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Sent: September 11, 2016 at 7:42 AM

To: Carol Gomez Summerhays

Cc: Tooth Fairy
Subject: Tooth Fairy Relations
Attachment: TFPackingPlant.pdf
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Dr. Carol Gomez Summerhays,
My name is Jane Sheraden and I am a nursing student from New Mexico. I obtained your email
from my family dentist, Dr. Keller, who attends your semi-annual lectures in Cleveland. As the
President of the American Dental Association, I know you have a passion for dentistry, and have
important things to preside over, but I am only asking for a few moments of your time. I am
contacting you in inquiry about your professional relations with and ability to reach out to the
Tooth Fairy.
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Madame Tooth Fairy as she was acquiring my
young cousins last baby tooth. Noticing her disheveled appearance, I offered her some food and
drink before she continued on her work day. As we conversed, she explained to me how her
working conditions have become unmanageable and her processing plant has become
embarrassingly under-staffed. She has taken on double shifts every day for the past quarter and
claims she is worried she will not be able to pay off her debt. Before she left to finish her shift,
we exchanged contact information and over the course of the past few weeks we have built a
professional relationship.
She has been providing me with images of her working facility and has relayed onto me the
conditionsboth physical and socialthat she has to work in. I have attached those images and
wanted to present this information onto you seeking answers as to why this hard-working fairy
who has dedicated decades of her life to working in the dental fieldthe same field you are held
so highly inhas been forced into such a dismal situation. I am also inquiring if there is any sort
of process you may be able to implement in order to supply resources to her and her company.
According to the information I received from her and my own research, I understand she is your
sole provider of the individual teeth that are used in models and molds created by your
organization. not only holds a high professional position amidst the world of dentistry, but
children around the world care deeply for her and cherish the short amount of time in which they
receive her services. I believe that if she and her company do not receive the help they need, she
will be forced to close her doors and there will be anguish among the world.
I eagerly await your response. You may reach me via email at or by
phone at 505-550-1234.
Thank you for your time, Dr. Summerhays.
Jane Sheraden

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