1r ESO ADAPTACIO English Summer Homework

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1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)


Starter Unit revision

page 2

Unit 1 revision

page 5

Unit 2 revision

page 8

Unit 3 revision

page 11

Unit 4 revision

page 13

Unit 5 revision

page 15

Students name: .........................

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Starter Unit
Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives
Complete the possessive adjectives.

Subject pronoun

Possessive adjective

m ___


(1) y ___ ___ ___


(2) h ___ ___


(3) h ___ ___


(4) i ___ ___


(5) o ___ ___


(6) t ___ ___ ___ ___

be: affirmative, negative and questions

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


are (x3)

is (x3)

We are fourteen years old.

1 I ______ from Madrid.
2 They ______ my friends.
3 Carlo ______ nice.
4 The book ______ good.
5 You ______ in class 1B.
6 She ______ popular.

Choose the correct words.

Are / Is you happy? Yes, we are / is.
1 Am / Is she your sister? Yes, she am / is.
2 Are / Am they here? No, they not / arent.
3 Are / Is this my pen? No, it isnt / am.

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

4 Am / Are I in this class? Yes, you are / arent.
5 Are / Is the dictionaries next to the notebooks?
No, they is / arent.
6 Are / Is the teacher near the door?
No, he is / isnt.

A classroom
Match 14 with ae and 58 with fi to make classroom objects.




Basic adjectives
Complete the opposites with the correct vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

g oo d

1 popular

___ np ___ p ___ l ___ r

2 easy

d ___ ff ___ c ___ lt

3 cheap

___ xp ___ ns ___ v ___

4 nice

h ___ rr ___ bl ___

5 big

sm ___ ll

6 boring

___ nt ___ r ___ st ___ ng

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Read the text. Then complete the sentences. Use five of the words.
arent big black board door boring
is isnt red Scotland small
Mary is from Scotland.
1 Marys brother _______________ in Marys class.
2 Marys class is _______________.
3 Her teacher isnt _______________.
4 Marys desk is near the _______________.
5 Mr Stevensons chair is _______________.

My names Mary, and Im twelve. My family and I live on a small island in Scotland. There are
440 people on the island!
There is one school on the island. Im in class 1A, but my brothers in a different class. In 1A,
there are twelve students and one teacher. It isnt a very big class! The teachers name is Mr
Stevenson. Hes a good teacher, and hes really interesting.
In my classroom, there are thirteen chairs and thirteen desks. My desk is near the door and Mr
Stevensons desk is in front of the board. His chair is different. Its red, but our chairs are black.
Mr Stevensons favourite colour is red! Its a nice classroom. There are posters on the walls and
books and DVDs on the shelves.

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Find words about computers, sport, music and TV and cinema in the word square. Write
the words.

Computers: mouse, (1) e____________,

(2) w____________
Sport: (3) t____________, (4) r____________
Music: (5) d____________, (6) g____________,
(7) r____________
TV and cinema: (8) a____________,
(9) h____________, (10) f____________
Complete the interests. Use a, e, i, o and u.
w a tch i ng


1 ph___t___gr___phy
2 m___rt___ ___l ___rts
3 c___mp___t___r g___m___s
4 ch___tt___ng ___n th___ ___nt___rn___t
5 m___ ___t___ng fr___ ___nds
Find five more interests in the word snake. Write the words.

1 _______________

4 _______________

2 _______________

5 _______________

3 _______________

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Choose the correct words. (8 marks)
She s / ve got a good camera.
1 They s / ve got a dog.
2 Has / Have he got a hobby?
3 I hasnt / havent got a pet.
4 She hasnt / havent got a computer at home.

Complete the questions and answers with:





(12 marks)

Have you got a computer? No, I havent.

1 ___________ he got a cat? Yes, he ___________.
2 ___________ she got a blue bag?
No, she ___________.
3 ___________ you got homework?
Yes, I ___________.
4 ___________ it got a printer? Yes, it ___________.
5 ___________ you got a dog? No, I ___________.
6 ___________ they got tickets?
No, they ___________.

Complete the questions with the words:

How many How old (x2) What
When Where Who
How old is she? Shes thirteen.
1 H_________________ pets has she got?
Shes got two.
2 W_________________ is her favourite hobby? She likes reading.
3 W_________________ is her birthday?
Its on Saturday.
4 H_________________ are the girls?
Theyre fifteen years old.
5 W_________________ is her favourite actor?
Its Orlando Bloom.

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

6 W_________________ is she from?
Shes from London.

Read the text on the right. Then complete the sentences. Use the names in the box.
Lucy (x2) Lucy and Hasan
Lucy, Hasan and Tom Tom Tom and Hasan
Who likes meeting friends? Tom
1 Who are Toms friends? ________________
2 Who likes sport? ________________
3 Who likes computer games? ________________
4 Who has got DVDs? ________________
5 Who likes watching films? ________________

Friends and hobbies

My names Tom. My favourite hobby is meeting friends. My friends are Hasan and Lucy.
Hasan and I both like sports, especially football and handball. When we havent got any
homework, we play handball after school. Hasans brothers are really good at this sport.
When theyve got time, they play with us.
Lucy isnt into sport. She prefers playing computer games or watching TV, and shes got
a hundred DVDs. Shes mad about films, but she hasnt got a favourite actor or actress.
She loves them all! Hasan and I like films, too, especially horror films. But our favourite
films are about sport!

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Complete the places with the words.

station (x2) centre (x2)


bus station
1 train _______________
2 sports _______________
3 internet _______________
4 shopping _______________
Complete the places.

pa r k
1 cin ___ ___ ___
2 sch ___ ___ ___
3 rest ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4 libr ___ ___ ___
5 fac ___ ___ ___ ___
6 hosp ___ ___ ___ ___
Complete the adjectives. Use a, e, i, o and u. Then choose the correct opposites.

fr i e ndly dirty / noisy / unfriendly

1 pr___tty ugly / old / dirty
2 m___d___rn noisy / safe / old
3 d___ng___r___ ___s safe / dirty / old
4 cl___ ___n old / dirty / ugly
5 q___ ___ ___t safe / dirty / noisy

Complete the sentences with is, isnt, are or arent.

There is a shop near here. ()

1 There ___________ a railway station. (x)
2 There ___________ a library. ()
3 There ___________ lots of restaurants. (x)
4 There ___________ two schools. ()

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

5 There ___________ three parks in the city. ()
6 There ___________ an office in this building. (x)
Complete the questions with Is there or Are there.

Is there a restaurant here?

1 __________________ any parks in this town?
2 __________________ a caf near here?
3 __________________ a library near your house?
4 __________________ lots of shops?
5 __________________ an interesting film at the cinema?
6 __________________ any hospitals in this area?
Choose the correct comparative form.

more friendly / friendlier / friendlyer

1 more exciting / excitinger / excitingier
2 more pretty / prettyer / prettier
3 more dangerous / dangerouser / dangerer
4 more good / better / gooder
5 more big / biger / bigger
Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives.
This building is older (old) than that building.
1 This town is ___________ (safe) than that town.
2 Cycling is _______________________ (difficult) in big cities.
3 The museum is _____________________________ (interesting) than the shopping
4 This shop is _____________ (bad) than that shop.

1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Read the text. Then answer True or False.

The Mall of America

The Mall of America is a really big shopping centre in the USA. Its
bigger than any shopping centres in Europe!
The shopping centre is 390,000m2. It has got seven floors and 52
shops. There are fourteen cinemas and twenty restaurants.
There arent any hotels at the Mall, but it has got a train station and a
bus station. There are some hotels in the city of Minneapolis. The city
is about thirty minutes from the shopping centre.
My name is Beth, and my family lives in Minneapolis. Were really
into shopping, and the Mall is our favourite place!

The Mall of America is in the USA.True

1 There are bigger shopping centres in Europe. _____________
2 There are 52 shops on one floor. _____________
3 There are places for watching films at the Mall. _____________
4 There are hotels in Minneapolis, but not in the Mall. _____________
5 Beth really likes the Mall. _____________


1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Complete the nationalities with the endings.
-an -ian -ese


1 Americ________

4 Japan________

2 Brit________

5 Austral________

3 Morocc________

6 Portugu________

Choose the correct words.

People speak French in Canada / Canadia / Canadian.
1 People speak Spanish in Span / Spain / Espain.
2 People speak Portuguese in Brazilia / Brazilian /
3 People speak Mandarin in Mandarina / China / Chinese.
4 People speak Italian in Italy / Italie / Italia.
Match 15 with ae to make sentences.
We watch

a French books.

1 We go

b DVDs.

2 We do

c English.

3 We read

d to school.

4 We practise

e our teacher.

5 We ask

our homework.

Choose the correct words.
They read / reads books.
1 You speak / speaks Mandarin.
2 I know / knows Italian.
3 She teach / teaches our class.
4 We like / likes school.
5 The girls memorize / memorizes the words.
6 My brother study / studies Arabic.
7 Ximo go / goes to this school.
8 I write / writes emails.


1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Write the negative present simple form of the verbs.

I dont like (not like) American music.
1 We ________________ (not study) in Britain.
2 Sara ________________ (not play) golf.
3 They ______________________ (not understand)
4 Hasan ________________ (not read) comics.
5 I ________________ (not prefer) French food.
6 My mother ________________ (not teach) art.
7 You ________________ (not use) a dictionary.

Read the text. Then complete the sentences about the text on the right. Use the words in
the box.

Eurovision is a big music competition. Groups
and singers write new songs for the competition.
Then they play their music on a TV programme.
People at home watch the programme and they
say if the groups are good or bad. Many groups
are very good.
People from different countries play music in
Eurovision, and there are British, Spanish,
German, Italian and Polish singers. A lot of
people use their own languages, but some
people prefer singing in English.
Eurovision is very popular around the world.
The competition is for European countries, but
people in America, Australia and Japan watch
Eurovision on TV!

Britain good Japan language

Poland small the USA


Eurovision isnt a small music competition.

1 Groups and singers dont sing ________ songs.
2 People from __________ and __________ sing in the competition.
3 People from __________ and __________ watch the competition, but they dont sing in it.
4 People sing in English or their own __________.
5 A lot of the groups are really __________.


1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Write the seasons in order. Match the beginnings in box A with the endings in box B.
A aut
B er






2 ________________

1 ________________

3 ________________

Complete the crossword. Then write the missing months.





1 January

7 ________________

2 ________________

8 ________________

3 March

9 September

4 ________________

10 ________________

5 ________________

11 November

6 ________________

12 December

Complete the words.

I get up at seven oclock.
1 He pr__ __s at church.
2 My sister doesnt h__l__ my parents.
3 They h__ __e br__ __kf__ __t before school.
4 After I e__er__ __ __e, I wa__ __ my hands.
5 My mum m__ __es d__ __ __er for the family.
6 I dont travel on the bus. I w__ __k to school.
7 At the weekends, I go to b__d very late, and I
sl__ __ __ for nine or ten hours a night!


1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

8 I dont go to s__ __ol__on Saturday or Sunday.

Translate the following words.

1 Where = ____________
2 When = ____________
3 Who = ____________
4 How = ____________
5 What = ____________


1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Match 16 with the descriptions ag.

a It swims and eats fish.

1 chameleon

b Its a small insect.

2 elephant

c It likes the night.

3 owl

d Its a noisy bird.

4 seal

e It hasnt got legs.

5 snake

6 parrot

g Its big and grey.

It changes colour.

Complete the animals.

An animal that hasnt got any legs: a sn ake.
1 A small green animal: a fr___ ___.
2 A man or a woman: a hu___ ___ ___.
3 A big animal in the sea: a wh___ ___ ___.
4 An animal with eight legs: a spi___ ___ ___.
Complete the sentences. Write the animals in the correct places.
The frog is hiding from the owl. (frog / owl)
1 The _________________ is hunting the _________________. (crocodile / fish)
2 The _________________ is catching the _________________. (fly / spider)
3 The _________________ is attacking the _________________. (seal / shark)
Complete the sentences with the verbs.
fly run jump look swim
escape protect



Fish s w i m in the sea.

Older animals ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the young animals.
Dogs ___ ___ ___ in the park.
Chameleons ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ colour.
Frogs ___ ___ ___ ___ out of the water.
Fast animals ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ from dangerous animals.
Animals ___ ___ ___ ___ for food.
Birds ___ ___ ___ in the air.


1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Complete the sentences with the words.
arent (x2) m m not re (x2)
s (x2) isnt (x2)
Youre () reading the rules but you arent () memorizing them.
1 She ____________ () listening to music but
she ____________ () singing.
2 I ____________ () watching TV but
I ____________ () watching a soap opera.
3 They ____________ () reading but they ____________ () studying.
4 My gran ____________ () having lunch with us but she ____________ () having dinner.
Complete the questions. Write am, are or is and the -ing form of the verbs.
Where are they going? (go)
1 Who ____________ he ____________ for? (look)
2 ____________ she ____________? (sleep)
3 Why ____________ I ____________? (run)
4 ____________ they ____________ dinner? (make)
5 What ____________ you ____________? (watch)
Write S (present simple) or C (present continuous).
I go to bed. S
1 He doesnt like watching TV. ______
2 Theyre walking home. ______
3 She isnt getting up. ______
4 I hate playing football. ______
Choose the correct forms.
I m usually walking / usually walk to school.
1 At the moment, he has / s having breakfast.
2 They re playing / play football on Saturdays.
3 She always helps / s always helping her parents.


1st of ESO - Summer Homework (ADAPTED)

Read the text. Then complete the sentences on the right. Write one word in each gap.

Whales are bigger than all the animals in the sea, but elephants are bigger than all the
animals on the land. There are elephants in India and Africa. African elephants are
bigger than Indian elephants.
Elephants usually eat fruit, plants and trees, and they love drinking and playing in
water. Elephants arent usually dangerous animals. Humans are a lot more dangerous
than elephants!
Some people enjoy hunting elephants. These people kill between 10,000 and 20,000
elephants every year. At the moment, safari parks are protecting some of the elephants,
so they dont become extinct.

Whales are bigger than all the animals in the sea.

1 Elephants live in Africa and __________________.
2 Elephants drink __________________.
3 Humans are more __________________ than elephants.
4 Humans __________________ thousands of elephants every year.
5 Safari parks are good because they are __________________ elephants.


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