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Florida – 16th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Tim Mahoney Mark Foley/Joe Negron

Funds On Hand $343,755 $600,000
Recent Poll None available None available
Mark Foley's sudden resignation from Congress as the scandal about his explicit electronic messages to teenagers
unfolded has thrown this once-quiet race to the top of the list of competitive districts. The Rothenberg Political Report
ranks this race a “Pure Toss-Up.”

The District
President Bush earned 54% of the vote in
this Palm Beach-area district in 2004. The
race was not considered particularly
competitive until Foley was enveloped in
scandal and immediately resigned.
Democrat Tim Mahoney is now given a
very good chance, but in a Republican
district with a new opponent who already
has $600,000 to spend on the race,
Mahoney still has a fight on his hands.

About Tim Mahoney

Tim Mahoney is the co-founder and
Chairman of vFinance, a financial services
business. A moderate Democrat, he will prioritize protecting Social Security and Medicare and seeking alternative energy
sources. He has an ethics plan that includes reining in lobbyists, cutting pork from budgets, and "Mid-day not Midnight
Votes" to increase transparency and accountability. His website also includes a steadily increasing tally of the cost of the
Iraq War.

About Mark Foley/Joe Negron

Mark Foley resigned from Congress on September 29 after it was disclosed that he had exchanged sexually explicit
electronic messages with underage congressional pages. Foley's name will remain on the ballot and all votes cast for him
will go to the Republican Party's designated replacement, State Rep. Joe Negron, who has $600,000 left from a run for
Attorney General that he can apply to this congressional race.

Fundraising and Polling

Mahoney had raised $1.1 million and had $343,000 on hand as of the June 30 reporting deadline. Joe Negron has
$600,000 available from a previous run for office, and it is not currently clear whether Foley can direct any of his
campaign contributions to Negron, or whether Negron would accept them. There has been no polling in the race since the
scandal broke, but an early September poll for the DCCC put Mahoney at 35%--a number that is surely higher now.



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