indicate a true group means the customer is eligible for the package).

We understand this is a little complicated, but this design provides the power necessary to
support very complex criteria. The following sections provide more examples to help you form a
better understanding of these concepts.

A Package With A Time Span Comparison

The Senior Citizen Package has the following eligibility rules:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date equates to that of a senior citizen

These rules require only one eligibility group on the package. It would look as follows:

Group Description
Residential, Calif, Senior

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Residential, Calif, Senior

Field to Compare






Algorithm: retrieve orders

customer class


Check next

Group is

Group is false


Algorithm: retrieve orders


= CA

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Date

of Birth

Algorithm: True if senior

Group is true

Group is

Group is false

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The first two criteria are easy; they simply retrieve a field on the order and compare it to a given
value. If the comparison doesnt result in a TRUE value, the Group is false (and, the group
indicates that if the group is false, the customer isnt eligible for the package). If the comparison
results in a TRUE value, the next condition is checked.
The last criterion contains a time span comparison. Time span comparisons are used to compare
a date to something. In our example, we have to determine the age of the customer based on
their birth date. If the resultant age is > 65, they are considered to be a senior citizen. To pull
this off, you can take advantage of a comparison algorithm supplied with the base package as
described below.

Field to Compare. The miscellaneous field in which the customers birth date is held is

Comparison Method. We chose a comparison algorithm that returns a value of TRUE if the
related field value (the customers date of birth) is greater than 65 years (refer to PKCCTIMESPN for an example of this type of algorithm).

Youll notice that if a value of TRUE is returned by the True if senior algorithm, the group is true
(and weve setup the group to indicate a true group means the customer is eligible).
The time span algorithm can be used to compare days, weeks, months, etc. Refer to
PKCC-TIMESPN for more information about this algorithm.

A Package With Service Type Comparison

The Has Gas / No Electricity Package has the following eligibility rules:

Customer has gas service

Customer doesnt have electricity service

These rules require only one eligibility group on the package. It would looks as follows:

Group Description
Has Gas, Doesnt Have Electricity

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Has Gas, Doesnt Have Electricity

Field to Compare






Algorithm: check if
customer has gas service


Check next

Group is

Group is false


Algorithm: check if
customer has electric


Group is

Group is true

Group is false


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Both criteria are similar they check if the customer has a given type of service and act
accordingly. We used a field to compare algorithm to pull this off, but this algorithm is a bit
counter intuitive (but understanding it will provide you with another way to implement complex
eligibility criteria):

Field to Compare. We chose a field to compare algorithm that checks if an account has
service agreements that belong to a given set of service types. It returns a value of TRUE if
the customer has an active service agreement that matches one of the service types in the
algorithm. In our example, the check if customer has gas service algorithm returns a value
of TRUE if the customer has at least one active service agreement whose SA type references
the gas service type. The check if customer has electric service algorithm is almost
identical, only the service type differs. Refer to PKEL-SVCTYP for an example of this type of

Comparison Method. We simply compare the value returned by the algorithm to TRUE and
indicate the appropriate response.

Bottom line. The field to compare algorithm isnt actually returning a specific fields value.
Rather, its returning a value of TRUE or FALS (this is not a misspelling). This value is, in turn,
compared by the comparison method and the group is set to true, false or check next

A Package With More Complex Operators

One of the eligibility groups described under Criteria Groups versus Eligibility Criteria has the
following eligibility rules:

Customer must live in California

Service provider is A, B or C

The eligibility group in which these rules would be defined looks as follows:

Group Description
Lives in California, current service provider is
either retailer A, B or C

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Lives in California, current service provider is either retailer A, B or C

Field to Compare






Algorithm: retrieve orders


= CA

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order:

Current electric supplier

IN A, B, C

Group is true

Group is

Group is false

This example is very simple. The only thing worth pointing out is that a number of operators can
be used when you define a comparison method. Refer to Package - Eligibility for the complete
list of operators.

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The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility

In the previous section, we explained how to Design Eligibility Rules For A Package. In this
section, we explain how to design eligibility rules for a campaign.
A campaigns eligibility rules control two things:

Whether the campaign appears in the Eligible Campaigns content zone. This content zone
suggests possible campaigns for the current customer displayed on control central. You
might want to use this zone if you have different campaigns that are offered to different types
of customers. Refer to Real-time Marketing of Additional Services to a Customer for an
example of how this content zone can be used to up sell additional services.

Whether the campaign appears on an orders eligibility tree. Campaigns that appear in this
tree are alternate campaigns that may be used on the order. Refer to Real-time Marketing of
Services to a Prospect for an example of how an orders eligibility tree can contain alternate
campaigns for an order.

Designing these criteria can be easy or time-consuming; it all depends on the complexity of your
business rules. Well walk you through several examples to help you form an intuitive
understanding of how to setup campaign eligibility rules. Once youve acquired this intuition youll
be ready to design the eligibility rules for your own packages.
Note. Dont confuse eligibility rules for a package with those associated with a campaign.
Package eligibility rules control whether a customer is allowed to choose a package. Campaign
eligibility rules control whether a campaign is highlighted on the Eligible Campaigns content zone
and on an orders eligibility tree.

Campaign Eligibility Rules Are Not Strictly Enforced
Campaign Eligibility Rules Are Defined Using Algorithms
Examples Of Campaign Eligibility Rules

Campaign Eligibility Rules Are Not Strictly Enforced

While the system prevents ineligible packages from being selected for an order (based on the
packages eligibility rules), the system does not strictly enforce a campaigns eligibility rules. In
other words, a user can change the campaign on an order to any active campaign. This
laxness is intentional; otherwise it could become impossible to change an orders campaign.
It might be more helpful to think of campaign eligibility rules as highlight conditions. These
highlight conditions simply control whether the campaign appears in the Eligible Campaigns
content zone and on an orders eligibility tree.

Campaign Eligibility Rules Are Defined Using

You define a campaigns eligibility rules using one or more algorithms on the campaign. These
algorithms are relatively straightforward as they simply return one of the following values:


Eligible. Meaning the customer is eligible for the campaign.

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Ineligible. Meaning the customer is not eligible for the campaign

Check Next Algorithm. Meaning that the next algorithm should be checked. Youd only
design an algorithm to return such a value if multiple algorithms are used to determine a
customers eligibility for a campaign.

Bottom line. A customer is eligible for a campaign if at least one of its eligibility algorithms
returns a value of eligible.
The Examples Of Campaign Eligibility Rules provide numerous examples to help you understand
this design.

Examples Of Campaign Eligibility Rules

The topics in this section provide examples about how to setup campaign eligibility rules.
A Campaign That Is Always Eligible
A Campaign That Is Never Eligible
A Campaign For Residential Customers
A Campaign For California, Residential Customers

A Campaign That Is Always Eligible

If a campaign is always eligible, it would require a simple eligibility algorithm that returns an
indication that it is always eligible. A good example of such a campaign is shown under An
Easier Way To Create One Time Charges. Refer to CAEL-DEFAULT for an example of this type
of eligibility algorithm.

A Campaign That Is Never Eligible

If a campaign is never eligible, it would require a simple eligibility algorithm that returns an
indication that it is ineligible. A good example of such a campaign is shown under Prelude To
Start / Stop. Refer to CAEL-DEFAULT for an example of this type of eligibility algorithm.

A Campaign For Residential Customers

If a campaign should only be targeted at residential customers, it would require a simple eligibility
algorithm that returns an indication of eligible if the customers customer class is residential. A
good example of such a campaign is shown under Marketing Surveys. Refer to CAEL-CC for an
example of this type of eligibility algorithm.

A Campaign For California, Residential Customers

If a campaign should only be targeted at residential customers in California, it would require two
eligibility algorithms:


Example Algorithm

Indicate Check Next Algorithm if customer

class is residential

Refer to CAEL-CC for an example of this type of

eligibility algorithm.

Indicate Eligible if division is California

Refer to CAEL-DIV for an example of this type

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of eligibility algorithm.

Designing Campaigns and Packages

Designing campaigns and packages can be simple or challenging. Factors that will influence the
complexity of the design process include:

Whether the type of goods and services marketed to your customers / prospects differs
depending on some trait of the customer or the region in which they are located. For

Your company may have very straightforward packages that only differ based on whether
the customer is industrial, residential or commercial. If this describes your company, the
setup process will be simple.

Alternatively, your company might offer different packages to residential customers based
on whether they pay automatically, whether they are a senior citizen, whether they
purchases multiple services from you, etc. If this describes your company, then youll
have to define the various eligibility criteria and the respective packages applicable to
customers who satisfy each criterion.

Whether premises exist prior to order taking. For example, a company that distributes a
commodity has a well-defined geographic area and therefore new premises typically dont
arise when orders are taken.

Whether your company offers many different types of goods and services.

Whether your rates have charges / discounts that are only applied to some customers. For
example, you might have discounts that are applied if the customer is a senior citizen or an

Which of the Supported Business Processes you implement.

The topics that follow provide a structured approach to design your campaigns and packages.
Determine The Place Of Start / Stop
Determine Which Types Of Service Agreements Are Created
Determine The Different Start Options That Exist For Each Type Of Service Agreement
Determine The SP Type (if any) For Each Service Agreement
Determine The Method Used To Create Each Service Agreement
Extract Algorithms From The Start Method
Determine Which Combinations Can Be Grouped Under A Package
Determine Package Eligibility Rules
Extract Algorithms From The Eligibility Rules
Extract Miscellaneous Fields From The Eligibility Rules
Determine Additional Information That Is Required If A Package Is Selected
Determine If There Are Additional Questions / Fields For Your Packages
Determine If Additional Instructions Should Be Shown
Determine If There Are Campaign-Level Fields / Questions
Determine The Properties Of Every Miscellaneous Field
Extract Characteristic From The Miscellaneous Fields
Extract Column References From The Miscellaneous Fields
Extract Algorithms From The Column References
Determine Account / Premise Dependency For Each Column Reference
Determine If Any Properties Are Overridden On Any Package


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Determine The Eligibility Rules For The Campaign

Determine How The Campaign Behaves
Setup Sequence

Determine The Place Of Start / Stop

Before you can design your campaigns and packages, you must determine if your organization
will use start / stop to initiate new service agreements or whether new service can be initiated
using the order transaction. Refer to Order versus Start / Stop for information to help you make
this decision.
If you decide to use start / stop to initiate service, wed recommend creating the following types of

Create a campaign similar to that described under Prelude to Start / Stop.

If you levy one-time charges, you may also want to create a campaign similar to that
described under An Easier Way To Create One Time Charges.

If your organization performs marketing surveys, you may also want to create a campaign
similar to that described under Marketing Surveys.

If you decide to use the order transaction to initiate new service, follow the steps outlined in the
following sections. Note that we use the example described under Packages Limited By Answers
And Field Values when describing the design process.

Determine Which Types Of Service Agreements Are

Assumption! We have assumed that you have already designed your organizations SP types,
SA types, start options and rates. If you have not yet done this, we recommend familiarizing
yourself with the concepts described in Designing SP Types, Rates and Defining Service
Agreement Types before designing your campaigns and packages.
Start off by determining the different types of service agreements that can be created if a package
is selected. In our example campaign, only one SA type is used E-RES (electric residential

Determine The Different Start Options That Exist For

Each Type Of Service Agreement
After you know which SA types are going to be created, determine the potential start options that
can be used for each SA type. In our example campaign, several start options are possible for
the E-RES (electric residential service):
SA Type

Start Option




Single-Elec Heat


Single-Gas Heat



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Determine The SP Type (if any) For Each Service

The SA types and start options control how the service agreement will look (i.e., they control the
rate, contract riders, characteristics, interval profiles, time-of-use maps, etc. defaulted onto new
service agreements created when a package is selected). During this step, you define the SP
type of the service point that will be linked to the service agreement. If several different types of
SP types can be used for a service agreement, youll have to choose one as this is the type of
service point that will be created when the service agreement is created. If you plan to allow the
package to be used to start service at an existing premise (and you dont want the system to
create new service points), you will have to develop new plug-ins. Please speak to your
implementation group if you need more information.
In our example campaign, only one SP type is created (or reused if the premise already has a
service point of this type) E-RES (electric residential service point):
SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





Single-Elec Heat



Single-Gas Heat





Many service agreements dont need SP types. For service agreements that dont use service
points (e.g., deposit service agreements, charitable contributions, one-time charges, etc.), you
dont have to reference a SP type.

Determine The Method Used To Create Each Service

For each SA Type / Start Option / SP Type combination, determine the algorithm that will be used
to create the service agreement and the service point. The base package is supplied with a
limited number of such algorithm types (refer to STRM-AS and STRM-VT for examples).
SA Type

Start Option

SP Type

Start Method




Algorithm: Create new service agreement and stop old

service agreement if active SA with the same service type


Single-Elec Heat


Algorithm: Create new service agreement and stop old

service agreement if active SA with the same service type


Single-Gas Heat


Algorithm: Create new service agreement and stop old

service agreement if active SA with the same service type




Algorithm: Create new service agreement and stop old

service agreement if active SA with the same service type


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Extract Algorithms From The Start Method

The start methods illustrated above all require the same algorithm:
Algorithm Type


Create SP and create SA (see STRM-VT)

Parameter Values

Always create new SA and

stop existing SA

2 (stop existing service)

Determine Which Combinations Can Be Grouped Under

A Package
Now you determine which combinations of service agreements can be offered to a customer as a
package. In our example campaign, a customer can only choose one type of service agreement
(i.e., each entry in our table is mutually exclusive). This means that each entry is a separate

SA Type

Start Option

SP Type





STRM-VT (Switch Option)


Single-Elec Heat


STRM-VT (Switch Option)


Single-Gas Heat


STRM-VT (Switch Option)




STRM-VT (Switch Option)

Refer to Packages Limited By Current State Of Service for an example of a package that has
multiple service agreements.

Determine Package Eligibility Rules

The topics in this section describe the eligibility rules for each package in our example campaign.
Assumption. This section assumes you are comfortable with the information in The Big Picture
Of Package Eligibility.

Eligibility Rules For Package 1
Eligibility Rules For Package 2
Eligibility Rules For Package 3
Eligibility Rules For Package 4

Eligibility Rules For Package 1

Package 1 (the senior package) in our example campaign has the following eligibility rules:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date equates to that of a senior citizen

These rules require only one eligibility group on the package. It would looks as follows:

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Group Description
Residential, Calif, Senior

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Residential, Calif, Senior

Field to Compare






Algorithm: retrieve orders

customer class


Check next

Group is

Group is false


Algorithm: retrieve orders


= CA

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Date

of Birth

Algorithm: True if senior

Group is true

Group is

Group is false

Eligibility Rules For Package 2

Package 2 (the single-family / electric heat package) in our example campaign has the following
eligibility rules:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date does not equate to that of a senior citizen

Lives in a single-family home

House is heated with electricity

These rules require only one eligibility group on the package. It would looks as follows:

Group Description
Residential, Calif, Non Senior, Single Family,
Electric Heat

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Residential, Calif, Non Senior, Single Family, Electric Heat

Field to Compare






Algorithm: retrieve orders

customer class


Check next

Group is

Group is false


Algorithm: retrieve orders


= CA

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Date

Algorithm: True if senior

Group is

Check next

Group is false


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of Birth

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Misc Field On Order: Type

of Residence

= S (single family home)

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Type

of Heat

= E (electric)

Group is true

Group is

Group is false

Eligibility Rules For Package 3

Package 3 (the single-family / gas heat package) in our example campaign has the following
eligibility rules:

Customer class = Residential

Division = California

Birth date does not equate to that of a senior citizen

Lives in a single-family home

House is heated with gas

These rules require only one eligibility group on the package. It would looks as follows:

Group Description
Residential, Calif, Non Senior, Single Family,
Gas Heat

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Residential, Calif, Non Senior, Single Family, Gas Heat

Field to Compare






Algorithm: retrieve orders

customer class


Check next

Group is

Group is false


Algorithm: retrieve orders


= CA

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Date

of Birth

Algorithm: True if senior

Group is

Check next

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Type

of Residence

= S (single family home)

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Type

of Heat

= G (gas)

Group is true

Group is

Group is false

Eligibility Rules For Package 4

Package 4 (the multi-family package) in our example campaign has the following eligibility rules:

Customer class = Residential

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Division = California

Birth date does not equate to that of a senior citizen

Lives in a multi-family home

These rules require only one eligibility group on the package. It would looks as follows:

Group Description

Residential, Calif, Non Senior, Multi Family

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE



The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Residential, Calif, Non Senior, Single Family, Gas Heat

Field to Compare






Algorithm: retrieve orders

customer class


Check next

Group is

Group is false


Algorithm: retrieve orders


= CA

Check next

Group is

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Date

of Birth

Algorithm: True if senior

Group is

Check next

Group is false


Misc Field On Order: Type

of Residence

= M (multi family home)

Group is true

Group is

Group is false

Extract Algorithms From The Eligibility Rules

The eligibility rules illustrated above require the following algorithms:
Algorithm Type


Parameter Values

Retrieve a field from the order for eligibility

comparison (see PKEL-ENRFLD)

Retrieve Orders Customer


Field name: CUST_CL_CD

Retrieve a field from the order for eligibility

comparison (see PKEL-ENRFLD)

Retrieve Orders Division

Field name: CIS_DIVISION

Time span comparison (see PKCC-TIMESPN)

Determine if birth date equates

to that of a senior

Time span type: YEAR

Operator: >=
Comparison Value: 65

Extract Miscellaneous Fields From The Eligibility Rules

During this step, you extract miscellaneous fields that must be captured on the order in order
drive your eligibility rules.
Misc. Field
Date of birth


Where Stored
Person characteristic

Why Is It Needed
Numerous eligibility rules use this field to determine if a
customer is a senior citizen

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Type of Residence

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package

Type of Heat

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package

Fields explicitly referenced on every order. Youll notice that we didnt list those fields
referenced in the eligibility rules that are explicitly referenced on every order (e.g., customer
class, state, division, etc.). This is because these types of fields come for free.

Determine Additional Information That Is Required If A

Package Is Selected
During this step, you determine if theres any information that needs to be created when a
package is selected that cant be defaulted from its start option. In our example campaign,
package 4 (the Multi-Family Home package), also needs to know the number of housing units at
the premise (this information is probably needed to calculate a specific charge in the rate). None
of the other packages require additional information. The extra field has been appended to our
misc. field table.
Misc. Field

Where Stored

Why Is It Needed

Date of birth

Person characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to determine if a

customer is a senior citizen

Type of Residence

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package

Type of Heat

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package

Number of Units in

Premise characteristic

The electric SA created by package 4 requires the number of

units when it calculates the ongoing bill segments

Determine If There Are Additional Questions / Fields For

Your Packages
Our example campaign indicates that all customers are encouraged to pay automatically. In
order to pay automatically several fields are required (Start Date, End Date, Autopay Source (i.e.,
bank / credit card), Account Number, Account Name, Expiration Date). These fields are not
explicitly referenced on the order and therefore must be captured as miscellaneous fields. We
have appended these fields to our list of miscellaneous fields:
Misc. Field

Where Stored

Why Is It Needed

Date of birth

Person characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to determine if a

customer is a senior citizen

Type of Residence

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package

Type of Heat

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package

Number of Units in

Premise characteristic

The electric SA created by package 4 requires the number of

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units when it calculates the ongoing bill segments

Auto Pay Start Date

Account / Autopay
Start Date Column

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay End Date

Account / Autopay End

Date Column

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Source

Account / Autopay

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Account


Account / Autopay
Account ID

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Account


Account / Autopay
Account Name

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Account

Expiration Date

Account / Autopay
Account Expiration

Used if a customer pays automatically

Were going to assume that we dont capture any additional marketing-oriented questions. If we
did, wed need additional fields to hold the response to each question.

Determine If Additional Instructions Should Be Shown

If a package is selected, you can present additional instructions to the user informing them of
special tasks they should perform (or special instructions they should give to the customer). For
example, you could instruct the user to inform customers who arent senior citizens that they
should call back if they become seniors as they may qualify for a better rate. These instructions
can be defined on each package.
For the sake of brevity, we will assume no additional instructions are necessary when a package
is selected.

Determine If There Are Campaign-Level Fields /

Next, you determine if there are additional fields that need to be captured regardless of the
package thats selected. For example, you may want to capture additional demographic or
geographic information for marketing purposes.
While our example campaign has no such requirement, for illustration purposes well assume you
ask the customer to rate the quality of service they have experienced (assuming they are a
current customer). This additional question requires another entry in our list of miscellaneous
Misc. Field

Where Stored

Why Is It Needed

Date of birth

Person characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to determine if a

customer is a senior citizen

Type of Residence

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package

Type of Heat

Premise characteristic

Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for

a package


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Number of Units in

Premise characteristic

The electric SA created by package 4 requires the number of

units when it calculates the ongoing bill segments

Auto Pay Start Date

Account / Autopay
Start Date Column

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay End Date

Account / Autopay End

Date Column

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Source

Account / Autopay

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Account


Account / Autopay
Account ID

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Account


Account / Autopay
Account Name

Used if a customer pays automatically

Auto Pay Account

Expiration Date

Account / Autopay
Account Expiration

Used if a customer pays automatically

Service Rating

Person characteristic

Campaign level marketing question

Determine The Properties Of Every Miscellaneous Field

At this point, you have amalgamated all miscellaneous fields required for the campaign and its
packages. Now you have to define the following for each field:

Prompt On Order. This is the prompt that will prefix the field when the order is taken. The
following table provides examples.

Campaign Applicability. This controls whether the field is optional, required, or only
applicable on package(s).

A value of required means the order taker must enter a valid value before packages are
displayed for selection.

A value of optional means the order taker can leave the field blank prior to package
selection. You can make an optional field required on individual packages. For
example, you would probably make Date of birth required on the Senior package.

A value of only applicable on packages is used for fields that are only captured for
specific packages. Fields of this type are suppressed prior to package selection. When
you setup a package, you indicate if the field is applicable (if so, the user is only
prompted for the field if the package is selected).

Type Of Response. This controls where the field is stored when the order is completed and
how it is validated. You have two options: characteristic or column.

If a field is a Characteristic, you must define which entity the characteristic value is to be
stored on when the order is completed (Person, Account, Premise or Order). You must
also define the Characteristic Type as this controls the characteristic value entered by
the user.

If a fields value resides is a column (as opposed to a characteristic value), you must
define the column reference. A fields column reference controls three things:

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How the fields value is retrieved. A fields value is retrieved when an existing person
/ account / premise is referenced on an order.

How the fields value is validated. A fields value is validated before package
eligibility is determined and before the order is completed.

How the fields value is posted (i.e., updated on the database). A fields value is
posted when an order is completed.

Refer to Extract Column References From Miscellaneous Fields for more information about
column references.

Default Value On Order. This controls whether the order taker is supplied with a default
value when an order is created. Note well: for optional and only applicable on package
fields, you can specify a different default value on each package.

Misc. Field

Date of birth

Type of

Prompt On Order


Type Of Response

What is your date of birth

(used to qualify for senior



What type of residence do

you live in?


Value On

Entity: Person
Char Type: Date of birth
Entity: Premise

S (single

Char Type: Type of

Type of Heat

How do you heat your home?



E (electric)

Entity: Premise
Char Type: Type of heat
Number of
Units in House

How many units are in the

entire house?

Only applicable
on package(s)

Entity: Premise
Char Type: Number of
units in house

Auto Pay Start


What day would you like to

start automatic payment
processing (YYYY-MM-DD)?


Auto Pay End


What day would you like to

stop automatic payment
processing (leave blank if not


Auto Pay

From what type of credit card

/ bank will the funds be


Auto Pay

What is your credit card /

bank account number?



Column Reference:
Auto Pay Start Date
Column Reference:
Auto Pay End Date
Column Reference:
Auto Pay Source
Column Reference:

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Auto Pay Account


Auto Pay
Account Name

What is the name on your



Auto Pay
Expiration Date

If paying with a credit card,

what is the expiration date


Service Rating

Please rate our service


Column Reference:
Auto Pay Account Name
Column Reference:
Auto Pay Credit Card
Expiration Date

1 (excellent)

Entity: Person
Char Type: Service

Extract Characteristic From The Miscellaneous Fields

c Type


Valid Values

Entities On Which
Can Be Defined

Date of birth

Ad hoc value: use validation

algorithm to confirm date is > 1-Jan1900 and < 31-Feb-2002

Not applicable

Person, Order

Type of

Predefined value

S: Single-Family

Premise, Order

Type of Heat

Predefined value

M: Multi-Family
E: Electric

Premise, Order

G: Gas
Number of Units
in House

Ad hoc value: use validation

algorithm to confirm value is > 0

Not applicable

Premise, Order

Service Rating

Predefined value

0: Not applicable

Person, Order

1: Excellent
2: Very Good
3: Good
4: Poor

Extract Column References From The Miscellaneous

The miscellaneous fields illustrated above require the following column references (we describe
the referenced algorithms at the bottom of the table):


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Post Algorithm

Foreign Key


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Auto Pay Start Date

Retrieve accounts
current automatic
payment information

Validate automatic
payment information

Post automatic
payment information

Auto Pay End Date

N/A this field is

handled by the
Retrieval Algorithm on
Auto Pay Start Date

N/A this field is

handled by the
Validation Algorithm
on Auto Pay Start

N/A this field is

handled by the Post
Algorithm on Auto Pay
Start Date

Auto Pay Source

N/A this field is

handled by the
Retrieval Algorithm on
Auto Pay Start Date

N/A this field is

handled by the
Validation Algorithm
on Auto Pay Start

N/A this field is

handled by the Post
Algorithm on Auto Pay
Start Date

Auto Pay Account


N/A this field is

handled by the
Retrieval Algorithm on
Auto Pay Start Date

N/A this field is

handled by the
Validation Algorithm
on Auto Pay Start

N/A this field is

handled by the Post
Algorithm on Auto Pay
Start Date

Auto Pay Account


N/A this field is

handled by the
Retrieval Algorithm on
Auto Pay Start Date

N/A this field is

handled by the
Validation Algorithm
on Auto Pay Start

N/A this field is

handled by the Post
Algorithm on Auto Pay
Start Date

Auto Pay Expiration


N/A this field is

handled by the
Retrieval Algorithm on
Auto Pay Start Date

N/A this field is

handled by the
Validation Algorithm
on Auto Pay Start

N/A this field is

handled by the Post
Algorithm on Auto Pay
Start Date

Auto pay source

There are three types of algorithms referenced in the above table:

Retrieval algorithm. A columns retrieval algorithm retrieves the columns current value from
the database. Youll notice that only one of our columns uses a retrieval algorithm. This is
because weve used a sophisticated example of a group of columns that are retrieved at the
same time. When you have such a group of columns, nominate one of the columns to do the
retrieval work and specify the retrieval algorithm on it.

Validation algorithm. A columns validation algorithm validates the columns value prior to the
database being updated. Youll notice that only one of our columns uses a validation
algorithm. This is because weve used a sophisticated example of a group of columns that
are validated as a group. When you have such a group of columns, nominate one of the
columns to do the validation work and specify the validation algorithm on it.

Post algorithm. A columns post algorithm updates the columns value on the database when
the order is completed. Youll notice that only one of our columns uses a post algorithm.
This is because weve used a sophisticated example of a group of columns that are posted
together. When you have such a group of columns, nominate one of the columns to do the
posting work and specify the posting algorithm on it.


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Notice that we have indicated that one of the columns has a foreign key reference. You declare
a foreign key reference if the valid values for a column are defined on another table in the
system (this also affects the order user interface as a dropdown appears for columns that have
foreign key references). In our example, Auto Pay Source is the only column whose valid values
are defined on the automatic payment source control table.

Extract Algorithms From The Column References

The column references illustrated above require the following algorithms:
Algorithm Type
Retrieve automatic
payment information
from an account (see

Retrieve automatic
payment information
from an account

Parameter Values
Param 1 = Auto Pay Start Date Column Reference
Param 2 = Auto Pay End Date Column Reference
Param 3 = Auto Pay Source Column Reference
Param 4 = Auto Pay External Account Id Column Reference
Param 5 = Auto Pay Expiration Date Column Reference
Param 6 = Auto Pay Name Column Reference

Validate automatic
payment information
(see CRVL-AP)

Validate automatic
payment information

Param 1 = Auto Pay Start Date Column Reference

Param 2 = Auto Pay End Date Column Reference
Param 3 = Auto Pay Source Column Reference
Param 4 = Auto Pay External Account Id Column Reference
Param 5 = Auto Pay Expiration Date Column Reference
Param 6 = Auto Pay Name Column Reference

Post automatic
payment information
(see CRPS-AP)

Post automatic
payment information

Param 1 = Auto Pay Start Date Column Reference

Param 2 = Auto Pay End Date Column Reference
Param 3 = Auto Pay Source Column Reference
Param 4 = Auto Pay External Account Id Column Reference
Param 5 = Auto Pay Expiration Date Column Reference
Param 6 = Auto Pay Name Column Reference

Determine Account / Premise Dependency For Each

Column Reference
Later in the design process (see Determine How The Campaign Behaves), you define on the
campaign whether an account (and premise) is required, optional or not allowed on its orders.
Your selection impacts how you setup column references. This is a little complicated so lets use
an example:

Assume youve setup a campaign to indicate a premise can optionally be defined on its

If the order-taker doesnt define a premise on an order, any premise-oriented questions and
miscellaneous fields (Q&MF) should be suppressed on the order.

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Its easy for the system to know which Q&MFs to suppress when a Q&MFs response is held
in a characteristic (because you must define on the campaign if the response will reside in an
account, premise, person or order characteristic). For column reference Q&MFs, the system
doesnt know if the response is account-oriented, premise-oriented or neither because
algorithms handle the validation / updating of the response.

Therefore, when you use column references on a campaigns Q&MFs, you must define if the
responses are account-oriented or premise-oriented (so that the system can suppress the
Q&MF when the user doesnt enter an account or premise on the order).

The following table contains the column references defined above as well as their dependency


Auto Pay Start Date

Must have account

Auto Pay End Date

Must have account

Auto Pay Source

Must have account

Auto Pay Account


Must have account

Auto Pay Account


Must have account

Auto Pay Expiration


Must have account

Youll notice that each column reference is account-oriented (this is because automatic payment
fields are stored on the respective account).

Determine If Any Properties Are Overridden On Any

At this point, you have defined the properties of all miscellaneous fields at the campaign level.
You now need to determine if any of your packages need to override any of these properties. In
general, you can only override miscellaneous fields whose campaign applicability is optional or
only applicable on package(s).
Our example campaign has only two overrides:
Package 1 requires the following miscellaneous field overrides:
Misc. Field
Date of birth

Override Prompt (seen

if a package is selected)

Override Package

Not overridden


Override Default
Not overridden

Package 4 requires the following miscellaneous field overrides:

Misc. Field
Number of Units in House

Override Prompt (seen

if a package is selected)

Override Package

Not overridden


Override Default

Warning! If you override field properties on a campaigns packages, you will not be able to
change the properties of the field at the campaign level.


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Determine The Eligibility Rules For The Campaign

Assumption. This section assumes you are comfortable with the information in The Big Picture
Of Campaign Eligibility.
The easiest way to determine a campaigns eligibility is to examine each packages eligibility
criteria and abstract common eligibility restrictions onto the campaign. Its important to remember
that campaign-level eligibility is only used to highlight if the campaign MAY contain applicable
packages; campaign-level eligibility is not strictly enforced.
The packages on our example campaign are all targeted at residential customers in California.
Therefore well take advantage of two base package algorithms to construct the campaigns
eligibility criteria.
Algorithm Type


Parameter Values

Check if accounts
customer class is in a
predefined list (see

If customer class is
residential, check
next algorithm

If customers customer class is in list: 30 (check next)

Check if accounts
division is in a
predefined list (see

If division is
California, customer
is eligible

If customers CIS division is in list: 10 (eligible)

If customers customer class is not in list: 20 (ineligible)

List of customer classes: R

If customers CIS division is not in list: 20 (ineligible)

List of customer classes: CA

Determine How The Campaign Behaves

The final step before youre ready to setup the campaign involves defining a variety of behavioral
functions as described below:

You need to define how the campaign uses accounts and premises. Specifically, on a
campaign you define if an account / premise is required / optional / not allowed on its orders.
In addition, if an account / premise is required or optional, you can control whether new
accounts / premises can be created when an order is completed (the alternative is to force
each order to use an existing account / premise). These controls prevent the unwanted
proliferation of new accounts and premises for campaigns that are targeted at existing
accounts and premises.

Many fields on an order (e.g., phone type, customer class, division, account management
group) can be defaulted on orders created for new customers. You will see these fields on
Order - Main. Think about each such field and whether a default value is appropriate. Keep
in mind that the order taker can override any of these default values.

An order taker can indicate that they want to hold an order if they need to do further research
before continuing with an order. A background process (referred to by the batch control ID
TD-ECBK) will create a To Do entry for held orders as a reminder to get back in touch with
the customer on a future date. You can define the default To Do role assigned to such To Do
entries when you create a campaign. Keep in mind that this value can be overridden when
the order taker holds an order.

You can indicate on a campaign the transaction to which the user should be transferred when
orders are completed. Refer to Supported Business Processes for examples of how you
might want to use this field.

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Setup Sequence
And now youre ready to set up your campaign. The following points describe the order in which
this should be done:
Assumption! We have assumed that you have already designed your organizations SP types,
SA types, start options and rates. If you have not yet done this, we recommend familiarizing
yourself with the concepts described in Designing SP Types, Rates and Defining Service
Agreement Types before designing your campaigns and packages.

Setup any new column references required by the campaigns miscellaneous fields. You will
have to leave the retrieve, validate and post algorithms blank until after the next step.

Setup any new algorithms required by:

The packages eligibility rules.

The packages start methods.

The campaigns eligibility rules.

The campaigns column references.

Update the relevant column references with the appropriate retrieve, validate and post

Setup any new characteristic types required by the campaigns miscellaneous fields.

Create the campaign using the information you designed above. Specifically:

You defined the question and miscellaneous fields under Determine The Properties Of
Every Miscellaneous Field.

You defined the eligibility rules under Determine The Eligibility Rules For The Campaign.

You defined everything else under Determine How The Campaign Behaves.

We recommend leaving the campaigns status as Inactive until all packages are entered.

Create the campaigns packages using the information you designed above. Specifically:

You defined the question and miscellaneous field overrides under Determine If Any
Properties Are Overridden On A Package.

You defined the eligibility rules under Determine Package Eligibility Rules.

You defined the instructions under Determine If Additional Instructions Are Required.

Change the campaigns status to Active.

The default campaign on the installation record. If the campaign youve setup is the default
campaign used when a user presses the Add Order button on Control Central, make sure to
specify it as the default campaign on the installation record. Refer to Setting up a New Customer
Prior To Starting Service for more information.


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Other Useful Information

The topics in this section contain miscellaneous information about the sales & marketing
Order versus Start / Stop
Orders Cannot Be Changed After They Are Completed
Premise and SP Characteristics May Be Populated From Postal Defaults
To Do List Processing
Hold and Cancel Reason Codes
Additional Things Can Happen When An Order Is Completed
New Premises and Accounts Are Only Created if an Order is Completed
Premise Geographic Types Are Populated In An Unusual Way
Account And Premise Usage Are Controlled By The Campaign

Order versus Start / Stop

There are two different ways to start service for a customer:

As described under definitions, you can use the order transaction to start service.

Alternatively, you can use start / stop.

The following table provides insight into the pros and cons of each method (after this table you
will find our recommendations):


Start / Stop

New customer setup

Information about the new customer

can be entered on the order page. A
person / account will be setup when
the order is completed.

A new person and account must be

setup prior to using start / stop. See
How To Add A New Customer From
Control Central for more information.

New premise setup

Information about the new premise

can be entered on the order page. A
premise (and service points) will be
setup when the order is completed.

A new premise and service point(s)

must be setup prior to using start /

Updates to existing customer


Changes to a customers existing

account and/or person info may be
entered on the order page. The
related person and/or account will be
updated when the order is

Start / stop cannot be used to update

person or account information.
Rather, you must transfer to the
person or account page and make
the necessary changes.

Incomplete orders

The order transaction allows you to

record customer information and hold
it without starting service. The
customer can call back in the future
and you can continue where you left

You cannot leave a start half-finished

you either have to complete the
start or cancel it.

Stop current service, start new


The order transaction does not

currently provide a mechanism for
stopping service (it can only be used

Start / stop can be used to stop a

customers current service and start
new service.

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to start service).
Automatic versus manual start option
selection (start options are used to
default a great deal of information
onto a service agreement)

If a customer selects a package, the

system creates service agreements
using the start options defined in the
package (i.e., you do not have to
select a start option for each service
agreement thats created).

When you start service, you must

define the specific start option for
each service agreement created
(actually, you only have to do this for
those types of service agreements
that use start options).

Starting premise and non-premise

oriented services

If a customer selects a package, the

system can create both premise and
non-premise oriented service
agreements. For example, when a
package is selected, the system can
create electric, gas, deposit, and
charitable contribution SAs (based
on the information defined on the

Multiple premise-oriented service

agreements can be created in one
interaction. However, a separate
interaction is required for each nonpremise oriented service agreement.

Changes after completion

An order cannot be modified after it is

completed. Any changes
(cancellations prior to starting
service, changes of the start date,
etc.) must be performed using the
start / stop transaction.

The start / stop transaction allows

you to cancel and make changes to
pending start service agreements.

Field activity visibility

After an order is completed, the user

is transferred to control central where
field activities associated with the
premise can be seen in trees and
context zones.

All field activities associated with all

premises associated with all pending
starts / stops are shown on the start /
stop transaction.

Address changes

Address changes entered on the

order transaction are applied when
an order is completed (i.e., when a
package is selected). They are not
held awaiting service agreement

When you enter an address change

on the start / stop transaction, this
address changed is saved until the
first pending start or stop is activated.
This means that the address change
is effectively held until the start / stop
is activated.

Based on the above, wed recommend the following:

If your organization has well-defined service locations (i.e., premises) AND a premises
service point type controls the types of services offered to the customer, you should probably
only use the order transaction to setup new customer information. The new service
agreements should be setup using start / stop. See Prelude To Start/Stop for more

In all other situations, wed recommend using the order transaction to start service. If
customers typically stop and start service in tandem, wed recommend the following steps:


Stop the customers existing service using start / stop.

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Return to Control Central - Account Info and select the appropriate campaign from the
appropriate portal zone. Keep in mind that the portal zones displayed on this page are
based on the users preferences and security profile. Therefore this zone may not be
available to all users.

When you select the appropriate campaign, youll be transferred to the order transaction
where you can start the desired package for the customer.

Orders Cannot Be Changed After They Are Completed

The Lifecycle of an Order indicates that once an order is complete, it cannot become pending
again. In addition to this rule, wed like to stress that once an order is complete, you cannot
make any changes to the order except to add new log entries.

Premise and SP Characteristics May Be Populated From

Postal Defaults
If you specify a new premise on the order transaction and you complete the order, a new premise
will be created. This premises characteristics can be populated from two different sources:

You could have designed the campaign to have its orders capture premise characteristics.
You do this by adding miscellaneous fields to the campaign that are premise characteristics.

You could have set up postal defaults for the premises country and postal code.

If a given characteristic is referenced on both of the above, the characteristic value on the
campaign is used as the premises characteristic value.
As described above, service points may be created when a package is selected (it depends on
the SA to Create algorithm that youve used on the selected package). The base package
algorithms that create a new service point when a package is selected will populate the service
points characteristics using the information on the postal defaults (if specified). Refer to STRMVT for an example of this type of SA to create algorithm.

To Do List Processing
In the base package, there are two To Do lists that may be affected by orders:

Highlight pending orders. This To Do list contains orders that are in the pending state.
Refer to Pending To Do Entries for more information about this To Do list.

Highlight held orders. This To Do list contains orders that are in the held state. Refer to
Held To Do Entries for more information about this To Do list. Refer to Order - Hold Dialog
for more information about holding orders.

Hold and Cancel Reason Codes

In Lifecycle of an Order, we illustrated how a user can hold a pending order. Before a user can
hold an order, they must supply an Order Hold Reason.
The same is true if a user wants to cancel a pending or held order (i.e., they must supply a Order
Cancellation Reason).
These reason codes are purely for audit purposes.

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Additional Things Can Happen When An Order Is

An optional plug-in spot exists on customer class where you can introduce additional logic to be
executed when an order is completed for an account that belongs to this customer class.
Another optional plug-in spot exists on campaign where you can introduce additional logic to be
executed when an order is completed for the campaign.

New Premises and Accounts Are Only Created if an

Order is Completed
Its important to understand that a premise and account are only created when an order is
completed. This means you can explore alternatives with a prospect who resides at a new
premise without introducing the premise / account. However, the system creates a person if you
save an order so that an audit of the customer interaction exists in the system.

Premise Geographic Types Are Populated In An Unusual

A premises geographic IDs are used by Control Central when you look for a customer / premise
using geographic identifiers.
Geographic coordinates are optional. An installation option controls whether at least one
geographic coordinate is required on every premise.
The following points describe how the geographic IDs are populated on premises that are
created when an order is completed:

If a postal default exists for the new premises country / postal code, any geographic
identifiers on the postal default are copied onto the new premise.

If a postal default hasnt been setup for the new premises country / postal code, the premise
will have a single geographic identifier. It is constructed as follows:

The geographic type is defaulted from the campaign.

The geographic value is set to ***.

Potential error. If neither the campaign nor the postal defaults results in a geographic type AND
the installation record indicates at least one geographic type is required on a premise, an error is
generated explaining that either postal defaults or the campaign should be populated with default
geographic information.


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Account And Premise Usage Are Controlled By The

When you set up a campaign, you define how the campaigns orders use accounts and premises.
Refer to the description of Account Usage and Premise Usage under Campaign - Main for more

Maintaining Orders
The order transaction can be used to satisfy many diverse requirements. For example, you can
use an order to:

Enroll new customers using a single transaction (i.e., you dont have to use the person,
premise, service point, and start / stop transactions to enroll a new customer who resides at a
new premise).

Sell new products to existing customers.

Update existing person, account and premise information using a single transaction.

Market your services to prospects uploaded from a marketing list (and measure the success
of your efforts). If the customer responds to your sales efforts, the system will automatically
setup the customer, premise and related service agreements.

Setup marketing surveys and record your customers responses.

Quickly create one-time charges.

Set up proposals for prospective services (and then send a quotation to the customer for
these services).

And more

The topics in this section describe the order transaction. Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns,
Packages and Orders for general information about orders.
Lifecycle of an Order
Order User Interface Flow
Order - Main
Order - Questions & Misc. Fields
Order - Log
Order - Package Confirmation
Order - Hold Dialog
Order - Cancel Dialog

Lifecycle of an Order
The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of an order.

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Order Lifecycle



An order starts its life in the Pending state. An order

remains in this state until you Cancel, Complete or
Hold it.


You Hold an order when you want to save an order

pending future information. For example, you would
hold an order if you need to perform research on the
perfect rate for the customer before completing the
order. A Held order can be Completed or Canceled.


When a customer selects a package of goods and

services, the V is updated, service agreements are
initiated, and the order becomes Complete. No
changes may be made to a Complete order.


A Pending or Held order may be Canceled.

Order User Interface Flow

The diagram that appears below illustrates the anticipated navigation path used to process an
Warning! An orders campaign controls many aspects of the user interface flow. The illustration
that appears below is a sample of whats possible; it may not mirror how your team has setup
your companys campaigns.


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How To Use An Order To Start New Service For A New Customer At A New Premise
Control Central - Main

Use Control Central to

determine if the
customer exists

If the customer is found, you are transferred

to the Account Information tab where
Applicable Campaigns are shown

If the customer doesn't exist, press the Add

Order button to add a new order

Control Central - Account Information
Select the campaign most relevant to this
customer. This will cause you to be
transferred to the Order - Main page



Order - Main
Enter demographic about the customer and
geographic information about the service address.
Then transfer to the Questions & Misc Fields tab
where you may be prompted for additional

Order - Questions & Misc Fields

Answer any questions and fill in
any extra fields and then press the
Show Eligibility button

Pressing the Show Eligibility button causes

a tree to appear in which eligible packages
(and alternate campaigns) appear

If you choose a campaign, you will be asked to answer

this campaign's Questions & Misc Fields

If you choose a package, you will be transferred to the

package confirmation screen where you may be
prompted for more information

Package Confirmation
Answer any package-specific
questions and fill in any extra
fields and then press Complete

The system will setup / update the "V"and complete

the order. The transaction to which you are
transferred is controlled by a field on the campaign.

Order - Main
This page is used to define demographic and geographic information about the customer /
Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders for more information about orders.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Order.

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Refer to Order User Interface Flow for information about how to use this page.

Description of Page
Order contains a concatenation of the customers name, campaign, package (if the order is
completed), status and start date. Order ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the order.
These values only appear after the order is added to the database.
Status contains the state of the order. Refer to Lifecycle of an Order for information about the
valid values and the state transition rules. Additional information may also be displayed based on
the status:

If the orders status is Held, the following information is also displayed: the hold reason, the
name of the user who held the order, and the date and time when a reminder for the order is
due to be created.

If the orders status is Canceled, the following information is also displayed: the cancel
reason, the name of the user who canceled the order, and the date and time when the order
was canceled.

If the orders status is Complete, the following information is also displayed: the name of the
user who completed the order and the date and time when the order was completed.

Press the Hold button to hold a Pending order. Refer to Order - Hold Dialog for a description of
the pop-up window used to hold an order.
Press the Cancel button to cancel a Pending or Held order. Refer to Order - Cancel Dialog for a
description of the pop-up window used to cancel an order.
If the Campaign has been setup to allow the completion of orders without selecting a package, a
button appears to the right of Cancel. The label that appears in the button is defined on the
Campaign. When pressed, the order is completed. When the order is completed,

The V is setup / updated.

All questions and miscellaneous fields (defined on the next tab) are posted to the appropriate

Optional plug-ins are executed.

You will be transferred to the order completion transaction thats defined on the Campaign (if

If the order references an existing person, account, or premise and the related person / account /
premise has changed after their information was snapshot on the order, the Out of Sync section
appears. This section highlights which objects have changed since the order was last saved. In
addition, the Sync button appears. When pressed, the order is updated with the current field
values for these objects.
An orders Campaign controls many aspects of the orders behavior. For example, it controls:

The type of information defaulted onto an order.

The eligibility-oriented questions that are displayed on the next tab.

The superset of packages that can be offered to a customer.

In addition to the above, campaigns also control high-level eligibility rules and business
process flows.


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An orders Campaign is defaulted as follows:

When you select a customer on Control Central - Main, you are automatically transferred to
the Account Information portal. One of the zones on this portal page contains the campaigns
that can be offered to the customer. If you select a campaign from this zone, you are
transferred to the Order transaction with the respective Campaign defaulted. Note, the
Applicable Campaigns zone only appears if the CSR has modified their preferences to
display this zone.

In all other situations, the orders campaign defaults from the Installation Record.

You may change an orders Campaign at will. Note that changing the campaign will result in the
Questions & Misc Fields (the next tab) being refreshed with values associated with the new
campaign. However, other values typically defaulted from the campaign (such as default
customer class) do not get refreshed so that data you may have entered does not get overwritten.
Start Date defines the date on which service will start. This date becomes the start date on
service agreements created when this order is completed. If you need to change the start date
on these service agreements, transfer to Start/Stop (where all of the pending start service
agreements will appear).
The topics that follow describe the remaining sections on this page
Order - Main - Person Information
Order - Main - Service Address
Order - Main - Account Information

Order - Main - Person Information

The Person Information section contains demographic information about the customer /
Warning! This page contains a subset of person-oriented information. If you need to define
other person-oriented information, transfer to Person - Main after the order is completed.
If this is a new customer, select Create New Person and enter demographic information in the
fields that follow. Otherwise, select Use Existing Person and use the Name field or press the
search button to find the customer. After you select an existing person, the following events
takes place:

The persons name appears beneath the person search (and the person context menu can
now be used to drill down to person-oriented pages). Note, the persons name is formatted
by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base packages name format
algorithm for an example. If you prefer different formatting logic, your system administrator
should configure the system appropriately.

If any of the Questions & Misc Fields (on the next tab) are used to capture person-oriented
characteristics, the persons existing characteristic values are defaulted.

If the selected person has at least one account, information about the account is displayed in
the Account Information section (if the Campaign makes uses of accounts). In addition, if
any of the Questions & Misc Fields (the next tab) are used to capture account-oriented
characteristics, the accounts existing characteristic values are populated in the respective
rows on this tab.

Information about the person is displayed in the fields that follow.

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Use Person/Business to indicate if the customer is a Person or a Business. This value

controls how the persons primary name is validated. Note, for new customers, this value
defaults based on the Campaign.
Names are used by Control Central when you look for a customer based on their name. In
addition, a persons primary name is the addressee on the persons bill unless overridden by the
Override Mailing Name (defined on Person - Correspondence Information). To modify a name,
simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new name, press + to insert a row, then fill
in the information for each field. The following fields display:

Use Name Type to indicate if the name is an Alias, Alternate Representation, Doing
Business As, Legal, or Primary name. Note, for new persons, a value of Primary is

Use Person Name to define the persons name. Note well, the name is case sensitive.

Alternate representations of a persons name. You would use an Alternate Representation

for a persons name when you have an alternate ways to define the persons primary name.
Alternate representations are typically used in countries that use multiple character sets (e.g., the
Primary name is entered in Chinese, the Alternate Representation is entered in English).
When a person has an alternate name, both the main and alternate names can be used to search
for a person. The Alternate Representation Name Type only appears if you have enabled
alternate addresses on the installation record. Refer to the description of the Alternate
Representation field under Installation - Main for more information.
Validation is performed by a plug-in. The validation that is applied to Person Name (e.g., a
comma separating the last and first name Smith,Patricia) is controlled by a plug-in algorithm
on the installation record. Refer to the base packages name validation algorithm for an example.
If you prefer different validation logic, your system administrator should configure the system
Phone numbers are used by Control Central to look for accounts and persons. For new
customers, the phone type(s) default based on the Campaign. To modify a telephone number,
simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new telephone number, press + to insert a
row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

Phone Type indicates the type of phone number, e.g., Home, Mobile, Business,

Use Phone Number to define the telephone number. Enter the telephone number in the
format described by the Phone Format.

Formatting is performed by a plug-in. The format that is applied to a Phone Number is

controlled by the algorithm that is plugged in on the respective Phone Type. You can also have
this plug-in convert input values into formatted values, e.g., this algorithm could transform all
numbers into a formatted string. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should
configure this algorithm appropriately.

Enter the Extension, if any, of the telephone number.

A persons ID has several uses:


It is used by Control Central when you look for a customer / premise based on their ID.

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It is used to highlight potential duplicate persons.

Control Central displays a persons primary identification in the search results area to help a
user identify the customer when multiple customers match the search criteria.

The person ID usage flag on the installation record indicates whether or not at least one id for a
person is required or optional. The ID Type defaults from the installation record based on the
Person Type (Person versus Business). The following fields are used to define a customers
primary ID.

Indicate the type of identification in the drop down.

Enter the identification number in the adjacent fields. Please note that if the ID number
should be formatted (e.g., dashes in an American social security number), you do not have
to enter the dashes. Rather, you can enter the information as a contiguous value and the
system will format this for you. The format is shown in the adjacent Identifier Format

Formatting is performed by a plug-in. The format that is applied to a person ID number (e.g.,
dashes in an American social security number) is controlled by the algorithm that is plugged in on
the respective ID Type. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should
configure this algorithm appropriately.
A person can have many forms of identification. The order transaction only caters for a single
form of ID (as this is the most typical situation). If you want to specify additional person IDs, you
must transfer to Person - Main after the person is created (persons are created when the order is
Specify the customers Email ID (if any).
Define the Language in which the person prefers their bills and correspondence printed.
Default note. The persons language defaults from Installation Options - Person.

Refer to Customer Language for more information on options for supporting multiple languages
for your customers.
Use Life Support / Sensitive Load to indicate if the person has life support or sensitive load
equipment. Valid values are: LS/SL (i.e., the person has life support / sensitive load equipment),
None. If the customer has Life Support / Sensitive Load equipment, indicate such in the
adjacent comment field.
A premise can also have life support / sensitive load information. If the equipment is
physically linked to the premise (e.g., a hospital has life support equipment), you should NOT
specify the life support information on the person. Rather, after the premise is added, transfer to
Premise - Misc and specify life support information on the premise.

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Life support affects alerts and C&C. If life support / sensitive load information is specified, an
alert will appear when the person is displayed on control central. In addition, if a person has life
support or sensitive load equipment, it is possible for a different credit & collection severance
process to be kicked off if the persons account associated has overdue debt. Refer to Designing
Your Severance Procedures for more information.

Order - Main - Service Address

The Service Address section contains geographic information about the service address:
Warning! This page contains a subset of premise-oriented information. If you need to define
other premise-oriented information, transfer to Premise - Main after the order is completed.
Whether or not a premise is required or even allowed on an order is controlled by an option on
the Campaign. If the Campaign disallows the use of a premise, this section will be suppressed.
If the Campaign allows the use of a premise, an indication of whether a premise is optional or
required is displayed adjacent to Service Address.
If a premise is allowed on the order, use the dropdown at the top of this section to tell the system
about this orders premise:

Select No Premise Information if you do not want to associate a premise with this order
(e.g., for a one-time charge).

Select Create New Premise if this is a new premise. You should enter the new premises
address in the remaining fields in this section.

Select Use Existing Premise if an existing premise should be used on the order. Use the
Address and City fields or press the search button to find the premise. Refer to Control
Central - Search Facilities for suggestions in respect of how to use these fields. After you
select an existing premise, the following events takes place:

The premises description appears beneath the premise search fields (and the premise
context menu can now be used to drill down to premise-oriented pages).

If any of the Questions & Misc Fields (the next tab) are used to capture premise-oriented
characteristics, the premises existing characteristic values are defaulted.

Information about the premise is displayed in the fields that follow.

Use Premise Type to describe the type of service location.

The addresss constituent fields vary based on the Country. Please refer to the Country page for
more information.
Populate Trend Area if the Postal is blank. The Postal and the Trend Area cannot both be
blank as the Trend Area is a required field on the premise and its value is typically defaulted from
postal defaults.
Default note. The values of several fields on this and the next page default based on the
Country and the Postal Code. Refer to Setting Up Premise & Service Point Postal Defaults for
more information. Also note, there are several premise-oriented fields that do not appear on this
transaction that will be populated on the premise based on the Country and Postal Code (e.g.,
characteristics, time zone, trend area, geo IDs).


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Use CIS Division to define the jurisdiction in which the premise is located.

Order - Main - Account Information

The Account Information section contains account-oriented information.
Warning! This page contains a subset of account-oriented information. If you need to define
other account-oriented information, transfer to Account - Main after the order is completed.
Whether or not an account is required or even allowed on an order is controlled by an option on
the Campaign. If the Campaign disallows the use of an account, this section will be suppressed.
If the Campaign allows the use of an account, an indication of whether an account is optional or
required is displayed adjacent to Account Information.
If an account is allowed on the order, use the dropdown at the top of this section to tell the system
about this orders account:

Select No Account Information if you do not want to associate an account with this order
(e.g., for a person-oriented marketing survey).

Select Create New Account if this is a new account. You should enter the new accounts
information in the remaining fields in this section.

Select Use Existing Account if an existing account should be used on the order. If an
existing person was selected above, one of the persons accounts (if any) will be
automatically displayed in the Account Information. In addition, if the order references an
existing person, the account search will be limited to accounts associated with this person. If
an Existing Account is selected, the following takes place:

Basic information about the account appears beneath the search area (and the account
context menu can now be used to drill down to account-oriented pages).

If any of the Questions & Misc Fields on the next tab are used to capture accountoriented characteristics, the accounts existing characteristic values are defaulted.

Information about the account is displayed in the fields that follow.

Customer Class plays a part in:

If and when a customer is subject to late payment charges.

The accounts default collection class and when the account debt monitor reviews an
account. Refer to The Big Picture of Credit & Collections for more information about how and
when an accounts debt is reviewed.

And several other functions. Refer to and Setting Up Customer Classes for more information.

Default note. For new accounts, Customer Class defaults based on the Campaign.
The optional Account Management Group controls the roles assigned to To Do entries
associated with an account. Refer to Setting Up Account Management Groups for more
Default note. For new accounts, Management Group defaults based on the Campaign.

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The remaining fields are used to describe how the bill should be routed to the customer.
Warning! When an order is completed, several fields that do not appear on this page that reside
on Account - Person are populated. For example, Account Relationship Type, Bill Format,
Number of Copies, Receives Notification are all populated with default values. If you need to
override the default values, transfer to Account - Person after the account is added.
Use Bill Route Type to define how the bill is sent to the customer. This fields value defaults
from the Installation Record. This value is important as it controls many options on the remainder
of this page. If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are routed via Fax, the persons fax
number is displayed adjacent (the system knows which of a persons phone numbers is a fax
number by the Phone Type). If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are routed via Email, the
persons Email address is displayed adjacent. If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are
routed via the Postal service, you must choose an appropriate Bill Address Source to define
which address should be used. Refer to Setting Up Bill Route Types for more information about
bill route types.
If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are routed via the Postal service, you must choose the
appropriate Bill Address Source to define which address should be used. This field will be
protected for other Bill Route Types.

Choose Mailing Premise on Account if bills should be sent to the address associated with
the Mailing Premise on the first page. This address is displayed adjacent.

Choose Person if bills should be sent to the persons mailing address. This address is
displayed adjacent.

Choose Account Override if bills should be sent to an override address specified below.
Typically, you would only choose this option if the person has multiple accounts and each
accounts bills should be sent to a different address.

If you select a Bill Address Source of Account Override, you must enter the address to which
bills will be sent in the following address constituents. The number and type of address
constituents is based on the Country (refer to Defining Countries for more information on
address constituents). These fields will be protected for other Bill Address Sources. Note, the
Country defaults from Installation Options - System and several other constituents default based
on the Country and Postal Code if a Postal Default exists for the postal code.

Order - Questions & Misc. Fields

This page has several purposes:

The orders Campaign can define questions to be posed to customers when an order is
taken. For example, you could ask the customer marketing survey questions (e.g., please
rate our service, how do you heat your home?, etc.). This page allows you to capture the
customers response.

The orders Campaign can also be setup to capture additional fields to be updated on the
orders person / account / premise when the order is completed. For example, you could
indicate that the accounts override due date and automatic payment options should be
captured when an order is taken. This page allows you to capture these field values.

The orders Campaign can also be setup to pose eligibility-oriented questions that qualify the
customer for packages of goods and services. For example, you might have a campaign with
packages that can only be selected if the customer commits to a years worth of service. This
page allows you capture the customers response to these types of questions.


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After entering the above information (and the information on the Main page), you can use this
page to select a package of goods and services for the customer.

You can use this page to switch the campaign on the order (which would result in new
questions and miscellaneous fields appearing).

Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders for more information.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Order and then navigate to the Questions & Misc
Fields tab.
Refer to Order User Interface Flow for information about how to use this page.

Description of Page
Order contains a concatenation of the customers name, campaign, package (if the order is
completed), status and start date. Order ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the order.
These values only appear after the order is added to the database.
Status contains the state of the order. Refer to Lifecycle of an Order for information about the
valid values and the state transition rules. Additional information may also be displayed based on
the status:

If the orders status is Held, the following information is also displayed: the hold reason, the
name of the user who held the order, and the date and time when a reminder for the order is
due to be created.

If the orders status is Canceled, the following information is also displayed: the cancel
reason, the name of the user who canceled the order, and the date and time when the order
was canceled.

If the orders status is Complete, the following information is also displayed: the name of the
user who completed the order and the date and time when the order was completed.

Press the Hold button to hold a Pending order. Refer to Order - Hold Dialog for a description of
the pop-up window used to hold an order.
Press the Cancel button to cancel a Pending or Held order. Refer to Order - Cancel Dialog for a
description of the pop-up window used to cancel an order.
If the Campaign has been setup to allow the completion of orders without selecting a package, a
button appears to the right of Cancel. The label that appears in the button is defined on the
Campaign. When pressed, the order is completed. When the order is completed,

The V is setup / updated.

All questions and miscellaneous fields (defined on the next tab) are posted to the appropriate

Optional plug-ins are executed.

You will be transferred to the order completion transaction thats defined on the Campaign (if

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If the order references an existing person, account, or premise and the related person / account /
premise has changed after their information was snapshot on the order, the Out of Sync section
appears. This section highlights which objects have changed since the order was last saved. In
addition, the Sync button appears. When pressed, the order is updated with the current field
values for these objects.
The number and type of Questions & Misc Fields is controlled by the Campaign.
Some questions can be suppressed. The campaign contains an indication if each question is
account-oriented, person-oriented, premise-oriented or order-oriented. If the question is accountoriented and no account is defined on the Main tab, the question will be suppressed. If the
question is premise-oriented and no premise is defined on the Main tab, the question will be
Each row in this grid has a Prompt and a Response. The value of each Prompt is defined on
the Campaign. The Response holds the answer supplied by the customer. Please note the
following about the Response field:

On a Campaign, you can indicate which questions / misc. fields are required. The Response
for a required field is prefixed with an asterisk - *.

The value of a Response can default from a variety of sources:

If an existing person was selected on the Main page AND the response is used to
capture a person characteristic, the existing characteristic value will be defaulted.

If an existing premise was selected on the Main page AND the response is used to
capture a premise characteristic, the existing characteristic value will be defaulted. If no
value exists, the characteristic values will default based on the postal defaults associated
with the service addresss Country and Postal Code.

If an existing account was selected on the Main page AND the response is used to
capture an account characteristic, the existing characteristic value will be defaulted.

Otherwise, the characteristic value is defaulted from the Campaign.

The type of field used to capture a Response is controlled by the Campaign. Depending on
the type of Response you may see Go To buttons and Search buttons.

After entering the Responses to the Questions & Misc Fields, press the Show Eligibility
The following may occur when this button is pressed:

If a new customer is specified on the Main page, a warning will advise you that a new person
will be added. The system needs to add a new person so that an audit of the customer
interaction exists.

The tree expands to show the Order - Eligibility Tree containing package, ineligible package,
error package, and other campaign nodes:


Each Package node contains a package that is linked to the campaign whose Eligibility
Criteria allows its selection by the customer. You can expand this node to see the
various service agreements that will be created if you select the package. Selecting one
of these packages causes the Order - Package Confirmation page to appear in which you
can confirm your selection.

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The Ineligible Package(s) node contains packages whose Eligibility Criteria prevents
their selection by the customer.

The Error Packages node contains packages whose Eligibility Criteria have returned
errors (if any).

The other campaign(s) node contains alternative campaigns that may be substituted for
the current campaign on the package. Selecting one of these campaigns will cause the
campaign to be changed on this order. Changing a campaign on an order will result in
new questions and miscellaneous fields appearing. Refer to The Big Picture Of
Campaign Eligibility for more information.

Some nodes can be suppressed. To increase page performance with large campaigns, you
can define a feature configuration to suppress the display of the Ineligible Packages, Error
Packages or Other Campaign nodes. If a node is suppressed, it does not appear on the eligibility
tree and the system does process the information necessary to display the node.

Order - Log
This page contains an audit trail of significant events that transpired in the history of this order.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Order and then navigate to the Log tab.
Description of Page
Order contains a concatenation of the customers name, campaign, package (if the order is
completed), status and start date. Order ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the order.
These values only appear after the order is added to the database.
Status contains the state of the order. Refer to Lifecycle of an Order for information about the
valid values and the state transition rules. Additional information may also be displayed based on
the status:

If the orders status is Held, the following information is also displayed: the hold reason, the
name of the user who held the order, and the date and time when a reminder for the order is
due to be created.

If the orders status is Canceled, the following information is also displayed: the cancel
reason, the name of the user who canceled the order, and the date and time when the order
was canceled.

If the orders status is Complete, the following information is also displayed: the name of the
user who completed the order and the date and time when the order was completed.

Press the Hold button to hold a Pending order. Refer to Order - Hold Dialog for a description of
the pop-up window used to hold an order.
Press the Cancel button to cancel a Pending or Held order. Refer to Order - Cancel Dialog for a
description of the pop-up window used to cancel an order.
Campaign contains basic information about the orders campaign.
Package only appears if the order has been completed. It contains basic information about the
Start Date contains the date on which the service agreements created by the order will be

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The Log contains an audit trail of significant events that transpired in the history of this order.
There are two types of entries in the log:

The system automatically adds log entries when key events occur. These entries may not be
removed or changed.

Users may add log entries by pressing the + button and then specifying the Details.

Order - Package Confirmation

The Package Confirmation page allows you to check the package you selected before the V is
created / updated for the customer. This page opens when you select a package from the
eligibility tree on Order - Questions & Misc Fields.
Warning! If you press the Complete button, a variety of objects may be created (service
agreements, service points, a premise, an account, field activities, etc.). If you need to change
any of these objects after order completion, you must transfer to the respective page on which the
object is maintained. You can also use Start / Stop to make changes to the service agreements
created by this transaction.
Description of Page
Order contains a concatenation of basic information about the order. Order ID is the systemassigned unique identifier of the order. These values only appear after the order is added to the
Campaign contains basic information about the orders campaign.
Package contains basic information about the package.
Premise is the address at which service will be delivered.
Person is the name of the customer.
Account is the name of the customer and their customer class.
Start Date contains the date on which the service agreements created by the order will be
The Questions & Misc Fields grid contains the questions and miscellaneous fields that
appeared on the order. Note well, it is possible to design a campaign and a package where some
fields are optional on the campaign but required for a specific package. The Response of all
required fields for the selected package are prefixed with an asterisk. Refer to Order - Questions
& Misc Fields for information about the rows in this grid.
Changing your answers could cause the package to become ineligible. As described
earlier, the fields you enter on an order play are what the system uses to determine if a package
can be selected for a customer. If you change the answers to the Questions & Misc Fields, the
package may no longer be eligible and an error will be presented to you. You will have the
choice of reverting to the original answers or returning to the order page where you can select an
eligible package.


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Additional questions / misc fields are possible. It is possible to design a campaign where
certain field values are only visible on specific packages. In this scenario, the Questions & Misc
Fields grid may contain additional rows for a given package. Refer to Designing Campaigns and
Packages for more information.
The Instructions grid contains package-specific suggestions. These instructions are defined on
the package.
The Messages grid contains system-generated messages that summarize what will happen if
you press the Complete button.
Press the Complete Order button if you are satisfied with the information on the order.
Otherwise, press Do Not Use this Package to change or cancel the order.

Order - Hold Dialog

The Order - Hold dialog opens if you press the Hold button on the order transaction. You use it
to define why the order is being held and when you want to be reminded to check up on the
Description of Page
Use Hold Reason to define why the order is being held.
The following fields are used to control the To Do entry that will be created to remind you about
this order.

Use Reminder Date / Time to define the latest date on which the To Do entry should be
created. The reason we indicated this should be the latest date is because the background
process (known by the batch control ID of TD-ECBK) thats responsible for creating these To
Do entries has a parameter called lead time. This parameter is used to define the number
of days before the Reminder Date that the To Do entry should be created.

If the To Do entry should be addressed to a group of users, choose a Reminder Type of

Send to Role and enter the user groups To Do Role. Note, the To Do Role will default from
the orders campaign.

If the To Do entry should be addressed to a specific user, choose a Reminder Type of Send
to User and enter the users User ID in To Do User.

Log Notes are used to describe why the order is being held. This information appears in the
log entry that is created by the system when you hold an order.

If there are any To Do entries (with a status of Open or Being Worked On) that drill down to this
order, a message is displayed indicating that existing To Do entries for this order will be
completed. If the order is already in Hold status, existing To Do entries are completed when you
click the OK button and a new To Do entry is created when the background process responsible
for creating the To Do entries runs.

Order - Cancel Dialog

The Order - Cancel dialog opens if you press the Cancel button on the order transaction. You
use it to define why the order is being canceled.
Description of Page

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Use Cancel Reason to define why the order is being canceled.

Use Log Notes to describe why the order is being canceled. This information appears in the log
entry that is created by the system when you cancel an order.

Maintaining Campaigns
When you add an order, you must reference its campaign. An orders campaign controls:

The type of information defaulted onto an order. For example, you can setup a campaign to
default a given account management group on all orders linked to this campaign. This
account management group will then default onto accounts created when the campaigns
orders are completed.

The eligibility-oriented questions that are posed to the customer when an order is taken. For
example, the questions indicated above Who is your current energy service provider? /
Would you like to pay automatically? / What is your date of birth? are all defined on the
orders campaign.

The superset of packages that can be offered to a customer whose order references this
campaign. An orders campaign defines the types of packages that may be selected.

In addition to the above, campaigns also control high-level eligibility rules and business
process flows.

The topics in this section describe the campaign transaction.

Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders for general information about
campaigns. Refer to The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility Rules for a discussion of how to
control which campaigns can be used for different types of customers. Refer to Designing
Campaigns and Packages for guidelines describing how to design your campaigns.

Lifecycle of a Campaign
Campaign - Main
Campaign - Questions and Misc. Fields
Campaign - Algorithm
Campaign - Package

Lifecycle of a Campaign
The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a campaign.


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An Active campaign may have orders created in respect

of it.


By Inactivating the campaign, you are preventing it from

being used on future orders. In addition, Inactive
campaigns do not appear in the Applicable Campaigns

Campaign - Main
This page is used to define basic information about a campaign.
Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders and Designing Campaigns and
Packages for more information.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Campaign.
Description of Page
Campaign is the user-defined code that uniquely identifies the campaign. The campaigns
description appears adjacent.
Description briefly describes the campaign.
Campaign Status describes the state of the campaign. Refer to Lifecycle of a Campaign for
more information.
The following fields contain values to be defaulted onto this campaigns orders. The user who
takes the order may override these default values. Note well, these default values are only
applicable for new persons they will not override field values defined on existing persons.

The system requires all persons to be defined as either a Person or a Business. Use
Default Person / Business to define the default value for persons created by this
campaigns orders.

Every phone number defined for a person must reference a phone type. Use Default Phone
Type 1 and Default Phone Type 2 to define the first two phone types defaults for persons
created by this campaigns orders.

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Premise Usage controls if and how this campaigns orders use premises. You have the following

Select Not Allowed if this campaigns orders do not reference a premise.

Select Optional if this campaigns orders do not have to reference a premise. This option
also means that a new OR existing premise may be specified on the order. Note, if an order
references a new premise, the premise will be created when the order is completed.

Select Optional - Existing Premise Only if this campaigns orders do not have to reference
a premise. This option also means that only an existing premise may be specified on an

Select Required if this campaigns orders must reference a premise. This option also means
that a new OR existing premise may be specified on the order. Note, if an order references a
new premise, the premise will be created when the order is completed.

Select Required - Existing Premise Only if this campaigns orders must reference a
premise. This option also means that only an existing premise may be specified on an order.

The following fields contain values to be defaulted onto this campaigns orders. The user who
takes the order may override these default values. Note well, these default values are only
applicable for new premises they will not override field values defined on existing premises.

The system requires all premises to reference a premise type. Use Default Premise Type to
define the default value for premises created by this campaigns orders.

Every geographic ID defined for a premise must reference a geographic type. Use Default
Premise Geo Type to define the default value for premises created by this campaigns
orders. Refer to Premise Geographic Types Are Populated In An Unusual Way.

Account Usage controls if and how this campaigns orders use accounts. You have the
following options:

Select Not Allowed if this campaigns orders do not reference an account.

Select Optional if this campaigns orders do not have to reference an account. This option
also means that a new OR existing account may be specified on the order. Note, if an order
references a new account, the account will be created when the order is completed.

Select Optional - Existing Account Only if this campaigns orders do not have to reference
an account. This option also means that only an existing account may be specified on an

Select Required if this campaigns orders must reference an account. This option also
means that a new OR existing account may be specified on the order. Note, if an order
references a new account, the account will be created when the order is completed.

Select Required - Existing Account Only if this campaigns orders must reference an
account. This option also means that only an existing account may be specified on an order.

The following fields contain values to be defaulted onto this campaigns orders. The user who
takes the order may override these default values. Note well, these default values are only
applicable for new accounts they will not override field values defined on existing accounts.

The system requires all accounts to belong to a customer class. Use Default Customer
Class to define the default value for accounts created by this campaigns orders.

An account may reference an account management group. Use Default Acct Management
Group to define the default value for accounts created by this campaigns orders.


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If a user holds one of the campaigns orders, they can have a To Do entry generated on a future
date to remind them about the order. Use Default Hold To Do Role to define the group of users
to whom the To Do entry will be sent. Note well, the user who holds an order can indicate that
the related To Do entry should be addressed to a specific user ID rather than a Role.
Use Order Open Option to define the tab page that is displayed when a user adds a new order
for this campaign. This field is only relevant when the order transaction is invoked in add mode
and a campaign is passed to this transaction (e.g., if a user adds an order from the Applicable
Campaigns Zone).
A user can be automatically transferred to a different transaction when they complete an order.
Refer to Supported Business Processes for examples of transactions that we anticipate being
used. Use Navigation Option to define this transaction. Note,

Leave Navigation Option blank if the user should remain on the order transaction after

You can setup Navigation Options to transfer to the user to a tab other than the main tab.

If a user is allowed to complete this campaigns orders without selecting a package,

Turn on Allow Order Compl w/o Package and

Use Order Compl w/o Package Label to define the message to appear in the button used to
complete such orders.

Refer to Campaigns Without Packages for examples of campaigns where you would enable the
above fields.
Use Long Description to provide an overview of this campaign.
The grid at the bottom of the page summarizes this campaigns questions and miscellaneous
fields. To change this information, press the adjacent go to button (which will transfer you to the
Questions and Misc Fields tab). To add additional information, transfer to the Questions and
Misc Fields tab and press the + button.

Campaign - Questions and Misc. Fields

This page is used to define the following type of information:

An orders campaign can define questions to be posed to customers when an order is taken.
For example, you could ask the customer marketing survey questions (e.g., please rate our
service, how do you heat your home?, etc.).

An orders campaign can also be setup to capture additional fields to be updated on the
orders person / account / premise when the order is completed. For example, you could
indicate that the accounts override due date and automatic payment options should be
captured when an order is taken.

An orders campaign can also be setup to pose eligibility-oriented questions that qualify the
customer for packages of goods and services. For example, you might have a campaign with
packages that can only be selected if the customer commits to a years worth of service.

Refer to Designing Campaigns and Packages for information describing how to design this type
of information for your campaigns.

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Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Campaign and navigate to the Question & Misc
Fields tab.
Description of Page
Warning! This information is not intuitive; we strongly recommend that you follow the guidelines
under Designing Campaigns and Packages before attempting to enter this information.
Campaign is the user-defined code that uniquely identifies the campaign. The campaigns
description appears adjacent.
The Questions & Misc Fields scroll contains one row for each question / miscellaneous field
captured on this campaigns orders. The following fields are used:

Prompt on Order contains the prompt that is shown to the user when the order is taken.
Refer to Determine The Properties Of Every Miscellaneous Field for examples.

Brief Description is simply a brief description of the question / miscellaneous field.

Sort Sequence controls the order in which the question appears on the order.

Applicability controls whether the field is Optional, Required, or Only Applicable on


A value of Required means the order taker must enter a valid value before packages are
displayed for selection.

A value of Optional means the order taken can leave the field blank prior to package
selection. You can make an Optional field Required on individual packages.

A value of Only Applicable on Package is used for fields that are only captured for
specific packages. Fields of this type are suppressed prior to package selection. When
you setup a package, you indicate if the field is applicable (if so, the user is only
prompted for the field if the package is selected).

Type of Response controls where the field is stored when the order is completed and how it
is validated. You have two options: Characteristic or Column.

If a field is a Characteristic, you must define which entity the characteristic value is to be
stored on when the order is completed (Person, Account, Premise or Order). You must
also define the Characteristic Type as this controls the characteristic value entered by
the user.

If a fields value resides in a Column (as opposed to a characteristic value), you must
define the column reference. A fields Column Reference controls three things:

How the fields value is retrieved. A fields value is retrieved when an existing person
/ account / premise is referenced on an order.

How the fields value is validated. A fields value is validated before package
eligibility is determined and before the order is completed.

How the fields value is posted (i.e., updated on the database). A fields value is
posted when an order is completed.

Refer to Extract Column References From Miscellaneous Fields for more information about
column references.


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If a fields value resides in a Column (as opposed to a characteristic value), you must
also define whether the question / field is dependent on the order referencing an account
or premise. You do this by populating Question Dependency with one of the following

Select Must Have Account if this question / field should only appear if the order
references an account (new OR existing).

Select Must Have Premise if this question / field should only appear if the order
references a premise (new OR existing).

Select No Dependency if this question / field should always appear.

Refer to Determine Account / Premise Dependencies For Column References for more

Default Column Value / Default Char Value controls whether the order taker is supplied
with a default value when an order is created. Note well: for Optional and Only Applicable
on Package fields, you can specify a different default value on each package.

Campaign - Algorithm
This page defines plug-in algorithms that are executed for orders associated with this campaign.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Campaign and navigate to the Algorithm tab.
Description of Page
Campaign is the user-defined code that uniquely identifies the campaign. The campaigns
description appears adjacent.
The grid contains Algorithms that control campaign-oriented functions. You must define the
following for each plug-in algorithm:

Specify the System Event with which the algorithm is associated (see the table that follows
for a description of all possible events).

Specify the Sequence and Algorithm for each System Event. You can set the Sequence
Number to 10 unless you have a System Event that has multiple Algorithms. In this case,
you need to tell the system the Sequence in which they should execute.

You can define algorithms for the following System Events:


Optional /

A campaigns eligibility algorithms control two things:
- Whether the campaign appears in the Applicable Campaigns Zone. This
content zone suggests possible campaigns for the current customer displayed
on control central. You might want to use this zone if you have different
campaigns that are offered to different types of customers. Refer to Real-time
Marketing of Additional Services to a Customer for an example of how this
content zone can be used to up sell additional services.
- Whether the campaign appears on an orders eligibility tree. Campaigns that
appear in this tree are alternate campaigns that may be used on an order.
Refer to Real-time Marketing of Services to a Prospect for an example of how

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an orders eligibility tree can contain alternate campaigns for an order.

Refer to The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility for information about these
Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.


When an order is completed for this campaign, algorithms plugged into this
spot are called to do additional work (e.g., create a customer contact). You
need only specify this type of algorithm if you require additional work to be
performed when an order is completed for this campaign.
Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Campaign - Package
A package controls the various types of service agreements that will be created if the customer
selects the package. This page summarizes all packages that may be selected on orders
associated with this campaign. Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Campaign and
navigate to the Package tab.
Description of Page
Campaign is the user-defined code that uniquely identifies the campaign. The campaigns
description appears adjacent.
The grid contains an entry for every package associated with this campaign. To view or change a
package, press the adjacent go to button (which will transfer you to Package - Main). To add a
new package, use the Campaign context menu to transfer to Package - Main in add mode.

Maintaining Packages
After a user enters basic information about a customer on an order, they are shown the various
packages that may be offered to the customer. A package controls the various types of service
agreements that will be created if the customer selects the package.
If the customer elects to take a package, the system sets up / updates the V (along with all of
the ancillary things that happen when service is initiated, e.g., field activities are created).
The topics in this section describe the package transaction.
Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders for general information about
packages. Refer to The Big Picture Of Package Eligibility Rules for a discussion of how to control
which packages can be used for different types of customers. Refer to Designing Campaigns
and Packages for guidelines describing how to design your packages.

An order can be completed without selecting a package. It is possible to use the order
transaction to simply create / update persons and accounts. Refer to Campaigns Without
Packages for more information.

Lifecycle of a Package


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Package - Main
Package - SAs To Create
Package - Questions & Misc Fields
Package - Eligibility
Package - Instructions

Lifecycle of a Package
The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a package.

Package Lifecycle


An Active package may be selected on an order.


By Inactivating a package, you are preventing it from

being selected on future orders.

Package - Main
This page is used to define basic information about a package.
Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders and Designing Campaigns and
Packages for more information.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Package.
Description of Page
Package contains a concatenation of basic information about the package. Package ID is the
system-assigned unique identifier of the package. These values only appear after the order is
added to the database.
Use Campaign to define the campaign to which this package belongs.
Use Description and Long Description to describe the package.
Status defines the state of the package. Refer to Lifecycle of a Package for information about
the valid values and the state transition rules.
The tree at the bottom of the page summarizes the information that appears on the remaining
tabs. You can click on a hyperlink to transfer you to the appropriate tab with the relevant
information displayed.

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Package - SAs To Create

This information on this page controls the type of service agreement(s) / service point(s) that are
created if this package is selected on an order.
Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders and Designing Campaigns and
Packages for more information.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Package and navigate to the SAs To Create tab.
Description of Page
Package contains a concatenation of basic information about the package. Package ID is the
system-assigned unique identifier of the package. These values only appear after the order is
added to the database.
Warning! This following information is not intuitive; we strongly recommend that you follow the
guidelines under Designing Campaigns and Packages before attempting to enter this information.
The SAs To Create scroll contains one row for every service agreement that will be created if this
package is selected on an order. The following fields are used:

CIS Division and SA Type define the type of service agreement to be created.

Start Option controls how the system will populate the new service agreement with default
values. Refer to start options for more information.

SP Type defines the type of service point that will be created / reused. Refer to Designing
SP Types for more information.

Start Method Algorithm controls how the system creates the new service agreement and
service point. Refer to Determine The Method Used To Create Service Agreements for more

Create Proposal SA controls if the new service agreement is a real or a proposal SA. This
switch only appears if the quotation Contract Management module is not turned off. Refer
to Proposal Service Agreements Must Exist for more information.

Package - Questions & Misc Fields

It is possible to design a campaign so that the user is prompted for additional information when a
package is selected on an order. This page is used to define how the package overrides the
questions and miscellaneous fields defined on the campaign.
Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders and Designing Campaigns and
Packages for more information.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Package and navigate to the Questions & Misc
Fields tab.
Description of Page


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Package contains a concatenation of basic information about the package. Package ID is the
system-assigned unique identifier of the package. These values only appear after the order is
added to the database.
Campaign contains a concatenation of basic information about the campaign.
Warning! The following information is not intuitive; we strongly recommend that you follow the
guidelines under Designing Campaigns and Packages before attempting to enter this information.
The grid contains one row for every Questions & Misc Field defined on the Campaign. You need
only modify this information if this package behaves differently than the campaign (e.g., a field is
required on the package, but optional on the campaign). To override a field on this package, turn
on the Override switch and change the appropriate fields. There are several restrictions in
respect of what can be overridden as described below:

If a question / miscellaneous field is Required on the campaign, no fields may be overridden

on the package.

If a question / miscellaneous field is Optional on the campaign, you may override all field
values. However, if the package has been used on a Completed order, you may not change
its Applicability to be Required.

If a question / miscellaneous field is designated as only applicable on package on the

campaign, you should designate its applicability as Required, Optional or Not Used On
This Package. If the field is either Required or Optional on this package, you may also
override the other field values. Please note that if the package has been used on a
Completed order, you may not change its Applicability to be Required.

Please refer to the Description of Page that appears under Campaign Questions & Misc Fields
for a description of the fields on the page.

Package - Eligibility
This page is used to define the conditions under which a package can be selected on an order.
Refer to The Big Picture Of Package Eligibility and Determine Package Eligibility Rules for more
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Package and navigate to the Eligibility tab.
Description of Page
Package contains a concatenation of basic information about the package. Package ID is the
system-assigned unique identifier of the package. These values only appear after the order is
added to the database.
Warning! The following information is not intuitive; we strongly recommend that you follow the
guidelines under The Big Picture Of Package Eligibility and Determine Package Eligibility Rules
before attempting to enter this information.
The Eligibility Criteria Group scroll contains one entry for each group of eligibility criteria. The
following fields may be defined for each group:

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Use Sequence to control the relative order in which the group is executed when the system
determines if the package can be selected on an order (smaller numbers are executed before
larger numbers).

Use Description and Long Description to describe the criteria group.

Use If Group is True to define what should happen if the eligibility criteria (defined in the
following grid) return a value of True.

Choose Eligible if this package can be selected on the order.

Choose Ineligible if this package cannot be selected on the order.

Choose Check Next Group if the next criteria group should be checked.

Use If Group is False to define what should happen if the eligibility criteria (defined in the
following grid) return a value of False.

Choose Eligible if this package can be selected on the order.

Choose Ineligible if this package cannot be selected on the order.

Choose Check Next Group if the next criteria group should be checked.

The grid that follows contains the packages eligibility criteria. Think of each row as an if
statement that can result in the related eligibility group being True or False. For example, you
might have a row that indicates the customer is eligible for the package if their customer class is
residential. The following bullets provide a brief description of each field on an eligibility criterion.
Please refer to Defining Logical Criteria for several examples of how this information can be used.

Use Sequence to control the order in which the criteria are checked.

Use Criteria Field to define the field to compare:


Choose Field if you want to compare a response to a question / miscellaneous field to a

given value. Push the adjacent search button to select the field.

Choose Algorithm if you want to compare anything other than a response to a question /
miscellaneous field. Push the adjacent search button to select the algorithm that is
responsible for retrieving the comparison value.

Use Criteria Comparison to define the method of comparison:

Choose Algorithm if you want an algorithm to perform the comparison and return a value
of True, False or Insufficient Data.

Choose any other option if you want to compare the Criteria Field Type using a logical
operator. The following options are available:

Use >, <, =, >=, <=, <> (not equal) to compare the Criteria Field Type using
standard logical operators. Enter the comparison value in the adjacent field.

Use In to compare the Criteria Field Type to a list of values. Each value is
separated by a comma. For example, if a field value must equal 1, 3 or 9, you would
enter a comparison value of 1,3,9.

Use Between to compare the Criteria Field Type to a range of values. For
example, if a field value must be between 1 and 9, you would enter a comparison
value of 1,9. Note, the comparison is inclusive of the low and high values.

The next three fields control whether the related logical criteria cause the eligibility group to
be considered True or False:

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Use If True to control what happens if the related logical criterion returns a value of True.
You have the options of Group is true, Group is false, or Check next condition. If you
indicate Group is true or Group is false, then the package will be judged Ineligible or
Eligible based on the values defined above in If Group is False and If Group is True.

Use If False to control what happens if the related logical criterion returns a value of
False. You have the options of Group is true, Group is false, or Check next
condition. If you indicate Group is true or Group is false, then the package will be
judged Ineligible or Eligible based on the values defined above in If Group is False and
If Group is True.

Use If Insufficient Data to control what happens if the related logical criterion returns a
value of Insufficient Data. You have the options of Group is true, Group is false, or
Check next condition. If you indicate Group is true or Group is false, then the
package will be judged Ineligible or Eligible based on the values defined above in If
Group is False and If Group is True.

Package - Instructions
This page is used to define special instructions that should be presented to the user when they
select this package. This information appears on the Order - Package Confirmation page.
Refer to Determine If Additional Instructions Are Needed for more information.
Open this page using Sales & Marketing, Package and navigate to the Instructions tab.
Description of Page
Package contains a concatenation of basic information about the package. Package ID is the
system-assigned unique identifier of the package. These values only appear after the order is
added to the database.
The grid contains a row for each instruction to be presented to the user when they select a
package. The following fields are used:

Use Sort Sequence to control the relative order of the instruction.

Use Display Icon to control the icon that prefixes the instruction. Refer to Display Icons for
more information.

Use Description to define the text of the instruction.

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