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Heopnss, CEBIARD SubLMINAE * Hae) ypor om enbeO%s irs RUS youk BEWAIDR. Han yore: FAIRE 200 CHAPTER The New Unconscious he esi ha teas which es ousting decal he po ith rocks and pices of wood and Wise ‘he anil every dy, jt Tike ae ued ta vst the bank teller and the ‘shies at Big Los, On aceason she eve bzaght Mise Derma fw ts hil ah = thaught ae the pen lok prety, but wiih the trove lust ie delivery fn the local izsa Ht My mmaher did't mind shen the tortoise ate her bouquets. She thong it wa ee Lak hows enn it ley, Bat dent the sy ens, the fee xo aa aed a the fehl ent ers, Mis Dinserans ain goal in life seemed to be escape: Whenever se ast citing or sping, Miss Dinernian woul walk he prince, poking ston fo ble in the chichen wine. She would even tt clin i as awkward asa satebouder trying to scale a spit ica, My mother aw llr, ke POW Steve McQueen potting his bieskot from 4 Nazi camp in The C ‘his chavo, to, naman tens, Taher wa ies asap “Every creature wants redo.” my mote tl ne. “Even ifshe tua i gaa Bere, she does like being confined” My mother believed ‘hat Miss Dinner ecrgrinad be wice aa tesponed to it. She believed that Miss Dinmerman undertone. “Vote reading to rich imo her behovior” tld my mother. “Teteses are primitive excalres™ woud even detonate my point, waving my bands and ellen lke 2 exazy pevion, then poking out bow the loti ju ignored ene "Se what" she'd sy, "Your kid ignore ow, and you don't ell hem piatve Iecan be dtc t dsingnish willed, eonscins behavior fon that ‘which ishatitoal or aslomate deed, ashrmans os ends to believe in conscinusy motivated! behavior iso powerful tha we read conscious es into nat only oe aw beavis but these f the animal kingdam as vvelh, We do this with ave pts, of couse. H's called aothropomophizing Th tortie fas nave as « POW, the eat posi on the mstcateherase its mo aus forgoing ay, the dog mst ate he mailan for some sad reason Snaplerogansns, loo, an appear ta ehave wilh human ike thoughtfalness and intentionality. The lly fei My, or example ges toga elaborate ating itl, which the male initiates by tp ping the Teme wth is foreleg and bat his wing over to play het ‘sconship song! ifthe female aeceps the advance, she wil denoting, fn the nile wil takeover fiom thet. Ihe fat sexually ecepive, she ‘il either strike him with her wings oe legs, orn away."Though T have ited fel eningly similar rexponses oe Funan females, tis ri tang stalk completely programmed. Fruit fies dowit wary abot ies sch at where their rato is headed; they snl exercise 2 ‘one that shave within thers, ta att actions ae so det relied to thet biologieal caastitton that sient have discovered 2 etna hi when applied to & mal ofthe species, wl, within hours, onvet a lterosenal fit iy ino hati gay? Bren the oundorm called C. elegans 1 eteatine made of ey aon thousand eels—cin appeas to act with contiout intent. Por instance, it may alither pas 2 lit of pesocly digestible baterin an tard another tidbit dat aw The New Unconscious 1 ehowhere on the peti dish. One might be trite a conclade that the roundvon is exeriing is fre will, a we ousles aight do when ejecting unappealing vegetable ora high calorie dsr, Bt a rnd ‘vor dns ot hin tate Pl eter my dame isinply maves toad the nse thas been prganed oft dow. Animale Hike fui Bis and tnoites ate al the Tower end on the brain-pamer sae, It the ele of so ie pcesing ino Hine to snc prime erature. We hime alan perirmy many tunconscions behaviors We ed to be wraware of hem, however, beomse the interplay Between ur conscious and cur wean minds i 30 comple This complexity has coats inthe physiology of nr rans, AS ‘mammal, we have new lyers of tex bul pon he Bate of oe iste repay ning aad as hunans, e hve yet moe ceva mat ter built pon those, We hive a anconssions mind an, sapeimposel ‘pow i, conscious brain, Howe ruc of ou fecings, agents an Ihave to each eam be very bas to sy, swe are const si fg back ah between them, For example, one mocing wes to staat the ont office onthe way tier, but he Bey infection, ve ‘or sig, tmard the offic, Because we ae runing on atop that is ating wcanciy Then, whe toying to explain t the police of the veson far on subueqent gst U-ku, oe covcios id ek cates the optimal exes, while on atl mconscions leas the oper ase of gers, subjunctive vhs, and iene ais so that fanrplea i expssed in fine grammatical form, asked sep tof the ire wl eos obey, then inte sta about foe fet fom ‘he aie, alngh when talking frends we atoaatcally aj a sepaslion abo two aa bl ett of sallow Tee spon rules of inkerpetsonadiataice without ever tvnkingaboo! evan cat hep feeling ncofrtle whe they te wet ‘Once allention it called to thet, it eay to accept ray of on simple behaviors (like making hat ight tna} as being, tomate. The tease ie the exten to which more complex and ssantive behavins, vith the poeta to have a vnc greater impacto on ives, ae ao en though we may fe sre that hey ae cue hong "hog snd totaly rational. How des cnr veenscins ae one ati- td about question lke Whick house sl I Buy? Which stack sont hv that prs to tae ane oy ch? Ox Ae bright ae ‘ye io hic tp storing a sufent Bass fora fongtern ving relationship? Wit is dificult a vecogize enti beavoe in ania, is even ‘nce iil to eeogaize Habitual beavior a urseles. When Fas in bate sci, hg before ny mother xtoisestage, Led tv poe Tet aed eight every Talay ight, "The, one Thursy Et ‘Mls! parents would have eoncaded thal 1 got, or aye that Efaly “gol Tie sd was ot for the evening, But ry mother hada diteent intext, Stating tot ine sleet ell my apace as informe. My roommnateaparelly dt mind the Rist four ove ‘elle ut fer alas Elscovered the next mening he reservoir of god ‘il fad died np Especially when my mother states accusing her of Tid he fet that thd Boe severely jute aid hence was not ell Tg beeanse [es uaersedatign i the lea esta. By nskght, sy ‘nother’ enaginalon ld gased tha cenaio up a couple nothes—she “sm assy oonate covering up my recent death. “Why he shot 2" sy the aed “aes going td ot Most cullen wo be embarassed to Ham that dheit otis, pe sons sho leas known then titel tir woe fe, would tink Kmre ase tha Hey Fd eo killed than that they a bee cut ona date Tt a sen ny sates exit el eho before Tents, she aypene ts be petty noo idol, excep for a few quits, he Iriving i evil spi and exjoyng aceon ans Tose were to be cape sonnants ofthe culate she grew up with inthe wll county, ost ny ater’ eid woke different fro that anyone ese hve Tina ¥oderiand why, even hough sy mater herself does hn recognize it decles eae, lee pre Had bee restructured to ‘iow ats within context hat est us could never imagine. tl Sted 1999, hen ny ther was ssleea. He een mer had did Frostbninteances ales llering at heme exerting pan oral oie yea The, short ie ate, sy wether sen hae fn school toe dyn fd tha ere bad ben ake bythe Nazis. fy ott nl he ste, Sabina, were som slo taken aay 2 forced shoe cam nih hee sir di ol soe. Via ever, my other fe ad Freon ans rm hat ele aod eT caver teenager in The New Unenescious \elhtodofasily to hatofan orphaned led, and sarvinysae labore ‘Meter Hbexaton my mother engl, marie, stew a peaceful rihborhood in Chicago, atl fd a table ond sfe ler idles family essence She no longer hod any rational reason ofeae the sen loos of everything dea ober, an yet that Foe has driven her interpret ‘io of era ees forte et hae ie ‘My mother interpreted he mening of actions through a eiaaey that was leet fa the ane mest of us ue and via he om wie rules of granunat He interpetations had ecome automatic fo bes ok conscionly anied a, Js ase all derstand spoken kagsge wiout ‘any eanscins application of inguistc ols, soto cd she understand the sors messige tw her wiht ay aeaeners at her ex experiences had fever reshapes er expectations. My meter never ecopuized thal hee perceptions were skewed bythe ever present fear tata any moment inate, probability, ond logic cold cas to hve fore or mening, Where ‘ver i sgget ito her, acl athe len of secinga poeholgit aed ‘ay thal er pat Td a any ete elect on her ew of The presen "Or war” Fave. “Howe come nome of my Fea pets ace tei oom of conpiring to coverup thle eth” ‘Weal hseinnplct ames ofteference—sih ic essenteme-tat onic Habitual thinking snd behavior, Ove experiences abd ations hg em oe ruled i conseios Huong aa He ay mother, we ‘a Find ent o acces that here ate bse acest work blind the scones. Butt tone fone say be ins, they til exert a pow el pull. the pat thee alt spcelation shout the uncoscis tind, but the brain was ike a Back bas, is workings naccemible to one lunar "he erent revaation thinking hon he wnconsions came about became sth modern instmnents, we eae watch as different structure and sostrctaes in the brain generate fehings anil enatons ‘Wecan measie the cletial ost of did neon, We can ap the neta esi thal Fors a persons hough Ty seats ean go beyond akg to na ther an gesting how er expences fhe Fe: ody the ean actually pinpoint the brn alterations thal esl om trauuotc early experiences like hers aul wndrstal how sch exped ces case plysical changes in sess sensitive ain regions! ‘The moder concept ofthe consis, hazed om sel shies aa is essurements, often called the “new wnconsions,” to dings fio the ide ofthe conscious that was popularize bya neurolegs tuned liniian named Signuend Freud Ealy on, lewd made sever rotable centrations to the fells of neurology, newtopaolgy, and anesthesia? For example, he intdced the use of gold elie t sin rere ise and wed the etnique to tus the neural ilercanntetions tetween the sella oblongts, sv Hebei sem, and de cesebellm. tn tha, Freud was fa lead of his ie, because i woul be many decals before scientist undentood the importance of brain eonoectiity and eloped the tok needed a sty in ay depth, But Feel himself did not pe tha study fr long esta, be hecame interested in clinical raclice. Ha teaing bis piety, Frond came t the correct conshsan {ha sch oftheir beanie was govemed by mestal processes of whi they were aware Lackingthe teenie ith whic to explore hat ea in any sientc way, however, he ply talked ois eatin, ied tu draw the ont about what ws gig inthe Frtest recess of thet ‘nds observedthen, and mae whatever inferenceshe deem til As vl se, howevet, sch methods are areible and many unconscious oceans cates be dietly revealed through the kind of elfrefetion toured by therapy, bese they tanspite iv areas of the brain rt ‘penta the cscs nin. Aa veal Fred was aly lf the mar, Hustaw aenavion 1S the prt ofan endless seam of perceptions, Feelings, an thugs ot bth the canons ad the ncanscious levels "The en that we ate sot aware af the ens ofc of bo ificlt to accept. Athol Freud and his lowers believe in it among sesearch pachologiss—the scientist within the Rekthe ea thatthe nncomscinus ie nportant ts our behave was, anti veent year, sine as po psychology. As ane researcher wrote, "Many pycoo fists were celuctnt toe the wor wensciou” aut of Far tha the tailegges wld think the had gone sof inthe head John Baxgh, a pooebologist at Yale, counts tat when he started as 2 adnate shdent ithe Unrest of Michigan, inthe Inte 19%, i as almost universally "sed that sat nly en socal pereepion and or judgments bat asa fou behaviors were emo and delberate! Anything that these ‘The New Uneanssiont ‘hot assumption ws greted wh derision ansehen Rano dose eh tive, scessh professional, abontsome af the ey ses shang that erp dl things for eons they were anwar of Using hi om exped ‘rea evidence hat the studies were wrong, Barghstelative insisted ht The wats aware of even single instance in wih hed done something fa seasons hewn’ are ol Says Bayh, We al old deat the en {hal wee the captain of ar own so ad wee i change, ands very sear fecing ween se In fc that’ what pyle tse Felng sl detacnent fon reality a hat out won ena d tha'sa ery lightening eli for anyone” Though pyetclogial science has new me to fecognize the impor tance ofthe unconscious, the inter forces ofthe new nneonscoos Fuse itl toda wah the inate des cleseribed hy Fae, scl 8 ys esi a ill hi fther order to matty his nam, womans ey ff the male ental gan? We son certain vet Fred with andes standing the iments powcr ofthe uconscensthis vasa impestat ochievrnent-hal we lo have to rexognze at scenee ascites onl on the exslence of many ofthe specific wreonsioasenutions! tau motivational factors he sete as melding the ceescous mi As the scilpsscholgit Daniel Gilbert ote, the “srpenatral a ve of Feeds Ushewusst (anconscians} mate the concept gene polatabe™ Th unconscions envisioned by Bend wes, inthe words of gromp af euros, “ota wet itsetied wit hast and anger vas ha inary. primitive, ara ination while the new oon "kinder anv gener ha Hat and move reality boat the ew ve, ment roceatsaethanght ti be uncomscins hecanse dete ae pati ofthe ‘inl ht ate naccesible to consciousness det the rchiecte ofthe Bra, rather han because they have ben sect to mbational Feces lie een. The tecersibiity af the new ntcanscons so consi treo bea defense mechanism nally His consired vex Ttherere times when a phenoenon [discos sons vagely Fret fan, the soles ndesandng of thal phenonnenen as eases wont be The ne uincoscions plays fn ne inportant role dan polcting 1 fom inappaaprite seta destes (br our mts oie} fom faa reno, Unaea, i i gt of eon tat scot on sia a species, Comicions hugh fa gets in designing caror deciphering the mathematical ls of nature, but faving stake ites ‘occas that sweee ita you pals a peaple who may mean fo an you, ‘only the speed nel ellicieny ofthe rmenseios can save you. As well se, lo este eur sioathfanetioningin both the physical and the social ‘wl, ute bas dite that many proceses of percept, menor, ‘neon, eming, aid judgment are delegste aan srt outside Sompost YOHH PANY vscaloned in Psneand ast summer. Look ing back, yo night question the rationality of having braved the cows and nincty-fve egies eat wach ye itl dager spin in a giant escup. Ut hen you night newer that when you planned the tip jun seseed al the posites al eonclade that he big sie weve neal the pf yon needed, We ae usualy confident that we ks the ‘ass of on live Andsnes tht coBience i wartanted Yeti Fees outs our sates playa geatsle in oe judgment ae behav io, then we st ot ow curses a wll awe think ee. Fok the job Beene F wanted ne caloge Lk tha low hecnuse he asa ‘oat seve of tna, F tant my gantoewerotigiat Beeaue she les ond Irate intetnes, Bach day we ask al anses ina question oat en ‘cclings sud ou choices. Ove anes ualy seem, make sens, bot neti they are often dead wong How do Ee te? izabeth Baro Browsing fl she cond count he ways, th se ae begin ves a she oh acetate ist the reasons Tay to eae to da jst hat, a yo soe she yu have 1 Tok at the following tbe, H shows wh has been macying whom i {lycestaes ofthe sohcatens Unite State " One would Wink that be ‘he who aa he wh atid fo love, a no doubt ey il. Bt what ilove: snrce? Ht ea be the beloved’ sil, generat, grace, hari, ‘sesinty—octhe sizeof hsbc, The soa oflove as beex pondered Fores by lovers, pacts, avd philanpher, bet ts probably safe to say Hat none of thes heer wed eloguentabon tis particu factor: the erm ne Thistabl, however, showsthala persons me en sully taller yn ewtibe nane matclaes your ‘The New Unconssions List ong the hovizootl ad vertical axe athe se ost conaon US. snes, The rae in the able represent how many maeages ceri between 2 bride anda gzvom wih the eorespning nave [ole ha the Egos ners, br, oar along the digonal—that is, Seis matey other Sith the to Hive tmes safe as they arf sons, Wiliams, Jess, or Bro I Ft, Sih mary ote Sriths ht a fle 36 they mes people with al hase other names, com> Died. Aa de fohnsons, Willamses, Joneses, and Browns belave sini lay. What mas the effect een owe seking i a these ae the 7 berth since thereat let ie a many Sets as Browns, Afallelse were el you'd expoot Browns to maty te nbigutous Siri far anor of than the rae Brewas-but even so, by fu the greatest ber of mariges anon Browns to ter Bows ‘What des this tellus? People havea bsie deste t fel good about ‘henees, and we therfore hive a tendency o he wconcosy based in for of tis snr fo ovr own, even such seamingly earings esis sor ses. Scie have even identified 3 disco area of he Ian called the dona tat, as the sratre that meses ah this bia! Research suggests that wher it comes to uenstanding ont Feng vee Ings have am ol ai of lw ability and ig coafidenee, Yor ‘night Feel certain you tok jo bectse presen challenge, bat perhaps you were realy more interested in the ete restg, Yo night sear you hike Hh fellow erie sense of hunny, bt ot might realy ke 0 Inn for his sie, which reminds yo of your mothe’. You it tain yo trust your gastioeterlogst because she i» get exper, et yo ‘might realy tnt her hecaie she i god listens Most us we sai Ged with ur theories about anche ad accep hein with confeenee, but we rarely see those theories tested. Seen, homever, ave oa ae to test those theories inthe laboratory aa They have joven astonishingly inaceuate, ‘An example: Imagine you are on your way into w movie theater when a person who appears tobe a employe of the theaer comes up to yon sind as ityon ill nse a ew questions about the theater ape seo cession in exchange for a fee tub of popcorn and a dik. What that person dette ya isthal the popu yo il e given comes in tv sizes, ne smaller han the ates, It bots bnge thal yo cold nol po sly fins theeontens—and i two avin" one thal sujet wil later leseibe ws gon” and “high quality” and antes that wil be deserted a8 “sale” “sogg” an “Tersible” Nov wl you be tld thal yom ae act oy patipaing ina scene stadt meas how meh yon eto the ‘popeoen and why Now; he ‘the question the researches were studying ‘What wil ve a geater inBuanee on the anntnt af popeor yon ex, tase or the anu sou ae given? Takes thal question, they handed ‘ont for ifeent popcomatd-ox eambinations. Movers were en cites goo popcorn in the smsler bos, good popeom in the lage bn, Ind popeom ithe smaller box, or bal porn inthe lage bo. "The ‘sult People seemed 0 “ice” how soc ta eat hse box sizes ane as tase, er studies suppost this wel, showing thal doubling, the sve of a container of snack fd increases consmnptin by 30 ts 48 percent 1 pt quotation marks around decid” aoe because that woofer ‘connotes conscious action. Munley that these deisons A that scription, The abject did not sy to themselves, This fee popeorn tases af, ut the’ plenty of, nf ay a wl gon. sen reseah such a this snppnts what averse have lng speed —thal“envcon metal acon” such as package design, package o potion sie, ana nea \escipions nnconsiowsy influence us. What ment suprising i the sagt ofthe effect—and of people eistnce to the en that they 2» The New Uneonscons could have been manipulated, While we sometimes aknovedge tht such factorscan influence ether people esl bleye—wrvaghy that Dey cannot psi afc us In tu, etwinmental icons have a powell mons inlgence no aly bow sch we esos tn eat talon fay thes foo tastes Far exampl,smppone yom deat jst in movie theaters at sometines Io esaurats, sometimes even rstamas tha provide ‘ore tha js a mien boasting varie types hasnt. These Me py cucumbers? “Yehety mas potoes” ml sowe rms bets on gst clans connote mes pepe with & ed of argu” a8 other etnias He cnr ae limp, he ashe potatoes have the texte of wool an the bees are Hse, ‘hen mate sit yp an ncosafrahl cla, Nou a vs cnennber tyvanyothernams, taste as isp? Wonk! haeoncerseburge, presented in Spanish, become Mexican fod? Could poetic dessin exnvar aeatoni ad cheese fama erick ta hb Shes shaw tal lo ry moses ot only tempt pr le the ieally deseo hu natal lead them orate those fs a retin ter as te eid fi fv fin dining and you weve to 3, “Tan tw od ered why I given anya gees listing” Hmecne were task aut on ase adeetives™ probly get prety tang look yet dso ot how ses, So the est neyo tno to be a npontant Save rents ower for dines, den’ seve then aa om the soe nn Ye ect forthe snl lft nd seve te melange of cl eons Lets goastep farther, Which would yon enjoy ne, vehety mas plas a erp mashed tates? Nab as ye dont a aly on he ‘lft f fonts onthe taste of mashed pats, bt tay as heen de tn the effets of feat nats wal prpacing Fd thal say ptcyans weve ashe ore areeie lar evan Jpanese heh dish, ‘hen tte the amon of eft dsl hey thoi he ep sun requite aed how likely they wer o prepare the dish at one: Subjects who were presente withthe recipe naif o-oo ate the ies me tei ae sail they were Ls ely ates oe dhe Aish The searchers epete the epernint, shoving les sales ‘oe-ggedesription of an eerie rune steal fa weep, ad Kad sail ests: subject ated the eerie aera ihe wee ess Tiel to ry Whe the tastsetions were printed ni out thats had real. Psyehologss eal isthe “Baency lest" he or of ration isdiffcut tasinate that ets our gents about the substance of ht fui “The sence ofthe new sncmicion i ull f sponte about pha cna sch these, quik nn lgoent and perepbon of pple sod ‘vent, tifacts tal aie ry the astally beuela says which oe Inainsatanareally paces iformation, The pois iit we te wa fie npr that emmel data i slaty tghlforsnd yaine d cava ets, hastead, ovr hain ane mae yo election of ean odes thet workin pata, eth comple teractions, tof hich ‘operate oui oft conse. a consequence, the teal Teatons Feil nut judo, feotings. and behavior can spies fe unrit enichnttar academic pycholagits lave heen relat to aceep the poser of the mnanscios, sone aes nthe xia scence eons, or expe, ail the testo thereon he ssp at peuple nae decisions in theic own best teres, ly eoacinly eighng the rlevat fates he new-anennscios ie pel a5 ween psyeholgiat anl cutosientias live i oe, cease jing fave to etn tha assumption, Indeed, intent seas gr ng ninority of aeriek eet ie al ge coe stoning the then ies of Mei ore tention ellegues Ts, bev econ nmi fhe Clie’ Auton Rangel ae elnging the way economists vin by preset sto eidence thatthe text cries ane Have, Rangel nothing ke what st people thnk of whe hey piture counters wlio pore aver dat and bul eorex eorapater ‘moves to dese market dywamies portly Spaniard aa is elf ret lover of the gol hangs ile, Rangel wks wit real people fle Syent vues, han he dege info his fab osu while Hey ate vine or stare a ealy bass after ving fated al nonin. tn a wen experiment eae is eolleages showed hat pope woul pay to 8) escent mie for an ite jak Foe aller ta ching fo est 2 ‘The New Uneonseiour or tinge dpa: they ese presented wil the etal den! The sly tb found hat the ie is presente belind Psy, rater hing, wallable for yon to sn grab, your wings o py sinks back dems ‘he tet ad image levels. Sound wend? Hw abot aling ome legen lieing superior to ater because i comes ina Be-aneelow box? Or would yt buy Cerin wine eather tha Fencl because Geran beer oll musi was paying in the background a you wale dev he bine aisle? Would you tte the quality of sil slockinge a higher bacase Thad thee scent? In each of these ste, penple were shongly enced by the ree sant fatos—the ones that speak o ovr concen deste ual mols tions, which traditional econcstsignote. Moreen, hen quizzed the reasons for thei decisions, the sabeete proved enmpeely unaware ht hose fetus had aflcnced them. Far example, the detergent sly, subjects were given thee diffrent hoses of delegent and asks tot therm allt fr few weet, then cept om which they bed best ain of One bo was predosantly yell, anaes i third ssa blue with splashes fells: tn thei reports, the jets vers ingly fxd he degen ine bs uh ised ear, Vi onnenls inches much about the relative mails the detegess, al one n= Vowel the box Why should tes A petty boxes mse the deters ‘vk etter. Ba in elit ju the bo thule —the detergents isle mere al dential We judge pits hy thei bes, books by their covers ad ever expontians annual sepals by hei los bi i hal’ why doctors instinctively “package” Meeks in ce dts ad ies a ts not advisable for allomeys lo gicet eens in abwoier Tabi Inthe wine sds, far French al fons German wines, match for Price and drys, wer placedon the shee ofa supesth in Engh rene atl Gesmannnise were played m ler days fats tape lec ‘onthe top shelf the display: Or days when the Frenl aus played, 77 eet the wine prtased was ech, whiten the days of Geran nse, 3 perce of the wine purchase yas Getnian, leah thers vwayacucialfaclorin which ype af wineshoppers set by, bak when ake whether the music ld illuened their cae, aly one shaper in seem sid iat the stocking stl, sets nspere pits of sik stockings tha, wnbehnownst tn them, were abiohsly ee excep tha ea had hal iferent an very nt scent pple fait The subjects “Toul no difialty in teling why ane pai was the best ant seponted pereciving differences intestine, weave, el shee, and weight Fverything but scat, Staking ith ne particular sent wrested high catamich mee often than the albert he subject denied using cent ssa eres, and wily 6 ofthe 250 sje ever nied thal He take ingelad bean perfume? “People think hat thee enjyanent fa rode! based om the qn ities ofthe product, bt their experience of iti also wery mia hase the products marketing” sys Rangel. “Por example, the same bee, sleseribed in diferent ways, or labeled different brand, or wi a dif et pic, cam taste wes dilferent. The same iste fr wine, even though people like to believe its all in the grapes, nd he winemakers exper Hae” Shes have indeed shown that when ines ae tate Mind, there is hte eoncation between a wine taste an is cost, but that there i a "rong corelaion when the wines are not smiled lil Since people evenly expect higherpriced wine tse better, Rangel was nots sed whew yoanees he resited to spa sees of wines ele any by Price tte 9 $90 tea etter than another wine in he eis hit ws ‘nade a costing jst 510. But Rangel had chested: thse 160 ines, peteive a disparate, were actualy entiest—they were oth ron the {0 bole; More inpetan, the sty had anaes ti: the wine tasting wes cout while the subjects were having hei bins sane ina FMRU ihe. "The rein images showed thatthe price ofthe wine Increased etsy in an ae othe brain bhi the eyescalled he obit Frontal ees 2 region that has been asmcialed with the experience of please So though the two wines were wt clifleret, dhe tte differ ‘ence wat real, ort eal the sujet relative enjey ent of the taste was wean ain conelude that ne beers tastes better than anther ‘shen they ate plysialy the same? The nv view that sens signal, sch a tase, travel from the sense ng to the eon ofthe brain whee ‘hey ate experienced ina more oles tesightowwand fasion, Buta 427 se, brain architecture snot shat simple. Though yoo ate wnaware of wy cual wine over yr tongue, ju dot jos laste chew. al composition; yon alse taste is price "The sane elle has heen den “The New Unconscious vue i the Cakes wos only with elt Bat The lot sv eng ag dae He “Pep pad” een the fet that Peps ‘conitely heats Coke in Bld taste tes, although pane seer to pe fet Coke hen they ha what they ave drinking, Over the yeas, wt ‘ons theories have heen proposed to explain this. One bwons explanation iste effec of the bane name, It yo ak pple whether all oe wii Cake as eye seen that they are uly ting wlan ‘hey sap thei beverage, Uy ales alas ey the eal 2, Ihwever, new brimming dudes found evidence a an areal the Frain tha neighbors the ebro corte, clled the vented ye Frou cortex, or VMPC, isthe seta wann, faz lings scl as hase sve experience when we comlmglate a famiiar brandsnae pda In 2017, sence ecrited a grup of yaticgants whose bein scans shows significant VMIPC damage, al ln 2 group hase VMPC vere heathy. Asespoeted, beth the normal and the bs daraged wnicess weleied Peps to Cake whew they did ot Bows what Hey were di ‘ing Ane, as expected, hose wth eat bins stele ths peeFerence ‘shea they hoe what dey were drinking, Bur those who Yd dauage thee VMPC—theirbrins “branbapreciton” rude wt ene preferences ‘They ie Pepsi beter whee o not they know hat hey ‘vere denking, Without the ality to wcomeionsy experience ween snd ay felng tnd a and ve, ace sn Pee prado. “The rea enon here has nothing todo with ther wine or Pep. Wis hat vat te of Beverages ol bn isso tea the ae ys we capericice the world, Boll diet, exh apect of lie dhe dink in This ease) ane ec, apc aspects (lke pice er baud) casi Wo ‘seat ny sent experience he ate) They key word Here i “vet (Our brsins ate not simpy recoding tse or uter experienns they ae creating That's thease welcome back a again aay, We'd ike 1o think that, when we ps up one guano in vr of ante, | case we hive made eons hoice be as, avi nme, ce, our mood, the principle tat guacanolesonl wt ents ‘aise or any ofa hundked ote etrs unr conte. We heise ik shen we chose a app or abn tegen, pl a vaca, pe stk, ake ajo, ase a sports sar, make a fied, jee a tanger, al ven Kalin lve, we mest the pring Leto tha infenee | e Very often nothing col be further the uth. Ae esl ny ‘ex st hai ssunptons aout onssees, and saci, are fle Ur-vite fr 4UENCE ofthe ynemicons isso gre shoul justine elf nw in the soe stations of ous pate ssi anght to have a sdemonstable clltve effet on ur sity apa whole, And does — Fu instance, ithe financial wl Since mney i ery nye W us, och ish should be matted to make financial decisis based ‘oes esis al ational ebro, at’ why the fonds ‘ono classical econo ean ae bail an the lea that peopled jas tht they bela stonally, in accordance with the guiding priv pe of thee seiner. While na oe has yet ig toto devise «sgevcalevonosni theory tikes to asec he el hal “eins” isnt lowe people, plenty of canon tes have demnstsed the ‘oxic nyphetionsof our cllective deviation Sr the ol cleans tthe eons it Conder he Ahency effec Lieto eae. you ee debating ‘hater invest astock, yond estan tke alk at he indy, the Insist cite, a the financial dtl ofa company before deciding yuu shld put yoor money behind it. Low om any rational hikes ls pohly aga, woul he te eae wih which you can pronounce the companys mane. Hy let tat aft your neste dein, So ‘edule cates sleningt seize come of your nest enon the fonts sat you ate met iconypetent. Si, ss we sw wi ype Faces, the ete wth ehh «psn can process frtaton (sh a the rene of se) ues exe omens elect x people's assesment 1 tht ination. While ye my al it pausbe hat the Pueuey of infesting let peopl fngunent of arcine fora Janes, oh i ealy lect decison a nortan clawing a neste? Do connpaniessith simple names do belter Ham companies hose names ‘ne wong bis? ia but» Fi pean Fr iii pbc olin (HPO). Teac ill sept cegnting the company’s sends Fture pros oss they il ck ptt pte th dat. Br pst hel eo Ps re nly aes io prapectve vets than eompanioe 2% he New Unconscios thot ae already os the exchange, gd since the newcomers have fom Dubte tack record, thre is even moe gesting Han saline in this type ofiestment. To see wheter savey ll Sheet tears wae ing reat incestments are unconsciously prelived gine companies wih Hanlto-pronqunce nas, researchers toned to data concern zeal IPOs, As the gpl below iia, thy nd thal nestns wee indeed move Hey to este he ital pic offerings of cepa, Ivhose name or tikes symbols ere east pronounce than i compe his wih conspicated names ot bas, Noice how the ells! Fes ovr tm, hich isto be expected, because with tne firs devel bath 2 tack recoud and a reputation, (fs ease the effec als applies tm books aun autos please tike noe of how es i 166 pronounce uy wane: MelahDb se) Pesfanuace of ats wih pronunceabe ae anproncee ker carder inthe NYSE dy, I ek ne Fs aie ety ie The mort fun 198 to 200A sna fcr wn Ka eon [Ose the Amaia escnge Researchers have fo eli actors elena oF velevant tothe hnmnan pss} tha alec stock perlonmance, Take sunine. Pay chologits have lng nn tht seine xcs uly positive fest on Ihuman behavion For example, one recor her sere ss ites st estavat ina shopping centr in Chicago to keep tack of thei is nthe weather oer Ihirtsen rao hen spring day ere probably unas that tHe eat infienced ttn, bt whe 8 sm nts, they were signifemly more generous. Another study po {cd a sil real concerning the grits reine by a waiter div sing meal fo guest rooms in an AMlantie City asin Con the same let that ices esomers to give a ena bela waite For ringing ‘han early fe abo apply to sophisticated taders evaluating the fare ceamings yespects of General Moto? Agri, the ea can be tested Much fhe aig Wall soho ese far rus New Yok, a vests are feted ares the eno yt the tang patter of ages New York Ci ret iy couse, done on behalf eo iyhavea significant effet an overall New Yak Stock Eachange petformanee, For example, ala bef the global financier of 2007-8, mach of Wall Steet’ tetvily was de lo propia tangas, big ns tng fr theit ‘wt avons sare, plenty of money was tae by people who had ‘cession fo nom wheter the sn wat sini in New York—because they Ted these, Aids. Bnanceprofessar atthe University of Maslanetts Alecia lookin the elationspbetvcen Taal New York Cty weather sul dy changer i he indices of socks treo Wal Steet" Analy ing data rn betwen 1927 and 19, fe or het ots very sunny od tosaly ead weather aluenced tack pies ‘ll be ight tafe sepia of this, There ate sere dan cv in hat calle! data ing, the wholesale iting thao data ia ihe lupe of dacovering resiously wimecognizel pater. Aceon 10 the laws of chance, yon Took aon enough, yom ed 40 Gn sy be an ate tf tandnness ora res rend, and keling the difleence between the two ‘an tire comierable expertise. The fol sonvating ilteting, That “something iret in dats aiing isthe atsticl corration that appears saps aa pfu, even those it meaningless tn the eae of the sunshine sty ifthe connection hetween lock rice aid weather were condense sme would probably Find osc neato in the eats regawing stock matt it other ce jes And so another psc researc repeated the ever sty, ooking at stock ake ices intents counties fi P92 Hough 1997" They confnned the eration, Acconing other statistics, fa yea had include only perfectly sunny days, the mart stun of the New York Stock Pachange would have sverged 248 percent while if yexe bal heen made up ofeompltely overeat days, would hove aerages any 87 The New Unconscious pevceat (Unfortunately, hey also fou Uhl tens file o¥ nuthin te be gained frm buying sn selling according to his observation, bac the lange nae of ae ited to beep op wil the chinging wether ‘woul eat up your profits inansition ents) Weall mae pessonl, nancial and busines deco, cnet thal weave propady weigh al he posit fico arated seu and tha we hao 1 lecisions, Pu we ate aan of nly patil nfrtatin. Asa rent, ot view of ourselves and our tivation, ad f society, i ike a ‘only ont cenasionsinffacnces, end a have igs puzale wih moat of the pieves missing, Weil in blak and make esis, but he tuth ot ear more complex a ue that whieh ean be undetstond as the traigforvard eaeuaton of eons and atonal mins, We penceve, we sememberaur experiences, we mai gents we tan nal of these endeavors we are inflaened Wy leone we ateit sare of Well into many sore evan ‘of this the pags that fallow, as Less the diferent aspects of the consis bri, WT see how or brains process ftion tng te pall es, ‘onacins, the oer nconsciony, and wl begin to rece hep ofthe nner is The trith i that our uneonsione mils ave tive, puposefi nd indepen sae ‘nythng ba, for they playa crea oe in shaping the way one conse rnadsexpericnce a espn tthe wd “Todbegia one tou ofthe hd seas ofthe mind, es eons the sexy we Heccvefensay inp the comin a eins pathos Hough which we ab infarnation about the physical wor.

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