Difficulties in Writing

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Bobadilla 1

Gissell Bobadilla
Jennifer Rodrick
English 115
September 25, 2016
Essay Challenges
The hardest part about writing this first essay was beginning my introduction.
After opening Microsoft word I experienced what you call Writers Block. My mind
went completely blank and did not know what to write. Once I finally got started, it was
hard for me to come up with evidence to back up my reasons as to why peoples identities
are being shaped by technology. I feel that my sentences and arguments are never strong
enough, making my essay weak. It is hard for one not to repeat what they have already
said. I always think about the readers. I want to make it as interesting as I possibly can
because obviously no one would want to read a boring essay. Speaking about a topic is
always a challenge because there is always an opposing side that is going to make you
question your opinion. So, having a counterargument is always a good idea but a hard one
for me.

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