Reviews: Micrornas in Myocardial Infarction

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MicroRNAs in myocardial infarction

Reinier A. Boon and Stefanie Dimmeler
Abstract | MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that block translation or induce degradation
of mRNA and thereby control patterns of gene expression. Acute myocardial infarction is a common
cardiovascular event that results in cardiac remodelling and can consequently lead to the development of
chronic heart failure. Several miRNAs have been shown to control important processes that contribute to
the pathophysiological consequences of acute myocardial infarction. miRNAs can either promote or inhibit
cardiomyocyte cell death, and also regulate postischaemic neovascularization. Cardiac regeneration can
also be regulated by miRNAs that control cardiomyocyte proliferation or interfere with cardioprotective effects
mediated by stem or progenitor cells. miRNAs can also be used for direct reprogramming of cardiac fibroblasts
into cardiomyocytes. In this Review, we focus on the current understanding of the role of miRNAs in these
processes, and particularly discuss the therapeutic potential of miRNAs in treating acute myocardial infarction.
Boon, R.A. & Dimmeler, S. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 12, 135142 (2015); published online 16 December 2014; doi:10.1038/nrcardio.2014.207


Institute for
Regeneration, Center
ofMolecular Medicine,
Goethe University,
60590 Frankfurt am
Main, Germany (R.A.B.,
Correspondence to:S.D.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) were discovered in the 1990s, but

miRNA research has quickly grown into a mature and
broad field. To date, miRNAs have been described in virtually all cellular processes and cell types, including those
relevant to the cardiovascular system. Many of the first
miRNAs to be discovered were described as being specific to particular cell types or organs, and cardiac-specific
miRNAs have likewise been identified.1,2 However, the
heart contains many different cell types, and miRNAs that
are not necessarily cardiac-specific are also expressed in
the heart. Even within cardiomyocytes, many miRNAs are
expressed that are also broadly expressed in other cells.
Furthermore, some of the miRNAs that were initially
thought to be cardiac-specific (for example, miR1 and
miR133) were later found to be expressed in other types
of muscle and vascular cells. Nevertheless, many of these
miRNAs control pivotal processes in the heart, including
the response to ischaemic stress.
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a common
cardiovascular event and, although the principal ischaemic episode is often not fatal,3 the damage to myocardial
tissue that is caused by AMI can lead to the development of heart failure. Consequently, developing therapies that induce regeneration or prevent degeneration
of myocardial tissue after AMI is highly clinically rele
vant. In this Review, we summarize the developments
that show the role of miRNAs in the infarcted heart, and
the therapeutic potential of modulating the expression
of these miRNAs. We focus on the regulation of cardiomyocyte apoptosis and angiogenesis in the acute setting.
Competing interests
S.D. is an advisor for miRagen Therapeutics, and owns a patent
on the development of miR92a therapeutics. S.D. and R.A.B.
are inventors on a patent on the development of miR34a
inhibitors for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

The regulation of fibrosis by miRNAs has been reviewed

previously in the journal.4

Cardiomyocyte survival

A potential intervention to improve cardiac contractile

function after AMI is to induce survival of cardiomyocytes so that, despite a considerable duration of ischaemia,
cell death is prevented. Several miRNAs have been shown
to promote or impair cardiomyocyte survival (Figure1a).

Negative regulators
Members of the miR15 family, which comprises six
closely-related miRNAs, were among the first to be
described as being increased after ischaemia and to
induce cardiomyocyte cell death.5 Inhibition of miR15
family members by short, locked nucleic acid (LNA)based antimiRs (or tiny antimiRs), which are designed to
target the seed sequence and thereby inhibit several family
members (including miR15b, miR16, and miR195),
reduced infarct size after ischaemiareperfusion injury.5
Cell-death-promoting activity of miR15 was attributed to targeting of apoptosis regulator Bcl2, and
mitochondrial-protective function was associated with
repression of ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein2.57
The miR15 family member miR195 was additionally shown to downregulate NAD-dependent protein
deacetylase sirtuin1 (SIRT1), thereby contributing to
Another miRNA that negatively regulates cell survival was first described in cancer cells.8 The miR34
family, consisting of miR34a, miR34b, and miR34c, is
regulated by cellular tumour antigenp53, and its aberrant expression is a common feature in various cancer
types. The miR34 family is upregulated after AMI and
has been shown to contribute to cardiomyocyte cell
death in both invitro and invivo studies.9,10 Inhibition of


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Key points
Tissue injury and inflammation regulate microRNAs in the heart after
myocardial infarction
MicroRNAs control many processes in the infarcted heart, such as
cardiomyocyte cell death and proliferation, neovascularization, and
Acute inhibition or overexpression of microRNAs after myocardial infarction
might be useful to limit tissue injury and improve neovascularization to
preventlong-term negative remodelling and heart failure
Using microRNAs to induce cardiac regeneration by direct cardiac
reprogramming of fibroblasts or by inducing cardiomyocyte proliferation
offersnew therapeutic opportunities





















Induce proliferation
Inhibit proliferation



Figure 1 | MicroRNAs regulate cardiomyocyte survivalNature

and proliferation.
Reviews | Cardiology
a|Cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Several microRNAs regulate apoptosis and
survivalpathways in cardiomyocytes. Inhibition of apoptosis or activation
ofsurvival programmes enhances cardiac regeneration. Proapoptotic microRNAs
include the miR15 family, miR34, miR320, and miR140. Antiapoptotic
microRNAs include miR24 and miR214. b | Cardiomyocyte proliferation.
Theproliferative capacity of cardiomyocytes is very limited, but induction of
proliferation enhances cardiac regeneration. MicroRNAs from the miR17~92
cluster, as well as miR199a and miR590, induce proliferation of cardiomyocytes,
whereas miR15 and miR133 inhibit proliferation of cardiomyocytes.
Abbreviations: ARL2, ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein2; Bcl2, apoptosis
regulator Bcl2; BCL6, Bcell lymphoma6 protein; Bim, protein Bim (also known
as Bcl2-like protein11); CaMKII, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase
typeII subunit; CCND2, G1/Sspecific cyclinD2; Cdc37, cell division cycle37
homologue; Chk1, serine/threonine-protein kinaseChk1; CyPD, cyclophilinD
(also known as mitochondrial peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomeraseF); Homer1,
Homer protein homologue1; HOPX, homeodomain-only protein; Hsp20, heat
shock protein20 (also known as heat shock protein6); MFN1, mitofusin1;
miR,microRNA; NCX1, sodium/calcium exchanger1; Pa2g4; novel protein similar
to human proliferation-associated 2D4 protein (PA2G4); PNUTS, serine/
threonine-protein phosphatase1 regulatory subunit10 (PPP1R10); POFUT1,
GDPfucoseprotein O-fucosyltransferase1; PTEN, phosphatidylinositol
3,4,5trisphosphate 3phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase
PTEN; SEMA4B, semaphorin4B; SIRT1, NAD-dependent protein deacetylase
sirtuin1; Ttk, dual specificity protein kinaseTtk.

136 | MARCH 2015 | VOLUME 12

miR34 expression invivo using LNA-based antimiRs or

antagomiRs improved cardiomyocyte survival after AMI,
and thereby preserved cardiac contractile function.9,10
miR34a inhibition also improved cardiac function
after moderate hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.11 Of note,
miR34 is also upregulated in mammalian (including
human) hearts during ageing.9 Furthermore, inhibition or
deletion of miR34a ameliorated ageing-induced cardiac
dysfunction.9 Mechanistically, miR34 was shown to target
multiple mRNAs of genes that promote cell survival.9,10,12
SIRT1 was one of the first targets to be identified, and is
known to enhance cardiac function after AMI.12 Targets
that were previously not known to have a role in cardio
myocyte survival include Bcell lymphoma6 protein
(BCL6), GDPfucose protein Ofucosyltransferase1
(POFUT1), serine/threonine-protein prosphatase1 regulatory subunit10 (PPP1R10; also known as PNUTS),9 and
semaphorin4B (SEMA4B).10 PNUTS has been shown to
preserve cardiac function after AMI when overexpressed
in cardiomyocytes.9
miRNA320 was shown to be downregulated after
ischaemiareperfusion in mice. 13 Data from invitro
studies showing that miR320 increased cardiomyocyte
cell death were confirmed by invivo studies involving
transgenic mice overexpressing miR320 in cardiomyocytes.13 By contrast, silencing of miR320 reduced infarct
size after ischaemiareperfusion invivo. Using proteomic
approaches and insilico prediction tools, the investigators showed that targeting of heat shock protein6 (also
known as heat shock protein20), a known cardioprotective
protein, contributed to the detrimental effects ofmiR320.13
Subsequent studies have provided an additional link
between miRNAs and mitochondrial morphology, which
is crucial for tissue homeostasis. miR140 was shown to
reduce mitochondrial fission by targeting mitofusin1.14
Consistently, inhibition of miR140 reduced myocardial
infarct size invivo.14 Furthermore, various miRNAs have
been shown to induce or aggravate cardiomyocyte cell
death invitro, including miR1/miR206,15 miR92a,16,17
miR122,18 miR150,19 miR181a,20 and miR376b5p.21

Protective regulators
miR24, a member of the miR23/24/27 cluster, was
reported as being a cardiomyocyte-protective miRNA
invitro,22,23 and miR24 overexpression invivo was found
to attenuate infarct size and improve heart function after
AMI,23 even though cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of miR24 was embryonically lethal in mice.24 The
cardiomyocyte-protective effect was attributed to targeting of the proapoptotic Bcl2-like protein11 (also
known as Bim).22,23 However, the regulation and function of miR24 after ischaemia are complicated: miR24
is downregulated in cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts
after AMI,23 but was shown to be increased by hypoxia
in cultured cardiomyocytes.25 Moreover, miR24 exhibited antiangiogenic effects26,27 and impaired excitation
contraction coupling.22 By these mechanisms, miR24
inhibition improved neovascularization and cardiac function after ischaemia,22,27 thereby raising concerns about
the use of miR24 overexpression as a therapeuticstrategy.
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Among miRNAs that are upregulated after cardiac
stress, miR214 has a protective function.28 Overexpres
sion of this miRNA protected against H 2O2-induced
cardiomyocyte apoptosis,29 whereas genetic deletion of
miR214 aggravated cell death induced by ischaemia
reperfusion, and caused deterioration of heart function.28 Targets of miR214 include the sodium/calcium
exchanger1, which contributes to calcium overload
under stress conditions;28 cyclophilinD (also known as
mitochondrial peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomeraseF),
a regulator of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore; the proapoptotic Bcl2-like protein11 (Bim);
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase typeII
subunit, which regulates hypertrophy; and PTEN
(phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5trisphosphate 3phosphatase
and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN), a phosphatase inhibiting PI3K/Akt signalling 29all of which
might contribute to the observed protective effect of
this miRNA.28,29 Despite evidence for a cardioprotective
function, other data have suggested that chronic
cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of miR214
induces dilated cardiomyopathy via interference with the
polycomb repressor complex protein EZH2 (histone
lysine Nmethyltransferase EZH2).29 The reasons for
these differences are uncertain, but transient induction of
miR214 after AMI might provide a short-term protective
effect, whereas long-term, chronic overexpression might
induce pathological processes. In additional cell-culture
studies, miR7a/b,30 miR20a,31 miR138,32 miR144/451,33
miR210, 34 miR499, 35 and miR874 36 were found to
inhibit apoptosis of cardiomyocytes.

Cardiomyocyte proliferation

In contrast to, for example, liver and skin, the heart does
not regenerate well. In part, this deficit is owing to the
very limited proliferative capacity of cardiomyocytes.
Therefore, the induction of cardiomyocyte proliferation
might contribute to therapeutic cardiac regeneration
(Figure1b).37,38 Cardiomyocytes retain their proliferative
capacity for only a short postnatal period (<7days) in
mice, and hearts can regenerate after damage during this
period.39 miRNA expression profiling of hearts of neonatal mice in this regenerative window showed that one
miRNA family in particularthe miR15 family (including miR15a, miR15b, miR16, miR195, and miR497)
was expressed at low levels just after birth, and induced
at the time when cardiomyocytes lost their capacity to
proliferate.40 Inhibition of miR15b and miR16 prolonged the period during which mouse cardiomyocytes
could proliferate after birth, as a result of induction of
checkpoint kinase1 (also known as serine/threonineprotein kinaseChk1), which is involved in mitotic
progression.40,41 miR195 transgenic mice had cardiac
malformations and a decrease in heart size atbirth.41
Other miRNAs have been shown to affect the proliferative capacity of cardiomyocytes. In an elegant highthroughput overexpression approach in which 875
miRNAs were tested, ectopic expression of two miRNAs
in particular (miR199a and miR590) induced proliferation in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes.42 Both these miRNAs

inhibit the expression of many negative regulators of

the cell cycle, including Homer protein homologue1
and homeodomain-only protein.42 Adeno-associated
virus9-mediated overexpression of miR199a and miR590 induced proliferation of cardiomyocytes in adult mice
and stimulated cardiac regeneration afterAMI.42
One of the first miRNAs to be described as being
cardiac-enriched, miR133a, was shown to inhibit proliferation of cardiomyocytes.43 In one study, genetic deletion of both copies of miR133a was embryonically lethal
in half of the mice, whereas the surviving mice developed
cardiomyopathy and heart failure owing to aberrant proliferation.43 Depletion of miR133 in zebrafish also induced
cardiomyocyte proliferation and enhanced regeneration of
the heart, whereas transgenic miR133 expression inhibited this process.44 The cell-cycle regulators G1/Sspecific
cyclinD2 in mice, and dual specificity protein kinase TTK,
cell division cycle37 homologue, and novel proteinsimilar
to human proliferation-associated 2G4 protein (PA2G4) in
zebrafish, are targets of miR133 and at least partly explain
the effects of miR133 onproliferation.43,44
In particular, the miR17~92 cluster, consisting
ofmiR17, miR18a, miR19a, miR19b, miR20a, and
miR92a, was shown to induce proliferation of cardio
myocytes. 45 Cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of this
cluster resulted in reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation
and heart weight at birth, whereas cardiomyocyte-specific
miR17~92 knock-in mice had bigger hearts at birth.45
Enhanced cardiomyocyte proliferation persisted in adult
mice, contributing to an improvement in cardiac recovery
after AMI.45 The main target of the miR17~92 cluster was
shown to be PTEN, a negative regulator of survivaland
proliferation, which is downregulated by miR19a
and miR19b. However, overexpression ofmiR17~92
can also induce arrhythmias and hypertrophy.46 The
arrhythmias might be caused by the aberrant repression
of connexin43 (also known as gap junction1 protein)
by miR19a and miR19b.46 Therefore, the effects of
miR17~92 on proliferation and arrhythmias are likely to
be caused predominantly by miR19a and miR19b. The
function of the other family members warrants detailed
studycardiomyocyte-specific deletion of miR92a, for
example, was shown to have a modest protective effect
after AMI.17


Functional regeneration of cardiac tissue, which has

an inherently high metabolic activity, requires cardiomyocytes to have a sufficient blood supply. Therefore,
the growth of new blood vessels, termed angiogenesis,
is essential for the process. Several miRNAs have been
described to affect angiogenesis (Figure2), although
most have not been studied in the heart.
Members of the miR17~92 cluster control angio
genesis and neovascularization after AMI.47 miR92a was
shown to inhibit endothelial-cell migration and sprouting in cell-culture studies.47,48 Invivo, pharmacological
inhibition of miR92a using antagomiRs increased capillary density and improved heart function after AMI in
mice.47,48 Genetic deletion of miR92a also augmented


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Integrin 5




Figure 2 | MicroRNAs regulate angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is crucial to the supply

Nature Reviews | Cardiology
of (regenerated) cardiac muscle with oxygen and nutrients. Several microRNAs
have been described to induce or repress angiogenesis. For example, miR15,
miR24, miR26, and microRNAs from the miR17~92 cluster are antiangiogenic,
via inhibition of endothelial-cell function. Conversely, miR210 induces
angiogenesis by inhibiting antiangiogenic factors. Abbreviations: AKT3, RAC
serine/threonine-protein kinase; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; FGF2,
fibroblast growth factor2; GATA2, endothelial transcription factor GATA2;
KLF2,Krppel-like factor2; PAK4, serine/threonine-protein kinasePAK4; miR,
microRNA;PTP1B, tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type1; SIRT1,
NADdependent protein deacetylase sirtuin1; SMAD1, mothers against
decapentaplegic homologue1; VEGFA, vascular endothelial growth factorA.

recovery after AMI in mice.17 In a preclinical, largeanimalstudy, catheter-based delivery of antimiR92a

reduced infarct size.17 Although this study showed a
significant upregulation of capillary density, whether
the cardioprotective effect observed 47days after
ischaemiareperfusionwas solely a result of increased
angiogenesis is uncertain; a direct ca rdiomyocyteprotective effect might also have contributed.17 The
targets bywhich miR92a elicits its effects include integrin5,47 whichprevents endothelial-cell apoptosis and
is important for vessel maturation.49 In addition, several
vasculoprotective genes are repressed by miR92a, such as
KLF2 and SIRT1.50 The function of other members of the
miR17~92 cluster, such as miR20a, on vascularization
is less well-defined, given that inhibition of miR20a has
been shown either to promote51,52 or block53 endothelialcell proliferation and migration. Deletion of the paralogue
miR106b~25 cluster also reduced neovascularization
after hind-limb ischaemia via derepression of PTEN
expression54 (which is also targeted by miR19), suggesting that some members of the miR17~92a and paralogue
clusters have proangiogeniceffects.
Inhibition of miR24 improved neovascularization
in two studies. AntagomiRs directed against miR24
or local adenovirus-mediated miR24 decoy delivery
improved the recovery after AMI in mice by derepressing
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endothelial nitric oxide synthase, endothelial transcription factor GATA2, and serine/threonine-protein
kinasePAK4.26,27 These data indicate that miR24 inhibition might be an attractive therapeutic strategy; however,
the proapoptotic effect on cardiomyocytes observed
after miR24 inhibition (even in the studies documenting a therapeutic benefit of treatment 26) suggests that
cellspecifc targeting strategies might be necessary.
miR26a is also increased after AMI and inhibits
angiogenesis invitro and invivo.55 Overexpression in
zebrafish inhibited formation of the caudal vein plexus,
and exercise-induced angiogenesis was blocked in mice.55
Administration of an LNA-based antimiR induced robust
angiogenesis, reduced myocardial infarct size, and
improved heart function.55 The mechanism was related to
inhibition of bone morphogenic protein/SMAD1 signalling by repressing SMAD1, which resulted in decreased
expression of DNA-binding protein inhibitorID1 and an
increase in the cell-cycle inhibitors p21 (cyclin-dependent
kinase inhibitor1) and p27 (cyclin-dependent kinase
Members of the miR15 family not only induced
cardiomyocyte cell death and reduced cardiomyocyte
proliferation, but also inhibited angiogenesis, via targeting of the well-characterized proangiogenic and endothelial survival factors vascular endothelial growth factorA,
fibroblast growth factor2, and RAC serine/threonineprotein kinase (also known as protein kinaseAkt3).56,57
On the basis of these detrimental effects on cardiomyocytes and vascularization, inhibition of miR15 might be
an attractive strategy to improve recovery after ischaemia
and prevent postischaemic heart failure.
miR210 also elicits effects on cardiomyocytes and the
vasculature. This miRNA is induced by hypoxia58 and
upregulated after AMI.34 miR210 overexpression invitro
or by intramyocardial injection of minicircle vectors
(small ~4kb circular plasmid derivatives) carrying the
miR210 precursor reduced cell death and improved
cardiac function and angiogenesis after AMI.34 miR210
was shown to target the antiangiogenic receptor tyrosine
kinase ephrinA334 and the proapoptotic t yrosine-protein
phosphatase non-receptor type1.34

Repair by progenitor or stem cells

The therapeutic application of various types of cells,

including progenitor cells derived from adult heart,
bone marrow, or adipose tissue, has been shown to have
cardioprotective effects in experimental models of AMI
and in some clinical trials.59,60 However, the establishment of successful cell therapies is challenging owing to
poor homing and survival of the implanted cells, and
a limited cardiac differentiation capacity of most types
of adult progenitor cells. miRNAs have been shown to
modulate such processes, and might be used to enhance
the therapeutic benefits of cell therapy (Figure3).
miR126 overexpression augmented the survival and
migration of mesenchymal stromal cells and proangiogenic bone-marrow-derived cells, and improved the
cardiac-repair capacity of transplanted cells.61,62 This
effect might result from a direct improvement of cell
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Cell-to-cell communication





Stem or









Figure 3 | MicroRNAs control the function of stem and progenitor

cells and
Nature Reviews
| Cardiology
usedfor intercellular communication. Regeneration of the heart can be induced by
treatment with stem or progenitor cells that contribute to newly formed tissue or
stimulate endogenous cardiac regeneration via paracrine actions. MicroRNAs that
inhibit the function of stem or progenitor cells include the miR15 family and miR34.
Conversely, miR1, miR21, miR24, miR126, miR155, miR221, and miR499
enhance the function of stem or progenitor cells via various mechanisms. Cell-to-cell
communication via microRNAs that are contained in extracellular vesicles or protein
complexes also contributes to endogenous regeneration. Delivery of miR126,
miR132, miR146, and miR210 stimulates cardiac regeneration, whereas miR21*
(miR213p) inhibits cardiac function. Abbreviation: miR, microRNA.

survival via increased PI3K/Akt signalling, or be caused

by enhanced paracrine activities of injected miR126
overexpressing cells, or a combination of both. 63,64
Additionally, miR155 protected cardiac stem cells, and
overexpression prevented necrosis invitro.65
miR34a has exhibited detrimental effects not only
in the heart, but also in bone-marrow-derived cells.
Inhibition of miR34 improved cell survival and function
invitro and invivo by interference with cell-cycle regulators and apoptosis regulator Bcl2.66 Likewise, miR15a
and miR16 harmed progenitor cells, and inhibition of
these miRNAs improved neovascularization in a model
of hind-limb ischaemia.57
miRNAs might also be applied in combination to
elicit synergistic effects. For example, combinations of
miR21, miR24, and miR221 efficiently improved cell
engraftment and survival of transplanted cardiac progenitor cells, in part by repressing the apoptotic Bcl2-like
Cardiac-enriched miRNAs, such as miR1 and miR499,
have also been shown to contribute to cardiacdif
ferentiation, and their overexpression increased cardiac
lineage commitment of pluripotent stem cells (reviewed
previously 68). These findings stimulated the idea of using
miRNAs to augment reprogramming of fibroblasts to
cardiomyocytes. Indeed, overexpression ofcardiacenriched miR1, miR133, miR208, and miR499 in
combination with pharmacological inhibition of the Janus
kinase (JAK) pathway was sufficient to augment cardiac
gene expression in fibroblasts invitro.69 Similarly, cardiacenriched miRNAs, such as miR1 and miR133, have
been shown to augment transcription-factor-induced
cardiac reprogramming of human fibroblasts invitro.70
The overexpression of this miRNA combination was also
shown to increase the generation of cardiomyocyte-like
cells invivo,69 and increase cardiac function after infarction.71 Reprogramming of fibroblasts with a combination
of transcription factors has been shown to reduce infarct
size and attenuate cardiac dysfunction in mice.72

miRNAs can be transmitted between cells via multiple

carriers and pathways. Carriers that transport miRNAs
include extracellular vesicles (exosomes, shedding vesicles, and apoptotic bodies) and protein complexes,73 but
miRNAs can also be transferred via gap junctions, as
shown by the communication between cardiomyocytes
and cardiac stem cells.74 In the cardiovascular system,
atheroprotective miRNAs can transfer from endothelial
cells to smooth muscle cells via extracellular vesicles or
protein complexes, and thereby regulate the contractile
phenotype of smooth muscle cells (Figure3).75,76 The contribution of exosomes, and specifically cell-to-cell communication via miRNAs, to recovery after AMI was shown
for CD34+ cells, which release exosomes that are particularly enriched in proangiogenic miR126 and improve
neovascularization after ischaemia.77,78 Other investigators
showed that cardiac progenitor cells inhibited apoptosis
of mature cardiomyocytes via extracellular vesicles carrying miR210.79 A combination of cardiac-progenitor-cell
treatment and endothelial-derived exosomes enriched in
miR126 and miR210, to ensure cardiac-progenitor-cell
survival, resulted in an increase in cardiac function in a
mouse model of AMI.80 Furthermore, the same vesicles
also carried miR132, which induced angiogenesis via
inhibition of RAS GTPase-activating protein1 (also
known as Ras p21 protein activator) in targeted endothelial cells.81 Together these mechanisms contributed to
enhanced cardiac regeneration and function after AMI.79
Cardiosphere-derived cardiac stem cells were reported
to employ a similar mechanism to mediate cardioprotection.82 Exosomes isolated from the supernatants of the
cells inhibited apoptosis, promoted proliferation of cardio
myocytes, and augmented angiogenesis; these effects were
partially attributed to the transfer of miR146a.83 Injection
of exosomes or miR146 mimics into injured mouse hearts
recapitulated the regenerative and functional effects
observed after transplantation of cardiospheres, suggesting that exosome-mediated transport of miR146a mediated at least part of the cardioprotective and regenerative
effects of cardiac stem-cell therapy. The anti-inflammatory
properties and endothelial protective effects of miR14683
might additionally have contributed to the observed therapeutic benefits of cardiosphere-derived exosomes. Other
investigators have consistently reported cardioprotective
effects of exosomes derived from cardiac progenitor cells;
however, different miRNAs were reported to mediate the
effects, including miR451.84 Whether the mechanisms
underlying the protective effects of exosomes derived from
progenitor or cardiac stem cells are associated with different preparations, or whether a combination of miRNAs
(and other factors) might mediate the cardioprotective
effect, is unknown.
Of note, other cells have also been shown to secrete
cardioprotective miRNAs. Human pericyte progenitor
cells not only secrete proangiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factorA, angiopoietin1, and
chemokines, but also release proangiogenic miR132.81
Transcription factor GATA4-overexpressing mesenchymal
stromal cells released miR221-containing microvesicles,


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and thereby reduced cardiomyocyte cell death invitro.85
Cardiac fibroblasts have also been shown to regulate
cardiomyocyte behaviour, including hypertrophy, via
transfer of miR21* (miR213p).86 These endogenous
delivery pathways might be therapeutically exploited
to deliver miRNAs, possibly even in a cell-type-specific
manner, to stimulate regeneration.

Clinical perspectives and challenges

Before miRNA therapeutics can be translated into the clinical setting, large-animal studies are required. Therapeutic
inhibition using miR15 and miR92a has been demonstrated in pig models of myocardial infarction and remodelling,5,16,87 but other promising candidate miRNAs have
not been studied in large-animal models to date.
The development of miRNA therapeutics also involves
some challenges.88 Many of the miRNAs that might be
considered as therapeutic targets for heart disease are
also involved in other disease processes, such as cancer.
For example, miR34 inhibition augments cardiac repair,
but might also induce oncogenesis.8 Many tumours lose
miR34 expression, and the re-expression of miR34
(miR34 replacement therapy) in tumours seems a promis
ing therapy against, for example, liver cancer.89,90 Whether
short-term inhibition of miR34 after AMI increases the
risk of tumourigenesis remains to be established. Con
versely, patients receiving miR34 replacement therapy
might have an increased risk of cardiac diseases, which
should be well monitored. Furthermore, miR15 is known
to be involved in cancer,91 but its inhibition enhances
cardiac regeneration.40,41
Whereas a few miRNAs are specifically expressed in
one cell type (such as miR208 in cardiomyocytes), most
are broadly or ubiquitously expressed in many tissues and
cell types, which raises concerns about adverse effects of
miRNA therapeutics that are systemically applied. Offtarget effects of miRNAs might be circumvented by tissuespecific or cell-type-specific targeting. One method of
enriching miRNA therapeutics in the heart is to infuse
antimiRs or miRNA mimics via catheters. Whereas antegrade or retrograde catheter-based delivery of LNA-based
antimiRs does not fully prevent inhibition of the target
miRNA in other tissues,16 intracoronary application of






Lee, R.C. & Ambros, V. An extensive class of

small RNAs in Caenorhabditis elegans. Science
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Lagos-Quintana, M. etal. Identification of tissuespecific microRNAs from mouse. Curr. Biol. 12,
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statistics2012 update: a report from the
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Thum, T. Noncoding RNAs and myocardial
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Hullinger, T.G. etal. Inhibition of miR15 protects
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140 | MARCH 2015 | VOLUME 12

antagomiRs encapsulated in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)

(PLGA)-microspheres produced cardiac-specific delivery in pigs.87 Another approach is to activate the antimiR
selectively in the target tissue, for example by local, lightinduced activation of caged antimiRs, which has been
demonstrated invitro. 92 However, cell-type-specific
delivery tools might need to be developed for some
miRNAs, such as miR24, which has divergent effects in
vascular versus cardiac cells. Intracoronary delivery of
microsphere-packaged miRNA inhibitors might be used
to target capillaries.87
Another challenge is to achieve overexpression
ofmiRNAs in the cardiovascular system. Doublestranded miRNA mimics can elicit a nonspecific interferon response, and delivery vehicles, such as liposomes,
are necessary to achieve sufficient uptake. Experimental
studies have shown overexpression of miRNAs in the
vasculature after liposomal delivery, but no large-animal
data are so far available. Lentiviruses, adenoviruses, or
adeno-associated viruses might be alternatives,42 and
additionally solve the problem of cell-type-specific delivery, because adeno-associated virus9 vectors preferentially target cardiomyocytes.93 Finally, given that many
of the miRNAs discussed in this Review potentially have
synergistic effects, the optimal therapeutic benefit might
be achieved by combining several antimiRs or miRNA
mimics. However, such a combinatorial approach might
increase off-target or adverse effects of the therapy, and
complicate the regulatory aspects of clinical development.


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or targets to improve recovery after AMI. In particular,
the acute inhibition or overexpression of miRNAs after
myocardial infarction might be useful to limit tissue
injury, improve neovascularization, and prevent subsequent negative cardiac remodelling that can lead to heart
failure. The use of miRNAs to produce cardiac regeneration by direct cardiac reprogramming of fibroblasts or
by inducing cardiomyocyte proliferation also offers new


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The authors are funded by the German Center for
Cardiovascular Research DZHK (BMBF), the LOEWE
Center for Cell and Gene Therapy (State of Hessen), the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB834), and
theFondation Leducq Transatlantic Network MIRVAD.
Author contributions
Both authors researched data for the article,
discussed its content, and wrote, reviewed, and
edited the manuscript before submission.
2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

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