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What youve done is an unforgivable offense.

You understand this,

I stared at the figure of the man before me. What I had done? My
brow wrinkled in confusion. "What...did I -"
"Oh, don't feign ignorance, you harlot. You know exactly what I
mean," he scoffed, a disdainful smile etched across his face. I shook my
"I don't understand - what did I do?" Like a switch had been flipped,
a look of anguished fury tore through the smile, contorting his handsome
features into a mask of a monster. He grabbed me by my collar, and I
inadvertently let out a soft cry.
"You had the audacity to accept my gift like any other's! I only
sought a special comfort and acceptance in your heart, and you saw me
as the same as the rest of them! The same as that officious fool who
dared to force you to receive his gift, or that damned artist who was
openly flirting with you!" Fear filled me at his words.
"I - I never..."
"Don't you lie to me, you wretch! We both know you're guilty; do not
to escape your punishment through your silver tongue," he hissed, and
released my collar. "We had taken the vows, hadn't we? That we were
supposed to be in loving matrimony, or whatever. You were only supposed
to look upon me favourably, no one else! My gift to you, of the title of the
Duchess of Ferrara, is one of the best gifts in the world. Has it ever
crossed your mind that many women would die to be in your position?"
Shaking his head in disgust, he stepped away from me, looking into
my eyes sadly. "You were supposed to be mine." After a pregnant pause,
he turned away. "I can no longer stand the sight of her. Guard, take care of
this...this...pathetic excuse of an ex-wife." He glanced back at me once
more, then turned away for the final time.
Terror flooded through my veins. "Duke, please - " My pleas fell upon
deaf ears. He refused to hear another word, and left the room. The guard
watched him leave, then turned to me with an apologetic look. "Please
have mercy - I'll do anything, I won't let him know you let me go - " He
grabbed my arm and hauled me up in silence, gesturing to the door.

"Are you..." He nodded, an peculiar expression on his face that I

could not read. Breathing a sigh of relief, I quickly walked towards the
door, before I suddenly felt his hands grasp the sides of my head.

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