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Collin College

Chemistry 2423 Lab- Grading Rubric

Experiment: TLC Analysis of Analgesic Drugs
Name: __________________

Points possible

Followed procedure correctly without depending

too much on instructor or lab partner(s) or fellow students

Safety and proper waste disposal procedures observed

Work space and glassware was cleaned up

Lab Notebook
Title, Aim of experiment written in the notebook
(before coming to lab)
Flow sheet of the procedure drawn in the lab notebook
(before coming to lab)
Procedure written clearly (in own words) in the notebook
(as the experiment was performed)


Lab Report

List of Chemicals used

Safety and hazard information for all chemicals used

Results presented clearly in a table

(Rf values, Identity of ingredients in the analgesic drugs)
Sketch of the TLC plates included.

All calculations shown clearly

Discussion of results and conclusions, sources of error and

how they impacted the results
(Discussion includes items mentioned on Page 6 of manual)

References included with proper citation



Subject to other additional penalties as per the syllabus

Points earned

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