LDRS 600 Case Study 11-1

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1. What type of coaching function was reflected in Rowes meeting with Busche?
In the meeting, Rowe appears to use the coaching function of counseling when he speaks with
Busche. The text describes counseling as helping an individual recognize, talk about, and solve
either real or perceived problems that affect performance (p. 326). During their discussion, Rowe
advised that she was discouraged with the outcome of an important project that Busche recently
completed, however Rowe did not make this the sole focus of their discussion. It was Rowes
perception that there were likely external factors which may have contributed to Busches dismal
performance and that Busches performance was inconsistent with his past performance.
Furthermore, when Rowe asked Busche if there was something in particular that may have
affected the success of the project, Busche indicated that his efforts were hampered by both the
demand and amount of work given to him. Given Busches honesty, Rowe asked Busche to give
her an accurate assessment of his future work-load and not to feel pressed into taking on projects
if he feels he will not have sufficient time to complete them. In addition, Rowe indicated that
quality work is also an integral part of the project.
2. In terms of effectiveness on a 1-10 scale, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent,
what score would you assign to Rowes handling of the session? Why?
Given Rowes performance in this counseling session, I would likely assign her a score of seven
in regards to the level of effectiveness she displayed during this meeting. Rowes initial approach
to Busche was somewhat aggressive, as she used the word embarrassed to describe her
feelings about Busches performance (p. 335). I gave Rowe credit for using an I message
during her opening remarks even though her initial tone was a bit harsh and very businesslike.
Speaking first, Rowe provided Busche with a detailed analysis of what was wrong with his
performance during the project. While I believe that it is fair to be candid with someone about
their performance, both good and bad, Rowe could have started with a softer approach in order to
avoid putting Busche on the defensive immediately. Instead of approaching it from a position of
improvement, Rowes chosen style likely caused Busche to react differently. Rowe should have
used more I messages to express her concern as it would have likely allowed Busche an
opportunity to be more open and honest with Rowe about the project and why his performance
was out of character.
During the conversation, Rowe used the probing and reflecting coaching skills to garner
additional information about the lack of quality in Busches work and to convey why she
understood (p. 322). By doing so, Rowe learned that Busche was essentially over-burdened with
responsibilities and his work lacked his normal quality because of his desire to meet his
responsibilities. Rowe should also be given credit for affirming to Busche a few times during
their conversation that his past work has been viewed as excellent and that he is a valued

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member of the organization. This I feel helped to put Busche at ease as their conversation
progressed. Ultimately, Rowe used the coaching skill of confirming to make certain that she
and Busche understood the action plan and the organizations expectations (p. 322). The plan
essentially involved an agreement to communicate better in the future about project expectations
and Busches ability to meet those expectations given his work-load.
In summary, Rowes performance was effective during this conversation; however her
performance could improve should she begin similar sessions by using a probing technique as
opposed to a pinpointing. This should allow for similar sessions to get off on the right foot and
hopefully prevent employees from going on the defensive from the start.
3. Identify specific transcript comments by Rowe that reflect the following coaching skills: (a)
reflecting, (b) pinpointing, (c) probing, (d) affirming, and (e) confirming.
(a) Reflecting
- Rowe #6: So you didnt get to put in the time on the report
- Rowe #7: It sounds as if the quality report is only part of the problem.
(b) Pinpointing
- Rowe #3: For one thing, it seemed superficial in that it described only a few of
the programs wed benchmarked, rather than all seven. Since this will be the
major document the committee will be using as a reference, we needed coverage
of all the visits weve made. Also, some of the most important processes were not
included- like J & Js 360-degree feedback system and Motorolas team
(c) Probing
- Rowe #5: You werent pleased with it yourself?
- Rowe #9: Is additional help the answer?
(d) Affirming
- Rowe #4: Youve always done exceptional work in putting together material like
this for me
- Rowe #10: I think its terrific that Bushman values your abilities. Politically, its
in both of our interest for you to ask as Bushmans facilitator.
(e) Confirming
- Rowe #12: Okay, lets give this a try. Youll give me a brief typed report on
projects other than normal training and safety activities. If youre skeptical about
a commitment request from outside the department, youll discuss it with me
before taking it on. Youre also agreeing to level with me about whether you have
time to commit to special projects that I throw your way. Well try this process for
a month and see what happens. Is that acceptable?
4. To what extent did the meeting reflect the seven suggestions for confronting poor
performance (Exhibit 11-4)?

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1. Describe the performance situation in specific detail.

2. Seek and listen to the team members point of view.
3. Get agreement on the problem.
4. Try to get the employees involvement in determining a solution.
5. Agree on a plan of action to improve performance.
6. Summarize the agreement and reinforce the changed behavior.
7. Plan for follow-up, if needed.
It is my opinion that all seven of the suggestions listed in exhibit 11-4 (p. 323) were used
during the conversation between Rowe and Busche. First, Rowe not only addressed the
specific performance situation at hand but also used pinpointing to specify problems with the
report. Second, Rowe solicited Busches point of view as it related to the problems presented
and listened as Busche described how his heavy workload caused his report to lack sufficient
quality. A brief discussion as it related to the quality of report ensued and they came to an
agreement that Busche lacked adequate time to complete the project with the necessary
quality. In order to prevent a similar problem in the future, Rowe again solicited Busches
perspective on what would be a more effective strategy. The result was that Rowe and
Busche agreed on a plan to communicate more effectively. Rowe was able the end the
session by summarizing the conversation and getting Busche to agree to submit a report to
her that detailed all of the extra projects he was involved with at the organization and to be
honest about his workload. Rowe also scheduled a follow-up for a month later to review the
plan and determine if had been effective.
Mosley, D. C., Pietri, P. H., & Mosley, D. C. (2011). Supervisory management: The art of
inspiring, empowering, and developing people. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage

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