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Introduc on

The South Australian

Avia on museum rst
opened in 1985. The
hanger That the Avia on
museum is in now was
transformed from an
abandoned warehouse to a
museum in 1986. The
avia on museum is
denitely worth a visit if
you are going to port
Adelaide, one of the main
a rac ons is the F111
which the museum
received in 2012, There are
plenty of other a rac ons
that are just as informa ve
and interes ng to learn
about. You can also take a
tour of the museum with
one of the guides who
know a lot about our
Avia on history, or you
might just want to read
about the displays yourself.

The Jindivic or also known as the
haunted one is a UAV that was used
for carrying missiles, doing surveil
lance missions and target towing. The
jindivik had its rst ight in 1952 with
the Mk 1, at the me the jindivik had
an Armstrong siddeley viper engine. It
is manned by two people and it takes
o using a trolley, it also can y a top
speed of 908km/h.
Jon Johanson is famous for building a
Vans RV4 and ying it around the
world twice one me going round the
poles and the other going round the
equator. He said building it was a slow
process but he got it done in the end.

Phone: (08) 8240 1230 Loca on: 66 Lipson St, Port Adelaide SA 5015

Jindivik plane

Jon Johanson

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