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Paxton Green Time Bank

Spring 2010

Michelle in spotlight with Kaleidoscope

Thanks to TB member, Thanks to all who ture and household
Michelle Taylor who helped facilitate goods for their hard-
workshops and espe- earned time credits and
completed her brilliant
new members were
Kaleidoscope project cially Michelle for
also able to take advan-
with a wonderful evening her vision and inspi- tage by pledging their
of poetry, performance, ration throughout. time helping out at fu-
Michelle and budding poets
food and friendship, ture community events.
Sheila’s poem about Sofas, bookshelves,
shared by TB members, colours Furniture tables, chairs – every-
residents from Leonard I have an apple after
Pop-Up Shop thing went on the day
Cheshire Home and po- lunch - red is another and was delivered by
etry fans from across colour… Thanks to our friends the Emmaus team for a
London. I used to live in the Bob and Dave at Em-
small fee.
Purley Beeches and I maus Lambeth we were
We all discovered how took the dog for a run. able to hold our first ever Thanks to Emmaus,
poetry can help people I used to make a daisy pop-up second hand fur- Doreen, Phyll and
niture shop on the Kings- Paul for helping out
find their voice and share chain at home in the
garden when the lawn wood Estate. Members on the day. Watch this
special feelings and ex- were able to ‗buy‘ furni-
was full of daisies… space for our next pop
periences with others.
up shop! Coming
International Women's Day Celebrations
Goodbye and many March 9th 2010 Paxton Yoga session.
thanks to our won- Green Time Bank and Laughter Yoga is a
derful time brokers Dulwich Wood Nurs- combination of
Erica and Viola
ery celebrated Interna-
Laughter Exercises
tional Women‘s Day. with Yogic Breath-
Thank you both for ing (pranayama), so
your creativity, en- The evening was attend- that you increase
ergy, vision and hard- ing by 25 women and the amount of oxy-
the crèche that evening gen in your body
work! Goodluck in your had 20 children. The whilst being playful
new ventures and don’t mums and other women resulting in you
forget to pop in and were given hand mas- feeling more Laughter Yoga Workshop
sages to relax them healthy, energised
see us! Sarah and Suz-
while we heard from and alive. This actu-
anne are now back and Well Family Division very useful party decora-
ally changes the physi-
tion crafts. At the end of
raring to go. Come who spoke about what ology of your body so
the session the mums and
along to our next eve- makes us happy. that you start to feel
women went home with
ning social on May 27th more than just their chil-
Vanessa from the Lewi-
6-9pm to see Suzanne’ sham Time Bank net- dren, they had balloons and
The evening ended
pull bows too.
s African pics. work took the group with Erica and Noreen
through a Laughter demonstrating some
Paxton Greenie
Project Dirt is an active online others to make a difference to Armorel demonstrated how
community, linking environ- their community. If you have a to make a rag rug, and there
mental projects. We currently good ideas for our time bank to was pie and mash.
have a page on the site would work on please let us know. Jane said “It was a great suc-
like our members to join in the
cess—there was something
discussions about our Time
Stepping back in time for everyone, for all ages.
Bank and the green issues that
Thanks to all who made is
affect our lives. We would like
Time Bankers went back in such a success.”
apply for up to £500 as a group
to become a Lambeth Green time at Kingwood House at
Community. In return for the the annual Victorian Day ex- Top timebanking tips
money, we will be posting our travaganza.
events and activities on Project
Dirt‘s website, to help inspire Thanks to all of you who
shared your ideas about
what makes a great Time
Bank at our drop-in

Here’s your top ten:

Blooming Library
Things have really started to team and together we have come up
bloom at West Norwood Library, with lots of ideas for sharing plants,
 Meeting new people
where we are now getting to- seeds, gardening know-how which  Helping and Feeling
gether weekly on Tuesdays and we can take back to our own
helping to clear and replant the homes. Watch out for sunflowers,
courtyard garden. Back in the au- peas and wildflowers coming up  Sharing skills and
tumn Paul, John Allen and Han- soon! learning new skills
nah planted bulbs and these have Come and join us Tuesdays 11 –
now come up beautifully. New 12.30pm, West Norwood Library,  Good administration
member, Zerena has joined the Norwood High Street, SE27. and organisation

 Kindness

 Understanding

 Tolerance

 Getting out and


 Well-being

 Companionship
Hannah painting in the library’s garden

Page 2 Paxton Green Time Bank

Meet new member Doreen
We asked Doreen some searching questions...You taught trainee nurses for many years.
Do you have any funny stories from your student days?
Doreen: One of the new student nurses went around telling everyone she’d had her testes
TB: Rumour has reached us that you used to cycle down Sydenham Hill very fast. Do you
have any more cycling confessions?
Doreen: Well it was Anerley do you know?!...Unfortunately I got knocked off my
bike by a car and couldn’t cycle for a while. When I got back on I didn't have the stamina
TB: You have 2 adorable cats. Tell us more about them.
Doreen: They are English short-haired tabbies aged 9 and 7, called Dudley and Rowley.
I’ve had them for two years. They had been abandoned in a pram on a dark cold night at
Sydenham Hill station. A friend saw the pram moving, looked inside and saw the cats! He
took them to the RSPCA in Putney, but spent a few hours having to explain that he hadn’t
abandoned them. Trying to adopt my cats was a lengthy process, as they had to check
their health and my home. Luckily my vet could vouch for me and I was able to collect
them just in time for Christmas!

Timebankers out and about

Thanks to Toni for leading the walking group -
Apsa and Doreen are walking together. And
thanks to all those members who came along to
Emmaus in February for our Quiz night. John
and Phyll have started a gardening club at Leo-
nard Cheshire House and now Apsa and Marilyn
have started visiting residents there and offering
companionship and befriending…Doreen, Phyll
and John C all helped out at the Kingsdale Fun
Day back in April – where we gave away over 30
The Oyster revellers
sunflower plants and joined up 4 new mem-
bers….John and Marilyn came along to a meet-
Hannah said ―it was a very good day out.‖ (helped no
ing of all the medical staff at Paxton Green
doubt by Hannah buying a mountain of dough-
Group Practice – Marilyn made delicious food to
nuts)...Doreen who visited the maritime museum ap-
share along with their TB stories, Shireen, John
preciated Leslie coming with her. ―There was excel-
and Marilyn helped out the Kingswood House
lent camaraderie‖ she said. Meanwhile Eric taught
Tea dance, Simon continues to offer computer
maritime staff how to salute properly. He said
tuition on Wednesdays and Fridays, Sabrina is
―Absolute credit to Erica and Alison who were very
helping out at Dulwich Wood Nursery and over
caring.‖ Phyll appreciated Apsa and Hannah sharing
10 members, including new member Leslie en-
their food with everyone...The next Oyster day out is
joyed a great Oyster Day Out on a river trip to
27 May, venue to be confirmed, your suggestions are
very welcome.

Spring 2010 Page 3

Helping each other out...Thanks to everyone who’s been help- New Offers and Wants
ing out, and accepting help too. Here’s what you’ve been doing...
In the past year Paxton
Tesfaye washed Shirley’s car, Shirley is still helping him prac- Green Time Bank has
tice his English, Terry helped Jenny put up shelves and put to-
exchanged over 850
gether furniture, Phyll mended John’s trousers, Eric helped hours.
Apsa with a form, Lavinia took Hermi to the Reminiscence
group, Shirley gave Zerena DIY advice, Ruth helped Shirley
 Loretta wants someone
sew a quilt, Shireen gave Michelle a lift, Laverne helped out in who could share their
the office and much more… computer with her

One discussion revisited at the drop in is what makes a good  Doreen would like to of-
fer support to others
timebanker. Viola asked this question in April and here’s a little
with diabetes
poem which might help with remembering some of the points.
 Julia would like someone
R espect other peoples space, boundaries and recognise that to help clear her garden
they have the right to disagree
 Laverne wants to help out
E very hour has equal value, that is the ethos of time banking with errands

S omething to give, something to receive everyone has some-  Subscribe to our fort-
thing to offer nightly bulletin to get the
latest offers and wants
P atience, we will all get there in the end, although some of us
will take a little longer emailed direct to you

E qual, We are all equal, we are all the same and should be Come and find out more
treated fairly about us!
C areful in what you say, as idle words can be hurtful
We hold weekly friendly
T ime together is time well spent: always be respectful
drop-in’s for you to meet

Dates for your Diary Did you know? and chat or find out more
The delicious word ‗sandwich‘ about the timebank.
We have sent you a montly programme of ac- is named after the English
tivites, but here’s a few special dates for your statesman, John Montagu Sand- Monday Drop-in; 1pm—3pm
diary. wich, 4th Earl of...Sandwich
Baby Clinic, Paxton Green
(1718—1792). Sandwich was
Oyster day out—Friday 28 May, venue to be often attacked for corruption Health Centre, Gipsy Road.
confirmed and was a gambler, though he
Timebank Social —Thursday 27 May, Ketra was apparently a skilled admin- Tuesday Drop-in; 11 —
Rooms. Come and see Suzanne’s photos from istrator. The ‗sandwich‘ was
12.30pm at West Norwood
her recent trip around Africa. Suzanne visited named after him in 1762 be-
16 countries in 6 months and came across cute cause he would spend 24 hours Library, Norwood High St,
fellas like these around the gaming table with- SE27
guys below as well out eating any food. Next time
as amazing people you eat a sandwich spare a Contact Suzanne or Sarah
and culture unlike thought for the gambling earl...
your average Dul- ….Lunch anyone?... Tel: 0208 670 0990
wich street. If you have any interesting
Share your holiday facts for the newsletter, let us
experiences too. Culloden Rooms, Kingswood
House, Seeley Drive, SE21 8QR

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